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Previous reports have indicated positive effects of enriched rhizosphere dissolved inorganic carbon on the growth of salinity-stressed tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. Mill. cv. F144) plants. In the present work we tested whether a supply of CO2 enriched air to the roots of hydroponically grown tomato plants had an effect on nitrogen uptake in these plants. Uptake was followed over periods of 6 to 12 hours and measured as the depletion of nitrogen from the nutrient solution aerated with either ambient or CO2 enriched air. Enriched rhizosphere CO2 treatments (5000 μmol mol-1) increased NO3 - uptake up to 30% at pH 5.8 in hydroponically grown tomato plants compared to control treatments aerated with ambient CO2 (360 μmol mol-1). Enriched rhizosphere CO2 treatments had no effect on NH3 + uptake. Acetazolamide, an inhibitor of apoplastic carbonic anhydrase, increased NO3 - uptake in ambient rhizosphere CO2 treatments, but had no effect on NO3 - uptake in enriched rhizosphere CO2 treatments. Ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitor of both cytoplasmic and extracellular carbonic anhydrase, decreased NO3 - uptake in ambient rhizosphere CO2 treatments. In contrast, a CO2 enriched rhizosphere increased NO3 - uptake with ethoxyzolamide, although not to the same extent as in plants without ethoxyzolamide. It is suggested that a supply of enriched CO2 to the rhizosphere influenced NO3 - uptake through the formation of increased amounts of HCO3 - in the cytosol. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

六种湿地植物根际氧化还原电位的日变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李华超  陈宗晶  陈章和 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5766-5773
在野外条件下,研究人工湿地植物根际氧化还原电位(ORP)随时间的变化及其与主要环境因子的关系。研究了美人蕉(Canna indica Linn.)、风车草(Cyperus flabelliformis Rottb.)、芦苇(Phragmites australis Trin.ex Steud.)、水鬼蕉(Hymenocallis littoralis(Jack.)Salisb.)、紫芋(Colocasia tonoimo Nakai.)和鸢尾(Iris tectorum Maxim.)6种植物在潜流人工湿地中的根际ORP及其日变化。6种湿地植物的根际ORP日变化曲线相似,均为双峰型,双峰值出现在11:00—14:00之间,最大值出现在14:00。各植物的根际ORP日变化基本在130—350 m V之间,以水鬼蕉的变幅最大,风车草和芦苇的变幅较小。不同植物的根际ORP有较大差异,风车草和紫芋的日平均值最大,显著高于鸢尾、美人蕉和水鬼蕉(P0.05);芦苇显著高于鸢尾和美人蕉(P0.05)。ORP与光照强度和气温呈正相关,尤与气温的正相关最为显著。ORP日平均值与植物生物量有显著的正相关性,尤与地下部分生物量相关性最显著。结果表明,人工湿地植物根际ORP因不同植物、一天中不同的时间有较大差异,后者与光照和气温等环境因子密切相关。  相似文献   

罗敏  黄佳芳  刘育秀  仝川 《生态学报》2017,37(1):156-166
根系活动是影响湿地植物根际铁异化还原速率的关键因素之一。以往国内外湿地铁异化还原的研究多为分析和比较各类中宏观生境中铁异化还原能力的差异。近年来,湿地植物根际微域铁的生物地球化学行为也日益成为该领域的研究热点。综述了根际铁异化还原研究概况,梳理了根系活动对根际铁异化还原关键因子的作用机制,分析了根际铁异化还原和其他有机质代谢途径的竞争关系,探讨了根际铁异化还原对根系活动动态变化和异质性的响应,提出了根际铁异化还原的概念模型,并指出了未来我国湿地植物根际铁异化还原研究应加强的工作。  相似文献   

When following the pattern of the disappearance of NH 4 + –N from ammonium sulfate applied to the flooded soil-rice plant system (field and greenhouse experiments) during a growing season, it was observed that the lowest NH 4 + –N level coincided with the highest value of NR activity in the leaves. Nitrate was detected in both the root and shoot systems of the rice plants and autotrophic nitrifiers (Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter) were particularly abundant. Since it was also demonstrated in this work that the NR activity of rice plants grown with nitrate fertilization (growth chamber culture experiments) was inducible by its substrate, it can be assumed that NH 4 + –N oxidation takes place in the water-logged soil studied. Therefore, the occurrence of the nitrification process following NH 4 + –N fertilizer application can be predicted by thein vitro orin situ evaluation of the NR activity of the rice leaf as an indicator.  相似文献   

