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1 性质和由来近十多年来 ,欧洲土地利用变化迅速 ,西北欧农业利用加剧和过度发展 ,南欧则出现农业毁弃和贫瘠化 ,城市化与日益增长的交通设施建设都使原有的景观受到威胁 ,其自然特性与社会文化特性发生退化。出于提高生活质量的考虑 ,欧洲人普遍关心景观的保护和管理 ,他们认识到景观在文化、生态、环境以及社会领域具有重大作用 ,构成了有利于经济活动的一种资源 ,景观的管理和保护可以创造就业机会。景观有助于地方文化的构成 ,同时它也是自然与文化遗产的基本组成部分 ,有利于欧洲特色的巩固及人们的欢乐与健康。景观是任何地方人们生…  相似文献   

大兴安岭北坡火后紫貂冬季生境适宜性与景观格局的恢复   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由自然和人为原因引起的生境丧失与生境破碎化已严重影响到野生动物的生存。大兴安岭北坡是国家一级保护动物紫貂(Martes zibellina)的主要分布区,1987年发生在这里的特大森林火灾造成了森林景观的严重破碎化,紫貂的生存面临极大的威胁。本文的研究目的是为了确定火灾13年后,紫貂冬季生境的恢复程度。首先根据紫貂对冬季生境的喜好,选取对其生存影响较大的生态因子,结合数字化林相图,利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS编制火烧前后的生境适宜性类型图。然后选取相关的景观格局指标,对火烧前后的生境格局进行对比分析。结果显示,尽管火后采取了一系列的森林恢复措施,但紫貂冬季适宜生境仍有大幅度减少,特别是中等适宜生境类型减少最为明显。适宜生境破碎化加剧,隔离度增加。适宜生境斑块的形状趋于简单,软边界比重有所增加。以上结果表明,与火前相比,紫貂生境明显恶化,需要较长的时间恢复。  相似文献   

景观生态学中的文化研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
景观生态学中的文化研究李团胜(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)ResearchonCultureinLandscapeEcology.LiTuansheng(InstituteofAppliedEcology,A-cademiaSinic...  相似文献   

景观生态学的核心:生态学系统的时空异质性   总被引:41,自引:8,他引:41  
1 景观生态学与景观异质性景观生态学是研究在一个相当大的区域内 ,由许多不同生态系统所组成的整体 (即景观 )的空间结构、相互作用、协调功能以及动态变化的生态学新分支[1 ] 。它的出现促进了空间关系模型和理论、空间格局与动态的数据类型的获取以及经典生态学很少涉及的空间尺度检测等方面的发展[2 ] 。Risser等认为景观生态学研究就是异质性的研究[3] 。其实 ,“景观”本身就具有“变化的异质性整体”的含义[4] 。景观生态学集中关注于对生态系统空间关系的研究 ,它把景观视为空间上镶嵌出现和紧密联系的生态系统组合 ,景观可…  相似文献   

景观生态学:海洋生态系统研究的一个新视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球海洋生态系统作为异质性的复杂巨系统是一类景观生态系统 ,具有明显的等级结构 ,因此 ,景观生态学的原理和方法完全可以应用到海洋生态学的研究中来。生态系统的尺度限制了海洋生态学向更加宏观的方向进一步发展 ,在景观的水平上 ,运用景观生态学的理论和方法可以更好地在多个尺度上开展深入广泛的研究。本文不仅讨论了海洋景观的空间异质性 ,而且就海洋景观生态学的若干研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

景观与区域生态学的一般原理   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

辽河三角洲湿地的景观破碎化分析   总被引:98,自引:13,他引:98  
利用遥感、GIS手段对辽河三角洲的湿地景观进行研究,并选用6种不同的方法对研究区的景观破碎化程度进行分析.结果表明,研究区的景观破碎化程度较低,总体斑块密度为0.286个·km-2,廊道密度为1.098km·km-2,聚集度指数为0.955.景观破碎化与人类活动密切相关,随着人类活动的增加,景观破碎化程度加深.廊道景观的发展是景观破碎化的前提与动因.  相似文献   

景观连接度的生态学意义及其意义   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
陈利顶  傅伯杰 《生态学杂志》1996,15(4):37-42,73

异质种群动态模型:破碎化景观动态模拟的新途径   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
张育新  马克明  牛树奎 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1877-1790
景观破碎化导致物种以异质种群方式存活,使得基于异质种群动态模拟破碎化景观动态成为可能。异质种群动态模型的发展为景观动态模拟奠定了良好基础。根据空间处理方式的不同,异质种群模型可分为三大类,可不同程度地用于描述破碎化景观动态。(1)空间不确定异质种群模型,假定所有局域种群间均等互联,模型中不包含空间信息,仅能用于景观斑块动态描述;(2)空间确定异质种群模型,假设局域种群在二维空间上以规则格子形式排列,是一种准现实的空间处理方式,可用于景观动态的简单描述;(3)空间现实异质种群模型,包含了破碎化景观中局域种群的几何特征,可直接用于真实景观动态的模拟研究。空间现实的和基于个体的异质种群模型不但是未来异质种群模型发展的主流,也将成为未来破碎化景观动态研究的重要工具。为了更加准确完整地描述破碎化景观动态,不但应该综合运用已有的各种异质种群模型方法,更要引进新模型来刎画多物种、多变量、高维度、复杂连接的破碎化景观格局与过程。  相似文献   

