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Uniparental offspring desertion occurs in a wide variety of avian taxa and usually reflects sexual conflict over parental care. In many species, desertion yields immediate reproductive benefits for deserters if they can re‐mate and breed again during the same nesting season; in such cases desertion may be selectively advantageous even if it significantly reduces the fitness of the current brood. However, in many other species, parents desert late‐season offspring when opportunities to re‐nest are absent. In these cases, any reproductive benefits of desertion are delayed, and desertion is unlikely to be advantageous unless the deserted parent can compensate for the loss of its partner and minimize costs to the current brood. We tested this parental compensation hypothesis in Hooded Warblers Setophaga citrina, a species in which males regularly desert late‐season nestlings and fledglings during moult. Females from deserted nests effectively doubled their provisioning efforts, and nestlings from deserted nests received just as much food, gained mass at the same rate, and were no more likely to die from either complete nest predation or brood reduction as young from biparental nests. The female provisioning response, however, was significantly related to nestling age; females undercompensated for male desertion when the nestlings were young, but overcompensated as nestlings approached fledging age, probably because of time constraints that brooding imposed on females with young nestlings. Overall, our results indicate that female Hooded Warblers completely compensate for male moult‐associated nest desertion, and that deserting males pay no reproductive cost for desertion, at least up to the point of fledging. Along with other studies, our findings support the general conclusion that late‐season offspring desertion is likely to evolve only when parental compensation by the deserted partner can minimize costs to the current brood.  相似文献   

The behavior of young songbirds after fledging is one of the least understood phases of the breeding cycle, although parental provisioning rates and movement of fledglings are key to understanding life history evolution. We studied Cordilleran Flycatchers (Empidonax occidentalis) at two sites in southwestern Colorado, USA, from 2012 to 2017. We banded and sexed breeding adults to determine the relative contributions of males and females to nestling and fledgling care, and attached radio‐transmitters to nestlings to facilitate observations of brood behavior after fledging. Females made 60% and 78% of total observed feedings of nestlings and fledglings, respectively. Parental provisioning rates increased with nestling age, and per‐nestling provisioning rates increased with brood size. Parental provisioning rates declined just before fledging, then increased just after fledging. Fledging times of individuals in broods were asynchronous and concentrated during the late afternoon and early evening. Males stopped caring for fledglings before females even though this species is single‐brooded, with some late‐season broods being abandoned by males. Broods spent the first three weeks after fledging within 400 m of nests, after which they began to disperse. Most aspects of the breeding biology of Cordilleran Flycatchers in our study, including the duration of nestling and fledging periods, female‐dominated provisioning, and movement patterns of fledglings, were similar to those of other Empidonax species. However, the times when young fledged were not concentrated in the morning as reported in most other songbirds, and this result warrants additional study of the timing of fledging in ecologically and taxonomically similar species. The increased per‐nestling provisioning rate with increasing brood size was unexpected, and additional study is needed to determine if this increase results from a trade‐off between adult annual survival and productivity favoring increased provisioning of young in larger broods, or from the existence of high‐quality individuals where larger clutches and higher provisioning rates are linked.  相似文献   

J. W. DUCKWORTH 《Ibis》1992,134(2):164-170
The Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus is a largely monogamous insectivorous passerine in which males and females provide equal care by day to eggs and chicks. Polygyny occurs occasionally, with males leaving one female unaided. When females were temporarily removed from three recently-completed clutches their males deserted and resumed the high song levels typical of unmated males. Males may desert either because they are physically incapable of incubation or because the energy expenditure needed for a male to return to an equivalent stage in the breeding cycle is much lower than for a female to do so. Widowed females ( n = 7 ), however, continued the breeding attempt alone, with similar incubation levels but higher provisioning rates than those of control females. In three out of four mid-season broods raised by lone females all fertile eggs were reared to healthy fledglings (in the fourth brood the female died), while only one of four late-season nests produced any fledglings (which were underweight). Late-season control nests were as successful as earlier ones. Loss of male help led to starvation of chicks, but caused no adverse effects during incubation. This explains the small changes in widows' sitting levels during incubation, but much greater effects after hatching. Females may need male help to rear late broods (but not early broods) as days are shorter and food is scarcer. Males may normally help at nests, even those in the mid-season, because in stressful spells (even for a few days) such help is vital for successful breeding but in good periods it costs the male little.  相似文献   

