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In the W-Aures (Algeria), the El Kantara pass displays about 50 m of Red Marls overlying the Maastrichtian limestones with Laffitteina. The Red Marls are, in their turn, overlain by the Thanetian marly limestones of the river El Haï. The micropaleontological inventory of these Red Marls establishes the co-occurrence of subaerian (Microcodium = Paronipora), fresh-water (Charophyta) and marine microfossils (Foraminifers). The stratigraphical significance of these microfossils is discussed. The upper part of the Red Marls, yielding abundant Valvulina and scarce Glomalveolina, is of Thanetian age. The age of the lower part is less established, but the occurrence of Microcodium suggests a Thanetian age too. Located at the margin of the northern opening of the trans-Saharan epeiric sea, the El Kantara section establishes a Thanetian age for the beginning of the Paleocene transgression. Danian deposits are missing, in spite of the absence of an obvious hiatus on the field. After general emersion during the early Paleocene, the Thanetian transgression starts with the set up of lakes at the depositional area of the Red Marls. Marine influences, limited at first, become gradually prevailing, and end with the deposition of neritic marly limestones of river El Haï.  相似文献   

During the study of the Quaternary Maghrebian bovines in 1985, the review of the Bovini (aurochs and buffalos) found in Upper Pleistocene sites of Algeria showed that in comparison with most of the African bovine assemblage the attribution of genus Pelorovis to the species antiquus was inappropriate. The biometric and cladistic data revealed a close kinship with genus Syncerus. Later, other authors’conclusions confirmed its relevance. The antique buffalo of the Aterian site of the Phacochoeri has all the characteristics of genus Syncerus, but is different in that it shows a certain number of specific characteristics described in this article.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time the inventory of the Paleocene and Lower Eocene foraminifers located in the North Pyrenean trough, between the Atlantic Ocean and the neighbourhood of the town Pau. They have been studied from three outcrops. The Bidart Beach section shows the Lasseube Formation from the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary to the base of the P 3a zone. The Loubieng Quarry section, near Orthez, represents the upper P 3a zone and the lower P 3b zone as well as the Lasseube Formation / Pont Labau Formation boundary. The interval between the upper part of the P 3b zone and the upperest part of the P 5 zone crops out along the Gan - Rébénacq road with a hiatus located at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary, the whole interval belonging to the Pont Labau Formation. 394 taxons of foraminifers are present in this formations: 349 benthic and 45 planktonic species. The Velasco type benthic foraminifers show a middle bathyal depositional environment, with a paleobathymetry included between 500-600 m and 1000 m: Nuttallides truempyi, Osangularia velascoensis, Bulimina trinitatensis. The Midway type species which were transported by the turbidite currents from the lower to middle neritic environments are frequent as well as the Cretaceous reworked species. The species number is low: 29 in the iridium layer of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary (P 0 zone). Fauna grows rich quickly in the Pα zone reaching 129 species. The diversity grows up progressively from P α to the P 4a zone (NP 8). The disappearances are rare until his horizon, but their number is bigger than the number of appearances from the P 4b zone. It reaches their maximum between the P 4c zone and the P 5 zone. It shows that the decline of the Paleocene fauna begins around 2 million years before the thermal event of the Paleocene / Eocene boundary in the Aquitaine sections. The disappearances stay important in the Lower Eocene - Ypresian, but the appearance of lots of Eocene species show that the fauna renewal is located in this stage. The Cretaceous taxa dominate in the Paleocene benthonic fauna. The appearance or the disappearance of some species has a stratigraphic value in the Aquitaine region: the disappearance of Coryphostoma incrassata in the P 1b zone, the appearances of Plectina dalmatina, Elongobula grata (P α); Bulimina tuxpamensis (P 2); Tritaxilina cubensis, Thalmannita madrugaensis (P 3a); Svenia bulbosa (P 3b); Discorbis perovalis (P 4a/NP 7); Elongobula pulchra, E. pupa, Asterigerina bartoniana, Neorotalia gr. tuberculata (P 4a/NP 8); Bigenerina pannonica, Pentellina pseudosaxorum (P 5/NP 9-10).  