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Several groups have reported protection against experimental SIV infection in macaques immunized with a whole inactivated virus vaccine. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether five macaques vaccinated with whole inactivated SIV and previously shown to be protected against challenge with two divergent strains of SIV grown on human cells could resist challenge with a subsequent homologous SIV grown on macaque cells. We show here that this same vaccine did not protect when the challenge virus was grown on primary cells of monkey origin.  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine if SIV vaccines could protect against challenge with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from an SIV infected rhesus monkey. Mature Macaca mulatta were vaccinated four times with formalin inactivated SIVmac32H administered in MDP adjuvant (n = 8) or SIVmac32H ISCOM vaccine (n = 8). Controls included animals vaccinated with measles virus in MDP adjuvant (n = 4) or ISCOM (n = 4) preparations. Of each group, half were challenged intravenously (IV) with ten MID50 of the cell-free SIVmac32H (11-88) SIV stock and half were challenged with ten MID30 of PBMCs from the SIVmac32H infected macaque 1XC. All SIV vaccinated animals challenged with the 11-88 cell free stock of SIVmac32H were protected, whereas only half of the SIV vaccinated monkeys receiving the same infectious dose of the 1XC cell stock were protected.  相似文献   

Five pregnant (two to three and one-half months) Macaca fascicularis seroconverted following immunization with sucrose-gradient purified and formalin-inactivated whole simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac251). No untoward effects on fetal maturation were observed during the immunization of the mothers. Antibodies to SIVmac251 (also those with in vitro neutralizing activity) were passively transferred to the offspring but disappeared within two to six months after birth. Antibodies to env glycoprotein (gp130) lasted longer than those against viral gag proteins (p26,p60).  相似文献   

A novel type of whole inactivated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virion vaccine immunogen with functional envelope glycoproteins was evaluated, without adjuvant, in rhesus macaques. Immunogens included purified inactivated virions of SIVmac239, a designed mutant of SIVmac239 with gp120 carbohydrate attachment sites deleted (SIVmac239 g4,5), and SIVmneE11S. The vaccines were noninfectious, safe, and immunogenic, inducing antibody responses and cellular responses, including responses by CD8+ lymphocytes. Interpretation of protective efficacy following intrarectal challenge was complicated by incomplete take of the challenge in some SIV na?ve controls.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a multicomponent vaccination with modified vaccinia Ankara constructs (rMVA) expressing structural and regulatory genes of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV(mac251/32H/J5)) was investigated in cynomolgus monkeys, following challenge with a pathogenic SIV. Vaccination with rMVA-J5 performed at week 0, 12, and 24 induced a moderate proliferative response to whole SIV, a detectable humoral response to all but Nef SIV antigens, and failed to induce neutralizing antibodies. Two months after the last boost, the monkeys were challenged intravenously with 50 MID50 of SIV(mac251). All control monkeys, previously inoculated with non-recombinant MVA, were infected by week two and seroconverted by weeks four to eight. In contrast a sharp increase of both humoral and proliferative responses at two weeks post-challenge was observed in vaccinated monkeys compared to control monkeys. Although all vaccinated monkeys were infected, vaccination with rMVA-J5 appeared to partially control viral replication during the acute and late phase of infection as judged by cell- and plasma-associated viral load.  相似文献   