We analysed video-sequences of undisturbed parental provisioning behaviour on 12 nests of common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus). In 4 of the 12 nests, chicks were fed by a single parent only. We compared provisioning rate of chicks, time spent on the nest and food allocation rules between nests with uniparental and biparental care and between male and female parents in biparental nests. In nests with a single parent, the frequency of feeding visits per parent was higher than in biparental nests. As a result, the rate of food provisioning of chicks was similar in uniparental and biparental nests. The food allocation rules did not differ between uniparental and biparental nests. In biparental nests, male and female provisioning behaviour was similar though with two exceptions: males had a strong preference for feeding chicks in front positions in the nest and females spent a longer time on the nest after feeding. We conclude that single common redstart parents are able to compensate fully for the absence of the other parent through increased provisioning efforts, and that in biparental nests, males and females contribute equally to the provisioning of the young.  相似文献   

The reasons for female desertion of offspring and the evolution of predominantly male care among monogamous bird species are not clearly understood. We studied parental effort during the incubation and chick rearing periods in the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in western Finland, and compared timing of brood desertion with other populations in Europe. Males and females contributed equally to incubation and showed no differences in the intensity of mobbing behaviour towards a potential nest predator (stuffed crow) shortly after hatching. However, females deserted their offspring approximately halfway through the brooding period ( c. 16 d after hatching), while males remained with chicks until independence ( c. 35 d). Females with late-laid clutches deserted their offspring sooner after hatching than those with clutches produced earlier in the season. Curlew females deserted younger chicks in northeast Europe, where laying dates were later, breeding seasons shorter and migration distances were longer, than in western and central Europe. We suggest that the most likely reasons for offspring desertion by females may be associated with increased female survivorship and maintenance of pairbond between years.  相似文献   

CHERI L. GRATTO-TREVOR 《Ibis》1991,133(4):394-399
Although Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla are monogamous, with biparental incubation, most females (86–97%) deserted their broods to the care of their mates, 0–11 days (average 6) after their eggs hatched. Males left the brood an average of 8 days later, shortly before or after the chicks fledged. In several instances, females that deserted in one year remained with the chicks the next year, and vice versa. Females deserted chicks at nests that hatched later in the season at an earlier age than those had hatched earlier ( r 2> o.6). Since females appeared to have an energy deficit in at least some years, and suffered higher mortality rates than males during breeding, it is possible that females deserted broods in order to take advantage of better feeding conditions at migratory stopovers in northeastern North America early in the season. There was little evidence of higher nesting success or earlier hatching date in reuniting pairs, although if both members of a pair returned to the breeding area, 80% reunited. Increased survival of their mate may be most advantageous to males in ensuring that they obtain a female the following year.  相似文献   

Chicks of the brood parasitic common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) typically monopolize host parental care by evicting all eggs and nestmates from the nest. To assess the benefits of parasitic eviction behaviour throughout the full nestling period, we generated mixed broods of one cuckoo and one great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) to study how hosts divide care between own and parasitic young. We also recorded parental provisioning behaviour at nests of singleton host nestlings or singleton cuckoo chicks. Host parents fed the three types of broods with similar-sized food items. The mass of the cuckoo chicks was significantly reduced in mixed broods relative to singleton cuckoos. Yet, after the host chick fledged from mixed broods, at about 10-12 days, cuckoo chicks in mixed broods grew faster and appeared to have compensated for the growth costs of prior cohabitation by fledging at similar weights and ages compared to singleton cuckoo chicks. These results are contrary to suggestions that chick competition in mixed broods of cuckoos and hosts causes an irrecoverable cost for the developing brood parasite. Flexibility in cuckoos' growth dynamics may provide a general benefit to ecological uncertainty regarding the realized successes, failures, and costs of nestmate eviction strategies of brood parasites.  相似文献   

