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Seven samples of silver protein (Protargol type) were tested on flagellate protozoa from the alimentary tract of frogs, golden hamsters, and termites. The samples consisted of one of Protargol (Winthrop's prewar German), one of Protargol S (Winthrop-Stearns, Inc., present manufacture, Commission Certified), and five of the experimental batches (4Z, 20, 20B, 22, and 36) by H. A. Davenport and collaborators (1952). The pre-war Protargol is rated best and batch 22 second best for staining of all flagellates. Protargol S gave uniform, but only fair results, with all organisms, while batch 20B, better than Protargol S in several instances, was poorer in a few. Thus Protargol S and batch 20B are rated third, as about equal. Batch 4Z is rated fourth; and batch 20, which stained some species, fifth. Batch 36 stained no protozoa. The tests show that while the present Protargol S is usable for protozoa, it is still inferior to the old German variety. Since some of the experimental batches, none of which was made by exactly the same process, gave promising results, further study of the relation between manufacturing process and subsequent staining reaction should be fruitful.  相似文献   

Silver derivatives of the protargol type were made from 13 different commercial peptones. The peptone samples were purified by precipitating with an ethanol concentration of 75%, reprecipitating once, and discarding any water-insoluble material. A 20-22% solution of the purified material in water, allcalinized with 2 ml. of strong ammonia per 100 ml., was precipitated by adding an equal volume of 25% aqueous AgNO3, and stood in a refrigerator overnight. Thorough washing of the precipitate with distilled water, draining, and then dissolving it in a purified peptone solution (30-35% aqueous), whose volume was 0.6 that of the solution used for silver precipitation, gave the soluble silver derivative. Ammonia was added to facilitate solution and the final pH adjusted to 8.0-8.4. The concentrated solution was dehydrated either with acetone or in a dessicator under reduced pressure and ground to a powder. Staining tests on neurological tissue showed that the Pharmaceutical peptone (Cudahy Packing Co., Omaha, Nebr.) and the Bacteriologic peptone (Wilson Laboratories, Chicago, 111.) gave the best preparations for staining nerve fibers, and that these were essentially equal to the formerly available German made Protargol.  相似文献   

Technics for free-living forms such as Paramecium and for parasitic forms such as the opalinid ciliates are described.

Paramecium: Fix paramecia in hot Schaudinn's fluid containing 5% of glacial acetic acid for 5-15 minutes. (A hot water bath for maintaining the proper temperature of the fixative is described.) Dehydrate up to 83% alcohol. Mount the specimens on albuminized cover glasses. (A table for mounting animals on cover glasses is described.) Apply a thin layer of collodion to the cover glass to prevent the loss of the specimens during the subsequent handling. Pass through descending grades of alcohol to water. Mordant in 4% iron alum for 24 hours. Stain in 0.5% hematoxylin for 24 hours. Destain in saturated aqueous picric acid. Rinse in tap water, expose to ammonia vapor for a second, and then rinse again in tap water. Wash in running water for 1 hour. Dehydrate. Clear, then mount in damar.

Opalinid Ciliates: Make smears on cover glasses and fix them while wet. If the opalinids are to be subsequently stained in hematoxylin, fix in hot Schaudinn's fluid (containing 5% of glacial acetic acid) for 5-15 minutes. Pass through descending grades of alcohol to water. Mordant in iron alum for 24 hours. Stain in hematoxylin for 24 hours. Destain in saturated aqueous picric acid. For Feulgen reaction, fix in a modified weak Flemming's fluid for 1 hour. Wash in running water for 30 minutes. Hydrolyze. Leave 3 hours in fuchsin decolorized with H2SO3 (Feulgen formula). Wash in H2SO3, then in running water for 15 minutes. Dehydrate up to 95% alcohol. Counterstain with fast green FCF for 2 minutes. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol. Clear, then mount in damar.  相似文献   

The use of janus green to stain mitochondria has long been known. While using it to study the mitochondria in Trichomonas buccalis it was found to stain the flagella also. This is an easy and quick method of determining the number of anterior flagella of the trichomonads and so of distinguishing the trichomonads from the pentatrichomonads in intestinal infections. This stain proved so useful as a flagella stain that it was applied to numerous protozoa with interesting results.  相似文献   

By the term “blood stain” one ordinarily means a compound dye formed from the chemical union of an acid and a basic dye, and usually a compound of the eosin-methylene-blue group. It is well known today that the sodium salt of a color acid (e. g. eosin) and the chloride of a dye base (e. g. methylene blue) may be converted by simple metathesis into sodium chloride plus the compound dye (e. g. methylene blue eosinate), the latter being insoluble in water unless an excess is present of either the acid or the basic dye. In modern blood stains a compound dye of this type is dissolved in methyl alcohol and mixed with water on the slide at the moment of staining.  相似文献   

A modification of Donaldson's iodine-eosin stain for staining intestinal protozoa is presented. This modification consists of using high dilutions of colloidal iodine (Chandler)2 instead of Lugol's solution as well as high dilutions of eosin. A better resolution of the external and internal structures is brought about by the new method.

