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A new ammonite genus of the subfamily Garantianinae, family Stephanoceratidae, from the Upper Bajocian Strenoceras niortense Zone in the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River basin (Karachay-Cherkessia), with two new species from two different localities, is established. The type species Keppleritiana rostovtsevi gen. et sp. nov. is homeomorphic to some species of the Upper Bathonian–Lower Callovian genus Kepplerites (Fam. Kosmoceratidae) but is distinguished by the presence of a ventral furrow in adults. An isolated valve of an aptychus possibly belonging to this species is illustrated. Keppleritiana graebensteini sp. nov. has a more archaic morphology and is apparently ancestral to the type species. The macroconchs and microconchs of both species are described.  相似文献   

Ammonites of the genus Spiroceras are described from the Upper Bajocian of the Kyafar River Basin (Karachay-Cherkessia), including macroconchs with preserved apertures and (for the first time in the entire history of the study of Middle Jurassic heteromorphs) microconchs with lateral lappets. The microconchs of S. bispinatum (Baugier et Sauzé), mainly represented by cyrtocones with one ventral row of nodes, correspond to microconchs with a gyroconic shell and a single row of nodes. Macroconchs and microconchs of S. annulatum (Deshayes), the ribs of which lack prominent nodes or spines, are found together. The assemblage also contains small-sized slightly uncoiled shells of Spiroceras aff. S. fourneti Roman et Pétouraud with widely spaced ribs and two prominent rows of large nodes, presumably macro- and microconchs. The ornamentation of this species resembles that of the monomorph Bajocia rarinoda Sturani from the upper part of the Lower Bajocian; perhaps the latter was ancestral to the Middle Jurassic heteromorph. The above species of Spiroceras, as well as S. obliquecostatum (Quenstedt), are figured.  相似文献   

The new genus Cieneguiticeras, assigned to the family Oppeliidae, is described on the basis of Andean lower-middle Tithonian ammonites from Arroyo Cieneguita, west-central part of the Neuquén-Mendoza Basin, Argentina. The macroconchs are closely homoeomorphic with Neochetoceras Spath and the microconchs have a ‘glochiceratid’-type morphology. The stratigraphic range of Cieneguiticeras nov. gen. includes the lower and middle Tithonian by means of a succession of two or three species which are interpreted as members of a phyletic lineage. Ammonites from the Tithonian of Cuba, Mexico and France are more or less confidently included in this new genus.  相似文献   

The succession of early species of the genus Kepplerites is established in the Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian beds of Central Russia and compared with the ammonoid succession of East Greenland and Western Europe. Late Bathonian members of the genus Kepplerites from the Middle Volga Region are generally similar, though not identical to those from Greenland, whereas the Early Callovian Kepplerites species and their immediate Bathonian ancestors are represented by species common to all three regions. The analysis of the ammonoid distribution suggests a connection between the East Greenland and Central Russian marine basins in the Early and Middle Bathonian and in the Early Callovian, and their short-term isolation in the Late Bathonian. A new species, Kepplerites (Kepplerites) aigii sp. nov., is described from the Upper Bathonian (keuppi Zone) of the Alatyr River basin (Middle Volga Region).  相似文献   

A section of the “Varians-Schichten” (Brauner Jura e) near Talheim am Lupfen (southwestern Swabian Alb) is described. The ammonites collected in these layers document the ?progracilis,subcontractus andmorrisi zones (Middle Bathonian, Dogger) and moreover theretrocostatum zone (lowest part of the Upper Bathonian, Dogger). Some of the described ammonites are new for SW-Germany.  相似文献   

The ammonoid subfamily Peltoceratinae is a well-constrained group restricted to the Middle Upper Jurassic; it had a near global distribution. In Kutch (India), they were the most important marine macroinvertebrate group during the upper Callovian–lower Oxfordian. Previous reports suffered from excessive splitting due to failure to account for the large intraspecific variability and sexual dimorphism of these ammonoids. The present systematic revision, based on numerous specimens including many near-complete adult specimens, enables to recognize and describe three species of the genus Peltoceras (P. athleta, P. ponderosum, and P. kumagunense) and two species of the genus Peltoceratoides (P. semirugosus and P. propinquus), as well as identifying their macroconchs and microconchs. We rediscovered Peltoceras athleta, which was previously described by Waagen (1875) but often overlooked by subsequent workers. We were able to identify several morphs within this species that are stunningly similar with those previously reported from France. The presence of P. athleta sensu stricto prompted us to reinstate the Athleta Zone in Kutch, improving intercontinental biostratigraphic correlation. Also, it highlights that the genus Peltoceras has a different biostratigraphic longevity in Kutch: in Europe it is restricted to the upper Callovian, whereas in India it also occurs in the lower Oxfordian.  相似文献   

