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Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra at 360 MHz of small sonicated distearoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles show easily distinguishable resonances due to choline N-methyl head-group protons located in the inner and outer bilayer halves. A study of the chemical shift of these resonances as a function of temperature reveals that the splitting between them increases below the phase transition. This occurs as a result of an upfield shift of the inner layer resonance at the phase transition. Consideration of the possible causes of this effect results in the conclusion that, at the phase transition, there is a change in the organization of the inner layer head-groups which does not occur for the outer layer head-groups. 相似文献
The effect of polyamines on the kinetics of Ca2+- and Mg2+-mediated membrane fusion was studied by following the intermixing of the contents of vesicles composed of phosphatidate/phosphatidylserine/ phosphatidylethanolamine/cholesterol (1:2:3:2). Addition of polyamines at specific concentration ranging from 40 to 400 μM promoted aggregation of the vesicles. In addition, low levels of spermine (50–100 μM) enhanced both Ca2+ - and Mg2+-mediated fusion. The initial fusion rate of this membrane system increased more than 200-fold when fusion was initiated by Ca2+ after 5 min pre-incubation of vesicles with 50 μM spermine. These results indicate that in addition to their other known effects on cellular metabolism, polyamines may be involved in modulating intracellular membrane fusion. 相似文献
We have examined the early events in Ca2+-induced fusion of large (0.2 μm diameter) unilamellar cardiolipin/phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine vesicles by quick-freezing freeze-fracture electron microscopy, eliminating the necessity of using glycerol as a cryoprotectant. Freeze-fracture replicas of vesicle suspensions frozen after 1–2 s of stimulation revealed that the majority of vesicles had already undergone membrane fusion, as evidenced by dumbbell-shaped structures and large vesicles. In the absence of glycerol, lipidic particles or the hexagonal HII phase, which have been proposed to be intermediate structures in membrane fusion, were not observed at the sites of fusion. Lipidic particles were evident in less than 5% of the cardiolipin/phosphatidylcholine vesicles after long-term incubation with Ca2+, and the addition of glycerol produced more vesicles displaying the particles. We have also shown that rapid fusion occurred within seconds of Ca2+ addition by the time-course of fluorescence emission produced by the intermixing of aqueous contents of two separate vesicle populations. These studies therefore have produced no evidence that lipidic particles are necessary intermediates for membrane fusion. On the contrary, they indicate that lipidic particles are structures obtained at equilibrium long after fusion has occurred and they become particularly prevalent in the presence of glycerol. 相似文献
Lithium-7 nuclear magnetic resonance studies are used to characterize the binding of monovalent cations and substrate analogs to the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. Li+ substitutes for K+ in the activation of the ATPase, while the longitudinal relaxation rate, , of 7Li+ is increased upon binding of either Mn2+ or CrATP to the enzyme. The effects of Mn2+ are consistent with the existence of a Li+ binding site 7.2A from the single catalytically active Mn2+ site on the ATPase. Temperature effects on the observed relaxation rates indicate that exchange of Li+ at the observed site is rapid, while the effects of added Na+ and K+ suggest that the observed site is a K+-type site not previously observed by other methods. These experiments also demonstrate that Li+ should be superior to other nuclei as NMR probes of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. 相似文献
Small unilamellar vesicles were used to measure the permeability of saturated phosphatidylcholine bilayers to glucose. The presented method circumvents most of the common restrictions of classical permeability experiments. Increasing the fatty acid chain length of the lipids reduced the permeation rate significantly. Raising the temperature above that of the lipid phase transition drastically increased membrane permeability. Arrhenius plots demonstrated the activation energy to be independent of membrane composition and the phase-state of the lipids. The permeation process is discussed in terms of a constant energy to disrupt all hydrogen bonds between permeant and aqueous solvent prior to penetrating the membrane. The magnitude of the permeability coefficient is partly determined by a unfavourable change in entropy of activation on crossing the water/lipid interface. All results indicate that the penetration of the dehydrated permeant into the hydrophobic barrier is the rate-limiting step in the permeation of glucose. 相似文献
