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Diet of the maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus, in central Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of 105 scats of the maned wolf ( Chrysocyon brachyurus ) collected in central Brazil yielded 304 occurrences of food items of which fruits of Solanum lycocarpum , rodents, and birds accounted for 61.5%. By analysis of minimum number of individual animals, rodents and birds were 75% of a total of 156 prey. On the other hand, fruits of S. lycocarpum and armadillos ( Dasypus spp.) were the bulk of the total estimated biomass consumption, yielding 63.7% in a total of 73.5 kg. Rodents were mostly captured during the dry season, while miscellaneous fruits were consumed mostly in the wet season. The consumption of S. lycocarpum fruits and armadillos was aseasonal. Small rodents were taken in about the ranks of abundance in the study area, but S. lycocarpum fruits were actively searched by maned wolves, for its occurrence is limited to secondary savanna. Prey and fruits typical of savanna ('cerrado') and grassland ('campo') were the bulk of species, occurrences, prey numbers, and biomass consumed. These findings reinforce the importance of conservation of cerrado and campo in central Brazil. Despite maned wolf being a vulnerable species, its feeding habits are opportunistic, and the main reasons for its decline are likely to be habitat destruction and human disturbance.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of hemoglobin isolated from the Brazilian maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) was determined using standard molecular replacement technique and refined using maximum-likelihood and simulated annealing protocols to 1.87A resolution. Structural and functional comparisons between hemoglobins from the Chrysocyon brachyurus and Homo sapiens are discussed, in order to provide further insights in the comparative biochemistry of vertebrate hemoglobins.  相似文献   

Songsasen N  Rodden M  Brown JL  Wildt DE 《Theriogenology》2006,66(6-7):1743-1750
Ex situ populations of maned wolves are not viable due to low reproductive efficiency. The objective of this study was to increase knowledge regarding the reproductive physiology of maned wolves to improve captive management. Fecal samples were collected 3-5 d/wk from 12 females of various reproductive age classes (young, prime breeding and aged) and reproductive histories (conceived and raised pups, conceived but lost pups, pseudo-pregnant and unpaired). Ovarian steroids were extracted from feces and assessed by enzyme immunoassay. Concentrations of estrogen metabolites gradually increased, beginning 2-5 d before breeding, and declined to baseline on the day of lordosis and copulation. Fecal progestin metabolite concentrations increased steadily during the periovulatory period, when sexual receptivity was observed, and remained elevated during pregnancy and pseudo-pregnancy. During the luteal phase, young and prime breeding-age females excreted larger amounts of progestins than those of older age classes. Furthermore, progestin concentrations were higher during the luteal phase of pregnant versus pseudo-pregnant bitches. Profiles of fecal progestin metabolites for three singleton females were unchanged throughout the breeding season, suggesting ovulation is induced in this species. However, this finding could be confounded by age, as these females were either young or aged.  相似文献   

The ex situ population of maned wolves is not self‐sustaining due to poor reproduction, caused primarily by parental incompetence. Studies have shown that environmental enrichment can promote natural parental behaviors in zoo animals. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of environmental enrichment on behavioral and physiological responses of maned wolves. During an 8‐week experimental period, daily behavior observations and fecal sample collection were conducted on four adult wolves (2.2) individually housed in environments without enrichment. After 2 weeks, the wolves were chronologically provided with 2‐week intervals of hiding dead mice around the exhibit, no enrichment, and introduction of boomer balls. Responses of the wolves to enrichment were assessed based on activity levels and exploratory rates, as well as the level of corticoid metabolites in fecal samples collected daily throughout the study period. Providing wolves with environmental enrichment significantly increased exploratory behaviors (P<0.05), especially when mice were hidden in the enclosure. Fecal corticoid concentrations were increased during periods of enrichment in males (P<0.05), but not in females. Overall, there were no correlations between behavioral responses to enrichment and fecal corticoid levels. Behavioral results suggest that environmental enrichment elicits positive effects on the behavior of captive maned wolves. There is evidence suggesting that providing animals with ability to forage for food is a more effective enrichment strategy than introducing objects. There is need for a longer term study to determine the impact of environmental enrichment in this species. Zoo Biol 26:331–343, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the maned wolf were studied in southeast Brazil to understand its response towards changes in the environment and in relation to its prey. By occurrence, miscellaneous fruits, small mammals and wolf's fruit were the most consumed items. Armadillos, small mammals and wolf's fruit (Solanum lycocarpum) provided most of the ingested biomass. While wolf's fruit and small mammals were mainly consumed in the dry season, other miscellaneous fruits were taken mostly in the wet season. There was selectivity in the predation on some small mammal species. The maned wolf's diet followed patterns similar to those found in more pristine areas.

