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When the capping of membrane immunoglobulin on spleen B cells from normal C57Bl/6 mice (B6) is taken as reference, a faster capping rate is found for cells of age-matched B6 mice which are congenic at the lymphoproliferation (lpr) or nude (nu) loci. Though both congenic strains can be characterized by an abnormal T-lineage cell content, the nature of the abnormality itself is very different since B6 nudes lack thymus-processed/influenced lymphocytes whereas B6 mice with the lpr phenotype suffer from an invasion of all lymphoid organs with cells of a particular T-cell subset. Moreover, the more "normal" capping rate of B cells from the double congenic B6 mice (nu/nu, lpr/lpr) is intriguing. Since other mice homozygous at the lpr locus (MRL-1) or at the nu locus (BALB/c nude) also cap faster than their congenic controls (MRL-n and BALB/c, respectively), the observed effects do not appear to depend on a peculiarity of the B6 genetic background. If the faster capping of B cells of nu congenic and of lpr congenic mice had a common origin, it might be that T cells would control in some way the mobility of B-cell membrane immunoglobulins: both congenic mice have in their spleen a very low proportion of mature T cells together with a very high proportion of prethymic/thymic immature T-cell types, either of which might affect B-cell behavioral responses to membrane immunoglobulin clustering.  相似文献   

The murine Ly-6 locus controls multiple cell surface antigenic specificities with distinct cellular and tissue distributions. Although the functions of Ly-6 antigens are unknown, several of these antigens represent interesting markers of T cell differentiation and activation. In this work we used a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) in conjunction with flow cytofluorometry (FCF) analysis to investigate the effect of interferon (IFN) on the surface representation of T cell-associated Ly-6 antigens. It was found that in vitro treatment of purified T cells from both C57Bl/6 (Ly-6.2) and BALB/c (Ly-6.1) mice with 10 to 10(4) U IFN-alpha/beta/ml results in a dose-dependent enhancement of Ly-6 antigen expression. This effect was already detectable after 12 to 18 hr and culminated after 48 hr of incubation. Both frequencies and brightness of Ly-6 bearing cells were increased. The most dramatic shifts were observed for the Ly-6A, D, and E antigens, which were augmented by eightfold to 20-fold upon exposure to 10(4) U IFN alpha/beta/ml. Expression of Ly-6C antigens was enhanced by fourfold to sixfold under the same conditions. Immunochemical analyses and use of metabolic inhibitors additionally demonstrated that such IFN-alpha/beta-induced phenotypic alterations of T cells reflect augmented de novo biosynthesis of Ly-6 molecules. Comparison of purified IFN-alpha and IFN-beta revealed that both are equally active in influencing Ly-6. IFN-gamma also enhanced Ly-6 expression but less efficiently than IFN-alpha/beta. Additional experiments were carried out to determine the selectivity of IFN-alpha/beta action on T cell phenotype. These studies demonstrated that IFN-induced Ly-6 enhancement occurs without emergence of interleukin 2 or transferrin receptors. Expression of H-2 and beta 2m antigens, previously known to be sensitive to IFN, was increased but to a much lesser extent than Ly-6. Most other cell surface antigens examined were minimally affected by IFN-alpha/beta with the exception of Ly-11 and Ly-23. Augmentation of these latter markers was lower than for Ly-6 antigens, however. Therefore the Ly-6 locus appears to be preferentially activated by IFN-alpha/beta in resting T cells. Additional exploration of this phenomenon should provide insight into both the biological significance of Ly-6 antigens and the mechanism(s) by which IFN affect T cell functions.  相似文献   

