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We estimated selection on three morphological characters in the hermaphroditic, hawkmoth-pollinated orchid Platanthera bifolia and explored selection surfaces through male and female function. The work was carried out in northern Sweden during two flowering seasons (1994 and 1995) in one natural population and one season (1995) in another natural population. Fitness was estimated as number of pollinia removed (male function) and number of fruits produced (female function). We detected directional selection towards larger inflorescence size (flower number) through both sex functions in both populations in 1995. In 1994, with an unusually dry growing season, 78% of the individuals failed to set any fruit, and there was selection for larger inflorescences only through male function. In this year, there was selection towards longer flower spurs, which could be a direct or indirect effect of spurs being shortened by drought. The results demonstrate that selection patterns may vary temporally and spatially, and that the 'male function hypothesis' may be applicable as female function is more resource dependent than male function.  相似文献   

In protogynous plants, female flowers of early blooming plants are at a reproductive disadvantage because they cannot set fruit due to the lack of available pollen. To study this phenomenon, gender expression of the monoecious herb Sagittaria trifolia was investigated over the entire flowering season in two field and two cultivated populations in Hubei and Hunan Provinces, China. In racemes of S. trifolia, flowers open sequentially from bottom to top, with female flowers opening first followed by male flowers. This creates a temporal separation of sexes in the species. Under field conditions small plants are often male, with production of both male and female flowers increasing with plant size. Femaleness increased among sequential inflorescences since female flower production increased whereas male flower production did not. Seed production was greater in large inflorescences because they contain more female flowers, and the number of ovules increased in female flowers at basal positions within the raceme. A consistent pattern of high seed set was observed in flowers from both field and cultivated populations. About 1 % of unfertilized ovules resulted from no pollination and 2 % of the seeds produced were only partly developed due to resource limitation. In the first inflorescence of the six experimental populations, 6.7-40.0 % of individuals produced only male flowers, and female flowers of 1.9-6.5 % individuals were aborted. The occurrence of male flowers in early blooming inflorescences could be an adaptive strategy to conserve resources and enhance pollination of female flowers in protogynous S. trifolia.  相似文献   

Plants show different morphologies when growing in different habitats, but they also vary in their morphology with plant size. We examined differences in sun- and shade-grown plants of the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha with respect to relationships between plant size and variables related to plant architecture, biomass allocation and tank water dynamics. We selected vegetative plants from the understorey and from forest edges of a Chaco forest, encompassing the whole size range of this bromeliad. Plant biomass was positively correlated with most architectural variables and negatively correlated with most biomass allocation variables. Understorey plants were taller and had larger diameters, whereas sun plants had more leaves, larger sheath area, sheath biomass and sheath mass fraction. All tank water-related variables were positively correlated with plant biomass. Understorey plants had a greater projected leaf area, whereas sun plants had higher water content and evaporative area. Plasticity indices were higher for water-related than for allocation variables. In conclusion, there were architectural and biomass allocation differences between sun- and shade-grown plants along a size gradient, which, in turn, affected tank water-related variables.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to detect suites of traits related to whole plant and seed morphology, phenology and resource use – including water – in species differing in successional status. Twenty traits were measured on 55 species representative of 5 successional stages in Mediterranean southern France, including eight pertaining to phenology and five to water economy. Suites of traits that changed along succession in agreement with the acquisition/conservation trade-off were completed by continuous changes in phenology. Early successional species had leaves with a high specific leaf area that were produced and lost continuously through the growing season. Late-successional species were taller with long-lived, high δ13C leaves produced during short periods, most of them persisting during summer, and produced large seeds requiring a long ripening period. Replacement of species occurred with change in strategies of drought survival: early successional species escaped drought by dying before summer; later herbaceous species maintained favourable water status in relation to leaf shedding during summer; late successional trees with a large body allowing access to a large pool of resources, produced dense leaves that could tolerate desiccation. These changes occurred concomitantly with a shift in CSR strategies, using traits related to resource use, plant size and flowering phenology: ruderal herbs were replaced by more stress-tolerant herbs and shrubs throughout the succession, with competitive trees dominating the latest successional stage. These results suggest that the breadth of functional variability found in natura is not predicted by the CSR framework, and calls for a more integrated view of whole plant functioning.  相似文献   

