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探讨多种具有水解酯键的商品化酶作用于生物素中间体1(1H-呋喃[3,4-d]并咪唑-6-氢-1,3-二苄基-2,4-二酮)的两种异构体,在水-有机相中进行选择性水解结果并进行了活性比较,从而找到一种活性较高的中性脂肪酶。最后对该酶最佳反应条件(水/有机相体积比、有机溶剂的选择、温度、pH值)作了研究,并建立快速鉴定两种异构体的方法。该酶的最佳反应条件为:在50ml苯或甲苯为介质,加水6ml,35℃ pH7,反应6h,产物的EE值为99%。  相似文献   

非水介质中脂肪酶催化的手性拆分研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂肪酶催化的外消旋体动力学拆分是不对称催化领域中极具吸引力且发展非常迅速的重要技术。对这一领域的最新研究进展进行了调研,并将注意力集中于脂肪酶在非水溶剂中的应用。引用最近五年中的一些文献案例,说明了脂肪酶作为立体选择性生物催化剂在外消旋体拆分中的多样化功能和应用。  相似文献   

地尔硫卓是重要的心血管药物,在其分子结构中含有2个手性中心,可产生4个立体异构体,其中只有(2s,3s)-异构体具有药理活性,因此其立体选择性合成具有很大的挑战性。研究人员采用多种方法合成单一构型的地尔硫卓手性中间体,其中包括化学拆分、化学不对称合成以及化学-酶法合成等方法。对地尔硫卓手性中间体的制备方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

化学-酶法制备L-高苯丙氨酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苯丙酸乙酯为原料,通过正交设计优化2-氧4-苯基丁酸盐的制备条件:苯丙酸乙酯与草酸二乙酯摩尔比为1:3,缩合反应时间为2.5h,H2SO4质量分数为20%,水解反应时间为15h,优化条件下2-氧-4-苯基丁酸盐的产率为68.24%。随后,利用E.coli A5所产的天冬氨酸转氨酶为生物催化剂制备L-高笨丙氨酸。酶转化反应的最适条件为:游离细胞体系pH、温度、底物质量浓度和细胞质量浓度分别为8.5、37℃、20g/L和30g/L;而固定化细胞体系则分别为7.0—9.0、40℃、10g/L和30g/L。采用廉价的L-谷氨酸(L—Glu)作为氨基供体,添加表面活性剂有利于提高L-HPA产率。通过研究固定化细胞转化反应进程,结果发现8h内90%的底物可转化为L—HPA。  相似文献   

微生物酶拆分方法生产D-泛酸的手性中间体D-泛解酸内酯   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
筛选到一株产D-泛解酸内酯水解酶的串珠镰孢霉菌(Fusarium moniliforme SW-902)。产酶条件研究表明,用甘油作碳源,蛋白胨作氮源,初始pH8.0,温度26℃,摇瓶培养3d,产酶量最高。在60L和1000L发酵罐中通风发酵45-47h,产酶量为6-8g干菌体/L,D-泛解酸内酯水解酶酶活力达到0.87-0.92IU/g干菌体。该酶的最适反应温度为55℃,最适反应pH为7.0-7.5。在酶不对称水解泛解酸内酯过程中,对溶液加酶量5%-10%,底物浓度10%-20%,控制水解率20%-30%,水解效果最好。  相似文献   

2-氧代-4-苯基丁酸乙酯还原酶产生菌筛选及产酶条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了利用生物催化不对称还原的方法制备(R)-2-羟基-4-苯基丁酸乙酯[(R)-HPBE]。以2-氧代-4-苯基丁酸乙酯(OPBE)为底物,通过对实验室保藏菌株进行筛选,得到一株产物立体选择性较高的菌株G2ndida krusei SW2026,并对其发酵产酶条件进行研究。其最适的发酵培养基组成为4.5%葡萄糖,3%蛋白胨,1.5%牛肉膏,0.05%Mn~(2+);适宜的产酶发酵条件为初始pH 6.0,温度28℃,摇床转速180 r/min,发酵周期48 h。将此条件下发酵培养的菌体用于OPBE的不对称还原反应,产物(R)-HPBE的对映体过量值(e.e.)可达97.33%,产率最高达到72.54%。  相似文献   

