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The rate-limiting step in hydrosmotic response of frog urinary bladder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The ADH-induced water fluxes and the associated appearance of intramembranous particle aggregates in the luminal membrane of frog urinary bladders have been correlated in a time course study. Plots of the onset and reversal of the oxytocin-induced hydrosmotic response were sigmoidal in shape, symmetrical and slowed by low temperature to the same degree. Parallel freezefracture studies showed that the mean size distribution of the aggregates was constant at different temperatures and at different times during hormonal stimulation and washout. No qualitatively different picture of aggregate formation was detected at low temperature: this suggests that the insertion and removal of individual aggregates into or from the apical plasma membrane is a rather rapid process, both at 20 and at 6.5° C. As in the case of water permeability, both aggregate appearance and disappearance were similarly slowed by lowering the temperature.A similar time-course study of the inhibition of the hydrosmotic response by acidification of the medium was also made. In this case, lowering the incubation temperature induced a clear dissociation between net water flow and the surface area occupied by the aggregates. For the first time, a low water permeability was found associated with a high aggregate surface area in the apical membrane, indicating that cellular acidification induces an impairment of aggregate function rather than a reduction of surface area.J.C. is a career investigator at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, INSERM V.48  相似文献   

Summary The role of the tight junction in the hydrosmotic response of the frog urinary bladder has been analysed by comparative kinetic studies and freeze etching examination. The comparison of the time course of the variations in transepithelial water net flux and of the alterations of tight junction ultrastructure in bladders exposed to mucosal hyperosmolar solutions shows that blisters are present in the tight junction before any increase in transepithelial water net flux. This indicates that the two phenomena are dissociated.In the same experimental conditions, freeze etching examination shows the presence in the tight junction of large areas of smooth and apparently stretched membrane where the typical network structure has disappeared. These alterations are reduced by further treatment with oxytocin and are probably not involved in the physiological hydrosomotic response.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada (J.H.).  相似文献   

Nocodazole is a synthetic antitumor drug that binds rapidly to tubulin. When this drug is applied to toad bladder prior to vasopressin stimulation it inhibits the vasopressin response. A maximum inhibition (68%) is reached with a dose level of 10 μ/ml applied one-half hour prior to vasopressin stimulation (20 mU/ml). This compares with an inhibition of 50% seen with a 3-h exposure of the tissue to colchicine (0.1 mM) prior to stimulation with vasopressin. Application of nocodazole (1 μ/ml) 3 min after hormonal stimulation shows no inhibition of the response at one-half hour past stimulation. These data support the view that microtubules are involved in the vasopressin-induced increase in water permeability in toad bladder and also indicate that this involvement is limited to the period prior to or directly after stimulation.  相似文献   

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) induces, in the apical plasma membrane of target cells, the insertion of intramembranous particle aggregates that probably contain water channels. A mild attack of this membrane by a polyoxyethylene nonylphenyl detergent, which reversibly depressed ADH-induced water permeability, has been found to modify aggregate structure while extracting additional proteins. This simple procedure could be a valuable approach to the problem of aggregate isolation and characterization.  相似文献   

