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Several studies have recently reported that common species are more important for species richness patterns than rare species. However, most such studies have been based on broad‐scale atlas data. We studied the contribution of different species occupancy, i.e. number of plots occupied, to species richness patterns emerging from species data in 50 by 50 m plots within six 140–200 ha forests in Norway. The study included vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes, and polypore fungi. We addressed the following questions: 1) are common species more correlated with species richness than rare species? 2) How do occupancy classes combine at various levels of species richness? 3) Which occupancy class is best in identifying the overall most species‐rich sites (hotspots) by sampling? The results showed that rare species were better correlated with species richness than common species when the information content was accounted for, that high species richness was associated with a higher proportion of less frequent species, and that the best occupancy class for local hotspot identification was species present in 10–30% of the plots within a forest. We argue that the observed correlations between overall richness and sub‐assembly richness are primarily structured by the combination of the distributions of species richness and species occupancy. Although these distributions result from general ecological processes, they may also be strongly affected by idiosyncratic elements of the individual datasets caused by the specific environmental composition of a study area. Hence, different datasets collected in different areas may lead to different results regarding the relative importance of common versus rare species, and such effects should be expected on both broad and fine spatial scales. Despite these effects, we suggest that infrequent species will tend to be more strongly correlated to species richness at local scales than at broader scales as a result of more right‐skewed species‐occupancy distributions.  相似文献   

Determinants of avian species richness at different spatial scales   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
ABSTRACT. Studies of factors influencing avian biodiversity yield very different results depending on the spatial scale at which species richness is calculated. Ecological studies at small spatial scales (plot size 0.0025–0.4 km2) emphasize the importance of habitat diversity, whereas biogeographical studies at large spatial scales (quadrat size 400–50,000 km2) emphasize variables related to available energy such as temperature. In order to bridge the gap between those two approaches the bird atlas data set of Lake Constance was used to study factors determining avian species diversity at the intermediate spatial scales of landscapes (quadrat size 4–36 km2). At these spatial scales bird species richness was influenced by habitat diversity and not by variables related to available energy probably because, at the landscape scale, variation in available energy is small. Changing quadrat size between 4 and 36 km2, but keeping the geographical extension of the study constant resulted in profound changes in the degree to which the amount of different habitat types was correlated with species richness. This suggests that high species diversity is achieved by different management regimes depending on the spatial scale at which species richness is calculated. However, generally, avian species diversity seems to be determined by spatial heterogeneity at the corresponding spatial scale. Thus, protecting the diversity of landscapes and ecosystems appears to ensure also high levels of species diversity.  相似文献   

Plants respond to changing environmental conditions, and their ability to adjust intra‐specifically to such shifts represents an ecological and evolutionary advantage. We studied seven plant traits for two common, rhizomatous granite outcrop species (the fern Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia, and the herb Stypandra glauca) with seasonal foliage during the cooler, wetter winter months at seven sites across an aridity gradient in southwestern Australia. We investigated trait patterns at regional and habitat scale, by investigating changes in trait values along the aridity gradient, and by comparing two different habitats types (sun‐exposed and sheltered). We expected plants occurring in more arid sites and highly irradiated, shallow‐soil (sun‐exposed) habitats, to exhibit traits indicative of more conservative resource acquisition, retention and use strategies. At the habitat scale, we found support for our prediction, with plants in more stressful, sun‐exposed habitats showing traits’ values associated with more conservative strategies (especially for water), such as smaller plants, denser leaves, higher foliar δ13C and C/N. However, at the regional scale many traits displayed the opposite pattern, suggesting less conservative resource acquisition in more arid sites. This evidence was particularly pronounced for specific leaf area (SLA), which exhibited a significant, positive relationship with increasing aridity. We suggest that the unexpected regional trends in foliar traits relate to shorter lived, faster growing leaves linked to highly efficient resource acquisition and use strategies during the shorter growing season in the more arid regions. These highly exploitative strategies may enable plants to avoid climate extremes, that is, hot and dry periods in the more arid sites. Our findings of contrasting foliar traits responses at different scales support the importance of multi‐scale approaches to quantify the role of intraspecific trait variability.  相似文献   

