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The aromatic polyene antibiotic levorin A2 forms ion channels permeable to monovalent cations, in lipid membranes containing cholesterol or ergosterol. Channel conductivity is in the range 0.3-0.5 pS. The channel has two main states: conducting (open) and nonconducting (closed). The potential-dependent formation of levorin A2 channels is observed in lipid membranes. The system responsible for the ion-channel selectively is localized on the hydrophilic side of the lactone ring of the polyene molecule.  相似文献   

Summary The gene for the antibacterial peptide colicin B was cloned and transformed into a host background where it was constitutively overexpressed. The purified gene product was biologically active and formed voltage-dependent, ion-conducting channels in planar phospholipid bilayers composed of asolectin. Colicin B channels exhibited two distinct unitary conductance levels, and a slight preference for Na+ over Cl. Kinetic analysis of the voltage-driven opening and closing of colicin channels revealed the existence of at least two conducting states and two nonconducting states of the protein. Both the ion selectivity and the kinetics of colicin B channels were highly dependent on pH. Excess colicin protein was readily removed from the system by perfusing the bilayer, but open channels could be washed out only after they were allowed to close. A monospecific polyclonal antiserum generated against electrophoretically purified colicin B eliminated both the biological and in vitro activity of the protein. Membrane-associated channels, whether open or closed, remained functionally unaffected by the presence of the antiserum. Taken together, our results suggest that the voltage-independent binding of colicin B to the membrane is the rate-limiting step for the formation of ion channels, and that this process is accompanied by a major conformational rearrangement of the protein.  相似文献   

The zero-current membrane potential and the current-voltage relations are discussed theoretically for the case in which ionic transport is mediated by carriers that form complexes with ions in the aqueous phase (‘solution complexation’ mechanism). Interest for this topic originated partly from the finding that gradients of the neutral cyclic peptide PV, cyclo (dVal-lPro-lVal-dPro)3, commonly thought to act as a carrier via ‘solution complexation’, generate Nernstian potentials across lipid bilayers separating solutions of identical ion composition. It is shown that the general expression for the potential in a gradient of carriers reduces to the Nernst equation under any of the following conditions: slow aqueous reaction; impermeability of the membrane to the neutral carriers; high concentration of the complexing ions in solution; finite permeability of the membrane to the neutral carrier, but faster rate of movement from the membrane surface into the torus than across the middle or out of the membrane. In symmetrical solutions, the conductance is most typically characterized by a quantity that we designate by δ*, which has the dimensions of a length and is generally a complex function of ion activity. Comparing the thory with previous data on dioleoylphosphatidylcholine membranes in the presence of PV and K+, the order of magnitude of the rates of the aqueous reaction and of the membrane permeability to the neutral carriers is tentatively estimated.  相似文献   

The appearance of ion channels was induced in phospholipid bilayers by acidification of the bulk solution on one side of the bilayer. by addition of HCl. acetic acid or by hydrolytic production of protons using purified acetylcholinesierase. Further acidification below an apparent critical pH range led to restoration of a low conductance state similar to that seen at neutral pH. Such experiments were performed with a heterogeneous soybean lecithin extract, with homogeneous synthetic di-phytanoylphosphatidylcholine, and with a mixture of cholesterol and synthetic dioleoylphosphatdylcholine. It is proposed that the physical mechanism for this phenomenon involves fluctuations of lipid order induced by fluctuations in protnation of phospholipid head groups within a critical pH range; these, in turn, create conductive defect in the two-dimensional lattice of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

This report deals with data on the cell ultrastructure of Candida tropicals strain D-2 mutants resistant to the polyene antibiotic, nystatin, and with an analysis of the fractional composition of neutral lipids and their fatty acids. The ultrastructural organization of the mutant cells is characterized by thickening of the cell wall and formation of invaginations into the cytoplasm, the appearance of new formations, large vacuoles, and reduction of the system of mitochondrial cristae. Lipids of nysr mutants differ from those of the nyss variant in having a decreased content of steroids and some fractions of neutral lipids. Certain nysr mutants manifest difference in the relative amounts of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (C16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1).  相似文献   