Unidirectional and net water fluxes were simultaneously estimated in frog urinary bladder. The minute by minute tritiated water (3HOH) transepithelial flux and the net volume of fluid traversing the tissue were employed. It was observed that: (1) the time course of the increase in the 3HOH flux induced by antidiuretic hormone had a very similar pattern to that reported for the increase in the net movement. (2) Unstirred layers strongly affected the magnitude of the antidiuretic hormone-induced increase in 3HOH fluxes while the time course of the response was almost non-affected. In non-stimulated bladders 3HOH fluxes were poorly modified by medium stirring. New steadystate conditions for 3HOH fluxes were established 1 min after stirring rate modifications. (3) The simultaneously determined net water flux was not affected by a modification in the unstirred layers, indicating that the variations in the measured net water fluxes are a good estimation of the changes in the mucosal border permeability. (4) The presence of an osmotic gradient during hormonal challenge (implying net water fluxes, cell swelling and dilation of the intracellular spaces) did not modify the time course of 3HOH movements. These results suggest that the time course of the increase in water permeability is an intrinsic characteristic of the experimental system that could result from the addition of permeability units that increase in number during the development of the harmonal action.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the isolated frog corneal epithelium (a Cl-secreting epithelium) has a large diffusional water permeability (Pdw 1.8×10–4 cm/s). We now report that the presence of Cl in the apical-side bathing solution increases the diffusional water flux, Jdw (in both directions) by 63% from 11.3 to 18.4 l min–1 · cm–2 with 60 mm [Cl] exerting the maximum effect. The presence of Cl in the basolateral-side bathing solution had no effect on the water flux. In Cl-free solutions amphotericin B increased Jdw by 29% but only by 3% in Cl-rich apical-side bathing solution, suggesting that in Cl-rich apical side bathing solution, the apical barrier is no longer rate limiting. Apical Br (75 mm) also increased Jdw by 68%. The effect of Cl on Jdw was observed within 1 min after its addition to the apicalside bathing solution. HgCl2 (0.5 mm) reduced the Cl-increased Pdw by 31%. The osmotic permeability (Pf) was also measured under an osmotic gradient yielding values of 0.34 and 2.88 (x 10–3 cm/s) in Cl-free and Cl-rich apical-side bathing solutions respectively. It seems that apical Cl, or Cl secretion into the apical bath could activate normally present but inactive water channels. In the absence of Cl, water permeability of the apical membrane seems to be limited to the permeability of the lipid bilayer.This work was supported by National Eye Institute grants EY-00160 and EY-01867.  相似文献   

Chevalier  J.  Adragna  N.  Bourguet  J.  Gobin  R. 《Cell and tissue research》1981,218(3):595-606
Summary The fine structure of ADH-induced intramembrane particle aggregates has been studied in different tissues and under different experimental conditions. Particle aggregates similar to those previously observed in the amphibian urinary bladder and in the mammalian collecting duct were also found in the frog skin, another ADH target tissue. In the frog urinary bladder, typical aggregates were observed in the absence of glutaraldehyde fixation. Two experimental approaches were used a) the absence of both fixative and cryoprotectant treatments and b) the absence of only glutaraldehyde treatment. In the latter case the reversal of hydrosmotic action was prevented by exposing the preparations to N-ethyl maleimide. In specimens of frog urinary bladder conventionally fixed with glutaraldehyde, two fracture levels could be observed in the aggregates, suggesting that the aggregated particles span an appreciable part of the membrane thickness.J. Chevalier is a career investigator from the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, INSERM U 48, France  相似文献   

Summary The frog urinary bladder undergoes a marked increase in its water permeability when incubated in hypertonic media. Many similarities are found between this effect and the hydrosmotic action of antidiuretic hormone. The ultrastructural modifications of the epithelium observed under the influence of serosal hypertonicity (the intercellular spaces are dilated while the tight junctions remain closed) lead us to assume that the pathways of water movement across the epithelium could be the same in this case and in hydrosmotic response to the hormone. In contrast, when the mucosal medium is made hypertonic, the ultrastructure is differently altered: the intercellular spaces are closed, the tight junctions show small vesicles and numerous large vacuoles appearing in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary We recently described a method by which the resistance to water flow of the luminal membrane of ADH-stimulated toad bladder can be quantitatively distinguished from that of barriers lying in series with it. This method requires estimates of both total bladder water permeability (assessed by transbladder osmotic water flow at constant gradient) and luminal membrane water permeability (assessed by quantitation of the frequency of ADH-induced luminal membrane particle aggregates). In the present study we examined the effect of bladder distension on transepithelial osmotic water flow before and during maximal ADH stimulation. Base-line water flow was unaffected by bladder distension, but hormonally stimulated flow increased systematically as bladders became more distended. Distension had no effect on the frequency of ADH-induced intramembranous particle aggregates. By comparing the relationships between aggregate frequency and hormonally induced water permeability in distended and undistended bladders, we found that distension appeared to enhance ADH-stimulated water flow by decreasing the resistance of the series permeability barrier while the apparent water permeability associated with each single luminal membrane aggregate was unaffected. In that bladder distension causes tissue thinning, the series resistance limiting ADH-stimulated water flow appears to be accounted for by deformable barriers within the bladder tissue itself, probably unstirred layers of water.  相似文献   

