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The Upper Pleistocene/Lower Holocene fossil-bearing sites of the Serra da Capivara National Park Region have yielded three cervid species: Mazama gouazoubira, M. americana and Blastocerus dichotomus, all currently living in South America, the two first in the region. A grand total of more than one hundred remains demonstrates the presence of Mazama gouazoubira in seven sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas, the Toca do Serrote do Artur, the Toca da Cima dos Pilão. This small species shows, since the Upper Pleistocene, a conspicuous tendency to reduce the average dimensions of its teeth and long bones. From the taller M. americana, only a dozen of remains were found in four sites, mainly the Sitio do Meio. In all of these it is sympatric with M. gouazoubira. It differs from this last one by its cheek teeth and its limb bones size and proportions. The oldest site where the species is known is Tarija (Bolivia, Middle Pleistocene) and it does not show any significant changes in size and proportions between recent and fossil samples. Sixteen remains of the large B. dichotomus were found in five sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas and the Toca da Barra do Antonião. The species is a rare fossil, but is frequently figured in the rock art painting of the region, where it is presently unknown.  相似文献   

Haowen Tong 《Geobios》2007,40(2):219
The materials of Aeretesmelanopterus from the Tianyuan Cave, a Late Pleistocene site with human fossils recovered recently near Zhoukoudian, are the richest of this species ever reported in North China. Aeretesmelanopterus is an endemic species of China, its relationship with Petaurista and Trogopterus is still controversal. Studies based on the dental characters show that Aeretesmelanopterus resembles Petaurista more closely than Trogopterus. The earliest fossil record of Aeretesmelanopterus was found in South China in Middle Pleistocene deposits. The earliest records in the Beijing area are from Upper Cave and Tianyuan Cave at Zhoukoudian are of late-Late Pleistocene age, around 30 kyrs BP. The geographical distributions of this species are very limited. In evolution, Aeretesmelanopterus experienced both the increase and the decrease in tooth size; but its crown height of cheek teeth was continuously increasing.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):1041-1056
The Rhinocerotidae material from the early Pleistocene Tetoiu Formation of Colțești (southwestern Romania) is here described for the first time. The rhinoceros is documented by calcaneus and second, third, and fourth metatarsals, probably belonging to the same individual. The morphology and the dimensions of these specimens enable us to record the presence of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti, a relatively rare rhinoceros usually reported from late Pliocene European localities and recently considered a junior synonym of Selatus. Nevertheless, the taxon Rhinoceros elatus is here regarded as a nomen dubium and the name Sjeanvireti is retained in order to maintain nomenclatural stability, being it based on much more diagnostic material. In Romania, Sjeanvireti has been listed within a few late Pliocene faunal assemblages, but the rhinoceros remains are fragmentary and isolated bones. The Colțești find is among the best documented records of Sjeanvireti in Romania. The biochronological distribution of Sjeanvireti is mainly confined within the MNQ16 (early and early middle Villafranchian), and its first occurrence is doubtfully reported in late MNQ15 faunas. The record of Colțești (MNQ17/MNQ18) represents, instead, the last occurrence of this taxon in Europe.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene site Belobaka XVII (about 20,000 years) has yielded some Hippopotami remains included in a very hard breccia. Among this material two lower premolars, a juvenile calcaneus, two juvenile metatarsals and a first abaxial phalange have been cleaned and can be studied. They belong to Hippopotamus laloumena Faure and Guérin, 1990, allowed us to know for the first time the P/2 and P/3 of that species and confirm its validity. Belobaka is then the third Malagasyan site where H. laloumena has been found, and the first which yielded Pleistocene hippopotami remains.  相似文献   