Castillo K  Bacigalupo J  Wolff D 《FEBS letters》2005,579(7):1675-1682
Olfactory cilia contain cyclic nucleotide-gated and Ca2+-dependent Cl- conductances that underlie excitatory chemotransduction, and a Ca2+-dependent K+ (KCa) conductance, apparently involved in inhibitory transduction. Previous single-channel patch-clamp studies on olfactory cilia revealed four different KCas, with different conductances and kinetics. Here, we further characterized these channels in planar bilayers, where blockers could be properly tested. All four ciliary KCas were observed: The 16 pS channel, K0.5,Ca=40 microM and apamin-sensitive; the 30 and 50 pS channel, K0.5,Ca=59 microM, clotrimazole-sensitive and charybdotoxin-insensitive; the 60 pS channel, clotrimazole-sensitive and charybdotoxin-insensitive; and the 210 pS channel, K0.5,Ca=63 microM, blocked by charybdotoxin and iberiotoxin. The presence of the 16 and 210 pS channels was confirmed by immunoblotting.  相似文献   

A gramicidin A derivative with a polyether linkage between both ethanolamine termini was synthesized and its ion channel properties were studied. The compound showed a duplication in the state of conductance for alkali cations in thick DOPC bilayer membranes, which is interpreted as the occurrence of twin-channels. In thinner DMPC membranes mono-channels were dominant. The influence of hydrophobic coupling on the mono channel/twin channel equilibrium is discussed.  相似文献   

The addition of haemocyanin from Megathura crenulata to the aqueous phase bathing a bilayer lipid membrane resulted in the formation of ionic channels. With an applied voltage biased negative with respect to the haemocyanin-containing side, a single conductance state was observed above pH 7.0. Below pH 7.0 several conductance states were manifested, and the maximum conductance observed for a single channel decreased with decreasing pH. Extensive treatment of the haemocyanin with diethylpyrocarbonate, which reacts primarily with histidine residues, completely prevented the formation of ionic channels; however, milder treatment produced a chemically modified haemocyanin that was capable of forming ionic channels with modified conductance properties. Each channel conductance was typically much lower than that of the channels formed from unmodified haemocyanin, and there was now substantial variation in conductance from channel to channel. Following the use of hydroxylamine to remove the carbethoxy groups from the modified haemocyanin, it formed ionic channels that were restored to the original unit channel conductance.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that peptide tryptophan groups can control the ionic conductance of transmembrane channels. We report here that single gramicidin A channels change conductance state when the peptide tryptophans are flash photolyzed with ultraviolet light. The current flow through planar lipid bilayers containing multiple gramicidin A channels decreases irreversibly when exposed to ultraviolet light. The current-loss action spectrum peaks sharply at the 280 nm absorption maximum of the gramicidin A tryptophans. Gramicidin channel sensitivity to ultraviolet light is found to be about 20-fold higher than that of frog node sodium channels which is even more than expected based on the high tryptophan content of gramicidin. Channels which survive an ultraviolet light exposure exist in a wide variety of different low-conductance forms. The broad distribution of the single channel conductance of these partially photolyzed channels is attributable to the loss of different combinations of the dimer's normal complement of eight tryptophans per channel. Flash photolysis of single channels results in discrete conductance state changes. Partially photolyzed single channels manifest a further conductance cascade when exposed to a second flash of ultraviolet light. Analysis of the photolysis conductance turn-off process indicates that gramicidin A is a multistate electrochemical unit where the peptide tryptophan groups can modulate the flow of ions through the transmembrane channel.  相似文献   

The zervamicins (Zrv) are a family of 16 residue peptaibol channel formers, related to the 20 residue peptaibol alamethicin (Alm), but containing a higher proportion of polar sidechains. Zrv-1113 forms multi-level channels in planar lipid (diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine) bilayers in response to cis positive voltages. Analysis of the voltage and concentration dependence of macroscopic conductances induced by Zrv-IIB suggests that, on average, channels contain ca. 13 peptide monomers. Analysis of single channel conductance levels suggests a similar value. The pattern of successive conductance levels is consistent with a modified helix bundle model in which the higher order bundle are distorted within the plane of the bilayer towards a torpedo shaped cross-section. The kinetics of intro-burst switching between adjacent conductance levels are shown to be approximately an order of magnitude faster for Zrv-IIB than for Alm. The channel forming properties of the related naturally occurring peptaibols, Zrv-Leu and Zrv-IC, have also been demonstrated, as have those of the synthetic apolar analogue Zrv-Al-16. The experimental studies on channel formation are combined with the known crystallographic structures of Zrv-Al-16 and Zrv-Leu to develop a molecular model of Zrv-II3 channels.Abbreviations Alm Alamethicin - Zrv Zervamicin - CFP Channel forming peptide - Aib -aminoisobutyric acid Correspondence to: M. S. P. Sansom  相似文献   

