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Patterns of the cell cycle distribution in human peripheral blood lymphocytes, stimulated by PHA alone and PHA plus 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), were studied using DNA cytometry in different times after PHA stimulation. In the first period (nearly 3 days after PHA stimulation) TPA induces no significant differences in the characters under consideration, but in the later period, when the proliferation of the cultures stimulated by PHA alone is reducing, in other cultures stimulated by PHA plus TPA the percentage of cells in S-phase does not reduce, whereas the percentage of cells in G2-phase is rising, which may suggest that this phase is blocked. Concurrently the tetraploid cells are appearing. Accumulation of cells in G2-phase can be overcome by the application of chlorpromazine, which is known to inhibit the membrane-associated protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure and three-dimensional distribution of nucleolus-organizing regions have been studied on ultrathin serial sections of PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes. During the 48 hr of activation the size of fibrillar centers (FCs) decreased from 0.6-0.9 microns to 0.2-0.3 microns and the number of FCs increased rapidly from one to 75-107 per cell. The number of fibrillar complexes (i.e. associations of a different number of FCs connected by the dense fibrillar component) also increased but did not reach the maximum number of nucleolar organizers presented here. Three-dimensional computer reconstructions of fibrillar complexes showed that lymphocyte activation was accompanied by early (2-4 hr) changes in the shape of the primary fibrillar center. Invagination of the dense fibrillar component on its surface occurred and division into two or more smaller FCs followed. Gradually, the typical structure of the nucleolus with several fibrillar complexes and many FCs was formed. These results confirm the hypothesis of fibrillar complex-nucleolar organizer correlation published recently.  相似文献   

To assess the relationship between cell proliferation and cell death, the mRNA accumulation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and sulfated glycoprotein 2 (SGP-2) were measured in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBL) 2-6 hours after stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). ODC is the rate limiting enzyme of polyamines biosynthesis and its early induction in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes has been reported. On the other hand, SGP-2, a glycoprotein present in most mammalian tissues, is induced in classical models of apoptosis, such as dexamethasone-treated thymocytes. Indeed, a consistent amount of SGP-2 mRNA in quiescent HPBL, an early and progressive decrease of SGP-2 mRNA and a parallel increase of ODC mRNA accumulation, were observed, in PHA-stimulated HPBL, suggesting that concomitant repression of SGP-2 and induction of ODC genes contribute for the cell entering the cell cycle.  相似文献   

As the number of phases of the DNA cycle increases during the first 48 h of lymphocyte culture, there is a corresponding increase in the variety of nucleolar morphology. Nucleoli with the ‘resting’ ring-type distribution of RNP decline in frequency while first those with a uniform distribution of RNP, then those with a trabecular distribution increase. There is evidence that lymphocytes in S have trabecular nucleoli containing four nucleolini in the first half of S and from 5 to 8 nucleolini in late S. During G 2 the contents of the nucleolini and the body of the nucleolus appear to disperse. S and G2 nucleoli tend to be ‘irregular’ in shape. Some of the new nucleoli differentiating in post-telophase show processes of RNP from their surfaces, sometimes extending to the nuclear membrane or to other nucleoli. Whilst their condition is uniform or ring-type, their shape may vary between round, oval, lobed or elongated.  相似文献   

Proliferation kinetics of cells of the lymphocytic series were studied in mouse thymuses using 3H-methyl-thymidine (3H-TdR) as a tracer of DNA synthesis and employing autoradiographic technique. Cells were allocated arbitrarily to several compartments according to their degree of maturity and nucleolar morphology. Serial sampling after continuous 3H-TdR injection showed that thymic cells of the lymphocytic series constitute a small highly proliferating pool that feeds into a large nonproliferating pool. Lymphoblasts with dense and trabeculate nucleoli and prolymphocytes with trabeculate nucleoli represent multiplicative compartments and belong to the proliferating pool. A fraction of multiplicative precursors enters a ‘dormant’ state and these immature lymphocytes are morphologically characterized by ring-shaped nucleoli. Multiplicative compartments and non-dividing compartments of immature lymphocytes differ significantly in labeling indices, kinetics of labeling in serial samples and in other kinetic parameters, namely in the efflux from the unlabeled pool, labeling increment and efflux from the labeled pool. Serially connected compartments of lymphoblasts with dense and trabeculate nucleoli, prolymphocytes with trabeculate nucleoli and mature lymphocytes, represent the main stream of cell differentiation and maturation. At least a portion of mature lymphocytes proceeds during maturation from the compartment of cells with trabeculate nucleoli to the compartment of cells with ring-shaped nucleoli. The presence of proliferating and ‘dormant’ precursors suggests that lymphopoiesis in thymuses may correspond to the advantaged logarithmic system of multiplication.  相似文献   

