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The nature of the light-induced ΔpH-dependent decline of chlorophyll a fluorescence in intact and broken spinach chloroplasts was investigated. Fluorescence spectra at 77 K of chloroplasts frozen in the low-fluorescent (high ΔpH) state showed increased ratios of the band peak at 735 nm (Photosystem (PS) I fluorescence) to the peak at 695 nm (PS II fluorescence). The increase in the F735F695 ratio at 77 K was related to the extent of fluorescence quenching at room temperature. Normalization of low-temperature spectra with fluorescein as an internal standard revealed a lowering of F695 that was not accompanied by an increase in F735: preillumination before freezing decreased both F695 and, to a lesser extent, F735 in the spectra recorded at 77 K. Fluorescence induction of chloroplasts frozen in the low-fluorescent state showed a markedly decreased variable fluorescence (Fv) of PS II, but no concomitant increase in initial fluorescence (F0) of PS I. Thus, the buildup of a proton gradient at the thylakoid membrane, as reflected by fluorescence quenching at room temperature, affects low-temperature fluorecence emission in a manner entirely different from the effect of removal of Mg2+, which is thought to alter the distribution of excitation energy in favor of PS I. The ΔpH-dependent quenching therefore cannot be caused by such change in energy distribution and is suggested to reflect increased thermal deactivation.  相似文献   

Exposure to extracellular 5′-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is known to induce membrane blebbing. In this study, we investigated the subcellular distribution of the cytoskeletal adaptor protein paxillin in primary bovine osteoblasts upon stimulation with ATP. Cells expressing a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and paxillin were followed by time-lapse video-microscopy after stimulation with 100?μM ATP. Within 100?s, GFP-paxillin became incorporated in numerous de novo formed focal aggregates localized at the cell periphery. The assembly of individual paxillin-containing aggregates occurred with a mean half-life time of <60?s, whereas their disassembly lasted twice as long. Despite the ongoing presence of ATP, the formation of paxillin aggregates was self-limiting within 25?min. Paxillin clustering was preceded by a transient rise in cytoplasmic calcium transients, which peaked already 20?s after adding ATP. The high mobility of paxillin was confirmed by measuring the dissociation rate of GFP-paxillin at mature focal adhesions, demonstrating the presence of a highly mobile fraction with a mean recovery half-life of 8.2?±?1.2?s, followed by a slower phase (53?±?20?s). Thus, both the exchange of paxillin at mature focal adhesions and the increase in intracellular calcium concentrations upon ATP stimulation are very rapid processes, which override the time course of ATP-induced paxillin membrane clustering by one to two orders of magnitude. Our data demonstrate that the transient recruitment of paxillin in membrane protuberances is based on the high intracytoplasmic mobility of unbound paxillin molecules and their rapid focal accumulation.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced endogenously by heme oxygenase (HO) enzymes. HO-1 is highly expressed in many inflammatory disease states, where it is broadly protective. The protective effects of HO-1 expression can be largely mimicked by the exogenous application of CO and CO-releasing molecules (CORMs). Despite a dearth of pharmacological tools for their study, molecular methodologies have identified P2X4 receptors as a potential anti-nociceptive drug target. P2X4 receptors are up-regulated in animal models of inflammatory pain, and their knock-down reduces pain behaviours. In these same animal models, HO-1 expression is anti-nociceptive, and we therefore investigated whether P2X4 was a target for CO and tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimer (CORM-2). Using conventional whole-cell and perforated-patch recordings of heterologously expressed human P2X4 receptors, we demonstrate that CORM-2, but not CO gas, is an inhibitor of these channels. We also investigated the role of soluble guanylate cyclase and mitochondria-derived reactive oxygen species using pharmacological inhibitors but found that they were largely unable to affect the ability of CORM-2 to inhibit P2X4 currents. A control breakdown product of CORM-2 was also without effect on P2X4. These results suggest that P2X4 receptors are not a molecular target of endogenous CO production and are, therefore, unlikely to be mediating the anti-nociceptive effects of HO-1 expression in inflammatory pain models. However, these results show that CORM-2 is an effective antagonist at human P2X4 receptors and represents a useful pharmacological tool for the study of these receptors given the current dearth of antagonists.  相似文献   

