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AphA is a periplasmic acid phosphatase of Escherichia coli belonging to class B bacterial phosphatases, which is part of the DDDD superfamily of phosphohydrolases. The crystal structure of AphA has been determined at 2.2A and its resolution extended to 1.7A on an AuCl(3) derivative. This represents the first crystal structure of a class B bacterial phosphatase. Despite the lack of sequence homology, the AphA structure reveals a haloacid dehalogenase-like fold. This finding suggests that this fold could be conserved among members of the DDDD superfamily of phosphohydrolases. The active enzyme is a homotetramer built by using an extended N-terminal arm intertwining the four monomers. The active site of the native enzyme, as prepared, hosts a magnesium ion, which can be replaced by other metal ions. The structure explains the non-specific behaviour of AphA towards substrates, while a structure-based alignment with other phosphatases provides clues about the catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic tyrosine phosphatase (HePTP) is a 38kDa class I non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) that is strongly expressed in T cells. It is composed of a C-terminal classical PTP domain (residues 44-339) and a short N-terminal extension (residues 1-43) that functions to direct HePTP to its physiological substrates. Moreover, HePTP is a member of a recently identified family of PTPs that has a major role in regulating the activity and translocation of the MAP kinases Erk and p38. HePTP binds Erk and p38 via a short, highly conserved motif in its N terminus, termed the kinase interaction motif (KIM). Association of HePTP with Erk via the KIM results in an unusual, reciprocal interaction between the two proteins. First, Erk phosphorylates HePTP at residues Thr45 and Ser72. Second, HePTP dephosphorylates Erk at PTyr185. In order to gain further insight into the interaction of HePTP with Erk, we determined the structure of the PTP catalytic domain of HePTP, residues 44-339. The HePTP catalytic phosphatase domain displays the classical PTP1B fold and superimposes well with PTP-SL, the first KIM-containing phosphatase solved to high resolution. In contrast to the PTP-SL structure, however, HePTP crystallized with a well-ordered phosphate ion bound at the active site. This resulted in the closure of the catalytically important WPD loop, and thus, HePTP represents the first KIM-containing phosphatase solved in the closed conformation. Finally, using this structure of the HePTP catalytic domain, we show that both the phosphorylation of HePTP at Thr45 and Ser72 by Erk2 and the dephosphorylation of Erk2 at Tyr185 by HePTP require significant conformational changes in both proteins.  相似文献   

The influence of biomembrane lipids on the catalytic activity of a peripheral membrane enzyme, acid phosphatase (AP), was studied in a reverse micellar system. It was found that the interaction of AP with lipids led to a number of kinetic effects depending on lipid nature on enzyme function. The observed effects might be caused by the formation of lipoprotein complexes as well as by the influence of lipids on structure and properties of the micellar matrix. The results are important for clear understanding of molecular mechanisms of regulation of the catalytic activity of the membrane-associated enzyme in vivo. These data can also be used as a physicochemical basis for application of AP in medical fields as a diagnostic tool for diseases caused by changes in lipid metabolism, e.g. urinary, orthopedic, and allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTPσ) plays a vital role in neural development. The extracellular domain of PTPσ binds to various proteoglycans, which control the activity of 2 intracellular PTP domains (D1 and D2). To understand the regulatory mechanism of PTPσ, we carried out structural and biochemical analyses of PTPσ D1D2. In the crystal structure analysis of a mutant form of D1D2 of PTPσ, we unexpectedly found that the catalytic cysteine of D1 is oxidized to cysteine sulfenic acid, while that of D2 remained in its reduced form, suggesting that D1 is more sensitive to oxidation than D2. This finding contrasts previous observations on PTPα. The cysteine sulfenic acid of D1 was further confirmed by immunoblot and mass spectrometric analyses. The stabilization of the cysteine sulfenic acid in the active site of PTP suggests that the formation of cysteine sulfenic acid may function as a stable intermediate during the redox-regulation of PTPs.  相似文献   