An integrase-defective SIV (idSIV) vaccine delivered by a DNA prime and viral particle boost approach can suppress viral loads (VLs) during the acute infection stage after intravenous SIVmac239 challenge. This study investigated how idSIV DNA and viral particle immunization alone contributed to the suppression of VLs in Chinese rhesus macaques after SIV challenge. Two macaques were immunized with idSIV DNA five times and two macaques were immunized with idSIV viral particles three times. Cellular and humoral immune responses were measured in the vaccinated macaques after immunization. The VLs and CD4+ T cell counts were monitored for 28 weeks after the intravenous SIVmac239 challenge. The SIV-specific T cell responses were only detected in the DNA-vaccinated macaques. However, binding and neutralizing antibodies against autologous and heterologous viruses were moderately better in macaques immunized with viral particles than in macaques immunized with DNA. After the challenge, the mean peak viremia in the DNA group was 2.3 logs lower than that in the control group, while they were similar between the viral particle immunization and control groups. Similar CD4+ T cell counts were observed among all groups. These results suggest that idSIV DNA immunization alone reduces VLs during acute infection after SIV challenge in macaques and may serve as a key component in combination with other immunogens as prophylactic vaccines.  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes,Lm)是重要的人兽共患李斯特氏菌病的致病菌,疫苗免疫是预防该病原菌感染的有效手段之一。本研究研制了添加矿物油佐剂MontanideTM ISA61VG的新型灭活细菌疫苗,并对其安全性和免疫应答特性进行了研究。结果表明,ISA 61 VG佐剂疫苗具有较好的安全性;诱导小鼠产生的抗李斯特氏菌溶血素O抗体滴度以及IgG2a/IgG1比值显著高于无佐剂免疫组;在致死剂量Lm攻毒下,能对小鼠提供100%的免疫保护。因此,ISA 61VG佐剂能显著增强灭活疫苗诱导宿主产生体液免疫和细胞免疫应答的能力,从而提高灭活疫苗的保护性免疫应答作用,是预防人和动物Lm感染的潜在疫苗候选株。  相似文献   

Whole inactivated virus vaccines from the FL4 cell line protected against challenge with homologous feline immunodeficiency virus (Petaluma strain) but not against a heterologous FIV isolate (GL-8) which is distinct from the Petaluma strain in virus neutralization. Protection was associated with a type-specific neutralizing antibody response and was retained when the challenge virus was propagated in an unrelated cell line.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that a strong induced CD8 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific cell mediated immune response may be an important aspect of an HIV vaccine. The response rates and the magnitude of the CTL responses induced by current DNA vaccines in humans need to be improved and cellular immune responses to DNA vaccines can be enhanced in mice by co-delivering DNA plasmids expressing immune modulators. Two reported to work well in the mouse systems are interleukin (IL)-12 and CD40L. We sought to compare these molecular adjuvants in a primate model system. The cDNA for macaque IL-12 and CD40L were cloned into DNA vectors. Groups of cynomolgus macaques were immunized with 2 mg of plasmid expressing SIVgag alone or in combination with either IL-12 or CD40L. CD40L did not appear to enhance the cellular immune response to SIVgag antigen. However, more robust results were observed in animals co-injected with the IL-12 molecular adjuvant. The IL-12 expanded antigen-specific IFN-gamma positive effector cells as well as granzyme B production. The vaccine immune responses contained both a CD8 component as well a CD4 component. The adjuvanted DNA vaccines illustrate that IL-12 enhances a CD8 vaccine immune response, however, different cellular profiles.  相似文献   

