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Summary This report presents the results of taphofacies analyses of shelly cheniers (mollusk-dominated lag-concentrations) from the tidal flats of northeastern Baja California, Mexico. The three generations of moderm (formed during last 70 years), submodem (younger than 1,500 BP), and subfossil (5,000–2,000 BP) cheniers can be distinguished by their position relative to the shoreline, their topography, and the radiocarbon-age of their shells. The generations differ in the duration and complexity of their taphonomic history. Sixty-one samples from nine localities were collected to test the utility of the taphofacies approach for studying chenier-type shell deposits. The three chenier generations, although all dominated by the bivalve molluskMulinia coloradoensis, differ significantly in their taxonomic composition due to taphonomic and/or biologic factors. The taphofacies analysis included 4,334 specimens ofM. coloradoensis described by nine taphonomic variables. Univariate analysis of those variables indicated that the shells that accumulated in the cheniers are little-affected by biological processes (bioerosion, encrustation), and moderately affected by physical processes (fragmetation, cracking, peeling, edge preservation). Only the luster features of shells (external luster, internal luster, and internal features) vary substantially and consistently with chenier age —a result of subaerial weathering. Multivariate taphofacies analysis discriminates the three generations of cheniers even when the poorly preservable luster variables are excluded from the analysis. This suggests that taphofacies discrimination is possible for fossil cheniers. The shells collected from the chenier surface have substantially poorer preservation than shells from the subsurface, indicating that taphonomic degradation in the chenier plain environment is a surface phenomenon. Chenier plain shelly assemblages are taphonomically distinct from assemblages formed in other marine environments: they have a very low frequency of macroscopically recognizable bioerosion and encrustation. The existence of preservable taphonomic differences between the cheniers that differ in their age (i.e., duration of preburial history), suggests that fossil lag concentrations may be useful in detecting incompleteness gradients along stratigraphic boundaries. A ‘taphonomic clock’—a correlation between a ‘time-sincedeath’ and shell preservation—was found only for luster features, taphonomic attributes that are unlikely to be preserved in the fossil record.  相似文献   

甘肃灵台上新世哺乳动物化石埋藏学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
灵台任家坡动物群年龄组成以老年、幼年个体为主,显示动物正常死亡条件下的骨骼富集积累过程。由于动物死亡与掩埋之间时限的长短不同导致个体间风化痕迹、关节分解、破损程度不同。化石具有明显的定向性及分选性,经过季节性水流短距离搬运和较弱的分选作用。化石的埋藏特点与泛滥平原骨骼富集有较多的相似性,但沉积物组成差别很大,暗示中国红粘土物源的特殊性。  相似文献   

The development of taphonomic approaches to facies analysis requires a foundation in facies-based actualistic studies. Modern intertidal and shallow shelf environments at Provincetown Harbor. northern Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA) provide an opportunity to compare pattcrns and controlling factors in molluscan biofacies and taphofacies distributions. Variation in faunal composition, ecologic variables, and taphonomic attributes of molluscan death assemblages produce distinct patterns of environmental zonation: (1) Faunal composition (biofacies) primarily tracks variation in substrate type among environments (sand, rock, peat, and Zostera marina beds). (2) Ecologic variables (equitability, infauna: epifauna ratio, gastropod:bivalve ratio, and predation on M. mercenaria) appear to reflect tidal exposure time. (3) Taphononic attributes (fragmentation, abrasionm, corrosion, bioerosion, and encrustation) of the common bivalve M. mercenaria track environmental energy, in particular its effects on the stability and reworking of hardparts at the sediment surface. Shells in different environments proceed along different taphonomic pathways - the order of acquisition of taphonomic features by hardparts. An encrustation/bioerosion-dominated pathway characterizes low energy environments; the upper intertidal and deeper subtidal. An abrasion-dominated pathway characterizes the high energy lower intertidal and shallow subtidal. Contrasting pathways produce distinct proportions of taphonomic attributes in time-averaged samples; proportions that delineate taphofacies. Integrated taxonomic, ecologic and taphonomic data provide a more complete picture of environmental processes than any approach alone. Taphonomic data not only furnish information not readily provided by other approaches, but free paleoecology from the constraints of taxonomic uniformitarianism. □Taphonomy, comparative taphonomy, taphofacies, biofacies, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, taphonomic pathways, Recent, actualism, intertidal, molluses.  相似文献   