The procedure is as follows: A portion of the fecal material to be examined is suspended in a 0.6% salt solution; the suspension should be of a consistency so that one drop will make a satisfactory microscope mount under a cover glass. To ten parts of this suspension, in a test tube, is added one part of the stain which is prepared as follows:—

10 parts of distilled water

6 parts of a suspension of colloidal iodine (Chandler) containing 4% iodine—20% iodine suspensoid, Merck

1 part of a 10% water solution of anilin red, Merck (eosin yellowish)

Technicians will find, because iodine in the form of colloidal iodine is readily released to the organisms, that the use of this material is far superior to Lugol's solution hi carrying out the technic for staining intestinal protozoa in the study of fresh mount preparations. Not only are organisms more deeply stained with iodine but by eosin as well, even when employed in high dilutions.  相似文献   

When commercially prepared silver products suitable for staining protozoa by the Bodian silver technic apparently became unavailable, a substitute for Protargol was prepared as follows: 0.9 g. of gelatin is dissolved by heat in 100 ml. of distilled water; to this 0.1 g. of silver nitrate is added at 60°C; this solution is poured into Columbia staining dishes (10 ml.) in which one or two drops of M/10 sodium hydroxide have been added. Copper is not used in the impregnating bath. Smears fixed in Hollande's or Schaudinn's fixatives are bleached and impregnated for 36 hours or more at 35°C. Impregnated smears are reduced with a mixture of hydroquinone and sodium sulfite, and toned with gold chloride as recommended by Kirby (1945).  相似文献   

Protargol staining is a crucial method to reveal the infraciliature of ciliates, which is the most important morphological character for species identification. In the present study, Wilbert's protocol of protargol staining was emended mainly toward the highly happened improper bleaching. Through reciprocal treatments, both insufficient and excessive bleachings were much eliminated from the protargol protocol and the tests performed with four different species of ciliates established that the stainings were considerably improved and more reliable with optimized bleaching. Compared to the original protocol, the optimized method was proved to be more suitable for the groups difficult to stain, and it is also friendlier for the beginners and researchers in related fields.  相似文献   

We report on a diffusive analysis of the motion of flagellate protozoa species. These parasites are the etiological agents of neglected tropical diseases: leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania braziliensis, African sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma brucei, and Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. By tracking the positions of these parasites and evaluating the variance related to the radial positions, we find that their motions are characterized by a short-time transient superdiffusive behavior. Also, the probability distributions of the radial positions are self-similar and can be approximated by a stretched Gaussian distribution. We further investigate the probability distributions of the radial velocities of individual trajectories. Among several candidates, we find that the generalized gamma distribution shows a good agreement with these distributions. The velocity time series have long-range correlations, displaying a strong persistent behavior (Hurst exponents close to one). The prevalence of “universal” patterns across all analyzed species indicates that similar mechanisms may be ruling the motion of these parasites, despite their differences in morphological traits. In addition, further analysis of these patterns could become a useful tool for investigating the activity of new candidate drugs against these and others neglected tropical diseases.  相似文献   

Trypanosomatid flagellates (Phytomonas sp.) were detected in the sieve tubes of ‘hartrot'-diseased coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) and in the laticifers of Cecropia palmata and Euphorbia hirta plants occurring as weeds in and around coconut plantations with diseased palms. The possible interrelationship and transmission by insect vectors of these protozoa is discussed.  相似文献   

A light-diffraction microscope was modified to allow sequential viewing of the microorganisms in a soil smear by transmitted, reflected, and reflected-polarized incandescent light and by reflected ultraviolet light. Observations were also made by conventional incandescent and ultraviolet transmitted-light microscopy. All results for the various forms of bright-field microscopy with stained and unstained soils were in agreement, but they differed from the results obtained for two types of ultraviolet-fluorescence microscopy. The latter proved to be nonspecific for in situ soil microorganisms. Capsule-like areas were noted surrounding many of the resident microbial cells of soil when viewed by the various forms of bright-field microscopy. These areas could not be stained or removed by a variety of treatments, but they apparently often did take up stain after in situ soil growth had been initiated. It was concluded that these areas are not capsules but may represent a structural component of nonmultiplying microbial cells in soil.  相似文献   

