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In birds with asynchronous hatching, hatching order is an important factor in determining offspring phenotype. Many previous studies have demonstrated that later‐hatched offspring show reduced growth and survival during development. However, few studies have followed individuals from hatching to adulthood to test whether the effects of hatching order persist into later life. Here, we explore patterns of hatching order and fitness‐related traits in the Pukeko Porphyrio melanotus melanotus, a cooperatively breeding bird that lives in stable social groups that form linear dominance hierarchies. Pukeko groups sometimes contain two breeding females that lay eggs in the same nest (joint‐laying). Thus, competition between nest‐mates can influence the relative fitness of each laying female. We show that in both single‐clutch and joint‐clutch nests, earlier‐hatched Pukeko chicks grow faster and survive better than later‐hatched brood‐mates. Moreover, earlier‐hatched chicks achieve higher dominance ranks as adults, making this study one of the first to find a relationship between hatching order and adult dominance in wild birds. Finally, we show that in groups with two breeding females, the chicks of the primary female hatch earlier than the chicks of the secondary female. As a result, the offspring of the primary female may be at a competitive advantage, which could have important implications for social dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

Mothers who produce multiple offspring within one reproductive attempt often allocate resources differentially; some maternally derived substances are preferentially allocated to last-produced offspring and others to first-produced offspring. The combined effect of these different allocation regimes on the overall fitness of offspring produced early or late in the sequence is not well understood, partly because production order is often coupled with birth order, making it difficult-to-separate effects of pre-natal maternal allocation from those of post-natal social environments. In addition, very little is known about the influence of laying order on fitness in later life. In this study, we used a semi-natural captive colony of black-headed gulls to test whether an offspring's position in the laying order affected its early-life survival and later-life reproductive success, independent of its hatching order. Later-laid eggs were less likely to hatch, but among those that did, survival to adulthood was greater than that of first-laid eggs. In adulthood, the laying order of females did not affect their likelihood of breeding in the colony, but male offspring hatched from last-laid eggs were significantly less likely to gain a breeding position than earlier-laid males. In contrast, later-laid female parents hatched lower proportions of their clutches than first-laid females, but hatching success was unrelated to the laying order of male parents. Our results indicate that gull mothers induce complex and sex-specific effects on both the early survival of their offspring and on long-term reproductive success through laying order effects among eggs of the same breeding attempt.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mother birds counterbalance the negative effects of hatching asynchrony for later-hatched chicks by increasing the yolk androgen concentrations in consecutive eggs of their clutch. In doing so, they may adaptively tune each offspring's competitive ability and, thus, growth and survival. However, evidence in support of this hypothesis is contradictory. The yolk concentrations of maternal androgens in the eggs of black-headed gulls increase significantly with the laying order of the eggs in a clutch. We experimentally tested the functional consequences of this increase on chick development under natural conditions by injecting eggs with either an oil or androgen solution. We created experimental clutches in which androgen levels either stayed constant or increased with laying order while controlling for differences in egg quality by using only first-laid eggs. We then compared development, growth and survival between these broods. Androgen treatment enhanced embryonic development because androgen-treated eggs hatched half a day earlier than controls, while their size at hatching was similar to oil-treated controls. Androgen treatment did not increase chick survival, but it enhanced growth. Androgen-treated, third-hatched chicks had a higher body mass and longer legs than third-hatched chicks that hatched from oil-treated eggs. At the same time, growth of first chicks (which were all oil treated) was reduced by the presence of two androgen-treated siblings, suggesting that yolk androgens enhance the competitive ability of later-hatched chicks. Our results support the hypothesis that transfer of different amounts of androgens to the eggs of a clutch is a mechanism by which mothers maximize their reproductive output.  相似文献   

Substantial amounts of maternal androgens are found in birds’ eggs and have been shown to benefit offspring development. Within‐clutch patterns of increasing androgen concentrations over the laying sequence are often hypothesized to compensate for the negative effects of hatching asynchrony. However, detrimental effects to offspring fitness of exposure to high yolk androgen levels have also been demonstrated. This suggests that mothers should forego these costs to their offspring when the need for compensation for hatching asynchrony is low or when alternative compensatory strategies, e.g. in terms of increasing egg mass, are available. Here we show that in the south‐temperate lesser double‐collared sunbird Nectarinia chalybea, a species with hatching asynchrony but also with high survival of last‐hatched chicks, mothers do not deposit resources differentially in terms of either yolk androgen concentration or egg mass across the laying sequence. We discuss to what extend this challenges the original explanation of within‐clutch variation in these egg parameters and offer some explanation for their between‐clutch variation which was related to female body mass.  相似文献   

