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In passalids, metamorphosis takes place inside pupal cells which are built by adults piling detritus on the pupa until it is completely covered by a cell. The results reported in this paper show the significance of an olfactory stimulus in the release of this behavior. Adults do not differentiate conspecific pupae originating from their own or other nests for the construction of pupal cells; however, they do not build these cells for heterospecific pupae. It was not possible to demonstrate significant differences between males and females with regard to the presentation of this behavior, but differences were found between young and mature adults. The former require greater stimulation and are less efficient in the construction of cells than the latter. Nevertheless, all adults, including very young ones, can perform the behavior. It was also found that, under laboratory conditions, metamorphosis is normally developed in the absence of pupal cells. Some hypotheses about the possible function of these cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) are more hesitant to continue attacking and take longer to kill and eat stridulating passalid beetles (Odontotaenius disjunctus) than silenced beetles. This is an experimental demonstration of the deterrent capability of disturbance stridulation by an insect that has no active defences against the predator. Stridulation is not necessary for congregation by colony members. Silenced beetles congregate as effectively as controls. There is no evidence that the disturbance stridulation causes predictable responses in other colony members of this presocial beetle.  相似文献   

Assmann T  Drees C  Matern A  Schuldt A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):37-46
Eucamaragnathus desenderisp. n., a new ground beetle species of the tribe Hiletini, is described from eastern and southern Africa and dedicated to the recently deceased Belgian carabidologist Konjev Desender. The new taxon is known so far from localities in Zambia (Mukuku, southeast of Mansa) and in South Africa (Bothaville, south of Klerksdorp). The new species belongs to the Eucamaragnathus castelnaui group and is characterized by shape of pronotum, smooth or sparsely punctate pronotal transverse impression, characters of male genitalia and elytral striae continued to the apex. Illustrations of the habitus, the median lobe and its internal sac and several other morphological features are presented. An updated identification key to the African Eucamaragnathus species is given.  相似文献   

Although changes to interspecific relationships can significantly alter the composition of insect assemblages, they are often ignored when assessing impacts of environmental change. Long-term ground beetle data were used in this study to analyse ecological networks from three habitats at two sites in Scotland. A Bayesian Network inference algorithm was used to reveal interspecific relationships. The significance and strength of relationships between species (nodes) were estimated along with other network properties. Links were identified as positive relationships if co-occurrences of beetles correlated positively, and as negatives relationships if there was a negative correlation between the occurrences of the species. Most of the species had few links and only 10% of the nodes were connected with several links. Calathus fuscipes, a common carabid in the samples, was the most connected, with nine links to other species. More interspecific relationships were found to be positive than negative, with 48 and 23 links, respectively. The modular structure of the network was assessed and eight separate sub-networks were found. Habitat preferences of the species were clearly represented in the structure of the sets of those five sub-networks containing more than one species and were in line with the findings of the indicator species analysis. In our study, we showed that generated Bayesian networks can model interspecific relationships between carabid species. Due to the relative ease of the collection of field data and the high information content of the results, this method could be incorporated into everyday ecological analysis.  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Publius) Kaup, V. unanus n. sp., from a mountain cloud forest of Costa Rica, northwestern Sierra de Talamanca, Tapantí-Río Macho Massif, Province of Cartago, is described and illustrated. It is the first known Publius species with a blue-grey body color, matt elytra and shining or satiny elsewhere. The species is interpreted as sister species of V. (Publius) talamacaensis Boucher, 2006, from which it differs by a few characters. Both species are sympatric. V. unanus n. sp. is the northernmost endemic in the subgenus Publius.  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Veturius) Kaup from southern Colombia, Putumayo, lowland forests, is described and illustrated. V. paya n. sp. belongs to the South American “cephalotes” species group and is sister species of V. cephalotes (Le Peletier & Serville, 1825). Both species are distinguished by few characters of the head and thorax. They seem to be allopatric close to the western distributional limits of V. cephalotes. The endemism of V. paya n. sp. corresponds to a geographic vicariance in the axis of the Amazon Basin. An overview is given on the phylogeny and the chorology of the completed “cephalotes” species group.  相似文献   

