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A male child hospitalized due to undescended testes (cryptorchism) was found to possess an abnormal autosome with an unusually elongated short arm in group 13–15. A familial chromosome investigation undertaken in 14 persons related to the propositus in his paternal line and in his mother revealed that his clinically normal father, grandfather, 2 aunts and a female cousin carried the same aberrant autosome. It is evident that a carrier of the abnormal chromosome is the grandfather, that the anomalous element was transmitted, irrespective of sex, from the parents either one of whom carried the aberrant one, and that the particular autosomal abnormality is not always associated with specific phenotypic anomaly. A possible origin of the aberrant autosome is discussed.Contribution no. 733 from the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo.The senior author (S. M.) wishes to dedicate this paper to Dr. Jakob Seiler on the occasion of his 80th birthday, May 16, 1966.  相似文献   

Some milestones of the systematic history of the Noctuoidea are reviewed, and a full list of the family‐group names is given including the respective bibliographical references. Every name has been checked for availability according to the Iczn. The following subjective synonyms are indicated: Eublemmini Forbes, 1954 (=*Anthophilidae Duponchel, [1845], unavailable, = *Micradi Stephens, 1850, unavailable, no need for replacement names). According to Art. 40. 2 Iczn, we propose to maintain the names Thaumetopoeinae Aurivillius, 1889 (= Cnethocampides Wallengren, 1861), Psaphidini Grote, 1896 (= Dicopinae Grote, 1882), and Euxoinae Warren, 1909 (= Brotinae Grote, 1882, = Euxoina Beck, 1999 syn. n.), as they are in current use.  相似文献   

Squalamine and three aminosterol analogs have been shown to inhibit bacterial cell growth and induce lysis of large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles. The analogs differ in the identity of the polyamine attached at C3 of the sterol, and the stereochemistry of a hydroxyl substituent at C7. Analogs with a tetraammonium spermine polyamine are somewhat more active than analogs with a shorter trisammonium spermidine polyamine, and analogs with an axial (α) hydroxyl substituent at C7 are more active than analogs with the corresponding equatorial (β) hydroxyl group. There is some variability noted; the 7β-OH spermine analog is the most active compound against Escherichia coli, but the least effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Lytic activity correlates well with antimicrobial activity of the compounds, but the lytic activity varies with the phospholipid composition of the vesicles.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins of plants have originally been identified as proteins that are strongly induced upon biotic and abiotic stress. These proteins fall into 17 distinct classes (PR1–PR17). The mode of action of most of these PR proteins has been well characterized, except for PR1, which belongs to a widespread superfamily of proteins that share a common CAP domain. Proteins of this family are not only expressed in plants but also in humans and in many different pathogens, including phytopathogenic nematodes and fungi. These proteins are associated with a diverse range of physiological functions. However, their precise mode of action has remained elusive. The importance of these proteins in immune defence is illustrated by the fact that PR1 overexpression in plants results in increased resistance against pathogens. However, PR1-like CAP proteins are also produced by pathogens and deletion of these genes results in reduced virulence, suggesting that CAP proteins can exert both defensive and offensive functions. Recent progress has revealed that plant PR1 is proteolytically cleaved to release a C-terminal CAPE1 peptide, which is sufficient to activate an immune response. The release of this signalling peptide is blocked by pathogenic effectors to evade immune defence. Moreover, plant PR1 forms complexes with other PR family members, including PR5, also known as thaumatin, and PR14, a lipid transfer protein, to enhance the host's immune response. Here, we discuss possible functions of PR1 proteins and their interactors, particularly in light of the fact that these proteins can bind lipids, which have important immune signalling functions.  相似文献   

