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开发高效、低毒、低残留的绿色农药是农药研发的发展趋势,其中微生物源农药抗生素占据了重要地位.随着基因组学、代谢工程和高通量筛选等技术的发展,新型微生物源农用抗生素的研究进入了新的阶段.文中简要总结了近10年来研发的新型微生物源农用抗生素的种类、农用抗生素产生菌株的高产育种与发酵研究策略等,为未来农用抗生素的研发提供参考...  相似文献   

While the high species diversity of tropical arthropod communities has often been linked to marked spatial heterogeneity, their temporal dynamics have received little attention. This study addresses this gap by examining spatio‐temporal variation in the arthropod communities of a tropical montane forest in Honduras. By employing DNA barcode analysis and Malaise trap sampling across 4 years and five sites, 51,596 specimens were assigned to 8,193 presumptive species. High beta diversity was linked more strongly to elevation than geographic distance, decreasing by 12% when only the dominant species were considered. When sampling effort was increased by deploying more traps at a site, beta diversity only decreased by 2%, but extending sampling across years decreased beta diversity by 27%. Species inconsistently detected among years, likely transients from other settings, drove the low similarity in species composition among traps only a few metres apart. The dominant, temporally persistent species substantially influenced the cyclic pattern of change in community composition among years. This pattern likely results from divergence–convergence dynamics, suggesting a stable baseline of temporal turnover in each community. The overall results establish that large sample sizes are necessary to reveal species richness, but are not essential for quantifying beta diversity. This study further highlights the need for standardized methods of sampling and species identification to generate the comparative data required to evaluate biodiversity change in space and time.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of plant-species diversity on various ecological processes has led to the study of the effects of plant-genetic diversity in the context of community genetics. Arthropod diversity can increase with plant-species or plant-genetic diversity (Wimp et al. in Ecol Lett 7:776–780, 2004). Plant diversity effects can be difficult to separate from other ecological processes, for example, complementarity. We asked three basic questions: (1) Are arthropod communities unique on different host-plant genotypes? (2) Is arthropod diversity greater when associated with greater plant-genetic diversity? (3) Are arthropod communities more closely associated with host-plant genetics than the plant neighborhood? We studied canopy arthropods on Populus fremontii trees randomly planted in a common garden. All trees were planted in a homogeneous matrix, which helped to reduce P. fremontii neighborhood effects. One sample was comprised of few P. fremontii genotypes with many clones. A second sample was comprised of many P. fremontii genotypes with few clones. A second data set was used to examine the relationships between the arthropod community with P. fremontii genetic composition and the neighborhood composition of the focal host plant. Unique arthropod communities were associated with different P. fremontii genotypes, and arthropod community diversity was greater in the sample with greater P. fremontii genotypic diversity. Arthropod community similarity was negatively correlated with P. fremontii genetic distance, but arthropod community similarity was not related to the neighborhood of the P. fremontii host plant.  相似文献   

Despite considerable progress in the ability to measure the complex 3‐D structure of forests with the improvement of remote‐sensing techniques, our mechanistic understanding of how biodiversity is linked to canopy structure is still limited. Here we tested whether the increase in arthropod abundance and richness in beech forest canopies with increasing canopy complexity supports the more‐individuals hypothesis or the habitat‐heterogeneity hypothesis. We used fogging to collect arthropod samples from 80 standardized plots from canopies of single‐ to multi‐layered mature montane European beech stands. Tree height and an independent measure of vertical heterogeneity – the vertical distribution ratio – on each arthropod sampling plot were derived from high‐resolution full‐waveform airborne laser scanning data. Mixed‐model path analysis based on almost 20 000 specimens of 762 species from 11 orders provided support for the more‐individuals hypothesis, with higher arthropod abundance but not higher species richness in stands with a more equal vertical distribution of plant biomass. By contrast, we found no support for the habitat‐heterogeneity hypothesis. The increase in the number of individuals with increasing vertical distribution of biomass might be caused either by increasing leaf area, as indicated by higher space filling and productivity in multi‐layered stands, or by higher persistence of arthropod populations owing to better shelter, reduced competition and more refuges under harsh conditions, or by both. High‐resolution airborne laser scanning, with its ability to penetrate dense canopies under leaf‐on conditions, has proved suitable for measuring vertical structures as a predictor for canopy diversity. Expanding combinations of remote‐sensing and canopy‐biodiversity data opens many avenues for improving our understanding of the link between diversity and forest structures.  相似文献   



Identify the optimal combination of sampling techniques to maximize the detection of diversity of cave‐dwelling arthropods.


Central‐western New Mexico; north‐western Arizona; Rapa Nui, Chile.