The little penguin Eudyptula minor is unique among penguin species in being able to fledge chicks from two clutches in one breeding season. Pairs laying two clutches in a given season make a higher reproductive investment, and may be rewarded by a higher reproductive success as they may raise twice as many chicks as pairs laying one clutch. The higher effort made by pairs laying two clutches could correlate negatively with survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival, indicating a cost of reproduction. Conversely, a positive relationship between the number of clutches produced in a given breeding season and survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival would indicate that birds laying two clutches belonged to a category of birds with higher fitness, compared to birds laying only one clutch in the season. In this study we used a long‐term data set taken from an increasing population of little penguins in Otago, SE New Zealand. We modelled the relationship between the number of clutches laid in a breeding season and survival probability, reproductive performance in the next breeding season and first year survival of offspring using capture‐recapture modelling.
Birds laying two clutches produced 1.7 times more fledglings during a breeding season than pairs laying one clutch. We found that birds laying two clutches had a higher probability of breeding in the following breeding season, a higher probability of laying two clutches in the following breeding season and a higher survival probability. There was no overall difference in post‐fledging survival between the young of birds producing one clutch and the young of birds producing two clutches. However, the survival of young of single clutch breeders declined with laying date, whereas the young of double clutch breeders had the same survival rate irrespective of laying date. For a subset of data with birds of known age, we found evidence that the probability of laying two clutches increased with age. However, there were also indications for differences among birds in the tendency to lay two clutches that could not be attributed to age. We tentatively interpret our results as evidence of quality difference among little penguin breeders.  相似文献   

Intraclutch egg size variation may non‐adaptively result from nutritional/energetic constraints acting on laying females or may reflect adaptive differential investment in offspring in relation to laying/hatching order. This variation may contribute to size hierarchies among siblings already established due to hatching asynchrony, and resultant competitive asymmetries often lead to starvation of the weakest nestling within a brood. The costs in terms of chick mortality can be high. However, the extent to which this mortality is egg size‐mediated remains unclear, especially in relation to hatching asynchrony which may operate concomitantly. I assessed effects of egg size and hatching asynchrony on nestling development and survival of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), where the smaller size and later hatching of c‐eggs may represent a brood‐reduction strategy. To analyze variation in egg size, I recorded the laying order and laying date of 870 eggs in 290 three‐egg clutches over a 3‐yr period (2010–2012). I measured hatchlings and monitored growth and survival of 130 chicks from enclosed nests in 2011 and 2012. The negative effect of laying date (β = ?0.18 ± SE 0.06, P = 0.002) on c‐egg size possibly reflected the fact that late breeders were either low quality or inexperienced females. The mass, size, and condition of hatchling Herring Gulls were positively related to egg size (all P < 0.0001). C‐chicks suffered from increased mortality risk during the first 12 d, identified as the brood‐reduction period in my study population. Although intraclutch variation in egg size was not directly related to patterns of chick mortality, I found that smaller relative egg size interactively increased differences in relative body condition of nestlings, primarily brought about by the degree of hatching asynchrony during this brood‐reduction period. Thus, the value of relatively small c‐eggs in Herring Gulls may lie in reinforcing brood reduction through effects on nestling body condition. A reproductive strategy Herring Gulls might have adopted to maintain a three‐egg clutch, but that also enables them to adjust the number of chicks they rear relative to the prevailing environmental conditions and to their own condition during the nestling stage.  相似文献   

Maternal and environmental effects can profoundly influence offspring phenotypes, independent of genetic effects. Within avian broods, both the asymmetric post‐hatching environment created by hatching asynchrony and the differential maternal investment through the laying sequence have important consequences for individual nestlings in terms of the allocation of resources to body structures with different contributions to fitness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative importance of post‐hatching environmental and maternal effects in generating variation in offspring phenotypes. First, an observational study showed that within blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, broods, late‐hatched nestlings allocated resources to tarsus development, maintained mass gain and head‐bill growth and directed resources away from the development of fourth primary feathers. Second, a hatching order manipulation experiment resulted in nestlings from first‐laid eggs hatching last, thereby allowing comparison with both late and early‐hatched nestlings. Experimental nestlings had growth patterns which were closer to late‐hatched nestlings, suggesting that within‐brood growth patterns are determined by post‐hatching environmental effects. Therefore, we conclude that post‐hatching environmental effects play an important role in generating variation in offspring phenotypes.  相似文献   