p‐Coumaric acid decarboxylases (PDCs) catalyze the nonoxidative decarboxylation of hydroxycinnamic acids to generate the corresponding vinyl derivatives. Despite the biotechnological relevance of PDCs in food industry, their catalytic mechanism remains largely unknown. Here, we report insights into the structural basis of catalysis for the homodimeric PDC from Lactobacillus plantarum (LpPDC). The global fold of LpPDC is based on a flattened β‐barrel surrounding an internal cavity. Crystallographic and functional analyses of single‐point mutants of residues located within this cavity have permitted identifying a potential substrate‐binding pocket and also to provide structural evidences for rearrangements of surface loops so that they can modulate the accessibility to the active site. Finally, combination of the structural and functional data with in silico results enables us to propose a two‐step catalytic mechanism for decarboxylation of p‐coumaric acid by PDCs where Glu71 is involved in proton transfer, and Tyr18 and Tyr20 are involved in the proper substrate orientation and in the release of the CO2 product. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase has served as a paradigm for the entire kinase family. In the course of studying the structure-function relationship of the P+1 loop (Leu198-Leu205) of the kinase, we have solved the crystal structure of the Tyr204 to Ala mutant in complexes with Mg.ATP and an inhibitory peptide at 1.26A, with overall structure very similar to that of the wild-type protein. However, at the nucleotide binding site, ATP was found largely hydrolyzed, with the products ADP-PO(4) retained in the structure. High-resolution refinement suggests that 26% of the molecules contain the intact ATP, whereas 74% have the hydrolyzed products. The observation of the substrate and product states in the same structure adds significant information to our understanding of the phosphoryl transfer process. Structural examination of the mutation site substantiates and extends the emerging concept that the hydrophobic core in the large lobe of the kinase might serve as a stable platform for anchoring key segments involved in catalysis. We propose that Tyr204 is critical for anchoring the P+1 loop to the core. Further analysis has highlighted two major connections between the P+1 loop and the catalytic loop (Arg165-Asn171). One emphasizes the hydrophobic packing of Tyr204 and Leu167 mediated through residues from the alphaF-helix, recently recognized as a signal integration motif, which together with the alphaE-helix forms the center of the hydrophobic core network. The other connection is mediated by the hydrogen bond interaction between Thr201 and Asp166, in a substrate-dependent manner. We speculate that the latter interaction may be important for the kinase to sense the presence of substrate and prepare itself for the catalytic reaction. Thus, the P+1 loop is not merely involved in substrate binding; it mediates the communication between substrate and catalytic residues.  相似文献   

The fatty alk(a/e)ne biosynthesis pathway found in cyanobacteria gained tremendous attention in recent years as a promising alternative approach for biofuel production. Cyanobacterial aldehyde-deformylating oxygenase (cADO), which catalyzes the conversion of Cn fatty aldehyde to its corresponding Cn-1 alk(a/e)ne, is a key enzyme in that pathway. Due to its low activity, alk(a/e)ne production by cADO is an inefficient process. Previous biochemical and structural investigations of cADO have provided some information on its catalytic reaction. However, the details of its catalytic processes remain unclear. Here we report five crystal structures of cADO from the Synechococcus elongates strain PCC7942 in both its iron-free and iron-bound forms, representing different states during its catalytic process. Structural comparisons and functional enzyme assays indicate that Glu144, one of the iron-coordinating residues, plays a vital role in the catalytic reaction of cADO. Moreover, the helix where Glu144 resides exhibits two distinct conformations that correlates with the different binding states of the di-iron center in cADO structures. Therefore, our results provide a structural explanation for the highly labile feature of cADO di-iron center, which we proposed to be related to its low enzymatic activity. On the basis of our structural and biochemical data, a possible catalytic process of cADO was proposed, which could aid the design of cADO with improved activity.  相似文献   

蔗糖是自然界中广泛存在的一种天然产物.在植物等生命体中,蔗糖磷酸合酶(Sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS)是蔗糖合成的限速酶.SPS催化合成蔗糖-6-磷酸;蔗糖磷酸酶(Sucrose Phosphatase,SPP)进一步把蔗糖-6-磷酸上的磷酸根水解下来而形成蔗糖.近几十年来关于SPS的研究...  相似文献   

Phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase (PPAT) is an essential enzyme in the coenzyme A pathway that catalyzes the reversible transfer of an adenylyl group from ATP to 4'-phosphopantetheine (Ppant) in the presence of magnesium. To investigate the reaction mechanism, the high-resolution crystal structures of the Escherichia coli PPAT have been determined in the presence of either ATP or Ppant. Structural details of the catalytic center revealed specific roles for individual amino acid residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis. The side-chain of His18 stabilizes the expected pentacovalent intermediate, whereas the side-chains of Thr10 and Lys42 orient the nucleophile for an in-line displacement mechanism. The binding site for the manganese ion that interacts with the phosphate groups of the nucleotide has also been identified. Within the PPAT hexamer, one trimer is in its substrate-free state, whereas the other is in a substrate-bound state.  相似文献   