Five fractions of small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) were identified in nuclei of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. They have been designated as: H, G', D, C and A (nomenclature according to Weinberg) in order to decreasing electrophoretic mobility. Their synthesis was observed from the first day of treatment with mitogen and was continued with different intensity during four days of culture. In nonstimulated lymphocytes exclusively A and G' fractions were detected but no (14C)-uridine incorporation was observed.  相似文献   

Demin SIu 《Tsitologiia》2003,45(6):535-548
Natural diversity in peripheral and PHA-stimulated lymphocytes seen in the same donors was studied using digitized streak photo of living cells in observational camera. Cells were monitored for 5-8 h at the superior limit of optical resolution by means of phase-contrast microscopy. Intact lymphocytes were observed in autological blood plasma, and PHA-stimulated lymphocytes were examined in self-conditioned centrifuged growth medium. The majority of intact cells were small- and middle-sized floating lymphocytes with microvilli, and middle-sized caudate lymphocytes capable of stick-slip motion. The lesser part consisted of "spread-eagle" or movable forms of both large granular lymphocytes and middle-sized lymphocytes of several types: narrow-plasm lymphocytes with lamellipodia, wide-plasm lymphocytes without cytoplasmic processes, lymphocytes with single pseudopodia, and lymphocytes with single lobopodia of complex shape. On the contrary, the minor fraction of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes of 3 day old cultures contained floating cells with microvilli or floating cells with microvilli and two pseudopodia, whereas the majority of these lymphocytes were spread-eagle or movable forms of cells of different type. These substrate-adhesive PHA-stimulated lymphocytes had well defined apical and basal cell surfaces, but upon mechanical stress are easily pinched off to become ball-shaped. At least 6 different cell types were distinguished among substrate-adhesive PHA-stimulated lymphocytes, with more than half of these being heavily vacuolated spheroid lymphocytes prone to forming cell clusters. The rest PHA-stimulated lymphocytes were represented by signet-ring lymphocytes with dark or light cytoplasm, narrow-plasm lymphocytes with large prolonged nuclei and lamellipodia, lymphocytes with single lobopodia, and lymphocytes with single spiral structures in the cytoplasm. The spiral structure is 10-11 microns in length and 0.5-0.7 micron in width, being presumably a mitochondrion or a group of butt-joined mitochondria. Since some of the caudate middle-sized lymphocytes also contain this structure, these may be regarded as putative precursors of respective type of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes. Under the conditions of observation, interphase nuclei of all live PHA-stimulated lymphocytes were seen to contain numerous globular or fiber structures of condensed chromatin made of 0.3-0.8 micron beads. These beads are doubtless interphase chromomeres.  相似文献   

A dose dependence of the number of cells with chromosome aberrations was studied in PHA-stimulated donor's peripheral blood lymphocytes irradiated in vitro with doses of 10-400 cGy. In studying the number of chromosome aberrations and percentage of cells with micronuclei in parallel cultures no correlation was found between these indices within the groups exposed to a similar radiation dose.  相似文献   

The micronuclei of PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes were assayed by comparison of electron microscopy and light microscopy data. The length of the cell cycle was checked by the flow cytofluorimetry method. Both the variability of the apoptosis stages and the increase in (G2+M) period in gamma-irradiated cultures were found. It is concluded that at least part of the micronuclei results from the cell nucleus "partition" during the apoptosis type cell death.  相似文献   

Tonsillar B lymphocytes were stimulated to proliferate by the mitogenic combination of phorbol dibutyrate and ionomycin. Progression through the cell cycle was monitored by measurements of cellular DNA and RNA content using flow cytometry. Changes in surface expression of class II MHC antigens and CD20 antigen were also monitored as early parameters of B lymphocyte activation and cell cycle progression. The results showed that about 60% of the population synchronously entered and progressed through the cell cycle. The transition from the resting state, signaled by increased RNA content, occurred about 12 to 24 hr after stimulation; S phase entry occurred at about 36 hr. Small, variable populations of cells appeared to be unresponsive to the stimuli, either because they were “preactivated” before in vitro stimulation or were already dying. The kinetics of appearance and accumulation of several cell cycle regulated/regulatory proteins were followed by immunoblotting. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) cyclin A and p33cdk2 proteins were either absent or present in very low amounts in resting cells and first became detectable in increased amount beginning at about 24 hr after stimulation; increased p34cdc2 protein was not detected until about 36 hr. Increased cellular content and phosphorylation of the p110Rb protein was already obvious by 24 hr after stimulation. The effects of several immunosuppressive agents were examined using purified B cells. Both cyclosporin A and an FK506 analogue were shown to inhibit proliferation of B lymphocytes, at the low doses also inhibitory to T cells. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using an in vitro system in which human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with the T-lymphocyte mitogen phytohemagglutinin were cocultured with Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes, we demonstrated a marked accumulation of cells in G0/G1a during the 72-hr observation period whereas mitogen-stimulated cells in parallel cultures lacking the parasite readily entered the G1b, S, and G2/M phases. These results suggest that the immunological alterations that occur in acute Chagas' disease may result from an early cell cycle blockade induced by the parasite.  相似文献   

