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Lateral buds of pea plants can be released from apical dominance and even be transformed into dominant shoots when repeatedly treated with synthetic exogenous cytokinins (CKs). The mechanism of the effect of CKs, however, is not clear. The results in this work showed that the stimulatory effects of CKs on the growth of lateral buds and the increase in their fresh weights in pea plants depended on the structure and concentration of the CKs used. The effect of N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea (CPPU) was stronger than that of 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA). Indoleacetic acid (IAA) concentration in shoot, IAA export out of the treated apex and basipetal transport in stems were markedly increased after the application of CPPU or 6-BA to the apex or the second node of pea plant. This increase was positively correlated with the increased concentration of the applied CKs. These results suggest that the increased IAA synthesis and export induced by CKs application might be responsible for the growth of lateral shoots in intact pea plants.  相似文献   

The effects of the auxin-inhibiting substances raphanusanin ((3R*,6S*)-3-[methoxy (methylthio) methyl]-2-pyrrolidinethione, raphanusanin B)and benzoxazolinone (6-methoxy-2-bezoxazolinone, MBOA) on apical dominance of pea(Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings were studied.Application of raphanusanin B or MBOA to the apical bud, internode, or lateralbud of pea seedlings released apical dominance in either intact orindole-3-acetic acid (IAA )-treated, decapitated plants. These results suggestthat the auxin-inhibiting substances raphanusanin B and MBOA have activity inreleasing apical dominance. Conversely, the auxin transport inhibitors2,3,4-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) did notstimulate lateral bud growth when they were applied directly to the lateralbud,although application to the apical bud or internode released apical dominance.Therefore, the mode of action of raphanusanin B and MBOA in apical dominance isclearly different from that of auxin transport inhibitors. Raphanusanin B andMBOA may suppress the synthesis of growth-inhibiting factor(s) of the lateralbud induced by endogenous auxin transported from the apical bud or exogenouslyapplied auxin, and/or the action of the factor(s).  相似文献   

We examined the role of cytokinins (CKs) in release of apical dominance in lateral buds of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Shoot decapitation or application of CKs (benzyladenine, zeatin or dihydrozeatin) stimulated rapid bud growth. Time-lapse video recording revealed growth initiation within 2 h of application of 200 pmol benzyladenine or within 3 h of decapitation. Endogenous CK content in buds changed little in the first 2 h after shoot decapitation, but significantly increased by 6 h, somewhat later than the initiation of bud growth. The main elevated CK was zeatin riboside, whose content per bud increased 7-fold by 6 h and 25-fold by 24 h. Lesser changes were found in amounts of zeatin and isopentenyl adenine CKs. We have yet to distinguish whether these CKs are imported from the roots via the xylem stream or are synthesised in situ in the buds, but CKs may be part of an endogenous signal involved in lateral bud growth stimulation following shoot decapitation. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed report of CK levels in buds themselves during release of apical dominance. Received: 12 December 1996 / Accepted: 7 January 1997  相似文献   

Changes in endogenous cytokinin (CK) content and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity (CKX) in response to gibberellic acid (GA3) in two pea cultivars with different life span were assessed. The control leaves of cv. Scinado, which developed faster, had higher initial cytokinin content and lower CKX activity, while opposite trend was observed in cv. Manuela with longer life span. Increased CKX and decreased CK content were detected in leaves of cv. Scinado after treatments with 0.5, 1 and 5 μM GA3. Changes in CK content and CKX activity in GA3-treated cv. Manuela leaves were reciprocal to those in cv. Scinado. CK content and CKX activity in roots were not significantly influenced by the application of GA3. The slight repression of CKX activity in some of the root samples was accompanied by increased isopentenyladenine and isopentenyladenine riboside content. Obtained results suggest that CKX was responsible for the changes in endogenous cytokinin pool in GA3-treated plants and most probably this enzyme represents an important link in GA/cytokinin cross talk.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid effect on the onset of cell proliferation in pea root   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The ability of ascorbic acid to induce cell proliferation of non-cycling cells was investigated in quiescent embryo root of Pisum sativum L. cv. Lincoln, as well as in the active plantlet root meristem, where a minor portion of the cells is non-proliferating. Quiescent embryo cells speeded up the G0–G1 transition during germination in the presence of ascorbic acid. In addition, proliferating cells present in the root tip of 3-day-old plantlets, arrested at the G1/S boundary by hydroxyurea, resumed the cycle earlier than the control, when treated with ascorbic acid. In contrast, ascorbic acid was unable to induce the proliferation of non-cycling cells present in the active meristem. Therefore, these data suggest that the ability of ascorbic acid lo induce cell proliferation depends on the physiological status of the cell. In particular the data indicate that ascorbic acid is involved in cell proliferation as a factor necessary to enable already competent cells to progress through the cell cycle phases, but not as a factor able to induce non-competent cells to overcome proliferation arrest.  相似文献   

