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Flower visiting insects provide a vitally important pollination service for many crops and wild plants. Recent decline of pollinating insects due to anthropogenic modification of habitats and climate, in particular from 1950''s onwards, is a major and widespread concern. However, few studies document the extent of declines in species diversity, and no studies have previously quantified local abundance declines. We here make a quantitative assessment of recent historical changes in bumblebee assemblages by comparing contemporary and historical survey data.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We take advantage of detailed, quantitative historical survey data from the 1930''s on bumblebee (Bombus spp.) abundances and species composition in red clover (Trifolium pratense) fields, an important floral resource and an attractant of all bumblebee species. We used the historical survey data as a pre-industrialization baseline, and repeated the same sampling protocol at nearly the same localities at present, hence setting up a historical experiment. We detected historical changes in abundances (bees/m2) of both workers (the “pollinatory units”) and queens (effective population size), in addition to species composition. In particular, long-tongued bumblebee species showed consistent and dramatic declines in species richness and abundances throughout the flowering season of red clover, while short-tongued species were largely unaffected. Of 12 Bombus species observed in the 1930''s, five species were not observed at present. The latter were all long-tongued, late-emerging species.


Because bumblebees are important pollinators, historical changes in local bumblebee assemblages are expected to severely affect plant reproduction, in particular long-tubed species, which are pollinated by long-tongued bumblebees.  相似文献   

In 1976, red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) was identified in red clover variety trials at the Scottish Colleges of Agriculture and at the trial centres of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in Northumberland, Dyfed, Devon and Cambridge. In 1977, RCNMV was also found in two commercial crops of red clover in South Wales. The only previous finding of this virus in Britain was in 1971.
In red clover leaves RCNMV causes veinal chlorosis, often followed by severe necrosis and deformation; the plants become stunted. All cultivars tested were infected either in field or glasshouse experiments and three of the four most susceptible cultivars were tetraploids. Yield losses in cv. Hungaropoly averaged 57% over three cuts. RCNMV was transmitted manually but not through seed or by aphids {Acyrthosiphon pisum and Myzus persicae) or weevils (Apion spp. and Sitona lineatus). Seedlings became infected when grown in pots containing RCNMV-infected plants or soil from infected sites, and the roots of infected test seedlings contained an Olpidium sp. which may be the vector.
White clover mosaic virus (WCMV), also common in red clover at some sites, was less damaging than RCNMV and in a glasshouse experiment decreased yield by only 22%. An unidentified seed-borne virus with spherical particles c. 33 nm in diameter was the only virus detected in clover seedlings screened for RCNMV.  相似文献   

Apterous Rhopalosiphum padi on the first leaf of cereal plants, developed faster and were more fecund at seedling to stem extension of barley, at tillering to earing of oats and at stem extension and earing of wheat. Feeding site on a mature plant also affected the rate of development and fecundity of the aphids; the largest and most fecund developed on the stems of oat and wheat plants. The consequences of these variations in reproductive performance are discussed in relation to the population dynamics of R. padi and its possible pest status in Britain.  相似文献   

Since the 16th century, red clover has been an important crop in Europe. Since the 1940s, the European areal of red clover has been severely reduced, due to the availability of chemical fertilizers and the growing interest in maize. Nowadays there is a growing interest in red clover again, although some setbacks still remain. An important setback is the low persistence of red clover crops. Clover rot, caused by the ascomycete fungus Sclerotinia trifoliorum Erikss., is a major disease in Europe and reduces the persistence of red clover crops severely. The fungus infects clover plants through ascospores in the autumn, the disease develops during the winter and early spring and can kill many plants in this period. In early spring, black sclerotia, serving as surviving bodies, are formed on infected plants. Sclerotia can survive up to 7 years in the soil (Ohberg, 2006). The development of clover rot is highly dependent on the weather conditions: a humid fall, necessary for the germination of the ascospores and an overall warm winter with short periods of frost are favourable for the disease. Cold and dry winters slow the mycelial growth down too much and prevent the disease from spreading. Clover rot is difficult to control and completely resistant red clover varieties have yet to be developed. Because of the great annual variation in disease severity, plant breeders cannot use natural infection as an effective means to screen for resistant material. Breeding for resistant cultivars is being slowed down by the lack of a bio-test usable in breeding programs. When applying artificial infections, it is necessary to have an idea of the diversity of the pathogen. A diverse population will require resistance screening with multiple isolates. The objective of this research is to investigate the genetic diversity among isolates from the pathogen S. trifoliorum from various European countries. We assessed diversity using a species identification test based on the sequence of the beta-tubulin gene, vegetative compatibility grouping and AFLP.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the correlation between juvenileand mature-plant traits is critical in determining the opportunities for early stage selection. The effects of early stage selection on mature-plant performance have rarely been quantified. This study was conducted to identify seedling traints in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) that correlate to mature-plant traits and to evaluate the effect of seedling selection on forage yields and other mature-plant traits. The results showed that relationships between most seedlingand mature-plant traits were weak (r ranged from 0.170 to 0.239). Nevertheless, selecting the top 10% seedlings for petiole length, days from emergence to full expansion of the 4th leaf (D4LE), or leaves per seedling, produced a mature-plant population with higher individual plant dry weight (IPDW1) and higher annual yield in 1993 (Y93). Selection for leaves per seedling increased IPDW1 by 23.2%. Selection for petiole length and the smallest D4LE increased Y93 by 15.7% and 13.8%, respectively. Furthermore, substantial expected genetic gains were obtained for IPDW1 and Y93 when selecting for some seedling traits. We conclude that plants and families with low potential yield can be eliminated at the seedling stage in red clover. This will allow breeders to increase the number of superior plants to be field tested or to conduct a more rigorous evaluation of the selected plants. Among the five selection schemes tested for direct selection of mature-plant traits, mass selection produced the largest genetic gain.  相似文献   