Pesticides are an important potential cause of biodiversity and pollinator decline. Little is known about the impacts of pesticides on wild pollinators in the field. Insect pollinators were sampled in an agricultural system in Italy with the aim of detecting the impacts of pesticide use. The insecticide fenitrothion was over 150 times greater in toxicity than other pesticides used in the area, so sampling was set up around its application. Species richness of wild bees, bumblebees and butterflies were sampled at three spatial scales to assess responses to pesticide application: (i) the ‘field’ scale along pesticide drift gradients; (ii) the ‘landscape’ scale sampling in different crops within the area and (iii) the ‘regional’ scale comparing two river basins with contrasting agricultural intensity. At the field scale, the interaction between the application regime of the insecticide and the point in the season was important for species richness. Wild bee species richness appeared to be unaffected by one insecticide application, but declined after two and three applications. At the landscape scale, the species richness of wild bees declined in vine fields where the insecticide was applied, but did not decline in maize or uncultivated fields. At the regional scale, lower bumblebee and butterfly species richness was found in the more intensively farmed basin with higher pesticide loads. Our results suggest that wild bees are an insect pollinator group at particular risk from pesticide use. Further investigation is needed on how the type, quantity and timing of pesticide application impacts pollinators.  相似文献   

Herbivores influence spatial heterogeneity in soil resources and vegetation in ecosystems. Despite increasing recognition that spatial heterogeneity can drive species richness at different spatial scales, few studies have quantified the effect of grazing on spatial heterogeneity and species richness simultaneously. Here we document both these variables in a rabbit-grazed grassland. We measured mean values and spatial patterns of grazing intensity, rabbit droppings, plant height, plant biomass, soil water content, ammonia and nitrate in sites grazed by rabbits and in matched, ungrazed exclosures in a grassland in southern England. Plant species richness was recorded at spatial scales ranging between 0.0001 and 150 m(2). Grazing reduced plant height and plant biomass but increased levels of ammonia and nitrate in the soil. Spatial statistics revealed that rabbit-grazed sites consisted of a mixture of heavily grazed patches with low vegetation and nutrient-rich soils (lawns) surrounded by patches of high vegetation with nutrient-poor soils (tussocks). The mean patch size (range) in the grazed controls was 2.1 +/- 0.3 m for vegetation height, 3.8 +/- 1.8 m for soil water content and 2.8 +/- 0.9 m for ammonia. This is in line with the patch sizes of grazing (2.4 +/- 0.5 m) and dropping deposition (3.7 +/- 0.6 m) by rabbits. In contrast, patchiness in the ungrazed exclosures had a larger patch size and was not present for all variables. Rabbit grazing increased plant species richness at all spatial scales. Species richness was negatively correlated with plant height, but positively correlated to the coefficient of variation of plant height at all plot sizes. Species richness in large plots (<25 m(2)) was also correlated to patch size. This study indicates that the abundance of strong competitors and the nutrient availability in the soil, as well as the heterogeneity and spatial pattern of these factors may influence species richness, but the importance of these factors can differ across spatial scales.  相似文献   

The relationship between plant species richness and the space organization of the community at different small scales was studied. The study was based on 51 sites distributed along a belt from Central Spain to Portugal. Each site was analyzed with a transect cutting across the boundary between two neighboring patches of shrubland and grassland. Local spatial organization of vegetation was analyzed at different levels of detail and each transect was divided into successively smaller portions. The first division coincides with a physiognomic perception of the site in two patches (shrubland and grassland). The average spatial niche width of the species was used to calculate the spatial organization of the vegetation of each division in each site. The correlation between species richness and spatial organization depended on the block size under consideration. A physiognomic criterion, sectorizing the sites into patches of shrubland and grassland, determines noteworthy floristic changes but does not enable us to express satisfactorily the variability in plant richness. In order to account for this variation, other factors must be taken into account which act at a more detailed small-scale and which determine the internal variability of these patches. In the case studied, the species richness of the sites increases along with an increase in the percentage of species whose occupation of the space is relatively restricted within the site. Many of these species are, however, frequent within the whole of the territory studied. The results highlight the importance of the level of local scale at which the factors influencing occupation of the space, and consequentially, plant richness, preferentially act. This circumstance ought to be taken into consideration in strategies for the conservation of biological diversity, and based on the delimitation of protected spaces with criteria frequently linked to the physiognomy of the vegetation.Nomenclature: Follows T.G. Tutin et al. 1964-1980. Flora Europaea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge  相似文献   