F. Bangerth 《Planta》1994,194(3):439-442
When xylem exudate of previously untreated Phaseolus vulgaris plants was analysed for cytokinins by radioimmunoassay, a low concentration (about 5 ng · ml–1) was found. However, when the plants were decapitated about 16 h before the xylem exudate was collected, an almost 25-fold increase in cytokinin concentration was observed. Twenty-four hours after decapitation this increase even reached 4000 compared to control plants. Applying naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to the shoot of decapitated plants almost eliminated the effect of shoot tip removal on cytokinin concentration, suggesting that cytokinins in the xylem exudate of intact plants are under the control of the polar auxin transport system. Other xylem constituents, such as potassium or free amino acids did not show this strong increase after decapitation and did not respond to NAA application. It is concluded that the observed auxin/cytokinin interaction has an important regulatory role to play, not only in apical dominance but in many other correlative events as well.Abbreviations AD apical dominance - CKs cytokinin(s) - iAde/iAdo isopentenyladenine/iospentenyladenosine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - Z/ZR zeatin/zeatin riboside  相似文献   

The effect of removal of the shoot apex of 92-d-old tobacco plants and its replacement by 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) on sink-source relationships and on the flows and partitioning of potassium and water has been studied over a short-term period of 7 d (intact control plants) or 8 d (decapitated and NAA-treated plants). For determining flows an upper, middle and lower stratum of three leaves each were analysed. Within the study period three new leaves were formed in control plants and 57.7% of the total dry matter increment during the experimental period was allocated to the apex and these newly formed leaves. An even higher proportion of the K+ taken up (93.8%) was deposited in these organs and this was imported via xylem (72%) and phloem (28%). Only 18.7% and 9.8% of the total dry matter increment were found in the previously present upper leaves and the roots, respectively, and substantial net K+ export occurred from middle and lower leaves and roots. Decapitation removed the dominant phloem sink and caused marked changes in sink-source relationships. After decapitation the net increase in root dry matter was twice that of control plants. 56.2% of the total net increments in dry matter and 70% of the absorbed K+ were deposited in upper leaves (below the excised apex). There was only slight net K+ export from the middle leaves. Application of NAA on the cut surface of the stem stump did not change the growth of plants that much, apart from a substantial increase in stem growth, correspondingly it stimulated the partitioning of K+ into the upper leaves and most dramatically into the stem, which deposited 64.5% or 27% of the K+ uptake, respectively. In these plants K+ uptake was increased and the K+ concentrations in upper, middle and lower leaves were increased from 4.7, 5.4 and 5.6 to 5.1, 6.1 and 6.1% of dry matter, respectively. Possible mechanisms of this effect of NAA on the improvement of K+ concentration in tobacco leaves are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In pea, normal pod (pericarp) growth requires the presence of seeds; and in the absence of seeds, gibberellins (GAs) and/or auxins can stimulate pericarp growth. To further characterize the function of naturally occurring pea GAs and the auxin, 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA), on pea fruit development, profiles of the biological activities of GA3, GA1, and 4-Cl-IAA on pericarp growth were determined separately and in combination on pollinated deseeded ovaries (split-pericarp assay) and nonpollinated ovaries. Nonpollinated ovaries (pericarps) responded differently to exogenous GAs and 4-Cl-IAA than pollinated deseeded pericarps. In nonpollinated pericarps, both GA3 and 4-Cl-IAA stimulated pericarp growth, but GA3 was significantly more active in stimulating all measured parameters of pericarp growth than 4-Cl-IAA. 4-Cl-IAA, GA1, and GA3 were observed to stimulate pericarp growth similarly in pollinated deseeded pericarps. In addition, the synergistic effect of simultaneous application of 4-Cl-IAA and GAs on pollinated deseeded pericarp growth supports the hypothesis that GAs and 4-Cl-IAA are involved in the growth and development of pollinated ovaries.  相似文献   

