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In present day European landscapes many forest plant species are restricted to isolated remnants of a formerly more or less continuous forest cover. The two major objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relative importance of habitat quality (mainly in terms of soil parameters), habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) and habitat continuity for the distribution of herbaceous forest plant species in a highly fragmented landscape and (2) to examine if groups of species with different habitat requirements are affected differently. Deciduous forest patches in northwestern Germany were surveyed for the presence of a large set of forest species. For each patch, habitat quality, configuration and continuity were determined. Data were analysed by Redundancy Analysis with variation partitioning for effects on total species composition and multivariate logistic regression for effects on individual species, for two different data sets (base‐rich and base‐poor forest patches). Overall, we found strong effects of habitat quality (particularly of soil pH, water content and topographic heterogeneity in the base‐rich forest patches; and of calcium content and disturbance in the base‐poor patches), but only relatively weak effects of habitat configuration and habitat continuity. However, a number of species were positively affected by patch area and negatively affected by patch isolation. Furthermore, the relative importance of habitat configuration tended to be higher for species predominantly growing in closed forests compared to species occurring both in the forest and in the open landscape.  相似文献   

Land-use change is likely to be a major component of global change at high latitudes, potentially causing significant alterations in soil C and N cycling. We addressed the biogeochemical impacts of land-use change in fully replicated black spruce forests and agricultural fields of different ages (following deforestation) and under different management regimes in interior Alaska. Change from forests to cultivated fields increased summer temperatures in surface soil layers by 4–5 °C, and lengthened the season of biological activity by two to three weeks. Decomposition of a common substrate (oat stubble) was enhanced by 25% in fields compared to forests after litter bags were buried for one year. In-situ net N mineralization rates in site-specific soil were similar in forests and fields during summer, but during winter, forests were the only sites where net N immobilization occurred. Field age and management had a significant impact on C and N mineralization. Rates of annual decomposition, soil respiration and summer net N mineralization tended to be lower in young than in old fields and higher in fallow than in planted young fields. To identify the major environmental factors controlling C and N mineralization, soil temperature, moisture and N availability were studied. Decomposition and net N mineralization seemed to be mainly driven by availability of inorganic N. Soil temperature played a role only when comparing forests and fields, but not in field-to-field differences. Results from soil respiration measurements in fields confirmed low sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration, and thus decomposition to temperature. In addition, both soil respiration and net N mineralization were limited by low soil water contents. Our study showed that (1) C and N mineralization are enhanced by forest clearing in subarctic soils, and (2) N availability is more important than soil temperature in controling C and N mineralization following forest clearing. Projecting the biogeochemical impacts of land-use change at high latitudes requires an improved understanding of its interactions with other factors of global change, such as changing climate and N deposition.  相似文献   

We studied stand structures and soil properties in an old-growth forest and two 30-yr-old second-growth stands. In the old-growth forest, the total density and basal area average 1566 trees > 1.25 m height ha-1 and 46.73 m2 ha-1. The dominant trees are Scutia buxifolia and Celtis tala. Using multivariate techniques we distinguished three stands: PS1, dominated by S. buxifolia, is 1000 m far from the river. Its soil is shallow and loamy. PS2 and PS3, co-dominated by S. buxifolia and C. tala, are over 1200 m distant from the river. There the soil is deeper and has thicker texture and higher phosphorus and calcium concentrations than the near-the-river forest soil. Scutia buxifolia shows reverse J-shaped size-distributions and has morphological features of stress-tolerant species. Celtis tala shows oscillating decay size-curves that suggest recruitment pulses related to small gaps and it has morphological features of competitive species. Celtis tala was selectively cut in the past in the second-growth stands SNRD and SRD. The stand SNRD, 1000 m far from the river, is dominated by S. buxifolia. The second species is Schinus polygamus which presents the bell-shaped size-structure of the pioneer species. SNRD does not differ from its old-growth counterpart PS1 in total tree density, basal area and tree branching. The stand SRD, over 1200 m distant from the river, is co-dominated by S. buxifolia and by C. tala trees regenerated from stumps. SRD does not differ from its old-growth counterparts PS2 and PS3 in total tree density and basal area. As to tree branching, it does not differ from PS3, but differs from PS2. All the stands are being invaded by the exotic tree Ligustrum lucidum.The differences between the old-growth stands seem to be related to the gradients of soil texture and nutrient concentrations raising edaphic stress towards the river. In SNRD, the stress, the stress-tolerance of S. buxifolia, and the aptitude of S. polygamus to recruit in disturbed habitats seem to have prevented the post-logging recruitment of C. tala. In SRD, C. tala regenerated possibly due to a better competitive performance in a more favorable site. Under protection the second-growth stands recovered the old-growth quantitative features. We recommend the restoration of the qualitative features and the control of L. lucidum.  相似文献   