Cholesterol is a major component of biological membranes, yet there is very little information concerning its distribution across the membrane. Recent experiments in our laboratory, using cholesterol oxidase, have demonstrated that cholesterol can undergo a rapid transbilayer movement in lecithin-cholesterol vesicles in a half-time of 1 min or less at 37°C. In order to support this conclusion, we have sought other approaches to the measurement of this process. We now report our finding that the transbilayer movement of thiocholesterol in phospholipid vesicles occurs in a half-time of 1 min or less at 20°C. 相似文献
Microvillus membrane vesicles from pig small intestine were isolated by a method based on hypotonic lysis, Mg2+ aggregation of contaminants and differential centrifugation. The purity of the membrane vesicles were established by measuring the activity of marker enzymes and the RNA and DNA content. The membranes were found free of contamination by other subcellular membrane fragments, except for a minor contamination with basolateral plasma membranes. The lipid composition was established and, based on weight percentage, the membrane contained neutral lipids, phospholipids, neutral glycolipids and gangliosides in the weight ratio of 18:50:29:2%. The amount of individual phospholipids and glycolipids were quantitated. Phosphatidylethanolamine, -choline, -serine, -inositol and sphingomyelin made up 17,17,6,5 and 5%, respectively of the total lipid. The major glycolipids were two monohexosylceramides containing glucose and galactose as the carbohydrate component, a dihexosylceramide containing galactose as the only carbohydrate component and two pentahexosylceramides containing fucose, galactose, glucose and hexosamine (either or ) in the molar ratio of 1:2:1:1. 相似文献
Small, unilamellar phospholipid vesicles have been prepared using a new, high-powdered cup sonifier that avoids contact of the sample with a titanium probe. These vesicles have been characterized by gel filtration chromatography both before and after fractionation by high-speed centrifugation. Plots of the turbidity of centrifuged vesicles between 300 and 650 nm against the reciprocal fourth power of the scattering wavelength were linear with zero intercepts (extrapolated to infinite wavelength). In the presence of minute quantities of large, multilamellar vesicles, these plots remained linear but had intercepts quantitatively proportional to the amount of contaminating large vesicles. Since this measurement requires only a standard spectrophotometer and very small quantities of lipid, this method is suggested as a useful assay for determining contamination of small vesicle preparations by large vesicles. Two applications of this method as well as a practical limitation are discussed. 相似文献
Phosphatidylinositol (PI), dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and mixed lipid (DPPC plus PI) sonicated vesicles have been prepared covering a range of composition. The vesicles were characterised by gel filtration, electron microscopy and photon correlation spectroscopy. The dimensions of the vesicles as measured by electron microscopy were in good accord with those obtained from photon correlation spectroscopy measurements. The number average diameters of the vesicles increase on increasing the PI content and range from approx. 30–80 nm as the weight % of PI is increased from 0 to 100. Gel filtration on Sepharose 4B columns gave anomalous results indicating that PI-containing vesicles were retarded on the gel possibly due to an interaction between the inositol headgroup and the gel matrix. Electrophoretic measurements on multilamellar vesicles show that the surface charge density increases with the PI content of the vesicles upto 50 weight % PI and remains constant thereafter. The radii of sonicated vesicles also increase with PI content which reflects a decreasing liposome curvature with increasing surface charge density. 相似文献
The Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline into rabbit renal brush-border vesicles was stimulated by a K+ diffusion potential (interior-negative) induced by valinomycin. Na+ salts of two anions of different epithelial permeabilities also affected 5-oxoproline transport. These results show that the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport in renal brush-border vesicles is an electrogenic process which results in a net transfer of positive charge. Maximum transport of 5-oxoproline occurred at an extravesicular pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and over that pH range, 5-oxoproline exists completely as an anion with a negative charge. The simplest stoichiometry consistent with this process is, therefore, the cotransport of one 5-oxoproline anion with two sodium ions. The presence of K+ inside the vesicles stimulated the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline. This stimulatory effect was specific for K+ and required the presence of Na+. The presence of Na+ gradient was not mandatory for the K+ action. The stimulation by the intravesicular K+ was seen in the presence as well as in the absence of a K+ gradient. Therefore, the increased influx of 5-oxoproline was not coupled to the simultaneous efflux of K+. The presence of K+ in the extravesicular medium alone did not affect the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline, showing that the site of K+ action was intravesicular. Glutamate did not interact with the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport even in the presence of an outward K+ gradient. 相似文献