We generated mAb from an unimmunized autoimmune MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mouse. One of these mAb A108, reacted with cell surface Ag present on abnormal T cells from MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr, C3H-lpr/lpr, and C57BL/6-lpr/lpr mice. We failed to detect significant numbers of A108 bearing cells in the lymph nodes of MRL-Mp/+/+, normal C3H or normal C57BL/6 mice. Therefore, the expression of A108 correlates with the presence of the lpr/lpr gene. A108 binds to a variety of murine T cell tumor lines (e.g., EL4, BW5147, and YAC-1) and human T cell tumor lines (e.g., MOLT-3, Sup T1, and Jurkat). A108 does not bind to normal human PBL. Immunoprecipitation of surface iodinated EL-4 and BW5147 with A108 identified one major protein with a Mr of about 17.5-kDa. The significance of these findings with respect to the development of lymphoid proliferation and autoimmune disease in mice bearing the lpr/lpr gene will be discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of metal-binding protein, metallothionein (MT), in lymphocyte activation, the mitogen-induced proliferation of freshly isolated spleen cells was compared among MT-I, II null, and control 129/Sv mice. Spleen cells from MT null mice exhibited a markedly reduced proliferation compared with control cells when stimulated by concanavalin A or anti-CD3(epsilon) mAb, but not by lipopolysaccharide, indicating that only the response of T cells to mitogens was suppressed in MT null mice. Flow cytometric analysis of unstimulated spleen cells demonstrated no significant difference in the relative percentages of either B220+ and CD3+ cells or CD4+ and CD8+ cells between the two strains of mice. The production of interleukin (IL)-2 by MT null spleen cells after the stimulation by anti-CD3(epsilon) mAb was lower than that of control spleen cells, especially within 24 hr after the stimulation. The addition of IL-2 recovered the proliferation of MT null spleen cells to the control level. The reduced proliferative response to mitogenic stimulation of MT null T cells was confirmed by using purified splenic T cells. These results suggest that the MT expressed at basal level in the splenocytes plays an important role in T cell mitogen-induced proliferative response, probably by positively regulating the production of IL-2.  相似文献   

Although the exact significance of Ly-6 antigens is unknown, recent evidence suggests they may provide an important alternative pathway for murine T-cell activation. Thus, Shevach et al. (1986, Fed. Proc. 45, 1131) discovered that cross-linking of Ly-6 antigens on the cell surface acts in concert with phorbol myristate acetate to trigger mitogenesis in T cells. Previously, we reported that surface expression of Ly-6 antigens on T cells is markedly increased following exposure to interferon-alpha/beta (IFN-alpha/beta). The purpose of the present work was to determine the effect of IFN-induced Ly-6 enhancement on Ly-6-mediated T-cell stimulation. Purified T cells were incubated in vitro for 1-27 hr with various doses (10-10(4) units/ml) of IFN-alpha/beta. This was found to result in various degrees of augmentation of the proliferative responses of these T cells to stimulation through their Ly-6 antigen. Surprisingly, while maximal enhancement of Ly-6 expression occurred only after the longest pulses with the highest IFN concentrations, treatment with as little as 100 units IFN/ml for 12 hr was sufficient to induce a dramatic (25-fold) and nearly maximal enhancement of proliferation. This high sensitivity to IFN-alpha/beta of the Ly-6 pathway of T-cell activation led us to speculate that this pathway may play a role in the immunomodulatory activities of IFN-alpha/beta.  相似文献   

In mice bearing the autosomal recessive gene of either lpr or gld, generalized T-cell proliferation and autoimmunity occurs. The surface antigen profiles of these proliferating cells were analyzed using two-color flow cytometry analysis with two newly established rat monoclonal antibodies (ALP-1, ALP-2) directed to lpr cells. The Lp-1 antigen, defined by ALP-1, is expressed exclusively on approximately one-half of proliferating lpr and gld lymph node cells. The Lp-2 antigen, like B 220, is expressed on 80-90% of lpr and gld lymph node cells, the cells in B-cell lineage and a small population of Ly-2+ T cells from normal mice. Thus, the lpr and gld lymph node cells were classified into three subsets, Lp-1+/Lp-2+, Lp-1-/Lp-2+ and Lp-1-/Lp-2-. After stimulation with Con A or a combination of IL-2 and phorbol ester, a small population of T cells from normal mice became Lp-1+. The same treatment increased Lp-2+/Ly-2+ and induced Lp-2+/L3T4+ T-cell populations. Therefore, it seems likely that these phenotypically unique T cells are generated at some stage during the proliferation and differentiation of certain normal T-cell subpopulations. The aberrant T cells in mice with lpr and gld mutations may even be normal regulatory T cells, if they are not proliferating abnormally.  相似文献   