Morphological and physiological traits of Crepis pygmaea L. subsp. pygmaea and Isatis apennina Ten. ex Grande growing at different altitudes in the Gran Sasso Massif (Abruzzo, Italy) were analyzed. The two populations of C. pygmaea and I. apennina growing at the highest altitude (C p2 and I p2 at 2,310 m a.s.l. and 2,350 m a.s.l., respectively) had a lower leaf mass area (LMA) than the two populations growing at the lowest altitude (C p1 and I p1 at 2,250 m a.s.l. and 2,310 m a.s.l., respectively). Leaf tissue density (LTD) had the same LMA trend, decreasing 23 and 10% in C. pygmaea and I. apennina, respectively, from the highest to the lowest altitude. C. pygmaea and I. apennina had the highest photosynthetic rates (P N) in July decreasing on an average 17 and 30%, respectively, in August and 50 and 38%, respectively, in September. Leaf respiration (R) in I p1 and I p2 had the same trend as C p1 and C p2, showing the highest rates in September. Global warming could drive C. pygmaea and I. apennina toward higher altitudes in the Gran Sasso Massif. Nevertheless, C. pygmaea with the higher plasticity index (PI) both at physiological and at morphological levels (0.50 and 0.35, respectively) might have a competitive advantage over I. apennina over the long term.  相似文献   

This study explores the consequences of predator-mediated coexistence among competitors for patterns of incidence and diversity at local and regional scales. We develop a model that draws on elements of metapopulation models of competitors and food chains by allowing competitors to coexist locally in the presence of predators but not in their absence. The model predicts that predators promote regional coexistence by greatly expanding the range of conditions under which two competitors persist at equilibrium. Predators could have positive or negative effects on mean local diversity within the region depending on their dispersal rates, those of the prey, and their effects on prey extinction rates. The presence of predators increased the abundance of inferior competitors, thereby expanding the conditions for positive relationships between local and regional diversity. The model also predicted positive correlations between local diversity of predators and prey. These predictions were supported by patterns of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish species richness among lakes. The model may help to resolve the apparent contrast between linear patterns of local and regional richness and experimental evidence for strong invasion resistance and rapid dispersal in zooplankton.  相似文献   

The effect of management related factors on species richness of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens was studied in managed deciduous-coniferous mixed forests in Western-Hungary. At the stand level, the potential explanatory variables were tree species composition, stand structure, microclimate and light conditions, landscape and historical variables; while at tree level host tree species, tree size and light were studied. Species richness of the two epiphyte groups was positively correlated. Both for lichen and bryophyte plot level richness, the composition and diversity of tree species and the abundance of shrub layer were the most influential positive factors. Besides, for bryophytes the presence of large trees, while for lichens amount and heterogeneity of light were important. Tree level richness was mainly determined by host tree species for both groups. For bryophytes oaks, while for lichens oaks and hornbeam turned out the most favourable hosts. Tree size generally increased tree level species richness, except on pine for bryophytes and on hornbeam for lichens. The key variables for epiphytic diversity of the region were directly influenced by recent forest management; historical and landscape variables were not influential. Forest management oriented to the conservation of epiphytes should focus on: (i) the maintenance of tree species diversity in mixed stands; (ii) increment the proportion of deciduous trees (mainly oaks); (iii) conserving large trees within the stands; (iv) providing the presence of shrub and regeneration layer; (v) creating heterogeneous light conditions. For these purposes tree selection and selective cutting management seem more appropriate than shelterwood system.  相似文献   