Edward F. Labelle 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》1979,555(2):259-269
Human erythrocytes have been treated with lipid vesicles in order to alter the cholesterol content of the cell membrane. Erythrocytes have been produced with cholesterol concentrations between 33 and 66 mol% of total lipid. The rate of valinomycin-mediated uptake of rubidium into the red cells at 37°C was lowered by increasing the cholesterol concentration of the cell membrane. Cholesterol increased the permeability to valinomycin at 20°C of small (less than 50 nm), unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles formed by sonication. Cholesterol decreased the permeability to valinomycin at 20°C of large (up to 200 nm) unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles formed by freezethaw plus brief sonication. It is concluded that cholesterol increases the permeability of small membrane vesicles to hydrophobic penetrating substances while above the transition temperature but has the opposite effect on large membrane vesicles and on the membranes of even larger cells. 相似文献
Using 1H-NMR of small unilamellar vesicles in the presence of the lanthanide probe ion Pr3+, the effects of ethanol, diethyl ether and chloroform on various mechanisms of channel-mediated transport were studied. The mechanisms include channel formation by the polypeptide Alamethicin 30 and vesicular lysis at the gel to liquid-crystal phase transition of the lipid. Channel stabilisation and membrane fusion induced by sub-critical micelle concentrations of Triton X-100 were also investigated. The observation that ethanol and diethyl ether increase membrane permeability and fusion while chloroform inhibits them suggests a common locus of action on the properties and structure of channel-associated water. This conclusion is discussed in terms of current theories of general anaesthesia. 相似文献
(1) ( from rectal glands of the spiny dogfish has been reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The nonionic detergent octaethyleneglycoldodecyl monoether (C12E8) is used to dissolve both the enzyme and the lipids and reconstitution is accomplished by subsequent removal of the detergent by adsorption to polystyrene beads. (2) About 60% of the enzyme incorporates in the right-side-out orientation (r/o). The fraction of molecules in the inside-out orientation (i/o) increases from about 10% to about 30% with a parallel decrease in the fraction of ‘non-oriented’ (n-o) molecules (both sides exposed) when the protein/lipid ratio decreases from 1:10 to 1:75. (3) The orientation of enzyme molecules detected from vanadate binding is the same as measured from activity, i.e., the turnover of the enzyme molecule in the diffrent orientations is the same. (4) The recovery of the specific activity of the incorporated enzyme increases with an increase in the protein/lipid ratio and is 100% with a protein/lipid ration of about 1:20 or higher. Full recovery is only obtained provided a proper lipid composition is chosen which includes both negatively charged phospholipids, preferably phosphatidylinositol, and cholesterol. (5) The ATP-dependent, K+-stimulated Na+-influx is found to be about 35 μmol Na+ per mg (i/o)-protein per min at 22°C in 1:10 protein/lipid liposomes. The specific activity corresponds to 3 Na+ transported per ATP molecule hydrolyzed. 相似文献
The chemical composition of two plasma membrane fractions from epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi is reported. Fraction M, a preparation obtained by conventional methods of cell fractionation is composed of 31% proteins, 34% lipids, 16% carbohydrates and 3% of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan. Phospholipids and sterols account for 7.5 and 9%, respectively, of the total mass. Phosphatidylethanolamine is the major phospholipid in fraction M, representing 45% of the total membrane phospholipids. The other fraction, fraction V (vesicles), was obtained by treatment of the cell with a vesiculating agent. This fraction contains 42% lipids, 20% carbohydrates, 13% proteins and 21% of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan. Phospholipids and sterols make up 17 and 8%, respectively, of the total mass of this fraction. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the main phospholipids found in fraction V. Phosphonolipids and sialic acid have not been detected in either membrane fraction. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis show that the glycoproteins ABC and the lipopeptidophosphoglycan are 50- and 10-times more concentrated, respectively, in fractions V and M than in the whole cell homogenate. The high molar sterol/phospholipid ratio found in fraction M suggests that this fraction is less fluid than fraction V, perhaps reflecting a migration of certain membrane components in the presence of the vesiculating agent. Hence, fraction M is, probably, more representative of the epimastigote plasma membrane as a whole than fraction V. 相似文献
