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Environmental flows were released to the Macquarie Marshes (~210,000 ha) in north-west NSW of Australia between October and December 2005, inundating an estimated 24,600 ha of floodplain area. According to the flood pulse concept, the marsh floodplains would have stored large amounts of nutrients and carbon during dry antecedent conditions, which would be released into the overlaying flood water. Field studies were conducted in mid-December 2005 at two sites, one on open floodplain woodland with a sparse canopy of River Red Gum and ground cover dominated by saltbushes and the other on open floodplain with black roly-poly. At each site, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), planktonic bacteria and phytoplankton were monitored daily for a 6-day period from the overlaying water of a floodplain inundated by the environmental water release. Those in mesocosms deployed in situ, containing marsh floodplain sediments that had been inundated artificially, were also monitored. The mesocosm results from both the sites showed that release of nitrogen was rapid, attaining mean concentrations of total nitrogen of 3.7–14.8 mg l−1, followed by more gradual increases in total phosphorus (mean concentrations 0.6–0.8 mg l−1) and DOC (26.1–50.2 mg l−1) within the 6-day experiment; planktonic microbial communities developed concomitantly with the increasing concentrations of nutrients and DOC, attaining mean densities of (6.0–6.9) × 106 cells ml−1 of planktonic bacteria and (80.7–81.4) × 103 cells ml−1 of phytoplankton; and for each site the overall measured condition of the mesocosm tended to approach that of the Marshes, over the course of the 6-day experiment. The present study (both observational and experimental) demonstrates that the floodplain sediments in the Marshes, which have been exposed to dry antecedent conditions, release nutrients and carbon to the overlaying flood water following inundation. These resources are thought to have been stored during the dry antecedent phase in accord with the flood pulse concept. Based on the mesocosm experiment, the released nutrients and carbon are in turn most likely to be used by microbial components, such as bacteria and algae, which develop within days of inundation of the floodplain sediments. Thus, environmental flow release provides potential for floodplains to attain a series of ecological responses including initial release of inorganic nutrients and dissolved organic matter and increase in planktonic bacteria and phytoplankton.  相似文献   

A popular hypothesis for tree and grass coexistence in savannas is that tree seedlings are limited by competition from grasses. However, competition may be important in favourable climatic conditions when abiotic stress is low, whereas facilitation may be more important under stressful conditions. Seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations in abiotic conditions may alter the outcome of tree–grass interactions in savanna systems and contribute to coexistence. We investigated interactions between coolibah (Eucalyptus coolabah) tree seedlings and perennial C4 grasses in semi-arid savannas in eastern Australia in contrasting seasonal conditions. In glasshouse and field experiments, we measured survival and growth of tree seedlings with different densities of C4 grasses across seasons. In warm glasshouse conditions, where water was not limiting, competition from grasses reduced tree seedling growth but did not affect tree survival. In the field, all tree seedlings died in hot dry summer conditions irrespective of grass or shade cover, whereas in winter, facilitation from grasses significantly increased tree seedling survival by ameliorating heat stress and protecting seedlings from herbivory. We demonstrated that interactions between tree seedlings and perennial grasses vary seasonally, and timing of tree germination may determine the importance of facilitation or competition in structuring savanna vegetation because of fluctuations in abiotic stress. Our finding that trees can grow and survive in a dense C4 grass sward contrasts with the common perception that grass competition limits woody plant recruitment in savannas.  相似文献   