O hábito alimentar do lobo guará foi estudado no sudeste do Brasil para descrever suas respostas as alterações do ambiente e em relação as suas presas. Por frequência de ocorrência, as frutas silvestres, os pequenos mamíferos e a fruta-do-lobo foram os itens mais consumidos. Tatus, pequenos mamíferos e a frutas-do-lobo (Solanum lycocarpum) constituíram os itens mais importantes em relação à biomassa ingerida. A fruta-do-lobo e os pequenos mamíferos foram consumidos principalmente na estação seca, enquanto os demais frutos silvestres na época das chuvas. Houve seleção de algumas espécies de pequenos mamíferos. A dieta do lobo guará apresentou padrões semelhantes aqueles encontrados em áreas mais preservadas.  相似文献   

Captive maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) often consume diets high in prey and meat items even though they are omnivorous in the wild. These soft, high protein diets may exacerbate conditions of gingivitis and cystinuria in this species. Feed intakes were monitored in wolves provided with prey and meat-based diets (3 periods) and subsequently with extruded dog chows and small amounts of prey (2 periods). Digestibilities of each type of diet were measured with the indigestible marker chromic oxide. Dry matter intakes were similar between diets (374–584 g · 30 kg?1 · d?1), even though dietary protein content was reduced from 44% to 29% of dry matter. Digestibility of dry matter was unaltered by these dietary changes (77% of high prey diet vs. 73% of chow diet), but fecal consistency changed to softer stools at lower intakes of prey. Estimated metabolizable energy intakes of wolves (501–674 kJ · kg?0.75 · d?1) were similar to the maintenance requirement for domestic dogs (525 kJ · kg?0.75 · d?1), suggesting a similar energy requirement for maintenance of the wolves. The metabolizable energy derived from protein in the high prey diets was 37%, whereas that of the chow diets was only 27%. These levels exceed estimates of protein requirements for maintenance (4.3–21.8%) and growth (11.5–20.3%) in domestic dogs and may thus exceed those of the wolves. Dietary management of maned wolves should minimize excess protein intake by limiting prey consumption and acclimating animals to extruded diets for domestic dogs. Further research is required to formulate diets for long-term management of cystinuria in maned wolves. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus is the largest canid inhabiting South America. Its geographic distribution includes the open fields of Brazil's central area, which is currently undergoing agricultural expansion. The diet of the maned wolf and its seasonal variation was determined on a dairy cattle ranch (São Luís farm, 566 ha) in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. From January to December faeces of the maned wolf were collected monthly ( n = 150 scats; 397 food item occurrences). Twenty-nine taxa were identified from scats, 18 of animal origin (46% or 183 occurrences) and 11 of plants (54% or 214 occurrences). The fruits of Solanum lycocarpum were the dominant food item in our study (29%). Mammals contributed 13%, arthropods 12%, birds 11% and reptiles 2% of the food items. Arthropods and fruits were prevalent in the rainy season and mammals in the dry season. As expected for a heavily farmed region, frugivory results were at the lower end of the diversity scale (9–33 species) and included four old garden species. No previous study of the diet of maned wolf has registered as many species of Solanaceae as this one. Although dietary richness was lower, the main food items (wolf fruit, armadillos, rodents, birds) were the same as study sites in 'cerrado' and upland meadows. In this region, the open habitats occupied by the maned wolf were previously covered by Atlantic forest, suggesting that landscape modification such as cattle ranching has opened new frontiers for distribution expansion of the maned wolf. The impact of loss of dietary richness and the increase in Solanaceae on the survival of the maned wolf need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