水生植物及植物表面附着微生物在人工湿地水体净化过程中发挥着重要的作用。以北京奥林匹克公园龙形水系为研究对象,通过高通量测序技术,对其底泥、水体及3种沉水植物——苦草Vallisneria natans、狐尾藻Myriophyllum verticillatum、龙须眼子菜Potamogeton pectinatus——的根际及叶际微生物群落的结构及功能进行了研究。结果表明,微生物多样性从高到低分别为底泥样品、植物根际样品、植物叶际样品和水体样品,植物叶际微生物种类要显著高于水体中微生物种类。LEfSe分析结果显示不同生境富集不同的微生物类群,其中底泥主要富集厌氧微生物类群,水体及植物叶际主要富集好氧微生物类群,植物根际则两者兼具。功能预测结果显示植物叶际样品的反硝化标志基因丰度要高于根际样品及底泥和水体样品,且狐尾藻和龙须眼子菜叶际样品反硝化标志基因丰度要高于苦草叶际样品。本研究可以为人工湿地构建时对沉水植物及功能微生物的选择提供指导意义。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

An updated version of a mechanistic structural–functional model was developed to predict nitrogen (N) uptake throughout the growth cycle by a crop of winter oilseed rape, Brassica napus, grown under field conditions.


The functional component of the model derives from a revisited conceptual framework that combines the thermodynamic Flow–Force interpretation of nitrate uptake isotherms and environmental and in planta effects on nitrate influx. Estimation of the root biomass (structural component) is based upon a combination of root mapping along the soil depth profile in the field and a relationship between the specific root length and external nitrate concentration. The root biomass contributing actively to N uptake was determined by introduction of an integrated root system age that allows assignment of a root absorption capacity at a specific age of the root.

Key Results

Simulations were well matched to measured data of N taken up under field conditions for three levels of N fertilization. The model outputs indicated that the two topsoil layers (0–30 and 30–60 cm) contained 75–88 % of the total root length and biomass, and accounted for 90–95 % of N taken up at harvest.


This conceptual framework provides a model of nitrate uptake that is able to respond to external nitrate fluctuations at both functional and structural levels.  相似文献   

淹水条件下籼稻与粳稻苗期根际土壤硝化作用的时空变异   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
李奕林  张亚丽  胡江  沈其荣 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1461-1467
由于硝态氮(NO3^--N)对于水稻的生长起到非常重要的作用,所以发生在水稻根际的硝化作用越来越受到人们的重视.试验采用根盒(3室)--速冻切片技术研究了常规籼稻(扬稻6号)和常规粳稻(农垦57)苗期根际土壤矿质态氮、硝化作用和氨氧化细菌数量的时空变异.结果表明,在淹水条件下,土壤矿质态氮主要为铵态氮(NH4^+-N),NH4^+含量随水稻生育期的推进变化不大,但随着距根区的距离增加其含量随之增加,两个水稻品种之间差异不显著;而NO3-的变化趋势与NH4^+不一致,NO3^-含量随水稻生育期的延长而显著下降,在培养58d时其平均含量约为0.05 mg kg^-1,同时在整个土体内呈均匀分布,两个水稻品种之间差异显著.土壤的硝化强度随水稻的生长而增强,且两种水稻的硝化强度均为根际土壤最高,然后依次为土体土壤和根区土壤.扬稻6号和农垦57硝化强度最大值分别出现在距根6 mm和2 mm处,最大值分别为0.88 mg kg^-1h^-1和0.73 mg kg^-1h^-1.土壤氨氧化细菌(AOB)数量随水稻生长时间的增加而增加,且其水平变异趋势与土壤的硝化强度一致,根际土壤AOB数量最多,土体土壤次之,根区土壤最少.相关分析结果表明,硝化强度和AOB数量呈显著正相关关系(r=0.86,p<0.01).种植扬稻6号的土壤NO3^-浓度、硝化强度以及AOB数量总是高于农垦57.  相似文献   

The ecophysiological characteristics of fine roots of mature forest plants are poorly understood because of difficulties of measurement. We explored a root in-growth approach to measure respiration and nitrate uptake of woody plant roots in situ. Roots of seven species were grown into sand-filled chambers. Root-associated respiration was measured as CO 2 emission on four dates and nitrate uptake was quantified using 15N. All the roots were younger than 3 months at the time of measurement. Fine root respiration measured over the temperature range of 14.5–15.5 °C averaged 18.9–36.5 nmol gDM –1 s –1 across species. Nitrate uptake rates by these fine roots (1.3–6.8 nmol gDM –1 s –1) were comparable to other studies of forest trees. The root respiration rates were several times higher than measurements on detached roots of mature trees, concurring with literature observations that young roots respire much more rapidly than older roots. The root in-growth approach appears promising for providing information on the metabolic activity of fine roots of mature forest trees growing in soil.  相似文献   