Aims Spatial processes and environmental control are the two distinct, yet not mutually exclusive forces of community structuring, but the relative importance of these factors is controversial due to the species-specific dispersal ability, sensitivity towards environmental variables, organism's abundance and the effect of spatial scale. In the present paper, we explored spatial versus environmental control in shaping community composition (i.e. β-diversity) and species turnover (i.e. change of β-diversity) at an alpine meadow along a slope aspect gradient on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau at different spatial scales of sampling (quadrats and plots), by taking account of seed dispersal mode and abundance.Methods We examined the relative importance of spatial processes and environmental factors using all species and four additional subsets of selected species. Moreover, we attempted to explore the effect of scale (quadrat refers to scale of ~0.3 m and plot of ~8 m) on their counter balance. The data were analyzed both by variation partitioning and multiple regressions on distance matrices. The spatial structure was modelled using Moran's eigenvector maps (MEM).Important findings Both spatial processes and environmental factors were important determinants of the community composition and species turnover. The community composition in the alpine meadow was controlled by spatially structured environment (17.6%), space independent of environment (18.0%) and a negligible effect of environment independent of space (4.4%) at the scale of quadrats. These three components contributed 21.8, 9.9 and 13.9%, respectively, at the scale of plots. The balance between the forces at different spatial scales drove community structures along the slope aspect gradient. The importance of environmental factors on β-diversity at alpine meadow increased with scale while that of spatial processes decreased or kept steady, depending on dispersal mode and abundance of species comprising the subset. But the 'pure' effect of spatial processes on species turnover increased with scale while that of environmental factors decreased. This discrepancy highlights that β-diversity and species turnover were determined jointly by spatial processes and environmental factors. We also found that the relative roles of these processes vary with spatial scale. These results underline the importance of considering species-specific dispersal ability and abundance of species comprising the communities and the appropriate spatial scale in understanding the mechanisms of community assembly.  相似文献   

Our planet is facing a variety of serious threats from climate change that are unfolding unevenly across the globe. Uncovering the spatial patterns of ecosystem stability is important for predicting the responses of ecological processes and biodiversity patterns to climate change. However, the understanding of the latitudinal pattern of ecosystem stability across scales and of the underlying ecological drivers is still very limited. Accordingly, this study examines the latitudinal patterns of ecosystem stability at the local and regional spatial scale using a natural assembly of forest metacommunities that are distributed over a large temperate forest region, considering a range of potential environmental drivers. We found that the stability of regional communities (regional stability) and asynchronous dynamics among local communities (spatial asynchrony) both decreased with increasing latitude, whereas the stability of local communities (local stability) did not. We tested a series of hypotheses that potentially drive the spatial patterns of ecosystem stability, and found that although the ecological drivers of biodiversity, climatic history, resource conditions, climatic stability, and environmental heterogeneity varied with latitude, latitudinal patterns of ecosystem stability at multiple scales were affected by biodiversity and environmental heterogeneity. In particular, α diversity is positively associated with local stability, while β diversity is positively associated with spatial asynchrony, although both relationships are weak. Our study provides the first evidence that latitudinal patterns of the temporal stability of naturally assembled forest metacommunities across scales are driven by biodiversity and environmental heterogeneity. Our findings suggest that the preservation of plant biodiversity within and between forest communities and the maintenance of heterogeneous landscapes can be crucial to buffer forest ecosystems at higher latitudes from the faster and more intense negative impacts of climate change in the future.  相似文献   