1. Aerobic respiration, productivity and the carbon turnover rate of microbial biofilms were determined at hyporheic and phreatic sites in the Kalispell Valley alluvial aquifer along a transect extending 3.9 km laterally from the main channel of the Flathead River, a sixth order river in Montana (U.S.A.). The effect of experimentally increasing bioavailable organic carbon (acetate) on the respiration rate of biofilms in this carbon‐poor [dissolved organic carbon (DOC) < 2 mg L?1] aquifer was also measured. 2. Chambers containing natural substratum were placed in‐situ and allowed to colonise for 20 weeks. After 4, 12 and 20 weeks, they were taken to the laboratory where oxygen flux was measured in a computer‐controlled, flow‐through respirometry system. 3. Respiration ranged from 0.01 to 0.33 mg O2 dm?3 h?1 across sites, with means ranging from 0.10 to 0.17 mg O2 dm?3 h?1. Productivity estimates ranged from 0.18 to 0.32 mg C dm?3 day?1 (mean 0.25, SE 0.03). The total organic carbon (TOC) of the microbial biofilms ranged from 18.2 to 29.7 mg C dm?3. Turnover rate ranged from 3.2 to 5.6 year?1 with a mean of 4.2 year?1. 4. At the hyporheic site very close to the river, respiration did not significantly increase when samples were supplemented with labile carbon. Respiration increased with increasing DOC addition at hyporheic sites more distant from the river, suggesting a carbon‐limitation gradient within the hyporheic zone. Microbes at the phreatic site did not respond to increasing DOC addition, suggesting that the phreatic biofilm is adapted to low carbon availability. 5. Comparing the volume of the alluvial aquifer (about 0.7 km3) to that of the river benthic sediments (to 0.25 m depth, which amounts to about 1.6 × 10?4 km3) within the Flathead Valley, leads to the conclusion that interstitial microbial productivity is orders of magnitude greater than benthic productivity. Alluvial aquifers are often voluminous and microbial production is an enormous component of ecosystem production in rivers such as the Flathead.  相似文献   

Water-filled treeholes are temporally and spatially variable habitats that consist of communities of a limited number of insect orders, namely dipterans and beetles. Since these systems are largely heterotrophic, treeholes are dependent on the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem for their basal energy input. In this study, we observed a cyclic succession of three system states in a water-filled Fagus grandifolia treehole: ‘connected’ during rainfall; ‘isolated’ during periods without rain; and ‘dry’ when no freestanding water was present. During the isolated phase, a rapid, microbially mediated turn-over of nitrogen and sulphate took place, coincident with an accumulation of orthophosphate. Ammonium was the dominant form of nitrogen in the treehole water, and a net decrease in its concentration was observed when the water volume decreased. Normally, nitrate concentration showed only minor fluctuations (0.3–1.3 mg l−1) and concentrations of nitrite were very low (3–18 μg l−1). Concentration of sulphate showed a net decrease, coincident with an increase in sulphide. During the connected phase, the effect of stemflow and throughfall on the nutrient concentrations in the treehole water proved to be variable. Over time, both dilution of, and increase in, treehole water nutrient concentrations were observed. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration showed a net decrease during the isolated phase. Spring coarse particulate organic matter input into the treehole was variable (0.20–1.74 mg cm−2 week−1). The observed variability in precipitation inputs as well as fall-in of organic matter underlines the pulsed character of basal energy entering the treehole food-web. DOC concentrations varied mainly with depth (15–57.4 mg l−1) as concentrations were almost three times greater within the detritus than within the water column. Bacterial abundances ranged from 7.3 × 105 to 9.3 × 106 cells ml−1 and did not appear to vary within the water column or in the detrital sediment. Rates of bacterial production increased 24 h after rain events, suggesting that the combined nutrient fluxes due to increased stemflow stimulate the microbial community. Handling editor: J. Cole  相似文献   

Richness, structure and functioning in metazoan parasite communities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ecosystem functioning, characterized by components such as productivity and stability, has been extensively linked with diversity in recent years, mainly in plant ecology. The aim of our study was thus to quantify general relationships between diversity, community structure and ecosystem functions in metazoan parasite communities. We used data on parasite communities from 15 species of marine fish hosts from coastal Chile. The volumetric abundance (volume of all parasite species per individual host, in mm3) was used as a surrogate for productivity. Species diversity was measured using both species richness and evenness, while community structure was estimated using the co‐occurrence indices V‐ratio, C‐score and a new C‐scores index standardized for the number of host replicates. After correcting for fish size, 47% of host species show no relationship, 13% show a hump shaped curve and 40% show positive monotonic relationships between productivity and parasite richness across all host individuals in a sample. We obtained a logarithmically decreasing relationship between evenness and productivity for all fish species, and propose a ‘dominance‐resistance’ hypothesis based on immunity to explain this pattern. The stability of the parasite community, measured as the coefficient of variation in productivity among individual hosts, was strongly and positively related to mean species richness across the 15 host species. The C‐scores index, based on the number of checkerboard units in the host‐parasite presence/absence matrix, increases linearly with mean productivity across the 15 host species, suggesting that parasite communities tend to be more structured when they are more productive. This is the likely reason why linear relationships between richness and productivity were not observed consistently in all fish species. Parasite communities provide some clear patterns for the diversity–ecosystem functioning debate in ecology, although other factors, such as the history of community assembly, may also influence these patterns.  相似文献   