ATPace?, a novel injectable formulation of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), is developed by Cordex Pharma, Inc. (Cordex) as a diagnostic and therapeutic drug for the management of cardiac bradyarrhythmias. Extracellular ATP exerts multiple effects in various cell types by activating cell-surface receptors known as P2 receptors. In the heart, ATP suppresses the automaticity of cardiac pacemakers and atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction via adenosine, the product of its degradation by ecto-enzymes, as well as by triggering a cardio-cardiac vagal reflex. ATP, given as a rapid intravenous bolus injection, has been used since the late 1940s as a highly effective and safe therapeutic agent for the acute termination of reentrant paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) involving the AV node. In addition, preliminary studies have shown that ATP can also be used as a diagnostic agent for the identification of several cardiac disorders including sinus node dysfunction (sick sinus syndrome), dual AV nodal pathways, long QT syndrome, and bradycardic syncope. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Cordex formulation for ATP as an Investigational New Drug and two pathways for its marketing approval; one therapeutic, i.e., acute termination of paroxysmal PSVT, and the other diagnostic, i.e., the identification of patients with bradycardic syncope who can benefit from pacemaker therapy. The scientific rationale for the development of ATPace? is discussed.  相似文献   

Peter Horton  Neil R. Baker 《BBA》1980,592(3):559-564
Fluorescence induction at ?196°C has been monitored in chloroplasts rapidly frozen after poising at different redox potentials at room temperature. It was found that, as at room temperature, the initial level of fluorescence observed upon shutter opening (Fo), relative to the final level observed after 10 seconds of illumination (Fm) increased as the redox potential of the chloroplasts was lowered. Redox titration revealed the presence of two quenching components with Em,7.8 at ?70 mV and ?275 mV accounting for approx. 75% and 25% of the variable fluorescence (Fv). Parallel observation of fluorescence yield at room temperature similarly gave two components, with Em,7.8 at ?95 mV and ?290 mV, also accounting for approx. 75% and 25%. Simultaneous measurement of fluorescence emission at ?196°C at 695 nm and 735 nm indicated that both emissions are quenched by the same redox components.  相似文献   

The effects of ATP on glucose transport and metabolism were studied in rat adipocytes. Over a concentration range of 10–250 μm, ATP was found to inhibit several aspects of adipocyte glucose metabolism, particularly when stimulated by insulin. Much of the effect of ATP on glucose metabolism appeared related to impairment of glucose transport, reflected by inhibition of both basal and insulin-stimulated rates of 3-O-methylglucose transport. ATP inhibited the V of insulin-stimulated 3-O-methylglucose transport, but had no effect on the Km. The inhibitory effects of ATP were much less apparent when cells were preincubated with insulin, suggesting that ATP inhibited only the components of hexose transport not yet activated by the hormone. At very high medium glucose concentrations, where transport was no longer rate limiting for metabolism, there was no inhibition of glucose oxidation by 250 μm ATP. However, when hexose transport was blocked with cytochalasin B (50 μm), a small inhibitory effect of ATP persisted on basal and insulin-stimulated glucose and fructose oxidation, suggesting that intracellular metabolism was impaired. The mechanism of the intracellular effect did not appear to be caused by uptake of exogenous ATP. These studies provide further evidence that energy metabolism may play an important role in the regulation of facilitated glucose transport.  相似文献   

Template-primer dependent inactivation of human DNA polymerase and Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I by adenosine 2,3-riboepoxide 5-triphosphate was used for quantitative analysis of the Kd values for oligonucleotide primers of different length. The Kd values are smaller by a factor of 2.5 than the Km values for the same primers determined in the reaction of DNA polymerization in the case of DNA polymerase . The Kd and Km values are nearly the same for Klenow fragment. Such approach to the determination of Km/Kd ratio can likely be used for detailed quantitative analysis of DNA polymerases.Abbreviations epATP adenosine 2,3-riboepoxide 5-triphosphate - KF Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I - Pol I E. coli DNA polymerase I - Pol human placenta DNA polymerase   相似文献   