The Na+/l-glutamate (l-aspartate) cotransport system present at the level of rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles is specifically activated by the ions K+ and Cl?. The presence of 100 mM K+ inside the vesicles drastically enhances the uptake rate and the transient intravesicular accumulation (overshoot) of the two acidic amino acids. It has been demonstrated that the activation of the transport system depended only in the intravesicular K+ concentration and that in the absence of any sodium gradient, an outward K+ gradient was unable to influence the Na+/acidic amino acid transport system. It was also found that Cl? could specifically activate the Na+-dependent l-glutamate (l-aspartate) uptake either in the presence or in the absence of K+. Also the effect of Cl? was observed only in the presence of an inward Na+ gradient and it was noted to be higher when chloride ion was present on both sides of the membrane vesicles. No influence (activation or accumulation) was observed in the absence of the Na+ gradient and in the presence of chloride gradient. l-Glutamate uptake measured in the presence of an imposed diffusion potential and in the presence of K+ or Cl? did not show any translocation of net charge. 相似文献
Transport by the synthetic cyclic peptide ionophore CYCLEX-2E (Deber, C.M., Young, M.E.M., and Tom-Kun, J. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 6194–6198), which in contrast to Ca2+ ionophore A23187 contains no ionizable protons, has been studied with respect to Ca2+ and Na+ transport, and the involvement of exchanged, or counter-transported ions during the transport process. CYCLEX-2E was found to equilibrate Na+ and Ca2+ gradients across phospholipid vesicle membranes. Experiments using the indicator dye Arsenazo III established that calcium ions were indeed reaching the aqueous intravesicular compartments. Absence of metal cations in the external buffer slowed, but did not eliminate, the efflux of Ca2+ from phosphatidylcholine vesicles. As an example of its activity in a biological membrane, CYCLEX-2E was shown to be capable of producing Ca2+ efflux from sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles which had been loaded with Ca2+ in an ATP-dependent manner. The overall results suggest that in transport by synthetic peptide ionophores typified by CYCLEX-2E, electroneutrality is achieved either through (a) peptide-mediated compensating (but not coupled) fluxes of other cations, or where this is not an option, by (b) transmembrane diffusion of permeant ions such as H+, OH?, or Cl?. 相似文献
Jeffrey M. Gimble Michael Gustin David B.P. Goodman Howard Rasmussen 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》1982,685(3):253-259
The measurement of chlortetracycline fluorescence was employed as a probe for measuring the process to calcium transport by human erythrocyte inside-out vesicles. Chlortetracycline is a divalent metal chelator which increases its fluorrescence when bound to calcium in the presence of a membrane. Addition of calcium and ATP to inside out vesicles in the presence of chlortetracycline increased the chlortetracycline fluorescence as a function of time following an initial delay. Only after a threshold level of calcium had been accumulated did the fluorescence increase. The presence of both ATP and calcium were required. The addition of calmodulin increased the rate and absolute magnitude of the chlortetracycline fluorescence change. Similarly, calmodulin stimulated the rate and extent of 45Ca transport by inside-out vesicles. Moreover, the presence of saponin abolished both chlortetracycline fluorescence change and 45Ca uptake; a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog would not substitute for ATP in either 45Ca transport or chlortetracycline fluorescence experiments. Comparison between the slopes of the linear portions of chlortetracycline fluorescence change and calcium transport time courses at varied free calcium concentrations showed a consistent ratio between the slopes. This suggests that calcium transport change can be calibrated by employing chlortetracycline fluorescence. Based on this data, it is concluded that chlortetracycline fluorescence is a rapid and accurate method for monitoring calcium transport by human erythrocyte inside-out vesicles. 相似文献