Metazoan parasite communities of Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis from Great Britain, Crassostrea virginica from Mexico, and Saccostrea commercialis from Australia are described and summarized in terms of species composition, species richness, total number of individuals and dominance. Metazoan parasite communities in all host species were composed of turbellarians and the metacercarial stage of digeneans, with the exception of S. commercialis where only metacercariae were found. Arthropods, including one copepod and one mite species, were present only in British oyster species. All metazoan parasite communities of oysters had few species and low density of individuals. Richest communities were found in C. virginica at both component and infracommunity level. The least diverse component community occurred in S. commercialis. Infracommunities in O. edulis and S. commercialis never exceeded one species per host. The host response against parasites is suggested as the principal factor responsible for depauperate parasite communities of oysters. Environmental factors characteristic of tropical latitudes are likely to have enhanced both the number of species and the densities of parasites per host in the infracommunities of C. virginica.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is not distributed homogeneously in space, and it often covaries with productivity. The shape of the relationship between diversity and productivity, however, varies from a monotonic linear increase to a hump-shaped curve with maximum diversity values corresponding to intermediate productivity. The system studied and the spatial scale of study may affect this relationship. Parasite communities are useful models to test the productivity-diversity relationship because they consist of species belonging to a restricted set of higher taxa common to all host species. Using total parasite biovolume per host individual as a surrogate for community productivity, we tested the relationship between productivity and species richness among assemblages of metazoan parasites in 131 vertebrate host species. Across all host species, we found a linear relationship between total parasite biovolume and parasite species richness, with no trace of a hump-shaped curve. This result remained after corrections for the potential confounding effect of the number of host individuals examined per host species, host body mass, and phylogenetic relationships among host species. Although weaker, the linear relationship remained when the analyses were performed within the five vertebrate groups (fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds) instead of across all host species. These findings agree with the classic isolationist-interactive continuum of parasite communities that has become widely accepted in parasite ecology. They also suggest that parasite communities are not saturated with species, and that the addition of new species will result in increased total parasite biovolume per host. If the number of parasite species exploiting a host population is not regulated by processes arising from within the parasite community, external factors such as host characteristics may be the main determinants of parasite diversity.  相似文献   