This communication addresses the state of aggregation of lipid-detergent mixed dispersions. Analysis of recently published data suggest that for any given detergent-lipid mixture the most important factor in determining the type of aggregates (mixed vesicles or mixed micelles) and the size of the aggregate is the detergent to lipid molar ratio in these aggregates, herein denoted the effective ratio, Re. For mixed bilayers this effective ratio has been previously shown to be a function of the lipid and detergent concentrations and of an equilibrium partition coefficient, K, which describes the distribution of the detergent between the bilayers and the aqueous phase. We show that, similar to mixed bilayers, the size of mixed micelles is also a function of the effective ratio, but for these dispersions the distribution of detergent between the mixed micelles and the aqueous medium obeys a much higher partition coefficient. In practical terms, the detergent concentration in the mixed micelles is equal to the difference between the total detergent concentration and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). Thus, the effective ratio is equal to this difference divided by the lipid concentration. Transformation of mixed bilayers to mixed micelles, commonly denoted solubilization, occurs when the surfactant to lipid effective ratio reaches a critical value. Experimental evaluation of this critical ratio can be based on the linear dependence of detergent concentration, required for solubilization, on the lipid concentration. According to the ‘equilibrium partition model’, the dependence of the ‘solubilizing detergent concentration’ on the lipid concentration intersects with the lipid axis at −1/K, while the slope of this dependence is the critical effective ratio. On the other hand, assuming that when solubilization occurs the detergent concentration in the aqueous phase is approximately equal to the critical micelle concentration, implies that the above dependence intersects with the detergent axis at the critical micelle concentration, while its slope, again, is equal to the critical effective ratio. Analysis of existing data suggests that within experimental error both these distinctively different approaches are valid, indicating that the critical effective ratio at which solubilization occurs is approximately equal to the product of the critical micelle concentration and the distribution coefficient K. Since the nature of detergent affects K and the critical micelle concentration in opposite directions, the critical (‘solubilizing’) effective ratio depends upon the nature of detergent less than any of these two factors.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of ultrasonic velocity as well as absorption in a suspension of sonicated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles was measured by a differential ultrasonic resonator. The frequency was scanned between 1.3 and 13 MHz and the temperature was varied from 25 to 47°C. A pronounced relaxation was observed in the time range of 10 ns. The data were analyzed assuming a single relaxation which appeared to be a good approximation. The relaxation time as well as relaxation strength increased anomalously in the vicinity of the gel-to-liquid crystal transition of 41.5°C. This result represents the first definite evidence of the critical slowing down in the lipid bilayer and is discussed in terms of the Landau theory of phase transition. The possible biological significance of the mechanical relaxation is also presented.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane was purified from roots of rye (Secale cereale L. cv. Rheidol) by aqueous-polymer two-phase partitioning and incorporated into planar bilayers of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine by stirring with an osmotic gradient. Since plasmamembrane vesicles were predominantly oriented with their cytoplasmic face internal, when fused to the bilayer the cytoplasmic side of channels faced the trans chamber. In asymmetrical (cis:trans) 280100 mM KCl, five distinct K+-selective channels were detected with mean chord-conductances (between +30 and -30 mV; volyages cis with respect to trans) of 500 pS, 194 pS, 49 pS, 21 pS and 10 pS. The frequencies of incorporation of these K+ channels into the bilayer were 48, 21, 50, 10 and 9%, in the order given (data from 159 bilayers). Only the 49 pS channel was characterized further in this paper, but the remarkable diversity of K+ channels found in this preparation is noteworthy and is the subject of further study. In symmetrical KCl solutions, the 49 pS channel exhibited non-ohmic unitary-current/voltage relationships. The chord-conductance (between +30 and-30 mV) of the channel in symmetrical 100 mM KCl was 39 pS. The unitary current was greater at positive voltages than at corresponding negative voltages and showed considerable rectification with increasing positive and negative voltages. This would represent inward rectification in vivo. Gating of the channel was not voltage-dependent and the channel was open for approx. 80% of the time. Presumably this is not the case in vivo, but we are at present uncertain of the in vivo controls of channel gating. The distribution of channel-open times could be approximated by the sum of two negative exponential functions, yielding two open-state time constants (o, the apparent mean lifetime of the channel-open state) of 1.0 ms and 5.7 s. The distribution of channel-closed times was best approximated by the sum of three negative exponential functions, yielding time constants (c, the apparent mean lifetime of the channel-closed state) of 1.1 ms, 51 ms and 11 s. This indicates at least a five-state kinetic model for the activity of the channel. The selectivity of the 49 pS channel, determined from both reversal potentials under biionic conditions (100 mM KCl100 mM cation chloride) and from conductance measurements in symmetrical 100 mM cation chloride, was Rb+ K+ > Cs+ > Na+ > Li+ > tetraethylammonium (TEA+). The 49 pS channel was reversibly inhibited by quinine (1 mM) but TEA+ (10 mM), Ba2+ (3 mM), Ca2+ (1 mM), 4-aminopyridine (1 mM) and charybdotoxin (3 M) were without effect when applied to the extracellular (cis) surface.Abbreviations and Symbols GHK Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz - I/V current/voltage - PEG polyethyleneglycol - Po probability o f the channel being open - TEA+ tetraethylammonium - c apparent mean lifetime of the channel-closed state - o apparent mean lifetime of the channel-open state P.J.W. was supported by a grant from the Science and Engineering Research Council Membrane Initiative (GR/F 33971) to Professor E.A.C. MacRobbie and M.T. by the Glaxo Junior Research Fellowship at Churchill College, Cambridge. We thank Dr. D.T. Cooke (AFRC, Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol, UK) and Ms. J. Marshall (University of York, UK) for their advice and assistance with the aqueous-polymer two-phase partitioning of plasma membrane from rye roots, Mr. J. Banfield and Miss P. Parmar (University of Cambridge, UK) for technical assistance and Professor E.A.C. MacRobbie, Dr. G. Thiel (University of Cambridge, UK), Dr. M.R. Blatt (Wye College, University of London, UK), Dr. D. Sanders and Dr. E. Johannes (University of York, UK) for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