Aim To address the relative role of adjacent land use, distance to forest edge, forest size and their interactions on understorey plant species richness and composition in perimetropolitan forests. Location The metropolitan area of Barcelona, north‐eastern Spain. Methods Twenty sampling sites were distributed in two forest size‐categories: small forest patches (8–90 ha) and large forest areas (> 18,000 ha). For each forest‐size category, five sites were placed adjacent to crops and five sites adjacent to urban areas. Vascular plant species were recorded and human frequentation was scored visually in 210 10 × 10 m plots placed at 10, 50 and 100 m from the forest edge, and additionally at 500 m in large forest areas. Plant species were grouped according to their ecology and rarity categories. A nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination was carried out to detect patterns of variation in species assemblage, and to explore the relationships between these patterns and the richness of the species groups and the studied factors. Factorial anovas were used to test the significance of the studied factors on the richness of species groups. Relationships between human frequentation and the studied variables were assessed through contingency tables. Results Forest‐size category was the main factor affecting synanthropic species (i.e. those thriving in man‐made or man‐disturbed habitats). Synanthropic species richness decreased with increasing distance from the forest edge and, when forests were adjacent to crops, it was higher in small forest patches than in large forest areas. Richness of rare forest species was lower in small forest patches than in large forest areas when forests were adjacent to urban areas. Richness of common forest species and of all forest species together were higher close to the forest edge than far from it when forests were adjacent to urban areas. Forests adjacent to urban areas were more likely to experience high human frequentation, particularly in those plots nearest to the forest edge. Main conclusions Forest‐size category and adjacent land use were the most important factors determining species richness and composition. The preservation of large forests adjacent to crops in peri‐urban areas is recommended, because they are less frequented by humans, are better buffered against the percolation of nonforest species and could favour the persistence of rare forest species.  相似文献   

The origin of present forest composition and pattern in southern Sweden   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Deciduous forests in much of southern Sweden are often located on former ‘in-field’ sites close to farms and villages. The more distant ‘out-field’ sites are almost always dominated by conifers. Using palaeecological methods, we investigate the origin of this forest pattern at a small estate in Småland, southern Sweden that was the birthplace of Carl Linnaeus. Prior to extensive permanent settlement (c.ad 1100) both in-fields and out-fields supported a rich, mixed deciduous forest that was irregularly ravaged by forest fire. After ad 1100 the in-field site was transformed into a species-rich forest-meadow system with tree composition similar to the pre-cultural state with the addition of Fagus sylvatica L. The out-field sites were used for grazing and slash-and-burn agriculture, but nevertheless maintained a high degree of forest continuity. Forest composition however changed from deciduous to coniferous dominance. Floristic diversity is closely linked to human activity. Herbaceous diversity is greatest during the earliest phase of the forest-meadow system. It declines during the late-mediaeval agrarian crisis and again during the over-exploitation of the late nineteenth century. Diversity returns to pre-cultural levels after the abandonment of the forest-meadow system during the present century. Present forest composition and pattern in the study area are closely related to former human activities and are not primarily a function of soil type or present-day management.  相似文献   