The microfauna of adhered biofilms treating a simulated petrochemical plant wastewater was investigated in relation to the organic loading and the toxicity. Experiments in a six-compartment laboratory rotating biological reactor were performed at organic loadings of 0.99, 1.38 and 1.97g/l.day. The concentration of organic compounds in the artificial wastewater (phenol, acetophenone and styrene), toxicity of the wastewater, number of representative types of microfauna, their biomass and species diversity were monitored along the reactor. During this study 25 species were identified and attributed to seven classes of the three types Sarcomastigophora, Ciliophora and Nemathelminthes. Eight species from 18 ciliates have been reported in the literature as being commonly found inhabitants of aerobic wastewater treatment plants. An inverse relationship between the number of microfauna representatives and the organic loading was found. The presence of the most common species was related to the reactor operating conditions. A correlation between the toxicity of the wastewater measured by the Paramecium express-test and the distribution and abundance of microfauna was established. This express-test made it possible to predict the biological quality of the biofilm of activated sludge. Therefore, it is recommended as one of the control parameters to monitor systems of biological wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of groundwater and sediment microbial communities were explored in a hydrologically dynamic alpine oligotrophic porous aquifer, characterized by pronounced groundwater table fluctuations. Rising of the groundwater level in consequence of snow melting water recharge was accompanied by a dramatic drop of bacterial Shannon diversity in groundwater from H' = 3.22 ± 0.28 in autumn and winter to H' = 1.31 ± 0.35 in spring and summer, evaluated based on T-RFLP community fingerprinting. Elevated numbers of bacteria in groundwater in autumn followed nutrient inputs via recharge from summer rains and correlated well with highest concentrations of assimilable organic carbon. Sterile sediments incubated to groundwater in monitoring wells were readily colonized reaching maximum cell densities within 2 months, followed by a consecutive but delayed increase and leveling-off of bacterial diversity. After 1 year of incubation, the initially sterile sediments exhibited a similar number of bacteria and Shannon diversity when compared to vital sediment from a nearby river incubated in parallel. The river bed sediment microbial communities hardly changed in composition, diversity, and cell numbers during 1 year of exposure to groundwater. Summing up, the seasonal hydrological dynamics were found to induce considerable dynamics of microbial communities suspended in groundwater, while sediment communities seem unaffected and stable in terms of biomass and diversity.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in eukaryotic and bacteria community structure in surface and subsurface sediment samples downgradient of the Banisveld landfill (The Netherlands) was studied using a culturing-independent molecular approach. Along a transect covering the part of the aquifer most polluted by landfill leachate, sediment was sampled at 1-m depth intervals, until a depth of 5.5 m, at four distances from the landfill. Two drillings were placed in a nearby clean area as a reference. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis banding patterns revealed high bacterial and eukaryotic diversity and complex community structures. Bacteria and eukaryotic community profiles in polluted samples grouped different from those in clean samples. Bacteria community profiles in surface samples clustered together and separately from subsurface community profiles. Subsurface bacteria profiles clustered in a location-specific manner. Eukaryotic community structure did not significantly relate to distance from the landfill or depth. No significant spatial autocorrelation of bacteria or eukaryotic communities was observed over 1-m depth intervals per sampling location. Spatial heterogeneity in sediment-associated bacterial communities appears to be much larger than in groundwater. We discuss how on the one hand, spatial heterogeneity may complicate the assessment of microbial community structure and functioning, while on the other it may provide better opportunities for natural attenuation.  相似文献   

Restoration efforts are typically based on an assumption that reestablishment of altered determinants of ecological structure and function will lead to a predictable reestablishment of populations and reassembly of communities. Dechannelization and reestablishment of natural hydrologic regimes provide the basis for the ongoing restoration of the Kissimmee River in Central Florida, United States. The expected reestablishment of historically dominant broadleaf marsh (BLM) and buttonbush shrub (BB) communities was evaluated over a 10‐year period following implementation of the first phase of the restoration project. Plant species composition and cover were assessed during dry (spring) and wet (summer) season sampling periods at five sites on the restored floodplain, and four “control” sites on the channelized floodplain. Mean daily stage data from nearby gauges indicated hydroperiods and depths on the reflooded floodplain were within the range of historic hydrologic conditions that selected for BLM and BB communities on the pre‐channelization floodplain. After reflooding, pasture grass and upland shrub communities rapidly transitioned to a fluid mix of obligate and facultative wetland species. Although signature BLM and BB species, Sagittaria lancifolia (bulltongue arrowhead), Pontederia cordata (pickerel weed), and Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonbush), recolonized all study sites, the expected reestablishment of dominant cover of these species did not occur. Results indicate that restoration of BLM and BB communities has been impeded by deep flood pulse disturbances, establishment of invasive wetland grasses, and mineralized soil characteristics of the drained floodplain.  相似文献   

