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In migratory songbirds, older individuals are thought to be more efficient migrants than younger individuals. Age‐specific differences in migratory efficiency have been reported mainly in respect of arrival timing, energy stores, rate of energy accumulation, departure behaviour, and departure direction. Yet, these traits were rarely assessed simultaneously in a single species. We further lack information whether age‐specific differences in behavioural traits present in autumn still manifest to the same degree in spring. Here we used the northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe, a long‐distance nocturnal songbird migrant, and investigated age‐specific differences in energy stores at capture (autumn: 1059 birds/spring: 803 birds), rate of energy accumulation (168/147), nocturnal departure timing (126/105), and departure direction (94/77) for both seasons. We found that in autumn, young northern wheatears departed significantly later in the night than older birds. This difference was not observed in spring. The resulting advance in nocturnal departure timing by young birds from autumn to spring may be due to learning based on experience gained during autumn, and/or to selective disappearance of those young individuals showing late departure times during autumn. We found no age‐specific difference in any of the other migratory traits investigated. To get a better understanding of age effects in songbird migrants, we need to study the potential adjustments of migratory behaviour within the individual over its life time. By individually tracking songbirds throughout their lifetime, we could start estimating whether a certain migratory decision (fuelling, departure, orientation) translates into higher (or lower) fitness, and whether individuals adjust their migratory behaviour based on learning from ‘wrong decisions’.  相似文献   

Life is uncertain. To reduce uncertainty and make adaptive decisions, individuals need to collect information. Individuals often visit the breeding sites of their conspecifics (i.e., “prospect”), likely to assess conspecifics’ reproductive success and to use such information to identify high-quality spots for future breeding. We investigated whether visitation rate by prospectors and success of visited sites are causally linked. We manipulated the reproductive success (enlarged, reduced, and control broods) in a nest-box population of migratory pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca, in Finland. We measured the visitation rates of prospectors at 87 nest-boxes continuously from manipulation (day 3 after hatching) to fledging. 302 adult pied flycatchers prospected 9194 times on these manipulated nests (at least 78% of detected prospectors were successful breeders). While the number of visitors and visits was not influenced by the relative change in brood size we induced, the resulting absolute brood size predicted the prospecting behaviour: the larger the brood size after manipulation, the more visitors and visits a nest had. The parental provisioning rate at a nest and brood size pre-manipulation did not predict the number of visitors or visits post-manipulation. More visitors, however, inspected early than late nests and broods in good condition. Our study suggests that individuals collect social information when visiting conspecific nests during breeding and provides evidence that large broods attract more visitors than small broods. We discuss the results in light of individual decision-making by animals in their natural environments.  相似文献   

Timing of spring migration and breeding and their interaction with climate change has been widely studied in recent years, but the possible changes in timing of autumn migration have gained less attention. This work focuses on autumn migration and provides the first multi‐species individual‐based study of how hatching date affects the autumn migration date and migration age by using nestling ring data and re‐trappings of the same individuals during the autumn migration at the Hanko Bird Observatory, Finland. We studied three potentially multibrooded passerines (great tit, blue tit and coal tit) and two single‐brooded birds of prey (goshawk, sparrowhawk), all partially migratory short‐distance migrants. Individuals from late broods migrated at a younger age in all tit species and also in hawks the late hatched individuals tended to migrate at a younger age than the early‐hatched individuals. Late‐hatched individuals migrated later than early‐hatched individuals in blue and coal tits, where the latest hatchers represented second brood individuals. Based on our results, the time from hatching to autumn migration is not constant even among individuals of the same population. Our study indicates that climate warming induced advancement of avian breeding may cause changes in the timing of autumn migration through the frequency of second broods.  相似文献   

