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Self-incompatible Brassica napus ssp. oleifera lines were generated by introgressing the S-locus from the self-incompatible B. napus ssp. rapifera Z line into the self-compatible cultivars, Topas and Regent, resulting in T2 and R2, respectively. Screening of a cDNA library made from R2 stigma RNA produced several candidate SLG (S-locus glycoprotein) cDNAs. One of the cDNAs, A14, was found to be represented in only the R2, T2 and Z lines. In addition, the corresponding A14 gene was demonstrated to segregate with the T2 self-incompatibility phenotype in an F2 population derived from a cross between T2 and Topas, and to exhibit high mRNA levels in the stigmas prior to anthesis. Sequence analysis of the A14 cDNA revealed close homology to B. oleracea SLG alleles associated with a Class I high activity self-incompatibility phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary A self-incompatible canola-quality Brassica napus ssp. oleifera line (W1) was generated by introgressing the S-locus from a self-incompatible B. campestris plant into the Westar cultivar. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers derived from conserved regions in S-locus glycoprotein (SLG) alleles, the central region of the active SLG gene (910) was obtained. The remaining portions of the cDNA for this 910 gene were subsequently cloned using the PCR-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) procedure. Sequence analysis revealed that the 910 cDNA show a high degree of sequence similarity to SLG alleles associated with Class I self-incompatible lines. The 910 gene was found to be absent in the original self-compatible cv. Westar (B. napus) and segregated with self-incompatibility in a mixed population generated from a cross between self-incompatible W1 and self-compatible Westar. RNA blot analysis indicated that high levels of 910 mRNAs were present in the stigma as buds approached anthesis. Thus, the SLG allele of W1 transferred from B. campestris via backcrosses to a line of cv. Westar has been identified.  相似文献   

Summary Self-compatible Brassica napus var Westar was transformed with SLG, the S-locus-derived gene that encodes S-locus-specific glycoproteins (SLSG). Four allelic variants of SLG isolated from self-incompatible B. oleracea and B. campestris strains homozygous for different S alleles were used. We show that the transgenic plants synthesized SLSG with the same apparent charge, molecular weight, and antigenic properties as that produced by the corresponding self-incompatible strains from which the cloned SLG genes were isolated. In addition, transgene-encoded SLSG was detected specifically in the papillar cells of the stigma, and was correctly targeted to the papillar cell wall. However, SLSG was produced at reduced levels in transgenic plants relative to self-incompatible strains. The introduction of the SLG genes did not confer a self-incompatibility phenotype on the Westar cultivar.  相似文献   

Three cultivars of spring rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera),Tower, Willi and Duplo, were used for a study of induction andgrowth of ‘microspore-derived’ embryos, Buds, 2.0mm in length, containing uninucleate microspores were harvestedand stored for 14 d at 4 ?C in darkness. Anthers were then removedand cultured on a liquid medium based upon that of Murashigeand Skoog and containing 8% sucrose, 0.5 mg l–1 naphthylaceticacid and 0.05 mg l–1 benzylaminopurine. Cultures werepre-incubated at 35 ?C for 0–3 d and then incubated at30 ?C. After a total of 42 d incubation, cultures were scoredfor the presence of macroscopic embryos (1–2 mm in length)and for the presence of anthers containing abortive embryoidswhich had not developed further. The cultivars differed greatly in terms both of the frequencyof anthers showing induced embryoids and of the final yieldof embryos. Tower showed the highest frequency of induction(maximum 38% of cultured anthers with induced embryoids) whereasthe highest yield (equivalent to 1.1 embryo per cultured anther)was obtained from anthers of the cv. Duplo after a 3 d treatmentat 35 ?C. Yields from the other cultivars were much lower andwere relatively unaffected by the 35 ?C treatment. Key words: Brassica napus, Rape, Anther culture, Pollen, Haploid  相似文献   

Wild relatives of genetically engineered crops can acquire transgenic traits such as herbicide resistance via spontaneous crop–wild hybridization. In agricultural weeds, resistance to herbicides is often a beneficial trait, but little is known about possible costs that could affect the persistence of this trait when herbicides are not used. We tested for costs associated with transgenic resistance to glufosinate when introgressed into weedy Brassica rapa . Crosses were made between transgenic B. napus and wild B. rapa from Denmark. F1 progeny were backcrossed to B. rapa and BC1 plants were selected for chromosome numbers similar to B. rapa . Further backcrossing resulted in a BC2 generation that was hemizygous for herbicide resistance. We quantified the reproductive success of 457 BC3 progeny representing six full-sib families raised in growth rooms (plants were pollinated by captive bumblebees). Pollen fertility and seed production of BC3 plants were as great as those of B. rapa raised in the same growth rooms. Segregation for herbicide resistance in BC3 plants was 1:1 overall, but the frequency of resistant progeny was lower than expected in one family and higher than expected in another. There were no significant differences between transgenic and nontransgenic plants in survival or the number of seeds per plant, indicating that costs associated with the transgene are probably negligible. Results from this growth-chamber study suggest that transgenic resistance to glufosinate is capable of introgressing into populations of B. rapa and persisting, even in the absence of selection due to herbicide application.  相似文献   