Here we present and describe comparatively 25 talus bones from the Middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). These tali belong to 14 individuals (11 adult and three immature). Although variation among Middle and Late Pleistocene tali tends to be subtle, this study has identified unique morphological characteristics of the SH tali. They are vertically shorter than those of Late Pleistocene Homo sapiens, and show a shorter head and a broader lateral malleolar facet than all of the samples. Moreover, a few shared characters with Neanderthals are consistent with the hypothesis that the SH population and Neanderthals are sister groups. These shared characters are a broad lateral malleolar facet, a trochlear height intermediate between modern humans and Late Pleistocene H. sapiens, and a short middle calcaneal facet. It has been possible to propose sex assignment for the SH tali based on their size. Stature estimates based on these fossils give a mean stature of 174.4 cm for males and 161.9 cm for females, similar to that obtained based on the long bones from this same site.  相似文献   

The 3d Ct reconstruction and virtual brain endocast of Cranium 5 from the site of “La Sima de los Huesos” (Atapuerca), allows us to get new information to increase the study and knowledge of Homo heidelbergensis population, and to compare this specimen with others in the fossil record, in order to understand the evolutionary process of the brain, focusing on the middle Pleistocene period. Furthermore, we can observe the changes this species (Homo heidelbergensis) has undergone, at least in Sima de los Huesos population making comparative studies with African and Asian middle Pleistocene specimens. We have used the new data to compare European Homo heidelbergensis represented by SH5 with Kabwe, a controversial specimen considered by some authors like the African Homo heidelbergensis representative, in order to establish the similarities and differences between both specimens.  相似文献   

A new deer species, Megaloceros stavropolensis sp. nov., from the pre-Apsheronian sandy–clayey deltaic deposits of the Georgievsk sand pit (village of Podgornoe, Stavropol Region) is described. The fauna of large and small mammals from the bone beds of this locality is dated terminal Villanian, end of the MNQ 17 Zone, beginning of the Late Villafranchian, and assigned to the beginning of the Psekups Mammalian Assemblage. This is the earliest known member of the genus, which possesses antlers with well-developed palmation. The middle tine is absent and the posterior tine is a part of the antler palmation. Other specimens of Early Pleistocene Megaloceros are represented by fragments.  相似文献   

The early middle Miocene biota from the Shanwang locality in eastern China is one of the most diverse and well preserved in the world. This overall richness contrasts with its low diversity of anuran amphibians. The most abundant anurans are representatives of the family Ranidae, which remains the dominant group in the extant anuran fauna of China. Besides Rana basaltica Young, some other ranids can be recognised at the locality, and are clearly distinguishable from R. basaltica based on their larger size and different proportions. Ranids are also represented by a developmental series of tadpoles, ranging from approximately Nieuwkoop-Faber (NF) stage 43 to a metamorphosing tadpole of NF stage 57. This is the first known developmental series of fossil non-pipoid Anura outside the Pelobatidae. In addition to the ranids, Bufo shandongensis nov. sp. (replacement name for B. linquensis), represented by one of the earliest known articulated bufonid skeletons, is described and illustrated. Another large toad, Macropelobates linquensis (Yang) nov. comb., is re-described; it can be assigned to the Pelobatoidea, with a possible relationship to the Scaphiopodidae, and can be considered, based on the presence of a large spade, a tibiofibula shorter than the femur, and a short astragalus and calcaneus, to be the earliest known anuran burrower.  相似文献   

Since the sixties, the National Indonesian Center for Archaeological Research, in collaboration with the Gajah Mada University, organizes field excavations on open-air sites in the Sangiran dome, one of the most famous places of palaeoanthropological discoveries in Southeast Asia. That project led to the discovery of Homo erectus more or less fragmentary fossils, and to the collection of numerous mammal fossils in open-air localities such as Tanjung, Sendang Busik, Ngrejeng Plupuh, Grogol Plupuh and Bukuran. Most of the bone assemblages from these sites come from the volcanic-sedimentary Kabuh layers (Early Middle Pleistocene) deposited in a fluvial context. The herbivores dominate the assemblages. The best-represented species are large bovids like Bubalus palaeokerabau or Bibos palaesondaicus and smaller cervids like Axis lydekkeri. The carnivore are very rare, only a Pachycrocuta brevirostris in Bukuran. The taphonomical study of the collections, involving several common and also modern methods, is among the first carried out on Javanese sites. The high degree of fragmentation is attested by the dominance of splinters among the fossils. In most sites, teeth and member extremities (autopodial) prevail. Conservation and fragmentation of fossil bones is not the same at all sites. Water action, either chemical or mechanical, is predominant, regarding the origin and the modification of the assemblages. The climato-edaphic traces like oxides and concretions are well represented on the bone surface. Different methods were applied to study transportation and to document the sites contexts in the frame of the ancient riverine paleogeography. Carnivores are almost absent in the material and traces of their action are rare, only in Bukuran and Ngrejeng. The tools are rare, only a bola in Tanjung 82 and chalcedony flakes in Tanjung 63–64. Anthropic influence is only obvious at Ngebung 2, a site in the west part of the dome, supported by fossil observation and correlated to the occurrence of lithic artefacts. This site was excavated during the 1990’s by a French-Indonesian team and it is a site of comparison for our study. Several analytical methods could be applied for the first time on Pleistocene faunal assemblages from Java, for example, the study of the fragmentation, that of fissuration and the characterization of the fluviatile transport undergone by the fossils.  相似文献   