Long-term studies of the ground beetle fauna of Southeastern Altai (SEA) revealed 33 genera and 185 species; 3 and 15 species are reported for the first time from Russia and SEA, respectively. The following genera are the most diverse: Bembidion (47 species), Amara and Harpalus (21 each), Pterostichus (14), and Nebria (13). The subarid (35%) and boreal (32%) species prevail in the arealogical spectrum, while the mountain endemics comprise 13% of the fauna. The carabid fauna of SEA is heterogeneous in composition and differs significantly from that of the Western and Central Altai. The boreal mountain component mostly comprises tundra species with circum-boreal or circum-arctic ranges, while the subarid component (typical Mongolian together with Ancient Mediterranean species) forms more than one-half of the species diversity in the mountain basins. The species diversity increases from the nival mountain belt (15 species, predominantly Altai-Sayan endemics) to moss-lichen tundras (40, mostly boreal, species). The variety of habitats and constant hydrothermal regimes in the intrazonal valley communities determine high taxonomic diversity of Carabidae, including both tundra or meadow-steppe species typical of the region and some forest ones. Under the condition of moisture deficiency, many steppe species also concentrate in river floodplains.  相似文献   

Antennal sensilla typology, number and distribution pattern were studied in the ground beetle Bembidion lampros Hbst (Coleoptera, Carabidae) using scanning electron microscopy. The 1.6–1.8 mm long filiform antennae of both sexes consist of the scape, pedicel and of the flagellum composed of nine flagellomeres. In both sexes, three types of sensilla chaetica, two types of sensilla trichodea, five types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, one type of sensilla campaniformia and Böhm sensilla were distinguished. The possible function of the sensilla was discussed and three types of sensilla were considered as olfactory, sensilla trichodea type 2 and sensilla basiconica types 1 and 2. Olfactory sensilla occupy dorsal and/or ventral areas of the flagellomeres and occur sparsely (sensilla basiconica type 1) or not at all (sensilla basiconica type 2 and sensilla trichodea type 2) outside these areas. No remarkable sexual differences in the types, numbers and distribution of antennal sensilla were found.  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Veturius) Kaup, of Brazil, Central Amazonas, lower basin of Urucu, Tefé and Coari, is described and illustrated. V. urucuensis n. sp. belongs to the “cephalotes” species group, and has an external autapomorphy for the family Passalidae: a large tuft of setae on the medioposterior area of the metasternum. The species is closely allied to V. jolyi Boucher, 2006, from the Brazil-Venezuela-Guyana border. The peculiar endemism of the new species suggests an intra-continental island vicariance into the Amazon Basin. No similar process was known in the large genus Veturius. A complete inventory of the 22 Veturius species in Brazil is given, with their distribution, and following the previously established monophyletic species groups. From Brazil, two species are newly reported, V. (Ouayana) guyanensis Boucher, 2006 (Pará) and V. (O.) dominicae Boucher, 2006 (Roraima), and one species is confirmed, V. (O.) unicornis Gravely, 1918 (Amazonas). New details are given on some other Brazilian Veturius.  相似文献   

Accurately measuring biodiversity is essential for successful conservation planning. Due to biodiversity’s complexity, specific taxa are often chosen as indicators of patterns of diversity as a whole. Such taxa can include vegetation which can inform conservation decisions by demarcating land units for management strategies. For land units to be useful, they must be accurate spatial representations of the species assemblages present on the landscape. In this study, we determined whether land units classified by vegetative communities predicted the community structure of a diverse group of invertebrates—the ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Specifically, that (1) land units of the same classification contained similar carabid species assemblages and that (2) differences in species structure were correlated with variation in land unit characteristics, including canopy and ground cover, vegetation structure, tree density, leaf litter depth, and soil moisture. The study site, the Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve in Will County, Illinois is a mosaic of differing land units. Carabid beetles were sampled continuously with pitfall trapping for 1 year (excluding winter) from September 2011 to November 2011 and from March 2012 to September 2012. Land unit characteristics were measured in July 2012. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinated the land units by their carabid species assemblages into five ecologically meaningful clusters: disturbed, marsh, prairie, restoration, and savanna. The subset of land unit characteristics with the highest rank correlation with the NMDS ordination included soil moisture, leaf litter depth, percentage of canopy cover, and percentage of grass ground cover. Land units classified by vegetative communities effectively represented carabid species assemblages.  相似文献   

