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RNase MRP is a site-specific ribonucleoprotein endoribonuclease that cleaves mitochondrial RNA from the origin of leading-strand DNA synthesis contained within the displacement-loop region. Bovine mitochondrial DNA maintains the typical gene content and order of mammalian mitochondrial DNAs but differs in the nature of sequence conservation within this displacement-loop regulatory region. This markedly different sequence arrangement raises the issue of the degree to which a bovine RNase MRP would reflect the physical and functional properties ascribed to the enzymes previously characterized from mouse and human. We find that bovine RNase MRP exists as a ribonucleoprotein, with an RNA component of 279 nucleotides that is homologous to that of mouse or human RNase MRP RNA. Characterization of the nuclear gene for bovine RNase MRP RNA showed conservation of sequence extending 5 of the RNase MRP RNA coding sequence, including the presence of a cis-acting element known to be important for the expression of some mitochondrial protein-coding nuclear genes. Bovine or mouse RNase MRP cleaves a standard mouse mitochondrial RNA substrate in the same manner; each also cleaves a bovine mitochondrial RNA substrate identically. Since bovine and mouse RNase MRPs process both bovine and mouse substrates, we conclude that the structural features of the mitochondrial RNA substrate required for enzymatic cleavage have been well conserved despite significant overall primary sequence divergence. Inspection of the bovine RNA substrate reveals conservation of only the most critical portion of the primary sequence as indicated by earlier studies with mouse and human RNase MRPs. Interestingly, a principal cleavage site in the bovine mitochondrial RNA substrate is downstream of the promoter located at the leading-strand mitochondrial DNA replication origin. Correspondence to: D.J. Dairaghi  相似文献   

Ribonuclease MRP is an endonuclease, related to RNase P, which functions in eukaryotic pre-rRNA processing. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RNase MRP comprises an RNA subunit and ten proteins. To improve our understanding of subunit roles and enzyme architecture, we have examined protein-protein and protein–RNA interactions in vitro, complementing existing yeast two-hybrid data. In total, 31 direct protein–protein interactions were identified, each protein interacting with at least three others. Furthermore, seven proteins self-interact, four strongly, pointing to subunit multiplicity in the holoenzyme. Six protein subunits interact directly with MRP RNA and four with pre-rRNA. A comparative analysis with existing data for the yeast and human RNase P/MRP systems enables confident identification of Pop1p, Pop4p and Rpp1p as subunits that lie at the enzyme core, with probable addition of Pop5p and Pop3p. Rmp1p is confirmed as an integral subunit, presumably associating preferentially with RNase MRP, rather than RNase P, via interactions with Snm1p and MRP RNA. Snm1p and Rmp1p may act together to assist enzyme specificity, though roles in substrate binding are also indicated for Pop4p and Pop6p. The results provide further evidence of a conserved eukaryotic RNase P/MRP architecture and provide a strong basis for studies of enzyme assembly and subunit function.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cellular RNase P is composed of both protein and RNA components that are essential for activity. The isolated holoenzyme contains a highly structured RNA of 369 nucleotides that has extensive sequence similarities to the 286-nucleotide RNA associated with Schizosaccharomyces pombe RNase P but bears little resemblance to the analogous RNA sequences in procaryotes or S. cerevisiae mitochondria. Even so, the predicted secondary structure of S. cerevisiae RNA is strikingly similar to the bacterial phylogenetic consensus rather than to previously predicted structures of other eucaryotic RNase P RNAs.  相似文献   

RNase MRP is a site-specific endonuclease that processes primer mitochondrial RNA from the leading-strand origin of mitochondrial DNA replication. Using deletional analysis and saturation mutagenesis, we have determined the substrate requirements for cleavage by mouse mitochondrial RNase MRP. Two regions of sequence homology among vertebrate mitochondrial RNA primers, conserved sequence blocks II and III, were found to be critical for both efficient and accurate cleavage; a third region of sequence homology, conserved sequence block I, was dispensable. Analysis of insertion and deletion mutations within conserved sequence block II demonstrated that the specificity of RNase MRP accommodates the natural sequence heterogeneity of conserved sequence block II in vivo. Heterologous assays with human RNase MRP and mutated mouse mitochondrial RNA substrates indicated that sequences essential for substrate recognition are conserved between mammalian species.  相似文献   