The results of a DFT theoretical investigation on the catalytic mechanism of the QC enzyme are presented. A rather large model-system is used. It includes the most important residues that are believed to play a key-role in the catalysis. The computational results show that the rate-determining step of the catalytic process is not the nucleophilic attack leading to the cycle formation (a very easy and fast process with a negligible barrier of 0.8 kcal mol(-1)), but a proton transfer, which is assisted by the Glu201 residue acting as a proton shuttle (general base and general acid). A complex network of hydrogen bonds (involving Asp248 and other residues) contribute to lower the activation barrier for the proton shift which affords the formation of an ammonia molecule bonded to the substrate. The ammonia molecule is a good leaving group which is easily expelled from the substrate in the last step of the catalytic cycle, but remains anchored to the enzyme as a ligand of the zinc cation. The metal plays a key-role in assisting the nucleophilic attack (electrostatic catalysis) since it polarizes the substrate gamma-amide carbonyl group (its electrophilic character increases). Also, the strength of the nucleophilic nitrogen (substrate alpha-amino group) is enhanced by hydrogen bonds involving the Glu201 residue. The computations outline the important role of Trp329 in helping the substrate binding process and stabilizing the cyclization transition state.  相似文献   

Nucleoside phosphorylases are essential for the salvage and catabolism of nucleotides in bacteria and other organisms, and members of this enzyme superfamily have been of interest for the development of antimicrobial and cancer therapies. The nucleotide phosphorylase superfamily 1 encompasses a number of different enzymes which share a general superfold and catalytic mechanism, while they differ in the nature of the nucleophiles used and in the nature of characteristic active site residues. Recently, one subfamily, the uridine phosphorylases, has been subdivided into two types which differ with respect to the mechanism of transition state stabilization, as dictated by differences in critical amino acid residues. Little is known about the phylogenetic distribution and relationship of the two different types, as well as the relationship to other NP-1 superfamily members. Here comparative genomic analysis illustrates that UP-1s and UP-2s fall into monophyletic groups and are biased with respect to species representation. UP-1 evolved in Gram negative bacteria, while Gram positive species tend to predominantly contain UP-2. PNP (a sister clade to all UPs) contains both Gram positive and Gram negative species. The findings imply that the nucleoside phosphorylase superfamily 1 evolved through a series of three important duplications, leading to the separate, monophyletic enzyme families, coupled to individual lateral transfer events. Extensive horizontal transfer explains the occurrence of unexpected uridine phosphorylases in some genomes. This study provides a basis for understanding the evolution of uridine and purine nucleoside phosphorylases with respect to DNA/RNA metabolism and with potential utility in the design of antimicrobial and anti-tumor drugs.  相似文献   

DNA methylation and demethylation regulate many crucial biological processes in mammals and are linked to many diseases. Active DNA demethylation is believed to be catalyzed by TET proteins and a putative DNA decarboxylase that may share some similarities in sequence, structure and catalytic mechanism with isoorotate decarboxylase (IDCase) that catalyzes decarboxylation of 5caU to U in fungi. We report here the structures of wild-type and mutant IDCases from Cordyceps militaris and Metarhizium anisopliae in apo form or in complexes with 5caU, U, and an inhibitor 5-nitro-uracil. IDCases adopt a typical (β/α)8 barrel fold of the amidohydrolase superfamily and function as dimers. A Zn2+ is bound at the active site and coordinated by four strictly conserved residues, one Asp and three His. The substrate is recognized by several strictly conserved residues. The functional roles of the key residues at the active site are validated by mutagenesis and biochemical studies. Based on the structural and biochemical data, we present for the first time a novel catalytic mechanism of decarboxylation for IDCases, which might also apply to other members of the amidohydrolase superfamily. In addition, our biochemical data show that IDCases can catalyze decarboxylation of 5caC to C albeit with weak activity, which is the first in vitro evidence for direct decarboxylation of 5caC to C by an enzyme. These findings are valuable in the identification of potential DNA decarboxylase in mammals.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the bovine liver low Mr phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase suggests the involvement of aspartic acid-129 in enzyme catalysis. The Asp-129 to alanine mutant has been prepared by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of a synthetic gene coding for the enzyme. The purified mutant elicited an highly reduced specific activity (about 0.04% of the activity of the wild-type) and a native-like fold, as judged by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The kinetic analysis revealed that the mutant is able to bind the substrate and a competitive inhibitor, such as inorganic phosphate. Moreover, trapping experiments demonstrated it maintains the ability to form the E-P covalent complex. The Asp-129 to alanine mutant shows extremely reduced enzyme phosphorylation (k2) and dephosphorylation (k3) kinetic constant values as compared to the wild-type enzyme. The data reported indicate that aspartic acid-129 is likely to be involved both in the first step and in the rate-limiting step of the catalytic mechanism, i.e. the nucleophilic attack of the phosphorylated intermediate.  相似文献   