Variation in plant responses to neighbors at local and regional scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differences in the responses of plant species to neighbors may determine their distribution among contrasting environments, but no studies have compared variation in competitive or facilitative abilities both within and among environments. We determined whether the responses of plants to interspecific interactions varied at large scales (between environments) and small scales (among sites within an environment) across a tree line. We separated the effects of above- and belowground interactions on seedlings of grasses and trees grown in prairie or forest using vegetation removals at several sites. Species interactions generally had no significant effect on transplant survival. Competition reduced seedling growth by about 33%-89% in both prairie and forest environments. Despite the strong suppression of growth by neighbors, environment and species effects contributed more to variation in transplant performance than did neighbor removals. Responses to neighbors varied among transplant species but generally did not vary significantly between environments or among sites. With vegetation removed, grasses grew significantly faster in prairie and trees grew faster in forest. Thus, in the absence of neighbors, species showed distinct preferences for the environment in which they are most abundant. In summary, the responses of grasses and woody species to neighbors did not vary significantly at either large (between environments) or small (among sites) scales. These results suggest that species responses to interspecific interactions do not vary strongly with environment or smaller-scale site effects.  相似文献   

Several biodiversity features can be linked to landscape heterogeneity, that, in turn, can be informative for management and conservation purposes. Usually, the more the landscape is complex the more the biodiversity increases. Biodiversity indicators can be a useful tool to assess biodiversity status, in function of landscape heterogeneity. In this study, we developed a biodiversity indicator, based on Shannon diversity index and built from distribution maps of protected species. With such an approach, we seek to evaluate the feasibility of using a combination of target species as a surrogate for assessing the status of the whole bird community. Our approach was spread over multiple spatial scales, to determine which was the most informative. We selected four species protected by European regulation and generated a presence-absence map from species distribution modelling. We, therefore, used the FRAGSTATS biodiversity metric to calculate Shannon index for the overlapped presence-absence maps, at two spatial scales (500 m and 1000 m). Then, the relationships with the whole community was assessed through generalised least square models, at the spatial scale of 4 ha, 9 ha and 25 ha. Results showed that the higher rate of variability of community was explained by the biodiversity indicator at 1000 m scale. Indeed, the more informative spatial scale for the whole bird community was 9 ha. In addition, a pattern emerged about the relationships between biodiversity indicator and community richness, that is worth of further research. Our study demonstrates that the usefulness of surrogate species for biodiversity and community assessment can become clear only at a certain spatial scales. Indeed, they can be highly predictive of the whole community, and highly informative for conservation planning. Moreover, their use can optimize biodiversity monitoring and conservation, focusing on a small number of noteworthy species.  相似文献   

植被对不同时间尺度干旱事件的响应特征及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孔冬冬  张强  顾西辉  王月  李华贞 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7908-7918
利用标准化降雨蒸散发指数(SPEI)与归一化植被指数(NDVI)系统研究了中国不同区域、不同土地利用类型的植被对不同时间尺度干旱事件的响应特征,并对成因做出探讨。研究表明:(1)全国大部分区域NDVI与SPEI呈显著正相关,表明中国大部分区域植被生物量变化受干旱时空特征的影响。而沿北纬30度附近的长江流域区域,尤其是长江流域东南部、珠江流域下游等降水相对丰沛区域;黑龙江东北部及长白山地区、四川西部等高寒区域,NDVI与SPEI表现出弱相关性,受干旱影响较小;(2)多年平均水平衡是影响植被对干旱响应的关键因素,土壤水分变化是植被活力与生物量变化的关键影响因子。多年平均日照时数较长的区域,植被变化受干旱影响较大。从对干旱影响敏感性程度来讲,越是水量丰沛的区域,植被受干旱的影响越小,其中,草地对干旱的影响最为敏感,其次为灌木与森林。  相似文献   