Recent advances in remote sensing such as airborne laser scanning have revolutionized our ability to accurately map forest canopy gaps, with huge implications for tracking forest dynamics at scale. However, few studies have explored how canopy gaps vary among forests at different successional stages following disturbances, such as those caused by logging. Moreover, most studies have focused exclusively on the size distribution of gaps, ignoring other key features such as their spatial distribution and shape. Here, we test a series of hypotheses about how the number, size, spatial configuration, and geometry of gaps vary across a logging disturbance gradient in Malaysian Borneo. As predicted, we found that recently logged forests had much higher gap fraction compared to old-growth forests, a result of having both a greater total number of gaps and a higher proportion of large gaps. Regrowing forests, on the other hand, fell at the opposite end of the spectrum, being characterized by both fewer and smaller gaps compared to nearby old-growth forests. Across all successional stages gaps were found to be spatially clustered. However, logging significantly diluted the degree of spatial aggregation and led to the formation of gaps with much more complex geometries. Our results showcase how logging and subsequent regrowth substantially alter not just the number and size of gaps in a forest, but also their spatial arrangement and shape. Linking these emergent patterns to their underlying processes is key to better understanding the impacts of human disturbance on the structure and function of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. How big is the difference in the herbaceous layer composition between flooded and unflooded stands? 2. Are there species or species groups which have an affinity to ancient vs. recent forests in stands with different water regimes? 3. Are patterns of life history traits different between flooded and unflooded stands as well as between ancient and recent forests in stands with a different water regime? Location: Floodplain forests in the Middle Elbe region and district of Leipzig, Central Germany. Location: The herbaceous layer was studied in randomly selected quadrats of 9 m2 in 2000 and 2001. Six ancient (nplot=59) and six adjacent recent forests (nplot=108) were investigated in flooded stands as well as three ancient (nplot=41) and three recent forests (nplot=70) in stands that have not been flooded for 50 years. The association of single species, species groups and life history traits were statistically tested for flooded vs. unflooded stands and for ancient vs. recent forests. Results: Interruption of flooding caused a complete species turnover in the herbaceous layer composition. Whereas in the still flooded stands typical alluvial species prevail, species composition in stands without flooding for 50 years showed a closed relation to the Stellario‐Carpinetum. Six herbaceous species in the flooded and five in the unflooded stands showed a preference for ancient forests. Only one species in the flooded and six herbaceous species in the unflooded stands are significantly associated with recent forests. Life history traits differ between flooded and unflooded stands but are similar in ancient and recently flooded stands, while unflooded ancient forests have more geophytes and myrmecochorous species than recent forests. Conclusions: The specificity of species composition in floodplain forests can only be maintained by regular flooding. Interruption of inundations lead to differences in the patterns of species composition and life history traits between ancient and recent forests.  相似文献   


Thermophilous deciduous forest is widespread in northern mainland Greece and extends in patches further south to Peloponnisos and the bigger islands. In this paper, we provide a phytosociological survey of the plant communities of deciduous oak and mixed forest throughout Greece, based on about 370 relevés from the literature and more than 300 personal unpublished ones. Assocation names of the thermophilous deciduous forest are re-evaluated, and syntaxonomic conclusions added. The relevés are classified, and 13 associations and several additional subtypes described and presented in synoptic constancy tables. The following associations were recognized, and characterized by species composition, ecology and distribution: 1. Phillyreo–Carpinetum orientalis, 2. Dryopterido pallidae–Ostryetum carpinifoliae, 3. Tilio tomentosae–Castanetum; 4. Genisto carinalis–Quercetum petraeae, 5. Querco frainetto–Castanetum, 6. Cytiso villosi–Castanetum; 7. Lathyro laxiflori–Castanetum; 8. Symphyto ottomani–Quercetum frainetto, 9. Verbasco glabrati–Quercetum frainetto; 10. Huetio cynapioidis–Quercetum frainetto; 11. Digitali viridiflorae–Quercetum frainetto; 12. Geranio asphodeloidis–Quercetum frainetto; 13. Oenantho pimpinelloidis–Quercetum frainetto. Associations 12 are assigned to the alliance Fraxino orni–Ostryion, 46 and 813 to the Quercion frainetto (both Quercetalia pubescentis), 3 interim to the Tilio–Acerion, and 7 to the Quercetalia ilicis. The two Quercetalia pubescentis alliances co-occur in northern Greece; their habitats differ chiefly in terms of soil conditions, bedrock and topography, rather than in overall climatic character.  相似文献   

The degree to which variation in plant community composition (beta-diversity) is predictable from environmental variation, relative to other spatial processes, is of considerable current interest. We addressed this question in Costa Rican rain forest pteridophytes (1,045 plots, 127 species). We also tested the effect of data quality on the results, which has largely been overlooked in earlier studies. To do so, we compared two alternative spatial models [polynomial vs. principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM)] and ten alternative environmental models (all available environmental variables vs. four subsets, and including their polynomials vs. not). Of the environmental data types, soil chemistry contributed most to explaining pteridophyte community variation, followed in decreasing order of contribution by topography, soil type and forest structure. Environmentally explained variation increased moderately when polynomials of the environmental variables were included. Spatially explained variation increased substantially when the multi-scale PCNM spatial model was used instead of the traditional, broad-scale polynomial spatial model. The best model combination (PCNM spatial model and full environmental model including polynomials) explained 32% of pteridophyte community variation, after correcting for the number of sampling sites and explanatory variables. Overall evidence for environmental control of beta-diversity was strong, and the main floristic gradients detected were correlated with environmental variation at all scales encompassed by the study (c. 100–2,000 m). Depending on model choice, however, total explained variation differed more than fourfold, and the apparent relative importance of space and environment could be reversed. Therefore, we advocate a broader recognition of the impacts that data quality has on analysis results. A general understanding of the relative contributions of spatial and environmental processes to species distributions and beta-diversity requires that methodological artefacts are separated from real ecological differences.  相似文献   

