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Titin is a giant muscle protein with a highly modular architecture consisting of multiple repeats of two sequence motifs, named type I and type II. Type I motifs are homologous to members of the fibronectin type 3 (Fn3) superfamily, one of the motifs most widespread in modular proteins. Fn3 domains are thought to mediate protein-protein interactions and to act as spacers. In titin, Fn3 modules are present in two different super-repeated patterns, likely to be involved in sarcomere assembly through interactions with A-band proteins. Here, we discuss results from homology modelling the whole family of Fn3 domains in titin. Homology modelling is a powerful tool that will play an increasingly important role in the post-genomic era. It is particularly useful for extending experimental structure determinations of parts of multidomain proteins that contain multiple copies of the same motif. The 3D structures of a representative titin type I domain and of other extracellular Fn3 modules were used as a template to model the structures of the 132 copies in titin. The resulting models suggest residues that contribute to the fold stability and allow us to distinguish these from residues likely to have functional importance. In particular, analysis of the models and mapping of the consensus sequence onto the 3D structure suggest putative surfaces of interaction with other proteins. From the structures of isolated modules and the pattern of conservation in the multiple alignment of the whole titin Ig and Fn3 families, it is possible to address the question of how tandem modules are assembled. Our predictions can be validated experimentally.  相似文献   

The lone (1)F2(2)F2 modular pair of fibronectin is found in the collagen-binding region. This exclusive localization suggests the (1)F2(2)F2 pair plays an important role in the recognition of collagen. However, no information is currently available about the interaction between the two F2 modules and, thus, the orientation of their putative collagen-binding sites with respect to one another. Comparison of a variety of high-resolution NMR parameters from the F2 modules in isolation and the (1)F2(2)F2 pair was used to establish the extent of interaction between the F2 modules in the pair. Chemical shifts of the F2 modules and the (1)F2(2)F2 pair indicate that the structures of the modules are preserved in the pair and that, with the exception of the covalent linkage, they do not interact. (15)N NMR relaxation data identify significant motion occurring in the linker region of the (1)F2(2)F2 pair, and analyses of the anisotropic diffusion properties of the (1)F2(2)F2 pair are consistent with the modules in the F2 pair tumbling independent of one another.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2, gelatinase A, 72 kDa type IV collagenase) has an important role in extracellular matrix degradation during cell migration and tissue remodeling. It is involved in development, inflammation, wound healing, tumor invasion, metastasis and other physiological and pathological processes. The enzyme cleaves several types of collagen, elastin, fibronectin and laminin. Binding to collagen is mediated by three repeats homologous to fibronectin type II modules, which are inserted in the catalytic domain in proximity to the active site. RESULTS: We have determined the NMR solution structure of the second type II module from human MMP-2 (col-2). The module exhibits a typical type II fold with two short double-stranded antiparallel beta sheets and three large loops packed around a cluster of conserved aromatic residues. Backbone amide dynamics, derived from (15)N relaxation experiments, correlate well with solvent accessibility and intramolecular hydrogen bonding. A synthetic peptide with the collagen consensus sequence, (Pro-Pro-Gly)(6), is shown to interact with the module. CONCLUSIONS: Spectral perturbations induced by (Pro-Pro-Gly)(6) binding reveal the region involved in the interaction of col-2 with collagen. The binding surface comprises exposed aromatic residues Phe21, Tyr38, Trp40, Tyr47, Tyr53 and Phe55, and the neighboring Gly33-Gly37 segment.  相似文献   

It was shown for the first time that skeletal muscle sarcomeric proteins of the titin family (X-, C- and H-proteins) are able to form in vitro amyloid aggregates of different types: granular aggregates, protofibrils, helically twisted ribbons, linear fibrils, and bundles of linear fibrils. Their amyloid nature was confirmed by electron, polarization, and fluorescence microscopy and by spectral methods. As opposed to other amyloidogenic proteins, X-, C-, and H-proteins easily form amyloids under mild conditions close to physiological ones (pH, ionic strength, temperature). Like amyloid fibrils of Abeta-peptide and tau protein in Alzheimer's disease, amyloid aggregates formed by X-, C-, and H-proteins are destroyed by the antibiotic tetracycline. Thus, new proteins-precursors of amyloids and possible participants of amyloidoses in muscles were discovered. Further study of in vitro amyloidogenesis of these proteins would help to find approaches to controlling this process in organs and tissues.  相似文献   