高速发展的景观生态学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李明辉 《生物学杂志》2005,22(5):8-10,45
景观生态学是生态学中一门年轻的分支学科,它的理论与方法和传统生态学有着本质的区别,它注重人类活动对景观格局与过程的影响.景观生态学为综合解决资源与环境问题提供了新的理论和方法,因而近年来受到高度重视.从景观生态学的理论框架、一般原理、研究方法和实际应用四个方面进行论述.  相似文献   

Animal‐mediated pollination is essential for both ecosystem services and conservation of global biodiversity, but a growing body of work reveals that it is negatively affected by anthropogenic disturbance. Landscape‐scale disturbance results in two often inter‐related processes: (1) habitat loss, (2) disruptions of habitat configuration (i.e. fragmentation). Understanding the relative effects of such processes is critical in designing effective management strategies to limit pollination and pollinator decline. We reviewed existing published work from 1989 to 2009 and found that only six of 303 studies considering the influence of landscape context on pollination separated the effects of habitat loss from fragmentation. We provide a synthesis of the current landscape, behavioural, and pollination ecology literature in order to present preliminary multiple working hypotheses explaining how these two landscape processes might independently influence pollination dynamics. Landscape disturbance primarily influences three components of pollination interactions: pollinator density, movement, and plant demography. We argue that effects of habitat loss on each of these components are likely to differ substantially from the effects of fragmentation, which is likely to be more complex and may influence each pollination component in contrasting ways. The interdependency between plants and animals inherent to pollination systems also has the possibility to drive cumulative effects of fragmentation, initiating negative feedback loops between animals and the plants they pollinate. Alternatively, due to their asymmetrical structure, pollination networks may be relatively robust to fragmentation. Despite the potential importance of independent effects of habitat fragmentation, its effects on pollination remain largely untested. We postulate that variation across studies in the effects of ‘fragmentation’ owes much to artifacts of the sampling regimes adopted, particularly (1) incorrectly separating fragmentation from habitat loss, and (2) mis‐matches in spatial scale between landscapes studied and the ecological processes of interest. The field of landscape pollination ecology could be greatly advanced through the consideration and quantification of the matrix, landscape functional connectivity, and pollinator movement behaviour in response to these elements. Studies designed to disentangle the independent effects of habitat loss and fragmentation are essential for gaining insight into landscape‐mediated pollination declines, implementing effective conservation measures, and optimizing ecosystem services in complex landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract Understanding the movement of animals is critical to many aspects of conservation such as spread of emerging disease, proliferation of invasive species, changes in land-use patterns, and responses to global climate change. Movement processes are especially important for amphibian management and conservation as species declines and extinctions worldwide become ever more apparent. To better integrate behavioral and ecological data on amphibian movements with our use of spatially explicit demographic models and guide effective conservation solutions, I present 1) a synopsis of the literature regarding behavior, ecology, and evolution of movement in pond-breeding amphibians possessing biphasic life cycles to distinguish between migration and dispersal processes, 2) a working hypothesis of juvenile-based dispersal, and 3) a discussion of conservation issues that follow from distinguishing the spatial and temporal movements of amphibians at different scales. I define amphibian migration as intrapopulational, round-trip movements toward and away from aquatic breeding sites. Population-level management, in general, can be focused on spatial scales of <1.0 km with attention focused on adult population and juveniles that remain near the natal wetland. I define amphibian dispersal as interpopulational, unidirectional movements from natal sites to other breeding sites. Metapopulation- or landscape-level management can be focused on movements among populations at spatial scales >1.0–10.0 km and on importance of terrestrial connectivity. The ultimate goal of conservation for amphibians should be long-term regional persistence by addressing management issues at both local and metapopulation scales.  相似文献   

林带和牧草地水量平衡的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从水量平衡观点对林带、牧草地和裸露地的水量平衡各分量的变化规律进行了探讨。林带、牧草地和裸露地水量平衡各分量的分配比例分别为:降水均为100%;蒸发散96.4%、95.7%和89.5%;坡地径流3.6%、4.3%和10.5%。由于林带有林冠和林地两个作用面组成,分别对它们的水量平衡各分量的组成及其变化规律作了分析。还论述了林带对河川径流的影响。  相似文献   