In birds with hatching asynchrony and sexual size dimorphism, chicks hatched earlier and later in the laying sequence usually suffer different mortalities due to uneven abilities to compete for food, especially in poor years. If sexes differ in vulnerability to environmental conditions, e.g., by having different food requirements due to differential growth rates, mothers can increase fitness by allocating sex according to the laying order, producing less vulnerable sex later rather than early in the clutch. By analysing variation in primary sex ratio using a PCR-based DNA technique, we tested this prediction in black-headed gull Larus ridibundus chicks where males may be the less viable sex under adverse conditions. The overall primary sex ratio of the population did not depart from parity. However, first hatched chicks were more likely to be males whereas last hatched chicks were more likely to be females. Both egg volume and hatchling body mass decreased with laying order irrespective of sex. Time of breeding had no effect on offspring sex or hatchling sex ratios.  相似文献   

Understanding how the intensity of inbreeding depression is influenced by stressful environmental conditions is an important area of enquiry in various fields of biology. In birds, environmental stress during early development is often related to hatching asynchrony; differences in age, and thus size, impose a gradient in conditions ranging from benign (first hatched chick) to harsh (last hatched chick). Here, we compared the effect of hatching order on growth rate in inbred (parents are full siblings) and outbred (parents are unrelated) canary chicks (Serinus canaria). We found that inbreeding depression was more severe under more stressful conditions, being most evident in later hatched chicks. Thus, consideration of inbreeding‐environment interactions is of vital importance for our understanding of the biological significance of inbreeding depression and hatching asynchrony. The latter is particularly relevant given that hatching asynchrony is a widespread phenomenon, occurring in many bird species. The exact causes of the observed inbreeding‐environment interaction are as yet unknown, but may be related to a decrease in maternal investment in egg contents with laying position (i.e. prehatching environment), or to performance of the chicks during sibling competition and/or their resilience to food shortage (i.e. posthatching environment).  相似文献   

We hypothesized that increasing chick plasma testosterone concentrations, transmitted from the mothers via their eggs, enhances survival of their offspring and that the fitness of the young, depending on the maternal hormones, is influenced by parental quality. To test our hypotheses we distinguished the broods of white storks Ciconia ciconia L. where chicks died and those where all chicks survived. We analysed the plasma testosterone concentrations in the chicks, the ability of the chicks to be first to receive food and the mass of chicks before fledging in relation to their hatching order and recorded the body mass of parents and food mass delivered by them.
Female storks used the asymmetries in testosterone concentrations within a brood to control brood size and adjusted the number of young hatched to match the parental ability to rear offspring. Females of poor condition altered the testosterone concentrations to produce large differences between the chicks: The first-hatched chicks, which had high plasma testosterone levels, responded faster to the feeding parent and received more food than did their younger siblings. One or two later-hatched chicks, which had lower testosterone levels, died in these broods. Females in good condition produced small differences in testosterone concentrations between the chicks and all chicks survived in their brood. Chicks that were raised by the females of poor condition in reduced broods were heavier than chicks that were raised by females of good condition in broods where all chicks survived.
We suggest that the control of brood size by testosterone concentration, transmitted by the mother to the chicks, is a hormonal means of condition-dependent reproductive strategy in the white stork.  相似文献   

Experimental synchronization of onset of incubation was employed in laboratory held zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata to study whether differential resource allocation and possible bias of offspring sex in subsequent eggs in the laying order could mitigate the effects of hatching asynchrony. We found that egg mass increased with laying order, but offspring sex was not related to laying order. Among synchronized clutches, eggs hatched more synchronously than eggs from control nests. Survival probability was related to egg mass, and as expected, this effect differed between experimental groups: it was positive among synchronized broods and not significantly related among asynchronous broods. This suggests that increase in egg mass with the laying order might reduce disparities between early and late hatching chicks. Female nestlings survived better than male nestlings. However their growth was impaired in synchronized broods, whilst growth of males was not affected by hatching synchronization.  相似文献   

