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Mitomycin C stimulates deoxyribose degradation with the release of thiobarbituric acid-reactive material under conditions of low oxygen concentration. This damage is inhibited by scavengers of the hydroxyl radical, iron chelators and the specific proteins catalase and superoxide dismutase. The reactive radical species appears to arise from a Fenton-type sequence in which iron is reduced by the mitomycin C semiquinone radical.  相似文献   

Free radicals produced during the autoxidation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and other catechol(amine)s to melanins have been studied using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Magnetic parameters for the radical intermediates have been determined, allowing the radicals to be unambiguously identified. Three types of radical are formed: the primary radical from one-electron oxidation of the parent catechol(amine); and two secondary radicals, one formed via OH substitution, the other via cyclization. The formation of these radical species can be linked to molecular products formed during catecholamine oxidation and melanin formation.  相似文献   

比较了SA-PVA-SiO2固定化酿酒酵母和游离酿酒酵母的乙醇发酵能力,采用批次发酵试验研究固定化酿酒酵母的发酵稳定性。结果表明,SA-PVA-SiO2固定化酿酒酵母的发酵速度比游离酿酒酵母快,发酵周期短;发酵稳定性很好,30℃,橡胶塞、90 r/min摇床培养24 h时,乙醇体积分数均在3%~3.5%之间,连续发酵14批次后,固化小球的形态依然完好,不发粘。通过扫描电镜对酿酒酵母包埋微生态环境进行了分析,图像表明固定化小球的内部环境非常有利于酵母细胞的厌氧发酵产乙醇,充分证明了SA-PVA-SiO2固定化酿酒酵母乙醇发酵的优越性。  相似文献   

Ayako Futami  Günter Hauska 《BBA》1979,547(3):597-608
Transient absorption changes during reduction of quinone in liposomes by external dithionite, in the absence and presence of initially trapped ferricyanide, were matched with absorption spectra of semiquinone and quinone in the blue region. Plastoquinone, ubiquinone-9 and phylloquinone, each having an isoprenoid side chain were compared with trimethyl-p-benzoquinone, ubiquinone-9 and menadione, which lack a long side chain.Semiquinone transients could only be observed by our spectroscopic technique during reduction of quinones lacking the chain. If Triton X-100 was added to the liposomes preparation semiquinone transients were also observed with the isoprenoid quinones. This result is consistent with the view that isoprenoid quinones build domains in the membranes, in which the life time of the semiquinone might be decreased by fast disproportionation, and to which dithionite has limited access.  相似文献   

High pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED) was employed in conjugation with a sensitive and specific salicylate hydroxylation assay to evaluate the immediate effects of hydroxyl radical (·OH) attack on four catechol intermediates of eumelanin, dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine), its precursor dopa (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), and their respective neurotoxic trihydroxyphenyl derivatives, 6-hydroxydopamine (2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylethylamine,6-OHDA) and 6-hydroxydopa(2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine, TOPA). Semiquinone and quinone species were identified as the initial products of the oxidation of these four catechol substrates. The enhanced oxidations of the catechols when exposed to ·OH attack was accompanied by marked decreases in the level of each semiquinone species. Quinone levels were elevated in reactions involving ·OH attack on dopamine and 6-OHDA, but absent in reactions involving radical attack on dopa or TOPA, suggesting that dopaquinone (DOQ) and TOPA p-quinone (TOPA p-Q) are oxidized more rapidly by‘OH than are the quinones of dopamine and 6-OHDA. The formation of 6-OHDA p-quinone (6-OHDA p-Q) in incubations involving DA and ·OH suggest that the ·OH-mediated hydroxylation of DA may be a mechanism for generating this potentially cytotoxic trihydroxyphenyl. The results of this study demonstrate for the first time that semiquinone and quinone intermediates of eumelanin are the initial products derived from the ·OH-mediated oxidations of dopa, DA, TOPA, and 6-OHDA. These observations suggest that if ·OH is generated beyond the capabilities of cytoprotective mechanisms, the radical can rapidly oxidize catechol precursors, augment melanogenesis, and generate additional cytotoxic quinoid intermediates of eumelanin.  相似文献   

