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Life history parameters are compared for populations of Maurolicus muelleri from Norwegian fjords and the Norwegian Sea in 1995 and 1996. The mortality rate was higher in the oceanic population (2·55 for males, 2·00 for females) than in the fjords (1·15 for males, 0·97 for females). Fish from the Norwegian Sea population occupied a depth with higher light levels, which may have contributed to the higher mortality through increased visibility to predators. Differences in growth, condition and gonad weight indicated different resource levels caused by different population densities. Recruitment was weak in many fjords in 1994, but not in the Norwegian Sea. It is suggested that wind-generated advection may affect recruitment in fjords on the western coast of Norway.  相似文献   

Within populations of adult Müller's pearlside Maurolicus muelleri the otolith radius tended to increase with age at a given fish length, which indicated the presence of a growth-rate effect. Among populations the relative otolith size was negatively correlated to growth-rate estimates, which again indicated a growth-rate effect. There were only minor differences in temperature conditions among the locations, and birth-date differences did not appear to account for variation in otolith radius relative to fish length in older age groups. The presence of a growth-rate effect may be useful, as the relative otolith size may be used for evaluation of age and growth estimates, although there are several limitations to its usefulness.  相似文献   

Fixed nucleotide differences were found in the partial 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequences between two regional populations of Maurolicus (identified as M. muelleri and M. walvisensis ), indicating clear genealogical separation of the two taxa. Accordingly, the two taxa can be considered as recently diverged species, supporting the recent proposition of a polytypic genus Maurolicus .  相似文献   

A contribution to the knowledge of the photophore structure of the mesopelagic fish Cyclothone braueri (Gonostomatidae) from the central Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina) is given by means of a structural and ultrastructural study, to better identify and classify the real anatomical structures costituing these luminous organs. The photocytes exhibit numerous secretory granules, of different electron density, embedded in an extremely developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. The lens appear to be composed of tightly contiguous polyhedral cells. The reflector is made up of cells rich in guanine crystals, embedded in an amorphous matrix and is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue containing melanocytes. Unlike the present knowledge, it is shown that the bioluminescence emitted from C. braueri light organs has glandular nature, with photophores similar to type α from Bassot classification. The phenomenon of adaptive convergence, documenting how the morphology and physiology of the light organs of teleosts is similar in different species despite their taxonomic distance, is confirmed also for C. braueri.  相似文献   

Light, fluorescence and electron microscopy were used to analyse the structural properties of protoplasts obtained from established suspension culture of Solanum lycopersicoides Dun, composed of meristematic cell aggregates. Four types of protoplasts were distinguished immediately after isolation: (1) mononuclear; (2) polynuclear, (3) anuclear and (4) homogeneous protoplasts. Only mononuclear protoplasts were capable of complete cell wall regeneration and mitotic division. Other types of protoplasts were eliminated during culture. Three phases were distinguished in the developing protoplast culture: (1) the elimination phase during which protoplasts damaged during isolation underwent complete degradation; (2) a phase of intense division during which both mitotic cell division and amitotic nuclear division took place; and (3) a stabilization phase leading to the formation of suspension culture. The cell suspension culture obtained from protoplasts was capable of regenerating diploid plants.  相似文献   

Modifications in the chloride (mitochondria‐rich) and pavement cells of the gill epithelia of the Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii after their transfer under hypertonic environmental conditions (salinity 35) were examined by light and electron microscopy. In contrast to freshwater specimens, seawater‐acclimated fish showed a marked increase in the number and size of chloride cells. Ultrastructural modifications included: presence of a slightly invaginated apical crypt, a darker cytoplasm, a more compact tubular system, a major increase in cisternae from Golgi apparatus stacks and flattened‐out sacs with dilated ends that produced an increase in lateral and basal cell surfaces. All these changes indicated enhanced cellular activity. Pavement cells, which largely covered the chloride cells on the gill filament and lamella, exhibited a complex system of microridges on their apical surface. Typical features included numerous desmosomes that characterized the intercellular junction, and the presence in the apical cytoplasm of bundles of filaments and of electro‐dense vesicles in freshwater fish or clear vesicles in seawater‐acclimated animals.  相似文献   

A new chimaerid species closely related to Hydrolagus pallidus is described from 13 specimens captured on the Portuguese continental slope (north‐east Atlantic) by commercial longliners at depths of c . 1600 m. The new species is large‐bodied with a rose to light brown body colouration. Hydrolagus lusitanicus n.sp. presents a combination of external morphological characters that allow it to be clearly differentiated from its congeners, in particular, the ratios of pectoral fin length: pectoral fin width and pelvic fin length: pelvic fin width; in having a serrated posterior edge of the dorsal spine; a high number of ridges in the dental plates. Additionally in males, there are differences on the shape and number of hooks in the frontal tenacula, on the number of spines in the prepelvic tenacula and on the length of the pectoral fin margin.  相似文献   

