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Experiments using mammalian epithelial cell lines have elucidated biosynthetic and recycling pathways for apical and basolateral plasma-membrane proteins, and have identified components that guide apical and basolateral proteins along these pathways. These components include apical and basolateral sorting signals, adaptors for basolateral signals, and docking and fusion proteins for vesicular trafficking. Recent live-cell-imaging studies provide a real-time view of sorting processes in epithelial cells, including key roles for actin, microtubules and motors in the organization of post-Golgi trafficking.  相似文献   

Rab-family GTPases are conserved regulators of membrane trafficking that cycle between inactive GDP-bound and activated GTP-bound states. A key determinant of Rab function is the lifetime of the GTP-bound state. As Rabs have a low intrinsic rate of GTP hydrolysis, this process is under the control of GTP-hydrolysis-activating proteins (GAPs). Due to the large number of Rabs and GAPs that are encoded by the human genome, it has proven difficult to assign specific functional relationships to these proteins. Here, we identify a Rab5-specific GAP (RabGAP-5), and show that RN-Tre (previously described as a Rab5 GAP) acts on Rab41. RabGAP-5 overexpression triggers a loss of the Rab5 effector EEA1 from endosomes and blocks endocytic trafficking. By contrast, depletion of RabGAP-5 results in increased endosome size, more endosome-associated EEA1, and disrupts the trafficking of EGF and LAMP1. RabGAP-5 therefore limits the amount of activated Rab5, and thereby regulates trafficking through endosomes.  相似文献   

Chemically modified antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) designed to mediate site-specific cleavage of RNA by RNase H1 are used as research tools and as therapeutics. ASOs modified with phosphorothioate (PS) linkages enter cells via endocytotic pathways. The mechanisms by which PS-ASOs are released from membrane-enclosed endocytotic organelles to reach target RNAs remain largely unknown. We recently found that annexin A2 (ANXA2) co-localizes with PS-ASOs in late endosomes (LEs) and enhances ASO activity. Here, we show that co-localization of ANXA2 with PS-ASO is not dependent on their direct interactions or mediated by ANXA2 partner protein S100A10. Instead, ANXA2 accompanies the transport of PS-ASOs to LEs, as ANXA2/PS-ASO co-localization was observed inside LEs. Although ANXA2 appears not to affect levels of PS-ASO internalization, ANXA2 reduction caused significant accumulation of ASOs in early endosomes (EEs) and reduced localization in LEs and decreased PS-ASO activity. Importantly, the kinetics of PS-ASO activity upon free uptake show that target mRNA reduction occurs at least 4 hrs after PS-ASOs exit from EEs and is coincident with release from LEs. Taken together, our results indicate that ANXA2 facilitates PS-ASO trafficking from early to late endosomes where it may also contribute to PS-ASO release.  相似文献   