In many species of canids the male's role in reproduction extends to providing extensive or some parental care to his offspring. Maned wolves are a monogamous canid species whose males have been observed providing parental care to their offspring in captivity, but no field observations exist. We observed a wild pair of maned wolves at their nest site in a period soon after the female had given birth for a total period of 65 days. We made five observation sessions with an average of 3–4 days each separated by approximately 2 weeks. Direct visual observations of maned wolves were made each 30 min during the hours of darkness (17:00–07:00) using night-vision binoculars and confirmed by VHF radiotelemetry. During observations we recorded the location of the male and the female in relation to the nest (i.e., in the nest, nearby or long way from the nest). The results showed that the female spent more than 60.44% of her time in or near the nest. The male spent 28.90% of his time in or near the nest. There was a positive significant correlation between the female and the male in terms of the amount of time spent in or near the nest (P<0.01). The maned wolves showed a strong temporal variation in time spent in or near the nest. In conclusion, our data show that wild male maned wolves—probably—provide parental care through provision of food to their female and presumed offspring rather than “babysitting.” Zoo Biol 28:69–74, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent research involving nutritional management of clinical disease secondary to cystinuria in captive maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the United States resulted in the production of a commercially manufactured maintenance diet and subsequently, a further modified experimental diet. These two diets differed only in their protein sources and sodium concentrations. The purpose of this study was to further investigate these diets by determining their digestibility and transit time in maned wolves, and also to compare these results to the digestibility and transit time of the diets in domestic dogs. The experiment consisted of two diets (maned wolf commercial maintenance diet and experimental diet) and two species (maned wolf and domestic dog [beagle]) arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial design. For the transit time study, titanium dioxide (TiO2, 5 g/kg diet) was administered as a pulse dose and total collection of feces was carried out for 50 hr. There was no effect of diet or species on initial Ti recovery time (IRT), the amount of Ti recovered at IRT, or the time to reach 50% of Ti excretion in the feces. Maned wolves had lower total percent recovery (P<0.01) of Ti than dogs and shorter time to last recovery of Ti in the feces (P<0.05), however, marker excretion in the maned wolves may not have been complete. For the digestibility study, in which chromic oxide was used as a marker, fecal samples were collected on 2 consecutive days immediately after 12 days of being fed the diets and then analyzed for dry matter, energy, protein, and minerals. Crude protein, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc apparent digestibilities were unaffected by species or diet (P>0.05). Apparent digestibility of dry matter (P<0.05) and energy (P<0.01) were higher in the experimental diet and in the dogs. Both dogs and maned wolves fed the maintenance diet exhibited a greater apparent retention of copper, iron, and magnesium (P<0.01). Dogs had a higher apparent retention of magnesium and sodium than the maned wolves. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The first finding of a Capillariid in the urinary tract of a free ranging maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is described. The individual was an adult male attacked by dogs in the locality of Cayastacito (Santa Fe, Argentina, 31 degrees 05' S, 60 degrees 34' W). Eggs found in urine measured 64.6-66.9 micrometer (mean 65.4 micrometer) x 26.9-31 micrometer (mean 29 micrometer). Further studies are needed to determine whether this finding corresponds to a new Capillariid species, related to C. brachyurus, or it is an already described species that has been introduced by domestic dogs.  相似文献   