宁南山区典型植物根际与非根际土壤微生物功能多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
安韶山  李国辉  陈利顶 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5225-5234
选择宁南山区9种典型植物的根际与非根际土壤为研究对象,采用Biolog方法对土壤微生物功能多样性进行了研究。结果表明:9种不同植物根际土壤与非根际土壤的微生物活性(AWCD)、微生物多样性指数和微生物均匀度指数均存在明显差异;除冰草外,其他各种植物的根际土壤的微生物活性AWCD、微生物多样性指数和微生物均匀度指数均比非根际土壤的高;9种典型植物根际土壤微生物主要碳源利用类型是羧酸类和氨基酸类,非根际土壤微生物主要碳源利用类型是羧酸类、胺类、氨基酸类;微生物活性、微生物多样性指数和微生物均匀度指数两两之间均达到了极显著相关,与土壤化学性质各指标之间均未达到显著相关水平。  相似文献   

Root morpho-topology and net nitrate uptake of two citrus seedlings, Volkamer Lemon and Carrizo Citrange, grown at two nitrogen supplies (NO3-N 5 M and 1000 M, respectively) were studied. Root morphological and topological parameters were gauged by an image-specific analysis system (WinRHIZO). Net nitrate uptake was estimated using the nitrate depletion method. The main findings showed that Carrizo seedlings had a dichotomous branching root system characterized by high root tip numbers and long 2nd order lateral roots. Conversely, Volkamer root systems had a herringbone structure with a long tap root and 1st order lateral root. Nitrate treatment did not seem to affect the pattern of the two genotypes, except for the 2nd order lateral roots (Carrizo more than Volkamer) and root/shoot ratio and root mass ratio (Volkamer more than Carrizo) that were significantly different at low nitrate supply. Nitrate treatments induced a diverse net nitrate uptake regulation between citrus rootstocks. Indeed, at low nitrate supply, Carrizo showed a more efficient nitrate acquisition process in terms of: 1) higher net nitrate uptake maximum of the inducible high affinity transport system or full induction (A), (2) higher cumulative nitrate uptake (At) and (3) lower t1 parameter defined as the half time of the net nitrate uptake rate of the inducible transport system during the induction phase, compared to Volkamer. Conversely, at the high nitrate level, only the genotypical difference of the t1 parameter was maintained. The results suggested that, at the low nitrate level, the morphological root traits such as higher 2nd order lateral roots and greater root tip numbers of the Carrizo compared with Volkamer seedlings, enhance the capacity to absorb nitrate from nutrient solution.  相似文献   