A restriction-modification system, designated MthTI, was localized on plasmid pFV1 from the thermophilic archaeon Methanobacterium thermoformicicum THF. The MthTI system is a new member of the family of GGCC-recognizing restriction-modification systems. Functional expression of the archaeal MthTI genes was obtained in Escherichia coli. The mthTIR and mthTIM genes are 843 and 990 bp in size and code for proteins of 281 (32,102 Da) and 330 (37,360 Da) amino acids, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of M.MthTI showed high similarity with that of the isospecific methyltransferases M.NgoPII and M.HaeIII. In addition, extensive sequence similarity on the amino acid level was observed for the endonucleases R.MthTI and R.NgoPII. Moreover, the endonuclease and methyltransferase genes of the thermophilic MthTI system and those of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae NgoPII system show identical organizations and high (54.5%) nucleotide identity. This finding suggests horizontal transfer of restriction-modification systems between members of the domains Bacteria and Archaea.  相似文献   

Adams JJ  Webb BA  Spencer HL  Smith SP 《Biochemistry》2005,44(6):2173-2182
The assembly of a functional cellulose-degrading complex termed the cellulosome involves two specific calcium-dependent cohesin-dockerin interactions: type I and type II. Extensive structural and mutagenesis studies have been performed on the type I modules and their interaction in an attempt to identify the underlying molecular determinants responsible for this specificity. However, very little structural information exists for the type II interaction. We have performed a variety of biophysical studies on the type II dockerin-X-module modular pair (DocX), which comprises the C-terminal region of cellulosomal scaffoldin subunit from Clostridium thermocellum, to determine the effect of calcium on its structure and interaction with type II cohesin. Our results indicate that calcium binding to type II dockerin occurs with an apparent dissociation constant (K(d)) of 7 microM, induces stable secondary and tertiary structure, and leads to the exposure of a hydrophobic surface. Calcium binding also results in the homodimerization of DocX. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments indicate that the DocX homodimer has an elongated shape and a K(d) of approximately 40 microM. However, addition of the SdbA type II cohesin binding partner led to the dissociation of the DocX homodimer and to the formation of a 1:1 heterodimer. We propose that the exposed hydrophobic surface forms, at least in part, the type II cohesin-binding site, which in the absence of cohesin results in the dimerization of DocX.  相似文献   

After purification from the crude commercial preparation, the 3D structure of the synthetically valuable lipase from Pseudomonas stutzeri (LipC) is described through homology modelling, leading to a rational explanation of its catalytic behaviour. This elucidates that the enzyme has an active site defined by residues Ser-109, His-277 and Asp-255, and an oxyanion hole formed by peptidic NH groups from Met-43 and His-110. Interestingly, the active site is covered by two lids, one of them (Lid1, residues 145–181) being larger than the other (Lid2, residues 233–253). The opening and closing of these lids have been simulated by molecular modelling assuming both water and pure THF as solvents. Accordingly, THF clearly helps the exposure of the catalytic serine to the reaction medium which explains its excellent reported performance in this organic solvent. On the other hand, the stereospecificity of this enzyme is explained considering a small hydrophobic cavity formed by Gly-45, Phe-46, Tyr-54, Trp-55, Leu-278, Val-281 and Phe-284; particularly, Tyr-54 plays an important role in substrate recognition. In fact, in benzoin acylation, this residue forces the benzoyl group of the substrate to go into that cavity via H bonding with the carbonyl O atom of benzoin, thereby explaining the observed S-preference in benzoin acylation, which apparently contradicts the canonical Kazlauskas’ rule. For other alcohols non possessing the α-hydroxycarbonyl core, Tyr-54 is allowing the entrance into the above-mentioned hydrophobic cavity only to those substrates with no steric hindrance in the vicinity of the hydroxymethane moiety.  相似文献   