用多炔类化合物1-苯基-4-(3,4-亚甲二氧)-苯基丁二炔(简称化合物5)处理稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli)愈伤组织,经紫外光(320~400nm)照射后,诱导细胞内形成氧化胁迫环境。利用生化酶学方法,测定几种保护酶系在氧化环境下的活性变化。发现经化合物5和照光处理后,可诱导激活细胞内的谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,而超氧化歧化酶(SOD)则表现为活性受抑制。以0.1~10mg/L的浓度处理,所测GST、GSH-Px和POD的照光诱导活性明显高于未经照光处理的活性。其中以10mg/L,的浓度处理,照光所提高3种酶活性的百分率分别为10.47%、113.68%和166.68%。以1mg/L和10mg/L的浓度处理,照光对SOD的抑制百分率分别为50.25%和76.46%。测定结果表明:在外源光敏物质引起细胞内的氧化胁迫环境下,可激活细胞内保护酶的活性,用于抵御氧化逆境对细胞的损伤。而SOD则可能是化合物5光活化抑制稗草生长的生化作用靶标酶之一。  相似文献   

面包酵母催化羰基不对称还原合成手性醇的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以2-辛酮和4-氯乙酰乙酸乙酯(COBE)为模型底物分别考察了酵母细胞对直链甲基酮和陆羰基酯中的羰基不对称还原情况。实验发现不对称还原2-辛酮的产物主要是S型的2-辛醇,且对映体选择性很高。不对称还原COBE生成的主要是S(D)-型产物,反应COBE的转化率、光学选择性都比较高。同时发现COBE的浓度和产物对不对称还原都有一定负面的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】操纵茶树类黄酮3′-羟基化酶,生物合成B环-3′,4′-二羟基黄酮类化合物圣草酚、二氢槲皮素和槲皮素。【方法】构建了4个茶树类黄酮3′-羟基化酶基因(CsF3′H)和拟南芥的P450还原酶基因(ATR)融合表达质粒:SUMO-CsF3'H[7-517]::ATR1[49-688]3 AA、SUMO-CsF3'H[28-517]::ATR1[49-688]3 AA、SUMO-CsF3'H[7-517]::ATR2[75-711]3 AA和SUMO-CsF3'H[28-517]::ATR2[75-711]3 AA,分别转化大肠杆菌菌株TOP10、DH5α和BL21,获得12个转化菌株S1–S12;构建了茶树类黄酮3′-羟基化酶基因CsF3′H表达质粒p YES-Dest52-CsF3′H,转化酵母菌株WAT11,得到转化菌株S13;构建了茶树类黄酮3′-羟基化酶基因CsF3′H表达质粒pES-URA-CsF3′H,及茶树黄烷酮3-羟基化酶基因CsF3H与拟南芥黄酮醇合成酶基因At FLS的融合表达质粒pES-HIS-CsF3H::At FLS 9AA,二者共转化酵母菌株WAT11,获得转化菌株S14。【结果】转化SUMO-CsF3'H[28-517]::ATR1[49-688]3 AA质粒的TOP10菌株S6在25°C条件下发酵,转化效率最高,能将1000μmol/L柚皮素、二氢山奈酚和山奈酚,分别转化生成287.93μmol/L圣草酚、131.76μmol/L二氢槲皮素和188.62μmol/L槲皮素。发酵菌株S13能分别将1000μmol/L柚皮素、二氢山奈酚和山奈酚,最多能转化生成734.32μmol/L圣草酚、446.07μmol/L二氢槲皮素和594.64μmol/L槲皮素。喂食S14发酵菌株5 mmol/L的底物柚皮素,在发酵36–48 h中,最多能生成1412.16μmol/L圣草酚、490.25μmol/L山奈酚、445.75μmol/L槲皮素、66.75μmol/L二氢槲皮素和73.50μmol/L二氢山奈酚。【结论】本研究首次将茶树类黄酮3′-羟基化酶基因应用于B环-3′,4′-二羟基黄酮类化合物圣草酚、二氢槲皮素和槲皮素的生物合成。  相似文献   