人细胞周期相关激酶启动子的克隆和初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克隆人的细胞周期相关激酶(CCRK)基因启动子,分析与其表达有关的转录调控因子。通过巢式PCR方法,从人的基因组总DNA中分离出CCRK基因5′端非翻译区大小为1072bp的片段。这段片段的3′端起始点在第一个外显子里第一个翻译密码子ATG( 1)上游128bp处。以1072bp为模板,对启动子进行5′端删除分析,分别扩增951bp(-1072/-128)、564bp(-692/-128)、313bp(-441/-128)、127bp(-239/-128)的片段,与pGL3-Basic荧光素酶报告载体重组构建,人工加上克隆位点,5′端带有KpnI、3′端带有XhoI位点。瞬时转染恶性神经胶质瘤细胞株U373,通过双荧光素酶活性进行分析。对分离出的1072bp的片段进行测序,结果与GenBank(Accession AF035013)的序列比较,同源序列达到98%。双荧光素酶活性分析564bp片段有最强的活性,313bp片段为有活性的最小片段。本研究为进一步研究分析CCRK的核心启动子和与其相关的转录因子奠定基础。  相似文献   

Using a serum from a patient with an autoimmune disease, we have recently described a novel 55 000-dalton antigen (p55) in the nucleus of several animal cells including human ones. This antigen, designated PSL, was not related to the previously defined antigens recognized by sera from patients with systemic rheumatic diseases (Sm, n-RNP, SS-B, Scl-70). We have now found that p55 is associated with chromatin structures as it is released from the nucleus of mink cell fibroblasts by saline + DNase treatments. Analysis by sucrose gradient centrifugation of the nuclear material released in these conditions indicated that p55 co-migrated with core histones. Meanwhile, p55 was absent from the residual nuclear matrices (achromatinic nuclei). Localization of p55 in synchronized cells was performed by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation. P55 appeared to accumulate in the nucleus during the S phase. Finally, it was not recognized by an anti-SV40 tumor serum that specifically precipitated the protein p53, which has been recently related to cell proliferation. Thus, PSL an p53, although apparently not antigenically related, appear to be implicated in the same step of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

In resting and PHA-stimulated PBL treated with uv light or MMS we measured the sizes of the dTTP and dATP pools and the variation of ATP content taken as an indicator of cytotoxicity. The effects on DNA synthesis were examined by measuring DNA repair (unscheduled DNA synthesis) in resting PBL and the inhibition of DNA replication in stimulated PBL. While both treatments affected DNA synthesis, only MMS perturbed dNTP pools and decreased the intracellular concentration of ATP. All the effects were more evident in cycling than in resting lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The bromodeoxyuridine-Giemsa technique has been used to study systematically the incidence of cells in first or subsequent mitoses at different fixation times of human lymphocyte control cultures as well as the influence of ionizing radiations on cell kinetics. Second divisions appear (3%) in cultures harvested 48 h after initiation. In 72 h cultures 40% of the dividing cells are in second and 33% in third division. Administration of 200 rads of X-rays before PHA stimulation results in a mitotic delay but does not increase the incidence of SCE. The yield of dicentrics after an exposure to 200 rads was the same for all cells in first mitosis regardless of fixation time. These results demonstrate that there is no evidence for the existence of sensitive subpopulations that could be distinguished by the time of the first mitotic division following stimulation.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes gene expression is monitored before and after PHA stimulation over 72 h, using DNA microarray technology. Results are then compared with our previous bioinformatics predictions, which identified six leader genes of highest importance in human T lymphocytes cell cycle. Experimental data are strikingly compatible with bioinformatic predictions of the specific role and interaction of PCNA, CDC2, and CCNA2 at all phases of the cell cycle and of CHEK1 in regulating DNA repair and preservation. It does not escape our notice that the conception and use of ad hoc arrays, based on a bioinformatics prediction which identifies the most important genes involved in a particular biological process, can really be an added value in cell biology and cancer research alternative to massive frequently misleading molecular genomics.  相似文献   

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