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a biostratigraphic analysis of pyritized diatom assemblages in the Saint-Josse core (CC82) located in the northern part of the Paris basin (coordinates: X =555?000, Y =307?324 and Z =56.9 m). During the Paleocene-Eocene this locality was situated in a small bight of the North Sea Basin. The results are obtained from sediments of the Thanet and Mont-Bernon group equivalents belonging to the Paleocene-Eocene interval. Thirteen samples were studied and eleven contain pyritized diatoms. By epigenesis, the siliceous frustule of the diatom is changed into a pyritized skeleton with all the ornamentation very well preserved such as the velum, the areolae, the labiate processes, etc. Dispersive X-Ray analyses show this complete replacement of silica by pyrite. Another form of pyritization is crystallization of pyrite (in cubes, pyritohedrons, octahedrons, framboids) in internal cavities of the diatoms to produce internal moulds, also called steinkerns, which preserve the external morphology of the diatoms and some details such as the girdle. Despite pyritization, diatoms can often be recognized at the species level; brackish and marine species were observed but no fresh water specimens were encountered. Pyrite is easily altered into iron oxides. In outcrops, pyritized diatoms can be obscured or destroyed by oxidation. We have chosen borehole samples for this study to avoid the affects of weathering. Deposits from the Sorrus Unit (of the Thanet Group) have low abundances of pyritized diatoms (3 to 25 specimens per sample). This unit contains allochtonous diatom assemblages comprising Actinoptychussenarius, Coscinodiscus morsianus var. morsianus, and Coscinodiscus morsianus var. moelleri. Sample 34.31-34.45 from this unit is particularly interesting. It contains three specimens of Paralia siberica var. laevis, which is typical of an estuarine or littoral paleoenvironment, and corresponds to the more continental deposit of the Sorrus Unit. Seven samples, taken in the Argile de Saint-Aubin Unit (from the Mont-Bernon Group), contain more than 200 pyritized diatoms and between 9 to 16 different species per sample. A brackish assemblage (Actinoptychus senarius, Coscinodiscus commutatus and Stellarima microtrias) and a marine assemblage (C. morsianus var. morsianus, Coscinodiscus var. moelleri, Fenestrella antiqua, Odontellaheibergii, Rhizosolenia sp. 1 and Trinacria regina) are observed. The brackish assemblage expands in the upper part of the Saint-Aubin Unit indicating more widespread brackish paleoenvironmental conditions. Pyritized diatoms are important fossil markers in the Paris basin mainly when siliceous fossils (silicoflagellates or radiolarians) and others microfossils (foraminifers and dinoflagellates) are very poor or absent. Two diatom assemblages have been identified in the Saint-Josse borehole. The first assemblage D1, comprising C. morsianus var. moelleri (high occurrence), C. morsianus (a few) and T. regina (rare), is recorded in the Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and lower Saint-Aubin Units. The second assemblage D2, characterized by great abundance of F. antiqua and decreasing numbers of C. morsianus species, is found in the upper part of the Saint-Aubin Unit. These diatom assemblages can be correlated with other biozonations established in the North Sea basin and based on nannoplankton and diatoms (King, 1983), diatoms (Mitlehner, 1996) and calcareous nannoplankton (Martini, 1971). F. antiqua and C. morsianus var. moelleri are the more important diatom species encountered. F. antiqua (previously named Coscinodiscus sp. 1, King, 1983) is the fossil marker used by King to define his NSP4 biozone. The base of NSP4 corresponds to the lowest occurrence of F. antiqua and the top is marked by the highest occurrence of this species. The Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and Saint-Aubin (“Sparnacian” stage) Units, the last one comprising F. antiqua (increasing to acme), correspond to the NSP4 zone of King (1983). The Mont-Hulin and Château de la Bruyère Units correspond probably to the NSP5 zone of King (1983). F. antiqua and C. morsianus var. moelleri were also used by Mitlehner (1996) to differentiate the NSP4a zone (low abundance of F. antiqua and abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri) from the NSP4b zone (great abundance and acme of F. antiqua). The abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri is recorded in the lower part of Saint-Aubin Unit and the abundance of F. antiqua (high peak at 46% in the sample 17.87) is found in the upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit. Therefore, Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and the lower part of Saint-Aubin Units are correlated with the NSP4a zone and the upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit with the NSP4b zone. By correlating the calcareous nannoplankton biozonation (NP) of Martini (1971) with the biozonation of King (1983), adapted by Mitlehner (1996), the boundary between the NP9 and NP10 zones could be located in the 18.75-17.87 interval and the NP10-NP11 boundary at the top of Saint-Aubin Unit. Lithostratigraphic correlations between the units of the Saint-Josse borehole (Paris basin) and the formations of the North Sea basin can be established. The great abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri and the great abundance (including acme) of F. antiqua are respectively recorded in the Sele and Balder Formations. Therefore, the interval Sorrus/lower Saint-Aubin Units is correlated with the Sele Formation and upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit with the Balder Formation.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Paleocene and Eocene formations have been reconsidered on the basis of 18 dated boreholes that intersect the Basque Country, Peyrehorade, Sainte-Suzanne and Sauvelade allochthonous tectonic units, as well as the autochthonous units of the Pey-Saint-Lon anticline, the Arzacq Basin and the North Pyrenean Trough. Correlation of the formations identified in the boreholes and at outcrop has made it possible to outline the sedimentary evolution of this region during the Early Paleogene and to date the various stages of Pyrenean compression on the basis of sedimentary gaps and syntectonic detrital input. The Lasseube Formation is present over the entire study area. Sedimentation becomes differentiated during the Late Selandian-Early Ypresian period. In the North Pyrenean Trough and in the Peyrehorade, Sainte-Suzanne and Sauvelade units, the detrital-clayey Pont-Labau Formation is well developed and all its members are represented (Guillempau, Latapy, Néez, Libaros and Artigueloutan; zones upper P 3b-P 6b; upper NP 5-NP 11). A sedimentary gap showing erosion, and involving zones upper P 3b-upper P 4a and upper NP 5-NP 7, characterises the Basque units, the Pey-Saint-Lon anticline and the western part of the Arzacq Basin. Sedimentation recommences in zone P 8 with middle-bathyal deposits of the Cassoua Member and then continues with the Artigueloutan Member (transition facies towards the Louts Formation) or limestone resembling that of the Meilhan Formation. The Gan Formation shows an east-west polarity. In the east, between the Sainte-Suzanne Unit and the North Pyrenean Trough, the formation is argillaceous with a dominant neritic character, apart from a circalittoral to epibathyal passage in its lower part (zone P 7) containing numerous planktonic foraminifera. The formation is of a detrital and carbonate nature in the west (Sainte-Marie-de-Gosse 1). The bathyal Donzacq Formation appears to transgress a previously deformed surface. Two domains existed during the Lutetian: a continental to neritic domain in the south and a bathyal domain in the north (the Saint-Geours-d'Auribat and Miretrain formations) separated by a variably thick transition zone that is affected by thrust fronts. Two new formations - the Orthez and Sorde-l'Abbaye formations - are proposed, and the Marly limestone formation of Saint-Barthélémy (Douvillé, 1905) is redefined. The Orthez Formation (Sauvelade Unit) is composed of marl and continental conglomerate with neritic carbonate interbedding and belongs to the sub-zones NP 15a and b. The Sorde-l'Abbaye Formation (Peyrehorade Unit and the Basque units p. p.) is composed of neritic carbonate sediments (Lutetian-Priabonian). The Saint-Barthélémy Formation is made up of syntectonic conglomerate, turbiditic limestone and pelagic marl in the central part of the Basque units (NP 15a-NP 16). The Bartonian and Priabonian stages are characterised by carbonate sediments in the Arzacq Basin (Siest Formation). Its base is diachronous: Upper Lutetian (zone SB 16) in the east and Late Bartonian grading to Priabonian in the west (zones SB 17/18 and SB 19). The sediments are argillaceous (Côte des Basques Formation) along the Atlantic coast, in the central part of the Basque units and in the Bayonne-Cauneille syncline. Major thickness variations reflect tectonic phases at the top of the Lasseube Formation in the north (erosion pre NP 8), the Néez Member (NP 7/NP 8 boundary), the Artigueloutan Member (NP 11/NP 12 boundary), and the Gan Formation (P 8/P 9 boundary). The syntectonic conglomerate and breccia indicate the development of thrust fronts in the Libaros Member (NP 8), at the base of the Pillardou and Artigueloutan members (NP 9b, c-NP 10), in the Saint-Geours-d'Auribat Formation (NP 14b) and in the Orthez and Saint-Barthélémy formations (between zones NP 15a and NP 16).  相似文献   