Studies on the application of commercially available enzymes to resolution of the racemic unsaturated γ-lactones: 5-(3-methylbutylidene)-4-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-2-one (1a) and 5-(3,3-dimethylbutylidene)-4-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-2-one (2a) are presented. Lipase PS, Rhizopus niveus lipase, Rhizopus arrhizus lipase, porcine pancreas lipase and hog liver esterase transformed substrates into their respective γ-keto acids with good efficiency (50–75%). Three of them hydrolysed the studied lactones with moderate enantioselectivity. Enantiomeric excesses determined by GC for the unreacted lactones were in the range of 20–60%. Lipase PS preferentially hydrolysed the (+) enantiomers of lactones 1a and 2a whereas R. niveus lipase hydrolysed the (?) enantiomers, respectively.  相似文献   

A new ionic liquid, N-ethyl pyridinium trifluoroacetate, was used with a commercial protease to resolve N-acetyl amino acid esters in place of traditional organic solvents. Products with enantiomeric excess (ee) between 86–97% were obtained. These results show that with low concentration of this new ionic liquid, the enzymatic resolution can be increased considerably depending upon the substrate being used.  相似文献   

Studies on the application of commercially available enzymes to resolution of the racemic unsaturated γ-lactones: 5-(3-methylbutylidene)-4-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-2-one (1a) and 5-(3,3-dimethylbutylidene)-4-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-2-one (2a) are presented. Lipase PS, Rhizopus niveus lipase, Rhizopus arrhizus lipase, porcine pancreas lipase and hog liver esterase transformed substrates into their respective γ-keto acids with good efficiency (50-75%). Three of them hydrolysed the studied lactones with moderate enantioselectivity. Enantiomeric excesses determined by GC for the unreacted lactones were in the range of 20-60%. Lipase PS preferentially hydrolysed the (+) enantiomers of lactones 1a and 2a whereas R. niveus lipase hydrolysed the (-) enantiomers, respectively.  相似文献   

The present study deals with kinetic modeling of enzyme-catalyzed reactions by integral progress curve analysis, and shows how to apply this technique to kinetic resolution of enantiomers. It is shown that kinetic parameters for both enantiomers and the enantioselectivity of the enzyme may be obtained from the progress curve measurement of a racemate only.A parameter estimation procedure has been established and it is shown that the covariance matrix of the obtained parameters is a useful statistical tool in the selection and verification of the model structure. Standard deviations calculated from this matrix have shown that progress curve analysis yields parameter values with high accuracies.Potential sources of systematic errors in (multiple) progress curve analysis are addressed in this article. Amongst these, the following needed to be dealt with: (1) the true initial substrate concentrations were obtained from the final amount of product experimentally measured (mass balancing); (2) systematic errors in the initial enzyme concentration were corrected by incorporating this variable in the fitting procedure as an extra parameter per curve; and (3) enzyme inactivation is included in the model and a first-order inactivation constant is determined.Experimental verification was carried out by continuous monitoring of the hydrolysis of ethyl 2-chloropropionate by carboxylesterase NP and the alpha-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of benzoylalanine mathyl ester in a pH-stat system. Kinetic parameter values were obtained with high accuracies and model predictions were in good agreement with independent measurements of enantiomeric excess values or literature data. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A dual‐enzyme process aiming at facilitating the purification of trehalose from maltose is reported in this study. Enzymatic conversion of maltose to trehalose usually leads to the presence of significant amount of glucose, by‐product of the reaction, and unreacted maltose. To facilitate the separation of trehalose from glucose and unreacted maltose, sequential conversion of maltose to glucose and glucose to gluconic acid under the catalysis of glucoamylase and glucose oxidase, respectively, is studied. This study focuses on the hydrolysis of maltose with immobilized glucoamylase on Eupergit® C and CM Sepharose. CM Sepharose exhibited a higher protein adsorption capacity, 49.35 ± 1.43 mg/g, and was thus selected as carrier for the immobilization of glucoamylase. The optimal reaction temperature and reaction pH of the immobilized glucoamylase for maltose hydrolysis were identified as 40°C and 4.0, respectively. Under such conditions, the unreacted maltose in the product stream of trehalose synthase‐catalyzed reaction was completely converted to glucose within 35 min, without detectable trehalose degradation. The conversion of maltose to glucose could be maintained at 0.92 even after 80 cycles in repeated‐batch operations. It was also demonstrated that glucose thus generated could be readily oxidized into gluconic acid, which can be easily separated from trehalose. We thus believe the proposed process of maltose hydrolysis with immobilized glucoamylase, in conjunction with trehalose synthase‐catalyzed isomerization and glucose oxidase‐catalyzed oxidation, is promising for the production and purification of trehalose on industrial scales. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