Summary The extracellular Ca2+ requirement for antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulation of water permeability in the toad urinary bladder has been critically examined. The polarity of the tissue was maintained with 1mm Ca2+ in the mucosal bathing medium and a serosal bath nominally free of Ca2+. Under these condition, ADH-induced osmotic water flow was inhibited by more than 60% while enhancement of the diffusional permeability to water was unaffected. Structural studies revealed that low serosal Ca2+ led to parallel alterations in epithelial architecture that amounted to a significant distorition of the osmotic water pathway. Prevention of these alterations, or restoration of normal cell-cell contact showed that the reduction of serosal Ca2+ did not restrict hormonal action,per se, but that it resulted in a weakening of cell-cell junctions such that intercellular space distension during water flow occurred to a point where the geometric conditions for maintenance of osmotic flow were compromised. We conclude that extracellular Ca2+ is not a requirement for the molecular aspects of ADH action but that, in its absence, a direct measurement of ADH-induced osmotic flow proves to be an inaccurate index of the hormone-generated changes in epithelial transport characteristics. Under certain conditions the ADH-effect on the tissue's hydraulic permeability is probably best assessed by measurement of the diffusional permability to water; although accuracy in this determination is difficult, it is not as strongly dependent on tissue geometry.  相似文献   

In the study of active transport it is important to distinguish between oxygen consumption sustaining transepithelial transport and that responsible for other tissue functions (basal metabolism). Since amiloride blocks transepithelial active sodium transport and the associated oxygen consumption in the frog skin and toad bladder, we and others have employed this agent to evaluate the rate of basal metabolism. This technique has recently been criticized in a report that amiloride (and ouabain) increased oxygen consumption when no sodium was available for transport. We have been unable to corroborate these observations.With magnesium-Ringer as external bathing solutions, amiloride and ouabain failed to stimulate oxygen consumption. With sodium-Ringer as external bathing solution amiloride reduced oxygen consumption about 30%, to a level indistinguishable from that found on external substitution of magnesium-Ringer for sodium-Ringer. We conclude that the use of amiloride permits evaluation of the rate of basal metabolism with acceptable accuracy; a possible slight depressant effect of ouabain on basal metabolism remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

The effects of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and cGMP on transepithelial ion transport were examined in the urinary bladder of the Japanese tree frog, Hyla japonica, using Ussing chamber voltage-clamp and whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. When the bladders were exposed to 4.4×10−11 to 10−6 M ANP or 10−7 to 3×10−4 M 8-Br-cGMP, both the transepithelial potential difference (PD) and the short-circuit current (Isc) were significantly increased in a concentration-response manner. The cGMP-dependent responses were inhibited in a Na+-free bath solution and in the presence of amiloride. The cGMP-dependent increases in Isc were significantly inhibited by specific PKA inhibitors (5×10−7 M KT-5720 and >10−5 M H-89), but not by a specific PKG inhibitor (5×10−7 M KT-5823). ANP-dependent increases in Isc were also significantly inhibited by KT-5720. In the patch-clamp study, ANP and cGMP significantly increased in inward currents involving Na+ uptake. These results suggest that a cross-talk mechanism exists between cAMP and cGMP signaling pathways, which leads to Na+ transport in the frog urinary bladder. In addition, the cGMP-dependent increases in Isc were partially inhibited by 10−4 M l-cis-diltiazem, a specific inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. These results also suggest a relation between CNG channels and the cGMP-dependent increases in Na+ absorption of the frog urinary bladder.  相似文献   