Helmut Kr?mer 《Autophagy》2010,6(7):974-975
Fusion with lysosomes is the common last step of endocytic trafficking and autophagy. Accordingly, several proteins are required in both pathways for cargoes to reach their destinations. Among these proteins, Drosophila Acinus stands out, as it exerts opposite effects on these two pathways, and thus establishes a new paradigm. Loss of Acinus function destabilizes early endosomes, thereby promoting the delivery of their cargo to lysosomes. By contrast, the maturation of autophagosomes to autolysosomes is inhibited in acn mutant cells. The increase in autophagy upon Acinus overexpression and its location to the nucleus are consistent with Acinus being a novel regulator of autophagy.Key words: fat body, endosomes, lysosomes, nuclear protein, Notch signaling, EGF ReceptorMuch of the core machinery that is required for the formation and maturation of autophagosomes and endosomes has been identified by genetic screens in yeast. But as both types of organelles are charged with more complex functions in multicellular organisms, it is not surprising to find additional layers of regulation imposed on them. One such regulatory element was revealed by a genetic screen we conducted in Drosophila.The screen''s original idea was to take advantage of the observation that many proteins acting in trafficking to lysosomes also function in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles. Among these, the pigment granules—responsible for the characteristic color of the fly eye—are easily scored for defects. Thus, we set up a primary screen for eye color mutants. Among the more than 500 original hits, a secondary screen identified those mutants that altered endocytic trafficking. Importantly, the genetic tool kit assembled by the fly community allowed us to screen homozygous mutant eyes in otherwise heterozygous flies. This schema made it possible to identify mutations that are homozygous lethal as one might expect for null alleles of genes required for lysosomal delivery.One of the unexpected genes identified by this screen was acinus (acn). The Acn protein lacks any domain signatures and is most similar to human Acinus, which had been implicated in the destruction of chromatin during apoptosis. It is not clear yet whether the Drosophila protein contributes to this function as well, but in acn null alleles chromatin condensation and fragmentation during apoptosis appear normal.There is, however, a profound effect on endocytic trafficking, as acn is required for stabilization of early endosomes. Staining for endocytosed ligands, such as Boss or Delta, is drastically reduced, concomitant with a reduction in early endosomes marked by Rab5 or the SNARE Avl. By contrast, late endosomes marked by Rab7 appear normal. These changes do not represent a block in the initial internalization of the ligands, as inhibition of lysosomal degradation reveals the same accumulation of internalized ligands in wild-type and acn mutant cells.Reduced stability of early endosomes also causes reduced signaling from EGF receptors and Notch, consistent with the emerging notion that signaling from these receptors may be linked to their uptake into early endosomes.Many mutants that disrupt endocytic trafficking also affect autophagy. We found that this theme extends to acn. The most accessible form of autophagy in Drosophila is found in fat bodies after a short period of starvation. Activation of the AKT1/TOR pathway triggers the formation of autophagosomes, which mature into autolysosomes by fusing with lysosomes. Loss of acn interferes with this maturation step, as shown by the reduction in LysoTracker staining and also by quantitative electron microscopy. Consistent with an effect on the maturation of autophagosomes, acn is required downstream of TOR signaling. For example, expression of dominant-negative TOR kinase is a powerful tool to induce autophagy in the fat body of wild-type, but not acn larvae.Interestingly, overexpression of Acn induces autophagy. This does not appear to be merely a side effect. Ubiquitous expression of Acn is lethal, but flies survive when autophagy is suppressed by knockdown of ATG5, a core element of the autophagy machinery. We find that this enhanced autophagy is also independent of the TOR pathway.Taken together, this analysis of the first null mutant of an acinus gene in any system reveals its function as a regulator of endosomal and autophagosomal dynamics, modulating developmental signaling and the cellular response to starvation. Our investigation of acn loss-of-function phenotypes reveals defects in membrane trafficking during endocytosis and autophagy. We were therefore surprised that Acn protein localized to the nucleus, and that we failed to detect any consistent localization to endocytic or autophagic structures. This unexpected finding was further tested with transgenes expressing Myc-tagged Acn in the context of a genomic rescue construct. This tagged protein, under control of its endogenous enhancer/promoter elements, rescued all aspects of Acn function, and, nevertheless, localized to the nucleus, rather than any endosomal compartment.These findings suggest that the mechanism by which Acinus proteins modify endocytosis and autophagy may be indirect. One model for such an indirect effect is suggested by the interaction of mammalian Acinus proteins with several RNA binding proteins. Modulation of the levels or structure of RNAs that encode specific elements of the endocytosis or autophagy pathways may constitute an exciting new element of their regulation. Testing this possibility and identifying potential targets regulated by this Acn-dependent mechanism are important challenges that we have just begun to address.  相似文献   

Cells maintain a cholesterol gradient across the secretory system, with the lowest concentrations in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the highest in the plasma membrane (PM). Cholesterol is also heterogeneously distributed in the endocytic pathway. Little is known about how this heterogeneous distribution of cholesterol is maintained despite continuous vesicular traffic between organelles. Both the modulation of the cholesterol content of transport vesicles and the non-vesicular transport of cholesterol between organelles are likely to contribute. This review summarizes what is known about the pathways and mechanisms of intracellular sterol trafficking.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases play an important regulatory role in early endocytosis. We recently demonstrated that epitope-tagged Rab15 (HArab15) co-localizes with Rab4, -5, and -11 on early endosomal membranes in CHO cells (Zuk, P. A., and Elferink, L. A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 22303-22312). To characterize the role of Rab15 in endocytosis, we prepared functional mutants of HArab15 and examined their effects on early endocytic trafficking. Wild-type HArab15 and its constitutively active, GTP-bound mutant (Q67L) reduce fluid phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis without affecting the rate of recycling from early endosomal compartments. Inhibition of early endocytosis appears to be due to a reduction in the rate of homotypic early endosome fusion. Conversely, mutations that constitutively inactivate HArab15 stimulate early endocytosis and the homotypic fusion of early endosomes in vitro. Unlike active forms of HArab15, constitutively inactive HArab15 mutants also affect recycling from early endosomal compartments. Moreover, the two constitutively inactive mutants, GDP-bound HArab15-T22N and the non-nucleotide binding mutant HArab15-N121I, differentially regulate the transit of fluid phase and receptor-mediated endocytic tracers through early/sorting endosomes. Together, these data suggest that HArab15 may counteract the reported stimulatory effect of Rab5 on early endocytosis. Consistent with this, overexpression of constitutively active HArab15-Q67L attenuates Rab5-stimulated endocytosis, whereas Rab5-stimulated endocytosis is augmented in cells overexpressing a constitutively inactive HArab15 mutant defective in guanine nucleotide binding (N121I). Our data indicate that HArab15 differentially regulates distinct steps in membrane trafficking through early/sorting and pericentriolar recycling endosomes.  相似文献   