Guivarch  A.  Hinsinger  P.  Staunton  S. 《Plant and Soil》1999,211(1):131-138
Uptake by roots from contaminated soil is one of the key steps in the entry of radiocaesium into the food chain. We have measured the uptake by roots of radiocaesium and its transfer to shoots of a heathland grass, sheep fescue (Festuca ovina L.) from two contrasting agricultural soils, a sandy podzol and a clayey calcareous soil. A culture device which keeps the roots separate from the soil was used thus allowing rhizosphere soil to be obtained easily and enhancing the effect of root action. Biomass production and 137Cs in shoots and roots were recorded. Cs adsorption was studied on both the initial, nonrhizosphere soil and on rhizosphere soil in dilute soil suspension. Cs desorption was measured by resuspending subsamples of contaminated soil in solutions containing various concentrations of stable Cs. The proportion of Cs fixed, i.e. not readily desorbable, was calculated by comparison of the adsorption and desorption isotherms. Uptake by roots varied considerably between soils and did not appear to be diffusion limited. Root-to-shoot transfer did not differ for the two soils studied. Root action considerably enhanced Cs adsorption on the soils, particularly the in sandy podzol with a low Cs affinity. The value of Kd was increased by up to an order of magnitude. A large proportion of adsorbed Cs was found to be fixed, the Kd was up to seven times greater on desorption than adsorption, indicating that up to 80% of adsorbed Cs was not readily exchangeable. Root action had little effect on the fixed fraction. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The experiment was set up to examine the influence of different nitrogen forms: (NH4)2SO4, Ca(NO3)2 or NH4NO3 on growth response, root induced pH changes in the rhizosphere, root-borne acid phosphatase activity in strawberry plants cv. Senga Sengana. The plants grown on sandy mineral soil were fertilized with 3 forms of nitrogen, in concentrations of 46 mg N·kg−1 soil. The plants were grown in rhizoboxes with removable plexiglass lids. To ensure the root growth along the plexiglass lids, the rhizoboxes were placed at an angle of about 50° with the lid on the lower side. In case of ammonium supply, the nitrification inhibitor DIDIN was added (10 mg·kg−1 of moist soil) to prevent conversion of ammonium into nitrate. The growth response (roots and shoots) of strawberry plants were determined after 11 weeks of treatment with different N forms. The best development of the root system and shoots (root and shoot dry weight and root length) was obtained, when ammonium nitrate was supplied. It is suggested therefore, that NH4NO3 stimulates vegetative growth of strawberry plants cv. Senga Sengana. However, there were no statistical differences in a leaf and flower number of the plants grown under different forms of N-fertilization. Determination of rhizosphere pH, and acid phosphatase activity were executed using non-destructive techniques, which enabled weekly measurement of chemical changes in the rhizosphere. The results revealed that the form of nitrogen supplied had a predominant effect on chemical changes in the rhizosphere of strawberry plants. The highest pH values (average pH 6.8) were measured in the rhizosphere of individual plants supplied with Ca(NO3)2. Whereas the lowest pH values (average pH 5.8) were detected in the presence of (NH4)2SO4. The curve of rhizosphere pH measured along individual roots of the plants treated with Ca(NO3)2 represents the highest pH values whereas the curve of rhizosphere pH under (NH4)2SO4 treatment had the lowest pH values. The highest activity of acid phosphatase were observed in the rhizosphere of strawberry plants grown in the presence of (NH4)2SO4, at pH 5.8.  相似文献   

潜流人工湿地中植物对氮磷净化影响效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘树元 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1538-1546
采用潜流人工湿地系统,配制以NH+4-N、NO-3-N和PO3-4-P为主要成分的模拟污水,通过间歇运行方式,考察了芦苇和小叶章的生长情况、生理生态学特性及其对污水中N、P净化效能的影响,并研究了植物对湿地系统pH变化、NO-3-N和NH+4-N净化效率的影响。结果表明,当水力停留时间为7d时,小叶章和芦苇湿地对TN的去除率分别为65.1%和99.6%,去除负荷分别为1.66g · m-3 · d-1和2.53g · m-3 · d-1。小叶章和芦苇对去除TN的贡献率分别为14.7%、61.7%,对去除TP的贡献率分别为11.7%和12.9%;芦苇植株内N、P浓度分别为29.2mg/g和3.41mg/g。芦苇湿地的净化效能高于小叶章湿地。湿地系统中pH值先升高后降低的拐点可作为氨氧化反应结束的指示参数。  相似文献   

The effect of CO2 concentration on plant growth and the size of the rhizosphere denitrifier population was investigated for ryegrass grown at 3 different soil pH values (pH 4.3, 5.9 and 7.0). Soil microcosms were planted with ryegrass and maintained under constant growth conditions at either ambient (450ppm) or elevated (720ppm) CO2 concentration. At harvest, the rhizosphere soil was collected and subjected to a potential denitrification assay to provide an estimate of the size of the denitrifier population present. Ryegrass dry matter production varied across the pH range studied and contrary to other studies, elevated CO2 concentration did not consistently increase growth. Plant growth was reduced by ≈ 35% and 23% at pH 4.3 and pH 5.9, respectively, under elevated CO2 concentration. At pH 7.0, however, plant growth was increased by ≈ 45% under elevated CO2. Potential denitrification rates within the rhizosphere followed a similar pattern to plant growth in the different treatments, suggesting that plant growth and the size of denitrifier population within the rhizosphere are coupled. This study investigates the relationship between plant growth and rhizosphere denitrification potential, thereby providing an estimate of the size of the denitrifier population under increased CO2 concentration and soil pH.  相似文献   