Sagittal otoliths of Coryphaenoides rupestris (roundnose grenadier), Helicolenus dactylopterus (bluemouth) and Merluccius merluccius (European hake) were collected using a variety of handling and storage treatments and their elemental composition was examined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Some differences between element concentrations were identified between the control and treatment groups, most notably for the element Li. For H. dactylopterus and M. merluccius , Li concentrations were significantly higher in the otoliths extracted with metal forceps and stored in paper envelopes (treatment), compared to those from the same fishes that had been extracted using plastic forceps and stored in polyethylene vials (control). Lower concentrations of Ba and Cr were found in M. merluccius otoliths extracted from fish that had been stored frozen. The presence or absence of elemental concentrations above the instrumental limits of detection was noted, but no significant differences were identified between otolith pairs for any of the treatments. The differences between otolith pairs attributable to storage and handling effects are small compared to between‐area differences.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy has contributed a great deal to the field of mycology. Fungal ultrastructure has been, and continues to be, a key research element in the study of spore development and germination, host-pathogen interactions, nuclear behavior, and studies of subcellular organelles and organization linking structure and function. Since the earliest research in transmission electron microscopy in the 1950s, mycologists have kept pace with the developments in all areas of electron microscopy and have used them to great advantage in generating fine structural information on fungi. These recent developments include the use of scanning electron microscopy in the 1960s, X-ray microanalysis, cryopreservation and immunoelectron microscopy in the 1970s and 1980s. All of these techniques will continue to provide mycologists with the means to gain morphological and analytical data at the ultrastructural level.Presented as part of the Everett S. Beneke Symposium in Mycology, May 27, 1988.  相似文献   


Comparative data on the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of the Polyplacophora Acanthochitona crinita, Chaetopleura angulata and Callochiton septemvalvis are presented in this study. In contrast to what has been described for this and other classes of Mollusca, no acrosome is present in the spermatozoa of these Polyplacophora. The nucleus is extended by a long, thin apical point. In A. crinita and C. angulata the mitochondria are situated at the basal and lateral regions of the nucleus. They do not present a typical middle piece. These species present a pericentriolar process. In C. septemvalvis the mitochondria are situated at the base of the nucleus, surrounding the centrioles, which are orthogonally positioned in all species. The ultrastructural development during spermiogenesis is similar. In middle spermatids of A. crinita, the chromatin is arranged in fine filaments. In C. septemvalvis and C. angulata the chromatin filaments are thicker, forming coarse bands. In late spermatids elongation of the nucleus continues, it becomes rather electron-dense and the chromatin filaments are more condensed. Finally, the nucleus has a uniformly electron-dense appearance, with no signs of filamentous organization. Considering the ultrastructural modifications observed, the Polyplacophora spermatozoa could be included in a modified type.  相似文献   

Early developmental stages of Gregarina steini Berndt, 1902 from the intestine of Tenebrio molitor larvae were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The formation and structure of the eugregarine attachment site were compared with comparable features found on the feeder organelle of Cryptosporidium muris Tyzzer, 1907, from the stomach of experimentally infected rodents. The similarity of the attachment strategy between both organisms was revealed. The membrane fusion site in G. steini, formed by the trophozoite plasma membrane, host cell plasma membrane and a membrane-like structure limiting the cortical zone of the epimerite, resembles the Y-shaped membrane junction between the host cell plasma membrane, the trophozoite plasma membrane and membrane surrounding the anterior vacuole in C. muris. The anterior vacuole of C. muris appears to be the precursor of the feeder organelle and its structure is very similar to the epimeritic bud and the cortical zone of G. steini trophozoites. In both investigated organisms, the apical complex disappears early during cell invasion. The possibility of the epicellular location of Cryptosporidium on the surface of host cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Weeks  Stephen C.  Duff  R. Joel 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):295-302
Herein we report the first genetic comparison among species in the genus Eulimnadia. Multilocus genotypic patterns (using six allozyme loci) were compared for a total of 2277 clam shrimp from nine populations from Arizona and New Mexico. Seven of these populations were morphologically typed as Eulimnadia texana Packard and two were typed as Eulimnadia diversa Mattox. All populations were hermaphrodite-biased, and highly inbred (inbreeding coefficients ranging from 0.33 to 0.98). Genetic distances showed the two species to be within the range described for other arthropods. One of the two E. diversa populations appeared to be a hybrid between E. texana and E. diversa, showing electrophoretic patterns similar to both species, although morphologically, they were typed as E. diversa. A phenogram (generated using coancestry distances and a neighbor joining algorithm) placed this hybrid population half-way between these two species, and a breakdown of individuals within this hybrid population (based on allozyme scores) indicated individuals very similar to the second E. diversa population, and two groups of apparent hybrid individuals. Therefore, the distinction between these two species is questionable due to their apparent hybridization in this area of Arizona. Genetic population structuring was noted among the seven E. texana pools. Estimated migration rates were less than one migrant per generation. Even in the geographically close pools in New Mexico, which were separated by only hundreds of meters, significant sub-structuring was noted, and estimates of migration rate were less than two migrants per generation.  相似文献   

