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Summary Two techniques were useful in overcoming hybrid inviability between N. repanda and N. tabacum. These techniques combine gamma-ray irradiation to pollen or to egg cells (in ovules) with in vitro culture of fertilized ovules. When in vitro culture of fertilized ovules from in situ hybridization of N. repanda x N. tabacum was combined without gamma-ray irradiation to pollen or to egg cells (in ovules), all of the resulting seedlings developed chlorosis and died. Furthermore, in the case of in situ hybridization of N. repanda x N. tabacum with gamma-ray irradiated N. tabacum pollen, no viable seeds were obtained. By using both techniques, combining gamma-ray irradiation to N. tabacum pollen or to egg cells in (N. repanda ovules) with in vitro culture of fertilized ovules, we were successful in obtaining flowering hybrid plants. Thus, it appears that it may be possible to overcome hybrid inviability to a certain extent using both the pollen irradiation technique and the egg cell irradiation technique, i.e., gamma-ray irradiation to pollen or to egg cells (in ovules) before pollination and in vitro culture of fertilized ovules.The research reported in this paper is in partial fulfillment of PhD requirements for the senior author  相似文献   

Summary Through the in vitro culture of excised embryos and ovules, interspecific hybrids have been obtained from cultivated and wild species of Gossypium. The hybrids matured upon transfer to the field. The anthers, ovules and embryos from both the diploid (2n=26) and tetraploid (2n=52) species underwent proliferation, and this response was genotypic. The diploid species invariably showed profuse callusing in comparison with the tetraploid. The callus showed various chromosome numbers, ranging from haploids to hexaploids, and from high polyploidy to aneuploidy. Hybrid callus culture may augment the genetic variability by providing a means for obtaining genetic exchange in interspecific hybrids. The implications of the in vitro induction of genetic variability for cotton improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Using conventional techniques interspecific hybridization between N. glutinosa (2n=24) and N. megalosiphon (2n=40) results in failure while the reciprocal is successful. Attempts were made here to obtain an F1 hybrid of N. glutinosa X N. megalosiphon by embryo rescue. These reciprocal hybrids resembled each other in their phenotypic and chromosomal behaviour, i.e. there is broad spectrum of phenotypic variation coupled to chromosomal range from 2n-28 to 32. This may be due to the functional disharmony between chromosome sets of two unrelated species resulting in the elimination of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses were made to obtain interspecific hybrids between B. fruticulosa (wild species , 2n = 16) × B. campestris (cultivar , 2n = 20). Although many pollen grains germinated and their tubes entered the style, only about 30% of the ovules received pollen tubes. Fertilized ovules aborted at various stages of development. A few hybrid seeds resulted from hand pollinations in the field, and they showed poor germination and seedling establishment. The in vitro culture of ovaries, ovules, and seeds increased the frequency of obtaining hybrid seeds and plants: the most effective method was ovary culture followed by ovule culture. The hybrid nature of the plants was confirmed through morphological, cytological, and electrophoretic studies. A meiotic analysis of F1 hybrids (2n = 18) showed that they had 0–5 bivalents and were completely pollen sterile. Electrophoretic analysis of leaf esterases and acid phosphatases of F1 hybrids revealed bands derived from each parent. Induced amphidiploids of F1 hybrids contained mostly bivalents, and had about 50% fertile pollen.  相似文献   

Summary Seed was readily obtained from V. corymbosum zygotes using embryo rescue techniques, even when embryos were cultured at proembryonic stages. Best in vitro seed development was obtained when ovules were cultured attached to placental tissues. Successful fruit and seed development in culture occurred only when the fruit was cut longitudinally or when the basal portion of the fruit was removed previous to plating. Addition of various vitamins, amino acids, and growth regulators to the nutrient medium did not increase seed production. Attempts to rescue hybrid embryos from V. croymbosum (tetraploid) x V. elliottii (diploid) crosses by in ovulo and in ovary culture gave a few presumably hybrid seed, but at a rate no greater than when normal crossing procedures are used.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 5748  相似文献   