River damming causes ecosystem losses and habitat fragmentation. In the Cerrado, the flood affects mainly forested habitats in valleys. In 1996, the Tocantins River (Brazil) was dammed to create the Serra da Mesa hydroelectric plant, and 14 sites were monitored during flooding. Eight hills that formed islands were monitored with pitfall traps. Only one frog species was found on islands 3 yr after complete reservoir formation. Cerrado amphibians showed rapid decline during and after flooding.  相似文献   

Regeneration of lost cells in the central nervous system, especially the brain, is present to varying degrees in different species. In mammals, neuronal cell death often leads to glial cell hypertrophy, restricted proliferation, and formation of a gliotic scar, which prevents neuronal regeneration. Conversely, amphibians such as frogs and salamanders and teleost fish possess the astonishing capacity to regenerate lost cells in several regions of their brains. While frogs lose their regenerative abilities after metamorphosis, teleost fish and salamanders are known to possess regenerative competence even throughout adulthood. In the last decades, substantial progress has been made in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain regeneration in amphibians and fish. But how similar are the means of brain regeneration in these different species? In this review, we provide an overview of common and distinct aspects of brain regeneration in frog, salamander, and teleost fish species: from the origin of regenerated cells to the functional recovery of behaviors.  相似文献   

生境破碎化对植物-昆虫及昆虫之间相互关系的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨芳  贺达汉 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):642-646
生境破碎化对生物多样性和生态系统功能影响是当前国内外生态学家研究的热点问题之一。文章针对生境破碎化的内涵、量度指标进行介绍,着重分析生境破碎化对植物-昆虫关系的影响,包括植物与植食性昆虫的关系、植物与传粉昆虫的关系、种子与种子捕食者的关系,植物及其分解者的关系,还分析生境破碎化对昆虫-昆虫关系的影响,包括昆虫及其拟寄生物的关系、捕食者与猎物的关系。通过对上述方面的阐述,旨在更好地理解生境破碎化对动植物群落相互关系产生的深刻影响,并提出今后研究中应注意的问题和研究热点。  相似文献   

  • 1 Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and habitat degradation are the greatest threats to mammals in Europe and the rest of the world. Despite the fact that extensive literature exists, no comprehensive review or synthesis is available to date and this may slow down scientific progress and hamper conservation efforts.
  • 2 The goal of this study is to understand if and in what direction progress has been made in the study of the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the spatial distribution of European terrestrial mammals. Firstly, we carry out a general synthesis which is structured around 11 key points. The aim of this point‐by‐point analysis is to identify trends, knowledge gaps and any significant bias in the available literature, and to highlight strengths and shortfalls of the different approaches which have to date been applied. Secondly, we follow a species‐specific systematic approach: for each species, we synthesise key results.
  • 3 Our results show how substantial progress has been hampered for several reasons including: a large predominance of small‐scale field studies of short duration, and a generalised lack of control of: (i) confounding variables; (ii) spatial autocorrelation; and (iii) false absences. Also, despite the relatively high number of studies, few were theoretical studies and even fewer were meta‐analyses. The lack of meta‐analyses is likely to be due to the small amount of crucial details included in the publications, such as model parameters or information on the landscape context (such as the amount of residual forest cover).
  • 4 We synthesise the main results for 14 species. The level of progress is highly variable: for some species, such as the red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, a series of long‐term, large‐scale process‐oriented studies has allowed an in‐depth understanding of its ecology in fragmented landscapes. On the other hand, with other species such as the bank vole Myodes glareolus, despite a relatively large number of field studies, little progress has been made.

Large hydroelectric dams are one of the current drivers of habitat loss across Amazonian forests. We investigated how the primate community at a hydroelectric dam in Brazilian Amazonia responded to changes in the landscape and local habitat structure of land‐bridge islands after 21 yr of post‐isolation history. The Balbina Dam, constructed in 1986, inundated 3129 km2 of primary forests and created more than 3500 variable‐sized islands. We conducted primate and habitat structure surveys on 20 islands from 5 to 1815 ha, and extracted forest patch and landscape metrics for each island. The number of primate species per island varied between 0 and 7 species. Primate composition varied substantially according to both island area and forest cover remaining within the landscape, whereas island area alone was the most significant predictor of richness. Locally, tree density and vertical stratification were the most significant explanatory variables of primate composition and richness. A model containing area effects had the most explanatory power regarding site occupancy for most species. Individually, each species responded differently, with howler and brown capuchin monkeys showing greater tolerance to cope with habitat changes. Body size was also an important predictor of primate occupancy. We recommend protecting large fragments and enhancing the suitability of surrounding habitats to ensure primate conservation in most Neotropical fragmented landscapes. Given the flat topography of hydroelectric reservoirs, which mainly favors the formation of small islands, and the escalating hydropower development plans in Amazonia, our findings provide evidence for pervasive detrimental impacts of dams on primate communities.  相似文献   

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