At the developmental stage at which the apical hook passed the 3rd and 4th nodes, dark-grown seedlings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Progress No.9) opened the hook upright and then formed a new hook above the node nearly in the opposite direction to the previous one. In cv. Alaska, in contrast, many (about 84%) seedlings closed the hook in the original direction after they partially (up to about 110°) opened it at the 3rd node, thus doing a wagging movement, while a small percentage (about 16%) of the seedlings reversed the hook direction. Exposure to red light of cv. Alaska seedlings for 10 min increased the percentage of the hook reversion up to 71% or more. The hook reversion was never observed except when the hook part passed the nodes, suggesting the involvement of the nodes in the phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an experimental approach which allows turgor (p) in an impeded root to be measured without the need to remove the root from the impeding environment. The maximum axial growth pressure (σmax) generated by completely impeded pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots was measured using a novel apparatus incorporating a force transducer. The apparatus was designed so that it was possible to gain access to the impeded root with the microcapillary of a pressure probe and so obtain in situ measurements of P. Turgor in cells in the apical region of impeded roots was 0.78 MPa, compared with 0.55 MPa in unimpeded roots. In impeded roots, σmax was 0.52 MPa, showing that the pressure component resulting from cell wall tension (W, where W=P–σ) decreased from 0.55 to 0.26 MPa as the roots became impeded. When impeded roots were removed from the apparatus, there was no decrease in P over the following 90 min. Impedance did not cause P to change in the non-elongating part of the roots further from the apex.  相似文献   

CO2 effects on apical dominance in Pisum sativum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alaska pea plants (Pisum sativum L.) were grown at 0.10 vol% and 0.035 vol% CO2 to determine the effects of high CO2 concentration upon plant growth and apical dominance. The results showed that a 0.10 vol% CO2 atmosphere significantly increased the rate of lateral branch, flower bud, flower and fruit development over an environment with 0.035 vol% CO2. At plant maturity, however, there were no significant differences in the number of branches or fruits produced at the different CO2 levels. Thus, no evidence was obtained for the loss of apical dominance at the CO2 concentrations tested. Root dry weight was significantly greater in plants grown at 0.10 vol% CO2 than in those grown at 0.035 vol% CO2 and leaf dry weight was significantly lower. However, no significant differences were found in total plant dry weight production at plant maturity.  相似文献   

A lateral bud growth inhibitor was isolated from etiolated pea seedlings and identified as indole-3-aldehyde. The indole-3-aldehyde content was significantly higher in the diffusates from explants with apical bud and indole-3-acetic acid treated decapitated explants, in which apical dominance is maintained, than in those from decapitated ones releasing apical dominance. When the indole-3-aldehyde was applied to the cut surface of etiolated decapitated plants or directly to the lateral buds, it inhibited outgrowth of the latter. These results suggest that indole-3-aldehyde plays an important role as a lateral bud growth inhibitor in apical dominance of pea seedlings.  相似文献   

