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In neuroblastoma N1E 115 cells, carbachol, histamine and PGE1 elevated cyclic GMP content and, induced the efflux of preloaded 45Ca2+, the release of membrane-bound Ca2+ measured by fluorescent CTC, and the increase in [Ca2+]i as measured by Quin 2 fluorescence. The time course of the responses, the absolute requirement of extracellular Ca2+, the inhibition by receptor blockers, and the concentration dependency on histamine were all similar between these responses. The observation indicates that the mobilization of Ca2+, especially the increase of [Ca2+]i, may be intimately linked to the synthesis of cyclic GMP in the cells.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan biosynthesis by cultured chondrocytes was shown to be depressed by extracellular concentrations of proteoglycan and partially degraded proteoglycan. This reduction in proteoglycan synthesis was reversible on removal of the added proteoglycan. Benzyl-β-D-xyloside, an exogenous acceptor of glycosaminoglycan synthesis, was used and it was shown that proteoglycan was inhibiting glycosaminoglycan synthesis. Proteoglycan had no effect on the overall protein synthesis by the cultured cells. It was concluded that the exogenous proteoglycan was inhibiting proteoglycan synthesis at the level of initiation or elongation of the glycosaminoglycan chains.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transport by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was examined by incubating sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles (0.15 mg/ml) at 37°C in, either normal medium that contained 0.15 M sucrose, 0.1 M KCl, 60 μM CaCl2, 2.5 mM ATP and 30 mM Tes at pH 6.8, or a modified medium for elimination of ADP formed from ATP hydrolysis by including, in addition, 3.6 mM phosphocreatine and 33 U/ml of creatine phosphokinase. In normal medium, Ca2+ uptake of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles reached a plateau of about 100 nmol/mg. In modified medium, after this phase of Ca2+ uptake, a second phase of Ca2+ accumulation was initiated and reached a plateau of about 300 nmol/mg. The second phase of Ca2+ accumulation was accompanied by phosphate uptake and could be inhibited by ADP. Since, under these experimental conditions, there was no significant difference of the rates of ATP hydrolysis in normal medium and modified medium, extra Ca2+ uptake in modified medium but not in normal medium could not be explained by different phosphate accumulation in the two media. Unidirectional Ca2+ influx of sarcoplasmic reticulum near steady state of Ca2+ uptake was measured by pulse labeling with 45Ca2+. The Ca2+ efflux rate was then determined by subtracting the net uptake from the influx rate. At the first plateau of Ca2+ uptake in normal medium, Ca2+ influx was balanced by Ca2+ efflux with an exchange rate of 240 nmol/mg per min. This exchange rate was maintained relatively constant at the plateau phase. In modified medium, the Ca2+ exchange rate at the first plateau of Ca2+ uptake was about half of that in normal medium. When the second phase of Ca2+ uptake was initiated, both the influx and efflux rates started to increase and reached a similar exchange rate as observed in normal medium. Also, during the second phase of Ca2+ uptake, the difference between the influx and efflux rates continued to increase until the second plateau phase was approached. In conditions where the formation of ADP and inorganic phosphate was minimized by using a low concentration of sarcoplasmic (7.5 μg/ml) and/or using acetyl phosphate instead of ATP, the second phase of Ca2+ uptake was also observed. These data suggest that the Ca2+ load attained by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles during active transport is modulated by ADP accumulated from ATP hydrolysis. ADP probably exerts its effect by facilitating Ca2+ efflux, which subsequently stimulates Ca2+ exchange.  相似文献   

Jun Nakamura 《BBA》1983,723(2):182-190
The effects of ATP on Ca2+ binding in the absence of added Mg2+ to the purified sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase were studied at pH 7.0 and 0°C. ATP increased the number of Ca2+-binding sites of the enzyme from 2 to 3 mol per mol of phosphorylatable enzyme. The association constant for the ATP-induced Ca2+ binding was 4·105 M?1, which was not significantly different from that obtained in the absence of ATP. AdoP[CH2]PP has little effect on the Ca2+-binding process. The amount of phosphoenzyme formed was equivalent to the level of ATP-induced Ca2+ binding. ADP decreased the level of ATP-induced Ca2+ binding and phosphoenzyme by the same amount. These results suggest that ATP-induced Ca2+ binding exists in the form of an ADP-reactive phosphoenzyme·Ca complex. In addition, the Ca2+ bound to the enzyme in the presence of ATP was released on the addition of 1 mM MgCl2; after the release of Ca2+, the phosphoenzyme decayed. These observations suggest that Mg2+, added after the ATP-induced Ca2+-binding process, may replace the Ca2+ on the phosphoenzyme and initiate phosphoenzyme decomposition.  相似文献   