We assessed whether adult House Sparrows Passer domesticus adjusted their provisioning in response to an experimental increase in the nutritional condition of their nestlings. When we supplemented chicks directly with additional food, male parents, but not female parents, reduced their provisioning. The results for males, but not females, run contrary to a previous experiment in this species. In addition, female provisioning was positively associated with both brood size and the age of the brood. In contrast, whereas male provisioning was positively associated with brood size, males did not increase provisioning as their chicks grew older. Males, but not females, exhibited repeatability in their provisioning. Food supplementation had a larger positive effect upon nestling survival in smaller broods than in larger broods. Overall, there appear to be fundamental differences between males and females in how decisions regarding the level of parental investment in the current brood are made.  相似文献   

Subsocial burrower bugs (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) provide unique opportunities to investigate evolutionary ecological questions regarding parental provisioning and family dynamics. Observations and marked nutlet‐setting experiments in the field showed that Adomerus triguttulus females progressively delivered mint nutlets into nests harbouring nymphs under the litter. More than one female often attended nymphs, but not eggs, in a nest in the field. The number of nymphs aggregating in a nest with a single female was usually smaller than that in a nest with two females, suggesting the joining of different families and facultative joint parental care. There was a positive correlation between the number of nutlets delivered and the number of nymphs in a nest. The number of attendant females also affected the amount of provisioning; more nutlets were found for second‐instar broods with more females. The effect of brood size on provisioning was confirmed for families under laboratory rearing. Maternal provisioning also varied with the developmental stage of offspring; second‐instar broods received more nutlets than first‐instar broods, with a temporal decrease in provisioning during the moulting of nymphs. Considering the growing evidence of food solicitation signals of young in subsocial insects, the observed finely tuned supply of food by the female could be induced by begging signals from the nymphs.  相似文献   

We investigated sex-specific parental care behaviour of lesser spotted woodpeckers Picoides minor in the low mountain range Taunus, Germany. Observed parental care included incubation, nest sanitation as well as brooding and feeding of nestlings. Contributions of the two sexes to parental care changed in progress of the breeding period. During incubation and the first half of the nestling period, parental care was divided equally between partners. However, in the late nestling stage, we found males to feed their nestlings irrespective of brood size while females considerably decreased feeding rate with the number of nestlings. This behaviour culminated in desertion of small broods by females shortly before fledging. The fact that even deserted nests were successful indicates that males were able to compensate for the females' absence. Interestingly, the mating of one female with two males with separate nests could be found in the population, which confirms earlier findings of polyandry in the lesser spotted woodpecker. We conclude that biparental care is not essential in the later stage and one partner can reduce effort and thus costs of parental care, at least in small broods where the mate is able to compensate for that behaviour. Reduced care and desertion appears only in females, which might be caused by a combination of two traits: First, females might suffer higher costs of investment in terms of mortality and secondly, male-biased sex ratio in the population generally leads to higher mating probabilities for females in the following breeding season. The occurrence of polyandry seems to be a result of these conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Grey Fantails (Rhipidura albiscapa), a common Australian flycatcher, commonly desert their nests before egg‐laying. We tested the hypothesis that Grey Fantails desert incomplete nests in response to the attention of predators by placing a mounted Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina), a common nest predator, near fantail nests that were under construction. As a control, we placed a mounted King Parrot (Alisteris scapularis), a nonpredatory bird similar in size to Pied Currawongs, near other fantail nests. Four of six female fantails (67%) deserted incomplete nests in response to the presentation of the Pied Currawong. In contrast, none of the seven females presented with a mounted King Parrot deserted. Female Grey Fantails may use the attention of a predator at the nest during the building stage as a cue to desert. Such desertion may be adaptive for Grey Fantails because currawongs are large predators, making successful nest defense unlikely, and they also present considerable risk to adults. In addition, fantails may raise multiple broods during a breeding season and, therefore, have a high renesting potential.  相似文献   