Annexins are a family of calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins, which have been implicated in a variety of biological processes including membrane trafficking. The annexin 6/lgp120 prelysosomal compartment of NRK cells was loaded with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and then its transport from this endocytic compartment and its degradation in lysosomes were studied. NRK cells were microinjected with the mutated annexin 6 (anx6(1-175)), to assess the possible involvement of annexin 6 in the transport of LDL from the prelysosomal compartment. The results indicated that microinjection of mutated annexin 6, in NRK cells, showed the accumulation of LDL in larger endocytic structures, denoting retention of LDL in the prelysosomal compartment. To confirm the involvement of annexin 6 in the trafficking and the degradation of LDL we used CHO cells transfected with mutated annexin 6(1-175). Thus, in agreement with NRK cells the results obtained in CHO cells demonstrated a significant inhibition of LDL degradation in CHO cells expressing the mutated form of annexin 6 compared to controls overexpressing wild-type annexin 6. Therefore, we conclude that annexin 6 is involved in the trafficking events leading to LDL degradation.  相似文献   

The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family and has important roles in development and cancer. Through ligand stimulation, the EGFR initiates a number of biochemical pathways that integrate to form specific physiological responses. In addition to these signaling pathways, the ligand stimulation also causes the EGFR to internalize and be transported through the endocytic pathway. The endocytic pathway regulates the rate of EGFR degradation and recycling, as well as the signaling mediated by the EGFR. In this review, the role of rabs, a family of small molecular weight guanine nucleotide binding proteins, is examined in how they regulate endocytic trafficking.  相似文献   

The lysosome functions are ensured by accurate membrane trafficking in the cell. We found that mouse syntaxin 7 could complement yeast vam3 and pep12 mutants defective in docking/fusion to vacuolar and prevacuolar membranes, respectively. Immunohistochemical studies showed that syntaxin 7 is localized to late endosomes, but not to early endosomes. Induced expression of mutant syntaxin 7 blocked endocytic transport from early to late endosomes but did not block the transport of cathepsin D and lamp-2 from the trans-Golgi network to lysosomes. Thus, syntaxin 7 mediates the endocytic trafficking from early endosomes to late endosomes and lysosomes. These results also suggest that the biosynthetic pathway utilizes a different machinery from that of the endocytic pathway in the docking/fusion to late endosomes.  相似文献   

The entry of DENV into the host cell appears to be a very complex process which has been started to be studied in detail. In this report, the route of functional intracellular trafficking after endocytic uptake of dengue virus serotype 1 (DENV-1) strain HW, DENV-2 strain NGC and DENV-2 strain 16681 into Vero cells was studied by using a susceptibility to ammonium chloride assay, dominant negative mutants of several members of the family of cellular Rab GTPases that participate in regulation of transport through endosome vesicles and immunofluorescence colocalization. Together, the results presented demonstrate that in spite of the different internalization route among viral serotypes in Vero cells and regardless of the viral strain, DENV particles are first transported to early endosomes in a Rab5-dependent manner. Then a Rab7-dependent pathway guides DENV-2 16681 to late endosomes, whereas a yet unknown sorting event controls the transport of DENV-2 NGC, and most probably DENV-1 HW, to the perinuclear recycling compartments where fusion membrane would take place releasing nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm. Besides the demonstration of a different intracellular trafficking for two DENV-2 strains that shared the initial clathrin-independent internalization route, these studies proved for the first time the involvement of the slow recycling pathway for DENV-2 productive infection.  相似文献   