Detailed analyses of lipid composition have been made on various membrane fractions isolated at different intervals after 24 h-starved Tetrahymena cells were refed with nutrient-rich medium. During starvation there was a marked alteration in both phospholipid polar headgroup and acyl chain compositions: an increase in 2-aminoethylphospholipid and γ-linolenic acid (18 : 3) with a concurrent decrease in phosphatidylethanolamine and palmitoleic acid (16 : 1). However, following refeeding, such an altered lipid composition was rather rapidly restored to the initial level of the control cell membranes prior to starvation. This membrane lipid modification was found to occur in good accordance with the recovery of cell size and lipid synthesis. The considerable changes in the principal unsaturated fatty acids, 16 : 1 and 18 : 3, which are formed via the palmitate and stearate desaturation pathways, respectively, were suggested to be accounted for by the levels of desaturases activities. The results of the labeling experiments with radioactive precursors have demonstrated that in the refed cells, there was a more rapid and dynamic transfer or exchange between membranes as compared with that in the exponentially growing control cells. Thus, rapid ameliorative modifications of membrane lipid composition are thought to be required for the urgent growth of membrane systems in the refed cell which should be ready to initiate new division. 相似文献
Heven Sze 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》1983,732(3):586-594
H+-pumping adenosinetriphosphatases (ATPases, EC were demonstrated in sealed microsomal vesicles of tobacco callus. Quinacrine fluorescence quenching was induced specifically by MgATP and stimulated by EGTA and Cl?. Fluorescence quenching reflected a relative measure of pH gradient formation (inside acid), as it could be reversed by gramicidin (an H+/cation conductor) or 10 mM NH4Cl (an uncoupler). H+ pumping was inhibited by tributyltin (an ATPase inhibitor) and sodium vanadate, but it was insensitive to oligomycin or fusicoccin. The vanadate concentration required to inhibit pH gradient formation was similar to that needed to inhibit KCl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity and generation of a membrane potential (measured by ATP-dependent 35SCN? uptake). About 45% of all three activities (ATPase, pH gradient, membrane potential generation) were vanadate-insensitive, supporting the idea that non-mitochondrial membranes of plants have at least two types of electrogenic H+ pump.A vanadate-insensitive, H+-pumping ATPase previously shown by methylamine accumulation was characterized to be anion-sensitive and possibly enriched in vacuolar membranes (Churchill, K.A. and Sze, H. (1983) Plant Physiol. 71, 610–617). Yet, pH gradient formation determined by quinacrine fluorescence quenching was decreased by monovalent cations with a sequence K+, Rb+, Na+ > Cs+,Li+> choline, bisTris-propane. Since K+ stimulated ATPase activity more than Bistris-propane, K+ appeared to collapse formation of the pH gradient by an H+/K+ countertransport. The sensitivity to vanadate and K+ provides evidence that the plasma-membrane ATPase is an electrogenic H+ pump. 相似文献
The monolayer technique has been used to study the transfer of [14C]phosphatidylinositol from the monolayer to phosphatidylcholine vesicles. An equivalent transfer rate was found for egg phosphatidylcholine, dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, dielaidoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. A reduced transfer rate was found for a shorter-chain derivative, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, and for species with two polyunsaturated fatty acid chains such as dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine, diheptadecadienoylphosphatidylcholine, dilinolenoylphosphatidylcholine and diether and dialkyl derivatives. No activity was found for 1,3-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. The presence of up to 5 mol% phosphatidylinositol in egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles had no effect on the transfer rate. Introduction of more than 5 mol% phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidic acid into the phosphatidylcholine vesicles gradually decreased the rate of phosphatidylinositol transfer from the monolayer. 20 mol% acidic phospholipid was nearly completely inhibitory. Transfer experiments between separate monolayers of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol showed that the protein-bound phosphatidylcholine is readily exchanged for phosphatidylinositol, but the protein-bound phosphatidylinositol exchange for phosphatidylcholine occurs at a 20-times lower rate. The release of phosphatidylinositol is dependent on the lipid composition and the concentration of charged lipid in the acceptor membrane, but also on the ratio between donor and acceptor membranes. The main transfer protein from bovine brain which transfer phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine transfers also phosphatidylglycerol, but not phosphatidylserine or phosphatidic acid. The absence of significant changes in the surface pressure indicate that the phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine transfer is not accompanied by net mass transfer. 相似文献