Marine Eemian deposits along the Pyoza river and its tributary Varchuska, Arkhangelsk region, constitute successions of muddy and sandy facies with rich macrobenthic fauna dominated by bivalves and barnacles. Taphonomic features formed by abrasion, disarticulation, dissolution, fragmentation, bioerosion and encrustation define taphofacies for a palaeoenvironmental model. Five bivalve taphofacies and three barnacle taphofacies could be distinguished. Both bivalves and barnacles are poorly preserved in foreshore/shoreface environments, as the shells were subjected to extensive transportation by currents. The shells were best preserved in offshore environments, where rapid episodic sedimentation enabled within-habitat preservation, in some cases even preservation in life position. Barnacles are absent from the most clay-rich offshore deposits, probably because of clogging of filters by turbidity and lack of suitable substrate. Such dissimilarities suggest that the number and distribution of taphofacies may depend on which fossil groups are used. Interspecific variability may exist within the individual taphofacies. The barnacles, for example, tend to be better preserved than the mussel Mytilus edulis, although both are fixosessile suspension feeders. This indicates that not only life habits but also intrinsic shell properties influence preservation. Thus, taphofacies analyses should combine data on taphonomic features, specific life habit and shell properties to determine overall preservation patterns. In that way, taphofacies analyses may form a powerful tool for palaeoenvironmental analyses of marine deposits.  相似文献   

The marine fossil assemblages of the Pliocene of south Spain constitute the record of the marine fauna that colonised the western part of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. This work focuses on the analysis of lithofacies and fossil assemblages including trace fossils, invertebrates, and vertebrates with special attention to taphonomic features, for interpreting palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Vera Basin (SE Spain). The sedimentary sequences of the northern region of the Vera Basin display diverse stratigraphical, sedimentological, and palaeontological features that correspond to the evolution of a fan-delta in a narrow basin. The Vera Basin was characterised by shallow-marine shelf conditions during the early-mid Pliocene (Cuevas Formation). The basin emergence with the development of Gilbert-type fan deltas (Vera Member), and a protected, partially-enclosed marine embayment (Almanzora Member) occurred during the mid-late Pliocene due to regional uplift and movements of the Palomares strike-slip Fault along the eastern basin margin. The progradation of the central fan-delta lobes and the interaction with marginal fan-delta resulted in the partitioning of the basin that formed a small sub-basin with restricted stagnant conditions that favoured a Konservat Fossil-Lagerstätte. The high input of siliciclasts due to the uplift context of the margins of the basin favoured a high sedimentation rate and the fast burial of vertebrate remains. Fossil marine mammals occurs from shallow shelf deposits (Cuevas Formation) to bottomset (Cuevas Formation-Vera Member transition) and lower part of the clinoforms in the foreset (Vera Member). Cetacean remains are usually recorded not only in the relatively deep-water silty marls and sandy marls of the outer shelf and distal facies of the fan-delta (Espiritu Santo Formation), but also in the shallower coarse sands and conglomerates (Cuevas Formation and Espiritu Santo Formation). Sirenian remains, in contrast, are only recorded in coarse sand facies (Cuevas Formation and Espiritu Santo Formation) associated to charcoal wood fragments deposited in shallow waters near the shoreline. This narrow and relatively protected basin is interpreted as an area of reproduction and nursery of juveniles on the basis of the presence of cetaceans.  相似文献   

The depositional conditions that characterized the sedimentary filling in the southern sector of the Guadalquivir Basin during the late post-orogenic Neogene have been established through the sedimentological study of the Plio-Pleistocene outcrops along the Cadiz coast (SW Spain). The study has contributed to a better interpretation of the regional stratigraphy and helped to establish both depositional mechanisms and processes. Deposits show different lithofacies according to the dominant climatic and prevailing environmental conditions. Pliocene deposits show bioclastic lithofacies with abundant warm-water fossils, whereas Pleistocene sediments have a low fossil content. Stratigraphic sections indicate important depositional changes: sandstone and grainstone were deposited under a seasonal regime, whereas accumulations of large boulders and bioclasts are interpreted as event deposits, the product of episodic oceanographic processes, such as huge storms or tsunamis. These deposits do not have a seasonal character; however, given their relative frequency in the stratigraphic sections, they were probably associated with neo-tectonic activity in the Guadalquivir Foreland Basin, which was an important controlling factor in this basin. The proximity to the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary together with several historically documented earthquakes and tsunamis in the study area, suggest that these processes could explain the origin of these deposits. The seismic-tectonic activity was more intense between the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, as shown by the presence of a well-marked angular unconformity, as well as by a higher frequency of the very high energy clastic and bioclastic accumulations.  相似文献   