For ground‐nesting waterfowl, the timing of egg hatch and duckling departure from the nest may be influenced by the risk of predation at the nest and en route to wetlands and constrained by the time required for ducklings to imprint on the hen and be physically able to leave the nest. We determined the timing of hatch, nest departure, and predation on dabbling duck broods using small video cameras placed at the nests of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos; n = 26), gadwall (Mareca strepera; n = 24), and cinnamon teal (Anas cyanoptera; n = 5). Mallard eggs began to hatch throughout the day and night, whereas gadwall eggs generally started to hatch during daylight hours (mean 7.5 hr after dawn). Among all species, duckling departure from the nest occurred during daylight (98%), and 53% of hens typically left the nest with their broods 1–4 hr after dawn. For mallard and gadwall, we identified three strategies for the timing of nest departure: (a) 9% of broods left the nest the same day that eggs began to hatch (6–12 hr later), (b) 81% of broods left the nest the day after eggs began to hatch, and (c) 10% of broods waited 2 days to depart the nest after eggs began to hatch, leaving the nest just after the second dawn (27–42 hr later). Overall, eggs were depredated at 10% of nests with cameras in the 2 days prior to hatch and ducklings were depredated at 15% of nests with cameras before leaving the nest. Our results suggest that broods prefer to depart the nest early in the morning, which may best balance developmental constraints with predation risk both at the nest and en route to wetlands.  相似文献   

Vertebrate hosts differ in their level of parasite susceptibility and infestation. In avian broods, variation in susceptibility of nestlings to ectoparasites may be associated with non‐uniform distributions of parasites among brood mates, with parasites concentrating feeding on the most vulnerable hosts. The presence of a highly susceptible nestling in a brood can benefit the remaining young by reducing the parasite pressure they experience; however, from a parasite’s perspective, broods with fewer susceptible hosts may provide effectively fewer resources than broods of the same size containing a greater abundance of susceptible hosts, and this could limit the number of parasites that a host brood can sustain. To test whether variation in number of susceptible hosts affects the number of parasites in bird nests, we first examined the role of host sex and induced immunity (via methionine supplementation) on susceptibility of mountain bluebirds Sialia currucoides to parasitism by blow flies Protocalliphora spp. We then assessed the effect of variation in number of susceptible hosts on the number of parasites inhabiting the nest. Only females showed a benefit of methionine supplementation, gaining mass more rapidly following supplementation compared to males. This suggests that females are more susceptible to parasites in this system; this was further supported by parasite feeding trials, in which parasites extracted larger blood meals from female than male hosts. Finally, the abundance of parasites in nests was predicted by brood sex ratio: broods containing more female young harboured more parasites. Hence, within‐brood variation in host susceptibility to parasites can not only influence the costs of parasitism for individual nestlings, but may also have consequences for the size of parasite populations within nests. If patterns of maternal investment affect the abundance of nest‐dwelling parasites, these interactions may be important for understanding fitness consequences of maternal resource allocation in many vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

Parents should vary their level of investment in sons and daughters in response to the fitness costs and benefits accrued through male and female offspring. I investigated brood sex ratio biases and parental provisioning behaviour in the brown thornbill, Acanthiza pusilla, a sexually dimorphic Australian passserine. Parents delivered more food to male-biased than female-biased broods. However, factors determining parental provisioning rates differed between the sexes. Female provisioning rates were related to brood sex ratio in both natural and experimental broods with manipulated sex ratios. In contrast, male provisioning rates were not affected by brood sex ratio in either natural or experimental broods. However, males in established pairs provisioned at a higher rate than males in new pairs. Data on the sex ratio of 109 broods suggest that female brown thornbills adjust their primary sex ratio in response to pair bond duration. Females in new pairs produced broods with significantly fewer sons than females in established pairs. This pattern would be beneficial to females if the costs of rearing sons were higher for females in new than established pairs. This may be the case since females in new pairs provisioned experimental all-male broods at elevated rates. The condition of nestlings also tended to decline more in these all-male broods than in other experimental broods. This will have additional fitness consequences because nestling mass influences recruitment in thornbills. Female thornbills may therefore obtain significant fitness benefits from adjusting their brood sex ratio in response to the status of their pair bond. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of fatty acid (FA) profiles and their properties relating to fuelling strategy can improve understanding of avian migration. The study aimed to understand whether and how FA composition differs among several passerine species which migrate using different fuelling strategies (constant fuelling, gradual fuelling, early fuelling or late fuelling). We found evidence for differential FA composition among migratory species according to their fuelling strategies: early fuellers presented higher n-3 polyunsaturated FA and gradual fuellers higher mono-unsaturated FA, which can be directly related to their differential migratory strategies to maximize energy use.  相似文献   