From 26 caves across three geographically distinct areas in the Western Hemisphere, arthropods were sampled using opportunistic collecting, timed searches, and baited pitfall trapping in all caves, and direct intuitive searches and bait sampling at select caves. To elucidate the techniques or combination of techniques for maximizing sampling completeness and efficiency, we examined our sampling results using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), Wilcoxon signed‐rank tests, species richness estimators and species accumulation curves.


To maximize the detection of cave‐dwelling arthropod species, one must apply multiple sampling techniques and specifically sample unique microhabitats. For example, by sampling cave deep zones and nutrient resource sites, we identified several undescribed cave‐adapted and/or cave‐restricted taxa in the south‐western United States and eight new species of presumed cave‐restricted arthropods on Rapa Nui that would otherwise have been missed. Sampling techniques differed in their detection of both management concern species (e.g., newly discovered cave‐adapted/restricted species, range expansions of cave‐restricted species and newly confirmed alien species) and specific taxonomic groups. Spiders were detected primarily with visual search techniques (direct intuitive searches, opportunistic collecting and timed searches), while most beetles were detected using pitfall traps. Each sampling technique uniquely identified species of management concern further strengthening the importance of a multi‐technique sampling approach.

Main conclusions

Multiple sampling techniques were required to best characterize cave arthropod diversity. For techniques applied uniformly across all caves, each technique uniquely detected between ~40% and 67% of the total species observed. Also, sampling cave deep zones and nutrient resource sites was critical for both increasing the number of species detected and maximizing the likelihood of detecting management concern species.

采用栅格采样法,于2006年4、5、8和10月对千岛湖库区50个不同大小岛屿中节肢动物的种类与数量进行了调查,分析了岛屿面积、海拔、形状和距离等因素对岛屿节肢动物物种丰富度的影响.结果表明:岛屿上节肢动物总物种丰富度、高扩散力物种丰富度和低扩散力物种丰富度均随岛屿面积的增大而增加,且岛屿面积与物种丰富度之间的关系符合经典岛屿生物地理学模型;节肢动物物种丰富度受岛屿面积、海拔和形状的综合影响,距离对岛屿上物种的丰富度没有显著影响;总的物种丰富度与岛屿形状指数和海拔呈显著正相关,岛屿面积和海拔与高扩散力物种的物种丰富度显著相关,而低扩散力物种与岛屿各地理因素之间的相关性均不显著.  相似文献   

Patterns of arthropod abundance and diversity in an Arabian desert   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We captured desert arthropods from sand and gravel substrates at five coastal or inland locations m Abu Dhabi around the new moon once every 28 days for two years Three replicated lines of 20 unbaited pitfall traps were used from two hours before dusk until two hours after dawn We examined the data for spatial and temporal variation, especially in relation to climate Around 53 400 arthropods were caught, 97.3% being insects and the rest arachnids Ants were most common (75.4%), followed by the Thysanura (12%), Coleoptera (8.4%), Araneae (1.5%) and Scorpiones (1.1%) Catches differed significantly among sites, substrates and time of year In general, the number of arthropods caught matched the annual temperature cycle Peak catches also followed the annual rains Summer catches were higher at coastal than inland sites Fewer arthropods were caught at gravel sites than on sand, but the number of taxa did not differ consistently between substrates Community composition was generally less similar among sites than between substrates although this was not always the case Inland communities had fewer taxa and generally fewer individuals than those near the coast Isoptera, Tettigonndae and Carabidae occurred less frequently (if at all) inland We suggest that the higher humidity at sites near the coast allows more taxa to occur and to remain active during the extreme heat of summer Further into the Empty Quarter we would expect a decline in the number of taxa and in the total catch  相似文献   

The process of dog domestication is still somewhat unresolved. Earlier studies indicate that domestic dogs from all over the world have a common origin in Asia. So far, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) diversity has not been studied in detail in Asian dogs, although high levels of genetic diversity are expected at the domestication locality. We sequenced the second exon of the canine MHC gene DLA–DRB1 from 128 Asian dogs and compared our data with a previously published large data set of MHC alleles, mostly from European dogs. Our results show that Asian dogs have a higher MHC diversity than European dogs. We also estimated that there is only a small probability that new alleles have arisen by mutation since domestication. Based on the assumption that all of the currently known 102 DLA–DRB1 alleles come from the founding wolf population, we simulated the number of founding wolf individuals. Our simulations indicate an effective population size of at least 500 founding wolves, suggesting that the founding wolf population was large or that backcrossing has taken place.  相似文献   

