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A combined palynological and phytosociological methodological approach was used in the reconstruction of precultural forest vegetation in a small model area of Bílý Kí-Janík in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy mountains (northwest Slovakia). Two pollen diagrams show the predominance of Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba and Picea abies in past natural mixed forests. The present-day occurrence and distribution of forest herbs allow the differentiation of five past vegetation types with above mentioned forest climax trees covering the area before the beginning of human interference. A map of reconstructed natural vegetation is presented which can be used for revitalization of present secondary spruce plantations, heavily affected by air pollution.  相似文献   

To examine models of evolution for Coregonus from the Central Alpine region of Europe, 20 populations from nine lakes were assessed for variation at six microsatellite DNA loci. Patterns of variation were tested against three evolutionary models: phenotypic plasticity, multiple invasions of lakes by divergent forms, and within-lake radiation of species flocks. All sympatric and all but one allopatric pairs of populations were significantly divergent in allele frequencies. Pairwise F -statistics indicated reduced gene flow among phenotypically divergent sympatric populations. These results reject the hypothesis that within-lake morphological and ecological diversity reflects phenotypic plasticity within a single gene pool. Genetic similarity was higher among forms within lakes than between populations of the same form in different lakes. Among-lake divergence was primarily a product of allele size differences. Mantel tests contrasting patterns of genetic divergence against patterns predicted from the multiple invasions and species flocks models indicated that the latter is the best explanation of the observed genetic variation. Thus, reproductively isolated species diverged within lakes, with similar patterns repeatedly emerging among lakes. While this study argues for a particular mode of evolution in Central Alpine Coregonus , the taxonomy of these forms remains unresolved.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of pollen and macroscopic analyses of a geological core from the village of Bulhary, at the north-eastern foot of the limestone Pavlovské vrchy hills, South Moravia, Czech Republic. The core reached down to about 10 m of aeolic loess layers and some 40–50 cm of compressed organogenic sediments. They accumulated around ca 25,000 years bp. The moss peat and algal gyttja we have analysed were deposited in an ox-bow of the past flood-plain of the river Dyje. The time of the sedimentation may be synchronous with the time when the northern foot of the Pavlovské vrchy hills was inhabited by upper Palaeolithic people of the Gravettian (Pavlovian) culture, dated generally to an Upper Würmian interstadial. Archaeologists excavated their settlements in the villages of Dolní Věstonice and Pavlov, neighbouring our site of Bulhary. Our analyses permit the reconstruction of the vegetation of that time in the region but may also reveal the environment and living conditions of the Palaeolithic people. In our assemblages over 200 types of palynomorphs (pollen, spores, etc.) have been found, which indicates a very rich flora and vegetation growing in at least six different biotopes of the Pavlovské vrchy hills region: (1) Open, mostly coniferous stands with grass and herbaceous cover in their undergrowth. These were probably situated in the lowest parts of the territory and could also have dominated in the broader vicinity with loess cover. (2) Grass and herbaceous steppe-like vegetation probably occupied the belt above where the trees occurred but still within the loess zone. (3) The highest elevations of the hills and their limestone cliffs formed biotopes for a complex of subalpine (alpine) communities. (4) The flood plain was certainly occupied by very diversified tall-herb vegetation with scattered alder and willow trees or shrubs. (5) Aquatic communities of the infilled stages in the river ox-bows are well documented by microscopic and macroremain finds of water macrophytes, algae and mosses. (6) The presence of scattered spring outflows and their communities is indicated by pollen of typical spring plants, e.g. Chrysosplenium, Montia, Cardamine amara etc. The vegetation, especially that in the flood-plain, produced enough plant biomass to feed numerous herds of large herbivorous mammals, which were hunted by the Palaeolithic tribes. Also the climate was probably relatively suitable for the style of living at that time. It could have been similar to that of the present northern boreal zone of NE Scandinavia and N Russia or even milder.  相似文献   