To analyse the effects of small‐scale dams on fish communities, species diversity, population density, biomass, migration over dams and trophic relationships were investigated in the above‐ and below‐dam sections of three Japanese streams. The dams were 1·5–3·9 m high, constructed within 400 m of the sea, and had no impoundment or fishway. Fish communities were mainly composed of diadromous fishes. Of the 17 species sampled, only a few species of gobies, Rhinogobius spp. and Gymnogobius spp. were able to climb and migrate upstream over the dams. Consequently the number of species, and total density and biomass of fishes below the dams was high, but low above the dams. One of the most dominant fish below dams, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis , predominantly fed on benthic algae, whereas other fishes preyed on benthic invertebrates. Trophic relationships above dams were very simple, the few species of gobies preying on chironomid larvae and other aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Proteins are one of the major metabolites in biomass from microalgae that constitute the diet of marine organisms grown in aquaculture, and are essential for their growth. The quantity of this component is influenced by nutrients, temperature and light intensity, among others. We examined the growth, biomass production and protein of Chaetoceros muelleri with two sources of nitrogen (nitrate and urea) at three concentrations, using the medium f/2 (0.88 mol/L) (nitrates) as control. The treatments were the medium 2f (3.53 mol/L) and 4f (7.05 mol/L) with NO3-, and the medium f/2 (0.88 mol/L), 2f (3.53mol/L) and 4f (7.05 mol/L) with urea. In general, the productive parameters were greater using urea than nitrate in the media. Higher cell concentrations (2.83 x 106 cell/mL), average and cumulative growth rates (1.50 div/day and 6.01 divisions), dry weight (0.0044 g/L), and proportion of proteins (23.74%) were found when urea was used as the N source. However, most of the bands on the electrophoretic profile were present in the mediums with NO3- (~6.5 to 90 kDa).  相似文献   

The problem of availability of storage carbohydrates (fructans and starch) in oxygen‐deficient roots was investigated in wetland species ( Senecio aquaticus Hill., Myosotis palustris [L.] L. Em. Rchb.) and compared with related non‐wetland species ( Senecio jacobaea L., Myosotis arvensis [L.] Hill.) with respect to ethanolic fermentation (PDC activity, ethanol production).
In response to 24 h of hypoxic treatment, the pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) activity in roots increased 4‐fold in M. arvensis and S. jacobaea , 2‐fold in S. aquaticus and only slightly in M. palustris . The rise in PDC activity was accompanied by an increase in ethanol content in the roots. The increase in ethanolic fermentation in roots of intact plants was associated with a slight increase in fructose and glucose and in a clear rise in sucrose content during the first 24‐48 h after commencement of the hypoxic treatment. Following 24 h of hypoxia, the content of fructans started to increase significantly for the duration of the experiment (9 days) in the four species. Since starch content changed only slightly during this period, the fructan:starch ratio increased under low energy availability. In the roots of flooding‐tolerant Senecio aquaticus , the ratio shifted most clearly from 2:1 in normoxia to 9:1 in hypoxia. For the roots of the two wetland species investigated, the results indicate a stronger accumulation of carbohydrates accompanied by a lower increase in PDC activity under root hypoxia, when compared with the related non‐wetland species respectively.  相似文献   

The population structure of two species of sea cucumber was examined based on mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis. Cucumaria miniata , a species with pelagic nonfeeding larvae lasting less than 2 weeks, and C. pseudocurata , a brooding species lacking a pelagic phase, both occur over similar wide ranges of the northeastern Pacific between Alaska and California. No significant genetic structuring was observed among C. miniata samples with 95% of the observed nucleotide variance attributable to that within population samples. Conversely, only 3.4% of the observed variance was attributed to that within C. pseudocurata population samples, with sampling sites typically greater than 100 km apart. At a finer scale, two C. pseudocurata population samples taken 5 km apart were not statistically different. A significant genetic disjunction was observed among populations of the brooding species, but not in species with pelagic larvae, north of Vancouver Island, Canada, corresponding to the splitting of the California and Alaska currents. Given the observed high levels of genetic diversity in northern samples, this genetic break indicates survival in northern, as well as southern, Pleistocene refugia. These results clearly demonstrate the effects that changes in life-history patterns can have on dispersal, population structure, and the potential for speciation events.  相似文献   

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