Fimbria lohani (Mollusca: Bivalvia) nom. nov. pro Fimbria subpectunculus (d’ Orbigny, 1850) from the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Paris basin, name preoccupied. The names Fimbria magna ( Anton, 1838) and Fimbria subpectunculus (d’ Orbigny, 1850) are nomenclaturally invalid to designate the species from the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of the Paris Basin. Fimbria lohani nom. nov. is proposed here as a replacement to correct the homonymy Corbis subpectunculus d’ Orbigny, 1850 non d’ Archiac, 1850.  相似文献   

New research lines by the author favours interpretation tracks and analytics investigation fields that were not considered in traditional paleoanthropology. New readings of biodynamic morphogenesis supported by digitised architectural analysis emphasize not only the dynamic of different cranio-facial kinetics but also the determination when this is possible from causes and effects. To say the approach which study is the analysis of deep structure of skull unveils in some sense the state of the structure whether it is normal, abnormal or pathologic. The study of relations between Afalou’s humans numerous cranio-facial anomalies and maxillo-mandibular dysmorphosis and malocclusions gives an account of the interest played by biodynamic morphogenesis and cranio-facial architecture in the morpho-functional interpretation of relations skull/face/tooth. In this context, the dental extraction of upper incisors, ritual which was operated not only adolescents but also on temporary dentition children, was in part responsible for the development first of an hypomaxillie then the inbalance of sphenoidal and occipital complexes. In addition to the mutilated nature of anterior dentitions, the study of about thirty skulls emphasized numerous craniofacial malformations showing different kind of asymetries (rotation lateral flexion, torsion, plagiocephaly).  相似文献   

The micropalaeontological content of five sections, located in Northeastern Algeria (Saharan Atlas) was investigated by means of washing/counting of microfossils in marly levels, and microfacies analyses of calcareous levels. In these levels of Upper Cretaceous age, hundred species of foraminifera were identified but only about 15 species of ostracoda and about ten of radiolaria. This work allows, first of all, to establish a rather precise stratigraphic frame, in particular by means of studying planktonic foraminifera. Two to five biozones were defined, between the Vraconnian (Th. Appenninica biozone) and the early Turonian (Whiteinella archaeocretacea biozone, then Helvetoglobotruncana Helvetica biozone for certain sections). Secondly, the quantitative analyses led on foraminifera allowed the definition of palaeoenvironment. The ratio P/P+B, generally very high, coupled with a little diversified benthonic microfauna, indicates a calm and deep environment, of external platform or slope type. Furthermore, at numerous levels, various indications give evidence of the existence of a strong surface productivity (presence of upwellings), responsible for the proliferation of radiolaria (late Vraconnian/early Cenomanian especially) or of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids/heterohelicids); being both associated with low-oxygen deep waters. Two anoxic events were also revealed, the first one at the end of Vraconnian (OAE1d) and the second at the end of Cenomanian (OAE2). This last event in particular was characterized on all the sections, in a more or less detailed way, thanks to the identification of certain indicator: Heterohelix “bloom”, “filament” event, disappearance of rotaliporids, presence of “blackshales” strongly enriched in organic matter (Bahloul levels).  相似文献   