Variation in the number of species was studied in a subthermophilous grassland at a scale of 0.05 ×0.05 m during a 5-year period. The observed variance of species richness (VSR) was compared with a null model based on random distribution of species over a set of squares. It was found that distribution of species richness had more values than, expected around the mean and less values at the “shoulders”. Both tails fell within the predicted limits. Application of the procedures removing spatial dependence (random shifts, rotation/reflection method byPalmer & van der Maarel 1995) and environmental heterogeneity (patch model byWatkins & Wilson 1992) did not change the observed pattern. Using simulations in which the number of clumps and clumping intensity were manipulated it was found that the effect of the clumped spatial pattern, on VSR results in a wide range of variances. Both variance excess and variance deficit were found more frequently than expected under the null model. To test the effect of the limitation to the number of individuals per square, a null model was developed which included that observed number of plant shoots per square, the observed distribution of the number of shoots belonging to individual species per square and the observed spatial distribution of the shoots. The observed VSR was still lower than that produced by the null model. Therefore, it is concluded that at a scale of 0.05×0.05 m plant species combine in a non-random way in the studied grassland. It is suggested that the shape of left and right “shoulders” of the species richness distribution may be caused by different factors, such as positive and negative covariance between species, respectively. Their simultaneous impact can generate the observed pattern in species richness.  相似文献   

When endosperms were isolated from fenugreek seeds 5 h after sowing and incubated in a small volume of water, the development of α-galactosidase activity and the breakdown of the galactomannan storage polysaccharide were both inhibited relative to control endosperms incubated in larger volumes. The inhibition could be relieved by pre-washing the endosperms, and reimposed by the wash-liquors. If the endosperms were isolated 24 h after sowing, no inhibition was observed. Removal of the embryonic axis from germinating fenugreek seeds and from germinated seedlings also inhibited the development of α-galactosidase activity and galactomannan breakdown in the endosperms; the inhibition was more pronounced the earlier the axis was removed. Axis excision 5 h after sowing caused a delay in the onset of galactomannan breakdown and of the appearance of α-galactosidase activity in the endosperms. It also led to a decrease in the rates of galactomannan breakdown and α-galactosidase production. Axis excision 24 h after sowing caused only a slowing of the rates of galactomannan breakdown and α-galactosidase increase. The inhibition caused by axis removal at 5 h could be relieved partially by gibberellin (10-4 M), benzyladenine (10-5 M), mixtures of these and by the herbicide SAN 9789 [4-chloro-5-(methylamine)-2-(α,α,α-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3-(2H)-pyridazinone]. These substances had no effect on the inhibition caused by axis-removal at 24 h. Excision of the cotyledons at 5 h-leaving the separated axis and the endosperm-also caused inhibition of galactomannan breakdown and α-galactosidase development. The results are consistent with the presence in the fenugreek seed endosperm of diffusible inhibitors of galactomannan mobilisation which are removed or inactivated during normal germination and early seedling development. They are also consistent with a role for the seedling axis in the control of galactomannan breakdown in the endosperm. Initially the axis appears to have a regulatory function (via gibberellins and/or cytokinins?) in determining the onset of α-galactosidase production in the endosperm. Thereafter its continued presence is necessary to ensure maximal rates of α-galactosidase production and galactomannan hydrolysis. The role of the axis may be initially to counteract the endogenous inhibitors in the endosperm and then to act as a sink for the galactomannan breakdown products released in the endosperm and taken up by the cotyledons.  相似文献   

During 1970s and 1980s, a large area of mountains in the Czech Republic was influenced by long-term industrial air pollution. Among the most degraded areas were the peaks of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts, where vast clearings resulted from emissions and subsequent forest destruction. This study is aimed at determining the degree of deforestation that is necessary to cause changes in structure and species diversity of small mammal communities that were observed previously. Communities of rodents and insectivores were monitored for a minimum of 3 years at two mountain ranges of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts (Czech Republic) by standard mouse snap-traps. The localities (Smrk and Kněhyně) differ by the degree of human disturbance. Clearings on Smrk Mt are very large (> 30 ha) with no remaining original forest growth as a result of intensive air pollution, unlike the same habitat type at Kněhyně Mt, where the clearings are minor (< 3 ha) and contain living solitary trees. Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in clearings were compared with those from original forests and other mountain habitats. Communities of small mammals at clearings in Smrk Mt (with dominatingMicrotus agrestis) are structurally very different from all other habitats, while structure of communities at Kněhyně clearings are very similar to those of original mountain forest (Complete linkage clustering based on Renkonen index). The community of the original mountain spruce forest at Kněhyně had the highest species diversity (according to Shannon-Weaver, Brillouin, and Simpson indices, Shannon evenness, and rarefaction), while species diversity at clearings of Smrk was the lowest. Shannon diversity of community at Kněhyně primeval forest is similar to that of Kněhyně clearings, while at Smrk Mt the forest diversity is higher than that of clearings. The species diversity of mountain forest and clearings at Kněhyně Mt was significantly higher than that in the same habitats at Smrk Mt. Our results obtained in disturbed habitats at Kněhyně and Smrk Mts suggest that the degree of deforestation may influence the presence and/or the degree of community changes. If the forest destruction is relatively small (clearings < 3 ha), the structure and diversity of small mammal communities do not differ from those of original forest.  相似文献   