Black spruce forests are a dominant covertype in the boreal forest region, and they inhabit landscapes that span a wide range of hydrologic and thermal conditions. These forests often have large stores of soil organic carbon. Recent increases in temperature at northern latitudes may be stimulating decomposition rates of this soil carbon. It is unclear, however, how changes in environmental conditions influence decomposition in these systems, and if substrate controls of decomposition vary with hydrologic and thermal regime. We addressed these issues by investigating the effects of temperature, moisture, and organic matter chemical characteristics on decomposition of fibric soil horizons from three black spruce forest sites. The sites varied in drainage and permafrost, and included a “Well Drained” site where permafrost was absent, and “Moderately well Drained” and “Poorly Drained” sites where permafrost was present at about 0.5 m depth. Samples collected from each site were incubated at five different moisture contents (2, 25, 50, 75, and 100% saturation) and two different temperatures (10°C and 20°C) in a full factorial design for two months. Organic matter chemistry was analyzed using pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry prior to incubation, and after incubation on soils held at 20°C, 50% saturation. Mean cumulative mineralization, normalized to initial carbon content, ranged from 0.2% to 4.7%, and was dependent on temperature, moisture, and site. The effect of temperature on mineralization was significantly influenced by moisture content, as mineralization was greatest at 20°C and 50–75% saturation. While the relative effects of temperature and moisture were similar for all soils, mineralization rates were significantly greater for samples from the “Well Drained” site compared to the other sites. Variations in the relative abundances of polysaccharide-derivatives and compounds of undetermined source (such as toluene, phenol, 4-methyl phenol, and several unidentifiable compounds) could account for approximately 44% of the variation in mineralization across all sites under ideal temperature and moisture conditions. Based on our results, changes in temperature and moisture likely have similar, additive effects on in situ soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition across a wide range of black spruce forest systems, while variations in SOM chemistry can lead to significant differences in decomposition rates within and among forest sites.  相似文献   

Question: Is soil hydrology an important niche‐based driver of biodiversity in tropical forests? More specifically, we asked whether seasonal dynamics in soil water regime contributed to vegetation partitioning into distinct forest types. Location: Tropical rain forest in northwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Methods: We investigated the distribution of trees and lianas ≥ 1 cm DBH in ten transects that crossed distinct hydrological transitions. Soil water content and depth to water table were measured regularly over a 13‐month period. Results: A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of 20 dominant species and structural attributes in 10 × 10 m subplots segregated three major forest types: (1) high‐statured upland forest with intermediate stem density, (2) medium‐statured forest dominated by palms, and (3) low‐statured campinarana forest with high stem density. During the rainy season and transition into the dry season, distinct characteristics of the soil water regime (i.e. hydro‐indicators) were closely associated with each vegetation community. Stand structural attributes and hydro‐indicators were statistically different among forest types. Conclusions: Some upland species appeared intolerant of anaerobic conditions as they were not present in palm and campinarana sites, which experienced prolonged periods of saturation at the soil surface. A shallow impermeable layer restricted rooting depth in the campinarana community, which could heighten drought stress during the dry season. The only vegetation able to persist in campinarana sites were short‐statured trees that appear to be well‐adapted to the dual extremes of inundation and drought.  相似文献   