Pleistocene rhinoceroses are poorly documented in Turkey where they have been reported only from the late early Pleistocene (1.3–1.1 Ma) travertine deposits of the Denizli Basin. In this work, new rhinoceros remains collected from this basin are assigned to a relatively large-sized Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis on the basis of their morphology and morphometry. The first Turkish record of this species is approximately coeval with the first appearance of Shundsheimensis in Europe, chronologically referred to the late early Pleistocene, ca. 1.2 Ma. During that time, Setruscus still survived in Iberian Peninsula, central Italy and Dacian Basin. The presence of two successive evolutionary morphs for Shundsheimensis during the Pleistocene is not confirmed.  相似文献   

Haowen Tong 《L'Anthropologie》2006,110(5):870-887
During Pleistocene Epoch, quite a number of meridionale mammals inhabited north China, such as Stegodon, Macaca, Hystrix, Dicerorhinus, Bubalus and several kinds of other probscideans. On the contrary, some boreal mammals once appeared in south China, such as Megaloceros and Ursus arctos etc. The frequent appearance of warm-adapted mammals in North China can be explained by two alternative assumptions: one is that those mammals were of palearctic origin; the other is the climate-driven northward dispersal. According to the fossil evidences, it seems that the northward dispersal events were much more frequent than the southward ones during Pleistocene in China. It maybe means that during Pleistocene, the temperature fluctuated very frequently and the boundary between the Paleartic and Oriental Regions were always keeping on shifting. But it's still not clear how many episodes or phases of such dispersal events had occurred. The Qinling Mountains weren't responsible for the faunal differentiation between the North and the South, neither was the Yangtze River; because the former is not big enough, and the latter cannot be regarded as an efficient barrier for those animals, which are capable of flying and swimming. Maybe the climate zonation is the root cause of zoogeographical changes.  相似文献   

Among the South American Pleistocene Glyptodontidae (Xenarthra, Cingulata), one of the most scarcely represented genus in the fossil record is Neuryurus Ameghino, in which the only well characterized species, until now, is Neuryurus rudis (Gervais), coming from the Ensenadan (early-middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, Argentina. In this contribution, we report and describe a new species of Neuryurus, coming from the Arroyo Feliciano Formation (early Lujanian; ca. 130 ka), Entre Ríos province, Argentina, in a particular palaebiogeographic context, more associated with the western sector of Uruguay and southern Brazil than the Pampean region. From a morphological perspective, this new taxon is characterized by: (a) the remarkable development of the foramina at the exposed surface of the osteoderms of the dorsal carapace, showing un aspect almost spongy; (b) the large diameter of the perforations observed in the ventral surface of the osteoderms, resembling to those present in the dorsal surface of the osteoderms of the Glyptodontidae Doedicurinae; (c) the evident thickness of the osteoderms, as in Glyptodon Owen; (d) area of contact and articulation of adjacent osteoderms very denticulate, with deep osseous interdigitating projections, as in Glyptodon and Glyptotherium Osborn, but here more evident; (e) larger osteoderms of the dorsal carapace showing, in the dorsal surface, many little conical tubercles, having some resemblance to Panochthus tuberculatus Burmeister. The presence of this new species in the early late Pleistocene of the Mesopotamic region is another element that adds to the biogeographical characterization of this particular area, especially evident during the warm and humid pulses of the late Pleistocene. In turn, this species represents the most complete record of the genus outside the Pampean region and partially complete the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the genus.  相似文献   