Summary Genetically asymmetric hybrids were recovered by fusion of Nicotiana tabacum protoplasts with irradiated protoplasts of kanamycin-resistant, nopalineproducing plants of N. repanda. Hybrid calli were selected by culture on media containing kanamycin and were regenerated. These plants were morphologically similar to N. tabacum but produced nopaline, indicating they retained genes from N. repanda. Esterase isozyme profiles also indicated that the plants are somatic hybrids, but are more similar to N. tabacum than N. repanda. Chromosome counts showed most of the hybrids had 55–62 chromosomes, which is consistent with extensive, although incomplete elimination of N. repanda chromosomes. The hybrids were largely male sterile, but about half of them set seed when crossed with N. tabacum. Chromosome numbers of the progeny and the pattern of inheritance of kanamycin resistance indicated the continued elimination of N. repanda genetic material in these backcrosses. The N. repanda parent used in these fusions gave a hypersensitive response to TMV, whereas the N. tabacum parent was TMV sensitive. When inoculated with TMV, plants from two hybrid clones gave a hypersensitive response. Plants from the other clones became systemically infected with the virus.  相似文献   

Summary Mesophyll protoplasts of a kanamycin-resistant, nopaline-positive Nicotiana plumbaginifolia seed line were inactivated by -irradiation and electrically fused with unirradiated mesophyll protoplasts of N. tabacum. Hybrids were selected on kanamycin and regenerated. Genetic material from N. plumbaginifolia was detected in these plants by the following criteria: (1) morphology, (2) esterase isozyme profiles, and (3) the presence of nopaline in leaf extracts. All of the plants regenerated were morphologically more similar to N. tabacum than to N. plumbaginifolia, and many were indistinguishable from N. tabacum. It was found that 37 plants displayed one or two esterases characteristic of N. plumbaginifolia in addition to a full set of esterases from N. tabacum. Based on their esterases, we have classified these plants as somatic hybrids. However, irradiation has clearly reduced the amount of N. plumbaginifolia genetic material that they retain; 24 plants were found that had only N. tabacum esterases but that produced nopaline and were kanamycin resistant. Genomic DNA from several of these plants was probed by Southern blotting for the presence of the authentic neomycin phosphotransferase gene (kanamycin-resistance gene) — all were found to contain the gene. These plants were classified as asymmetric hybrids. Finally, 25 plants were regenerated that were kanamycin sensitive, negative for nopaline, and contained only N. tabacum esterases. All of the regenerated plants, including this final category, were male sterile. As transferring the N. plumbaginifolia cytoplasm to an N. tabacum nuclear background results in an alloplasmic form of male sterility, all of the plants regenerated in this study appear to be cybrids irrespective of their nuclear constitution. Chromosome analysis of the asymmetric hybrids showed that most of them contained one more chromosome than is normal for N. tabacum. The somatic hybrids examined all had several additional chromosomes. Although male sterile, the asymmetric hybrids were female fertile to varying degrees and were successfully backcrossed with N. tabacum. Analysis of the resultant F1 progeny indicated that the kanamycin-resistance gene from N. plumbaginifolia is partially unstable during meiosis, as would be expected for factors inherited on an unpaired chromosome.Abbreviations Km r kanamycin resistant - Km s kamacysin sensitive - Nop + nopaline positive - Nop nopaline negative  相似文献   