The internalization of essential nutrients, lipids and receptors is a crucial process for all eukaryotic cells. Accordingly, endocytosis is highly conserved across cell types and species. Once internalized, small cargo-containing vesicles fuse with early endosomes (also known as sorting endosomes), where they undergo segregation to distinct membrane regions and are sorted and transported on through the endocytic pathway. Although the mechanisms that regulate this sorting are still poorly understood, some receptors are directed to late endosomes and lysosomes for degradation, whereas other receptors are recycled back to the plasma membrane; either directly or through recycling endosomes. The Rab family of small GTP-binding proteins plays crucial roles in regulating these trafficking pathways. Rabs cycle from inactive GDP-bound cytoplasmic proteins to active GTP-bound membrane-associated proteins, as a consequence of the activity of multiple specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) and GTP exchange factors (GEFs). Once bound to GTP, Rabs interact with a multitude of effector proteins that carry out Rab-specific functions. Recent studies have shown that some of these effectors are also interaction partners for the C-terminal Eps15 homology (EHD) proteins, which are also intimately involved in endocytic regulation. A particularly interesting example of common Rab-EHD interaction partners is the MICAL-like protein, MICAL-L1. MICAL-L1 and its homolog, MICAL-L2, belong to the larger MICAL family of proteins, and both have been directly implicated in regulating endocytic recycling of cell surface receptors and junctional proteins, as well as controlling cytoskeletal rearrangement and neurite outgrowth. In this review, we summarize the functional roles of MICAL and Rab proteins, and focus on the significance of their interactions and the implications for endocytic transport.  相似文献   

The ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP) ) channel consisting of sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) and inward-rectifier potassium channel 6.2 (Kir6.2) has a well-established role in insulin secretion. Mutations in either subunit can lead to disease due to aberrant channel gating, altered channel density at the cell surface or a combination of both. Endocytic trafficking of channels at the plasma membrane is one way to influence surface channel numbers. It has been previously reported that channel endocytosis is dependent on a tyrosine-based motif in Kir6.2, while SUR1 alone is unable to internalize. In this study, we followed endocytic trafficking of surface channels in real time by live-cell imaging of channel subunits tagged with an extracellular minimal α-bungarotoxin-binding peptide labeled with a fluorescent dye. We show that SUR1 undergoes endocytosis independent of Kir6.2. Moreover, mutations in the putative endocytosis motif of Kir6.2, Y330C, Y330A and F333I are unable to prevent channel endocytosis. These findings challenge the notion that Kir6.2 bears the sole endocytic signal for K(ATP) channels and support a role of SUR1 in this trafficking process.  相似文献   

Activated receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) receptors are rapidly internalized and eventually delivered to the lysosomes. Although ligand-induced endocytosis was originally thought to be a mechanism of receptor inactivation, many studies suggest that receptors remain active within endosomes. This review discusses the role that internalized signaling complexes may play in different RTK systems including recent data on how ubiquitination may regulate this process. In general, it appears that some receptor systems have evolved to enhance endosomal signaling, as is the case for TrkA and NGF. In contrast, the insulin receptor system appears to limit the extent of endosomal signaling. The EGFR system is the intermediate example. In this case, some signals are specifically generated from the cell surface while others appear to be generated from within endosomes. This may act as a mechanism to produce ligand-specific signals. Thus, trafficking could play diverse roles in receptor signaling, depending on the specific cell and tissue type.  相似文献   

The endosomal pathway provides a major platform for ubiquitin-modifying enzymes, which act upon membrane-associated proteins in transit. Ubiquitylated cargo proteins are recognized by ubiquitin-binding domains inherent to key adaptor proteins at the plasma membrane and sorting endosome. A balance between ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation activities may govern the efficiency of recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane versus lysosomal sorting through the multivesicular body pathway. We discuss the current knowledge of the properties of adaptors and ubiquitin-modifying proteins and their effects upon the trafficking and signaling of receptors and ligands associated with pathways fundamental to development.  相似文献   

Aldosterone induces ras methylation in A6 epithelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aldosterone increases Na+ reabsorption by renalepithelial cells: the acute actions (<4 h) appear to be promoted byprotein methylation. This paper describes the relationship betweenprotein methylation and aldosterone's action and describesaldosterone-mediated targets for methylation in cultured renal cells(A6). Aldosterone increases protein methylation from 7.90 ± 0.60 to 20.1 ± 0.80 methyl ester cpm/µg protein. Aldosteronestimulates protein methylation by increasing methyltransferase activityfrom 14.0 ± 0.64 in aldosterone-depleted cells to 31.8 ± 2.60 methyl ester cpm/µg protein per hour in aldosterone-treated cells. Three known methyltransferase inhibitors reduce thealdosterone-induced increase in methyltransferase activity. One ofthese inhibitors, the isoprenyl-cysteine methyltransferase-specificinhibitor,S-trans,trans-farnesylthiosalicylic acid, completely blocks aldosterone-induced protein methylation and also aldosterone-induced short-circuit current. Aldosterone inducesprotein methylation in two molecular weight ranges: near 90 kDa andaround 20 kDa. The lower molecular weight range is the weight of smallG proteins, and aldosterone does increase both Ras protein 1.6-fold andRas methylation almost 12-fold. Also, Ras antisense oligonucleotidesreduce the activity of Na+ channels by about fivefold. Weconclude that 1) protein methylation is essential foraldosterone-induced increases in Na+ transport;2) one target for methylation is p21ras; and3) inhibition of Ras expression or Ras methylation inhibits Na+ channel activity.