农田开垦对三江平原湿地土壤种子库影响及湿地恢复潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子库是湿地植被恢复的重要途径之一,不同时期的耕作土壤中残留的种子对开垦湿地恢复具有重要的作用.本文采用温室萌发法在两种水分条件下对三江平原天然湿地、不同开垦年限湿地种子库结构和规模进行了研究,以了解不同开垦年限湿地种子库特征及其在湿地植被恢复中的潜力.本次实验共萌发物种50种,随着开垦年限增加,萌发物种逐渐减少,天然湿地、开垦1年、3年、10年、20年的湿地分别为34种、31种、21种、21种和8种,萌发物种数与种子库规模均表现出极显著差异(F1=8.32,F2=5.946,P<0.001).种子库密度以天然湿地和开垦1年湿地最大,分别为7624粒/m2,9836粒/m2.随着开垦年限增加,种子库规模逐渐减小,开垦3年、10年种子库密度为4336粒/m2,4872粒/m2.开垦20 a后,显著减少为432粒/m2.湿润条件下萌发物种数及种子密度显著高于淹水处理,种子库具有明显的分层现象,0-5 cm土层种子库规模显著高于5-10 cm.小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)作为该地区优势物种,由最初的1192粒/m2,经过20 a开垦后在种子库中消失.研究表明,在一定的开垦年限范围内,开垦湿地土壤中仍然保留大量的湿地物种种子,在湿地恢复中具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

选择黄土高原7种典型植物的根际与非根际土壤为研究对象,对土壤的养分含量、微生物生物量碳、氮、磷和基础呼吸的影响进行了初步研究。结果表明,7种不同植物根际土壤与非根际土壤的养分含量、微生物生物量和基础呼吸均存在显著差异;除冷蒿的土壤微生物生物量磷以外,其他各种植物的根际土壤的养分含量、微生物生物量和基础呼吸均比非根际土壤的高;土壤有机碳、全氮与土壤微生物生物量碳、氮及基础呼吸之间均具有极显著或显著相关关系,表明了土壤微生物生物量碳、氮可以作为判断土壤肥力状况的生物学指标,同时也可为提高土壤肥力水平和土壤培肥效果提供依据。  相似文献   

A new method allowing control of rhizosphere pH and mineral nutrition was applied to study depletion of various organic and inorganic phosphorus fractions extractable sequentially with 0.5M KHCO3 (pH 8.5), 0.1M NaOH and residual P extractable with 6M H2SO4 from the rhizosphere soil.Soil pH was affected about 2 mm from the root mat. Depletion zones of inorganic P (KHCO3-Pi) extractable with 0.5M KHCO3 extended up to about 4 mm but the depletion zones of all other P fractions were about 1 mm only. The root-induced decrease of soil pH from 6.7 to 5.5 increased the depletion of total P from all fractions by 20% and depletion of KHCO3-Pi and residual P by 34% and 43%, respectively. Depletion of organic P (KHCO3-Po) extractable with 0.5M KHCO3 was not affected by a change in rhizosphere pH. With constant or increased pH, depletion of inorganic P (NaOH-Pi) was 17% and organic P (NaOH-Po) was 22% higher than with decreased pH. Only 54–60% of total P withdrawn from all fractions was from KHCO3-Pi. Substantial amounts of KHCO3-Po and NaOH-Po were mineralized and withdrawn from the rhizosphere within 1 mm from the root mat, as 11–15% of total P withdrawn originated from the organic P fractions. A remaining 11–16% was derived from NaOH-Pi, and 15–18% from residual P fractions likely to be rather immobile. Thus, 40–46% of the P withdrawn near the root mat of rape originated from non-mobile P fractions normally not included in 0.5M NaHCO3 extraction used to obtain an index of plant-available soil P.  相似文献   

Diurnal patterns of net NO3 uptake by nonnodulated soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Ransom] plants growing in flowing hydroponic culture at 26 and 16°C root temperatures were measured at hourly intervals during alternate days of a 12-day growth period. Ion chromatography was used to determine removal of NO3 from the culture solution. Day and night periods of 9 and 15 h were used during growth. The night period included two 6-h dark periods and an intervening 3-h period of night interruption by incandescent lamps to effect a long-day photoperiod and repress floral initiation. At both root temperatures, the average specific rates of NO3 uptake were twice as great during the night interruption period as during the day period; they were greater during the day period than during the dark periods; and they were greater during the dark period immediately following the day period than during the later dark period that followed the night interruption. While these average patterns were repetitious among days, measured rates of uptake varied hourly and included intervals of net efflux scattered through the day period and more frequently through the 2 dark periods. Root temperature did not affect the average daily specific rates of uptake or the qualitative relationships among day, dark and night interruption periods of the diurnal cycle.  相似文献   

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