As a step towards an automated and operator-free ion channel measurement platform we have previously demonstrated a solution formulation for artificial lipid bilayers that enabled the indefinite storage and shipping of frozen bilayer precursors. In this work, the solutions were deposited by hand. Here, we have adapted pin tools to deposit the bilayer precursor solutions onto multi-element arrays, a popular method for microarray solution deposition. The pin tools have enabled the deposited volume to be applied highly repeatably and controllably, resulting in reduction of bilayer formation times to <1 h. The pin tools are also compatible with computerized motion control platforms, enabling automated and high throughput production. We discuss these results and the prospects of this technology to produce high density bilayer arrays for high throughput measurement of ion channels incorporated into artificial bilayers.  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers determine the architecture of cell membranes and regulate a myriad of distinct processes that are highly dependent on the lateral organization of the phospholipid molecules that compose the membrane. Indeed, the mechanochemical properties of the membrane are strongly correlated with the function of several membrane proteins, which demand a very specific, highly localized physicochemical environment to perform their function. Several mesoscopic techniques have been used in the past to investigate the mechanical properties of lipid membranes. However, they were restricted to the study of the ensemble properties of giant bilayers. Force spectroscopy with AFM has emerged as a powerful technique able to provide valuable insights into the nanomechanical properties of supported lipid membranes at the nanometer/nanonewton scale in a wide variety of systems. In particular, these measurements have allowed direct measurement of the molecular interactions arising between neighboring phospholipid molecules and between the lipid molecules and the surrounding solvent environment. The goal of this review is to illustrate how these novel experiments have provided a new vista on membrane mechanics in a confined area within the nanometer realm, where most of the specific molecular interactions take place. Here we report in detail the main discoveries achieved by force spectroscopy with AFM on supported lipid bilayers, and we also discuss on the exciting future perspectives offered by this growing research field.  相似文献   