Serially sectioned embryo sacs of Nicotiana tabacum were examined during fertilization events using transmission electron microscopy. After pollen tube discharge, the outer membrane of the sperm pair is removed, the two sperm cells are deposited in the degenerate synergid and the sperm cells migrate to the chalazal edge of the synergid where gametic fusion occurs. During fertilization, the male cytoplasm, including heritable organelles, is transmitted into the female reproductive cells as shown by: (1) the cytoplasmic confluence of one sperm and the central cell during cellular fusion, (2) the occurrence of sperm mitochondria (distinguished by ultrastructural differences) in the zygote cytoplasm and adjacent to the sperm nucleus, (3) the presence of darkly stained aggregates which are found exclusively in mature sperm cells within the cytoplasm of both female cells soon after cell fusion, and (4) the absence of any large enucleated cytoplasmic bodies containing recognizable organelles outside the zygote or endosperm cells. The infrequent occurrence of plastids in the sperm and the transmission of sperm cytoplasm into the egg during double fertilization provide the cytological basis for occasional biparental plastid inheritance as reported previously in tobacco. Although sperm mitochondria are transmitted into the egg/zygote, their inheritance has not been detected genetically. In one abnormal embryo sac, a pair of sperm cells was released into the cytoplasm of the presumptive zygote. Although pollen tube discharge usually removes the inner pollen-tube plasma membrane containing the two sperm cells, this did not occur in this case. When sperm cells are deposited in a degenerating synergid or outside of a cell, this outer membrane is removed, as it apparently is for fertilization.  相似文献   

Castor and Jatropha belong to the Euphorbiaceae family. This review highlights the role of biotechnological tools in the genetic improvement of castor and jatropha. Castor is monotypic and breeding programmes have mostly relied on the variability available in the primary gene pool. The major constraints limiting profitable cultivation are: vulnerability to insect pests and diseases, and the press cake is toxic which restrict its use as cattle feed. Conventional breeding techniques have limited scope in improvement of resistance to biotic stresses and in quality improvement owing to low genetic variability for these traits. Genetic diversity was assessed using protein based markers while use of molecular markers is at infancy. In vitro studies in castor have been successful in shoot proliferation from meristematic explants, but not callus-mediated regeneration. Genetic transformation experiments have been initiated for development of insect resistant and ricin-free transgenics with very low transformation frequency. In tropical and subtropical countries jatropha is viewed as a potential biofuel crop. The limitations in available germplasm include; lack of knowledge of the genetic base, poor yields, low genetic diversity and vulnerability to a wide array of insects and diseases. Great scope exists for genetic improvement through conventional methods, induced mutations, interspecific hybridization and genetic transformation. Reliable and highly efficient tissue culture protocols for direct and callus-mediated shoot regeneration and somatic embryogenesis are established for jatropha which indicates potential for widening the genetic base through biotechnological tools. Assessment of genetic diversity using molecular markers disclosed low interaccessional variability in local Jatropha curcas germplasm. The current status and future prospects of in vitro regeneration, genetic transformation and the role of molecular tools in the genetic enhancement of the two-oilseed crops are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A total of six genotypes of Nicotiana rustica comprising the two F1's (V2 × V12 and V1 × V5) and their parents were evaluated for their efficiency in haploid production. Excised immature flower buds with pollen at late uninucleate to early binucleate stage were pretreated for 21 days at 5 ° or 7 °C, or for 15 days at 9 °C before culturing on Nitsch's medium+ 0.1 mg/l NAA. The effects of genotype, pretreatment and their interaction were tested on anther response, anther productivity and days to first plantlet formation. Highly significant genotype X pretreatment interaction and differences between genotypes were observed for all three characters. Significant differences between pretreatments were observed for anther productivity only. The performance of V12 both in respect of anther productivity and response was highest whereas that of V5 was the lowest. Analysis of variance showed that a simple additive genetic model was not adequate to explain the above variation due to significant additive genetic and dominance interactions with the pretreatment.  相似文献   