Isolated pancreatic acini were loaded with the calcium selective fluorescent indicator, quin-2. Measurements of cellular K+ content and lactic dehydrogenase release indicated that cell viability was not affected by quin-2 loading. The concentration of intracellular free calcium of unstimulated acinar cells was calculated to be 180 +/- 4 nM. When cells suspended in media containing millimolar calcium were exposed to the secretagogues carbachol and cholecystokinin a rapid increase in [Ca2+]i occurred. Both the amplitude and rate of rise of the concentration increase were dose dependent with [Ca2+]i reaching a maximum of 860 +/- 41 nM. The dose-response relationship coincides with the known concentration dependence of the stimulation of amylase release by these agents. In the absence of extracellular calcium, carbachol was still able to elicit a rise in [Ca2+]i. These studies indicate that pancreatic secretagogues induce an increase in [Ca2+]i of acinar cells, both in the presence or absence of extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

The uptake of l-glutamic acid into brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat renal proximal tubules is Na+-dependent. In contrast to Na+-dependent uptake of d-glucose, pre-equilibration of the vesicles with K+ stimulates l-glutamic acid uptake. Imposition of a K+ gradient ([Ki+] > [Ko+]) further enhances Na+-dependent l-glutamic acid uptake, but leaves K+-dependent glucose transport unchanged. If K+ is present only at the outside of the vesicles, transport is inhibited. Intravesicular Rb+ and, to a lesser extent, Cs+ can replace intravesicular K+ to stimulate l-glutamic acid uptake. Changes in membrane potential incurred by the imposition of an H+-diffusion potential or anion replacement markedly affect Na+-dependent glutamic acid uptake only in the presence of K+. Experiments with a potential-sensitive cyanine dye also indicate that, in the presence of intravesicular K+ a charge movement is involved in Na+-dependent transport of l-glutamic acid.The data indicate that Na+-dependent l-glutamic acid transport can be additionally energized by a K+ gradient. Furthermore, intravesicular K+ renders Na+-dependent l-glutamic acid transport sensitive to changes in the transmembrane electrical potential difference.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena pyriformis cells in the logarithmic phase of growth accumulate 2.5–3.75 times as much calcium per unit volume as is present in the growth medium. It appears that most of this calcium is stored in a non-ionic form, with approximately 30% existing in the cilia, near its site of action in effecting ciliary reversal. The exchange of extracellular 45Ca2+ with the major internal pools is extremely rapid, exhibiting a t12 of less than 0.5 h. Sites located on the cilia are responsible for 35–50% of Ca2+ influx, with the remainder entering through other positions on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Small, unilamellar phospholipid vesicles have been prepared using a new, high-powdered cup sonifier that avoids contact of the sample with a titanium probe. These vesicles have been characterized by gel filtration chromatography both before and after fractionation by high-speed centrifugation. Plots of the turbidity of centrifuged vesicles between 300 and 650 nm against the reciprocal fourth power of the scattering wavelength were linear with zero intercepts (extrapolated to infinite wavelength). In the presence of minute quantities of large, multilamellar vesicles, these plots remained linear but had intercepts quantitatively proportional to the amount of contaminating large vesicles. Since this measurement requires only a standard spectrophotometer and very small quantities of lipid, this method is suggested as a useful assay for determining contamination of small vesicle preparations by large vesicles. Two applications of this method as well as a practical limitation are discussed.  相似文献   