In diverse animal taxa, egg mass variation mediates maternal effects with long-term consequences for offspring ontogeny and fitness. Patterns of egg mass variation with laying order differ considerably among birds, but no study has experimentally investigated the function of variation in albumen or yolk egg content in the wild. In barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), absolute and relative albumen mass increased with egg laying order. Experimental albumen removal delayed hatching, had larger negative effects on growth of late-hatched nestlings, and reduced nestling survival. Laying order positively predicted hatch order. Because nestling competitive ability depends on size, and albumen egg content influences hatchling size, present results suggest that by increasing albumen content of late eggs mothers reduce hatching asynchrony and enhance growth particularly of late-hatched nestlings. Thus, variation in albumen mass with laying order may function to mitigate the negative phenotypic consequences of hatching late in species that adopt a 'brood-survival' strategy.  相似文献   

Hatching asynchrony can have profound short‐term consequences for offspring, although the long‐term consequences are less well understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony for offspring fitness in birds. Specifically, we aimed to test the hypothesis that hatching asynchrony increases the sexual attractiveness and fecundity, respectively, of early‐hatched male and female zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata (Vieillot, 1817) offspring. Mate‐choice trials comparing male nestlings with the same parents, but that were reared in asynchronous or experimentally synchronous broods, revealed no female preference in relation to hatching regime. We did however find strong evidence that, as adults, late‐hatched males were more attractive to females than siblings that had hatched earlier. Meanwhile, we found a weak trend towards early‐hatched females depositing more carotenoids and retinol in the egg yolk than late‐hatched or synchronously hatched females, although there were no differences in terms of clutch characteristics or the deposition of α‐tocopherol or γ‐tocopherol in the egg yolk. Therefore, we found that the beneficial long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony were sex specific, being accrued by late‐hatched male nestlings and by early‐hatched female nestlings. Consequently, we conclude that the long‐term consequences of hatching asynchrony are more complex than previously realised. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 430–438.  相似文献   

The difficulties in measuring total fitness of individuals necessitate the use of fitness surrogates in ecological and evolutionary studies. These surrogates can be different components of fitness (e.g. survival or fecundity), or proxies more uncertainly related to fitness (e.g. body size or growth rate). Ideally, fitness would be measured over the lifetime of individuals; however, more convenient short-time measures are often used. Adult lifetime reproductive success (adult LRS) is closely related to the total fitness of individuals, but it is difficult to measure and rarely included in fitness estimation in experimental studies. We explored phenotypic correlations between female adult LRS and various commonly used fitness components and proxies in a recently founded laboratory population of Drosophila littoralis. Noting that survival is usually higher in laboratory conditions than in nature, we also calculated adjusted adult LRS measures that give more weight to early reproduction. The lifetime measures of fecundity, longevity, and offspring viability were all relatively highly correlated with adult LRS. However, correlations with short-time measures of fecundity and offspring production varied greatly depending on the time of measurement, and the optimal time for measurement was different for unadjusted compared to adjusted adult LRS measures. Correlations between size measures and adult LRS varied from weak to modest, leg size and female weight having the highest correlations. Our results stress the importance of well-founded choice of fitness surrogates in empirical research.  相似文献   

As a comprehensive fitness parameter, lifetime reproductive success (LRS) is influenced by many different environmental and genetic factors, among which longevity is one of the most important. These factors can be reflected in secondary sexual characters, which may affect the life histories of individuals via social relations with conspecifics. Facultative polygyny in birds is another conspicuous reproductive trait that potentially increases male reproductive success, but lifetime success data in relation to polygyny are scarce. Here, we used 17?years of breeding data to quantify the LRS of male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) on the basis of lifetime recruitment of offspring. Breeding lifespan showed a positive relationship with LRS, and it was also significantly associated with mean recruitment of offspring per breeding year. Body size and sexually selected forehead patch size did not predict the number of recruits. Polygyny was positively associated with LRS, but when we corrected for lifespan, this relationship disappeared. Our results demonstrate that the relationship between longevity and LRS is not explained by the higher number of reproductive attempts when living longer, and question the adaptive value of polygyny in this population. The lack of association between forehead patch size and recruitment suggests that forehead patch is a poor indicator of phenotypic quality in our birds.  相似文献   

Crested penguins (genus Eudyptes) have a peculiar hatching pattern, with the first-laid egg (A-egg) hatching after the second-laid egg (B-egg) and chicks from A-eggs typically having a much lower survival probability. Maternal yolk androgens have been suggested to contribute to the competitive superiority of the B-chick in southern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome, given their important role in mediating sibling competition in other species. We therefore increased the yolk androgen levels in freshly-laid eggs and examined the consequences for sibling competition - via effects on embryonic developmental times, chick growth and early survival. We placed one androgen-treated egg and one control egg into each foster nest, matching them for mass, laying date and laying order. The androgen treatment did not significantly affect embryonic developmental times or chick measurements at hatching. However, elevated yolk androgen levels benefitted chick growth in interaction with the number of siblings in a brood. Chicks from androgen-treated eggs had faster growth in the presence of a sibling than chicks from control eggs. Under these circumstances they also had a higher survival probability. Thus maternal androgens appear to reinforce the observed hatching pattern, facilitating brood reduction. This contrasts to most previous studies in other species where yolk androgens have been shown to compensate for the negative consequences of delayed hatching within the brood hierarchy.  相似文献   