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) were placed in aquaria where their locomotor activity was monitored by photocells, and tested at various acclimation temperatures over a range encompassing their final thermal preferenda. Activity was pooled over 24-hour periods to eliminate any circadian rhythm effects. Both species exhibited an activity well of reduced locomotor activity in the region of the final preferendum. Goldfish, tested either singly or in groups of 2–5 individuals, exhibited a social-interaction effect which became more pronounced at higher temperatures. These results are discussed in relation to a thermokinetic interpretation of thermo-regulatory behavior in fishes, and to the correspondence between thermal preferenda and thermal optima.  相似文献   

The effect of a range of concentrations of nitrate (NO?3) on the growth rate and nitrate reductase (NR) activity of both young and mature sporophytes of Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour has been studied by means of laboratory batch culture experiments. The growth rate of young sporophytes was found to increase in a hyperbolic fashion with increasing NO?3 availability, with a ks value of 19 μmol·dm?3. The potential in vivo NR activity of these plants (obtained under optimum assay conditions) remained constant over the range of NO?3 concentrations used, while the actual in vivo NR activity (sustained by the internal NO?3 pool within the cell) increased in a similar hyperbolic manner to that shown by the growth rate (ks 20 μmol·dm?3). The changes in the actual in vivo NR activity were consistent with those of the internal NO?3 content of these plants, which also increased with increasing external NO?3 concentration.The NR activity in the blade meristem of the mature sporophytes behaved in a similar manner to that of the entire young plants. In contrast, the potential in vivo NR activity of the old, non-meristematic region of the blades of mature plants (where the maximum NR activities were located) did respond to the external availability of NO?3, being greater in those plants grown in high concentrations of NO?3 than in those in which growth was nitrogen-limited. In addition to this trend, a similar dependence of the ratio of actual : potential NR activity on the degree of nitrogen limitation to that found in the young sporophytes occurred in this region of the blade of mature plants.Pronounced diurnal variations in NR activity, with maximum values in the light period and minimum in the dark, were observed in both field and laboratory populations of L. digitata. The amplitude of these fluctuations appeared to be controlled by the degree of nitrogen limitation experienced, being much greater when growth was light- rather than nitrogen-limited (minimum values 44 and 74% of maximum, respectively).Overall the data indicate that the ratio between the actual : potential in vivo NR activity in L. digitata provides an unambiguous indicator of the state of the nitrogen metabolism within the cells, the interpretation of which, unlike growth rate, is not affected by differences in other culture or environmental conditions. This finding is believed to have important implications for the commercial cultivation of this and other species of macroalgae.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of ground beetles and moths in the isolated Central European Mrtvy luh bog was analyzed. The most stenotopic tyrphobiontic species (relicts restricted to the peat bog) of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and moths (Lepidoptera) are distributed according to a distinct ecological gradient between the bog margin (lagg) and the bog centre. The degree of habitat preference between the bog margin and centre is taxonomically specific and significant. A list of stenotopic species of high conservation value is given. Several tyrphobiontic species occur in the treeless bog centre only. The tyrphophilous and tyrphoneutral species are distributed in the peat bog mostly randomly, some of such species prefer bog margins. The migratory highly opportunistic moths from habitats outside the bog usually cross the treeless centre. Most of the ubiquitous tyrphoneutral and migratory moths represent the faunal component, which is a very temporary phenomenon only, not associated with the peat bog permanently. The conservation of insect biodiversity associated with isolated peat bogs depends on complete preservation of the edaphic ecological conditions of the fragile paleorefugial habitat island and its spatial structure.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities were investigated along a gradient of heavy industrial and municipal pollution in the highland Bílina River (Czech Republic). Physico-chemical determinants and ions were monitored and community analysis performed focusing on taxonomic composition, ecological functioning (feeder and dweller guilds) and water quality metrics, including saprobity index, BMWP and diversity. Impacted sites differed significantly from reference and from recovered stretches. Chemical data revealed two main pollution factors, (1) a “salinity determinant”, described best by conductivity and SO42−, and (2) an “organic pollution determinant”, represented best by O2 concentrations and NO2, all varying locally and temporally. Some metrics and taxa showed significant correlations to abiotic parameters. Functional communities showed a stronger relationship to the “organic pollution determinant”, suggesting that elevated organic pollution had a dominating influence on functional community metrics; though other variables may also have an influence in this multistress environment. On the other hand, there were indications that the taxonomic community was more influenced by ion concentrations (“salinity determinant”). The gradient from reference sites to polluted sites was weaker in the final sampling campaign. The results presented here can be used as a reference for assessing future changes in environmental impact from pollution, being finer and more detailed than assessment according to the EU’s WFD.  相似文献   