The 340-nucleotide RNA component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase MRP is encoded by the single-copy essential gene, NME1. To gain additional insight into the proposed structure and functions of this endoribonuclease, we have extensively mutagenized the NME1 gene and characterized yeast strains expressing mutated forms of the RNA using a gene shuffle technique. Strains expressing each of 26 independent mutations in the RNase MRP RNA gene were characterized for their ability to grow at various temperatures and on various carbon sources, stability of the RNase MRP RNA and processing of the 5.8S rRNA (a nuclear function of RNase MRP). 11 of the mutations resulted in a lethal phenotype, six displayed temperature-conditional lethality, and several preferred a non-fermentable carbon source for growth. In those mutants that exhibited altered growth phenotypes, the severity of the growth defect was directly proportional to the severity of the 5.8S rRNA processing defect in the nucleus. Together this analysis has defined essential regions of the RNase MRP RNA and provides evidence that is consistent with the proposed function of the RNase MRP enzyme.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is involved in regulation of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A hidden-in-reading-frame antisense-1 (HRA1) RNA in S. cerevisiae, which belongs to a class of ncRNAs located in the antisense strand to verified protein coding regions, was cloned for further use in RNase P assays. Escherichia coli RNase P assays in vitro of HRA1 RNA show two cleavage sites, one major and one minor in terms of rates. The same result was observed with a partially purified S. cerevisiae RNase P activity, both at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C. These latter cells are normally grown at 30 degrees C. Predictions of the secondary structure of HRA1 RNA in silico show the cleavage sites are canonical RNase P recognition sites. A relatively small amount of endogenous HRA1 RNA was identified by RT-PCR in yeast cells. The endogenous HRA1 RNA is increased in amount in strains that are deficient in RNase P activity. A deletion of 10 nucleotides in the HRA1 gene that does not overlap with the gene coding for a protein (DRS2) in the sense strand shows no defective growth in galactose or glucose. These data indicate that HRA1 RNA is a substrate for RNase P and does not appear as a direct consequence of separate regulatory effects of the enzyme on ncRNAs.  相似文献   

An endonuclease specific for cruciform junctions has been purified from yeast cells treated with a DNA-damaging agent. The activity was followed through five chromatographic steps by assaying for the linearization of supercoiled plasmid DNA, which extrudes cruciform structures in vitro. The sites of cleavage on pColIR215 were sequenced, and nicks were located to positions symmetrically opposed across the cruciform junction. The products of cleavage were unit length linear duplexes that contained terminal hairpin loops. In contrast to pColIR215, the cleavage patterns of pXG540 plasmid DNA were found to be complex, and cuts were found up to 40 bases from an (A-T)34 sequence that extrudes into a cruciform. Little or no activity could be detected on single-stranded DNA, linear duplex DNA, or nicked circular duplex DNA. The nuclease was insensitive to RNase but was inactivated by treatment with proteinase K. Mg2+ was required as cofactor and could not be replaced by Mn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, or Cu2+. The native molecular weight of the activity was approximately 200,000 as estimated by gel filtration.  相似文献   

Cai T  Aulds J  Gill T  Cerio M  Schmitt ME 《Genetics》2002,161(3):1029-1042
We have identified a cell cycle delay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase MRP mutants. Mutants delay with large budded cells, dumbbell-shaped nuclei, and extended spindles characteristic of "exit from mitosis" mutants. In accord with this, a RNase MRP mutation can be suppressed by overexpressing the polo-like kinase CDC5 or by deleting the B-type cyclin CLB1, without restoring the MRP-dependent rRNA-processing step. In addition, we identified a series of genetic interactions between RNase MRP mutations and mutations in CDC5, CDC14, CDC15, CLB2, and CLB5. As in most "exit from mitosis" mutants, levels of the Clb2 cyclin were increased. The buildup of Clb2 protein is not the result of a defect in the release of the Cdc14 phosphatase from the nucleolus, but rather the result of an increase in CLB2 mRNA levels. These results indicate a clear role of RNase MRP in cell cycle progression at the end of mitosis. Conservation of this function in humans may explain many of the pleiotropic phenotypes of cartilage hair hypoplasia.  相似文献   

Three regions in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase P RNA have been identified, at positions Sce 87-94, Sce 309-316, and Sce 339-349, that contain nucleotides that are invariant in identity and position among all the known RNase P RNAs. To study the importance of these conserved RPR1 RNA regions in enzyme function, three independent mutational libraries were created in which the positions of invariant nucleotides were randomized simultaneously. Screening in vivo was used to identify viable RPR1 variants when reconstituted into holoenzyme in cells. Despite the universal evolutionary conservation, most of these positions tolerate certain sequence changes without severely affecting function. Most changes, however, produced subtle defects in cell growth and RNase P function, supporting the importance of these conserved regions. Isolation of conditional growth mutants allowed the characterization of the effects of mutations on cell growth, RPR1 RNA maturation, and activity of the holoenzyme in vitro. Kinetic analysis showed that viable variants were usually more defective in catalytic rate (Kcat) than in substrate recognition (Km).  相似文献   