The importance of species diversity for ecosystem function has emerged as a key question for conservation biology. Recently, there has been a shift from examining the role of species richness in isolation towards understanding how species interact to effect ecosystem function. Here, we briefly review theoretical predictions regarding species contributions to functional diversity and redundancy and further use simulated data to test combined effects of species richness, number of functional traits, and species differences within these traits on unique species contributions to functional diversity and redundancy, as well as on the overall functional diversity and redundancy within species assemblages. Our results highlighted that species richness and species functional attributes interact in their effects on functional diversity. Moreover, our simulations suggested that functional differences among species have limited effects on the proportion of redundancy of species contributions as well as on the overall redundancy within species assemblages, but that redundancy rather was determined by number of traits and species richness. Our simulations finally indicated scale dependence in the relative effects of species richness and functional attributes, which suggest that the relative influence of these factors may affect individual contributions differently compared to the overall ecosystem function of species assemblages. We suggest that studies on the relationship between biological diversity and ecosystem function will benefit from focusing on multiple processes and ecological interactions, and that the relative functional attributes of species will have pivotal roles for the ecosystem function of a given species assembly.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with 30 dairy cows each, to study the preference for fresh (Experiment 1) and ensiled (Experiment 2) ryegrass, white and red clover. Both experiments consisted of three choice diets with white or red clover or both, offered with ryegrass, and two diets with ryegrass mixed with white or red clover (40% clover). Cows consumed diets with 37.7% fresh white and 45.9% red clover, and no preference was observed when the cows were offered all three forages. By contrast, cows preferred white and red clover silage (73.0 and 69.2%, respectively) over ryegrass silage (of lower nutritive quality). When offered three forages, cows preferred white (59.8%) over red clover (17.5%) and ryegrass (22.7%). Choice diets resulted in diets similar (fresh forages) or higher in nutrient content and digestibility (silages). Treatments did not affect feed intake and performance. Choices compared to mixed diets with red clover silage were preferable regarding the fatty acid composition of the milk fat. Obviously, only large differences in nutrient and energy concentration facilitate preferences for clovers over ryegrass, which could, depending on clover type, be beneficial in terms of the milk's fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Summary Three mechanisms by which increasing predation can increase prey population density are discussed: (1) Additional predation on species which have negative effects on the prey; (2) Predation on consumer species whose relationship with their own prey is characterized by a unimodal prey isocline; (3) Predation on species which adaptively balance predation risk and food intake while foraging. Possible reasons are discussed for the rarity of positive effects in previous predator-manipulation studies; these include the short-term nature of experiments, the large magnitudes of predator density manipulation, and various sources of bias in choice of system and interpretation of results.  相似文献   

Indoor mesocosms were used to study the combined effect of warming and of different densities of overwintering mesozooplankton (mainly copepods) on the spring development of phytoplankton in shallow, coastal waters. Similar to previous studies, warming accelerated the spring phytoplankton peak by ca. 1 day °C?1 whereas zooplankton did not significantly influence timing. Phytoplankton biomass during the experimental period decreased with warming and with higher densities of overwintering zooplankton. Similarly, average cell size and average effective particle size (here: colony size) decreased both with zooplankton density and warming. A decrease in phytoplankton particle size is generally considered at typical footprint of copepod grazing. We conclude that warming induced changes in the magnitude and structure of the phytoplankton spring bloom cannot be understood without considering grazing by overwintering zooplankton.  相似文献   

Herbaceous plant species richness typically declines with increasing productivity, but differences in the resources underlying these gradients are often ignored. This study adds to the small number of studies examining the effects of water and mineral nutrients on biomass and richness in oldfield communities. We established 60 4 m2 plots in a goldenrod-dominated oldfield to test the differential effects of water and mineral nutrients on community properties. Species richness declined with added nutrients, but increased with added water. Aboveground biomass increased only when both nutrients and water were added. Leaf area index increased with added nutrients alone, although the increase was greater when water was also added. Understory light levels decreased with added nutrients, but not with added water; however, the per-gram effect of biomass on understory light levels did not vary significantly among nutrient and water treatments. Our results suggest that water tends to enhance productivity, but does not cause the common decline in species richness that typically accompanies nitrogen additions. Rather, water increased richness through positivie effects on either germination and establishment, or increased survival. These results are consistent with either increased light limitation or increased water limitation causing loss of species from nitrogen-rich habitats.  相似文献   