Negative effects of small population size on fitness, so-called Allee effects, may threaten population persistence even in intact habitat remnants. We studied genotypes of 14 isolated populations of the clonal plant Ranunculus reptans, for which molecular genetic (RAPD-) variability is higher for large than for small populations. In a competition-free greenhouse environment vegetative offspring of genotypes from large populations produced more rosettes and flowers, indicating higher fitness. Within-genotype coefficients of variation in performance traits, indicating developmental instability, were lower for genotypes from populations with higher RAPD-variability. In competition with a taller grass, we found relative reduction in leaf length less pronounced for plants from large populations, suggesting higher adaptive plasticity. Our experimental study of a plant with predominantly vegetative reproduction suggests, that negative genetic effects of recent habitat fragmentation, which so far rather were expected in plants with frequent sexual reproduction, are more severe and more common than previously acknowledged.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Genetic structure and variability were examined in the only three extant populations of the narrow-endemic tree Antirhea aromatica (Rubiaceae, Guettardeae), an endangered species of the tropical forest of eastern Mexico. Patterns of genetic diversity within and among populations for adult plants and seedlings were obtained. METHODS: Allozyme electrophoresis of 15 loci was conducted and the data analysed with statistical approximation for obtaining genetic diversity, structure and gene flow. KEY RESULTS: The mean expected heterozygosity (He) in the adult and seedling populations was 0.18 +/- 0.08 and 0.20 +/- 0.09, respectively. The genetic variation explained by differences among populations was 51 and 35 %, for adult and seedling populations, respectively. On average, gene flow between paired adult populations was low (Nm = 0.26 +/- 0.09), compared with other trees from the tropical forest. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that the populations evaluated have high genetic variability, compared with other endemic and geographically narrowly distributed plant species, in areas with high levels of environmental heterogeneity (e.g. tropical forests). The conservation implications of the results are discussed, and in this regard it is proposed that A. aromatica should be considered as an indicator species with economic potential. It is suggested that sustainable management practices should be implemented and that the areas where the species is distributed should be declared a natural reserve to ensure the species conservation.  相似文献   

以功能性状为基础的方法可以用来探讨植物群落中功能性状如何响应环境并揭示植物生态策略的潜在驱动力,但有关功能性状与环境因子之间的关系随植物群落演替变化的研究仍然匮乏.作者以海南岛热带低地雨林刀耕火种弃耕后处于不同演替阶段的次生林(包括弃耕后恢复15年、30年及60年的次生林)和老龄林为对象,通过群落学调查和对木本植物的功能性状及样地环境因子的测定,分析了群落水平植物功能性状与环境因子关系随演替阶段的变化规律.结果表明,随着演替的进行,林冠开阔度、土壤养分、比叶面积、叶片氮含量、叶片磷含量和叶片总有机碳含量逐渐降低,叶片干物质含量、木材密度、潜在最大高度逐渐升高,而土壤水分和叶片钾含量变化不大.多元逐步回归分析表明,影响群落水平植物功能性状的主要环境因子随演替阶段而发生显著的变化,在15年、30年和60年的次生林及老龄林中,对群落水平植物功能性状影响最大的环境因子依次为土壤有机质和pH值、林冠开阔度和土壤总磷含量、土壤总钾和有效磷含量,以及土壤有机质含量和磷含量.同一功能性状在不同演替阶段受到不同环境因子的控制,同时各功能性状又能够对不同演替阶段所处的特殊环境产生一定的适应性.  相似文献   