The murine Ly-6A cell surface antigen is normally present on a minor subset of mature T cells. This marker has been shown to become highly expressed on mitogen-activated T cells. We found that expression of Ly-6A is also markedly increased in resting T cells by incubation with IFN-alpha/beta or IFN-gamma. Here, we compared the effect of the immunosuppressant cyclosporine A (CsA) on Ly-6A induction by IFN and concanavalin A (Con A). The augmentation of Ly-6A expression produced by treatment of T cells with IFN-alpha/beta or IFN-gamma was found not to be affected by CsA concentrations up to 2 micrograms/ml. In contrast, at doses as low as 50 ng/ml, CsA prevented the enhancement of Ly-6A expression in Con A-treated T-cell cultures. Culture supernatant transfer experiments were performed to further explore this effect of CsA. It was found that supernatants from Con A-activated T cells enhanced Ly-6A expression in resting T cells. This activity could be neutralized with an anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody. Supernatants from T cells treated with Con A in presence of CsA lacked Ly-6A-enhancing activity. Taken together, these data suggest that the inhibition by CsA of Ly-6A induction in Con A-treated T cells reflects the known inhibitory effects of the drug on IFN-gamma secretion. This may imply the existence in T cells of an autocrine circuit involving IFN-gamma and regulating Ly-6A expression.  相似文献   

Lymph node cells from C3H mice homozygous for lpr and gld were compared for expression of cell surface antigens, lectin-binding sites, functional characteristics, expression of ecotropic MuLV, and organization of Ig and T cell receptor (TcR) beta-chain genes. The abnormal cells (Ly-2-/L3T4-) populating nodes of both mutant strains were specifically purified by using plate separation techniques. The purified abnormal cells were shown to express the beta-chain of the TcR, to exhibit rearrangements of the beta-chain genes, and to express TcR beta and alpha gene mRNA, demonstrating the T cell origin of these populations. FMF analyses of the separated abnormal cells showed them to be Thy-1+, Ly-1+, Ly-2-, L3T4-, Ly-5(B220)+, Ly-6+, Ly-22+, Ly-24+, sIg-, ThB-, Ia-, HSA-/+, and PC.1+ and to bind at high levels lectins that normally bind preferentially to B cells. These cells did not proliferate or generate CTL in response to stimulation with alloantigens, and supernatants of cells stimulated with Con A were devoid of IL 2. These characteristics do not correspond to those of any known immature or mature population of normal T cells. The findings that the abnormal T cells of lpr and gld homozygotes are indistinguishable for each parameter examined support the suggestion that these mutations may affect different enzymes in a common metabolic pathway of major importance to T cell differentiation and function.  相似文献   

T-cell activating protein, TAP, is a Ly-6 encoded 12,000 dalton glycoprotein involved in the activation of murine T cells. TAP is distinct from other known surface activating structures, such as the T cell receptor/T3 complex and Thy-1. This study investigates the mechanism of activation via the TAP molecule. Soluble alpha TAP monoclonal antibody (MAb) is sufficient for T cell activation. This, however, requires cross-linking because F(ab) monovalent antibody is not stimulatory unless cross-linked by a second antibody. Immediately after cross-linking, there is a rapid influx of calcium, which is comparable with concanavalin A or T cell receptor triggered responses. Subsequently, interleukin 2 (IL 2) is produced, and IL 2 receptors (IL 2R) are expressed. TAP-stimulated T cell proliferation is driven by this autocrine pathway because it is inhibited by alpha IL 2R MAb. Thus TAP-mediated activation appears to share a common final pathway with other mitogenic stimuli. A nonactivating alpha TAP MAb was observed to stimulate T cells upon additional cross-linking. Given this observation, we asked whether other Ly-6 linked proteins might share similar activating potential. We show that at least three distinct Ly-6 linked molecules are capable of stimulating T hybrid clones and/or heterogeneous T lymphocytes. Thus it appears that the Ly-6 locus encodes a family of activating cell surface molecules.  相似文献   