The genus Choffatia (Siemiradzki) is an important Callovian ammonite in Kutch biostratigraphy. Several species of the genus were described by the early workers who did not recognize intraspecific variability and sexual dimorphism in terms of the modern concepts. We have described here three dimorphic species based on material reposited in the Geological Survey of India, Kolkata as well as systematically collected additional specimens with precise stratigraphic information. These species are: Choffatia recuperoi (Gemmellaro, 1873), Choffatia cobra (Waagen, 1875), and Choffatia perdagata (Waagen, 1875). The microconchs of the three species, described here for the first time, are lappeted whereas the macroconchs have a simple aperture. However, these species have similar shell morphologies and they intergrade in shell shape and sculpture; thus it is difficult to distinguish them qualitatively. Statistical analyses (both bivariate and multivariate) support that they are distinct species and there is a good correlation among the degree of involution, the degree of inflation, and the strength of ornamentation. C. cobra is the most evolute, depressed, and strongly ribbed whereas C. perdagata is the most involute, compressed, and weakly ribbed. C. recuperoi occupies the intermediate position. This interspecific diversity of Choffatia thus supports Buckman's Law of Covariation.  相似文献   

Ammonitoceras Dumas, 1876 is a genus of heteromorph ammonites characterized by the presence of a peculiar ontogenetic stage in its inner whorls: the Ammonitoceras stage. But in spite of its wide paleogeographic and biostratigraphic extension throughout the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous), this genus remains poorly known. In the present work we study specimens of Ammonitoceras from the lower Aptian Deshayesites multicostatus (Deshayesites deshayesi Zone) to Dufrenoyia furcata (Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) subzones of the Les Ferres Aptian Basin (southeastern France). The results are as follows: (1) representatives of Ammonitoceras from this area are regarded dimorphic with criocone macroconchs and ancylocone microconchs, (2) their ontogenetic sequence is described, (3) their intraspecific variability is significant and concerns the adult size and the duration of the ontogenetic stages, especially the Ammonitoceras stage, (4) two species are recognized: the earlier Ammonitoceras ucetiae Dumas, 1876, characterized by a brief Ammonitoceras stage on average, and the latter Ammonitoceras lahuseni (Sinzow, 1906), characterized by a longer Ammonitoceras stage on average. The sample of the Deshayesites grandis Subzone (Deshayesites deshayesi Zone) is composed of specimens too fragmentary to be identified at species level.  相似文献   

The ammonites of the genus Rarecostites (subfamily Parkinsoniinae) are studied from the lower part of the Upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone of the Kyafar River (Bolshoi Zelenchuk River Basin, Karachai-Cherkessia, Russia). The locality contains numerous microconch shells of R. subarietis (Wetzel). We follow de Grossouvre (1919) in considering the names R. acris (Wetzel) and R. arietis (Wetzel) to be subjective synonyms of R. subarietis and, thus, the standard Acris should be replaced by the Subarietis Subzone. The lower part of the section also contains numerous microconchs of R. sherstyukovi sp. nov. and, less commonly, macroconchs of R. kyafarensis sp. nov. The phylogeny of Rarecostites species is reconstructed; the above species are described and figured and the sherstyukovi and subarietis faunal horizons are established.  相似文献   

Depositional redox conditions of the uppermost Bajocian–Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays of the Gnaszyn/Kawodrza area in the Polish Jura have been determined using an integrated geochemical (Th/U and U/Th ratios, degree of pyritisation (DOP), sulphur stable isotopes, biomarker analysis) and petrographic approach (measurements of pyrite framboid diameters, and microfacies analysis). The Th/U and U/Th ratios indicate that oxic conditions prevailed on the sea-floor during this interval, and 34S isotopes suggest open-system conditions. DOP values, however, are rather scattered, and may reflect oxic, dysoxic, or anoxic conditions. We consider that the DOP values result from reducing conditions within the sediment and the chemistry of the pore-waters, rather than true sea-floor redox conditions. Pyrite framboid populations also indicate that dysoxic conditions prevailed within the sediment, beneath an oxygenated water column. Biomarker data did not provide any evidence of water column stratification or anoxia during sedimentation of the Middle Jurassic clays.  相似文献   