Captive breeding efforts of the threatened maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) have been plagued by a lack of reliable reproduction and a high rate of neonatal mortality. A particular problem for animal managers has been the ability to detect pregnancy in a noninvasive manner. Pseudopregnancies are common, and many staff hours are expended preparing for a birth that may not occur. The objectives of our study were to document changes in behavior during the breeding season in captive maned wolves in order to determine if behaviors other than sexual (i.e., copulation) could be used to distinguish nonbreeding from breeding pairs and, further, whether successful breeding pairs (young born) could be distinguished behaviorally from breeding pairs that did not produce young (pseudopregnant). Between 1988 and 1994, behavioral data were collected during the annual reproductive season from 52 maned wolf pairings (27 males, 26 females) housed at 17 North American institutions. Breeding animals showed significant increases in rates of affiliative behaviors (approach, friendly) and the amount of time spent in close association (social) during the estrous period, compared to pre- and post-estrous periods. In contrast, the behavior of nonbreeding pairs varied little throughout the breeding season. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) showed that several behavioral measurements during certain reproductive periods were useful in discriminating between nonbreeding and breeding animals (rates of friendly and social behavior for males, marking and social behavior for females). Unsuccessful (pseudopregnant) and successful breeding pairs could be further distinguished on the basis of agonistic and approach behavior frequencies (successful females showed higher rates of agonistic and lower rates of approach behavior during certain periods; successful males had higher rates of both behaviors). Discriminant equations for key behavioral measurements and examples of their practical application are presented. DFA provides animal managers with an effective, noninvasive technique for assessing the reproductive status of maned wolf pairs. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is well established in the scientific literature that animal prey species reduce their activity at times of high predation risk. In the case of nocturnal animals this occurs when there is a full moon; however, the response of predators to the changes in their prey behaviour is relatively unknown. Two responses are possible: (1) increase in search effort to maintain food intake; or (2) decrease in distance travelled due to either: (a) an effort to conserve energy or (b) increased kill efficiency. Using GPS tracking collars we monitored the distances travelled (which is representative of search effort) by three maned wolves during the night of the full and new moon for five lunar cycles (during the dry season). A Wilcoxon matched-paired test showed that the maned wolves travelled significantly less during the full compared to the new moon (p < 0.05). On average, during the 10 h of darkness during a full moon maned wolves travelled 1.88 km less than on a new moon. These data suggest that maned wolves respond to temporally reduced prey availability by reducing their distance travelled.  相似文献   