The timing and duration of each stage of the life of a long‐distance migrant bird are constrained by time and resources. If the parental roles of males and females differ, the timing of other life stages, such as moult or pre‐migratory fuelling, may also differ between the sexes. Little is known about sexual differences for species with weak sexual dimorphism, but DNA‐sexing enables fresh insights. The Little Stint Calidris minuta is a monomorphic long‐distance migrant wader breeding in the Arctic tundra. Males compete for territories and perform elaborate aerial displays. Females produce two clutches a season. Each sex may be a bigamist and incubate one nest a season, each with a different partner. We expect that these differences in breeding behaviour entail different preparations for breeding by males and females, so we aimed to determine whether Little Stints showed any sex differences in their strategies for pre‐breeding moult and pre‐migratory fuelling at their non‐breeding grounds in South Africa. We used body moult records, wing length and body mass of 241 DNA‐sexed Little Stints that we caught and ringed between 27 January and 29 April in 2008–2018 at two neighbouring wetlands in North West Province, South Africa. For each individual we assessed the percentage of breeding plumage on its upperparts and took blood samples for DNA‐sexing. We calculated an adjusted Body Moult Index and an adjusted Wing Coverts Moult Index, then used the Underhill–Zucchini moult model to estimate the start dates and the rate of body moult in males and females. We estimated the changes in the sex ratio of the local population during their stay in South Africa, and also estimated the timing and rate of pre‐migratory fuelling and the potential flight ranges for males and females. The males started body moult on average on 7 February and the females on 12 February, but the sexes did not differ in their timing of wing covert moult, which started on average on 10 February. In January to mid‐February, males constituted c. 57% of the population, but their proportion declined afterwards, indicating an earlier departure than females. We estimated that both sexes began pre‐migratory fuelling on average on 15 March. The sexes did not differ in fuelling rate, but most females stayed at the non‐breeding site longer than the males, and thus accumulated more fuel and had longer potential flight ranges. These patterns of moult and fuelling suggest sex differences in preparations for breeding. We suggest that the males depart from South Africa earlier but with smaller fuel loads than the females to establish breeding territories before the females arrive. We conclude that for each sex the observed trade‐offs between fuelling and moult at the non‐breeding grounds are precursors to different migration strategies, which in turn are adaptations for their different roles in reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

The capacity of migratory species to adapt to climate change may depend on their migratory and reproductive strategies. For example, reproductive output is likely to be influenced by how well migration and nesting are timed to temporal patterns of food abundance, or by temperature variations during the brood rearing phase. Based on two decades (1988–2009) of waterfowl counts from a boreal catchment in southern Finland we assessed how variation in ice break‐up date affected nesting phenology and breeding success in two sympatric duck species, Mallard Anas platyrhynchos and Eurasian Teal Anas crecca. In Fennoscandia these species have similar breeding habitat requirements but differ in migration distance; Teal migrate roughly seven times as far as do Mallard. Annual ice break‐up date was used as a proxy of spring ‘earliness’ to test the potential effect of climate change on hatching timing and breeding performance. Both species were capable of adapting their nesting phenology, and bred earlier in years when spring was early. However, the interval from ice break‐up to hatching tended to be longer in early springs in both species, so that broods hatched relatively later than in late springs. Ice break‐up date did not appear to influence annual number of broods per pair or annual mean brood size in either species. Our study therefore does not suggest that breeding performance in Teal and Mallard is negatively affected by advancement of ice break‐up at the population level. However, both species showed a within‐season decline in brood size with increasing interval between ice break‐up and hatching. Our study therefore highlights a disparity between individuals in their capacity to adjust to ice break‐up date, late breeders having a lower breeding success than early breeders. We speculate that breeding success of both species may therefore decline should a consistent trend towards earlier springs occur.  相似文献   