Clinical and mycological data on 1000 cases of dermatophytosis seen from 1970 to 1975 are reported. Tinea pedis was present in 44%, T. rubrum being the main causative agent; nail involvement was present in 41% of these cases. Tineainguinalis was present in 13%, 38% of them females, withT. rubrum isolated in 87% and the swimming-pool incriminated as the main source of contamination. There were various manifestations of tinea corporis in 128 patients, withT. rubrum responsible in 91%. Among the 21 cases of tinea capitis, there was one adult female with a kerion-type due toT. violaceum, 4 cases due toM. gypseum and 2 toM. canis. Tinea favosa was seen in 6 patients, all of them females and one with a spreading fungus on the soles and palms. Amonh the 10 cases with tinea barbae,T. rubrum was found in 4,T. tonsurans in 3,T. mentagrophytes in 2 andM. gypseum in one. There were widespread lesions ofT. rubrum located on large areas of the body and including the legs, arms, groins and nails, in 11 patients with other disorders, including diabetes, Cushing's syndrome and lymphoma.It was apparent that the dermatophytic flora of Israel comprises 10 dermatophytes,T. rubrum being the predominant agent of infection (in more than 80%), with a gradually increasing incidence evident. The other agents found in our survey wereT. mentagrophytes, T. violaceum, T. schoenleinii, T. tonsurans (found sporadically),E. floccosum andMicrosporum spp.M. canis andM. gypseum, the latter being reported for the first time in this country.T. verruccosum andT. megnini, mentioned in former publications, were not found in this survey.  相似文献   

Euphorbiaceae represents flowering plants family of tropical and sub-tropical region rich in secondary metabolites of economic importance. To understand and assess the genetic makeup among the members, this study was undertaken to characterize and compare SSR markers from publicly available ESTs and GSSs of nine selected species of the family. Mining of SSRs was performed by MISA, primer designing by Primer3, while functional annotation, gene ontology (GO) and enrichment analysis were performed by Blast2GO. A total 12,878 number of SSRs were detected from 101,701 number of EST sequences. SSR density ranged from 1 SSR/3.22 kb to 1 SSR/15.65 kb. A total of 1873 primer pairs were designed for the annotated SSR-Contigs. About 77.07% SSR–ESTs could be assigned a significant match to the protein database. 3037 unique SSR–FDM were assigned and IPR003657 (WRKY Domain) was found to be the most dominant FDM among the members. 1810 unique GO terms obtained were further subjected to enrichment analysis to obtain 513 statistically significant GO terms mapped to the SSR containing ESTs. Most frequent enriched GO terms were, GO:0003824 for molecular function, GO:0006350 for biological process and GO:0005886 for cellular component, justifying the richness of defensive secondary metabolites and phytomedicine within the family. The results from this study provides tangible insight to genetic make-up and distribution of SSRs. Functional annotation corresponded many genes of unknown functions which may be considered as novel genes or genes responsible for stress specific secondary metabolites. Further studies are required to understand stress specific genes accountable for leveraging the synthesis of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