Recent excavations at Shanshenmiaozui site in Nihewan Basin of North China uncovered a rich collection of comb-antlered deer, which includes the first discovery of the yearling antler, complete upper and lower dentitions (both deciduous and permanent), associated limb bones including the longest metapodials ever recovered. Based on toothrow length and the dental characters as well as the postcranial bones, the new fossil materials can be referred to Eucladoceros boulei that is estimated to be 350 kg and represents the largest Pleistocene cervid ever recovered in China. Besides the large size, E. boulei is also characterized by the pronounced anterior cingulids and entostylid ribs on lower molars as well as the moderately pachyostosed mandibles. The present study shows that the body weight of large cervids can be estimated by the length of toothrow and metacarpal, with exception for Cervus elaphus, which has larger toothrow length, but shorter metacarpal and smaller body size. E. boulei is a typical element of the Early Pleistocene fauna in northern China. The early Villafranchian is a bottleneck period for cervid evolution in northern China, which is characterized by the following features: decrease of cervid diversity, disappearance of archaic groups, and the rise of the medium to large-sized three-tined cervini taxa. The sudden appearance of the very large and/or multi-tined cervids at the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition may represent a great migration event of mammals. The Early Pleistocene cervids from Nihewan Basin are very diverse, and are in need of more taxonomic work.  相似文献   

Teeth, cranial and postcranial skeletton of Praeovibos were sampled from the sediments of the Caune de l'AragoCave. This material is enough to recognize the anatomical relationships between Praeovibos and Ovibos. Praeovibos is discovered for the first time in France and in South Western Europe also. The problem of the correlation of the whole European Middle Pleistocene is approached from a different point of view.  相似文献   

Here we present a revision of the fossil record of chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) of Late Pleistocene and Holocene marine deposits of Uruguay and discuss their potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Chitons were recorded as isolated valves in bivalve- and gastropod-rich assemblages. They are represented by the species Chaetopleura angulata (Spengler), C. isabellei (d’Orbigny), C. asperrima (Gould) and Ischnochiton striolatus (Gray). The last two species are recorded for the first time as fossils not only in Uruguay but also in South America. Exclusively recorded for the Late Pleistocene is the warm water species I. striolatus, whose current southern range limit is located in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Higher temperatures than at present are inferred for the Uruguayan coast during the Late Pleistocene, probably driven by the southward influence of the warm Brazilian Current along the eastern margin of South America. Chitons from Holocene deposits show a wider geographic distribution along the Uruguayan coast in comparison to current distributions. They are recorded where an estuarine and eurihaline fauna lives today, which suggests the former existence of marine conditions. This is explained by the westward displacement of the marine front in the Uruguayan coast during the Holocene transgressive events. Chitons have proven to be useful palaeoenvironmental proxies for the reconstruction of salinity and temperature trends in the Uruguayan coast during the climatic oscillations of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. As such, their patterns of distribution are related to the recent physical evolution of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new species of dog (Canis accitanus nov. sp.) from the Fonelas P-1 site (dated close to the Plio-Pleistocene boundary) in Granada, Spain. This new taxon shows cranial features more similar to coyote-like dogs (C. lepophagus, C. priscolatrans, C. arnensis or C. latrans) than to wolf-like dogs (C. etruscus, C. mosbachensis or C. lupus), such as a long and narrow muzzle, a little-developed sagittal crest and frontal bones raised only a little above the rostrum. However, it also shows a series of autapomorphic characteristics in its upper dentition, essentially in the first upper molar, which reflects a trophic adaptation towards a more abrasive diet than that eaten by other species of its genus. This new dog is the smallest representative of the genus Canis ever recorded for the European Pliocene or Pleistocene.  相似文献   