We analyzed individual variation in work load (nest visit rate) during chick‐rearing, and the consequences of this variation in terms of breeding productivity, in a highly synchronous breeder, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) focusing on female birds. There was marked (10‐ to 16‐fold) variation in total, female and male nest visit rates, among individuals, but individual variation in female nest visit rate was independent of environment (rainfall, temperature) and metrics of individual quality (laying date, clutch size, amount of male provisioning help), and was only weakly associated with chick demand (i.e., day 6 brood size). Female nest visit rate was independent of date and experimentally delayed birds provisioned at the same rate as peak‐nesting birds; supporting a lack of effect of date per se. Brood size at fledging was positively but weakly related to total nest visit rate (male + female), with >fivefold variation in nest visit rate for any given brood size, and in females brood size at fledging and chick mass at fledging were independent of female nest visit rate, that is, individual variation in workload was not associated with higher productivity. Nevertheless, nest visit rate in females was repeatable among consecutive days (6–8 posthatching), and between peak (first) and second broods, but not among years. Our data suggest that individual females behave as if committed to a certain level of parental care at the outset of their annual breeding attempt, but this varies among years, that is, behavior is not fixed throughout an individual's life but represents an annually variable decision. We suggest females are making predictable decisions about their workload during provisioning that maximizes their overall fitness based on an integration of information on their current environment (although these cues currently remain unidentified).  相似文献   

Alloparental care in birds generally involves nonbreeding adults that help at nests or breeding adults that help raise young in communal nests. A less often reported form involves the amalgamation of broods, where one or more adults care for young that are not their own. We observed this phenomenon among Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis broods in western Alaska during 1990–1992. Amalgamation of broods generally involved the formation of temporary and extended associations. Temporary associations were formed by the incidental convergence of broods soon after they left their nests. During this period, parents defended distinct brood-rearing areas, were antagonistic to conspecifics and remained together for less than 3 days. Extended associations formed when chicks were 1–2 weeks old. Here, parents and their broods occupied distinct, but adjacent, brood-rearing areas and moved around as a unit. Whether a brood participated in either temporary or extended associations or remained solitary appeared to depend on brood density in the immediate area and on hatching date. When chicks were 3–4 weeks old, aggregations of up to ten broods formed wherein young mixed and parents defended a common brood-rearing area. All broods (n = 48) that survived to fledging joined such aggregations. Alloparental care involved only antipredator defence and was not associated with activities such as feeding and brooding. Most female parents abandoned their broods shortly after the young could fly and when aggregations were forming. The female parent of a pair always deserted its young before or on the same day as the male parent and, in every aggregation, one or two males continued to tend young for about 5 days longer than other male parents. In most cases, adults deserted the young 2–6 days before the young departed the area when about 38 days old. Bristle-thighed Curlews also formed temporary associations with American and Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica and Pluvialis fulva, Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus, Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica, Western Sandpiper Cal-idris mauri and Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus. Curlews and other larger bodied species commonly attack-mobbed predators together, whereas smaller bodied species generally gave alarm calls and circled the predators. For all species, the intensity of antipredator defence by attending adults gradually decreased as young became older and aggregations formed. We suggest that amalgamation of broods among Bristle-thighed Curlew enhances predator defence, aids in the process of flock formation for migrating young, and allows females and some males to desert their young earlier.  相似文献   

Parental care should be selected to respond to honest cues that increase offspring survival. When offspring are parasitised, the parental food compensation hypothesis predicts that parents can provision extra food to compensate for energy loss due to parasitism. Chick begging behaviour is a possible mechanism to solicit increased feeding from attending parents. We experimentally manipulated parasite intensity from Philornis downsi in nests of Darwin's small ground finch (Geospiza fuliginosa) to test its effects on chick begging intensity and parental food provisioning. We used in‐nest video recordings of individually marked chicks to quantify nocturnal parasite feeding on chicks, subsequent diurnal chick begging intensity and parental feeding care. Our video analysis showed that one chick per brood had the highest parasite intensity during the night (supporting the tasty chick hypothesis) and weakest begging intensity during the day, which correlated with low parental care and rapid death. We observed sequential chick death on different days rather than total brood loss on a given day. Our within‐nest video images showed that (1) high nocturnal larval feeding correlated with low diurnal begging intensity and (2) parent birds ignored weakly begging chicks and provisioned strongly begging chicks. Excluding predation, all parasite‐free chicks survived (100% survival) and all parasitised chicks died in the nest (100% mortality). Weak begging intensity in parasitised chicks, which honestly signalled recent parasite attack, was not used as a cue for parental provisioning. Parents consistently responded to the strongest chick in both parasitised and parasite‐free nests.  相似文献   