Chatre L  Ricchetti M 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17235
The nuclear genome of eukaryotes is colonized by DNA fragments of mitochondrial origin, called NUMTs. These insertions have been associated with a variety of germ-line diseases in humans. The significance of this uptake of potentially dangerous sequences into the nuclear genome is unclear. Here we provide functional evidence that sequences of mitochondrial origin promote nuclear DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that NUMTs are rich in key autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) consensus motifs, whose mutation results in the reduction or loss of DNA replication activity. Furthermore, 2D-gel analysis of the mrc1 mutant exposed to hydroxyurea shows that several NUMTs function as late chromosomal origins. We also show that NUMTs located close to or within ARS provide key sequence elements for replication. Thus NUMTs can act as independent origins, when inserted in an appropriate genomic context or affect the efficiency of pre-existing origins. These findings show that migratory mitochondrial DNAs can impact on the replication of the nuclear region they are inserted in.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion-associated RNase P activity (mtRNase P) was extensively purified from HeLa cells and shown to reside in particles with a sedimentation constant ( approximately 17S) very similar to that of the nuclear enzyme (nuRNase P). Furthermore, mtRNase P, like nuRNase P, was found to process a mitochondrial tRNA(Ser(UCN)) precursor [ptRNA(Ser(UCN))] at the correct site. Treatment with micrococcal nuclease of highly purified mtRNase P confirmed earlier observations indicating the presence of an essential RNA component. Furthermore, electrophoretic analysis of 3'-end-labeled nucleic acids extracted from the peak of glycerol gradient-fractionated mtRNase P revealed the presence of a 340-nucleotide RNA component, and the full-length cDNA of this RNA was found to be identical in sequence to the H1 RNA of nuRNase P. The proportions of the cellular H1 RNA recovered in the mitochondrial fractions from HeLa cells purified by different treatments were quantified by Northern blots, corrected on the basis of the yield in the same fractions of four mitochondrial nucleic acid markers, and shown to be 2 orders of magnitude higher than the proportions of contaminating nuclear U2 and U3 RNAs. In particular, these experiments revealed that a small fraction of the cell H1 RNA (of the order of 0.1 to 0.5%), calculated to correspond to approximately 33 to approximately 175 intact molecules per cell, is intrinsically associated with mitochondria and can be removed only by treatments which destroy the integrity of the organelles. In the same experiments, the use of a probe specific for the RNA component of RNase MRP showed the presence in mitochondria of 6 to 15 molecules of this RNA per cell. The available evidence indicates that the levels of mtRNase P detected in HeLa cells should be fully adequate to satisfy the mitochondrial tRNA synthesis requirements of these cells.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP) is an essential endoribonuclease that consists of one RNA component and at least nine protein components. Characterization of the complex is complicated by the fact that eight of the known protein components are shared with a related endoribonuclease, RNase P. To fully characterize the RNase MRP complex, we purified it to apparent homogeneity in a highly active state using tandem affinity purification. In addition to the nine known protein components, both Rpr2 and a protein encoded by the essential gene YLR145w were present in our preparations of RNase MRP. Precipitation of a tagged version of Ylr145w brought with it the RNase MRP RNA, but not the RNase P RNA. A temperature-sensitive ylr145w mutant was generated and found to exhibit a rRNA processing defect identical to that seen in other RNase MRP mutants, whereas no defect in tRNA processing was observed. Homologues of the Ylr145w protein were found in most yeasts, fungi, and Arabidopsis. Based on this evidence, we propose that YLR145w encodes a novel protein component of RNase MRP, but not RNase P. We recommend that this gene be designated RMP1, for RNase MRP protein 1.  相似文献   

Summary The sequence organization of the yeast mit-DNA region carrying the large ribosomal RNA gene and the polar locus was examined. Hybridization studies using rho- deletion mutants and electron microscopy of the heteroduplexes formed between 23S rRNA and the appropriate restriction fragments, lead to the conclusion that the 23S rRNA1 gene of the + strains is split by an insertion sequence of 1,000–1,100 bp. In contrast, no detactable insertion was found in the 23S rRNA gene of the - strains. The size and the location of the insert found in the 23S rRNA gene of the + strains appear to be identical to those of the sequence which had previously been found to characterize the difference (at the locus) between the mitDNA of the wild type strains carrying the + or - alleles (Jacq et al., 1977).  相似文献   

A linear DNA plasmid, designated pLLE1, has been isolated from a mitochondrial fraction of a strain of Lentinus edodes. pLLE1(11.0 kbp) was sensitive to the 3'----5'-acting exonuclease III and resistant to the 5'----3'-acting lambda exonuclease. It showed no homology with mitochondrial and nuclear genomic DNAs of plasmidless strain as well as the pLLE1-harboring host strain of L. edodes. The 1434-bp fragment (sequences) capable of autonomous replication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ARSs) was cloned from pLLE1 DNA with YIp32 (pBR322 containing yeast LEU2 DNA), which displayed a high ARS activity. The cloned 1434-bp fragment was shown to lie near to the end of pLLE1 DNA (nucleotides about 800-2200) and contained three consecutive ARS consensus sequences (A/T)TTTAT(A/G)TTT(A/T) of S. cerevisiae and dispersive eight ARS consensus-like sequences. The subcloned 366-bp fragment containing the three ARSs retained original ARS activity of the 1434-bp fragment.  相似文献   

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