Summary Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH)-like activity was obtained from embryonated eggs of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Activity was detected using an in vitro prothoracic gland stimulation bioassay. Doseresponse kinetics of crude extract revealed a 4-fold activation range with a maximum activation of 35-fold. Nearly 70% of the activity was sensitive to denaturation by heat or organic solvent extraction. Heat and organic solvent-stable activity is due to a protein. Dose-response kinetics suggest the presence of a small molecular weight PTTH with pre-hatch eggs providing a rich source of the hormone.Abbreviations Ar activation ratio - ED 50 50 percent effective dose - eq equivalent - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - PC prothoracic gland - PTTH prothoracicotropic hormone - RIA radioimmuno assay - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

Kolář  Jan  Kučerová  Andrea  Jakubec  Pavel  Vymazal  Jan 《Hydrobiologia》2017,794(1):347-358

Littorella uniflora (Plantaginaceae) is a scarce and declining aquatic plant in Europe. Its population has been strongly reduced by changes in fishpond management (eutrophication) in the Czech Republic since the 1950s. We studied its seed bank in both recent (n = 8) and historical localities (the last found from 1972 to 2000; n = 10) and tested the effects of sediment type and burial depth on seed germination using extracted seeds from two recent populations. The seeds were found in 60% of the historical localities, mostly in low densities (≤6 seeds per 3.75 l of sediment), and also in 100% of the recent localities in various densities (8–1390 seeds per 3.75 l of sediment); however, low germination rates (0–13.3%) were estimated. The seeds germinated best on wet filter paper, followed by nutrient-rich fishpond sediment, but poorly on sand mixed with different substrates. Burial depth significantly affected seed germination. The seeds germinated only on the soil surface and at the depth of 1 cm but no seed germinated at the depth of 3 and 5 cm. Besides low water transparency, both high rate of sediment accumulation and the absence of summer drainage may endanger L. uniflora populations in fishponds.