Costimulatory molecules play a central role in the development of cellular immunity. Understanding how costimulatory pathways can be directed to positively influence the immune response may be critical for the generation of an effective HIV vaccine. Here, we evaluated the ability of intravenous administration of a blocking monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against the negative costimulatory molecule CTLA-4, and an agonist mAb directed against the positive costimulatory molecule 4-1BB, either alone or in combination, to augment intramuscular SIV DNA immunizations. We then tested the ability these of these responses to impact a high-dose SIVmac251 challenge. Following immunization, the groups infused with the anti-4-1BB mAb exhibited enhanced IFN-γ responses compared to the DNA vaccine only group. Interestingly, although CTLA-4 blockade alone did not enhance IFN-γ responses it did increase the proliferative capacity of the CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. The combination of both mAbs enhanced the magnitude of the polyfunctional CD8+ T cell response. Following challenge, the group that received both mAbs exhibited a significant, ∼2.0 log, decrease in plasma viral load compared to the naïve group the included complete suppression of viral load in some animals. Furthermore, the use of the CTLA-4 blocking antibody resulted in significantly higher viral loads during chronic infection compared to animals that received the 4-1BB mAb, likely due to the higher CD4+ T cell proliferative responses which were driven by this adjuvant following immunization. These novel studies show that these adjuvants induce differential modulation of immune responses, which have dramatically different consequences for control of SIV replication, suggesting important implications for HIV vaccine development.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity and the protective efficacy of a new polyvalent triple vector (DNA/SFV/MVA) based vaccine against mucosal challenge with pathogenic SIVmac251 were investigated. Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were primed intradermally with DNA, boosted twice subcutaneously with recombinant Semliki Forest virus (rSFV) and finally intramuscularly with recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara strain (rMVA). Both DNA and recombinant viral vectors expressed SIV proteins (Gag, Pol, Tat, Rev, Nef and Env). The vaccinated monkeys developed T helper proliferative responses to viral antigens after the second immunization while interferon (IFN)-gamma enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot-forming cell assay (ELISPOT) specific responses appeared only after the last boost with rMVA. Upon intrarectal challenge with pathogenic SIVmac251, three of four vaccinated monkeys were either fully protected or exhibited a dramatic reduction of virus replication up to undetectable level. A major contribution to this protective effect appeared to be the anamnestic T-cell IFN-gamma ELISPOT responses to vaccine antigens (Gag, Rev, Tat, Nef) that mirrored the viral clearance. These results underline the efficacy of a multiprotein approach in combination with a triple vector system of antigen delivery.  相似文献   

The ability of two vaccine preparations (UV-psoralen inactivated SIV administered intramuscularly and live-attenuated SIV inoculated intravaginally) to prevent genital transmission of virulent SIV in rhesus macaques was tested. Two of six whole-inactivated SIV vaccinated macaques, three of five live-attenuated SIV vaccinated macaques, and four of six controls became persistently infected after two separate intravaginal inoculations with a 50% animal infectious dose of virulent SIV. No association was observed between levels of SIV-specific antibodies in serum or vaginal secretions prior to challenge and subsequent infection with virulent SIV.  相似文献   

An AIDS Vaccine Surveillance System (AVSS) was designed and implemented to track the rapidly growing international database supporting the development of promising AIDS vaccines. Both preclinical nonhuman primate (NHP) and clinical human trials are tracked by the AVSS. This report presents summary data generated from the AVSS on the NHP AIDS vaccine/live virus challenge studies only. Summary data on more than 100 preclinical HIV/SIV vaccines are presented within the framework of 1) 13 arbitrary Vaccine Types, 2) studies grouped by animal model (i.e., chimpanzee/HIV-1, and macaque/SIV, HIV-2), and 3) immunization approach (i.e., active and passive). Systematic and timely presentations of these summary data, both here and in future reports, aim to promote a clearer understanding of both earlier and more recent preclinical AIDS vaccine developments.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis infection is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection worldwide, with over 91 million cases estimated annually. An effective subunit vaccine against Chlamydia may require a multivalent subunit cocktail of antigens in a single formulation for broad coverage of a heterogeneous major histocompatibility complex population. Herein, we describe the identification of novel C. trachomatis antigens by CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell expression cloning, serological expression cloning, and an in silico analysis of the C. trachomatis genome. These antigens elicited human CD4+ T-cell responses, and a subset proved to be immunogenic and protective when administered as immunoprophylactic vaccines against C. trachomatis challenge. Candidate vaccines consisting of the prioritized C. trachomatis antigens adjuvanted in a GlaxoSmithKline proprietary AS01B adjuvant were prioritized based on induction of solid protection against challenge in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice with C. trachomatis . Some of the vaccines prevented bacterial shedding and colonization of the upper genital tract to varying degrees by mechanisms that may include CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