Facultative sexual organisms combine sexual and asexual reproduction within a single life cycle, often switching between reproductive modes depending on environmental conditions. These organisms frequently inhabit variable seasonal environments, where favorable periods alternate with unfavorable periods, generating temporally varying selection pressures that strongly influence life history decisions and hence population dynamics. Due to the rapidly accelerating changes in our global environment today, understanding the population dynamics and genetic changes in facultative sexual populations inhabiting seasonal environments is critical to assess and prepare for additional challenges that will affect such ecosystems. In this study, we aimed at obtaining insights into the seasonal population dynamics of the facultative sexual freshwater cnidarian Hydra oligactis through a combination of restriction site‐associated sequencing (RAD‐Seq) genotyping and the collection of phenotypic data on the reproductive strategy of field‐collected hydra strains in a standard laboratory environment. We reliably detected 42 MlGs from the 121 collected hydra strains. Most of MLGs (N = 35, 83.3%) were detected in only one season. Five MLGs (11.9%) were detected in two seasons, one (2.4%) in three seasons and one (2.4%) in all four seasons. We found no significant genetic change during the 2 years in the study population. Clone lines were detected between seasons and even years, suggesting that clonal lineages can persist for a long time in a natural population. We also found that distinct genotypes differ in sexual reproduction frequency, but these differences did not affect whether genotypes reappeared across samplings. Our study provides key insights into the biology of natural hydra populations, while also contributing to understanding the population biology of facultative sexual species inhabiting freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Quantitative genetic analysis of variation in host-use ability was performed in an extremely polyphagous species – the Gypsy Moth. Various life-history traits were investigated by applying a split-family two-environment experimental design, where 30 full-sibling families were reared on oak and Locust Tree leaves.
2. Feeding on Locust Tree leaves decreased preadult viability, prolonged development time, decreased pupal mass both in males and females, and decreased reproductive effort in females.
3. The majority of broad-sense heritabilities did not change across host plants.
4. Significant expression of genetic variation in diet breadth was observed for development time and pupal mass both in males and females, but not for female reproductive effort traits. The heritabilities of plasticities were, on average, lower than heritabilities of the traits themselves.
5. The majority of genetic correlations between the host plants were significantly positive. The only trade-off was found between reciprocal value of reproductive index and the average mass of a fertilized egg within oak. This means that selection for the decrease in relative reproductive investment (under starvation during gradation) will be followed by laying larger eggs. Given that the Gypsy Moth has a cyclic population dynamics, this negative genetic correlation could have a role in maintaining genetic variability in this species.  相似文献   

David Bass 《Hydrobiologia》1992,242(2):123-131
Colonization and succession of benthic macroinvertebrates in Arcadia Lake, an urban reservoir, were studied for four years. Physicochemical conditions including water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentrations, pH, specific conductance, and Secchi disc depth were also recorded. Colonization of the reservoir occured fairly rapidly through a sequence of three invasions. The first, and most significant, colonists were primarily facultative species already present in streams and ponds that were inundated by the impoundment. Later arrivals tended to be limnophilic species that probably came from other bodies of water. Of 30 species encountered in a pre-impoundment collection, only six were still present three years following impoundment. Thirty-three additional benthic macroinvertebrates species invaded the area following impoundment. Dominant taxa in the reservoir included Dero nivea, Limnodrilus sp., Chaoborus punctipennis, Chironomus sp., and Procladius sp. Pollutants accumulating in this urban reservoir, including metals and pesticides, and siltation probably have kept benthic populations relatively low and possibly reduced potential species diversity.  相似文献   