人类活动所引起的栖息地毁坏已成为当前物种多样性丧失的最主要的原因之一。空间显含模型相对于空间隐含模型来说,更加接近于现实,因此,通过元胞自动机,模拟了物种多样性对万年、千年、百年时间尺度人类活动所引起的栖息地毁坏的响应。研究结果表明:万年时间尺度上,物种是由强到弱的灭绝;而在千年时间尺度上,物种灭绝的序受集合种群结构的影响较大;在百年时间尺度上。物种由于栖息地毁坏过于剧烈和迅速,来不及作出响应。在栖息地完全毁坏时集体灭绝。因此,物种灭绝序不只是受竞争-侵占均衡机制的影响,还受不同时间尺度(不同速率)栖息地毁坏的影响。以及集合种群结构的影响。  相似文献   

The geographic area hypothesis advances area as the primary cause of latitudinal gradients in diversity. The greater area of tropical zones, it suggests, stimulates speciation, inhibits extinction, and leads to increased species richness compared to the situation in smaller temperate and boreal zones. Because bats exhibit exceptionally strong latitudinal gradients of richness at multiple spatial scales in the New World, they are an appropriate system with which to test the geographic area hypothesis. We used range maps for 250 species of New World bats to estimate species richness in biogeographic zones at two hierarchical spatial scales: biome types and provinces. We then conducted a series of regression analyses to evaluate the ability of area to account for latitudinal gradients in species richness. However, spillover (zonal bleeding) of tropical species into extra-tropical zones may mask the species-area relationship and alter perceptions of the latitudinal gradient. To address this issue, we conducted additional analyses excluding tropical species, using a series of increasingly inclusive definitions of tropical ranges. Ecogeographic zones of the New World are not larger at tropical versus extra-tropical latitudes. Moreover, spillover of tropical species into ecogeographic zones within extra-tropical regions generally does not diminish the association between richness and area. Nonetheless, the latitudinal gradient of species richness is strong and significant at both ecogeographic scales. Clearly, area does not drive the latitudinal gradient of bat species richness in the New World. In fact, area represents a source of noise rather than a dominant signal at the focal scale of biome types and provinces in the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate how plant diversity of whole islands (‘gamma’) is related to alpha and beta diversity patterns among sampling plots within each island, thus exploring aspects of diversity patterns across scales. Location Nineteen islands of the Aegean Sea, Greece. Methods Plant species were recorded at both the whole‐island scale and in small 100 m2 plots on each island. Mean plot species richness was considered as a measure of alpha diversity, and six indices of the ‘variation’‐type beta diversity were also applied. In addition, we partitioned beta diversity into a ‘nestedness’ and a ‘replacement’ component, using the total species richness recorded in all plots of each island as a measure of ‘gamma’ diversity. We also applied 10 species–area models to predict the total observed richness of each island from accumulated plot species richness. Results Mean alpha diversity was not significantly correlated with the overall island species richness or island area. The range of plot species richness for each island was significantly correlated with both overall species richness and area. Alpha diversity was not correlated with most indices of beta diversity. The majority of beta diversity indices were correlated with whole‐island species richness, and this was also true for the ‘replacement’ component of beta diversity. The rational function model provided the best prediction of observed island species richness, with Monod’s and the exponential models following closely. Inaccuracy of predictions was positively correlated with the number of plots and with most indices of beta diversity. Main conclusions Diversity at the broader scale (whole islands) is shaped mainly by variation among small local samples (beta diversity), while local alpha diversity is not a good predictor of species diversity at broader scales. In this system, all results support the crucial role of habitat diversity in determining the species–area relationship.  相似文献   