Aims We examine the relationships between the distribution of British ground beetle species and climatic and altitude variables with a view to developing models for evaluating the impact of climate change. Location Data from 1684 10‐km squares in Britain were used to model species–climate/altitude relationships. A validation data set was composed of data from 326 British 10‐km squares not used in the model data set. Methods The relationships between incidence and climate and altitude variables for 137 ground beetle species were investigated using logistic regression. The models produced were subjected to a validation exercise using the Kappa statistic with a second data set of 30 species. Distribution patterns for four species were predicted for Britain using the regression equations generated. Results As many as 136 ground beetle species showed significant relationships with one or more of the altitude and climatic variables but the amount of variation explained by the models was generally poor. Models explaining 20% or more of the variation in species incidence were generated for only 10 species. Mean summer temperature and mean annual temperature were the best predictors for eight and six of these 10 species respectively. Few models based on altitude, annual precipitation and mean winter temperature were good predictors of ground beetle species distribution. The results of the validation exercise were mixed, with models for four species showing good or moderate fits whilst the remainder were poor. Main conclusions Whilst there were many significant relationships between British ground beetle species distributions and altitude and climatic variables, these variables did not appear to be good predictors of ground beetle species distribution. The poor model performance appears to be related to the coarse nature of the response and predictor data sets and the absence of key predictors from the models.  相似文献   

A new genus is erected for a minute beetle found in the intertidal zone on Heron Island, the adult and larva of which are described. The relationships of the genus are discussed, and it is placed in the family Limnichidae as the sole representative of a new subfamily.  相似文献   

Quantitative information on population size, structure and dynamics are urgently needed for assessing species extinction risk and developing monitoring measures, especially for beetles belonging to the threatened guild of saproxylic organisms. Here freshly cut log piles (FCLP) were tested for the monitoring of the longhorn beetle Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Novel mathematical models based on presence–absence or count data were compared with the most commonly used capture–recapture methods to investigate if less invasive and easier approaches may be suitable for large-scale monitoring of this species and other large saproxylic beetles. The use of FCLP as bait was reliable to detect the presence and abundance of M. asper, and capture events were not influenced by the phenomena of trap-happiness or trap-shyness. In order to obtain accurate presence–absence estimates of M. asper at a reasonable cost piles of at least 0.25 m3 are suggested. Models which take into account the abundance of the species without marking individuals were the best compromise between costs and accuracy of estimation. Therefore, a reliable assessment of the population size of M. asper, can be based on count data without marking individuals. Because FCLP attract adults of M. asper and other saproxylic beetles, they could act also as potential ecological traps if chipped and/or removed after the sampling season. Therefore, if FCLP are used in monitoring as a part of conservation programmes, the piles should be left until completely decayed.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 10 microsatellite loci in the ground beetle Carabus nemoralis (Coleoptera, Carabidae), an ubiquist species largely distributed in Europe. Polymorphism ranged from 3 to 12 alleles on the 30 individuals from the same locality examined.  相似文献   

Six microsatellite loci were isolated from the ground beetle Carabus problematicus. The polymorphism ranged from two to 17 alleles and observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.137 to 0.676 and 0.147 to 0.710, respectively.  相似文献   

Carabidae and Cicindelidae collected from January to December in 1985 by a number of different collecting methods in the Dumoga‐Bone National Park area of N. Sulawesi (Indonesia) were examined to assess their reproductive seasonality. The state of gonad maturity was assessed through dissection of 5099 specimens, representing 203 species of Carabidae and 15 species of Cicindelidae. For the Carabidae, 45.7% of females and 12.0% of males were ‘immature’ (non‐reproductive). For the Cicindelidae the corresponding figures were 38.7% and 18.5%. In carabids the peak month for immatures is July and this corresponds with the highest percentage of females that are post‐reproductive (as evidenced by the presence of the corpora lutea). A similar but less pronounced trend is found in male carabids. The proportion of immatures varies less in cicindelids during the year. Analysis of data for carabids from different habitats and lifestyles (leaf litter, dead wood and under bark, fossorial, riparian, grass/marsh, log‐runners, leaf‐runners, and termitophiles), suggests that different guilds have different patterns of reproductive seasonality. Furthermore, the reproductive seasonality may differ between species within these guilds. The effects on reproductive seasonality of the considerable local variation in climate in the study area and of sampling at different altitudes and with a range of collecting methods are also considered.  相似文献   

We characterized five microsatellite loci from Abax parallelepipedus, one of the most common forest ground beetles in central Europe. The polymorphism of the loci was assessed in 30 individuals from one population. The number of alleles ranged between two and 19 and the observed heterozygosities between 0.10 and 0.97. No deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected for any of the markers.  相似文献   

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