Several trypsin inhibitor peptides (with 28-32 amino acid residues) belonging to the Cucurbitaceae (LA-1, LA-2, MCTI-I, CMTI-I, CMTI-III, CMTI-IV), characterized by a distinctive tertiary fold with three conserved disulphide bonds and with mostly arginine at their active centre, were modelled using the high-resolution X-ray structure of a homologous inhibitor, MCTI-II, isolated from bitter gourd. All the inhibitors were modelled in both their native and complexed state with the trypsin molecule, keeping the active site the same as was observed in the trypsin-MCTI-II complex, by homology modelling using the InsightII program. The minimized energy profile supported the binding constants (binding behaviour) of the inhibitor-trypsin complexes in the solution state. A difference accessible surface area (DASA) study of the trypsin with and without inhibitors revealed the subsites of trypsin where the inhibitors bind. It revealed that the role of mutation of these peptides through evolution is to modulate their inhibitory function depending on the biological need rather than changing the overall structural folding characteristics which are highly conserved. The minor changes of amino acids in the non-conserved regions do not influence significantly the basic conformational and interactional sequences at the trypsin binding subsites during complex formation.  相似文献   

Pleckstrin homology domains of tec family protein kinases.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains have been shown to be involved in different interactions, including binding to inositol compounds, protein kinase C isoforms, and heterotrimeric G proteins. In some cases, the most important function of PH domains is transient localisation of proteins to membranes, where they can interact with their partners. Tec family protein tyrosine kinases contain a PH domain. In Btk, also PH domain mutations lead into an immunodeficiency, X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). A new disease-causing mutation was identified in the PH domain. The structures for the PH domains of Bmx, Itk, and Tec were modelled based on Btk structure. The domains seem to have similar scaffolding and electrostatic polarisation but to have some differences in the binding regions. The models provide new insight into the specificity, function, and regulation of Tec family kinases.  相似文献   

Changes in patterns and magnitudes of integration may influence the ability of a species to respond to selection. Consequently, modularity has often been linked to the concept of evolvability, but their relationship has rarely been tested empirically. One possible explanation is the lack of analytical tools to compare patterns and magnitudes of integration among diverse groups that explicitly relate these aspects to the quantitative genetics framework. We apply such framework here using the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the evolutionary behavior of several mammalian orders in terms of their flexibility, evolvability and constraints in the skull. We interpreted these simulation results in light of the integration patterns and magnitudes of the same mammalian groups, described in a companion paper. We found that larger magnitudes of integration were associated with a blur of the modules in the skull and to larger portions of the total variation explained by size variation, which in turn can exert a strong evolutionary constraint, thus decreasing the evolutionary flexibility. Conversely, lower overall magnitudes of integration were associated with distinct modules in the skull, to smaller fraction of the total variation associated with size and, consequently, to weaker constraints and more evolutionary flexibility. Flexibility and constraints are, therefore, two sides of the same coin and we found them to be quite variable among mammals. Neither the overall magnitude of morphological integration, the modularity itself, nor its consequences in terms of constraints and flexibility, were associated with absolute size of the organisms, but were strongly associated with the proportion of the total variation in skull morphology captured by size. Therefore, the history of the mammalian skull is marked by a trade-off between modularity and evolvability. Our data provide evidence that, despite the stasis in integration patterns, the plasticity in the magnitude of integration in the skull had important consequences in terms of evolutionary flexibility of the mammalian lineages.  相似文献   

Considering the large number of putative Ras effector proteins, it is highly desirable to develop computational methods to be able to identify true Ras binding molecules. Based on a limited sequence homology among members of the Ras association (RA) and Ras binding (RB) sub-domain families of the ubiquitin super-family, we have built structural homology models of Ras proteins in complex with different RA and RB domains, using the FOLD-X software. A critical step in our approach is to use different templates of Ras complexes, in order to account for the structural variation among the RA and RB domains. The homology models are validated by predicting the effect of mutating hot spot residues in the interface, and residues important for the specificity of interaction with different Ras proteins. The FOLD-X calculated energies of the best-modelled complexes are in good agreement with previously published experimental data and with new data reported here. Based on these results, we can establish energy thresholds above, or below which, we can predict with 96% confidence that a RA/RB domain will or will not interact with Ras. This study shows the importance of in depth structural analysis, high quality force-fields and modelling for correct prediction. Our work opens the possibility of genome-wide prediction for this protein family and for others, where there is enough structural information.  相似文献   