Recently, we found that a novel murine cell surface antigen recognized by the 9F3 monoclonal antibody demonstrates T cell heterogeneity in normal mice and in congenic strains homozygous for the lymphoproliferation- and autoimmunity-inducing lpr gene. The objective of the present work was to further characterize this heterogeneity by studying the distribution of the 9F3 marker among Lyt-2+ T cells. By using dual parameter flow cytofluorometry analysis, at least two subsets of peripheral Lyt-2+ cells differing in 9F3 expression could be distinguished. In MRL/Mp-++, C57BL/6, and C3H/HeJ mice, 9F3- and 9F3+ cells accounted, respectively, for 65 to 80% and 20 to 35% of the whole Lyt-2+ population. Interestingly, in lpr/lpr-bearing congenic strains, a three- to fivefold selective increase in the frequency and absolute number of 9F3+ Lyt-2+ cells was found to take place during aging. Functional analysis of Lyt-2+ cells isolated by panning revealed that in +/+ mice, these cells respond better to phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A than in lpr/lpr mice, indicating that phenotypic changes of Lyt-2+ cells correlate with functional changes. Further evidence for the functional relevance of 9F3-defined Lyt-2+ cell heterogeneity was provided by the study of sorted cells from +/+ mice, showing that 9F3- cells exhibit higher mitogenic reactivities than 9F3+ cells. This finding suggests that 9F3+ Lyt-2+ cells in +/+ and lpr/lpr mice are functionally homologous. Together, these data indicate that, in addition to the known expansion of a population of abnormal Lyt-2-T cells, mice of the lpr/lpr genotype have an alteration of their Lyt-2+ cell population, characterized by an imbalance of 9F3-defined subsets and decreased mitogenic reactivities.  相似文献   

C3H/HeJ mice are hyporesponsive to the biologic effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and their splenic B cells do not proliferate after exposure to LPS. The molecular basis of this hyporesponsiveness is unknown but it may result from defective membrane signal transduction after LPS binding. To examine this possibility, we added bioactive compounds in combination with LPS to C3H/HeJ B cell cultures in order to bypass the putative defect. The addition of PMA, monensin, or ionomycin, either alone or in combination, had no effect on C3H/HeJ B cell responses to LPS. In contrast, the addition of trypsin together with LPS resulted in a partial restoration of the proliferative response in C3H/HeJ splenic B lymphocytes. The maximal C3H/HeJ B cell response varied from 25 to 60% of the C3Heb/FeJ (LPS responder) B cell response. The trypsin-mediated enhancement of the LPS response was abrogated by pretreatment of the trypsin with the trypsin inhibitors DFP or TLCK. Pretreatment of the LPS with polymyxin B, which blocks lipid A-dependent reactions, also abrogated the trypsin effect. Because the C3H/HeJ B cell responds to all other B cell mitogens, we suggest that the defect is in an LPS-specific step and that the action of trypsin results in the restoration of the missing signal. At the present time the identity of this signal is not known, but the experiments described in this report provide a unique model to elucidate the basis of LPS hyporesponsiveness in splenic B cells from C3H/HeJ mice.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of a single dose (300 mg/kg) of cyclophosphamide (Cy) induced the appearance of a population of suppressor cells in the bone marrow and spleens of mice. Suppressor cells were assayed by their capacity to inhibit the concanavalin A (Con A) blastogenesis or the mixed-lymphocyte response of normal C57Bl/6 spleen cells. Cy-induced bone marrow (Cy-BM) suppressor cells were present as early as 4 days following Cy therapy and their activity gradually decreased over the next 2 weeks. Cy-induced splenic (Cy-Sp) suppressor cells were maximally present on Days 6 through 10 following Cy therapy. Studies were performed to characterize the suppressor cells of bone marrow obtained 4 days after Cy treatment and of normal bone marrow (N-BM). Some suppressor activity was present in normal bone marrow. N-BM suppressor cells resembled cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage in that they were slightly adherent to Sephadex G-10, sensitive to L-leucine methyl ester (LME), and insensitive to treatment either with anti-T-cell antibody and complement or with anti-immunoglobulin antibody and complement. Their suppressive activity was abrogated by incubation with either indomethacin or catalase. Cy-BM suppressor cells were also resistant to treatment with anti-T-cell and anti-immunoglobulin antibody and complement but were not adherent to Sephadex G-10 and not sensitive to LME. Their suppressive activity was partially eliminated by indomethacin alone or in combination with catalase. We conclude that Cy chemotherapy induces the appearance of a population of immune suppressive cells and that these cells appear first in the bone marrow and subsequently in the spleen.  相似文献   