Decapitation of peas ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Greenfeast) promoted sprouting of the lower buds with the most active growth in the first week occurring in the bud at the lowest fully expanded leaf node. Addition of 3-indolyl acetic acid (IAA; a 0.03 M solution, applied al 10 and 25 μg/plant) inhibited bud outgrowth whether added to the cut stump or injected above or below the lowest leaf node. Ethylene evolution by the nodal region decreased following decapitation, but increased greatly if IAA was added to the cut stump. Ethylene gas (3, 15 and 1 500 ul/l) or the precursor ACC (l-aminocyclopropane-I-carboxylic acid) reduced bud outgrowth while factors which scrub ethylene (mercuric perchlorate). inhibit ethylene synthesis (canaline), or prevent its action (silver nitrate), enhanced bud growth on decapitated plants, It was concluded that auxin-induced inhibition of bud growth through an increase in ethylene synthesis is a more logical hypothesis than the direct inhibition by auxin per se since a) acropetal movement of the inhibitory principle occurred whereas [14C] IAA movement in stems was basipetal, b) a decline in the levels of ethylene evolution was correlated with bud outgrowth in decapitated plants and c) exogenous application of chemical agents which increase or decrease ethylene level or response lead to correlative decreases or increases in bud outgrowth, respectively.  相似文献   

W. Hartung  F. Steigerwald 《Planta》1977,134(3):295-299
Abscisic acid (ABA) in lanolin, applied to the internode of decapitated runner bean plants enhances the outgrowth of lateral buds. The optimum concentration of the paste is 10-5 M. The effect of ABA is counteracted by indoleacetic acid (IAA) but not by gibberellic acid (GA3). There is no effect when ABA is applied to the apical bud or lateral buds of intact plants. However, 13.2 ng given to the lateral buds of decapitated plants stimulate their growth, whereas higher concentrations are inhibitory. Consequently, ABA enhances growth of lateral buds directly, but only when apical dominance is already weakened. The growth of the decapitated 2nd internode was not affected by ABA. Radioactivity from [2-14C] ABA, applied to nonelongating 2nd internode stumps of decapitated runner bean plants moves to the lateral buds, whereas [1-14C]IAA-and [3H]GA1-translocation is much weaker. ABA transport is inhibited if IAA or [3H]GA1 is applied simultaneously. In elongating internodes [14C]ABA is almost completely immobile. [14C]IAA-and [3H]GA1-translocation is not affected by ABA. The amount of radioactivity from labelled ABA, translocated to the lateral buds, is highest during the early stages of bud outgrowth.Abbreviations ABA 2,4-cis, trans-(+)-abscisic acid - GA gibberellic acid - IAA indoleacetic acid - p.l. plain lanolin  相似文献   

The gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor uniconazol reduces both the elongation and indole-3-acetic acid content of growing Pisum sativum cv. Alaska intemodes. Both internode growth and indole-3-acetic acid content in uniconazol-treated plants can be elevated by gibberellin A3 treatment. The lengths of the growing intemodes are directly related to the indole-3-acetic acid contents.  相似文献   

Temperature-induced changes in Hill activity of glutaraldehyde-fixed pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) thylakoids have been examined. Using ferricyanide as electron acceptor, a temperature-induced change occurred at ca 12–14°C for both control and fixed thylakoids. In contrast to the controls, fixed thylakoids not only showed a change in slope of the Arrhenius plots but also a discontinuity which has not been observed in previous studies. A drop in activity coincided with the decrease in slope: the extent of the reduction depended on the concentration of glutaraldehyde used for fixation. Using a lipophilic electron acceptor, a temperature-induced change also occurred at 12–14°C, but there was no reduction in activities of fixed thylakoids at temperatures above the change in slope.
The results indicate that a temperature-induced change in fixed thylakoids restricts the access of ferricyanide to its reductant(s) in the membrane but that fixation does not affect the temperature-induced change per se. The results confirm that temperature has a general effect on the functioning of thylakoid membranes. The data demonstrate that calculations of the extent of inhibition by glutaraldehyde of Hill activity with ferricyanide should take into account the temperature at which assays are performed.  相似文献   