Trypanosoma brucei possesses a streamlined secretory system that guarantees efficient delivery to the cell surface of the critical glycosyl‐phosphatidylinositol (GPI)‐anchored virulence factors, variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) and transferrin receptor (TfR). Both are thought to be constitutively endocytosed and returned to the flagellar pocket via TbRab11+ recycling endosomes. We use conditional knockdown with established reporters to investigate the role of TbRab11 in specific endomembrane trafficking pathways in bloodstream trypanosomes. TbRab11 is essential. Ablation has a modest negative effect on general endocytosis, but does not affect turnover, steady state levels or surface localization of TfR. Nor are biosynthetic delivery to the cell surface and recycling of VSG affected. TbRab11 depletion also causes increased shedding of VSG into the media by formation of nanotubes and extracellular vesicles. In contrast to GPI‐anchored cargo, TbRab11 depletion reduces recycling of the transmembrane invariant surface protein, ISG65, leading to increased lysosomal turnover. Thus, TbRab11 plays a critical role in recycling of transmembrane, but not GPI‐anchored surface proteins. We proposed a two‐step model for VSG turnover involving release of VSG‐containing vesicles followed by GPI hydrolysis. Collectively, our results indicate a critical role of TbRab11 in the homeostatic maintenance of the secretory/endocytic system of bloodstream T. brucei.   相似文献   



A highly regulated trafficking of cargo vesicles in eukaryotes performs protein delivery to a variety of cellular compartments of endomembrane system. The two main routes, the secretory and the endocytic pathways have pivotal functions in uni- and multi-cellular organisms. Protein delivery and targeting includes cargo recognition, vesicle formation and fusion. Developing new tools to modulate protein trafficking allows better understanding the endomembrane system mechanisms and their regulation. The compound Sortin2 has been described as a protein trafficking modulator affecting targeting of the vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), triggering its secretion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


A reverse chemical-genetics approach was used to identify key proteins for Sortin2 bioactivity. A genome-wide Sortin2 resistance screen revealed six yeast deletion mutants that do not secrete CPY when grown at Sortin2 condition where the parental strain does: met18, sla1, clc1, dfg10, dpl1 and yjl175w. Integrating mutant phenotype and gene ontology annotation of the corresponding genes and their interactome pointed towards a high representation of genes involved in the endocytic process. In wild type yeast endocytosis towards the vacuole was faster in presence of Sortin2, which further validates the data of the genome-wide screen. This effect of Sortin2 depends on structural features of the molecule, suggesting compound specificity. Sortin2 did not affect endocytic trafficking in Sortin2-resistant mutants, strongly suggesting that the Sortin2 effects on the secretory and endocytic pathways are linked.


Overall, the results reveal that Sortin2 enhances the endocytic transport pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This cellular effect is most likely at the level where secretory and endocytic pathways are merged. Them Sortin2 specificity over the endomembrane system places it as a powerful biological modulator for cell biology.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40659-015-0032-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A ubiquitin-binding endosomal protein machinery is responsible for sorting endocytosed membrane proteins into intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) for subsequent degradation in lysosomes. The Hrs-STAM complex and endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-I, -II and -III are central components of this machinery. Here, we have performed a systematic analysis of their importance in four trafficking pathways through endosomes. Neither Hrs, Tsg101 (ESCRT-I), Vps22/EAP30 (ESCRT-II), nor Vps24/CHMP3 (ESCRT-III) was required for ligand-mediated internalization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFRs) or for recycling of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptors (CI-M6PRs) from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). In contrast, both Hrs and ESCRT subunits were equally required for degradation of both endocytosed EGF and EGFR. Whereas depletion of Hrs or Tsg101 caused enhanced recycling of endocytosed EGFRs, this was not the case with depletion of Vps22 or Vps24. Depletion of Vps24 instead caused a strong increase in the levels of CI-M6PRs and a dramatic redistribution of the Golgi and the TGN. These results indicate that, although Hrs-STAM and ESCRT-I, -II and -III have a common function in degradative protein sorting, they play differential roles in other trafficking pathways, probably reflecting their functions at distinct stages of the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

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