While anther culture or pollinations with Hordeum bulbosum have provided suitable methods for haploid production in bread wheat, they have been largely unsuccessful in durum wheat. Pollinations with maize were used in an attempt to produce haploid seedlings and, from these, fertile doubled haploids of durum wheats. Moreover, the effect of various concentrations and combinations of a synthetic auxin, 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), kinetin, and an ethylene inhibitor, silver nitrate (AgNO3), on embryo recovery were also investigated. Haploid seedlings were recovered from Triticum turgidum ssp. turgidum cv Rampton Rivet pollinated with maize following in-vivo treatment of ovaries with 2,4-D for 2 weeks and subsequent embryo culture. The recovery of haploid seedlings from T. turgidum ssp. durum cv. Wakona pollinated with maize necessitated the addition of AgNO3, to the 2,4-D treatment. Overall, haploid seedlings were produced in 1.7% and 3.3% of pollinated florets for Rampton Rivet and Wakona respectively. The success of the present work represents a significant breakthrough for haploid production in durum wheats. Wide hybridization with maize followed by in-vivo treatment of ovaries with 2,4-D alone, or in combination with AgNO3, may provide a widely-applicable method of haploid production in tetraploid wheats.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONGOSndumherbaceuminoneofthetwo'A'genomediploidcultivatedspeciesofcotton.ItisgrowninsomepartsofcentralIndia,esDeciallyasarainfedcrop.G-sto~isawiIdspeciesbelongingto'E'ge11omeandisfoundinWestAsia.Thisspecieshasaverygoodrootsystemandistoleranttodrought[1]-Thus,thehybridizationbetweenG.herbaceumandG.stock8iisdesiredtodevelopdrought-tolerantvarietiesinG.herbaceum.Theattemptstoproduceinterspecifichybridsbytheconventionalmethodsareoftenunsuccessfulduetotheformationofunderdevel-op…  相似文献   

Peroxidase and isoperoxidase patterns of tobacco have been comparatively analyzed in relation to parental origin and ploidy level (including hypohaploidy status) at different ages and physiological states. The interspecific hybrid N. sylvestris × N. tomentosiformis shows an additive pattern of parental peroxidases, which also resembles that of N. tabacum cv. Wisconsin and cv. Samsun. Enzyme activity (on dry weight and protein bases, decreases from the diploid to the hypohaploid forms of Wisconsin and Samsun with respective quantitative differences in the zymograms, when the plants are compared at the same chronological and vegetative stages. Abnormally vegetatively ageing hypohaploids recover all peroxidasic isoenzymes and reach an enzyme activity as high as those of haploids and diploids. Flowering hypohaploids, however, generally behave like haploids and diploids in changing their balance between acidic and basic peroxidases.  相似文献   

The influence of donor plant genotype, ear maturity, explant size, and the ratio of ovule-to-cob tissue on kernel development from in vitro pollinated ovules was examined. All genotypes evaluated in this study were capable of in vitro pollination/fertilization, however, significant differences were observed for the responses measured. Genotype means for complete kernel formation ranged from 1.5% to 25.4% with B73 exhibiting the highest response. Averaged over all genotypes, ear maturity effects were not significant, however, the genotype x ear maturity mean square was significant for swelling percentage. Explant size had a profound effect on in vitro kernel development. Averaged over all genotypes and ear maturities, 30-ovule explants resulted in more than twice as many ovules classified as complete kernels when compared to 10-ovule explants. Ovule-to-cob tissue ratio was also found to have highly significant effects on all three variables measured. An ovule-to-cob tissue ratio of 4:24 resulted in the highest percentages of swelling, embryos with incomplete embryos, and complete kernels.  相似文献   

Summary Flowering hybrid plants were obtained from reciprocal crosses between N. tabacum L. (2n=48) and N. repanda Willd. (2n = 48), in which cross incompatibility and hybrid inviability were manifested. Stylar pollination and ovule culture were used to overcome the cross incompatibility of stylar barriers and ovular death. It was shown that application of 2 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) during the growth period, from the fiveto six-leaf stage to the flowering stage, is a useful and easy method to overcome hybrid inviability.  相似文献   

Wide hybridization in okra   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Crosses were made between members of the two West African okra types Soudanien and Guineen. All crosses succeeded in both directions and the F1 plants which showed hybrid vigour for plant stature were partially sterile. Cytological observations of the F1 plants revealed abnormal meiosis which resulted in the production of microspores of variable sizes. The frequency of viable pollen (as indicated by acetocarmine staining) was low in the hybrids: 35.80% (U.I.92× U.I.313) and 39.41% (1bk-1×U.I.215). The number of seeds produced per fruit was low in the hybrids and only a few of these seeds are viable. The possibility of gene transfer between the two okra types was discussed.  相似文献   