The preservation of echinoid fragments of the common echinoid genus Clypeaster recovered from bulk sediment samples is used to explore the possibilities of recognizing taphonomic patterns and establishing taphofacies within a shallow water carbonate environment (Northern Bay of Safaga, Red Sea, Egypt). This is accomplished by the comparison and quantification of the taphonomic signatures of numerous fragments of roughly similar size. The main taphonomic processes observed are abrasion and destruction of plate surfaces, including tubercles and plate edges. Encrustation, especially by foraminifera, can be common and intense. Intraplate fracturing and surface features, such as scratch marks, were also quantified. Four different taphofacies with different characteristic signatures were separated using a cluster analysis of cumulative taphonomic grades. The distribution of taphofacies clearly reflects the topographic complexity of the study area and can be explained by ambient environmental parameters that reflect the general picture of wave and current intensities and sedimentation patterns. The potential use of taphofacies analysis as an independent measure of environmental heterogeneity in palaeoecological studies is confirmed in that taphofacies analysis can reveal parameters not immediately obvious when investigating the textural and biotic characteristics of a sediment.  相似文献   

Richly fossiliferous marine sediments exposed along the Sonoran coastline of the Gulf of California near Punta Chueca provide an excellent setting in which to test (a) the strength of the association of skeletal concentrations with sedimentary hiatuses, (b) the utility of taphonomic evidence for reconstructing detailed histories of those non-depositional episodes, and thus (c) the largely unexploited potential of skeletal concentrations in the identification and interpretation of lithologically obscure unconformities and condensed sequences in shallow marine deposits. Sequence analysis based on discontinuity surfaces is possible in the complex, alluvial fan-to-shallow marine transition at Punta Chueca despite rapid facies changes. Progradation of depositional sequences that contain cobbles reworked from older terrace deposits indicates accumulation during a fall in eustatic sea level. The supratidal to subtidal conglomerates and sands contain a variety of predominantly molluscan shell concentrations that, on the basis of postmortem histories of shells, formed during periods of low net sedimentation (i.e. depositional hiatuses); the majority of these shell beds lie along discontinuity surfaces identified by independent physical stratigraphic evidence. Although not all discontinuity surfaces in the terrace are paved by shell material. and not all relative concentrations of shells indicate distinct discontinuities, the strength of the association between skeletal concentrations and stratigraphic hiatuses reveals the high degree of control on fossil occurrence by sedimentation rates, and indicates that skeletal concentrations can provide good clues to stratigraphically significant surfaces. Moreover, the detailed dynamics of non-depositional episodes are reliably revealed by taphonomic analysis of the associated fossil assemblages, improving interpretations of non-depositional episodes in local sedimentary history.  相似文献   

Ichnofacies: a mixture of taphofacies and biofacies   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The environmental significance of individual ichnofacies has become a point of debate, and the Scoyenia ichnofacies is not clearly defined. Removal of the marine/non-marine boundary from ichnofacies definitions, as well as the bathymetry control, would render the Scoyenia ichnofacies unnecessary and would consolidate the definitions of the remaining ichnofacies. The constitution of the remainder is far from uniform. In some, the characteristic features are influenced by taphonomic bias more than by ecological factors, and thus these ichnofacies are in effect taphofacies (Skolithos, Cruziana and, especially, Zoophycos and Nereites). Others, on the other hand, have a primarily ecological definition and function as biofacies (Glossifungites, Trypanites, Teredolites and Psilonichnus), taphonomic bias playing a relatively minor role. Opportunistic occurrences of Skolithos in storm deposits do not fall within the Skolithos ichnofacies sensu stricto , and may be regarded as a separate Arenicolites ichnofacies, having an ecological character. □ Trace fossils, ichnofacies, salinity.  相似文献   

