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In birds with asynchronous hatching, hatching order is an important factor in determining offspring phenotype. Many previous studies have demonstrated that later‐hatched offspring show reduced growth and survival during development. However, few studies have followed individuals from hatching to adulthood to test whether the effects of hatching order persist into later life. Here, we explore patterns of hatching order and fitness‐related traits in the Pukeko Porphyrio melanotus melanotus, a cooperatively breeding bird that lives in stable social groups that form linear dominance hierarchies. Pukeko groups sometimes contain two breeding females that lay eggs in the same nest (joint‐laying). Thus, competition between nest‐mates can influence the relative fitness of each laying female. We show that in both single‐clutch and joint‐clutch nests, earlier‐hatched Pukeko chicks grow faster and survive better than later‐hatched brood‐mates. Moreover, earlier‐hatched chicks achieve higher dominance ranks as adults, making this study one of the first to find a relationship between hatching order and adult dominance in wild birds. Finally, we show that in groups with two breeding females, the chicks of the primary female hatch earlier than the chicks of the secondary female. As a result, the offspring of the primary female may be at a competitive advantage, which could have important implications for social dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

Population sex ratio is an important metric for wildlife management and conservation, but estimates can be difficult to obtain, particularly for sexually monomorphic species or for species that differ in detection probability between the sexes. Noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a common method for identifying sex from sources such as hair, feathers or faeces, and is a potential source for estimating sex ratio. If, however, PCR success is sex‐biased, naively using NGS could lead to a biased sex ratio estimator. We measured PCR success rates and error rates for amplifying the W and Z chromosomes from greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) faecal samples, examined how success and error rates for sex identification changed in response to faecal sample exposure time, and used simulation models to evaluate precision and bias of three sex assignment criteria for estimating population sex ratio with variable sample sizes and levels of PCR replication. We found PCR success rates were higher for females than males and that choice of sex assignment criteria influenced the bias and precision of corresponding sex ratio estimates. Our simulations demonstrate the importance of considering the interplay between the sex bias of PCR success, number of genotyping replicates, sample size, true population sex ratio and accuracy of assignment rules for designing future studies. Our results suggest that using faecal DNA for estimating the sex ratio of sage‐grouse populations has great potential and, with minor adaptations and similar marker evaluations, should be applicable to numerous species.  相似文献   

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