Concentrations of zinc, cadmium, lead and iron were determined in whole soft parts of mussels, Mytilus edulis (L.), and in growing tips of the alga Fucus vesiculosus (L.) from a total of 20 locations in the area of the Sound between Sweden and Denmark. Pollution profiles produced for each metal were similar in any one of the species studied but the profiles for metals in M. edulis were distinct from those for metals in F. vesiculosus. Results for mussels agreed broadly with those reported previously for this region, indicating a northward decrease in available metal concentrations. By contrast, results for algae showed few differences in metal availability throughout the study area, although some local effects were evident.The differences in the pollution profiles exhibited by these two organisms depend on their response to different portions of the total trace metal load of ambient waters. Results from the alga agree well with available data on the concentrations of trace metals in solution in waters of the Sound. The alga thus appears to be responding only to metals in solution, as suggested by previous authors. By contrast, the major proportion of the total body load of metals in mussels is derived from ingested phytoplankton. The pollution profiles exhibited by mussels may be explained if phytoplankton from the Baltic Sea contain higher concentrations of trace metals than do those from Kattegat. Possible mechanisms for the production of such differences in the metal contents of the two phytoplankton populations, and the ecological implications of these differences, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Reactions of A. AEGYPTI females to hygrothermal changes in the atmosphere were measured quantitatively by calculating the time between quantal cumulative response curves for take-off and settling. Reactions were compared among experimental groups derived from a stabilized colony and conditioned to a standard dark environment of 23 C and 100 per cent relative humidity.Atmospheric moisture was the limiting factor for duration of activity and for the initiation of the take-off or settling responses. Activity in response to hygrothermal conditions was mediated internally in relation to starvation and increased after a blood meal. Light operated interdependently with temperature and humidity to stimulate take-off after a period of rest.Activity appeared to be governed by the ability of mosquitoes to adapt to changes in the internal-external water balance.When the environmental water-vapor pressure remained near the adaptation level activity increased or decreased directly with temperature. Starving mosquitoes did not tolerate sudden decreases in water-vapor pressure, but did so within an hour following a blood meal. Large increases in watervapor pressure induced the resting state, which, if prolonged, took the form of prostrate immobilization. Maximum activity was related to the maximum hygrothermal change to which the mosquito could adapt without injury or without severe physiological consequences in water balance.
Zusammenfassung Die Reaktionen von A. AEGYPTI Weibchen bei Änderungen der Temperatur und Feuchte in der AtmosphÄre wurden quantitativ durch die Reaktionskurven für Abflug und Aufsetzen gemessen. Die Reaktionen wurden mit denen von Mücken aus einer an Dunkelheit, 23 C und 100% R.F. adaptierten Standardkolonie verglichen. Der limitierende Faktor für die Dauer der AktivitÄt und für die Einleitung der Abflug und Landereaktion war die Feuchte. Bei der Änderung der Temperatur-Feuchte Bedingungen wurde die AktivitÄt durch Hunger beeinflusst und war nach einer Blutmahlzeit grosser. Licht stimulierte unabhÄngig von Temperatur und Feuchte den Abflug nach einer Ruheperiode. Die AktivitÄt der Mücken schien von der FÄhigkeit bestimmt zu werden, sich an Anderungen im intern-externen Wassergleichgewicht anzupassen.Wenn die Feuchte in der Höhe des Adaptationswertes lag, fiel oder stieg die AktivitÄt proportional zur Temperatur. Im Hunger konnten die Mücken einen plötzlichen Feuchteabfall nicht vertragen, wohl aber innerhalb einer Stunde nach einer Blutmahlzeit. Starker Anstieg der Feuchte leitete eine Ruhephase ein, die bei lÄngerem Bestehen zur EntkrÄftung führte. Maximale AktivitÄt war mit maximalen Temperatur-Feuchtewechsel verbundenen den die Mücken sich ohne ernste Folgen im Wasserhaushalt anpassen konnten.

Resume La réaction de femelles d'A. AEGYPTI aux changements d'humidité et de température de l'atmosphère a été déterminée quantitativement au moyen des courbes de réaction fixant les intervalles de temps qui correspondent à l'envol et au retour. Les réactions ont été comparées à celles de moustiques appartenant à une colonie standard à l'obscurité, à 23 C de température et 100% d'humidité relative.L'humidité atmosphérique fut le facteur limitatif quant à la durée de l'activité et le déclenchement des réactions de repos et d'envol. L'activité en fonction des conditions d'humidité et de température fut influenÇable par la faim et montra un accroissement dans le cas de moustiques nourris de sang. Après une période de repos, une stimulation de l'envol eut lieu sous l'influence de la lumière, quelles que fussent les conditions de température et d'humidité.On constata que l'activité des moustiques fut dominée per leur faculté d'adaptation aux changements internes-externes de l'équilibre d'eau. Au cas où la pression de la vapeur d'eau environnante fut maintenue à proximité du niveau d'adaptation, l'activité augments ou décrût proportionellement à la température. A l'état affamé, les moustiques ne supportèrent pas les chutes rapides de la pression de la vapeur d'eau, mais, après qu'ils se fussent nourris de sang, le contraire eut lieu pendant une heure. Une forte augmentation de la pression de la vapeur d'eau provoqua le retour à l'état de repos, qui finit par prendre la forme d'un état d'épuisement. On constata que l'activité maximum correspond au changement maximum des conditions d'humidité et de température auquel les moustiques puissent s'adapter sans que soit porté préjudice à leur équilibre d'eau.