In the marine realm, the interpretation of taphofacies relies heavily on how oceanographic and sedimentary conditions affect the preservation state of fossils. Several taphonomic variables either covary with depth or are directly influenced by depth. Facies‐level factors rather than broad, basin‐scale parameters influence the taphonomic profile of mollusc death assemblages according to actualistic and experimental evidence. To determine the possible relation between depth and the taphonomic conditions of multiple species of bivalve remains, we used seven samples gathered over a comprehensive bathymetric gradient (from 7 to 150 m below mean sea level; topmost 10‐ to 20‐cm layer, roughly corresponding to the taphonomically active zone). We selected samples from predominantly muddy facies on the southern Brazilian shelf (SBS). The taphonomic damage profile (TDP) was measured using site samples based on a standard taphonomic analysis (categorical scoring system) of shells and fragments larger than 4 mm, to identify site damage patterns. Restricting the sedimentary grain size (samples from fine sediments) enabled the determination of the variation in damage with depth among the samples. Constrained analysis of proximities (CAP) revealed that up to 46% of the taphonomic variation observed was related to variation in depth (with approximately 28% unexplained by environmental factors). Part of the unexplained fraction was due to the effect of temporal mixing, which is predictable along large‐scale patches but is inversely linked to the TDP. Our results show that taphonomic analysis, considering large spatial scales in recent environments, can explain the variations present in shell beds that formed during distinct time periods of the evolution of a Quaternary sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

Recent study of the geological succession at Kanapoi reveals that there are at least three series of sediments younger than the early Pliocene Kanapoi sediments which repose unconformably on them. Both sets of terrace and placage deposits contain an admixture of reworked Pliocene fossils and younger fossils preserved at the time of deposition of the younger sediments. This discovery throws doubt on the homogeneous nature of the Kanapoi fossil hominid sample, and suggests instead thatAustralopithecus anamensis may consist of a chimera of an early Pliocene hominid with generally ape-like dentognathic and postcranial anatomy and considerably youngerHomo specimens with more human-like post-cranial bones.  相似文献   

Quaternary aeolian deposits of the Canary Islands contain well‐preserved terrestrial gastropods, providing a suitable setting for assessing the taphonomy and compositional fidelity of their fossil record over ~13 kyr. Nine beds (12, 513 shells) have been analysed in terms of multivariate taphonomic and palaeoecological variables, taxonomic composition, and the stratigraphic and palaeontological context. Shells are affected by carbonate coatings, colour loss and fragmentation. Shell preservation is size‐specific: juveniles are less fragmented and show colour preservation more commonly than adults. In palaeosols, the adult shell density correlates negatively with the proportion of fragmented adults, negatively with the proportion of juveniles, and positively with the proportion of adults with coatings. High bioturbation intensity in palaeosols is associated with low shell fragmentation and high proportion of shells with coatings. These relationships imply that high adult density in palaeosols was driven by an increase in shell production rate (related to a decrease in predation rates on adults and a decrease in juvenile mortality) and a decrease in shell destruction rate (related to an increase in durability enhanced by carbonate precipitation). In dunes, the relationships between taphonomic alteration, shell density and bioturbation are insignificant. However, dune assemblages are characterized by a lower frequency of shells with coatings and higher rates of colour loss, indicating lower shell durability in dunes than in palaeosols. Additionally, non‐random differences in the coating proportion among palaeosols imply substantial temporal variation in the rate of carbonate crust formation, reflecting long‐term changes in bioturbation intensity that covaries positively with shell preservation. Dunes and palaeosols do not differ in species abundances despite differences in the degree of shell alteration, suggesting that both weakly and strongly altered assemblages offer data with a high compositional fidelity. Carbonate‐rich terrestrial deposits originating in arid conditions can enhance the preservation of gastropods and result in fossil assemblages that are suitable for palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental studies of terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aeolian dunes controlled by regional climate have been formed in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea during the Quaternary. Generally, they are formed under a landward-blowing wind, and comprise numerous reworked penecontemporaneous shallow-marine carbonate grains. Along the eastern mid-Adriatic Sea, late Pleistocene aeolian and alluvial sands occur as isolated patches in karstic depressions on several islands and the Pelje?ac Peninsula. At most localities, the sands consist of a mixture of mostly carbonate rock fragments and siliciclastic material. A higher proportion of shallow-marine bioclasts was found only at one locality. The terrestrial material was transported to the coastal area by at least two rivers: paleo-Cetina and paleo-Neretva River, and was subsequently reworked and transported by wind, resulting in aeolian deposition. Sandy units of various thicknesses exhibiting sharp erosional bedding planes and cross-bedding are interpreted as representing aeolian dunes and sand sheets controlled by a complex wind regime. The mineralogical composition at almost all localities indicates near-river flood plains as the main sand source. Although the area was affected by strong winds blowing landward and parallel to the coast, they significantly deviated due to the local topography produced by the tectonically deformed and karstified carbonate basement. In this way, the late Pleistocene aeolian deposits on the mid-Adriatic islands differ from deposits from most Quaternary Mediterranean coastal aeolian belts, as they contain very small quantities of penecontemporaneous shallow-marine carbonate grains and were deposited by winds blowing in varying directions instead of prevailing landward-blowing winds.  相似文献   