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) and cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) have been found infecting field crops of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) in South Warwickshire. Other viruses found include broccoli necrotic yellows virus (BNYV) and a member of the beet western yellows virus group. Systemic leaf symptoms caused by TuMV varied within and between cultivars; the three predominant reaction types were classified as necrotic, mosaic and immune. Some recently introduced cultivars of oilseed rape were more severely affected by TuMV infection than older cultivars. Reactions to CaMV were less varied and immunity was not found. The seed yield from TuMV and CaMV-infected plants was less than that of healthy control plants. This effect was due to infected plants producing either fewer seeds, smaller seeds or both. Germination of seeds from infected plants was unaffected if sown soon after harvest. After storage for one year the germination of seed from a virus infected plant was significantly less than that of seed from a virus-free plant. All commercial cultivars tested were experimentally susceptible to turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) and some American strains of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).  相似文献   

Dun well, J. M. and Thurling, N. 1985. Role of sucrose in microsporeembryo production in Brassica napus ssp. oleifera.—J.exp. Bot. 36: 1478–1491. One cultivar of winter oil seed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera)and three cultivars of spring rape were used in a study of theeffects of sucrose on microspore survival and embryo inductionin cultured anthers. A preliminary study on the winter cultivar(Fiona) revealed that the osmotic pressure of the supernatantof anther homogenates was equivalent to a solution of 17% sucrose.A study of microspore survival and embryo induction in thiscultivar on media containing either 8 %, 12%, 16% or 20% sucroserevealed the highest survival (after 16 d) and the greatestnumber of anthers with induced embryos (after 42 d) occurredon the highest sucrose concentration. A subsequent study on three spring cultivars (Willi, Duplo andTower) examined microspore survival at 8 d and embryo induction(42 d) on media containing either 8 % or 16 % sucrose and againrevealed much higher survival and induction at the higher concentration.The variation in response between the cultivars was also reducedby culture at the higher sucrose concentration. The beneficialeffect of the 16% level occurred regardless of the growth environmentof the donor plants and of the stage of pollen development atthe start of culture. However, macroscopic embryos emerged onlyfrom anthers on the 8 % sucrose concentration, suggesting thattransfer of anthers from a high to a normal sucrose concentrationduring culture would ensure that full advantage was taken ofthe much higher initial survival on the higher concentration Key words: Brassica napus, sucrose, microspore embryo production  相似文献   

Microspore culture was successfully carried out with four cultivars of swede (Brassica napus ssp. rapifera). Embryo yields increased markedly if the culture medium was replaced by fresh medium after a culture period of three days, with more than 200% increase with the highly responding cultivar Gry and more than 800% with the poorly responding cultivar Stenhaug. If the medium was changed at a later time, embryo production declined sharply. Transfer of microspores after 3 days of culture to a medium in which microspores of a different cultivar had been cultured for 3 days had no effect on embryogenesis. Bud size had a large effect on embryo production, particularly with the least responsive cultivar, Stenhaug.  相似文献   

Bernardi R  Negri A  Ronchi S  Palmieri S 《FEBS letters》2000,467(2-3):296-298
The epithiospecifier protein (ESP) is a myrosinase (MYR) cofactor, which is necessary to drive the MYR-catalyzed hydrolysis of some specific glucosinolates towards the production of cyanoepithioalkanes instead of isothiocyanates and nitriles. ESP was isolated from Brassica napus seeds by anionic exchange and gel filtration chromatography. ESP showed a molecular weight of about 39 kDa and pI 5.3. The amino acid sequence of several tryptic peptides of ESP (accounting for about 50% of the total sequence) made it possible to establish the high similarity (81% identity) with a hypothetical 37 kDa protein (TrEMBL data base accession number Q39104) and several jasmonate-inducible proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana. This observation suggests that ESP is likely to be involved in jasmonate-mediated defence and disease resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary A cDNA sequence homologous to the Brassica self-incompatibility locus specific glycoprotein (SLSG) sequence was isolated from stigmas of B. oleracea plants homozygous for the S5 allele. The nucleotide sequence of this cDNA was obtained and compared with the S6 allelic form of the SLSG. Evidence is presented which indicates that this sequence does not specify the self-incompatibility response of pollen.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - BSA bovine serum albumin - SLSG self-incompatibility locus specific glycoprotein  相似文献   