This study assesses the long‐term effects of an experimental diet vs. a commercially available manufactured diet, intended to reduce clinical disease related to cystinuria, on the taurine status of captive maned wolves. For 13 weeks, two pairs of maned wolves were maintained on the commercially available maintenance diet, whereas two individually housed wolves were maintained on the experimental diet. All six wolves, at the beginning and at the end of the diet trial, had severely decreased plasma concentrations of taurine (as compared to the normal canine reference range of 60–120 nmol/ml) (National Research Council [2003] National Academies Press) with average taurine concentrations of 16 nmol/ml at the beginning of the study and 3 nmol/ml at the end of the study. There was no statistically significant difference in the taurine concentrations between animals on the maintenance vs. experimental diets. Both diets were supplemented subsequently with taurine at a concentration of 0.3%. All study animals were eventually switched to the taurine‐supplemented version of the commercially manufactured maintenance diet and subsequent samplings were carried out to monitor plasma taurine concentrations. A final sampling, carried out approximately 5 months after the initiation of taurine supplementation, showed an average taurine concentration within the target canine reference range (90.25 nmol/ml). There are numerous physiologic (e.g., possible unique metabolism and requirements for taurine in this species as compared to other canids) and dietary factors (e.g., effects of the types and concentrations of fiber and protein on nutrient availability, taurine metabolism, and enterohepatic circulation of taurine‐conjugated bile salts; impaired taurine synthesis secondary to low cysteine availability) that could be potential contributors to the development of taurine deficiency in the maned wolves in this study. Taurine supplementation should be considered in maned wolves maintained on diets intended for reduction of cystinuria‐related complications. Zoo Biol 0:1–14, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Use of serological tests in the diagnosis of infectious diseases in wild animals has several limitations, primarily the difficulty of obtaining species-specific reagents. Wild canids, such as maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), are highly predisposed to infection by Toxoplasma gondii and, to a lesser extent, to Neospora caninum. The aim of the present study was to evaluate homologous, heterologous, and affinity conjugates in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and indirect fluorescent antibody tests (IFATs) for detecting immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies against T. gondii and N. caninum in maned wolves. Serum samples were obtained from 59 captive animals in Brazil and tested by ELISA for T. gondii serology and IFAT for N. caninum serology using 3 different enzymatic and fluorescent conjugates: homologous (guinea pig anti-maned wolf IgG-peroxidase and -fluorescein isothiocyanate [FITC]), heterologous (rabbit anti-dog IgG-peroxidase and -FITC), and affinity (protein A-peroxidase and -FITC). Seropositivity to T. gondii was comparable among the homologous (69.5%), heterologous (74.6%), and affinity (71.2%) enzymatic conjugates. A significant positive correlation was found between the antibody levels determined by the 3 enzymatic conjugates. The highest mean antibody levels (ELISA index = 4.5) were observed with the protein A-peroxidase conjugate. The same seropositivity to N. caninum (8.5%) was found with the homologous and heterologous fluorescent conjugates, but protein A-FITC was not able to detect or confirm any positive samples with homologous or heterologous conjugates. Our results demonstrate that homologous, heterologous, and affinity conjugates might be used in ELISA for serological assays of T. gondii in wild canids, whereas for N. caninum infection, only the homologous or heterologous fluorescent conjugates have been shown to be useful.  相似文献   

To characterise the botanical and geographical origin of honey from the Chaco region (Argentina), 189 samples of honey were examined for pollen content using standard methodology. A general feature was the high representation of pollen from native arboreal plants, mainly of Fabaceae and the scarcity of pollen from herbaceous plants. One hundred and twenty-three samples proved to be unifloral. The most common were from: Prosopis alba, Helianthus annuus, Sarcomphalus mistol, Eugenia uniflora and Schinopsis balansae followed by those of Copernicia alba, Trithrinax schizophylla, Tessaria integrifolia, Baccharis-Eupatorium, Cynophalla retusa, Schinopsis lorentzii, Gleditsia amorphoides, Heimia salicifolia, Pisonia zapallo, Sagittaria montevidensis and Bulnesia sarmientoi. The pollen spectrum allowed the Dry and Humid Chaco ecoregions to be distinguished. The presence of pollen from cultivated crops and naturalised plants reflects a transitional complex between both ecoregions.  相似文献   

The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus, Illiger, 1815, Canidae) is a threatened species that inhabits the cerrados of Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Captive maned wolves could be potentially used in reintroduction programs for species conservation; however, it is necessary that their behavior and cognitive abilities are conserved. Environmental enrichment is a tool used to stimulate captive animals and maintain a natural behavioral repertoire. To compare the variation of captive maned wolves' behavioral responses to environmental enrichment, we studied three maned wolves held by Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil. Foraging, interspecific, and intraspecific stimuli were offered to the animals and their responses were compared with a baseline and postenrichment treatments. The test was used to help in choosing which one of the three individuals would participate in a reintroduction project. The results showed that stimuli type did influence the animal's responses, and that individually wolves responded differently to foraging, interspecific, and intraspecific enrichment items (P80.05 for some behaviors in each enrichment category). The individual's personality seemed to influence their behavioral responses, with animals showing bold and shy responses, and this trait should be considered during decision makings for reintroduction.  相似文献   

Twenty two species of Trichoptera were collected at 21 sampling stations in the Suquía river basin. Known ranges of 12 were enlarged by more than 300 km and constitute new records for a semiarid region. The different environmental conditions where their larvae live are listed.  相似文献   

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