Senga 5A is a late Pliocene archaeological occurrence discovered in 1985 on the eastern bank of the Semliki River in the Western Rift Valley of eastern Zaire. Excavations in 1985 and 1986 yielded stone artifacts of an Oldowan character, fossil mammal, reptile, fish, and mollusc remains, as well as coprolites and fossil wood. The site is situated in low-energy lacustrine deposits indicative of a shallow, littoral or paludal setting. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction indicates that a savanna mosaic existed in the Upper Semliki in the late Pliocene. Dating estimates based on faunal correlation indicate an age of about 2·0–2·3 million years B.P. making it the earliest archaeological site of its size and state of preservation currently known in Africa. As the westernmost Oldowan site known in Africa, Senga 5A significantly expands our knowledge of the geographic range of early tool using hominids.  相似文献   

Pedro C&#;ozar 《Facies》2003,49(1):1-18
Summary Microfacies analysis of over 1800 standard thin-sections of upper Viséan and Pendleian-aged platform limestones from southwestern Spain (Guadiato area) shows that foraminiferal assemblages contain many allochthonous specimens. The analysis of the cementation, recrystallization, abrasion, bioerosion, encrustation, dissolution, taphonomic distortion, orientation and sorting allow the recognition of eight taphofacies. They are based on the taphonomic features observed within the foraminiferal assemblages, which reflect the environmental conditions in which foraminifera were sedimented as well as about early diagenesis. The environmental conditions may be ascertained from the analysis of the biostratinomic processes, which comprise the energy, waves, tides, redox conditions, etc. The mechanisms of taphonomic alteration may be quantified, and thus the appearance or absence of these alterations may be used to define taphofacies of shallow- and deep-water environments, such as those from tidal flat, shoal, outer platform, microbial mound or slope. Moreover, the relationship among these taphofacies also helps to define depositional mechanisms and products, such as debris flows or olistolites.  相似文献   

Fossilization of organism remains is the result of biological, physical, and chemical processes at work in the environment of deposition. The pathways taken by the remains of organisms through death, decay, burial, and diagenesis (known as taphonomic pathways) affect the fossil record of life in important ways, from complete removal and recycling of remains to preservation of hard parts and sometimes to exceptional preservation of soft tissues. Our understanding of taphonomic processes informs our interpretations of the fossil record and helps in the reconstruction of ancient environments. Research into taphonomic pathways in modern environments provides important insight into the fossilization process. In 1993, a group of paleontologists formed the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative (SSETI) and began a long-term comparative study of taphofacies and differential decay of taxonomic groups by placing experimental arrays containing bivalves, gastropods, decapod crustaceans, sea urchins, and wood species at multiple marine shelf and slope sites in the Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico. The goal of SSETI is to observe taphonomic processes over a period of decades to better understand taphonomic pathways for these various groups of taxa in a wide variety of depositional environments beyond the shallow near shore region. This special volume brings together eight studies that are the result of the SSETI program. The focus of this contribution is to first review the body of published work concerned with the fossilization process through the experimental manipulation of the remains of organisms in modern marine environments. We also present the methods of the SSETI project and its contributions to our understanding of taphonomic processes in relation to carbonate and wood recycling and preservation.  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武纪杷榔组辣子寨剖面含有丰度较高的古蠕虫类化石。化石鉴定为Wronascolex geyiensis, 主要保存在三个层位。在对三个层位的岩石、沉积特征、化石成因及埋藏特征探讨分析后, 证实W. geyiensis化石保存于快速的沉积事件导致的浊流沉积层内, 而化石埋藏的完美程度受到成岩过程中埋藏位置、沉积物中矿物结晶和充填方式的影响, 这些后期的成岩、成矿作用对先期形成的化石精细结构产生了直接和间接的破坏作用。本文通过对W. geyiensis化石体上黏土矿物、草莓状黄铁矿、自形–半自形黄铁矿的成因分析后, 获得最适合保存软躯体化石的环境应该为缺氧且生物体与孔隙水中的硫酸盐无接触的原地和近原地埋藏条件。  相似文献   

