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An estimated 229 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide in 2019. Both, Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax are responsible for most of the malaria disease burden in the world. Despite difficulties in obtaining an accurate number, the global estimates of cases in 2019 are approximately 229 million of which 2.8% are due to P. vivax, and the total number of malaria deaths are approximately 409 million. Regional elimination or global eradication of malaria will be a difficult task, particularly for P. vivax due to the particular biological features related to the hypnozoite, leading to relapse. Countries that have shown successful episodes of a decrease in P. falciparum malaria, are left with remaining P. vivax malaria cases. This is caused by the mechanism that the parasite has evolved to remain dormant in the liver forming hypnozoites. Furthermore, while clinical trials of vaccines against P. falciparum are making fast progress, a very different picture is seen with P. vivax, where only few candidates are currently active in clinical trials. We discuss the challenge that represent the hypnozoite for P. vivax vaccine development, the potential of Controlled Human Malaria Challenges (CHMI) and the leading vaccine candidates assessed in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Malaria is a major global health problem which predominantly afflicts developing countries. Although many antimalarial therapies are currently available, the protozoan parasite causing this disease, Plasmodium spp., continues to evade eradication efforts. One biological phenomenon hampering eradication efforts is the parasite’s ability to arrest development, transform into a drug-insensitive form, and then resume growth post-therapy. Currently, the mechanisms by which the parasite enters arrested development, or dormancy, and later recrudesces or reactivates to continue development, are unknown and the malaria field lacks techniques to study these elusive mechanisms. Since Plasmodium spp. salvage purines for DNA synthesis, we hypothesised that alkyne-containing purine nucleosides could be used to develop a DNA synthesis marker which could be used to investigate mechanisms behind dormancy. Using copper-catalysed click chemistry methods, we observe incorporation of alkyne modified adenosine, inosine, and hypoxanthine in actively replicating asexual blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum and incorporation of modified adenosine in actively replicating liver stage schizonts of Plasmodium vivax. Notably, these modified purines were not incorporated in dormant liver stage hypnozoites, suggesting this marker could be used as a tool to differentiate replicating and non-replicating liver forms and, more broadly, as a tool for advancing our understanding of Plasmodium dormancy mechanisms.  相似文献   

We describe here a highly efficient procedure for conditional mutagenesis in Plasmodium. The procedure uses the site-specific recombination FLP-FRT system of yeast and targets the pre-erythrocytic stages of the rodent Plasmodium parasite P. berghei, including the sporozoite stage and the subsequent liver stage. The technique consists of replacing the gene under study by an FRTed copy (i.e., flanked by FRT sites) in the erythrocytic stages of a parasite clone that expresses the flip (FLP) recombinase stage-specifically--called the 'deleter' clone. We present the available deleter clones, which express FLP at different times of the parasite life cycle, as well as the schemes and tools for constructing new deleter parasites. We also outline and discuss the various strategies for exchanging a wild-type gene with an FRTed copy and for generating conditional gene knockout or knockdown parasite clones. Finally, we detail the protocol for obtaining sporozoites that lack a protein of interest and for monitoring sporozoite-specific DNA excision and depletion of the target protein. The protocol should allow the functional analysis of any essential protein in the sporozoite, liver stage or hepatic merozoite stages of rodent Plasmodium parasites.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites circulating in the blood or developing in the mosquito host can easily be seen and studied. We know much less about malaria parasites in the liver not only because of their location, but also because there are so few of them. Hepatic parasites are most often grown within hepatoma cells in culture, stained and visualized on slides under direct microscopy. In this report, Chitraporn Karnasuta and George Watt investigate the potential of cytocentrifugation as a tool for improving the detection of liver-stage malaria parasites.  相似文献   

Two expert research microscopists, each blinded to the other's reports, diagnosed single-species malaria infections in 2,141 adults presenting at outpatient malaria clinics in Tak Province, Thailand, and Iquitos, Peru, in May-August 1998, May-July 1999, and May-June 2001. Plasmodium vivax patients with gametocytemia had higher fever and higher parasitemia than those without gametocytemia; temperature correlated with parasitemia in the patients with gametocytemia. Plasmodium falciparum patients with gametocytemia had lower fever than those without gametocytemia, but similar parasitemia; temperature correlated with parasitemia in the patients without gametocytemia. Hematologic data in Thailand in 2001 showed lower platelet counts in P. vivax patients with gametocytemia than in the P. vivax patients without gametocytemia, whereas P. falciparum patients with gametocytemia had similar platelet counts but lower red blood cell counts, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit levels, and higher lymphocyte counts than patients without gametocytemia.  相似文献   

Malaria elimination means cessation of parasite transmission. At present, the declining malaria incidence in many countries has made elimination a feasible goal. Transmission control has thus been placed at the center of the national malaria control programs. The efficient transmission of Plasmodium vivax from humans to mosquitoes is a key factor that helps perpetuate malaria in endemic areas. A better understanding of transmission is crucial to the success of elimination efforts. Biological delineation of the parasite transmission process is important for identifying and prioritizing new targets of intervention. Identification of the infectious parasite reservoir in the community is key to devising an effective elimination strategy. Here we describe the fundamental characteristics of P. vivax gametocytes - the dynamics of their production, longevity, and the relationship with the total parasitemia - as well as recent advances in the molecular understanding of parasite sexual development. In relation to malaria elimination, factors influencing the human infectivity and the current evidence for a role of asymptomatic carriers in transmission are presented.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamics of parasitemia and gametocytemia reflected in the preintervention charts of 221 malaria-naive U.S. neurosyphilis patients infected with the St. Elizabeth strain of Plasmodium vivax, for malariatherapy, focusing on the 109 charts for which 15 or more days of patency preceded intervention and daily records encompassed an average 98% of the duration of each infection. Our approximations of merogony cycles (via "local peaks" in parasitemia) seldom fit patterns that correspond to "textbook" tertian brood structures. Peak parasitemia was higher in trophozoite-induced infections than in sporozoite-induced ones. Relative densities of male and female gametocytes appeared to alternate, though without a discernably regular period. Successful transmission to mosquitoes did not depend on detectable gametocytemia or on absence of fever. When gametocytes were detected, transmission success depended on densities of only male gametocytes. Successful feeds occurred on average 4.7 days later in an infection than did failures. Parasitemia was lower in homologous reinfection, gametocytemia lower or absent.  相似文献   