Fussmann  Gregor 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):353-360
Quantitative samples were taken in the pelagial zone of hypertrophic Heiligensee (Berlin, Germany) in the late summer and autumn of 1990. Abundances of 26 species occurring in the plankton, as well as physical and chemical parameters (water temperature, O2, total phosphorus, SRP, NO3 , NO2 NH4 + , chlorophyll a) were determined at different depths. Erosion of the hypolimnion due to autumnal storms and decrease in temperature was interrupted by fine weather periods with the occurrence of re-stratification, thus allowing mass production of algae and rotifers (Synchaeta oblonga, S. tremula, Keratella cochlearis) through exploitation of newly available nutrients. Warm stenothermal summer species (e.g. Pompholyx sulcata, Trichocerca pusilla, Liliferotrocha subtilis) became less abundant as a consequence of the progressive mixing process, whereas the appearance of new species was a rare event. The late summer occurrence of Liliferotrocha subtilis in the fraction < 30 µm (up to 3500 ind. l–1) is remarkable. Keratella cochlearis showed morphological variation from spineless summer forms to spine-bearing autumnal forms, the latter particularly dominating the deeper water layers. The prevailing phenomenon was the dramatic decrease of the total number of individuals and of species towards completion of autumnal turnover. The impact of falling temperature, increasing mixing depth and mass production of phytoplankton on the rotifer plankton community is discussed.  相似文献   

Boege  Karina  Dirzo  Rodolfo 《Plant Ecology》2004,175(1):59-69
Based on resource allocation theory, a negative correlation is predicted between resource availability and plant defense against herbivore attack. Plants growing in resource-limited environments should display lower growth and higher defense against herbivores than plants growing where resources are less limited. Interspecific comparisons generally support these predictions. We evaluated this hypothesis at the intraspecific level, for two sapling populations of the canopy tree Dialium guianense (Caesalpiniaceae) at the Lacandona rain forest in southeast Mexico. The two populations occur in nearby sites, adjacent to the Chajul Field Station, under the same climatic conditions and within the same vegetation type, but with considerable differences in soil quality. The Floodplain site, under the influence of the Lacantún River, has favorable conditions for plant growth, in terms of nutrient and water availability, whereas the Hills site, given its location and soil characteristics, provides more restricted conditions for plant growth. Plants in the Floodplain site had higher growth and lower concentration of phenolic compounds than plants in the Hills (a two-fold difference in leaf area production, 1.3 less total phenolics). These differences were correlated with differences in herbivore attack, as saplings from the Hills, with a higher defensive potential, had lower average levels of herbivory than Floodplain plants (3.86% ± 0.80 vs. 7.75% ± 1.43 of leaf area loss). The relationship between the concentration of phenolic compounds and leaf quality for herbivores was consistent with preference assays carried out under laboratory conditions using two species of generalist herbivores, the army worm Spodoptera fugiperda and the native katydid Orophus sp. In 63.8 and 81.3% of the cases, third-instar larvae of S. fugiperda and adults of Orophus, respectively, preferred leaflets from the Floodplain plants population. Moreover, on average, the adults of Orophus consumed 2.9 times more leaf area from the Floodplain than from the Hills. In addition, a reciprocal transplant experiment indicated that phenotypic plasticity is likely to be the mechanism by which the plants expressed differential growth and traits affecting herbivory levels. In this experiment, growth and herbivory levels were 1.6 and 1.7 times higher, respectively, in plants transplanted into a Floodplain experimental plot than those in a Hills plot. This work contributes to our understanding of how edaphic heterogeneity can determine intraspecific variation in the relationship of plants with their herbivores and evaluates the underlying mechanisms promoting such influence. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of wheat resistance in lines of Triticum monococcum L., on the reproductive performances of the cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) was investigated. Aphids were reared from birth to adult moult either on resistant or susceptible wheat lines, and transferred as apterae to both host genotypes. The influence of these transfers on the subsequent adult weight, gonad status and reproductive performances was evaluated. Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible plants proved able to compensate for their poor nymphal growth, mainly through additional embryo growth and an increase in the number of matured embryos within the first 10 days of their adult life. Most aphids transferred from susceptible to resistant plants died within the first week following the transfer. Their most advanced embryos matured and were born, but subsequent embryo growth was quickly reduced. The reproductive strategies adopted by S. avenae when facing plant resistance, and the hypothesis of a resistant mechanism based on a poor nutritional state of the resistant plants are discussed.  相似文献   