An ATP-dependent mechanism for Ca2+ uptake in human platelet membrane fractions has been identified and characterized. Ca2+ uptake into a membrane fraction is shown to be stimulated at low concentrations of ATP and Ca2+ and to require magnesium ions. Initial rate kinetics, using Eadie-Scatchard analysis, indicated a single class of calcium uptake sites in the presence of ATP, with a Kd for free [Ca2+] of 0.145 μM. Ca2+ uptake in the presence of several ATP concentrations demonstrates that ATP binds to at least two sites, representing high and low affinities of 3.21 and 80.1 μM, respectively. The neuroleptic drug fluphenazine inhibited ATP-stimulated calcium uptake (IC50 = 55 μM), suggesting this ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake system may provide a useful ion-transport model with which to study neuroleptic therapy in humans.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the interaction of liposomes with rat Kupffer cells in maintenance culture by using the lysosomotropic amines ammonium chloride and chloroquine as inhibitors of intralysosomal degradation. The liposomes (large unilamellar vesicles) contained either the metabolically inert 3H-labeled inulin or the degradable 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin. In control incubations, the cells released nearly all accumulated protein label and about 30% of the lipid label when they were incubated in the absence of liposomes, after an initial uptake period of 1 h in the presence of liposomes. This release of label was, for the greater part, suppressed in the presence of ammonia or chloroquine. When the inhibitors were present during the initial uptake period, a several-fold increase in the amount of protein label accumulating in the cells and a smaller, but still marked, increase in lipid label accumulation were observed. The effect of ammonia when present during uptake was readily reversible in contrast to that of chloroquine. Experiments with encapsulated inulin revealed that both lysosomotropic agents also affected the uptake process per se to some extent, probably as a result of impaired membrane/receptor recycling. Labeled liposomes adsorbed to the cells at 4°C were effectively internalized and processed intracellulary after shifting the temperature to 37°C, even when a 500-fold excess of unlabeled liposomes was present in the medium during the 37°C incubation. The observed effects of ammonia and chloroquine indicate that, after uptake, the liposomes are degraded within lysosomes, thus confirming our previous conclusion that endocytosis is the major uptake mechanism at 37°C. From the temperature-change experiments we conclude that, at 4°C, the liposomes are bound with high affinity to the cells, remaining firmly attached to the cell-surface structures which initiate their internalization when the temperature is raised to 37°C.  相似文献   

Several nucleotide triphosphates (NTPs) were tested as energy source for the Ca2+ uptake by human platelet membrane vesicles. The Ca2+ uptake by these membranes was driven by ATP, GTP, ITP, UTP and CTP. The steady-state level of accumulated Ca2+ was equal with the different NTPs. The highest uptake velocity was found with ATP, but about 40–80% of the velocity with ATP could be accomplished with the other nucleotides. The highest affinity was also found with ATP (Km apparent  15 μM). The liberation of Pi from the various NTPs was measured simultaneously with the Ca2+ uptake. The coupling ratio (moles of Ca2+ taken up/moles of Pi liberated) varied from 0.4 for ATP to 2.3 for UTP and was almost independent of the NTP concentration. The enzyme activity with ATP as substrate is strongly dependent on the Ca2+ concentration in contrast to the activity with GTP, ITP, UTP or CTP.  相似文献   

ATP-enriched human red cells display high rates of Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis (16 mmol·litre cells?1·h?1) with a high Ca2+ affinity (K0.5~0.2 μM). The finding suggests a mechanism for regulation of cell Ca2+ levels, involving highly-cooperative stimulation of active Ca2+ extrusion following binding of calmodulin to the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Cdk5 promotes lens epithelial cell adhesion. Here we use a cell spreading assay to investigate the mechanism of this effect. As cells spread, forming matrix adhesions and stress fibers, Cdk5(Y15) phosphorylation and Cdk5 kinase activity increased. Cdk5(Y15) phosphorylation was inhibited by PP1, a Src family kinase inhibitor. To identify the PP1-sensitive kinase, we transfected cells with siRNA oligonucleotides for cSrc and related kinases. Only cSrc siRNA oligonucleotides inhibited Cdk5(Y15) phosphorylation. Cdk5(pY15) and its activator, p35, colocalized with actin in stress fibers. To examine Cdk5 function, we inhibited Cdk5 activity under conditions that also prevent phosphorylation at Y15: expression of kinase inactive mutations Cdk5(Y15F) and Cdk5(K33T), and siRNA suppression of Cdk5. Stress fiber formation was severely inhibited. To distinguish between a requirement for Cdk5 kinase activity and a possible adaptor role for Cdk5(pY15), we used two methods that inhibit kinase activity without inhibiting phosphorylation at Y15: pharmacological inhibition with olomoucine and expression of the kinase inactive mutation, Cdk5(D144N). Stress fiber organization was altered, but stress fiber formation was not blocked. These findings indicate that Cdk5(Y15) phosphorylation and Cdk5 activity have distinct functions required for stress fiber formation and organization, respectively.  相似文献   