1. One of the fundamental insights of behavioural ecology is that resources influence breeding systems. For instance, when food resources are plenty, one parent is able to care for the young on its own, so that the other parent can desert and became polygamous. We investigated this hypothesis in the context of classical polyandry when females may have several mates within a single breeding season, and parental duties are carried out largely by the male. 2. We studied a precocial wader, the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, that exhibits variable brood care such that the chicks may be raised by both parents, only by the female or, more often, only by the male. The timing of female desertion varies: some females desert their brood at hatching of the eggs and lay a clutch for a new mate, whereas other females stay with their brood until the chicks fledge. Kentish plovers are excellent organisms with which to study breeding system evolution, as some of their close relatives exhibit classical polyandry (Eurasian dotterel Eudromias morinellus, mountain plover Charadrius montanus), whereas others are polygynous (northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus). 3. Kentish plovers raised their broods in two habitats in our study site in southern Turkey: saltmarsh and lakeshore. Food intake was higher on the lakeshore than in the saltmarsh as judged from feeding behaviour of chicks and adults. As the season proceeded and the saltmarsh dried out, the broods moved toward the lakeshore. 4. As the density of plovers increased on lakeshore, the parents spent more time defending their young, and female parents stayed with their brood longer on the lakeshore. 5. We conclude that the influence of food abundance on breeding systems is more complex than currently anticipated. Abundant food resources appear to have profound implications on spatial distribution of broods, and the social interactions between broods constrain female desertion and polyandry.  相似文献   

Tams Szkely 《Ibis》1996,138(4):749-755
Uniparental male care combined with polyandry is rare in birds, and the best known examples are in shorebirds Charadrii. There are two current hypotheses explaining why males care for the brood, whereas females desert and remate: either males are more capable than females at providing uniparental care (“parental quality hypothesis”) or females gain a greater increase in reproductive success by deserting than do males (“remating opportunity hypothesis”). I experimentally tested both hypotheses in Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, one of the few avian species in which either parent may desert the brood. By experimentally removing one parent when the chicks hatched, I found that male-tended broods had better survival than female-tended ones, particularly up to 6 days after hatching. It is unlikely that differential brood mortality was caused by chilling of the chicks, since the brooding behaviour of males and females was not different. The results of this study are consistent with the explanation that male-tended broods survived better because males were better able to protect the brood from attacks by conspecifics and predators. The remating opportunity hypothesis was also corroborated because single females acquired new mates faster than did single males. The results of this study suggest that both the better parental capability of males and the greater remating opportunities of females predispose Kentish Plovers for uniparental male care, desertion by the female parent and sequential polyandry.  相似文献   

In seasonal environments with limited time and energy resources, double‐brooded birds face trade‐offs in the timing of their two reproductive attempts and in the effort allocated to the first and the second broods. In the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica a long care period for the first brood enhances the survival of first‐brood chicks, but also delays the start of the second brood, which in turn reduces the survival prospects of second‐brood chicks. Probably as a response to this trade‐off, double‐brooded Barn Swallows reduce the period of post‐fledging care for first‐brood fledglings. By radiotracking whole families, we investigated the determinants of this behaviour and its consequences for the survival of the first‐brood fledglings. The end of the females’ investment in post‐fledging care of the first brood was related to the beginning of egg synthesis for the second clutch. With the start of egg synthesis, females significantly reduced provisioning rates to the first‐brood fledglings to less than one‐fifth of the previous rates, while the proportion of time they spent foraging remained high. Assuming that the females’ foraging success was constant, we conclude that their energy income was allocated to egg production rather than fledgling provision. Males did not compensate for the females’ reduced feeding rates. Thus the start of egg production for the second clutch had a marked effect on the quantity of food received by first‐brood fledglings. In parallel with the changes in parental behaviour and provisioning rates, we observed a marked drop in the daily survival rate of first‐brood chicks. These results support the hypothesis that females face a strong trade‐off in the allocation of energy to subsequent broods. Energy allocation to a second clutch involves a cost in terms of reduced provisioning, and as a result the survival of first‐brood chicks is compromised. This is probably outweighed by the improved success of an early second brood.  相似文献   