Recent evaluations of both temporal and spatial precision in bird migration have called for external cues in addition to the inherited programme defining the migratory journey in terms of direction, distance and fuelling behaviour along the route. We used juvenile European robins (Erithacus rubecula) to study whether geomagnetic cues affect fuel deposition in a medium-distance migrant by simulating a migratory journey from southeast Sweden to the wintering area in southern Spain. In the late phase of the onset of autumn migration, robins exposed to the magnetic treatment attained a lower fuel load than control birds exposed to the ambient magnetic field of southeast Sweden. In contrast, robins captured in the early phase of the onset of autumn migration all showed low fuel deposition irrespective of experimental treatment. These results are, as expected, the inverse of what we have found in similar studies in a long-distance migrant, the thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia), indicating that the reaction in terms of fuelling behaviour to a simulated southward migration varies depending on the relevance for the species. Furthermore, we suggest that information from the geomagnetic field act as an important external cue overriding the seasonal effect on fuelling behaviour in migratory birds.  相似文献   

Hatchlings of the obligate brood parasite common cuckoo Cuculus canorus typically evict eggs and nestmates but, rarely, host and parasite nestlings may grow up together. As part of previous experiments, we manipulated host clutches by inducing two great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus and one parasite young to share a nest from 4 days posthatch, when the cuckoo's eviction behaviour is thought to cease. We documented that in mixed broods typically at least one nestling eventually fell out of nest during the period of 5-10 days posthatch. In 83% of nests one or two host chicks disappeared, and in 17% of nests parasite chicks were lost. All nestlings remained in control broods of three hosts or one parasite. These results imply strong physical competition for space in mixed broods. We suggest that continued foster care for parasitized broods may occasionally be beneficial because host nestlings have some chance to escape the costs of parasitism, even when their parents fail to reject the parasite's egg and the parasite hatchling fails to evict nestmates. Conversely, evictor parasite chicks benefit not only through improved growth, as reported before, but also through the elimination of nestmate competition for space and the risk of displacement from mixed broods.  相似文献   

For migratory species, the success of population reintroduction or reinforcement through captive‐bred released individuals depends on survivors undertaking appropriate migrations. We assess whether captive‐bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii from a breeding programme established with locally sourced individuals and released into suitable habitat during spring or summer undertake similar migrations to those of wild birds. Using satellite telemetry, we compare the migrations of 29 captive‐bred juveniles, 10 wild juveniles and 39 wild adults (including three birds first tracked as juveniles), examining migratory propensity (proportion migrating), timing, direction, stopover duration and frequency, efficiency (route deviation), and wintering and breeding season locations. Captive‐bred birds initiated autumn migration an average of 20.6 (±4.6 se) days later and wintered 470.8 km (±76.4) closer to the breeding grounds, mainly in Turkmenistan, northern Iran and Afghanistan, than wild birds, which migrated 1217.8 km (±76.4), predominantly wintering in southern Iran and Pakistan (juveniles and adults were similar). Wintering locations of four surviving captive‐bred birds were similar in subsequent years (median distance to first wintering site = 70.8 km, range 6.56–221.6 km), suggesting that individual captive‐bred birds (but not necessarily their progeny) remain faithful to their first wintering latitude. The migratory performance of captive‐bred birds was otherwise similar to that of wild juveniles. Although the long‐term fitness consequences for captive‐bred birds establishing wintering sites at the northern edge of those occupied by wild birds remain to be quantified, it is clear that the pattern of wild migrations established by long‐term selection is not replicated. If the shorter migration distance of young captive‐bred birds has a physiological rather than a genetic basis, then their progeny may still exhibit wild‐type migration. However, as there is a considerable genetic component to migration, captive breeding management must respect migratory population structure as well as natal and release‐site fidelity.  相似文献   