We performed a docking study followed by a 500-ps molecular dynamics simulation of R-state human adult hemoglobin (HbA) complexed to different heterotropic effectors [2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), inositol hexaphosphate (IHP), and 2-[4-[(3,5-dichlorophenylcarbamoyl)-]methyl]-phenoxy]-2-methylpropionic acid (RSR13)) to propose a molecular basis for recently reported interactions of effectors with oxygenated hemoglobin. The simulations were carried out with counterions and explicit solvation. As reported for T-state HbA, the effector binding sites are also located in the central cavity of the R-state and differ depending on effector anionic character. DPG and IHP bind between the alpha-subunits and the RSR13 site spans the alpha1-, alpha2- and beta2-subunits. The generated models provide the first report of the molecular details of R-state HbA bound to heterotropic effectors.  相似文献   

The binding properties of myocardial muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are altered in the presence of choline or Tris. The binding of the antagonist [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate is reduced in the presence of choline or Tris buffer, when compared to parallel determinations in a physiologic salt solution or phosphate buffer. Scatchard analysis indicates the reduced binding is due to a decrease in the apparent number of receptor sites. Experiments with other organic buffers exclude the possibility that the reduced binding in Tris is due to the absence of sodium ions. In the presence of choline or Tris up to 45% of the receptors are not accessible to [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate. The remaining sites maintain their high affinity for the antagonist. A heterogeneity of antagonist sites is evident.  相似文献   

A clonal cell line of mouse neuroblastoma cells was found to undergo morphological differentiation in the presence of a K+ ionophore, valinomycin, in the assay medium. This effect was blocked by increasing the concentration of KCl of the medium, suggesting that the changes in resting membrane potential and ion fluxes may be involved in the mechanism of the formation of neurites. No enhancement of the neurite formation was observed in salines containing high concentrations of KCl in the absence of valinomycin. Depolarizing agents including veratridine, gramicidin and ouabain did not stimulate the outgrowth of neurites. Neither electrophoretic mobility of the cells nor molecular anisotropy of fluorescence probes in the membranes was modified by the treatment of valinomycin. Instead, it modified the slow binding phase in kinetics of the interaction of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) with the cells, which is related to the penetration process of the probe into membranes. Valinomycin also enhanced the fluorescence intensity of ANS by increasing the binding sites in neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

Magnesium-protoporphyrin IX (or its monomethyl ester) is the first committed intermediate in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll in green plants. Membranes from lysed washed cucumber etiochloroplasts synthesized small amounts of 14C-labelled magnesium-protoporphyrin IX from [14C]protoporphyrin IX at the rate of 1–3 pmol/h per mg protein. Maximum activity in these membrane preparations was dependent upon added EDTA, GSH, ATP and MgCl2. Activity was totally dependent upon added ATP, probably as the species MgATP2? and there was also a requirement for Mg2+ in addition to that used to form the MgATP2? complex.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent active calcium transport in inside-out human red cell membrane vesicles is stimulated by magnesium essentially parallel with an increase in MgATP concentration. At a constant, low (1 μM) calcium concentration, increasing ATP and magnesium increase the maximum calcium transport rate irrespective of the constant or decreasing concentrations of CaATP present. KCa for calcium pumping is practically unchanged at variable ATP and magnesium concentrations. Free magnesium above 1–2 mM inhibits active calcium transport, probably through a direct interaction with the transport enzyme. Based on the experimental findings reported we suggest that the true, physiological substrate of the red cell calcium pump is MgATP.  相似文献   

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