  1. Deciphering patterns in species distributions and species interactions along ecological gradients are fundamental topics in ecology. Theory holds that species diversity is greater and interactions are stronger under warmer and more stable environments, such as low elevations and latitudes. However, recent findings have shown conflicting evidence, potentially due to seasonal effects.
  2. We aimed to address this gap by studying seasonal changes in arthropod communities over an elevation gradient in the Swiss Alps, as well as herbivore-predator interactions and their resulting consequences on plant herbivory levels.
  3. Overall, we found hump-shaped patterns in arthropod abundance, richness and diversity with increasing elevation, with all factors peaking below the tree line. However, these patterns varied seasonally, with strong mid-elevation peaks at the beginning of the summer, shifting to a pattern of linear decrease at the beginning of the fall. In searching for mechanisms explaining these changes, we found that shifts in arthropod communities over elevation and seasons usually followed shifts in vegetation productivity estimates. Other factors, such as top-down control by natural enemies, which was generally stronger at low elevations, and plant species-specific resistance rates along elevation gradients were also implicated as drivers of diversity and herbivory rates.
  4. These results highlight the complexity of arthropod communities' responses to environmental gradients, which vary during the season in response to relative changes in both bottom-up and top-down forces.

棉田节肢动物群落的数量与能流量多样性特征分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据香农-维纳信息多样性指数的定义,提出了能流量多样性指数的计算公式,并以此分析了棉田生态系统中节肢动物群落特征。结果表明:害虫与天敌群落的能流量多样性指数比数量多样性指数变化更为敏感,更能反映害虫与天敌的群落特征。作者认为,这是一个比较好的多样性测定指标。  相似文献   

为探明不同邻作对云南普洱地区玉米田节肢动物多样性的影响.采用目测法和粘虫板等多种诱集法对邻作咖啡、水稻、李树及单作的玉米田节肢动物群落进行系统调查,分析不同邻作作物对玉米田节肢动物群落的影响.结果表明:不同邻作玉米田天敌亚群落主要为双翅目和膜翅目,其中玉米单作田赤池信息量准则(AIC)值最低为-16.858,最优模型为...  相似文献   

In urban ecosystems, socioeconomics contribute to patterns of biodiversity. The ‘luxury effect’, in which wealthier neighbourhoods are more biologically diverse, has been observed for plants, birds, bats and lizards. Here, we used data from a survey of indoor arthropod diversity (defined throughout as family-level richness) from 50 urban houses and found that house size, surrounding vegetation, as well as mean neighbourhood income best predict the number of kinds of arthropods found indoors. Our finding, that homes in wealthier neighbourhoods host higher indoor arthropod diversity (consisting of primarily non-pest species), shows that the luxury effect can extend to the indoor environment. The effect of mean neighbourhood income on indoor arthropod diversity was particularly strong for individual houses that lacked high surrounding vegetation ground cover, suggesting that neighbourhood dynamics can compensate for local choices of homeowners. Our work suggests that the management of neighbourhoods and cities can have effects on biodiversity that can extend from trees and birds all the way to the arthropod life in bedrooms and basements.  相似文献   

农田节肢动物多样性具有病虫害控制、传粉等价值, 选择一种或多种适宜、准确且高效的取样方法和指示类群来衡量农田节肢动物多样性是一项基础性工作。本文通过地表陷阱法、挂盆陷阱法、扫网法、目测计数法和吸虫器法在有机管理和常规管理农田区的不同农业生境类型中取样, 比较不同方法对不同生物类群的捕获效率、经济成本、响应敏感性等。研究发现在捕获效率方面, 地陷法和挂盆法最高, 其次是扫网法, 而吸虫器法和目测计数法较差。挂盆法对步甲、蜘蛛、蜂类和瓢虫类群的捕获效率较佳。陷阱法主要适用于蜘蛛和步甲的取样, 扫网法也可用于蜘蛛和瓢虫的取样。在经济成本方面, 地陷法的成本最低, 扫网法的总成本最高。每种取样方法下仅有个别类群个体数量具有较好的响应敏感性, 如地陷法的蜘蛛目个体数和步甲科个体数、挂盆法的总个体数、蜂类个体数和瓢虫科个体数、扫网法的直翅目个体数和半翅目个体数等。在此基础上, 综合类群经济价值, 操作难易, 类群鉴定难度, 被动取样程度, 是否受取样人影响等比较发现: 地陷法对步甲和蜘蛛的取样的综合效果最佳, 而不同取样方法下多种类群的组合能更好地监测和评价农田节肢动物多样性的整体情况。地陷法捕获步甲或/和蜘蛛以及挂盆法调查蜂类的组合是基于本研究得出的调查农田节肢动物多样性的最佳组合。  相似文献   