Numerous fragments of spatangoid echinoids have been discovered in the Pliocene deposits of Challans, in Vendée (western France). In spite of the fragmentary data of the samples, a reconstitution of a complete test could be realized using the different fragments and their symetrization. The general shape of the test, and its architectural and ornemental characters allow establishing the presence of the genus Spatangus in western France during the end of Neogene. It allows to precise the biogeography of the genus Spatangus and of the morphological group S. (S.) purpureus on the Atlantic coast after the Messinian crisis. The Pliocene species is compared to the Miocene Spatangus (Phymapatagus) brittanus, abundant in Anjou, Brittany and Touraine. This older species was refered to the subgenus Phymapatagus according to the presumed lack of primary tubercles on its posterior interambulacrum. The discovery of well-preserved specimens, with primary tubercles on every parts of the test, in the Middle Miocene of Brittany allows to refute this subgeneric distinction and to refer the species brittanus to the subgenus Spatangus (Spatangus). The presence of this subgenus in western France is finally confirmed from Middle Miocene to Pliocene.  相似文献   

The study of the diet of the Barn Owl in two steppic regions (M'Sila and Djelfa) located in the Algerian highlands is based on the analysis of the pellets of rejections collected in six stations. The analysis of 706 pellets resulting from the various stations made it possible to count 1380 individuals, represented by seven classes, 12 orders, 32 families, and 76 species of preys. The mammals are consumed with variable abundance rates between 59.1 % and 90.0 % whose predominance is assigned to the rodents (relative abundance: AR > 58 %). The latter constitute the most advantageous preys in biomass (61.4 ≤ B % ≤ 99.2). The most consumed prey is Meriones shawii, with variable rates between 31.9 % and 76.6 %. Generally, Tyto alba presents a diversified diet in the majority of the stations (0.69 ≤ E ≤ 0.76), except the station of Ain El-Hadjel (E = 0.35), with a low diversity and dominance of M. shawii (AR = 76.6 %).  相似文献   

Gyrogonites of charophytes from two localities of the Oudiksou syncline (Middle Atlas, Morocco) are studied. The Irbzer formation in the Achlouj-2 site yielded charophytes (Feistiella oblonga, F. globosa, Strobilochara apiculata, S. diademata) that suggest a Campanian-Maastrichtian age; this result is consistent with all previously published biochronological studies. The overlying Bekrit-Timahdit formation, supposed to be Thanetian to Lutetian in age, without paleontological evidence, yielded charophytes in the Saf locality (Peckichara cf. llobregatensis, Feistiella sp. 1, Maedleriella sp.). This association indicates a Paleocene age for the middle member of this formation.  相似文献   

Wei Dong 《Geobios》2008,41(3):355
New remains of Leptobos (Smertiobos) crassus have been identified among the fossils excavated from a new early Pleistocene site at the Renzidong in Anhui Province, Eastern China. It is a Leptobos bearing frontal appendices with a simple curvature and its distal part turns higher than the other species of the subgenus. The present study shows that the first appearance of Leptobos in China is in the zone equivalent to the European MNQ 16b, later than its first appearance in Western Europe (MNQ 16a); and the genus Leptobos can serve as index fossil of the lower Pleistocene in China (2.5-0.78 Ma, Chinese definition).  相似文献   

Ostracode faunal assemblages which lived in bathyal environments are analysed from uppermost Maastrichtian - middle Eocene sediments of sites 1260 and 1261, drilled on the distal margin of Demerara, off Surinam (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic). As for numerous other groups, the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction event led to the disappearance of numerous bathyal ostracode species and it was followed by a very slow recovery during the Palaeocene. It appears that this extinction event was more devastating for detritus-feeder ostracode species than for filter or silt-eater groups, which crossed the K/T boundary without any or little morphological change. This extinction selectivity may be explained by the drop in productivity of surface waters which took place at the K/T boundary. Finally, psychrospheric ostracode species were encountered in Middle Eocene sediments, confirming thus the general cooling of deep oceanic realm recognised in general for this time interval.  相似文献   