Understanding how parental expenditure reflects food availability and influences reproductive output is a key part of studies of breeding performance. Provisioning behaviour is an important aspect of parental expenditure. We show that Macaroni Penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus have clear sex-specific differences in provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout rearing and at higher rates than males, which only participate in the later stages. Female provisioning is consistent throughout chick-rearing and appears to relate to a threshold rate governing whether or not chicks survive. The additional expenditure by males (but not females) during the crèche period influenced chick growth and fledging mass of survivors. We suggest a very simple model to account for these sex-specific differences and effects. Interannual variation in parental expenditure resulted in differences in reproductive output between years. Years of lowest expenditure resulted in lowest growth rate of chicks. Sex-specific differences in provisioning were similar among years, however, with a consistent proportion of expenditure by males.  相似文献   

The sexes’ share in parental care and the social mating system in a marked population of the single‐brooded Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor were studied in 17 woodpecker territories in southern Sweden during 10 years. The birds showed a very strong mate fidelity between years; the divorce rate was 3.4%. In monogamous pairs, the male provided more parental care than the female. The male did most of the nest building and all incubation and brooding at night. Daytime incubation and brooding were shared equally by the sexes, and biparental care at these early breeding stages is probably necessary for successful breeding. In 42% of the nests, however, though still alive the female deserted the brood the last week of the nestling period, whereas the male invariably fed until fledging and fully compensated for the absent female. Post‐fledging care could not be quantified, but was likely shared by both parents. Females who ceased feeding at the late nestling stage resumed care after fledging. We argue that the high premium on breeding with the same mate for consecutive years and the overall lower survival of females have shaped this male‐biased organisation of parental care. In the six years with best data, most social matings were monogamous, but 8.5% of the females (N=59) exhibited simultaneous multi‐nest (classical) polyandry and 2.9% of the males (N=68) exhibited multi‐nest polygyny. Polyandrous females raised 39% more young than monogamous pairs. These females invested equal amounts of parental care at all their nests, but their investment at each nest was lower than that of monogamous females. The polyandrously mated males fully compensated for this lower female investment. Polygynous males invested mainly in their primary nest and appeared to be less successful than polyandrous females. Polyandry and polygyny occurred only when the population sex ratio was biased, and due to strong intra‐sexual competition this is likely a prerequisite for polygamous mating in Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers.  相似文献   

In the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus one of the adults, typically the female, deserts the brood when the chicks are a few days old. Once parental care is terminated, adults may initiate a second nesting attempt if sufficient time remains within the season. For these nests, individuals pair with different mates from those of the first nesting attempt, thus becoming sequentially polygamous. In a small population of Kentish Plovers in Fuente de Piedra lake (southern Spain), the duration of biparental care of broods was longer than in other localities. It also showed considerable variation between years that was evidently related to Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica predation pressure on the chicks. There was year-to-year variation in the number of polygamous matings. Both the duration of the breeding season and nesting success in the first half of the season limited the occurrence of polygamy. Despite females deserting broods earlier than males, the interval between the first and second nesting of polyandrous females and polygynous males was similar. The interval was not affected by the body condition of females after the first nesting attempt, nor by problems related to egg formation ability, but was probably due to the availability of potential mates. More females than males initiated second nests, suggesting that polygamous opportunities were more limited for males than for females. In terms of delayed breeding, reduced survivorship or reduced breeding opportunities in years following polygamous breeding, polygamous individuals did not have greater costs than non-polygamous ones. Females with second nests did not seem to be selective in mate choice, mating with any available male. Mates for second nests may therefore be of lower quality than those for first nests, as judged by male plumage characteristics. Clutch sizes and egg characteristics of polyandrous females were similar in first and second nests. Nest success of second nests was only 40% of that of first ones, with nest desertion accounting for 60% of the losses. As the costs of polygamy are apparently low and as breeding success is very variable among years, polygamous breeding of the long-lived Kentish Plover may be an important breeding strategy with which to increase individual lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

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