Branca, C, De Lorenzo, G. and Cervone, F. 1988. Competitive inhibition of the auxin-induced elongation by α-D-oligogalacturonides in pea stem segments. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 499–504.
α-D-galacturonide oligomers (OG) were prepared by partial hydrolysis of sodium polypectate with an homogeneous Aspergillus niger endopolygalacturonase (EC OG, obtained after digestion for 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 min and 24 h, were assayed for their ability to interfere with the IAA-induced elongation of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) stems. Maximum inhibiting activity was exhibited by oligomers with an approximate degree of polymerization higher than 8. Inhibition by longer OG was much lower, and the products of the 24 h digestion and the unhydrolysed polypectate were ineffective. The addition of OG to pea stems caused a parallel shift to the right of the IAA dose-effect curve. The shift depended on the amount of OG used, showing that oligogalacturonides behave as competitive antagonists of IAA. The presence of OG caused the disappearance of the second maximum of the elongation rate and reduced the first maximum. OG were also tested for their ability to inhibit IAA-induced ethylene evolution of pea stem segments. Maximal inhibition was obtained with OG of the same size as those that interfered with IAA-induced elongation. Inhibition of the auxin action seemed to be specific as OG did not interfere with the activity of gibberellic acid (GA3) or kinetin. It was concluded that oligogalacturonides strongly interfere with the activity of IAA, although they are by themselves incapable to influence the elongation of pea stem segments directly.  相似文献   

Changes in starch and sugar contents in the cotyledons during germination have been compared in a smooth (cv. Alaska) and a wrinkled (cv. Progress) cultivar of the garden pea ( Pisum sativum L.). In both cultivars there was an initial accumulation of sucrose due to the hydrolysis of sucrosyl oligosaccharides, but galactose did not accumulate in the cotyledons. Starch mobilization in the Progress pea was linear with time and started before the rise in α-amylase (EC activity in the cotyledons; sucrose was synthesized in the cotyledons, and their excision from the axis resulted in an additional accumulation of this sugar. In the Alaska pea, the onset of starch hydrolysis coincided with the rise in α-amylase activity; no accumulation of sucrose was found in excised cotyledons, whilst the sucrose content decreased continuously in attached cotyledons.
The same sugars were found in the cotyledons of both cultivars, suggesting a common pathway for starch breakdown. Maltose, maltotriose and linear malto-dextrins were not present and only trace amounts of glucose were detected, suggesting a degradation of starch by phosphorylase after an initial attack by α-amylase. α-Amylase activity in the cotyledons was higher in the presence of the axis, but was influenced by the water content of the cotyledons. Transient changes in α-amylase activity correlated well with changes in the rate of starch hydrolysis, but after 2–3 days starch mobilization was reduced in excised cotyledons probably due to the resynthesis of starch.  相似文献   

Levels of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) were monitored in various parts of leafy cuttings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma) during the course of adventitious root formation. IAA and IAAsp were identified by combined gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, and the quantitations were performed by means of high performance liquid chromatography with spectrofluorometric detection. IAA levels in the root forming tissue of the stem base, the upper part of the stem base (where no roots were formed), and the shoot apex remained constant during the period studied and were similar to levels occurring in the intact seedling. A reduction of the IAA level in the root regenerating zone, achieved by removing the shoot apex, resulted in almost complete inhibition of root formation. The IAAsp level in the shoot apex also remained constant, whereas in the stem base it increased 6-fold during the first 3 days. These results show that root initiation may occur without increased IAA levels in the root regenerating zone. It is concluded that the steady-state concentration is maintained by basipetal IAA transport from the shoot apex and by conjugation of excessive IAA with aspartic acid, thereby preventing accumulation of IAA in the tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract Transmission electron microscopy of chloroplasts isolated by osmotic lysis of pea leaf protoplasts has revealed crystalline arrays of ribosomal particles associated with the thylakoid membranes. Optical diffraction techniques have established the crystallinity of the arrays and an image-enhancement technique has given an indication of ribosomal macrostructure. A model of crystal-packing is presented. This apparently artefactual induction of ribosome crystals should provide a valuable approach towards the elucidation of the details of the structure of chloroplast ribosomes.  相似文献   

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