Liposomes are today useful tools in different fields of science and technology. A lack of stability due to lipid peroxidation is the main problem in the extension of the use of these formulations. Recent investigative works have reported the protective effects of stable nitroxide radicals against oxidative processes in different media and under different stress conditions. Our group has focused its attention on the natural aging of liposomes and the protection provided by the water- and lipid-soluble nitroxide radicals 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperdine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) and doxylstearic acids (5-DSA, 12-DSA, and 16-DSA), respectively. Unilamellar liposomes were incubated under air atmosphere at 37°C, both in the absence and in the presence of these radicals. Conjugated dienes, lipid hydroperoxides, TBARS, membrane fluidity, and nitroxide ESR signal intensity were followed as a function of time. Our results demonstrated that doxylstearic acids were more efficient than TEMPO in retarding lipid peroxidation at all the concentrations tested. The inhibition percentages, depending on the total nitroxide concentration, were not proportional to the lipid–water partition coefficient. Furthermore, time-course ESR signals showed a slower decrease for doxylstearic acids than for TEMPO. No significant differences were found among 5-DSA, 12-DSA, and 16-DSA. We concluded that the nitroxide radical efficiency as antioxidant directly depends on both nitroxide concentration and lipophilicity.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is associated with human cancers. It has been reported that most of the lung cancer deaths are caused by cigarette smoking (5,6,7,12). Although tobacco tars and related products in the particle phase of cigarette smoke are major causes of carcinogenic and mutagenic related diseases, cigarette smoke contains significant amounts of free radicals that are also considered as an important group of carcinogens(9,10). Free radicals attack cell constituents by damaging protein structure, lipids and DNA sequences and increase the risks of developing various types of cancers. Inhaled radicals produce adducts that contribute to many of the negative health effects of tobacco smoke in the lung(3). Studies have been conducted to reduce free radicals in cigarette smoke to decrease risks of the smoking-induced damage. It has been reported that haemoglobin and heme-containing compounds could partially scavenge nitric oxide, reactive oxidants and carcinogenic volatile nitrosocompounds of cigarette smoke(4). A 'bio-filter' consisted of haemoglobin and activated carbon was used to scavenge the free radicals and to remove up to 90% of the free radicals from cigarette smoke(14). However, due to the cost-ineffectiveness, it has not been successfully commercialized. Another study showed good scavenging efficiency of shikonin, a component of Chinese herbal medicine(8). In the present study, we report a protocol for introducing common natural antioxidant extracts into the cigarette filter for scavenging gas phase free radicals in cigarette smoke and measurement of the scavenge effect on gas phase free radicals in mainstream cigarette smoke (MCS) using spin-trapping Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy(1,2,14). We showed high scavenging capacity of lycopene and grape seed extract which could point to their future application in cigarette filters. An important advantage of these prospective scavengers is that they can be obtained in large quantities from byproducts of tomato or wine industry respectively(11,13).  相似文献   

尼龙固定化木瓜蛋白酶及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 尼龙经CaCl_2和H_2O的甲醇溶液处理,稀HCl水解用戊二醛交联以制备固定化木瓜蛋白酶。在溶液酶浓度为1mg/mL pH7.5—8.0、4—15℃条件下固定3h,活力回收42.5%,相对活力46%,偶联效率52%,半衰期72天。溶液酶Km值和固定化酶K_m~(aPP)值(底物酪蛋白W/V,%)分别为0.28%和0.35%。溶液酶和固定化酶分别在pH6.5和pH8.0以下活力稳定;最适pH分别为7.0和8.0;在65℃处理30min活力分别为原有活力的89%和66%。当酪蛋白浓度为1.5%和2.5%以上活力分别受到抑制。固定化酶在6mol/L脲中连续浸洗5次共6h其活力稳定,仍有原活力的44.4%;用以处理啤酒浊度比对照下降了2-11倍;蛋白质含量下降了55%;冷藏(4℃)120天,无冷混浊发生;同时各项理化指标和风味不变。  相似文献   

Distinguishing between short-lived reactive oxygen species like hydroxyl and superoxide radicals is difficult; the most successful approaches employ electron spin resonance (ESR) spin-trapping techniques. Using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) to selectively trap various radicals in the presence and absence of ethanol, an HPLC system which is capable of separating the hydroxyl- and superoxide-generated DMPO adduct species has been developed. The radical-generated DMPO adducts were measured with an electrochemical detector attached to the HPLC system and confirmed by spin-trapping techniques. The HPLC separation was carried out on an ODS reverse-phase column with a pH 5.1 buffered 8.5% acetonitrile mobile phase. The advantage of the HPLC system described is that it permits the separation and detection of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals without requiring ESR instrumentation. The antineoplastic bioreductive alkylating agent mitomycin C, when activated by NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, was shown to generate both hydroxyl and superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