Five cyrtocrinid crinoid taxa previously unknown from the epicratonic deposits of Poland, as well as associated millericrinids and isocrinids, are described. The studied materials were derived mainly from the Lower and Middle Oxfordian, but crinoids are also from uppermost Callovian and/or lowermost Oxfordian sediments of the Polish Jura Chain (southern Poland). The crinoids, preserved as more or less complete (e.g., basal circlets) cups, include Lonchocrinus dumortieri, Phyllocrinus belbekensis, Remisovicrinus polonicus, Remisovicrinus aff. polonicus, Tetracrinus moniliformis and Sclerocrinus sp. The occurrence of Remisovicrinus polonicus in the late Middle Oxfordian of the southern Poland is confirmed. Moreover, the present study extends the geographic range of all cyrtocrinid species studied and discusses their unusual environmental adaptations.  相似文献   

Sublethal injuries, the effects of which are seen as regeneration patterns, are described from Late Bajocian and Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ammonites from Poland (Polish Jura area) for the first time. The total number of ammonite shells bearing signs of sublethal injuries is small (only 11 specimens, which constitute ∼1.2% of all ammonites investigated), and this value is even smaller (∼0.3 to 0.8%) when analysing a large sample of a particular ammonite species. Specimens under consideration represent ten species, belonging to six genera and five families. All the healed injuries are represented by only one type, referred to as the ‘forma verticata’ of Hölder. This type of regeneration, very common in ammonite shells in general, is an effect of a puncture injury of the shell-secreting mantle-epithelia at the apertural margin. Although many different extrinsic (mechanical) factors may be responsible for such healed injuries, here it is most plausible they are an effect of either competitive or predatory activities. Other causes, like collision of the ammonite shells with the substrate in a high-energy environment, are excluded because the sea-bottom was soft and situated below the storm wave-base. From many potential predators inhabiting the Polish Basin during the Bajocian and Bathonian, the most likely to have caused these injuries are other ammonites, belemnites and nautiloids. Crabs, which are cited in the literature as a probable perpetrator of the ‘forma verticata’ injuries, appear unlikely here, as the ammonites under discussion were not purely benthic.  相似文献   

The analysis of distribution of endemic and cosmopolitan ostracods of the genus Palaeocytheridea shows that, in the Bajocian and Bathonian, the Tethyan and Boreal-Atlantic regions of Western and Eastern Europe developed in partial isolation, while beginning from the middle of the Lower Callovian, these parts of the European paleobasin were connected. For the Middle Jurassic of Western and Eastern Europe and, in particular, for Ukraine, the ostracod zones are recognized based on stratigraphic distribution of species of the genus Palaeocytheridea.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the Middle Jurassic ammonite genusReineckeia (sensu lato) have been found in the lowest beds of the Pachchham (Patcham) Limestones exposed in the core of the Jumara Dome, Kachchh (Kutch), Gujarat, western India. The stratigraphy is described in detail and the age bracketed to lie between latest Late Bathonian and Middle Bathonian, older than any previously described examples of this genus, either in India or in Europe (middle Early Callovian). The new finds are compared with other known pre-Callovian Reineckeiidae, notably those of the eastern borders of the Pacific, but the relationships are not close. The phylogenetic consequences are briefly discussed. The roots of the Reineckeiidae continue to lie hidden.  相似文献   

Locusts are well known for exhibiting an extreme form of density-dependent phenotypic plasticity known as locust phase polyphenism. At low density, locust nymphs are cryptically colored and shy, but at high density they transform into conspicuously colored and gregarious individuals. Most of what we know about locust phase polyphenism come from the study of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål), which is a devastating pest species affecting many countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The desert locust belongs to the grasshopper genus Schistocerca Stål, which includes mostly non-swarming, sedentary species. Recent phylogenetic studies suggest that the desert locust is the earliest branching lineage within Schistocerca, which raises a possibility that the presence of density-dependent phenotypic plasticity may be a plesiomorphic trait for the whole genus. In order to test this idea, we have quantified the effect of rearing density in terms of the resulting behavior, color, and morphology in two non-swarming Schistocerca species native to Florida. When reared in both isolated and crowded conditions, the two non-swarming species, Schistocerca americana (Drury) and Schistocerca serialis cubense (Saussure) clearly exhibited plastic reaction norms in all traits measured, which were reminiscent of the desert locust. Specifically, we found that both species were more active and more attracted to each other when reared in a crowded condition than in isolation. They were mainly bright green in color when isolated, but developed strong black patterns and conspicuous background colors when crowded. We found a strong effect of rearing density in terms of size. There were also more mechanoreceptor hairs on the outer face of the hind femora in the crowded nymphs in both species. Although both species responded similarly, there were some clear species-specific differences in terms of color and behavior. Furthermore, we compare and contrast our findings with those on the desert locust and other relevant studies. We attribute the presence of density-dependent phenotypic plasticity in the non-swarming Schistocerca species to phylogenetic conservatism, but there may be a possible role of local adaptation in further shaping the ultimate expressions of plasticity.  相似文献   