This study reports on the skeletal remains of an infant clavicle - specimen ATD6-37 - belonging to the Homo antecessor species, unearthed at Lower Pleistocene level TD6 of the Gran Dolina site (Sierra de Atapuerca). Studied alongside a further adult specimen - ATD6-50 -, they provide us with significant information on two key paleobiological aspects of these early humans: body shape and development. Based on the analytical results, the paper proposes a more accurate proportional method for determining age at death is applied to the fossilized infant clavicle under study. It goes on to hypothesize on postcranial growth and body shape and discusses morphological patterns and age at death of these early humans through comparisons with a wide range of infant dental samples and clavicular specimens in early and modern humans.  相似文献   

Vallonnet cave (Alpes-Maritimes, France) provided archaic lithic tools together with a big amount of large mammals of the end of lower pleistocene. At the crossing of diverse ecological niches in time and space, three main levels and within them several smaller units were distinguished. The poorly mineralized bones witnessed a huge diagenetic fragmentation. The presence of the animals in the cave seems to be linked to the reasons of their death. The exhaustive and systematic observation of the bones, like the bears probably used to die inside the cave. Some other carnivores especially hyenas, used the cave as a nursery. Man also occupied the cave and had an activity mainly on large cervid bones and on some other species as well. The very progressive deposit gave a way for carnivores and porcupine to gnaw the bones on the ground before their burial. The succession of actions (man, carnivores and porcupine) on the same bones is characteristic on Vallonnet large mammals bones.  相似文献   

Recent researches on the Lower Jurassic of Western Algeria allow to establish a lithostratigraphic standard correlating the different members and formations developed in the Ouarsenis and Tlemcen Mountains, the Oran High Plains, the Nador and Ksour Mountains. The position of the large bivalve limestones (= Lithiotis limestones) is well established in the different lithologic successions. This facies is widespread in Western Algeria where it is interbedded with brachiopod marker beds, indicating short periods of maximum flooding. The large number of collected brachiopods are distributed into four “faunas” (assemblages) ranging from the Late Sinemurian (= Lotharingian) to the Early Pliensbachian (= Carixian). These faunas have been dated by the age of the species that they have in common with the NW european and western tethyan provinces. These chronological data are confirmed by rare ammonites. All these results evidence the age of the large bivalve facies in Western Algeria. They are contained in the Middle to Late Carixian (Demonense and Dilectum Zones). This datation is in conformity with that known from the Eastern High-Atlas (Bou Dahar). Consequently, the large bivalves cannot be considered as “markers for the unique Domerian” as it has been too often asserted. The palaeontological part of our study shows that the multicostate Zeilleriids (several Tauromenia species from the Late Sinemurian to the Early Carixian) are older than the multicostate Terebratulids (Hesperithyris species from the Middle to Late Carixian).  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene/Lower Holocene fossil-bearing sites of the Serra da Capivara National Park Region have yielded three cervid species: Mazama gouazoubira, M. americana and Blastocerus dichotomus, all currently living in South America, the two first in the region. A grand total of more than one hundred remains demonstrates the presence of Mazama gouazoubira in seven sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas, the Toca do Serrote do Artur, the Toca da Cima dos Pilão. This small species shows, since the Upper Pleistocene, a conspicuous tendency to reduce the average dimensions of its teeth and long bones. From the taller M. americana, only a dozen of remains were found in four sites, mainly the Sitio do Meio. In all of these it is sympatric with M. gouazoubira. It differs from this last one by its cheek teeth and its limb bones size and proportions. The oldest site where the species is known is Tarija (Bolivia, Middle Pleistocene) and it does not show any significant changes in size and proportions between recent and fossil samples. Sixteen remains of the large B. dichotomus were found in five sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas and the Toca da Barra do Antonião. The species is a rare fossil, but is frequently figured in the rock art painting of the region, where it is presently unknown.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic sequence of Ashtart 28 well drilled in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia) is the subject of a biostratigraphical study. The samples recovered in cuttings from 390 m and downwards allowed to recognize, above the Late Eocene sediments, a sedimentary series, lithologically diversified, nearly 1600 m thick. Marine Pliocene deposits, generally attesting a low bathymetry, lie unconformably above the Messinian (Oued Bel Khedim formation), which shows the usual features of the Mediterranean confinement. The underlying Messinian pre-evaporitic platform series (Melqart formation), that is over 250 m thick, is typical of a perireefal environment. The sediments assigned to the Tortonian (Somâa Sands formation) are continental and occur unconformably above the approximately 500-metres-thick Middle Miocene strata (Saouaf, Mahmoud, Aïn Grab and Salammbô pars formations). The marine Lower Miocene and Oligocene sediments (Salammbô pars and Ketatna formations), that are more than 300 m thick, lie in continuity under the Middle Miocene. The infralittoral Chattian sequence has especially supplied a diversified assemblage of larger foraminifera recovered in other west-mediterranean basins. Datings were obtained based on planktonic and larger benthic foraminifera (Miogypsinidae, Nummulitidae, Lepidocyclinidae) and by correlations obtained by means of well loggings and lithostratigraphy. Benthic foraminifera, mainly listed for the Miocene and Oligocene, are studied from a systematic, stratigraphic and paleogeographic point of view. The paleoenvironments of deposits are defined for each considered stratigraphic interval. Comparisons are sketched with other drillings of the Gulf of Gabes. Thanks to the numerous data obtained by this detailed study, the Ashtart drilling can serve as a reference for the Tertiary sequence of this part of the Mediterranean domain.  相似文献   