Interspecific crosses were made by hand-pollination of Allium cepa with pollen of 19 species belonging to nine sections of two subgenera of the genus Allium. In all cases viable plantlets were obtained from ovary culture. The efficiency depended on the relationship of the pollen donor to A. cepa. The hybrid character of the regenerants was checked by morphological comparisons with the parents and/or by one or more cytological methods such as flow cytometric DNA measurement, karyotype analysis, and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Hybrids were confirmed for 18 new species combinations. The viable hybrid of the most distant cross resulted from crossing A. cepa with A. sphaerocephalon. The relevance of the verification methods and the potential use of the hybrids for breeding purposes are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Marine species with high dispersal potential often have huge ranges and minimal population structure. Combined with the paucity of geographic barriers in the oceans, this pattern raises the question as to how speciation occurs in the sea. Over the past 20 years, evidence has accumulated that marine speciation is often linked to the evolution of gamete recognition proteins. Rapid evolution of gamete recognition proteins in gastropods, bivalves, and sea urchins is correlated with gamete incompatibility and contributes to the maintenance of species boundaries between sympatric congeners. Here, we present a counterexample to this general pattern. The sea urchins Pseudoboletia indiana and P. maculata have broad ranges that overlap in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Cytochrome oxidase I sequences indicated that these species are distinct, and their 7.3% divergence suggests that they diverged at least 2 mya. Despite this, we suspected hybridization between them based on the presence of morphologically intermediate individuals in sympatric populations at Sydney, Australia. We assessed the opportunity for hybridization between the two species and found that (1) individuals of the two species occur within a meter of each other in nature, (2) they have overlapping annual reproductive cycles, and (3) their gametes cross-fertilize readily in the laboratory and in the field. We genotyped individuals with intermediate morphology and confirmed that many were hybrids. Hybrids were fertile, and some female hybrids had egg sizes intermediate between the two parental species. Consistent with their high level of gamete compatibility, there is minimal divergence between P. indiana and P. maculata in the gamete recognition protein bindin, with a single fixed amino acid difference between the two species. Pseudoboletia thus provides a well-characterized exception to the idea that broadcast spawning marine species living in sympatry develop and maintain species boundaries through the divergence of gamete recognition proteins and the associated evolution of gamete incompatibility.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration through de novo shoot organogenesis in tissue culture is a critical step in most plant transformation and micropropagation procedures. Establishing an efficient regeneration protocol is an empirical process and requires optimization of multiple factors that influence the regeneration capacity. Here, we review the molecular process of shoot induction in a two-step regeneration protocol and focus on the role of auxins and cytokinins. First, during incubation on an auxin-rich callus induction medium (CIM), organogenic callus is produced that exhibits characteristics of a root meristem. Subsequent incubation on a cytokinin-rich shoot induction medium (SIM) induces root to shoot conversion. Through a detailed analysis of the different aspects of shoot regeneration, we try to reveal hinge points and novel candidate genes that may be targeted to increase shoot regeneration capacity in order to improve transformation protocols.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts derived from suspension cultured cells of cytoplasmic male sterile Nicotiana tabacum (N. debneyi cytoplasm) and of fertile N. glutinosa were fused with the aid of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Out of 1,089 colonies developed from PEG-treated protoplasts, 29 restored whole plants.A somatic hybrid plant was selected on the basis of isoelectrofocusing analysis of Fraction I protein in leaves of regenerated plants. A newly created hybrid contained small subunits of both parents but only a N. glutinosa type large subunit.Male sterile character was conserved in a hybrid plant while leaf morphology was intermediate between the parents. By tobacco mosaic virus infection tests, the hybrid's leaves showed resistant symptoms, hypersensitive local lesions, which were due to N. glutinosa nuclear genome expression.Abbreviations PEG Polyethylene glycol - TMV Tobacco mosaic virus  相似文献   

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