Incubation of slices of rat cerebral cortex with the calcium ionophore A23187 produced small increases in the accumulation of adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cyclic AMP). While low concentrations of Ca2+ ions (e.g., 200 µM) were sometimes necessary, the presence of adenosine (e.g., 50 µM) was essential; no effect of ionophore was observed when isoproterenol or isobutylmethylxanthine was substituted for adenosine. These results are consistent with the previously advanced hypothesis that stimulation of -adrenergic receptors in this issue may cause calcium mobilization and thereby produce a calmodulin-mediated stimulation of adenylate cyclase. However, there is no apparent explanation for the requirement for adenosine. In addition, the possibility that additional mechanisms may be operating was suggested by experiments in which the incorporation of 3H-adenine into cyclic AMP was examined under steady-state conditions. While brief exposure to 3H-adenine after maximal adenosine- or isoproterenol-induced accumulations had been achieved led to small increases in the specific activity of cyclic AMP, the combination of norepinephrine and adenosine (plus propranolol) produced substantial decreases in the specific activity of cyclic AMP. Since the rate of incorporation of radioactivity did not keep pace with the expansion of the cyclic AMP pool, it is possible that norepinephrine also caused some reduction in the rate of cyclic AMP degradation under these conditions. Other interpretations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility that zeaxanthin mediates the dissipation of an excess of excitation energy in the antenna chlorophyll of the photochemical apparatus has been tested through the use of an inhibitor of violaxanthin de-epoxidation, dithiothreitol (DTT), as well as through the comparison of two closely related organisms (green and blue-green algal lichens), one of which (blue-green algal lichen) naturally lacks the xanthophyll cycle. In spinach leaves, DTT inhibited a major component of the rapidly relaxing high-energy-state quenching' of chlorophyll fluorescence, which was associated with a quenching of the level of initial fluorescence (F0) and exhibited a close correlation with the zeaxanthin content of leaves when fluorescence quenching was expressed as the rate constant for radiationless energy dissipation in the antenna chlorophyll. Green algal lichens, which possess the xanthophyll cycle, exhibited the same type of fluorescence quenching as that observed in leaves. Two groups of blue-green algal lichens were used for a comparison with these green algal lichens. A group of zeaxanthin-free blue-green algal lichens did not exhibit the type of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching indicative of energy dissipation in the pigment bed. In contrast, a group of blue-green algal lichens which had formed zeaxanthin slowly through reactions other than the xanthophyll cycle, did show a very similar response to that of leaves and green algal lichens. Fluorescence quenching indicative of radiationless energy dissipation in the antenna chlorophyll was the predominant component of high-energy-state quenching in spinach leaves under conditions allowing for high rates of steady-state photosynthesis. A second, but distinctly different type of high-energy-state quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence, which was not inhibited by DTT (i.e., it was zeaxanthin independent) and which is possibly associated with the photosystem II reaction center, occurred in addition to that associated with zeaxanthin in leaves under a range of conditions which were less favorable for linear photosynthetic electron flow. In intact chloroplasts isolated from (zeaxanthin-free) spinach leaves a combination of these two types of rapidly reversible fluorescence quenching occurred under all conditions examined.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - F0 (or F0) yield of instantaneous fluorescence at open PS II reaction centers in the dark (or during actinic illumination) - FM (or FM) yield of maximum fluorescence induced by a saturation pulse of light in the dark (or during actinic illumination) - FV (or FV) yield of variable fluorescence induced by a saturating pulse of light in the dark (or during actinic illumination) - k D rate constant for radiationless energy dissipation in the antenna chlorophyll - SV Stern-Volmer equation - PFD photon flux density - PS I photosystem I - PS II photosystem II - QA acceptor of photosystem II - qN coefficient of nonphotochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching - qP coefficient of photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching  相似文献   

1. Starch-gel analysis of extracts from adult human muscle, heart and brain reveals a hybrid creatine kinase with an abnormally high electrophoretic mobility. 2. Hybridization in vitro confirms that the postulated hybrid is formed from a combination of brain- and muscle-type enzyme sub-units. 3. The relative electrophoretic mobility of the hybrid is not affected by changing the starch concentration in the gel or by the buffer system used, or by electrophoresis in thin layers of Sephadex. 4. It is concluded that hybrid formation results in a net increase on the dimeric enzyme of from 4 to 6 negative charges. 5. During development a sharp increase in the rate of production of muscle-type enzyme sub-units occurs in heart at 10–13 weeks' gestation and in muscle at 18–20 weeks' gestation. The latter change is accompanied by a relative decrease in the concentration of brain-type sub-units.  相似文献   

The effect of increased cellular concentrations of adenosine 3′,5′ monophosphate (cAMP) upon mutation frequency induced by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was studied in V79 Chinese hamster lung cells. Incubation with either forskolin, which increased the accumulation of cAMP, or 8BrcAMP, an analogue of cAMP, resulted in an increase in the mutation frequency which was concentration-dependent, regardless of whether these agents were added before or after mutagen treatment. Increased cAMP concentrations were shown in these cells to inhibit growth; however, this does not seem to be the mechanism responsible for the increase in mutation frequency as low serum concentrations which also retard growth reduced the mutation frequency observed with MNNG.  相似文献   

A guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP)-dependent protein kinase was detected in preparations of outer chloroplast envelope membranes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts. The protein-kinase activity was capable of phosphorylating several envelope-membrane proteins. The major phosphorylated products were 23- and 32.5-kilo-dalton proteins of the outer envelope membrane. Several other envelope proteins were labeled to a lesser extent. Following acid hydrolysis of the labeled proteins, most of the label was detected as phosphoserine with only minor amounts detected as phosphothreonine. Several criteria were used to distinguish the GTP-dependent protein kinase from an ATP-dependent kinase also present in the outer envelope membrane. The ATP-dependent kinase phosphorylated a very different set of envelope-membrane proteins. Heparin inhibited the GTP-dependent kinase but had little effect upon the ATP-dependent enzyme. The GTP-dependent enzyme accepted phosvitin as an external protein substrate whereas the ATP-dependent enzyme did not. The outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope also contained a phosphotransferase capable of transferring labeled phosphate from [-32P]GTP to ADP to yield (-32P]ATP. Consequently, addition of ADP to a GTP-dependent protein-kinase assay resulted in a switch in the pattern of labeled products from that seen with GTP to that typically seen with ATP.Abbreviations GDP (GMP, GTP) guanosine 5-diphosphate (mono-, tri-); kDa-kilodalton - S0.5 concentration of substrate supporting half-maximal velocity - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tricine N-(2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl)glycine  相似文献   

1. The deoxyfluoro-d-glucopyranose 6-phosphates were prepared from the corresponding deoxyfluoro-d-glucoses and ATP by using hexokinase. 2. 3-Deoxy-3-fluoro- and 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-d-glucose 6-phosphate were substrates for glucose phosphate isomerase, and in addition the products of this reaction, 3-deoxy-3-fluoro- and 4-deoxy-4-fluoro-d-fructose 6-phosphate respectively, were good substrates for phosphofructokinase. 3. Some C-2-substituted derivatives of d-glucose 6-phosphate were found to be competitive inhibitors of glucose phosphate isomerase. 4. The possible role of the hydroxyl groups in the binding of d-glucose 6-phopshate to glucose phosphate isomerase is discussed.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides such as adenosine 5′-triphospate (ATP) and uridine 5′-triphosphate (UTP) interact with P2 purinergic receptors on the surface of phagocytic cells and induce various physiological reactions. In this study, the production of antibody in mice immunized with an inactivated rabies vaccine containing these nucleotides was investigated. Injection of inactivated rabies vaccine with UTP, but not with ATP, induced significantly higher serum antibody production in mice. The enhancement of antibody production by UTP was inhibited by an anti-P2Y4 receptor antibody. In an air pouch experiment, UTP treatment increased the number of monocytes and macrophages infiltrating the pouch and up-regulated the gene expression of IL-4 and IL-13 in the regional lymph nodes. These results suggested that UTP admixed with rabies vaccine activates Th2 cells and induces a humoral immune response. Furthermore, the survival rate of mice immunized with a rabies vaccine admixed with UTP before rabies virus challenge was slightly higher than that of control mice. In conclusion, UTP can act as a vaccine adjuvant to enhance antibody production against the rabies virus in mice.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated rat hepatocytes maintained as monolayers in a serum-free medium synthesize sulphated glycosaminoglycans, most of which behave as heparan sulphate and are mainly distributed into intracellular compartments. Cyclic AMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, glucagon, noradrenaline, prostaglandin E(1), and theophylline, all drugs and hormones known to increase intracellular cyclic AMP concentrations, decreased the incorporation of (35)SO(4) (2-) into heparan sulphate of intra-, extra- and peri-cellular pools. The inhibition mediated by dibutyryl cyclic AMP was dose-dependent and observed as early as 2h after exposure to the drug. In the presence of 1mm-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, incorporation of (35)SO(4) (2-) or [(14)C]glucosamine into heparan sulphate was decreased to 40-50%, suggesting that dibutyryl cyclic AMP interfered with the synthesis of heparan sulphate. This was further supported by pulse-chase experiments, where dibutyryl cyclic AMP had no effect on the degradation of sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Heparan sulphates synthesized and secreted into the extracellular pool in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP were smaller in size, whereas the degree of sulphation and molecular size of the heparan sulphate chains released by beta-elimination from these proteoglycans were not different from control values. In the presence of 1mm-cycloheximide, (35)SO(4) (2-) incorporation was decreased to 5%. Addition of p-nitrophenyl beta-d-xyloside, an artificial acceptor of glycosaminoglycan chain synthesis, enhanced this incorporation to 18%. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP did not have any inhibitory effect on the synthesis of chains initiated on p-nitrophenyl beta-d-xylosides. Incorporation of [(3)H]serine into heparan sulphate was not affected by dibutyryl cyclic AMP, whereas the degree of substitution of serine residues with heparan sulphate chains was less in heparan sulphate synthesized in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP, suggesting that cyclic AMP exerts its effect on the metabolism of sulphated glycosaminoglycans by affecting the transfer of xylose on to the protein core.  相似文献   

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