The dependence of proboscis eversion on the behaviour of the trunk coelom and the effect of increasing the external resistance to eversion have been investigated in Arenicola marina (L.).Two types of proboscis eversion are distinguished; Type I, in which there is an increase of 50–100% in the volume of the head region and where the high pressures recorded in the trunk coelom are needed, it is suggested, to force fluid into the head coelom; Type II, in which the volume change in the head region is small and where simultaneous recordings of head and trunk coelomic pressures indicate that the head coelom can be isolated from the rest of the coelom.Pressures in the trunk are only related to the extent of proboscis eversion when there is a high external resistance to eversion.  相似文献   

We have studied the changes in the activities of both nitrogenase (switch off) and glutamine synthetase in Rhodospirillum rubrum upon addition of ammonium ions or glutamine to nitrogen fixing cultures. Both activities decrease drastically and return in a parallel manner when added ammonia is metabolized. The decrease in glutamine synthetase activity does not seem to be primarily due to adenylylation of the enzyme. Addition of glutamine to cells starved for nitrogen results in inactivation of glutamine synthetase but nitrogenase is only partially switched off.Abbreviations CeMe3NBr Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine-N-2 sulfonic acid - MSO methionine-D,L-sulfoximine - Tea-Dmg triethanol amine-3,3-dimethylglutaric acid  相似文献   

We investigated the structure–activity relationship of KNT-127 (opioid δ agonist) derivatives with various 17-substituents which are different in length and size. The 17-substituent in KNT-127 derivatives exerted a great influence on the affinity and agonistic activity for the δ receptor. While the compounds with electron-donating 17-substituents showed higher affinities for the δ receptor than those with electron-withdrawing groups, KNT-127 derivatives with 17-fluoroalkyl groups (the high electron-withdrawing groups) showed high selectivities for the δ receptor among evaluated compounds. In addition, the basicity of nitrogen as well as the structure of the 17-N substituent such as the length and configuration at an asymmetric carbon atom contributed to agonist properties for the δ receptor. Thus, the analog with a 17-(3-ethoxypropyl) group showed the best selectively and potent agonistic activity for the δ receptor among KNT-127 derivatives. These findings should be useful for designing novel δ selective agonists.  相似文献   

The work is concerned with the question of the effect of humic acids on the biological action of agropyrene, the effective substance from the rootstock of Agropyron repens (L.) P. BEAUV. The test organism was the alga Scenedesmus obliquus (TURP.) KRÜGER, cultivated in mineral solution. The basic biological test was the determination of the number and size of the cells of this alga. It was found that the way in which agropyrene acts on combined application with humus acids depends on which humus fraction is used. It can display a synergic action if humic acid is used, since this substance probably facilitates the penetration of agropyrene into the cells. On the other hand, fulvic acid counteracts the activity of agropyrene and this most probably by mutual binding and blocking of active groups and links.  相似文献   

In the last decades, data on the economy and environment of the Neolithic period of lake dwellings (4300–2400 b.c.) in central Europe has increased considerably and also palaeoecological data on lake level fluctuations has been thoroughly elaborated. Lake shores were mainly settled during warm and rather dry climate periods which caused a fall in the lake levels. Nevertheless, there were strong and partly very short-term shifts in the economy during the lake-dwelling period. These can be recognised only because the settlement layers can be very precisely dated by dendrochronology. In this article we discuss in an interdisciplinary way the possible interrelations between climatic and economic changes. To explain the latter, we assume crop failures as the main reason, which caused intensified hunting and gathering. There are three different possibilities which might explain this: cold and wet summers, severe droughts during spring and summer, or local over-exploitation of soils in densely settled areas.  相似文献   

We describe three new hyaenodonts from the late Ypresian locality of Prémontré (Aisne, France; close to MP 10 reference level). The new species – Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp., Cynohyaenodon smithae nov. sp., and Eurotherium mapplethorpei nov. sp. – represent the oldest occurrences of these three European genera. Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp. is also reported from the locality of Cuis (Marne, France; Ypresian, ~MP 10). We further present the dentition of two specimens of Lesmesodon edingeri from Messel (Hessia, Germany; type locality of the genus) based on µCT scans. Cynohyaenodon smithae nov. sp. and Lesmesodon gunnelli nov. sp. support the presence of small (300–400 g) hyaenodonts in the late Ypresian of the Paris Basin. Estimates of dental indices indicate that these hyaenodonts had an insectivorous diet. The third species – referred to Eurotherium – may have weighed 4–5 kg and, based on dental indices, likely incorporated more vertebrate prey into its diet. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis in order to test the relationships of these new taxa. These newly discovered species imply that the Proviverra/Allopterodon, Cynohyaenodon, and Eurotherium clades appeared in Europe earlier than previously known (i.e., Lutetian, MP 11). They reinforce the hypothesis that the hyaenodonts radiated during the middle-late Ypresian (MP 8/9–10) in Europe and adapted at that time to diverse ecological niches that they still occupied in the Priabonian (MP 13–14).  相似文献   

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