Structural changes of the cytoplasm of urinary bladder granular cells after an antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulation of water transport were studied using standard and cryogenic methods of electron microscopy. Numerous changes occurred in these cells, the cytoplasm of the granular cells becoming swollen, and the intercellular spaces enlarged. Most granules become fused with the apical membrane. Under maximal ADH action, giant vacuoles appear in the cytoplasm of granular cells, in association with microfilaments and microtubules. Analysis of ultrastructure of the granular cells has established the origin of giant vacuoles from the cis -cisterna of the Golgi complex. A hypothesis based on the morphofunctional homology of giant vacuoles in granular cells with the contractile vacuoles of Protozoa is proposed in which the giant vacuoles ('contractile-like' vacuoles) are seen as operating a osmoregulatory role in these cells. It is also proposed that microtubules and microfilaments participate in giant vacuole migration through the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary It has been reported that PCMBS (p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate) blocks the water permeability of red cells and of the tubular kidney membranes. In this study we compare the effects of this mercurial compound on the permeability of water and other small solutes in the frog urinary bladder.We observed that: (i) 5mm PCMBS applied at pH 5.0 to the mucosal side inhibited the net and unidirectional water fluxes induced by oxytocin without changing the P f/P d ratio. (ii) The oxytocin-induced urea and Na+ influxes were also inhibited by PCMBS. (iii) The unidirectional Cl movement was first reduced and then increased during the course of PCMBS treatment. (iv) The short-circuit measured at low mucosal Na+ concentration (10mm), diminished continuously, whereas the transepithelial resistance first increased and then diminished. (v) Mannitol, raffinose, -methyl-glucose, antipyrine, caffeine and Rb+ movements were not changed significantly during the first 26 min of the water permeability inhibition. In conclusion: (i) The ADH-sensitive water, urea and Na+ transport systems were inhibited by PCMBS, (ii) PCMBS did not induce a nonspecific and general effect on the permeability of the membrane during the development of the water permeability inhibition, and (iii) in terms of water channels, the inhibition of water transport with the maintenance of a highP f/P d ratio suggests that PCMBS closes the water channels in an all or none manner, reducing their operative number in the apical border of frog bladder.  相似文献   

Summary Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increases the apical (external facing) membrane water permeability of granular cells that line the toad urinary bladder. In response to ADH, cytoplasmic vesicles called aggrephores fuse with the apical plasma membrane and insert particle aggregates which are visualized by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Aggrephores contain particle aggregates within their limiting membranes. It is generally accepted that particle aggregates are or are related to water channels. High rates of transepithelial water flow during ADH stimulation and subsequent hormone removal decrease water permeability and cause the endocytosis of apical membrane and aggrephores which retrieve particle aggregates. We loaded the particle aggregate-rich endocytic vesicles with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) during ADH stimulation and removal. Epithelial cells were isolated and homogenized, and a subcellular fraction was enriched for sequestered HRP obtained. The HRP-enriched membrane fraction was subjected to a density shifting maneuver (Courtoy et al.,J. Cell Biol. 98:870, 1984), which yielded a purified membrane fraction containing vesicles with entrapped HRP. The density shifted vesicles were composed of approximately 20 proteins including prominent species of 55, 17 and 7 kD. Proteins of these molecular weights appear on the apical surface of ADH-stimulated bladders, but not the apical surface of control bladders. Therefore, we believe these density shifted vesicles contain proteins involved in the ADH-stimulated water permeability response, possibly components of particle aggregates and/or water channels.  相似文献   