将提纯的一种内切型肝素酶固定于聚酯载体上 ,固定化效率达 78 8%。酶活力在pH为 7 5左右时表现最高 ,并且在此条件下固定化酶的稳定性最好。最适反应温度为 4 0℃。热稳定性试验表明 ,固定化酶的稳定性较差。固定化酶的使用半衰期比游离酶延长 4 4倍。固定化酶催化肝素底物反应的Km 值约为 95 4 μmol L而游离酶的Km 值约为 71 2 μmol L。固定化酶可以同时作用于肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素 ,而对硫酸软骨素没有催化能力。肝素经降解后 ,产生一定量的非硫酸化或低硫酸化的二糖和不同聚合度的寡糖混合物。  相似文献   

尼龙网固定化果胶酶的制备及其性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用尼龙网作载体,经3-二甲氨基丙胺活化,用戊二醛将果胶酶固定化。所得固定化酶Km值与自然酶接近;对温度的稳定性有较大的提高,100℃保温30min才能使其失活。固定化酶在较宽的pH范围内能保持其正常活力,它对金属离子抑制剂的耐受性有较显著的提高,用0.5%果胶溶液作底物,重复使用10次后酶活力保留44%。固定化果胶酶与自然酶相比较,对不同果汁的澄清效果不同。固定化果胶酶在无保护剂存在的条件下,室温放置四个月活力不减少。  相似文献   

15-Deacetyl-13-glycine substituted hypocrellin B (GDHB) is a new type of hypocrellin derivative with enhanced red absorption longer than 600 nm and water solubility. When an anaerobic DMSO or DMSO-buffer (pH 7.4) solution of GDHB was illuminated with > 470 nm light, a strong electron spin resonance (ESR) signal was formed. The ESR signal was assigned to the semiquinone anion radical of GDHB (GDHB·-) based on a series of experiments. GDHB·- was predominantly photoproducted via the self-electron transfer between the excited- and ground-state species. Decay of this species, both in the presence and absence of electron donor, was consistent with second-order kinetics. In aqueous solution, the TEMPO counterspin experiment indicated the formation of GDHB·- that could not be detected by ESR method directly. The formation of GDHB·- and hydroquinone of GDHB (GDHBH·-) was also confirmed by spectrometric method. These findings suggested that GDHB was at least a favorable type I phototherapeutic agent.  相似文献   

本文介绍了珠状交联琼脂糖及以此作为载体,经氯代环氧丙烷活化后与蛋白酶(胰蛋白酶或糜蛋白酶)结合,制成固定化蛋白酶亲和吸附剂,进而用以亲和层析牛肺提取液中的Kunitz抑制剂的方法。纯化出的抑制剂在SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳上呈现单一条带,与参照物Trasytol(商品Kunitz抑制剂)具有相对应的电泳迁移率,其分子量也相符。纯化产品每毫克蛋白的抑制活力相当于16 000胰蛋白酶BAEE单位。纯化效果为90倍,收率约85%。  相似文献   

Chemical reduction of mitosenes under aerobic conditions in DMSO showed characteristic ESR signals of the mitosene derived semiquinone free radicals. However, these signals diminished strongly upon addition of water to the reaction mixture, indicating a short lifetime of the mitosene semiquinone free radicals under aqueous conditions. In addition, enzymatic one-electron reduction of these mitosenes with either xanthine oxidase or purified NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase under anaerobic conditions showed no signals of the mitosene semiquinone free radicals. Subsequent cyclic voltammetry measurements demonstrated facilitation of the further one-electron reduction of the mitosene semiquinone free radicals in the presence of water in comparison with non-aqueous conditions. The present results strongly suggest that in the presence of water relatively stable hydroquinones are formed upon reduction of mitosenes. Consequently, the steady state concentrations of mitosene semiquinone free radicals will be lowered substantially in aqueous environment. Thus under physiological conditions, two-electron reduction and formation of the mitosene hydroquinone might be important in processes leading to DNA alkylation by these mitosenes.  相似文献   