Parasite communities are similar to free‐living communities; decay of similarity over geographic distance, theory of island biogeography, species–area relationships and nestedness have been documented in both communities. Ecological succession has been studied in free‐living communities but has rarely been examined in parasite communities. We use seriation with replication to test the hypothesis that succession of parasite community structure is deterministic, thus developing throughout consecutive changes along the fish ontogeny, via a seriated pattern. 12 306 marine fishes (95 species) were studied. In 40 species, a seriated pattern was detected; 25 had a tendency towards a seriated pattern, and for 31 species, succession was at random. Age‐classes for each host species explained deterministic successional patterns for whole parasite communities and ectoparasites. Richness and number of age‐classes explained this pattern for endoparasites. Seriated successional pattern was evident for parasite communities of long‐lived marine fish, indicating that parasite communities follow sequential changes over time, like many free‐living communities.  相似文献   

1. Globally, tropical floodplains are highly productive ecosystems. This is largely because of predictable seasonal rains providing replenishing floodwaters that stimulate nutrient turnover which, in turn, substantially boosts both primary and secondary productivity. This is associated with concomitant shifts in the types of primary producers and associated food webs. 2. The Magela Creek floodplain on Kakadu National Park in northern Australia is one of the most studied tropical freshwater ecosystems in Australia and provides an opportunity to collate and examine information on organic carbon sources and pathways through food webs to gain a fundamental understanding of how these systems may function. 3. We reviewed biophysical information published since the early 1980s to construct an assessment of the carbon resources for the channel and floodplain. 4. We conclude that macrophytes, largely in the form of grasses and aquatic plants, produce the greatest above‐ground biomass on the Magela Creek floodplain. Although macrophytes provide suitable substrata for the attachment of epiphytes, they do not appear to be an important carbon source for aquatic consumers themselves. Nevertheless, macrophytes do provide critical seasonal food and habitat structure for other producers and consumers on the floodplain, such as the abundant magpie geese. 5. We developed a generalised conceptual food web and carbon budget contrasting the ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ seasons for the Magela Creek system, as a representative of tropical seasonal floodplain systems. 6. Our conceptual model of tropical floodplains indicates that knowledge of the seasonal and spatial links and exchanges between the floodplain and the river is critical in understanding ecosystem function.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, the relationship between diversity and stability/ecosystem functioning has been widely discussed and has become a central issue in ecology. Here, we assessed the relationship between wetland plant diversity and community resilience after a disturbance. Our study area was located in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Brazil). An experiment was carried out in situ (18 1 m × 1 m plots with richness varying from 1 to 18 species). In each plot, we recorded the number of species, total per cent vegetation cover and per cent age cover of each species. The above‐ground biomass of wetland plants was removed, simulating a disturbance by animal trampling or an extreme flood. The recovery of vegetation was monitored over 3 months. According to a linear regression, the recovery of wetland plants was positively correlated with diversity. Comparisons with plots containing monocultures of one of the dominant species (Polygonum stelligerum) suggested that this species did not overyield in mixed cultures. Thus, our experiments indicate that the higher resilience in richer plots after a disturbance is mainly due to the fact that species have different resource use requirements (complementarity effect) and not due to the presence of a single, more productive species. Our experiment carried out in a more real condition (in situ) showed that biodiversity is important to wetland functioning and stability, paralleling the results obtained in laboratory and mesocosms experiments. These results also suggest that the loss of plant diversity in our study area could compromise community recovery following strong disturbances.  相似文献   

Sluis  William  Tandarich  John 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):115-124
Interest in the restoration of riparian habitat is increasing. However, little is known about factors responsible for riparian communities, especially grasslands. In order to construct plant communities for a restoration project in the floodplain of a large river in the Midwestern United States, we sampled four floodplains with various disturbance regimes located in Illinois and Missouri. They were chosen to be representative of different plant communities of floodplains, with a focus on herbaceous communities. The areas included backwater lakes, alluvial fans, groundwater seep marshes, oxbow marshes, seasonally inundated grassland, and non-inundated grassland. Vegetation, soils and groundwater or standing water depth were measured at various intervals along transects. Communities were produced using TWINSPAN and tested for differences in environmental factors. The soil morphology, taxonomic classification, and fertility parameters were similar among sites. Environmental factors influencing community composition were the presence of permanent water and silt deposition. We conclude that water depth determines species composition in permanently wet areas. Silt deposition determines composition in seasonally inundated grassland. Where silt deposition is high enough to inhibit seedling emergence, dominance is attained by plants able to reproduce vegetatively by rhizomes. Such a reproductive process leads to nearly monotypic stands produced by large clones. Results are discussed in relation to models of riparian processes and succession.  相似文献   