Both enantiomers of 3-(3-indolyl)butyric acid, a key intermediate of indolmycin, were successfully prepared by lipase-catalysed enantioselective hydrolysis. Of the enzymes examined, Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase (lipase AK) showed the best enantioselectivity and highest reactivity for the hydrolysis of (±)-trifluoroethyl 3-(3-indolyl)butyrate. Under optimal conditions, optical resolution was completed in one enzyme-catalysed step, the S-acid and unreacted R-ester being obtained in high optical purity.  相似文献   

(R)- and (S)-Methyl 2-(phenoxy)propionate and their acids could be separated simultaneously by a Chiralcel OD or OK column, while (R)- and (S)-methyl 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)propionate and their acids were separated concurrently only by an OK column. This is a novel and facile way to measure the enantiomeric excesses of the remaining substrate and product in the reaction of enzymatic resolution; enantiomeric ratios could then be calculated.  相似文献   

Summary The present review outlines recent examples of enzyme-based resolution procedures for amino acids via the hydrolysis of their esters. The resolutions have been achieved by using proteases (-chymotrypsin, subtilisin and other microbial proteases, and sulfhydryl proteases of plant origin) and lipases. Relevant work utilizing yeast and other microbial cells is also included.  相似文献   

Enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution is sometimes performed starting with substrate already containing small amounts of the racemic product. Then the determination of the enantiomeric ratio may be seriously disturbed when this parameter is calculated from the degree of conversion and the enantiomeric excess of either the substrate or the product (Chen et al., 1982, 1987) or when it is calculated directly from the enantiomeric excess of substrate and product (Rakels et al., 1993).

This paper presents modifications of these methods in order to correctly determine the enantiomeric ratio as well as the amount of racemic product in the substrate. The theoretical predictions were verified for the hydrolysis of racemic ethyl 2-chloropropionate, catalyzed by carboxylesterase NP. Despite the presence of racemic product in the substrate, accurate and reliable values for the enantiomeric ratio were obtained by using the modified methods.  相似文献   

Enzyme-catalyzed kinetic resolution is sometimes performed starting with substrate already containing small amounts of the racemic product. Then the determination of the enantiomeric ratio may be seriously disturbed when this parameter is calculated from the degree of conversion and the enantiomeric excess of either the substrate or the product (Chen et al., 1982, 1987) or when it is calculated directly from the enantiomeric excess of substrate and product (Rakels et al., 1993).

This paper presents modifications of these methods in order to correctly determine the enantiomeric ratio as well as the amount of racemic product in the substrate. The theoretical predictions were verified for the hydrolysis of racemic ethyl 2-chloropropionate, catalyzed by carboxylesterase NP. Despite the presence of racemic product in the substrate, accurate and reliable values for the enantiomeric ratio were obtained by using the modified methods.  相似文献   

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