The in vitro formation of phenylhydronitroxide and 2-methylphenylhydronitroxide free radicals from nitrosobenzene (NB) and 2-nitrosotoluene (NT), respectively, in either red blood cells (RBC) or RBC hemolysates, was confirmed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR). Free radicals were generated nonenzymatically from reaction of the respective nitroso compounds with a number of biological reducing agents as corroborated by model studies of NB or NT with NAD(P)H. Under aerobic conditions, phenylhydronitroxide and 2-methylphenylhydronitroxide underwent a subsequent one-electron transfer to oxygen, which then resulted in the formation of superoxide anion (O2-). The latter product was confirmed by the superoxide dismutase (SOD)-inhibitable reduction of cytochrome c (cyt c). Apparently, oxygen is needed for continuous formation of the hydronitroxide radical derivatives. On the other hand, under anaerobic conditions, no phenylhydronitroxide radical was generated from NB in the presence of NADH, but the formation of phenylhydroxylamine from NB was detected by the absorption spectrometry. These results suggest that oxygen is a preferential electron acceptor for hydronitroxide radical derivatives.  相似文献   

A simple procedure using electron spin resonance techniques was applied to detect, identify and quantify quinones and quinols in crude plant extracts. Hydroquinone was determined in Pyrus, plumbagin in Drosera and Ceratostigma, and hydrojuglone in Juglandaceae. Hydrojuglone is found in markedly higher concentrations in Pterocarya and in Juglans than in Carya. Plastoquinol has been observed in 500 of 700 plant extracts studied. Esters of phenolic acids are easily detected and distinguished, e.g. chlorogenic and rosmarinic acids. Esters of homoprotocatechuic and of dihydrocaffeic acid occur widely in the Oleaceae. The limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):39-45
Electrochemical studies on metronidazole using mixed aqueous/dimethylformamide (DMF) solvents have allowed us to generate the one-electron addition product, the nitro radical anion, RNO?2. Cyclic volt-ammetric techniques have been employed to study the tendency of RNO?2 to undergo further chemical reaction. The return-to-forward peak current ratio. ip/ipf. was found to increase towards unity with increasing DMF content of the medium, indicating the extended lifetime of RNO?2. Second order kinetics for the decay of RNO?2 were established at all DMF concentrations examined. Extrapolation has allowed the rate constant and a first half-life of 8.4 × 104dm2/mol-sec and 0.059 seconds respectively, to be determined for the decay of RNO?2 in a purely aqueous media. This is impossible by direct electrochemical measurement in water. due to a different reduction mechanism, giving the hydroxylamine derivative in a single 4-electron step. The application of the technique to other nitro-aromatic compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

Electrochemical studies on metronidazole using mixed aqueous/dimethylformamide (DMF) solvents have allowed us to generate the one-electron addition product, the nitro radical anion, RNO-2. Cyclic volt-ammetric techniques have been employed to study the tendency of RNO-2 to undergo further chemical reaction. The return-to-forward peak current ratio. ip/ipf. was found to increase towards unity with increasing DMF content of the medium, indicating the extended lifetime of RNO-2. Second order kinetics for the decay of RNO-2 were established at all DMF concentrations examined. Extrapolation has allowed the rate constant and a first half-life of 8.4 × 104dm2/mol-sec and 0.059 seconds respectively, to be determined for the decay of RNO-2 in a purely aqueous media. This is impossible by direct electrochemical measurement in water. due to a different reduction mechanism, giving the hydroxylamine derivative in a single 4-electron step. The application of the technique to other nitro-aromatic compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

The antioxidative activity of hydroxylamines was evaluated for the oxidation of tetralin at 61°C and linoleic acid micelles in an aqueous dispersion at 37°C, induced by an azo initiator. The antioxidative efficacy of the hydroxylamines for the oxidation of tetralin was smaller than that of α-tocopherol. However, the hydroxylamines showed more potent antioxidative activity than that of the α-tocopherol against the oxidation of linoleic acid micelles. On the basis of the results of an ESR study and the oxidation product obtained, it is suggested that active position in hydroxylamines depend not only on hydroxyl hydrogen-atom, but also on the allylic hydrogen atom.  相似文献   

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