Four Plasmodium species cause malaria in humans: Plasmodium vivax is the most widespread and results in pronounced morbidity. India (population >1 billion) is a major contributor to the burden of vivax malaria. With a resurgence in interest concerning the neglected burden of vivax malaria and the completion of the P. vivax genome, it is timely to review what is known concerning P. vivax in India. The P. vivax population is highly diverse in terms of relapse patterns, drug response and clinical profiles, and highly genetically variable according to studies of antigen genes, isoenzyme markers and microsatellites. The unique epidemiology of malaria in India, where P. vivax predominates over Plasmodium falciparum, renders this location ideal for studying the dynamics of co-infection.  相似文献   

In Bangkok, Thailand, 3-8 February 2002, the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria convened the first malaria conference, Vivax Malaria Research: 2002 and Beyond, devoted entirely to Plasmodium vivax research.  相似文献   

Establishment of a continuous line of Plasmodium vivax parasite is crucial to understand the parasite's biology; however, this has not yet been achieved. Beginning in the 19th century, there were several efforts to cultivate this malaria parasite but without much success until the late 1980s. In addition, to date, only minor modifications of the methodology have been investigated, which has resulted in extending the cultivation period to around four weeks by supplying reticulocytes obtained from normal blood or rare hemochromatotic blood. However, the use of laboratory-produced erythroblasts to cultivate P. vivax enables maintenance of a continuous line of the parasite stably in the laboratory. Here, we summarize and compare the available methodologies and conditions for the in vitro cultivation of P. vivax.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax requires interaction with the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) to enable its invasion of human erythrocytes. Interaction with DARC is mediated by the P. vivax Duffy-binding protein (PvDBP) and is essential for junction formation, which is a key step in the invasion process. The receptor-binding domain of PvDBP maps to a conserved cysteine-rich region, referred to as region II (PvRII). Here, we review data on the interaction of PvRII with DARC and explore the potential of targeting this crucial receptor-ligand interaction to develop new intervention strategies against P. vivax.  相似文献   

Immunization with radiation-attenuated Plasmodium spp. sporozoites induces sterile protective immunity against parasite challenge. This immunity is targeted primarily against the intrahepatic parasite and appears to be sustained long term even in the absence of sporozoite exposure. It is mediated by multifactorial mechanisms, including T cells directed against parasite antigens expressed in the liver stage of the parasite life cycle and antibodies directed against sporozoite surface proteins. In rodent models, CD8+ T cells have been implicated as the principal effector cells, and IFN-gamma as a critical effector molecule. IL-4 secreting CD4+ T cells are required for induction of the CD8+ T cell responses, and Th1 CD4+ T cells provide help for optimal CD8+ T cell effector activity. Components of the innate immune system, including gamma-delta T cells, natural killer cells and natural killer T cells, also play a role. The precise nature of pre-erythrocytic stage immunity in humans, including the contribution of these immune responses to the age-dependent immunity naturally acquired by residents of malaria endemic areas, is still poorly defined. The importance of immune effector targets at the pre-erythrocytic stage of the parasite life cycle is highlighted by the fact that infection-blocking immunity in humans rarely, if ever, occurs under natural conditions. Herein, we review our current understanding of the molecular and cellular aspects of pre-erythrocytic stage immunity.  相似文献   

Four Plasmodium species cause malaria in humans, Plasmodium falciparum being the most widely studied to date. All Plasmodium species have paired club-shaped organelles towards their apical extreme named rhoptries that contain many lipids and proteins which are released during target cell invasion. P. falciparum RhopH3 is a rhoptry protein triggering important immune responses in patients from endemic regions. It has also been shown that anti-RhopH3 antibodies inhibit in vitro invasion of erythrocytes. Recent immunisation studies in mice with the Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei RhopH3 P. falciparum homologue proteins found that they are able to induce protection in murine models. This study described identifying and characterising RhopH3 protein in Plasmodium vivax; it is encoded by a seven exon gene and expressed during the parasite's asexual stage. PvRhopH3 has similar processing to its homologue in P. falciparum and presents a cellular immunolocalisation pattern characteristic of rhoptry proteins.  相似文献   

To track malaria parasites for biological studies within the mosquito and mammalian hosts, we constructed a stably transformed clonal line of Plasmodium berghei, PbFluspo, in which sporogonic and pre‐erythrocytic liver‐stage parasites are autonomously fluorescent. A cassette containing the structural gene for the FACS‐adapted green fluorescent protein mutant 2 (GFPmut2), expressed from the 5′ and 3′ flanking sequences of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein gene, was integrated and expressed at the endogenous CS locus. Recombinant parasites, which bear a wild‐type copy of CS, generated highly fluorescent oocysts and sporozoites that invaded mosquito salivary glands and were transmitted normally to rodent hosts. The parasites infected cultured hepatocytes in vitro, where they developed into fluorescent pre‐erythrocytic forms. Mammalian cells infected by these parasites can be separated from non‐infected cells by fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis. These fluorescent insect and mammalian stages of P. berghei should be useful for phenotypic studies in their respective hosts, as well as for identification of new genes expressed in these parasite stages.  相似文献   

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