The increase in biomass of different aquatic and terrestrial herbaceous plant communities was measured during various growth periods in the Amazon floodplain near Manaus. Maximum biomass varied from 4–11.2 t ha–1 dry weight in mixed annual terrestrial communities to 6–23 t ha–1 in aquatic annual species (Paspalum repens, Oryza perennis, Luziola spruceana and Hymenachne amplexicaulis) and 15.6–57.6 t ha–1 in communities of the perennial species Paspalum fasciculatum. Cumulative biomass of 3 successively growing annual species reached 30 t ha–1 a–1. Net primary production is considerably higher than maximum biomass. Paspalum fasciculatum reached 70 t during a growth period of 8 months. If one considers for annual species a monthly loss of 10–25% of the biomass, then net primary production in areas with three successive macrophyte communities and a cumulative maximum biomass of 30 t ha–1 is estimated to reach up to 50 t ha–1 a–1. Annual P/B ratio may reach about 3.  相似文献   

Microbial community composition associated with benzene oxidation under in situ Fe(III)-reducing conditions in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer located in Bemidji, Minn., was investigated. Community structure associated with benzene degradation was compared to sediment communities that did not anaerobically oxidize benzene which were obtained from two adjacent Fe(III)-reducing sites and from methanogenic and uncontaminated zones. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA sequences amplified with bacterial or Geobacteraceae-specific primers indicated significant differences in the composition of the microbial communities at the different sites. Most notable was a selective enrichment of microorganisms in the Geobacter cluster seen in the benzene-degrading sediments. This finding was in accordance with phospholipid fatty acid analysis and most-probable-number-PCR enumeration, which indicated that members of the family Geobacteraceae were more numerous in these sediments. A benzene-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducing enrichment culture was established from benzene-degrading sediments and contained an organism closely related to the uncultivated Geobacter spp. This genus contains the only known organisms that can oxidize aromatic compounds with the reduction of Fe(III). Sequences closely related to the Fe(III) reducer Geothrix fermentans and the aerobe Variovorax paradoxus were also amplified from the benzene-degrading enrichment and were present in the benzene-degrading sediments. However, neither G. fermentans nor V. paradoxus is known to oxidize aromatic compounds with the reduction of Fe(III), and there was no apparent enrichment of these organisms in the benzene-degrading sediments. These results suggest that Geobacter spp. play an important role in the anaerobic oxidation of benzene in the Bemidji aquifer and that molecular community analysis may be a powerful tool for predicting a site's capacity for anaerobic benzene degradation.  相似文献   

How flooding regimes shape temperate-zone butterfly communities has received little attention. At the river Danube in eastern Austria, a levee has largely interrupted natural river dynamics since the late nineteenth century. Only a fraction of the floodplain area still experiences annual summer inundations after snow-melt in the Alps. We surveyed meadow butterfly communities on either side of the levee in a year with an unusually strong flood (2013), and in a season with a weak flood typical for the region (2012). Altogether we observed 67 butterfly species. Butterfly abundance and species richness were lower on meadows with stronger flood impact, but differences were modest. In contrast, species composition differed prominently relative to flooding regime and nectar availability. Grass-feeding species tended to be rarer on flooded meadows, while Brassicaceae-feeding species were more prevalent on nutrient-rich flood-prone meadows. Highly dispersive butterflies made up a larger share on flooded meadows, whereas highly philopatric species were relatively more common at sites with little or no inundation. These results indicate that summer inundations at the river Danube act as filters for the local species composition of butterflies on floodplain meadows. Local resource availability and the differential potential of species to re-colonize meadows after catastrophic floods are likely drivers of these differences. Effects of inundations were not consistently stronger in a year of a catastrophic flood than in a normal season. Butterfly communities on non-flooded meadows had a higher regional conservation value.  相似文献   

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