Global patterns of intraspecific leaf trait responses to elevation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elevational gradients are often used to quantify how traits of plant species respond to abiotic and biotic environmental variations. Yet, such analyses are frequently restricted spatially and applied along single slopes or mountain ranges. Since we know little on the response of intraspecific leaf traits to elevation across the globe, we here perform a global meta‐analysis of leaf traits in 109 plant species located in 4 continents and reported in 71 studies published between 1983 and 2018. We quantified the intraspecific change in seven morpho‐ecophysiological leaf traits along global elevational gradients: specific leaf area (SLA), leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf area (LA), nitrogen concentration per unit of area (Narea), nitrogen concentration per unit mass (Nmass), phosphorous concentration per unit mass (Pmass) and carbon isotope composition (δ13C). We found LMA, Narea, Nmass and δ13C to significantly increase and SLA to decrease with increasing elevation. Conversely, LA and Pmass showed no significant pattern with elevation worldwide. We found significantly larger increase in Narea, Nmass, Pmass and δ13C with elevation in warmer regions. Larger responses to increasing elevation were apparent for SLA of herbaceous compared to woody species, but not for the other traits. Finally, we also detected evidences of covariation across morphological and physiological traits within the same elevational gradient. In sum, we demonstrate that there are common cross‐species patterns of intraspecific leaf trait variation across elevational gradients worldwide. Irrespective of whether such variation is genetically determined via local adaptation or attributed to phenotypic plasticity, the leaf trait patterns quantified here suggest that plant species are adapted to live on a range of temperature conditions. Since the distribution of mountain biota is predominantly shifting upslope in response to changes in environmental conditions, our results are important to further our understanding of how plants species of mountain ecosystems adapt to global environmental change.  相似文献   

In plant ecology, community-weighted trait means are often used as predictors for ecosystem functions. More recently, also within-species trait variation has been confirmed to contribute to ecosystem functioning. We here go even further and assess within-individual trait variation, assuming that every leaf in a plant individually adjusts to its micro-environment. Using forest plots varying in tree species richness (Sardinilla experiment, Panama), we analysed how leaf traits within individual trees vary along the vertical crown gradient. Furthermore, we tested whether niche partitioning in mixed stands results in a decrease of within-species leaf trait variation and whether niche partitioning can be also observed at the level of individual trees. We focused on leaf traits that describe the growth strategy along the conservative-acquisitive spectrum of growth. We found a decrease in within-species variation of specific leaf area (SLA) with increasing neighbourhood species richness. Both sampling height and local neighbourhood richness contributed to explaining within-species leaf trait variation, which however, varied in importance among different species and traits. With increasing sampling height, leaf dry matter content (LDMC), carbon to nitrogen ratio and lignin content increased, while leaf nitrogen concentration (leaf N), SLA, cellulose and hemicellulose decreased. Variation in leaf N decreased with increasing neighbourhood species richness, while the magnitude of within-individual variation of most traits was unaffected by neighbourhood species richness. Our results suggest an increased niche partitioning with increasing species richness both in a plant community and at the level of individual plants. Our findings highlight the importance of including within-individual trait variation to understand biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relative effects of local and regional processes on local species richness (LSR) is critical for understanding the mechanisms underlying large‐scale biodiversity patterns. In this study we used 1098 forest plots from 41 mountains across China, together with regional flora data, to examine the relative influence of local climate vs regional species richness (RSR) on LSR patterns. Both RSR and LSR for woody species and all species combined decreased with increasing latitude, while richness of herbaceous species exhibited a hump‐shaped pattern. The major climatic orrelates of species richness differed across spatial scales. At the regional scale, winter coldness was the best predictor of RSR patterns for both woody and herbaceous species. At the local scale, however, productivity‐related climatic indices were the best predictors of LSR patterns. Local climate and RSR together explained 48, 54 and 23% of the variation in LSR, for overall, woody and herbaceous species, respectively. Both local climate and RSR independently influenced LSR in addition to their joint effects, suggesting that LSR patterns were shaped by local and regional processes together. Local climate and RSR affected LSR of woody species mainly through their joint effects, while there were few shared effects of climate and RSR on the LSR of herbaceous species. Our findings suggest that while geographic RSR patterns are mainly determined by winter coldness, the ecological processes driven by productivity may be critical to the filtering of regional flora into local communities. We also demonstrate that biogeographic region is not a good surrogate for regional richness, at least for our dataset. Consequently, whether biogeographic region can effectively reflect regional effects needs further examination.  相似文献   

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