The destruction and fragmentation of tropical forests are major sources of global biodiversity loss. A better understanding of anthropogenically altered landscapes and their relationships with species diversity and composition is needed in order to protect biodiversity in these environments. The spatial patterns of a landscape may control the ecological processes that shape species diversity and composition. However, there is little information about how plant diversity varies with the spatial configuration of forest patches especially in fragmented tropical habitats. The northeastern part of Puerto Rico provides the opportunity to study the relationships between species richness and composition of woody plants (shrubs and trees) and spatial variables [i.e., patch area and shape, patch isolation, connectivity, and distance to the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF)] in tropical forest patches that have regenerated from pasturelands. The spatial data were obtained from aerial color photographs from year 2000. Each photo interpretation was digitized into a GIS package, and 12 forest patches (24–34 years old) were selected within a study area of 28 km2. The woody plant species composition of the patches was determined by a systematic floristic survey. The species diversity (Shannon index) and species richness of woody plants correlated positively with the area and the shape of the forest patch. Larger patches, and patches with more habitat edge or convolution, provided conditions for a higher diversity of woody plants. Moreover, the distance of the forest patches to the LEF, which is a source of propagules, correlated negatively with species richness. Plant species composition was also related to patch size and shape and distance to the LEF. These results indicate that there is a link between landscape structure and species diversity and composition and that patches that have similar area, shape, and distance to the LEF provide similar conditions for the existence of a particular plant community. In addition, forest patches that were closer together had more similarity in woody plant species composition than patches that were farther apart, suggesting that seed dispersal for some species is limited at the scale of 10 km.  相似文献   

原始云杉林是青藏高原东部林区近林线森林的重要类型之一,但关于其林分结构与多样性的科学认识到目前为止仍然是贫乏的.为了揭示云杉原始林的层次结构及其相互关系、维管植物组成特点,选择四川省壤塘县北部日柯沟近林线的紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)原始林为对象,调查了6个40 m×50 m样地的乔木层结构,并在样地内采用机械布点的方法设置180个小样方,调查了林下灌木层、草本层和苔藓层结构以及灌草层物种组成.结果显示:(1)云杉原始林为复层异龄林,乔木层分化明显,可划分为4个亚层;幼树密度不高但集中分布于林窗及其边缘(144±93株/ha);(2)林下灌木盖度与物种丰富度低,层片结构简单,呈明显的斑块状分布;而草本层与苔藓层发达,盖度与物种丰富度均较高;(3)6个样地共发现维管植物124种,隶属于30科68属.其中草本109种,灌木15种,以温带区系成分占优势,特有性缺乏;生活型以地面芽植物为主体(61.29%).综合分析表明,该林分为藓类云杉林,群落结构完整、稳定,自然更新能力强,与本区域内亚高山或高山林线森林具有相似的物种组成和多样性特点,但群落结构则明显不同.  相似文献   

Aim We used alien plant species introduced to a botanic garden to investigate the relative importance of species traits (leaf traits, dispersal syndrome) and introduction characteristics (propagule pressure, residence time and distance to forest) in explaining establishment success in surrounding tropical forest. We also used invasion scores from a weed risk assessment protocol as an independent measure of invasion risk and assessed differences in variables between high‐ and low‐risk species. Location East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. Methods Forest transect surveys identified species establishing in disturbed and intact forest. Leaf traits (specific leaf area and foliar nutrient concentrations) were measured from leaves sampled in high‐light environments. Results A leaf traits spectrum was apparent, but species succeeding or failing to establish in either disturbed or intact forest were not located in different parts of the spectrum. Species with high invasion risk did not differ in their location on the leaf trait spectrum compared with low‐risk species but were more likely to be bird/primate‐dispersed. For 15 species establishing in forest quadrats, median canopy cover of quadrats where seedlings were present was correlated with a species value along the leaf trait spectrum. Species establishing in disturbed forest were planted in twice as many plantations and were marginally more likely to be bird‐ or primate‐dispersed than species failing to become established in disturbed forest. Establishment in intact forest was more likely for species planted closer to forest edges. Main conclusions Leaf and dispersal traits appear less important in the colonization of tropical forest than introduction characteristics. It appears, given sufficient propagule pressure or proximity to forest, alien species are much more likely to establish independently of leaf traits or dispersal syndrome in continental tropical forests.  相似文献   

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