Since the sixties, the National Indonesian Center for Archaeological Research, in collaboration with the Gajah Mada University, organizes field excavations on open-air sites in the Sangiran dome, one of the most famous places of palaeoanthropological discoveries in Southeast Asia. That project led to the discovery of Homo erectus more or less fragmentary fossils, and to the collection of numerous mammal fossils in open-air localities such as Tanjung, Sendang Busik, Ngrejeng Plupuh, Grogol Plupuh and Bukuran. Most of the bone assemblages from these sites come from the volcanic-sedimentary Kabuh layers (Early Middle Pleistocene) deposited in a fluvial context. The herbivores dominate the assemblages. The best-represented species are large bovids like Bubalus palaeokerabau or Bibos palaesondaicus and smaller cervids like Axis lydekkeri. The carnivore are very rare, only a Pachycrocuta brevirostris in Bukuran. The taphonomical study of the collections, involving several common and also modern methods, is among the first carried out on Javanese sites. The high degree of fragmentation is attested by the dominance of splinters among the fossils. In most sites, teeth and member extremities (autopodial) prevail. Conservation and fragmentation of fossil bones is not the same at all sites. Water action, either chemical or mechanical, is predominant, regarding the origin and the modification of the assemblages. The climato-edaphic traces like oxides and concretions are well represented on the bone surface. Different methods were applied to study transportation and to document the sites contexts in the frame of the ancient riverine paleogeography. Carnivores are almost absent in the material and traces of their action are rare, only in Bukuran and Ngrejeng. The tools are rare, only a bola in Tanjung 82 and chalcedony flakes in Tanjung 63–64. Anthropic influence is only obvious at Ngebung 2, a site in the west part of the dome, supported by fossil observation and correlated to the occurrence of lithic artefacts. This site was excavated during the 1990’s by a French-Indonesian team and it is a site of comparison for our study. Several analytical methods could be applied for the first time on Pleistocene faunal assemblages from Java, for example, the study of the fragmentation, that of fissuration and the characterization of the fluviatile transport undergone by the fossils.  相似文献   

The 3d Ct reconstruction and virtual brain endocast of Cranium 5 from the site of “La Sima de los Huesos” (Atapuerca), allows us to get new information to increase the study and knowledge of Homo heidelbergensis population, and to compare this specimen with others in the fossil record, in order to understand the evolutionary process of the brain, focusing on the middle Pleistocene period. Furthermore, we can observe the changes this species (Homo heidelbergensis) has undergone, at least in Sima de los Huesos population making comparative studies with African and Asian middle Pleistocene specimens. We have used the new data to compare European Homo heidelbergensis represented by SH5 with Kabwe, a controversial specimen considered by some authors like the African Homo heidelbergensis representative, in order to establish the similarities and differences between both specimens.  相似文献   

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