More than 90% of cats immunized with inactivated whole infected-cell or cell-free feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) vaccines were protected against intraperitoneal infection with 10 50% animal infectious doses of either homologous FIV Petaluma (28 of 30 cats) or heterologous FIV Dixon strain (27 of 28 cats). All 15 control cats were readily infected with either strain of FIV. Protection appears to correlate with antiviral envelope antibody levels by a mechanism yet to be determined.  相似文献   

In this study, we designed and engineered a two-component recombinant fusion protein antigen as a vaccine candidate against the possible biological threat of Yersinia pestis. The recombinant F1-V pro-tein was formulated with Alhydrogel. A four-time injection with a dosage of 10, 20 and 50 μg/mouse in about two months was adopted for vaccination. Serum antibodies and subclass of T helper cells were measured and analyzed. After the final vaccination, the mice were challenged by 141 strain with 25― 600 LD50. In conclusion, the recombinant vaccine was capable of inducing protective immunity against subcutaneous challenge. The level of serum IgG was supposed to be a main factor that affected the final protection of challenge. 20 μg recombinant protein could induce an endpoint titre of serum IgG as high as 51200, which was enough to afford 100% protection against 400 LD50 virulent 141 challenge. The antibody isotype analysis showed that the vaccine induced predominantly an IgG1 rather than IgG2a response. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that Alhydrogel significantly helped induce a stronger humoral immunity instead of CTL cellular response. These findings suggested that the plague F1-V subunit vaccine is promising for the next plague vaccine.  相似文献   

CIA07 is an immunostimulatory agent composed of E. coli DNA fragments and modified LPS lacking the lipid A moiety. In this study, we investigated whether CIA07 promotes immune responses as an adjuvant to the influenza subunit vaccine. Balb/c mice were immunized intramuscularly once or twice at a 4-week interval with the trivalent influenza subunit vaccine antigen alone or in combination with CIA07 as adjuvant. Antigen-specific serum antibody titers and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titers were assessed. At 4 weeks after each immunization, the antigen-specific total serum IgG antibody titer in mice receiving CIA07 was 2 to 3 times higher than that in animals administered antigen alone (P<0.05). The CIA07-treated group additionally displayed higher HI antibody titers against each of the 3 vaccine strains, compared to the antigen group. Animals receiving antigen alone displayed barely detectable antigen-specific serum IgG2a antibody titers. In contrast, coadministration of CIA07 with antigen led to significantly enhanced IgG2a antibody responses, suggesting that CIA07 stimulates a Th1-type immune response. Moreover, the CIA07-treated group displayed a marked increase in the number of interferon gamma-producing CD8(+) T cells in splenocytes. These data collectively demonstrate that CIA07 has the ability to induce both Th1-type cellular and Th2-type humoral immune responses to the influenza subunit vaccine, and support its potential as an effective adjuvant to the influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) genital infections pose a considerable public health challenge worldwide. Considering the high incidence of coinfections by the two pathogens, a combination vaccine that can be administered as a single regimen would be highly desirable. Recombinant Vibrio cholerae ghosts (rVCG) offer an attractive approach for the induction of humoral and cellular immune responses against human and animal pathogens. In this study, we evaluated a bivalent combination vaccine formulation comprising rVCG expressing chlamydial MOMP and HSV-2 glycoprotein D in mice for immunogenicity and protective efficacy against genital challenge with either pathogen. Mice immunized with the combination vaccine elicited secretory IgA and IgG2a antibodies to both chlamydial and HSV-2 antigens in serum and vaginal secretions. Robust antigen-specific mucosal and systemic T helper type 1 responses were induced in mice as measured by increased interferon-gamma levels produced by immune T cells in response to restimulation with target antigen in vitro. In addition, mice immunized with the combination vaccine were prophylactically protected from genital challenge with high doses of live Chlamydia and HSV-2. Thus, the combination vaccine regimen delivered by rVCG elicited adequate immune effectors that simultaneously protected against the individual pathogens.  相似文献   

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