After the discovery of the controversial hominids and artefacts at the Longgupo site, three Early Pleistocene sites in the southern valleys of the Changjiang (Yangtze) were excavated from 1998 to 2000 in order to test the hypothesis that the hominids exist in China before 2 Ma. Three cheek teeth of Meganthropus palaeojavanicus, more than six hundreds pieces of artefacts of Mode 1 technology and thousands pieces of mammal fossils of Villafranchian age were unearthed in situ at the Longgudong Site in Hubei Province. More than 120 pieces of artefacts of Mode 1 technology and seven thousands pieces of mammal fossils of Villafranchian age were unearthed in situ at the Renzidong Site in Anhui Province. Although no new materials of hominids and artefacts were unearthed at the Yuanmou Man Site at Danawu in Yunnan Province, new materials of mammalian fauna confirm the horizon yielding the Yuanmou Man fossils is of the Early Pleistocene. These new discoveries imply that the appearance of hominids in China is very likely before 2 Ma. If the new report of 3 Ma artefact from Yuxian of the Nihewan Basin in northern China can be confirmed, it will be a strong support for the Continuity Theory.  相似文献   

Among the Pleistocene localities of the Sierra de Atapuerca, the site called Sima del Elefante is famous for having delivered in its lower level (TE-LRU) some hominid remains currently considered the oldest in Western Europe (about 1.2 Ma). In its upper part (TE-URU), this site has fossiliferous levels pertaining to the late Middle Pleistocene (350-250 ka). Here we describe for the first time the amphibians and reptiles of these upper levels (TE18 and TE19), which have proved to be one of the richest assemblages of all the localities of the Sierra de Atapuerca. The faunal list is composed of 18 taxa made up of urodeles (Salamandra salamandra and Lissotriton helveticus), anurans (Discoglossus sp., Alytes sp. Pelobates cultripes, Pelodytes punctatus, Bufo bufo, Bufo calamita, Hyla arborea and cf. Rana sp.), a terrestrial tortoise (Testudo s.l.), lizards (Lacerta s.l., Podarcis sp. and Anguis fragilis) and snakes (Natrix natrix, Natrix maura, Coronella cf. girondica and Vipera latasti). For the first time, the genera Lissotriton, Discoglossus and Podarcis are mentioned in the Pleistocene localities of the Sierra de Atapuerca. TE19 also corresponds to the earliest mention for L. helveticus in the Iberian Peninsula. With the exception of tortoises, all these species are currently present in the province of Burgos, and thus suggests that the herpetofauna has a modern aspect since the Middle Pleistocene. This association of amphibians and reptiles suggests a slightly warmer climate than the current one, but may correspond to a “cold and dry” period if compared with other Pleistocene localities of the Sierra de Atapuerca. The landscape was probably composed of a gallery forest along a quiet water river within a Mediterranean environment alternating laterally between dry meadows, rocky or stony areas and open scrubland.  相似文献   

Stephanorhinus etruscus is one of the most abundantly recorded and better known Eurasian Early Pleistocene rhinoceroses. Nevertheless, the first and last appearances of this species, as well as its paleogeographic distribution, are controversial and debated in literature. Setruscus is documented since the latest Pliocene in Spain (Las Higueruelas), Italy (Montopoli and Castelnuovo di Barardenga), France (Perrier–Les Étouaires) and Romania (Iar??–Cariera Veche). During the Early Pleistocene, Setruscus occurred in several Spanish, French and Italian localities, as well as in The Netherlands (e.g., Tegelen), Germany (e.g., Thiede), Greece (e.g., Aivaliki) and Israel (e.g., Ubeidiya). The last appearance of Setruscus in Eurasia is debatable. Etruscan rhino populations survived till the Jaramillo subchrone (around 1.1 Ma) in France (Bois-de-Riquet), Romania (Betfia XII) and Hungary (Osztramos 2 and 8), and close to the early–middle Pleistocene transition in Spain (Cueva Victoria, Huéscar 1, Atapuerca TD4, TD6 and TD8), and Italy (Monte delle Piche).  相似文献   

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