Antioxidant and estrogenic effects of formononetin on ovariectomized mice have been investigated in the present study. The adult female Kunming mice were divided into 5 groups: sham-operated group, ovariectomized group, stilbestrol replacement therapy group (0.20 mg/kg day), low-dose formononetin group (0.05 g/kg day) and high-dose formononetin group (0.5 g/kg day). The mice in the latter 4 groups were ovariectomized. The drug was given by oral administration for 6 months. Estrogenic effect was determined by the change of uterine weight, and oxidant effects were determined by the content of SOD, GSH-Px, CAT and MDA. The intake of formononetin increased the uterine weight of the mice significantly as well as the content of SOD, GSH-Px, CAT, and reduced MDA in body. Formononetin had obvious antioxidant effects and estrogenic effect, and the estrogenic effect was not dosage-related.  相似文献   

When discovered in the 50’s, isoflavones were suspected to provoke infertility syndrome in sheep grazing on clover. Many others effects of these phytoestrogens have been documented afterwards. To determine the distribution of isoflavone metabolites in ewe tissues and look for a link with their physiological impact, two ewes were fed a diet containing 50% red clover silage (variety Pawera) for one month with a daily intake of 157.6 mg/kg bw of total isoflavones. Only aglycones were fed due to the fermentation stage of the silage. At the sacrifice, isoflavone metabolites and aglycones were analyzed in blood, liver, kidney, lung, heart, muscle, ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, suprarenal glands, thymus, aorta, thyroid, pituitary gland, cerebellum, olfactory lobes, and brain hemispheres using HPLC-Coularray and LC-MS-MS. The major compounds recovered in tissues were equol and daidzein, present as glucuronides. Kidney concentrations were 10-fold higher than in other tissues. Penetration in brain was very limited. Reproductive organs contained higher concentrations of isoflavones than heart, muscle, or thymus. Distribution of isoflavones in ewe tissues is unequal and may reflect specific impact in some target tissues.  相似文献   

Productivity and predation are thought to be crucial drivers of bacterial diversity. We tested how the productivity–diversity of a natural bacterial community is modified by the presence of protist predators with different feeding preferences. In the absence of predators, there was a unimodal relationship between bacterial diversity and productivity. We found that three protist species (Bodo, Spumella and Cyclidium) had widely divergent effects on bacterial diversity across the productivity gradient. Bodo and Cyclidium had little effect on the shape of the productivity–diversity gradient, while Spumella flattened the relationship. We explain these results in terms of the feeding preferences of these predators.  相似文献   

Many bumblebee species have been suffering from significant declines across their ranges in the Northern Hemisphere over the last few decades. The remaining populations of the rare species are now often isolated due to habitat fragmentation and have reduced levels of genetic diversity. The persistence of these populations may be threatened by inbreeding depression, which may result in a higher susceptibility to parasites. Here we investigate the relationship between genetic diversity and prevalence of the parasitic mite Locustacarus buchneri in bumblebees, using the previously-studied system of Bombus muscorum and Bombus jonellus in the Western Isles of Scotland. We recorded L. buchneri prevalence in 17 populations of B. muscorum and 13 populations of B. jonellus and related the results to levels of heterozygosity. For B. muscorum, we found that prevalence of the mite was higher in populations with lower genetic diversity but there was no such relationship in the more genetically diverse B. jonellus. In contrast to population-level measures of genetic diversity, the heterozygosity of individual bees was not correlated with infection status. We suggest population-level genetic homogeneity may facilitate parasite transmission and elevate prevalence, with potential consequences for population persistence.  相似文献   

Tests for resistance to white clover mosaic virus in red and white clover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A range of red and white clover cultivars was tested for immunity to white clover mosaic virus. All plants became infected although some showed no symptoms. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) revealed significant differences in virus concentration between red clover cultivars and between clones of white clover artificially infected with the virus. These differences could not, however, be related to relative yield losses.  相似文献   

Understanding how plant species richness influences the diversity of herbivorous and predatory/parasitic arthropods is central to community ecology.We explore the effects of crop species richness on the diversity of pest insects and their natural enemies.Using data from a four-year experiment with five levels of crop species richness,we found that crop species richness significantly affected the pest species richness,but there were no significant effects on richness of the pests’natural enemies.In contrast,the species richness of pest insects significantly affected their natural enemies.These findings suggest a cascade effect where trophic interactions are strong between adjacent trophic levels,while the interactions between connected but nonadjacent trophic levels are weakened by the intermediate trophic level.High crop species richness resulted in a more stable arthropod community compared with communities in monoculture crops.Our results highlight the complicated cross-trophic interactions and the crucial role of crop diversity in the food webs of agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

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