Shi L  Liu JF  An XM  Liang DC 《Proteins》2008,72(1):280-288
Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD; EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of a glycerophosphodiester to an alcohol and glycerol 3-phosphate in glycerol metabolism. It has an important role in the synthesis of a variety of products that participate in many biochemical pathways. We report the crystal structure of the Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis GDPD (ttGDPD) at 1.91 A resolution, with a calcium ion and glycerol as a substrate mimic coordinated at this calcium ion (PDB entry 2pz0). The ttGDPD dimer with an intermolecular disulfide bridge and two hydrogen bonds is considered as the potential functional unit. We used site-directed mutagenesis to characterize ttGDPD as a metal ion-dependent enzyme, identified a cluster of residues involved in substrate binding and the catalytic reaction, and we propose a possible general acid-base catalytic mechanism for ttGDPD. Superposing the active site with the homologous structure GDPD from Agrobacterium tumefaciens (PDB entry 1zcc), which binds a sulfate ion in the active site, the sulfate ion can represent the phosphate moiety of the substrate, simulating the binding mode of the true substrate of GDPD.  相似文献   

Sequence profile and fold recognition methods identified mammalian purple acid phosphatase (PAP), a member of a dimetal-containing phosphoesterase (DMP) family, as a remote homolog of human acid sphingomyelinase (ASM). A model of the phosphoesterase domain of ASM was built based on its predicted secondary structure and the metal-coordinating residues of PAP. Due to the low sequence identity between ASM and PAP (approximately 15%), the highest degree of confidence in the model resides in the metal-binding motifs. The ASM model predicts residues Asp 206, Asp 278, Asn 318, His 425, and His 457 to be dimetal coordinating. A putative orientation for the phosphorylcholine head group of the ASM substrate, sphingomyelin (SM), was made based on the predicted catalysis of the phosphorus-oxygen bond in the active site of ASM and on a structural comparison of the PAP-phosphate complex to the C-reactive protein-phosphorylcholine complex. These complexes revealed similar spatial interactions between the metal-coordinating residues, the metals, and the phosphate groups, suggesting a putative orientation for the head group in ASM consistent with the mechanism considerations. A conserved sequence motif in ASM, NX3CX3N, was identified (Asn 381 to Asn 389) and is predicted to interact with the choline amine moiety in SM. The resulting ASM model suggests that the enzyme uses an SN2-type catalytic mechanism to hydrolyze SM, similar to other DMPs. His 319 in ASM is predicted to protonate the ceramide-leaving group in the catalysis of SM. The putative functional roles of several ASM Niemann-Pick missense mutations, located in the predicted phosphoesterase domain, are discussed in context to the model.  相似文献   

LRRK2 serine/threonine kinase is associated with inherited Parkinson’s disease. LRRK2 phosphorylates a subset of Rab GTPases within their switch 2 motif to control their interactions with effectors. Recent work has shown that the metal‐dependent protein phosphatase PPM1H counteracts LRRK2 by dephosphorylating Rabs. PPM1H is highly selective for LRRK2 phosphorylated Rabs, and closely related PPM1J exhibits no activity towards substrates such as Rab8a phosphorylated at Thr72 (pThr72). Here, we have identified the molecular determinant of PPM1H specificity for Rabs. The crystal structure of PPM1H reveals a structurally conserved phosphatase fold that strikingly has evolved a 110‐residue flap domain adjacent to the active site. The flap domain distantly resembles tudor domains that interact with histones in the context of epigenetics. Cellular assays, crosslinking and 3‐D modelling suggest that the flap domain encodes the docking motif for phosphorylated Rabs. Consistent with this hypothesis, a PPM1J chimaera with the PPM1H flap domain dephosphorylates pThr72 of Rab8a both in vitro and in cellular assays. Therefore, PPM1H has acquired a Rab‐specific interaction domain within a conserved phosphatase fold.  相似文献   