Degenerate primers, based on conserved subdomains of several plant serine/threonine kinases (STK) similar to the tomato Pto protein kinase, were designed to amplify similar regions from the common bean genome. Sequence analysis of the products defined five distinct classes sharing from 56.9 to 63.9% amino-acid identity with Pto. Inter-class identity ranged from 61.2 to 81.4%. Each of the five classes contain the conserved residues found in subdomains II through IX of most STKs. Multiple sequence and neighbor-joining tree analysis suggest the Pto and the cloned common bean sequences define a unique class of plant protein kinases. Southern hybridization to common bean DNA determined that the sequence classes represent low to moderate copy number families. Using PCR amplification with class-specific primers followed by restriction enzyme digestion of the products, these five classes were found to be essentially monomorphic among 20 divergent common bean genotypes. Each class was determined to be expressed in a leaf mRNA population. Further analysis of the Sg5 class using 3′-RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) identified seven unique family members. All Sg5 3′-RACE products share a high degree of identity, but contain numerous differentiating features that demonstrate the presence of microheterogeneity within the Sg5 class. Three-dimensional homology modelling demonstrated that Pto and Sg5–3e contain nearly all of the structural features found in type α cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPKα) except α-helices within subdomains II and XI. Based on these homology models and models of ten other plant kinases, two subfamilies of plant protein kinase sequence could be differentiated based on subdomain XI structure. Database searches revealed that subdomains VIa, VIb, VIII and IX of the Pto-like class are unique to plant species, whereas for a second subfamily of plant protein kinases (containing the common bean kinase PvPKI) these subdomains are also similar to those found in non-plant eukaryotic species.  相似文献   

Restriction-modification systems must be regulated to avoid autorestriction and death of the host cell. An open reading frame (ORF) in the PvuII restriction-modification system appears to code for a regulatory protein from a previously unrecognized family. First, interruptions of this ORF result in a nonrestricting phenotype. Second, this ORF can restore restriction competence to such interrupted mutants in trans. Third, the predicted amino acid sequence of this ORF resembles those of known DNA-binding proteins and includes a probable helix-turn-helix motif. A survey of unattributed ORFs in 15 other type II restriction-modification systems revealed three that closely resemble the PvuII ORF. All four members of this putative regulatory gene family have a common position relative to the endonuclease genes, suggesting a common regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Intracisternal A-particle (IAP) elements are present in multiple copies in the mouse and other rodent genomes. The bulk of this sequence family in Mus musculus consists of 7 Kb long elements, but the majority of IAP sequences involved in known transpositions have been deleted forms. The present study describes a subset of deleted IAP sequences (type II IAP) characterized by insertion of a particular short sequence element (AIIins). AIIins are interspersed and the majority occur as part of the type II IAP elements in the mouse genome. AIIins sequences are absent or in low copy number outside Mus musculus. We have isolated clones containing AIIins from a mouse genomic DNA library and have sequenced three isolates of AIIins and their surrounding IAP sequences to define the detailed structure of type II elements. AIIins are 272, 268 and 264 bp long and 90% homologous in sequence. They are bracketed by 9 bp duplications, suggesting they may be inserted elements. A 75 bp region containing a core enhancer sequence is repeated at the 5' end in type II IAP elements. Insertion into the IAP genome, with potential to encode an integrase function, may have played a role in the amplification of AIIins.  相似文献   

A family 22 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM22) from Clostridium stercorarium Xylanase10B raised the optimum temperature of the xylanase, but in the remaining activity of heating test, apparently the catalytic module alone showed higher remaining activity. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that CBM22 conferred resistance to thermal unfolding of the enzyme and prevented the enzyme from refolding after thermal unfolding.  相似文献   

Biochemical systems embed complex networks and hence development and analysis of their detailed models pose a challenge for computation. Coarse-grained biochemical models, called reduced-order models (ROMs), consisting of essential biochemical mechanisms are more useful for computational analysis and for studying important features of a biochemical network. The authors present a novel method to model-reduction by identifying potentially important parameters using multidimensional sensitivity analysis. A ROM is generated for the GTPase-cycle module of m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, Gq, and regulator of G-protein signalling 4 (a GTPase-activating protein or GAP) starting from a detailed model of 48 reactions. The resulting ROM has only 17 reactions. The ROM suggested that complexes of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) and GAP--which were proposed in the detailed model as a hypothesis--are required to fit the experimental data. Models previously published in the literature are also simulated and compared with the ROM. Through this comparison, a minimal ROM, that also requires complexes of GPCR and GAP, with just 15 parameters is generated. The proposed reduced-order modelling methodology is scalable to larger networks and provides a general framework for the reduction of models of biochemical systems.  相似文献   

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