Polyembryonic parasitoids producing single-sex broods of clonal offspring provide an unusually clear window into the classic tradeoff between the number and size of offspring. We conducted a laboratory study of the encyrtid parasitoid Copidosoma bakeri parasitizing the noctuid Agrotis ipsilon to examine the way that size and number of offspring tradeoff in broods of each sex and to determine how the fit between host and parasitoid brood is achieved. We found that brood mass (wasp body mass ×brood size) was proportional to host mass, independent of brood sex, indicating a tight fit between brood and host and ensuring a size–number tradeoff. By correcting brood size and body mass of each brood for host mass, we demonstrated the expected inverse relationship between wasp variables. We postulated that the wasp brood might achieve the fit to the host by (1) adjusting brood size based on information available early in host development before and during division of the embryo, (2) manipulating host size late in host development after completion of embryo division, or (3) simply adjusting individual wasp mass to fill the host. We evaluated host responses to parasitism – and correlations between brood size and host growth early and late in development – for broods of each sex. The data are consistent with adjustment of brood size to the amount of host growth early in host development and with manipulation of host mass late in host development. The tight link between host mass and brood mass also suggests a final adjustment by parasitoid growth to achieve complete filling. Within the tight fit, female broods were smaller but contained larger individuals than male broods. The sex-specific balance point of the tradeoff and sex differences in balancing mechanisms and responses to host size suggest different selection pressures on each sex requiring future investigation.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, early arrival on breeding sites is typically associated with greater breeding success, but the mechanisms driving these benefits are rarely known. One mechanism through which greater breeding success among early arrivers can potentially be achieved is the increased time available for replacement clutches following nest loss. However, the contribution of replacement clutches to breeding success will depend on seasonal variation in nest survival rates, and the consequences for juvenile recruitment of hatching at different times in the season. In particular, lower recruitment rates of late‐hatched chicks could offset the benefits to early arrivers of being able to lay replacement clutches, which would reduce the likelihood of replacement clutch opportunities influencing selection on migratory timings. Using a simulation model of time‐constrained capacity for replacement clutches, paramaterized with empirically‐derived estimates from avian migratory systems, we show that greater reproductive success among early‐arriving individuals can arise solely through the greater time capacity for replacement clutches among early arrivers, even when later renesting attempts contribute fewer recruits to the population. However, these relationships vary depending on the seasonal pattern of nest survival. The benefits of early arrival are greatest when nest survival rates are constant or decline seasonally, and early arrival is least beneficial when nest success rates increase over the breeding season, although replacement clutches can mitigate this effect. The time benefits of early arrival facilitating replacement clutches following nest loss may therefore be an important but overlooked source of selection on migratory timings. Empirical measures of seasonal variation in nest survival, renesting, and juvenile recruitment rates are therefore needed in order to identify the costs and benefits associated with individual migration phenology, the selection pressures influencing migratory timings, and the implications for ongoing shifts in migration and breeding phenology.  相似文献   

1. In precocial birds, where the young feed themselves, the costs and benefits of brood size are still poorly understood. An experimental manipulation of brood size was employed to examine the effects of brood size on both parents and young in a wild population of barnacle geese [ Branta leucopsis (Bechstein)] during brood-rearing on Svalbard.
2. Social dominance of the family unit, the amount of vigilance behaviour of the parents, the growth of the goslings in the family unit and an index of body condition for female parents during moult were all positively correlated with brood size.
3. When brood size changed as a result of natural events (i.e. predation or adoption) or experimental manipulation, rates of dominance, parental vigilance, gosling growth and female parent condition changed in a similar direction to the observed relation between the variable and brood size in unchanged broods.
4. After fledging, the fast-growing goslings in large broods survived better during autumn migration, while there was no apparent net cost in survival or next-year breeding for the parents.
5. Via a direct effect of brood size on dominance of the family unit, large broods were beneficial for both parent and young in a situation where there was strong intraspecific competition for the available food resources.
6. This study provides a clear demonstration of a causal relationship between brood size and various components of both gosling and adult fitness and is of direct relevance to the phenomenon of adoption and the evolution of brood size in this species.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the timing of migration of young Corncrakes is required for effective implementation of conservation measures. Forty Corncrake chicks were radiotracked during the period between independence and departure from the natal area to determine the age and time at which fledged juveniles depart on migration. Departure occurred between early August and mid‐September at a mean age of 44 days, around the age at which growth of the primary feathers ceases. Chicks from later broods are exposed to greater risk of being killed during mowing, but provision of late mowing options in conservation schemes could enhance their survival.  相似文献   