Teruya T  Simizu S  Kanoh N  Osada H 《FEBS letters》2005,579(11):2463-2468
According to the chemical genetic approach, small molecules that bind directly to proteins are used to analyze protein function, thereby enabling the elucidation of complex mechanisms in mammal cells. Thus, it is very important to identify the molecular targets of compounds that induce a unique phenotype in a target cell. Phoslactomycin A (PLMA) is known to be a potent inhibitor of protein Ser/Thr phosphatase 2A (PP2A); however, the inhibitory mechanism of PP2A by PLMA has not yet been elucidated. Here, we demonstrated that PLMA directly binds to the PP2A catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) in cells by using biotinylated PLMA, and the PLMA-binding site was identified as the Cys-269 residue of PP2Ac. Moreover, we revealed that the Cys-269 contributes to the potent inhibition of PP2Ac activity by PLMA. These results suggest that PLMA is a PP2A-selective inhibitor and is therefore expected to be useful for future investigation of PP2A function in cells.  相似文献   

Feruloyl esterase (FAE) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the ferulic and diferulic acids present in plant cell wall polysaccharides, and tannase catalyzes the hydrolysis of tannins to release gallic acid. The fungal tannase family in the ESTHER database contains various enzymes, including FAEs and tannases. Despite the importance of FAEs and tannases in bioindustrial applications, three‐dimensional structures of the fungal tannase family members have been unknown. Here, we determined the crystal structure of FAE B from Aspergillus oryzae (AoFaeB), which belongs to the fungal tannase family, at 1.5 Å resolution. AoFaeB consists of a catalytic α/β‐hydrolase fold domain and a large lid domain, and the latter has a novel fold. To estimate probable binding models of substrates in AoFaeB, an automated docking analysis was performed. In the active site pocket of AoFaeB, residues responsible for the substrate specificity of the FAE activity were identified. The catalytic triad of AoFaeB comprises Ser203, Asp417, and His457, and the serine and histidine residues are directly connected by a disulfide bond of the neighboring cysteine residues, Cys202 and Cys458. This structural feature, the “CS‐D‐HC motif,” is unprecedented in serine hydrolases. A mutational analysis indicated that the novel structural motif plays essential roles in the function of the active site. Proteins 2014; 82:2857–2867. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mechanistic models for biochemical systems are frequently proposed from structural data. Site-directed mutagenesis can be used to test the importance of proposed functional sites, but these data do not necessarily indicate how these sites contribute to function. In this study, we applied an alternative approach to the catalytic mechanism of alkaline phosphatase (AP), a widely studied prototypical bimetallo enzyme. A third metal ion site in AP has been suggested to provide general base catalysis, but comparison of AP with an evolutionarily related enzyme casts doubt on this model. Removal of this metal site from AP has large differential effects on reactions of cognate and promiscuous substrates, and the results are inconsistent with general base catalysis. Instead, these and additional results suggest that the third metal ion stabilizes the transferred phosphoryl group in the transition state. These results establish a new mechanistic model for this prototypical bimetallo enzyme and demonstrate the power of a comparative approach for probing biochemical function.  相似文献   

The enzyme 4‐oxalocrotonate tautomerase catalyzes the ketonization of dienols, which after further processing become intermediates in the Krebs cycle. The enzyme uses a general acid–base mechanism for proton transfer: the amino‐terminal proline has been shown to function as the catalytic base and Arg39 has been implicated as the catalytic acid. We report the results of molecular docking simulations of 4‐oxalocrotonate tautomerase with two substrates, 2‐hydroxymuconate and 5‐carboxymethyl‐2‐hydroxymuconate. pKa calculations are also performed for the free enzyme. The predicted binding mode of 2‐hydroxymuconate is in agreement with experimental data. A model for the binding mode of 5‐carboxymethyl‐2‐hydroxymuconate is proposed which explains the lower catalytic efficiency of the enzyme toward this substrate. The pKa predictions and docking simulations support residue Arg39 as the general acid for the enzyme catalysis. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 319–328, 1999  相似文献   

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