Prostacyclin (Prostaglandin I2) effects on the rat kidney adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP system were examined. Prostaglandin I2 and prostaglandin E2, from 8 · 10?4 to 8 · ?7 M stimulated adenylate cyclase to a similar extent in cortex and outer medulla. In inner medulla, prostaglandin I2 was more effective than prostaglandin E2 at all concentrations tested. Both prostaglandin I2 and prostaglandin E2 were additive with antidiuretic hormone in outer and inner medulla. Prostaglandin I2 and prostaglandin E2 were not additive in any area of the kidney, indicating both were working by similar mechanisms. Prostaglandin I2 stimulation of adenylate cyclase correlated with its ability to increase renal slice cyclic AMP content. Prostaglandin I2 and prostaglandin E2 (1.5 · 10?4 M) elevated cyclic AMP content in cortex and outer medulla slices. In inner medulla, with Santoquin® (0.1 mM) present to suppress endogenous prostaglandin synthesis, prostaglandin I2 and prostaglandin E2 increased cyclic AMP content. 6-Ketoprostaglandin F, the stable metabolite of prostaglandin I2, did not increase adenylate cyclase activity or tissue cyclic AMP content. Thus, prostaglandin I2 activates renal adenylate cyclase. This suggests that the physiological actions of prostaglandin I2 may be mediated through the adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP system.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that during the oxytocin-induced hydrosmotic response, water crosses the luminal membrane of urinary bladder epithelium cells through membranespanning proteins. Although specific inhibitors of osmotic water transport have not been found, certain sulfhydryl reagents such as mercurial compounds may help to identify the proteins involved in this permeation process. We tested the effects ofp-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) and of fluoresceinmercuric acetate (FMA) on the net water flux, the microtubule and microfilament structures of the frog urinary bladder, and the distribution of intramembrane particle aggregates in the luminal membrane.We observed that: (i) 5mm PCMBS at pH 5 and 0.5mm FMA at pH 8 added to the mucosal bath at the maximum of the response to oxytocin partially inhibited the net water flux. Inhibition then increased progressively when the preparation was repeatedly or continuously stimulated, until it reached a maximal inhibition at 120 min. This inhibition was not reversed even when cystein was added in the mucosal bath. PCMBS and FMA effects were also observed when cyclic AMP (3,5 cyclic adenosine monophosphate) was used to increase water permeability. (ii) PCMBS mucosal pretreatment did not modify the basal water flux but potentiated the inhibitory effect of PCMBS or FMA on the hydrosmotic response to oxytocin. (iii) Microtubule and microfilament network, visualized in target cells by immunofluorescence, was not affected by PCMBS. (iv) The maximal PCMBS or FMA inhibition was not associated with a reduction of aggregate surface area in the apical membrane.The persistence of the intramembrane particle aggregates associated with the oxytocin-induced hydrosmotic response during the net water flux inhibition by PCMBS, suggests that the PCMBS effect occurs possibly at the level of sulfhydryl groups of the water channel itself.  相似文献   

Water flow across the amphibian urinary bladder can be induced by either vasopressin or serosal hypertonicity. In an effort to determine the common intracellular steps mediating both responses, we determined the in situ activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in bladders stimulated by vasopressin or hypertonicity. Treatment of bladders with vasopressin (1 mU/ml) caused in situ activation of cytosolic cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase of epithelial cells, with a rise in the kinase ratio and cyclic AMP content. Similarly, hyperonicity increased the kinase ratio, but this occured without a measurable increase in cyclic AMP content per mg protein. Because of the hypertonicity-induced cell shrinkage, epithelial cell water decreased by 20%, which may result in a proportionate increase in cyclic AMP concentration (per ml cell water). Furthermore, cell shrinkage also increases intracellular electrolyte concentration, which, in turn, should delay reassociation and consequent inactivation of the predominant Type II cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase of the epithelial cells. Thus activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase during hypetonicity may be the result of cell shrinkage, with an associated increase in cyclic AMP and electrolyte concentrations. Studies with prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors and colchicine, a microtubule disrupting agent, also indicated common pathways for vasopressin and hypertonicity. Both naproxen and meclofenamate significantly enhanced the hypertonicity response. Colchicine pretreatment, on the other hand, caused a small (18%) but significant inhibition of the hypertnicity response, similar to its effect on the vasopressine response (25% inhibition). Thus, the increased water permeability of the toad bladder in response to both vasopressin and hypertonicity follows a similar pathway. Activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase represents the first common step yet identified.  相似文献   

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