SEVERAL SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL MEDICAL JOURNALS publish full-length articles on their Web sites and abridged versions in their print journals. We surveyed a stratified random sample of BMJ readers and authors to elicit their preferred format for the abridged print version. Each participant received a research paper abridged in 3 different formats: conventional abridged version, journalistic version and enhanced-abstract version. Overall, 45% (95% confidence interval [CI] 42%–48%) of the respondents said they liked the conventional version most, 31% (95% CI 28%–34%) preferred the journalistic version and 25% (95% CI 22%–27%) preferred the enhanced-abstract version. Twenty-eight percent (95% CI 25%–32%) indicated that use of the journalistic format for abridged articles would very likely stop them from submitting papers to BMJ, and 13% (95% CI 11%–16%) said the use of the enhanced-abstract version would stop them from submitting to BMJ. Publishers of general medical journals who publish shortened articles should consider that authors and readers prefer a more conventional style of abridged papers.To allow critical appraisal of a scientific paper, a certain amount of space is needed to describe the methods and results. Editorial space is scarce, however, and editors struggle to meet the expectations of both authors and readers. Moreover, it seems that many readers read only parts of scientific papers. Now that electronic publishing is available, several scientific and general medical journals have adopted strategies to publish detailed articles on their Web sites, often in advance of the print journal publication, with a more concise presentation appearing in the print journal.Since 2000 most papers in BMJ have been published in their full-length form on the journal''s Web site and in an abridged form in the print journal.1 Currently the abridgement is simply a condensed version of the full-length paper (about 30%–50% shorter). The conventional structure of scientific papers is maintained, and the original wording is hardly altered.There are many alternative forms of presenting abridged scientific information. “Serious” magazines such as The Economist use a journalistic approach, presenting the salient information at the beginning and more technical details later in the text. Medical journals such as Evidence-Based Medicine use enhanced abstracts, in which details of the results are presented (including a table or figure), and the main text — if there is any — provides context and interpretation. We performed a survey to find which format of short version — the conventional approach, a journalistic version or a version with an enhanced abstract — of scientific articles is preferred by readers and authors. We randomly sampled 2 papers each of 6 study designs (randomized controlled trial, systematic review, meta-analysis, cohort study, case–control study and qualitative study) published in conventional abridged form2,3 in BMJ between January 2000 and June 2002. The conventional format is a condensed version of the full-length paper and contains 1300–1500 words; the structure of the paper (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) is retained.3 For each paper we prepared 2 additional abridged formats: a journalistic version4 and an enhanced-abstract version (see the online appendix at www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/172/2/203/DC1 for a sample of 3 abridgements of 1 paper). The journalistic version was based on a style typically used by “serious” newspapers, with the following subheadings: “Why we carried out this study,” “The background,” “What were the main findings?,” “How did we perform the study?” and “Why are these results important?” This format had no abstract, the paper starting instead with the main findings and conclusions in the first paragraph, followed by less salient details. The enhanced-abstract version provided detailed results in the abstract (including a table or figure), and the main body of the text was explanatory, focusing on the context and discussion.We drew a stratified random sample from 1728 UK and non-UK readers and 360 corresponding authors of a research paper published in BMJ between January 2000 and June 2002. Each participant received all 3 abridged versions of 1 of 12 research papers. The study design of the paper and the order of versions were allocated randomly to each participant.We asked the respondents to rank the 3 versions in order of preference and to indicate how strongly they felt about their preference. We also asked participants whether use of either of the journalistic or enhanced-abstract formats instead of the conventional format would prevent them from submitting papers to BMJ in the future. We offered a book voucher as an incentive and sent 2 reminders to nonrespondents.4Of the sample of 2088 respondents, 55 were excluded (43 had incorrect mailing addresses, and 12, being both readers and authors, were selected more than once because of overlap in the databases). Of the 2033 eligible participants, 1002 (49%) responded. The response rate was higher for authors (220/321 [68%]) than readers (782/1712 [46%]). Item nonresponse was minimal.A total of 45% (95% confidence interval [CI] 42%–48%) of the respondents (446/997) (42% of readers and 56% of authors) said that they liked the conventional abridged version most (Fig. 1). The next most preferred format was the journalistic version (31% [95% CI 28%–34%] [306/997]), followed by the enhanced-abstract version (25% [95% CI 22%–27%] [245/997]). When we stratified for location (UK v. non-UK) and audience (reader v. author), the conventional abridged version remained the preferred version, except among UK readers, who gave the 3 versions similar rankings (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFig. 1: Type of short version of scientific article most preferred by BMJ authors and readers, stratified for audience (authors v. readers) and geographic location (UK v. non-UK). Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval.Most respondents (87% [95% CI 85%–89%] [863/994]) liked their first choice “a lot.” Thirteen percent (95% CI 11%–15%) (127/994) liked their first choice only “a little,” and none said they “don''t like it at all.” Four respondents (0.4%) did not have an opinion.A total of 268 respondents said they were unlikely to submit a paper to BMJ in the future. Of the remaining 734 respondents, 28% (95% CI 25%–32%) indicated that use of the journalistic format for abridgement would very likely stop them from submitting papers to BMJ, and 13% (95% CI 11%–16%) said that use of the enhanced-abstract format as abridgement would.Our findings that a conventional abridged version was preferred by BMJ authors and readers and that many respondents indicated that use of journalistic and enhanced-abstract formats would prevent them from submitting future papers to the journal are important signals for editors. They indicate that contributors'' opinions should be considered when planning major changes for the presentational style of scientific papers.The main limitation of our study is the low response rate for readers (46%), despite strategies to optimize response rates.4 However, we believe that the information we received from readers is still useful, since we have no reason to believe that any particular selection mechanism is active other than lack of interest in the presentation of research papers.Publishers of scientific and general medical journals who use or are considering using abridgements of scientific articles should bear in mind that a conventional format of abridged papers may be the choice most likely to satisfy both readers and authors.  相似文献   