Oncogenic mutations in B-Raf: some losses yield gains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hubbard SR 《Cell》2004,116(6):764-766
A study by Wan et al. in this issue of Cell demonstrates that the majority of oncogenic mutations in the B-Raf protein kinase result in increased catalytic activity, through disruption of the autoinhibited state of the kinase domain. Surprisingly, several mutations lead to impaired B-Raf kinase activity, yet these mutants are nevertheless capable of stimulating downstream signaling through transactivation of C-Raf.  相似文献   

Assessing biodiversity in arctic-alpine ecosystems is a costly task. We test in the current study whether we can map the spatial patterns of spider alpha and beta diversity using remotely-sensed surface reflectance and topography in a heterogeneous alpine environment in Central Norway. This proof-of-concept study may provide a tool for an assessment of arthropod communities in remote study areas. Data on arthropod species distribution and richness were collected through pitfall trapping and subjected to a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) to extract the main species composition gradients. The DCA axis scores as indicators of species composition as well as trap species richness were regressed against a combined data set of surface reflectance as measured by the Sentinel-2 satellite and topographical parameters extracted from a digital elevation model. The models were subsequently applied to the spatial data set to achieve a pixel-wise prediction of both species richness and position in the DCA space. The spatial variation in the modelled DCA scores was used to draw conclusions regarding spider beta-diversity. The species composition was described with two DCA axes that were characterized by post hoc-defined indicator species, which showed a typical annidation in the arctic-alpine environment under study. The fits of the regression models for the DCA axes and species richness ranged from R2 = 0.25 up to R2 = 0.62. The resulting maps show strong gradients in alpha and beta diversity across the study area. Our results indicate that the diversity patterns of spiders can at least partially be explained by means of remotely sensed data. Our approach would likely benefit from the additional use of high resolution aerial photography and LiDAR data and may help to improve conservation strategies in arctic-alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Energy input and species diversity patterns in microcosms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous studies document some form of relationship between the energy input to a community (or some surrogate for energy input), and the species richness of all, or part, of the community. Although not consistently so, the relationship is commonly either unimodal or positive. However covariation of energy with other environmental factors, in both field and experimental studies, and the timescale of expected population responses to variation in energy, means that testing the patterns is difficult. Here we use laboratory microcosm systems, of protists and bacteria, to examine the response of artificially constructed communities to an energy gradient (6 levels), on a long timescale (up to 421 days), while in parallel examining the responses of each species individually to the environmental conditions across the gradient. The species richness of individual communities (α-diversity) showed positive responses initially, but after longer periods either no relationship, or a modestly unimodal one. When all replicate communities were considered together at each energy level (γ-diversity), there was a more consistently positive relationship, an effect generated by the fact that at low energy the species composition of replicate communities was almost identical, while at high energy there was considerable variation among replicates. Although when each species used in the multispecies systems was exposed to the same energy gradient individually, there were distinct differences in the their responses to the gradient, the patterns of community composition and diversity seen in the multispecies systems could not be explained simply by the individual species' responses to the environmental conditions along the gradient.  相似文献   

应用灰色关联度分析法对顺德高产池塘的多品种混养鱼类关系进行分析,各种不同鱼类的放养对产量的关系为:鲮放养量对镛的净产量影响最大(G34=0.7921),其次为草鱼放养对鲮的净产量影响(G13=0.7415),最小为鲢的放养对草鱼的净产量关系(0.5932)。鲮的放养为优势母因子,鳙的收获为优势子因子。应用灰色动态模型GM(1,2)建模法建立了高产池塘主体鱼的产投关系模型,在该模型的基础上建立了系统  相似文献   

王国昌  梁海燕 《广西植物》2018,38(6):788-794
为了解河南省板蓝根田节肢动物群落的结构组成及物种多样性,该研究采用5点随机取样,通过网捕法和目测法调查并记录了板蓝根植株及地面上的节肢动物种类和数量。结果表明:河南省板蓝根田节肢动物群落物种丰富,共采集到2 613头,隶属于2纲10目39科61种。其中,植食性种类和捕食性种类均为24种(各占39.34%),寄生性种类4种(占6.56%),中性种类9种(占14.75%)。蜘蛛的种类占群落总种数的比例最高(为21.31%),表明田间的蜘蛛种类最丰富。鳞翅目物种的个体数量远大于其他的目,占群落个体数的43.78%。菜青虫和小菜蛾的相对丰盛度最高,分别为0.184 8和0.162 6,说明二者是河南省板蓝根田的优势害虫。捕食性集团的均匀度指数最高,寄生性集团的优势度指数最高,其中小菜蛾幼虫的寄生性天敌菜蛾盘绒茧蜂的数量最大。  相似文献   

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