The patterns of cellular and strain reactivity of a monoclonal antibody (6C3 MAb) derived from the fusion of SP2/0 cells with splenocytes from rats immunized against MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr T cells were characterized by using flow cytofluorometry (FCF) analysis. This MAb was found to stain 70 to 90% of T cells of mice with the lpr/lpr genotype and 20 to 60% of T cells of congenic +/+ strains. Dual-parameter FCF analysis of Lyt-2 vs 6C3 expression revealed the existence of several Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ T cell subsets, one of which (Lyt-2- bright 6C3+) was expanded in lpr/lpr-bearing mice. The 6C3 MAb stained only 2 to 5% normal thymocytes but reacted with 40 to 50% bone marrow (BM) cells. A strain survey demonstrated the expression of the 6C3 antigen on peripheral T cells (and BM cells) of all strains examined, with the exception of NOD, NZB/B1NJ, and ST/bJ. Interestingly, in the positive strains, two types of 6C3 staining patterns of T cells were observed: bimodal or trimodal. Study of BXH and CXB recombinant inbred (RI) strains demonstrated that the bimodal and trimodal 6C3 patterns are associated with the Ly-6.1 and Ly-6.2 phenotypes, respectively. Linkage of 6C3 expression with the Ly-6 locus was confirmed by using the congenic C3H.B6-Ly-6b strain. Moreover, the 6C3 staining of T cells in Ly-6.2 strains was reduced by preincubation with the H9/25 and SK-142-446 MAb, which are known to recognize Ly-6.2-associated antigens. Therefore, the 6C3 MAb appears to detect a frame-work determinant on an Ly-6-linked antigen that is absent from T cells of NOD, NZB, and ST/bJ mice. Analysis of (NZB x C58) NX8 RI strains demonstrated a correlation between the lack of 6C3 expression on T cells and unresponsiveness in autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (a property of NZB/B1NJ mice). The 6C3 MAb should prove useful for further genetic and biochemical analysis of the Ly-6 locus and its product(s), and for the delineation of functional subsets of T cells and BM cells in normal and lpr/lpr-bearing mice.  相似文献   

CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) cells, including inflammatory monocytes (IMCs) and inflammatory dendritic cells (IDCs), are important in infectious, autoimmune, and tumor models. However, their role in T cell regulation is controversial. In this article, we show that T cell regulation by IMCs and IDCs is determined by their activation state and is plastic during an immune response. Nonactivated IMCs and IDCs function as APCs, but activated IMCs and IDCs suppress T cells through NO production. Suppressive IMCs are induced by IFN-γ, GM-CSF, TNF-α, and CD154 derived from activated T cells during their interaction. In experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, CD11b(+)Ly-6C(hi) cells in the CNS are increasingly activated from disease onset to peak and switch their function from Ag presentation to T cell suppression. Furthermore, transfer of activated IMCs or IDCs enhances T cell apoptosis in the CNS and suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. These data highlight the interplay between innate and adaptive immunity: immunization leads to the expansion of Ly-6C(hi) myeloid cells initially promoting T cell function. As T cells become highly activated in the target tissue, they induce activation and NO production in Ly-6C(hi) myeloid cells, which in turn suppress T cells and lead to the contraction of local immune response.  相似文献   