The effect of four preculture variables on microspore embryoinduction and growth were examined: (1) the source of the budselected for culture (apical or axillary inflorescence; (2)the method of harvest (single harvest of whole inflorescenceor sequential harvest of individual buds; (3) the length ofthe bud (2, 3 or 4 mm); and (4) the application of a 4 °Cpretreatment to the bud after harvest. Microscopic and macroscopicanalysis of every anther used for culture permitted an assessmentof the following parameters: (1) the percentage of induced buds;(2) the number of induced anthers per induced bud; (3) the numberof productive buds (with macroscopic embryos) as a percentageof the induced buds; (4) the degree of induction per inducedanther (an estimate of the number of microspores in which initialembryogenic divisions had commenced); and (5) embryoid survival(the number of embryos as a proportion of the degree of induction). The product of parameters 1 and 2 gave the number of inducedanthers and all five parameters were components of the finalyield - the number of embryos produced per bud cultured. It was found that the maximum number of induced buds (67·0per cent) occurred with 2 mm sequentially harvested non-pretreatedbuds. Overall, the values decreased with increasing bud lengthand were lower for pretreated and axillary buds. In contrast,the two other estimates of induction - number of induced anthersper induced bud and degree of induction per induced anther -both had maximum values from 3 mm sequentially harvested, pretreatedbuds from apical inflorescences. The highest final yield ofembryos per cultured bud (44·9) was found with 2 mm non-pretreatedbuds taken from a single harvest of the apical inflorescence.The study therefore confirmed that the different componentsof the final embryo yield are differentially affected by thefour preculture variables tested. These variables must be controlledif reproducible results are to be achieved. Brassica napus, tape, anther culture, pollen, microspore, haploid  相似文献   

A simplified method for the quantitative assessment of the fungal lipid ergosterol was used to assess the levels of infection in tissue cultures of oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) inoculated with Leptosphaeria maculans. The growth of L. maculans in liquid culture throughout a 36-day period correlated well (r = 0·92) with the amount of ergosterol extracted from the mycelium. There were significant differences (P < 0·05) in the amount of ergosterol extracted from infected thin cell layer (TCL) explants and callus tissue of two resistant and three susceptible cultivars of oilseed rape. Amounts of ergosterol extracted from resistant cultivars were < 100 (g and from susceptible > 100 (g. The mean amounts of ergosterol extracted from shoot cultures of two resistant and four susceptible cultivars were similar to those for TCL explants and callus tissue, although the values obtained were variable. This technique can be used in in vitro breeding programmes to accurately assess the resistance of tissue cultures of B. napus to L. maculans and could also have value in conventional breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Summary An SLG gene derived from the S-locus and encoding and S-locus-specific glycoprotein of Brassica campestris L. was introduced via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation into B. oleracea L. A self-incompatible hybrid and another with partial self-compatibility were used as recipients. The transgenic plants were altered in their pollen-stigma interaction and were fully compatible upon self-pollination. Reciprocal crosses between the transgenic plants and untransformed control plants indicated that the stigma reaction was changed in one recipient strain while the pollen reaction was altered in the other. Due to interspecific incompatibility, we could not demonstrate whether or not the introduced SLG gene confers a new allelic specificity in the transgenic plants. Our results show that the introduced SLG gene perturbs the self-incompatibility phenotype of stigma and pollen.  相似文献   

Seed bio-priming of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) with the antagonistic rhizobacteria Serratia plymuthica and Pseudomonas chlororaphis was improved. With the imbibition of water, bacteria are transported into the seed where they survive better. To obtain a minimum bacterial density in the seed of log10 5 colony-forming-units (CFUs) seed?1, the bacterial density in the bio-priming suspension should be >log10 9 CFUs mL–1 for S. plymuthica and >log10 8 CFUs mL–1 for P. chlororaphis. Priming duration was reduced from 12 to 2 h for S. plymuthica and 4 h for P. chlororaphis. Among other priming solutions tested, the addition of MgSO4 best supported establishment in the seeds and also improved germination. The optimal bio-priming temperature for S. plymuthica is 28°C and for P. chlororaphis 22°C. Survival of the bacteria inside the seeds was moderately improved by storage at low temperature but considerably prolonged by storage under anaerobic conditions. P. chlororaphis survived significantly longer than S. plymuthica.  相似文献   

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