A major obstacle for empirical tests of hypotheses concerning the evolution of dioecy in flowering plants is the limited number of species that possess both cosexual and dioecious populations. Wurmbea dioica (Liliaceae) is a diminutive, fly-pollinated geophyte native to temperate Australia. Marked geographical variation of floral traits is evident, particularly with respect to sex expression. A survey of phenotypic gender in 45 populations from Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), Victoria (Vic) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) revealed two contrasting patterns. Populations in SA, Vic, and ACT were uniformly dimorphic for gender, containing female and male plants, whereas populations in WA were either monomorphic or dimorphic. In most dimorphic populations varying numbers of male plants produced hermaphrodite flowers (male inconstancy). There was a significant negative relationship between female frequency and the proportion of inconstant male plants. Depending on region and population, male plants produced more flowers of larger size than females. In WA monomorphic populations often occurred on rich, moist soils at high density, whereas dimorphic populations were more commonly found at lower density on shallow soils in drier areas. In an area of sympatry, plants with contrasting sexual systems flowered at different times and were ecologically differentiated. The patterns of gender variation in W. dioica indicate that dioecy has evolved via the gynodioecious pathway. The spread of females in monomorphic populations may be favoured where ecological conditions result in increased selfing and inbreeding depression in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Syzygiella rubricaulis is a dioecious leafy liverwort disjunctly distributed and restricted to high‐altitude mountains in the Neotropics and the Azores. This study is part of a larger project examining the phylogeography of S. rubricaulis in the Neotropics, and our main goals were to understand its reproductive biology, where sex expression occurs, if vegetative propagules are frequently found, how the sexes are distributed in populations, how frequently sporophytes are formed and what environmental conditions influence sexual expression. S. rubricaulis patches are mostly female, but all patches also contain non sex‐expressing shoots. Out of 42 patches examined, 29 (69%) were sex‐expressing: 25 were unisexual (21 female and four male) and four of mixed sex (two male‐biased and two unbiased). At shoot level, out of 4200 shoots 18% were female and 7% male; among sex‐expressing shoots, 73% were female, representing a sex ratio of 0.8 (female‐biased). We encountered a total of 33 sporophytes in six patches (in Brazil, Venezuela and Ecuador). Leaf regenerants were found in one patch in Mexico. Low rates of sporophytes were likely related to low frequencies of male shoots and large distances between the sexes. As 25% of S. rubricaulis shoots expressed sex (occasionally producing sporophytes), we suggest that short‐distance (and rarely long‐distance) spore dispersal events occur in mountainous areas on a short‐term basis. On a long‐term basis, however, these events likely contribute to dynamic exchanges among populations in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Patterns of phenotypic plasticity and genotypic variation in light response of growth and photosynthesis were examined in two species of rain forest shrub that differ in ecological distribution within the forest. We further examined correlations among photosynthetic and growth traits. We hypothesized that the pioneer species, Piper sancti-felicis, would display greater phenotypic plasticity than the shade-tolerant species, Piper arieianum. We further proposed that, in both species, genotypic effects would be more apparent in growth-related traits than photosynthetic traits due to more concentrated selection pressure on gas-exchange traits. P. sancti-felicis did not demonstrate greater phenotypic plasticity of light response. Although many of the traits measured had significant genotype effects, neither species showed any significant effects of genotype on light response of photosynthesis, suggesting little genetic variation for this trait within populations. A principal components analysis clearly illustrated both species and light effects, with the treatments dividing neatly along the axis of the first principal component and the species separating along the second principal component axis. Results indicated general similarities between the species in their trait correlation structure and level of integration among traits, but characteristic differences were observed in the patterns of change between low and high light. Both species had more correlations than expected within groups of growth-related or photosynthetic traits; strong correlations of traits between these two groups were underrepresented. The similar pattern of genetic variation and phenotypic integration observed in these two congeners may be due more to their close phylogenetic relation than to their ecological distributions.  相似文献   

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