Hapten-coupled splenic adherent cells or resident peritoneal cells from autoimmune B6.lpr mice that are over 5 mo of age fail to induce first-order inducer suppressor T cells (Ts1). However, the same population of hapten-coupled cells can induce both delayed-type hypersensitivity responses and third-order effector suppressor T cells (Ts3). Thus, splenic and peritoneal antigen-presenting cells from B6.lpr mice display a defined defect in the ability to induce certain suppressor T cell responses. The cellular defect in Ts1 induction is controlled by the lpr gene, since age-matched congenic B6 mice do not display this defect. The splenic adherent cell defect is temporarily correlated with the autoimmunity that develops in B6.lpr animals. The antigen-presenting defect in the B6.lpr splenic adherent population for Ts1 induction is reversible by culturing the cells in interferon-gamma. The results are discussed as an illustration of the relationship between experimental models of autoimmunity and defects in a suppressor T cell cascade.  相似文献   

MRL-lpr/lpr mice spontaneously develop massive T cell lymphadenopathy, autoantibodies, and immune-mediated pathology. These mice are thought to be models of various human autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus, Sjogren's syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. We have used cyclosporin A (CS-A) treatment as a tool by which the mechanisms of immune-mediated pathology might be dissected. CS-A was used because of its known preferential inhibition of T cell function and the marked expansion in MRL-lpr/lpr mice of an unusual L3T4-, Lyt-2-, 6B2+ T cell population. CS-A prevented lymphadenopathy and expansion of L3T4-, Lyt-2-, 6B2+ T cells in the peripheral lymph nodes, and also in the thymus. The increased expression of the c-myb and T cell receptor beta-chain genes associated with these unusual cells was also corrected. The finding of increased numbers of L3T4-, Lyt-2-, 6B2+ thymocytes in untreated mice suggests abnormal intrathymic differentiation in lpr/lpr mice, a defect that was corrected by CS-A. Treated mice had a marked decrease in arthritis and glomerulonephritis and significantly prolonged survival. These beneficial effects of CS-A occurred despite a lack of reduction in antibodies reactive with DNA, circulating immune complexes, rheumatoid factor titers, or immunoglobulin concentrations. These results demonstrate that the B cell hyperactivity of MRL-lpr/lpr mice can proceed without the T cell proliferative disease.  相似文献   

MRL/l mice, which carry the mutant gene lpr, develop massive T cell lymphoproliferation and an autoimmune syndrome. The surface antigen profile of MRL/l lymphocytes was analyzed with rat monoclonal antibodies. They included YE1/9.9, anti-transferrin receptor; YE1/7.1, which reacts with a population of proliferating immature T cells; and YE1/19.1, a newly identified antibody reactive with a surface antigen on EL-4 cells, which consists of two disulfide-bonded polypeptide chains, each of 115,000 m.w. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes from the enlarged lymph nodes of MRL/1 mice showed the majority of them to be Lyt-1+, YE1/7.1+, YE1/19.1+, YE1/9.9-. In contrast, YE1/7.1 and YE1/19.1 antibodies did not significantly react with lymphocytes from the congenic MRL/n mice, which lack the lpr gene and do not develop lymphoproliferation. Lymphocytes from younger MRL/l mice, which have almost normal size lymph nodes, were also YE1/7.1-, YE1/19.1-. A small proportion of mitogen-stimulated MRL/n lymph node cells appeared to express these antigens at low densities, but it is not known whether they represent a unique cell population. Among the several lymphoid cell lines tested, only the T lymphoma line EL-4 had the Lyt-1+, YE1/7.1+, YE1/19.1+ phenotype. These results suggest that the lpr mutation induces the expansion of a unique T cell subset.  相似文献   

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