The influence of the commonly used tissue fixing reagents, individually and in various combinations, on subsequent staining by protargol was studied. The reagents used were formalin, formamide, picric acid, acetic acid, paranitrophenol, pyridine and chloral hydrate. Parraffin sections from intestine and peripheral nerve of cat, dog, monkey and rat were stained with protargol after fixation in various experimental mixtures of the fixing reagents. Satisfactory nerve stains of intestine were not obtained with regularity after any one fixing and staining procedure. (Good fixation and staining appeared to be influenced by properties inherent in the tissue itself and showed marked variations from animal to animal even in the same species.)Stains of nerve fibers in peripheral nerve trunks were much more easily obtained than in the intestine where good stains were sporadic and unpredictable. The use of a mixture of 0.5% protargol and 0.1% fast green FCF, is proposed as a silver-dye staining medium.  相似文献   

The end products of cellulose metabolism by the trichomonad flagellate Trichomitopsis termopsidis from the termite Zootermopsis sp. were investigated by growing axenic flagellates on [14C]cellulose. The growth of T. termopsidis resulted in the release of label into the supernatant fraction of the culture fluid, and > 75% was volatile under acid conditions. The label was analyzed for 14CO2 and for [14C]volatile compounds by vacuum distillation under acid and alkaline conditions in disposable micro-distillation vessels. The distillate and undistilled culture supernatant fluid were chromatographed on cellulose thin layers to identify the labeled end product. T. termopsidis produced 14CO2 and [14C]acetate which accounted for 25 to 30% and 55 to 60% of the labeled end products, respectively. The ratio of label in CO2 to acetate suggests that they are produced in equimolar amounts. No neutral volatile compounds were produced. The remaining unidentified end product (10 to 20%) was not volatile nor extractable into ether. Hydrogen was produced by T. termopsidis, and the cells were killed by the drug metronidazole. Enzymatic activities were found which account for these end products: pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and hydrogenase. The results indicate that acetate is the end product of T. termopsidis cellulose metabolism and is available to the termite for energy metabolism and biosynthesis.  相似文献   

To eliminate individual manipulation, as many as 10 grids, each held firmly by a small notched bar of polyethylene plastic, are simultaneously stained, then washed. If the stain used is reactive with atmospheric CO2 it can be forced through a Millipore filter into a small chamber made of glass tubing which contains the grid holder. The stain, cleared of any solid particles, has very little contact with air and remains free of lead carbonate contamination. Washing is carried out by submerging the chamber and removing the grid holder under water (Feldman, D. G., J. Cell Biol., 15: 592-5, 1962). Washing is minimized because there is not the risk of contaminating grids and wash water with stain trapped between the points of forceps. The polyethylene is nonadherent to the wash water, and the grids can therefore be dried quickly on the holder. With this method, the relative stainability of different materials may be observed because each grid within a batch receives identical treatment.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Growth of Ochromonas danica is competitively inhibited by ethionine. Inhibition can be reversed by methionine. Inhibition indexes of the effect of ethionine on growth and methionine incorporation into proteins are 1 and 4, respectively. Inside the cell, methionine is partially de-methylated and metabolized to form cysteine. Ethionine is partially de-ethylated, and the homocysteine moiety is either re-methylated to form methionine or further metabolized to form cysteine. Ethionine is also incorporated into proteins of O. danica. The kind of metabolic interference, expressed by inhibition of growth, and correlated with incorporation of ethionine, is yet unknown.  相似文献   

A trypanosomatid flagellate, Leptomonas sp., develops and multiplies in the macronucleus (only) of natural and laboratory-reared populations of the ciliate Euplotes. Up to 90% of the natural populations of Euplotes in our test pond had such nuclear infections. Laboratory infections were transmitted to this ciliate by feeding it liberated parasites. Paramecium resisted infections. All laboratory-induced infections were lethal to Euplotes, while control clones of the uninfected ciliates remained viable. This leptomonad, unlike Leptomonas karyophilus (found in Paramecium), shows no leishmanial forms in its several ciliate hosts and shows a varied pattern of locomotion.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The characteristics of protein synthesis by cell-free extracts of mixed rumen protozoa have been investigated. ATP,1 GTP, and an energy supply system were necessary for amino acid incorporation which was partially inhibited by cycloheximide but not by chloramphenicol (100 μg/ml). The system was particularly sensitive to the cation concentration of the incubation mixture, maximal incorporation requiring 5 mM Mg++ and 50 mM K+ Incorporation was further stimulated by the addition of 0.25 mM spermidine or 0.25 mM MnCl2. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of the cell sap after amino add incorporation showed that most of the incorporated radioactivity was associated with free polysomes. These polysomes contained 82 S ribosomes which dissociated in high Tris concentrations to yield 40 S and 55 S ribosomes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ethionine or methionine can serve as sole nitrogen source for growth of Prymnesium parvum. Both amino acids are taken up as such at a ratio of 2 : 1 methionine/ethionine. Ethionine is totally de-ethylated in the cell, while methionine is probably only partially de-methylated. The homocysteine moiety of both amino acids is similarly metabolised to form cysteine or re-methylated to form methionine. De-ethylation of ethionine seems how P. parvum avoids its antimetabolic effect  相似文献   

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