我国上扬子陕西宁强-勉县境内产出埃迪卡拉纪晚期高家山生物群,根据大量野外追踪、实地观察与室内岩相分析,对碎屑岩相黄铁矿化软躯体化石的出现与岩相横向变化之间的关系以及相应的埋藏相进行初步探讨,认为胡家坝露头带为相对远离风暴源的沉积序列,最利于化石的保存;高家山露头带则属于相对靠近风暴源的沉积序列,化石保存潜力不如胡家坝露头带的沉积序列。  相似文献   

The Triassic to Recent fossil record of the dinoflagellates is represented overwhelmingly by geologically resistant, organic-walled, non-motile resting cysts; such cysts are formed following the sexual phase in the life cycle. Very few confirmed records exist of the motile stage being preserved in the fossil record. This paper reports the occurrence of two very unusual dinoflagellate taphofacies, one developed in bituminous shales and the other in micrites, from the Oligocene fossil Lagerstätte at Sieblos, Hesse, Germany. A new dinoflagellate taxon, Sieblososphaera martini sp. nov. has been identified through analysis of dissociated skeletal elements in the bituminous shales and external moulds and casts in the micrites. The unique preservation of these fossils confirms them not only as primary biogenically silicified motile thecate cells, but also indicates that there was a much greater range of tabulation present within the subfamily Lithoperidiniaceae than has hitherto been recognized.  相似文献   

The Late Precambrian Porsanger Dolomite Formation, occurring beneath the Varanger tillite in Arctic Norway, consists of various dolomitic lithofacies of subtidal, intertidal and supratidal environments. The lithofacies belong to three facies associations, A, B and C, which are repeated several times in the sequence. Facies association A comprises cryptalgal laminites, dolomicrites and thin-bedded grainstones and flakestones. The environment represented by this facies is broadly intertidal (locally supratidal) flat, with the interbedded carbonate sands representing storm deposits. Facies association B, of shallow subtidal to low intertidal origin, comprises cross-bedded carbonate sands (flakestones, grainstones and oolites) forming units up to 10 m thick. Small stromatolite bioherms (5 m wide, 2 m high) are locally developed within these “high-energy” deposits. Facies association C formed in a subtidal environment consists of laterally extensive (over 20 km) uniformly developed stromatolite biostromes, up to 16 m thick. The biostromes, locally divided by channels filled with grainstones and intraformational conglomerates, are composed of cylindrical and turbinate columnar (SH-V and SH-C) and digitate stromatolites (Gymnosolen, Inseria and Tungussia) in their lower parts. Larger, bulbous (SH-C and LLH-C) and conical (Conophyton) stromatolites occur in the upper parts, as well as the branching conophyte, Jacutophyton.All of the biostromes are always developed above cross-bedded carbonate sands (facies association B). A broadly symmetrical cyclic pattern, A B C B A, of tidal flat deposits (facies association A) passing up into carbonate sands (B), into biostrome (C), overlain by carbonate sands (B) and then tidal flat deposits (A), is repeated four times in the Porsanger Dolomite sequence. The pattern is interpreted in terms of two controls on sedimentation: (1) a slow transgressive phase followed by (2) depositional regression. The former (1) took place either through eustatic sea-level rise or more likely through accelerated subsidence because of tectonic instability and compaction of underlying sediments. This resulted in the sequence: tidal flat sediments, low intertidal/shallow subtidal carbonate sands, subtidal biostrome (A, B, C). Depositional regression through prograding tidal flats, generated the shoaling upward part of the cycle: biostrome, carbonate sands, tidal flat sediments (C, B, A).  相似文献   

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