Ant–hemipteran mutualism has a variety of ecological effects on the host plants, but the magnitude and moderators of those effects are poorly known. We evaluated this issue by conducting a meta-analysis based on 49 published studies. Results showed that the mutualism had significant protective effects on the host plans, although those effects did not lead to enhanced plant growth or reproductive performance. Both herbivores and predators on plants were strongly suppressed by the mutualism; a similar pattern was also detected for fruit removal. The ecological effects of the mutualism tended to be more consistent and stronger in tropical and subtropical regions, whereas in temperate regions, none of the tested variables was significantly affected by the mutualism. The protective effects of the mutualism on plants were independent of plant life form and the invasiveness of ants. The effect of the mutualism on predators varied with plant life form. The study confirmed that the ant–hemipteran mutualism has a wide range of ecological influences on plants and highlights the significance of a common and wide-spread mutualism.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,152(4):241-249
The electronic absorption, EPR and MCD spectra of NO derivatives of both ferrous and ferric cytochrome c (horse heart) have been measured in the pH region 2.0 to 12.9, in order to elucidate the pH dependence of the stereochemistry around the heme group. The reaction products of NO with ferrous cytochrome c in equilibrium were as follows: in the region 2.0 ⩽ pH ⩽ 5.3, NO–ferrous cytochrome c; in the region 5.3 < pH ⩽ 11.0, a mixture of NO–ferrous cytochrome c and native ferrous cytochrome c; at pH 12.0, NO–ferrous cytochrome c. At pH 2.0, the NO–ferrous cytochrome c contained a five-coordinate nitrosylheme as the major component and a six-coordinate species as the minor component, and at the order pH values it contained only the six-coordinate species. The reaction products of NO with ferric cytochrome c in equilibrium were as follows: in the region 2.0 ⩽ pH ⩽ 7.2, NO–ferric cytochrome c with six-coordinate nitrosylheme; in the region 7.2 < pH ⩽ 11.0, a mixture of NO–ferrous cytochrome c and native ferrous cytochrome c; at pH 12.0, NO–ferrous cytochrome c. Thus, the reaction of NO with ferric cytochrome c results in the formation of NO–ferrous cytochrome c, which is a typical case of reductive nitrosylation.  相似文献   

A series of PTH hybrids containing a diamine [NH2(CH2) n NH2; n = 4, 5, 6] in the C-terminal position was synthesized based on the H-Aib-Val-Aib-Glu-Ile-Gln-Leu-Nle-His-Gln-Har-NH2 (Har = homoarginine) template. The compounds were pharmacologically characterized at PTH1R receptors for agonist activity.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) hyphal communities have not been well characterized. Furthermore, there have been few studies where the ECM hyphal community is compared to fungi detected as sporocarps or ECM-colonized root tips. We investigated fungi present as hyphae in a well-studied California Quercus–Pinus woodland. Hyphal species present were compared to those found as sporocarps and ECM root tips at the same site. Hyphae were extracted from root-restrictive nylon mesh in-growth bags buried in the soil near mature Quercus douglasii, Quercus wislizeni, and Pinus sabiniana. Taxa were identified using PCR, cloning, and DNA sequencing of internal transcribed spacer and 28s rDNA. Among the 33 species detected, rhizomorph-forming ECM fungi dominated the hyphal community, especially species of Thelephoraceae and Boletales. Most fungi in soils near Quercus spp. and P. sabiniana were ECM basidiomycetes, but we detected two ECM ascomycetes and three non-mycorrhizal fungi. Many ECM species present as hyphae were also previously detected at this site as sporocarps (18%) or on ECM root tips (58%). However, the hyphal community was mostly dominated by different taxa than either the sporocarp or ECM root communities.  相似文献   

The chromosomal control of pig populations has been widely developed in France over the last ten years. By December 31st, 2006, 13 765 individuals had been karyotyped in our laboratory, 62% of these since 2002. Ninety percent were young purebred boars controlled before service in artificial insemination centres, and 3% were hypoprolific boars. So far, 102 constitutional structural chromosomal rearrangements (67 since 2002) have been described. Fifty-six were reciprocal translocations and 8 peri- or paracentric inversions. For the first time since the beginning of the programme and after more than 11 000 pigs had been karyotyped, one Robertsonian translocation was identified in 2005 and two others in 2006. The estimated prevalence of balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements in a sample of more than 7700 young boars controlled before service was 0.47%. Twenty-one of the 67 rearrangements described since 2002 were identified in hypoprolific boars. All were reciprocal translocations. Twelve mosaics (XX/XY in 11 individuals, XY/XXY in one individual) were also diagnosed. Two corresponded to hypoprolific boars, and three to intersexed animals. The results presented in this communication would justify an intensification of the chromosomal control of French and, on a broader scale, European and North-American pig populations.  相似文献   

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