Summary Lysine-valinomycin and two N-acyl derivatives are compared with respect to their potency to transport Rb+ ions across thin lipid membranes. Lysine-valinomycin acts as a neutral ion carrier only above a pH of about 7 of the aqueous solutions, while at lower pH the molecules seem to be positively charged due to a protonation of the -NH2 group of the lysine residue.A kinetic analysis based on voltage jump relaxation experiments and on the nonlinearity of the current-voltage characteristics showed that the conductance increment per carrier molecule for uncharged lysine-valinomycin is similar to that of natural valinomycin. The attachment of a rather bulky side group such as the dansyl or para-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl group reduced by approximately one order of magnitude.Some of the relaxation data of the valinomycin analogues were influenced by an unspedfic relaxation of the pure lipid membrane. This structural relaxation represents a limitation to the possibility of analyzing specific transport systems in thin lipid membranes by the voltage jump or charge pulse techniques. It is shown that the time dependence of this structural relaxation — which was first published by Sargent (1975) — is at variance with a three capacitor equivalent circuit of the membrane, which was suggested by Coster and Smith (1974) on the basis of a.c. measurements. A modified equivalent circuit has been found to represent a satisfactory analogue for the current relaxation in the presence of valinomycin. It turned out, however, that such an equivalent circuit provides little insight into the molecular mechanism of transport.  相似文献   

We study the stability of lipid bilayers with artificial domains. In investigating different domain structures, we identify scenarios of stable and unstable arrangements of patches of mixed phospholipids. These are then characterized using Karhunen-Loeve Expansion (KLE), a special form of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The simulation data are interrogated using KLE to reveal spatiotemporal patterns that explain relevant motions in the bilayer system. By projecting the high-dimensional dataset onto a small number of key modes, KLE reveals specific dynamic signatures that can help distinguish and characterize various domain instability mechanisms. We find that typically very few modes are responsible for describing a mechanism of instability to a reasonable extent and can clearly distinguish between stable and unstable arrangements. Different instability modes are characterized as they exhibit unique features like global deformation or local mixing modes.  相似文献   

The permeation of the lipophilic ion dipicrylamine through planar lipid membranes formed from dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine in n-decane shows an anomaly near the main phase transition of this system. Both the rate constant, ki, of ion translocation across the membrane interior and the interfacial concentration, N, of this ion have a maximum at about 36°C. Analogous experiments were performed with tetraphenylborate. A considerably lesser effect of the phase transition was found. The addition of cholesterol leads to a broadening of the maxima for ki and N. The time course of the current following a voltage jump shows a characteristic change below a temperature of about 45°C, if the molar ratio cholesterol/ phosphatidylcholine in the membrane forming solution exceeds 1. While the current transient decays exponentially above 45°C, a sum of two exponential terms yields an adequate fit below that temperature. This is regarded as evidence for a lateral phase separation below 45°C into structurally different domains, which provide two different pathways for dipicrylamine.  相似文献   

Abstract A new method of pore size determination is presented. The results of applying this simple method to ion channels formed by staphylococcal α-toxin and its N-terminal fragment as well as to cholera toxin channels are shown. The advantages and the difficulties of this method are discussed. It was found that (i) the mobility of ions in solutions depends only on the percentage of concentration of added non-electrolytes and practically not on their chemical nature (sugars or polyglycols) and molecular size; (ii) the proportional change of both ion channel conductance and bulk solution conductivity by low M . non-electrolytes may be used as an indication of a diffusion mechanism of ion transport through channels; (iii) the slope of the dependence of the ion channel conductance on the bulk conductivity of solutions containing different concentrations of non-electrolyte is a good measure of channel permeability for non-electrolytes.  相似文献   

The lateral mobility of cell membranes plays an important role in cell signaling, governing the rate at which embedded proteins can interact with other biomolecules. The past two decades have seen a dramatic transformation in understanding of this environment, as the mechanisms and potential implications of nanoscale structure of these systems has become accessible to theoretical and experimental investigation. In particular, emerging micro- and nano-scale fabrication techniques have made possible the direct manipulation of model membranes at the scales relevant to these biological processes. This review focuses on recent advances in nanopatterning of supported lipid bilayers, capturing the impact of membrane nanostructure on molecular diffusion and providing a powerful platform for further investigation of the role of this spatial complexity on cell signaling.  相似文献   

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