Dispersal of offspring from their natal site has a critical influence on individual fitness. Although the consequences of dispersal have received much theoretical attention, the determinants of dispersal remain poorly understood for many animals. To address this issue, we marked and released size‐manipulated hatchling lizards (Amphibolurus muricatus; Agamidae) over a 3‐mo period in the field to evaluate the effects of body size and the time of hatching on dispersal distance. Our mark–recapture data indicated that body size and offspring sex had little effect on distances travelled by individuals. However, the timing of hatching had a strong impact; individuals that hatched early in the season dispersed further than did those hatching late. This pattern may allow early‐hatched juveniles to disperse and secure high‐quality habitats before the arrival of later‐hatched conspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Parental food allocation in birds has long been a focal point for life history and parent–offspring conflict theories. In asynchronously hatching species, parents are thought to either adjust brood size through death of marginal offspring (brood reduction), or feed the disadvantaged chicks to reduce the competitive hierarchy (parental compensation). Here, we show that parent American coots (Fulica americana) practice both strategies by switching from brood reduction to compensation across time. Late‐hatching chicks suffer higher mortality only for the first few days after hatching. Later, parents begin to exhibit parental aggression towards older chicks and each parent favours a single chick, both of which are typically the youngest of the surviving offspring. The late‐hatched survivors can equal or exceed their older siblings in size prior to independence. A mixed allocation strategy allows parents to compensate for the costs of competitive hierarchies while gaining the benefits of hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   

Among many mammals, maternal care strongly impacts infant survival; however, less is known about whether adult males also affect infant fitness. Paternal care is expected when providing care enhances offspring survival and reproduction, which likewise increases fathers’ fitness. Males might also care for unrelated immature individuals to increase their mating probability with the immature individuals’ mothers. Studies in multimale primate groups showed that sires enhance food access for offspring and provide protection in conflicts. Furthermore, fathers’ presence during infancy has been suggested to accelerate offspring sexual maturation. However, no study has yet directly linked the degree of father-offspring bonds to offspring fitness in primates. We previously reported father-offspring affiliation in rhesus macaques, pronounced during early infancy and independent of mothers’ presence. The present study aims at investigating whether affiliation with fathers or other males affects proxies of immature fitness (body mass gain, body fat and testis size). First, we combined behavioral, genetic and morphometric data from 55 subjects of one group. Second, using demographic and genetic data, we investigated for 92 individuals of the population whether mother- and father-offspring co-residence during immaturity influenced offspring lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Our results show that focal rank and higher amounts of affiliation with high-ranking males during infancy tend to positively impact body mass gain of female, but not male focal animals. In contrast, body mass gain of male focal individuals, but not females’, appeared to be higher when affiliation of male immature individuals was evenly distributed across their adult male partners. Moreover, we found mothers’, but not fathers’, presence during immaturity to predict offspring LRS. Our results suggest that male-immature affiliation, but not father-offspring co-residence, potentially impacts proxies of immature fitness. However, future studies should investigate the underlying mechanisms of male-immature relationships and their impact on immature fitness in more detail.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a pivotal role in parasite resistance, and their allelic diversity has been associated with fitness variations in several taxa. However, studies report inconsistencies in the direction of this association, with either positive, quadratic or no association being described. These discrepancies may arise because the fitness costs and benefits of MHC diversity differ among individuals depending on their exposure and immune responses to parasites. Here, we investigated in black‐legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks whether associations between MHC class‐II diversity and fitness vary with sex and hatching order. MHC‐II diversity was positively associated with growth and tick clearance in female chicks, but not in male chicks. Our data also revealed a positive association between MHC‐II diversity and survival in second‐hatched female chicks (two eggs being the typical clutch size). These findings may result from condition‐dependent parasite infections differentially impacting sexes in relation to hatching order. We thus suggest that it may be important to account for individual heterogeneities in traits that potentially exert selective pressures on MHC diversity in order to properly predict MHC–fitness associations.  相似文献   

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