In many Palaearctic wader species there is a clear separation in the timing of adult and juvenile southward migration. This phenomenon is traditionally explained by the selection on adults to depart early from breeding grounds and necessity of juveniles to prepare longer for migration. In this study we hypothesize that late departure from natal grounds may also be adaptive for juveniles, as it allows them to avoid intensified interference competition at stopover sites with adult, usually more dominant conspecifics. To test this hypothesis we analysed long-term data on stopover behaviour of juvenile wood sandpipers (Tringa glareola) staying at a central Polish stopover site under varying levels of competition from adult birds. The results clearly indicated that juveniles were highly disadvantaged by the simultaneous presence of adults at the same staging site, as under intense competition from older conspecifics they refuelled more slowly and attained lower fat reserves. It was also found that juveniles which were forced to compete with adults left the site quickly and possibly searched for more favourable staging places. All these imply that delayed departure from natal grounds may be adaptive for juvenile waders, allowing them to mismatch the timing of their first migration with the peak of adult passage and, thus, reduce the negative consequences of intraspecific competition during migration.  相似文献   

Distribution of food to early and late hatched nestlings was studied in asynchronously hatched broods of the great tit Parus major, the blackbird Turdus merula, and the fieldfare T. pilaris. Food distribution is related to the locomotory and begging behaviour and positions in the nest of these nestlings. Late hatched (small) nestlings were found to beg more often per feed than bigger nestlings and move more towards favoured positions in the nest to counteract selective feeding of bigger young. The functional significance of these differences in the behaviour of early and late hatched nestlings are discussed. It is argued that they are adaptive by 1) ensuring that each nestling survives when food supplies are ample, and 2) by mediating an optimal brood reduction when food is insufficient to raise the entire brood. The roles of asynchronous hatching, and selective feeding which follows from differential behaviour of early and late hatched young are discussed in relation to food conditions during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Nest‐dwelling ectoparasites represent an early stressor for birds as they impair the development of nestlings, which can adaptively respond by adjusting their growth rate to current conditions. While nest ectoparasites have long‐term effects on nesting adults, no study has examined if they also have an impact on the moult patterns of juveniles. Herein, we investigated whether the presence of ectoparasites in the nest influences the start and duration of the first pre‐basic moult in the European starling. To do so, we experimentally removed nest‐dwelling ectoparasites from a group of nests and used another group of unmanipulated (i.e. naturally infested) nests as the control. The moult began at an earlier age and lasted longer in birds from the ectoparasite‐free nests compared to their control counterparts. The timing of the moult was also affected by the hatching date (i.e. birds that fledged later had shorter moults) and the brood size (i.e. birds in larger broods started their moult at an older age). We also found evidence that the removal of nest ectoparasites influenced the condition of individuals during the course of the moult. In the control birds, we observed a decrease in hematocrit levels, but these were unaltered in the birds fledged from the ectoparasite‐free nests. Our study shows that nest‐dwelling ectoparasites adversely affected the timing of the moult and the individual condition of juvenile starlings, with possible major consequences for their subsequent life‐history events.  相似文献   

1. Determining how events interact across stages of the annual cycle is critical for understanding the factors that affect individual fitness. However, there is currently little information detailing how breeding events influence migratory behaviour. 2. Using an automated digital telemetry array and an isolated island-breeding population of Savannah sparrows Passerculus sandwichensis, we provide the first direct evidence that the timing of breeding events carries over to influence the timing of migration in a songbird and assess for the first time how weather conditions on the breeding grounds also affect departure dates. 3. Date of migratory departure between September and October was strongly influenced by date of breeding completion in adults and fledging date in juveniles from June to July. 4. With respect to weather, adults departed during the first half of high-pressure systems, while juveniles departed throughout the entirety of high-pressure systems (including rainy evenings on the western edge of systems). 5. By combining both ecological and weather data, we could explain almost all variation in departure date for adults (95%), but weather conditions were not a good predictor of departure date for juveniles. 6. Our results provide strong evidence that the timing of breeding events is an important driver of migration timing and that exact departure dates are fine-tuned according to local weather conditions in adults, but not in juveniles.  相似文献   

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