The genus Djanaliparkinsonia Kutuzova, 1975 was originally described as an endemic subgenus of the genus Parkinsonia (family Parkinsoniidae of the superfamily Perisphinctoidea) from the Upper Bajocian (middle member of the Degibadam Formation) of the Gissar Range (Uzbekistan). A new species D. alanica sp. nov. is established from the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone (upper member of the Djangura Formation) based on occurrences in the Northern Caucasus (Karachay-Cherkessia). Macroconchs and microconchs of the new species are described from the two localities on the Kuban and Kyafar rivers. Djanaliparkinsonia sp. is identified from the lower subzone of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone of the Kyafar River. The species composition and geographic range of Djanaliparkinsonia are expanded: a species previously described from Germany as Garantiana bentzi Wetzel, 1954 also assigned to the genus. The genus Djanaliparkinsonia is assigned to the subfamily Garantianinae of the family Stephanoceratidae (superfamily Stephanoceratoidea).  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, is a large shrimp extensively used in aquaculture whose grooming behaviors were analyzed in this study. Macrobrachium rosenbergii exhibits three unique male morphotypes that differ in their behavior, morphology and physiology: small-clawed males (SM), orange-clawed males (OC) and blue-clawed males (BC). The largest and most dominant males, BC males, are predicted to have significantly different grooming behaviors compared to females and the other two male morphotypes. These BC males may be too large and bulky to efficiently groom and may dedicate more time to mating and agonistic interactions than grooming behaviors. Observations were conducted to look at the prevalence of grooming behaviors in the absence and presence of conspecifics and to determine if any differences in grooming behavior exist among the sexes and male morphotypes. Significant differences in the grooming behaviors of all individuals (females and male morphotypes) were found. BC males tended to have the highest grooming time budget (percent of time spent grooming) while SM males had a relatively low grooming time budget. The grooming behaviors of the male morphotypes differed, indicating while these males play distinct, separate roles in the social hierarchy, they also have different grooming priorities. The conditions in which Macrobrachium rosenbergii are cultured may result in increased body fouling, which may vary, depending on the grooming efficiencies and priorities of these male morphotypes. Overall, grooming behaviors were found to be a secondary behavior which only occurred when primary behaviors such as mating, feeding or fighting were not present.  相似文献   

Based on material from the uppermost Tithonian La Caja Formation at Puerto Piñones, northeastern Mexico, the complete ontogenetic development (protoconch to adult) of the ammonite Salinites grossicostatum is outlined by a detailed morphometrical shell analysis. The embryonic stage, consisting of a small ellipsoid protoconch and ammonitella, ends at about 0.6 mm. Four major morphological changes are differentiated throughout ontogeny based on internal features such as reduced septal spacing and siphuncle position. Sexual dimorphism is reflected by shell size, siphuncular diameter, differences in the morphology of the apophysis, and by two distinct general trends in septal spacing. In addition, macroconchs are characterized by septal crowding at different stages, followed by the return to normal septum distances. Our analysis indicates a change in the mode of life after the neanic stage. A change in habitat preference is inferred for adult individuals. While microconchs persisted at Puerto Piñones, large mature macroconchs temporarily migrated to other areas, possibly for egg deposition. Salinites grossicostatum is endemic to the ancient Gulf of Mexico and is there restricted to outer continental shelf environments.  相似文献   

Among monogeneans that display direct life cycles, plastic developmental strategies may have been selected to counter the lack of transmission opportunities. Within amphibian polystomatids, some species of the genus Polystoma develop into two different phenotypes depending on the host physiological stage to which free swimming larvae attach. When oncomiracidia infest old tadpoles, they develop slowly and migrate during host metamorphosis towards the bladder where they reach maturity. On the other hand when larvae infest young tadpoles, they develop rapidly into neotenic phenotypes that reproduce in the branchial chamber. These alternative developments are explored through experimental infestations with Polystoma gallieni, the specific polystome of the stripeless tree frog Hyla meridionalis. When oncomiracidia were left for 6 h in water in which young tadpoles had been previously maintained for one day, they mainly developed into the neotenic phenotype regardless of the tadpole stage they encountered later. This indicates that P. gallieni could collect released host-derived signals before physical contact with its host.  相似文献   

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