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《Aquatic Botany》2010,92(4):267-272
We investigated the effects of different hydrological regimes (wet [flooded at a constant water depth for duration of the study], cycle [reflooded at eight weeks following natural drying], and wet–dry [initially flooded and allowed to naturally dry for duration of the study]) on the competitive ability of Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (Torr.) M. T. Strong with an annual, native wetland plant (Polygonum pensylvanicum L.) and a perennial, wetland plant (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani [C. C. Gmel.] Palla). To assess competitive response of the plants, we used a greenhouse target-neighbor study with neighbor plants planted at varying densities (0 [control], 1, 10, and 15 plants pot−1). Our results suggest that S. fluviatilis is competitively superior to S. tabernaemontani and P. pensylvanicum. S. tabernaemontani and P. pensylvanicum biomass declined by 90% and 75% in presence of S. fluviatilis, respectively. However, the competitive ability of S. fluviatilis was generally not enhanced by flooding regime. The competitive coefficients of S. fluviatilis were similar among the three hydrological regimes under intraspecific competition and interspecific competition with S. tabernaemontani, but for interspecific competition with P. pensylvanicum, the competitive coefficient for S. fluviatilis was higher for the cycle treatment compared to the wet–dry and dry treatments. Interestingly, S. tabernaemontani was a strong competitor against S. fluviatilis in the wet and cycle treatments, indicating that maintaining longer hydroperiods could be used as a management tool to encourage growth of S. tabernaemontani and reduce encroachment of S. fluviatilis.  相似文献   

Canna indica L. is an upright perennial rhizomatous herb, and Schoenoplectus validus (Vahl) A. Löve and D. Löve is a tall, perennial, herbaceous sedge. The nutrient uptake kinetics of C. indica and S. validus were investigated using the modified depletion method after plants were grown for 4 weeks in simulated secondary-treated wastewater. The maximum uptake rate (Imax) and Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) were estimated by iterative curve fitting. The Imax for NH4N (623 μmol g−1 dry root weight h−1) was significantly higher than that for NO3N (338 μmol g−1 dry root weight h−1) in S. validus. In contrast, no difference was observed in C. indica. The Imax values for NO3N and NH4N were higher in S. validus than in C. indica. A significantly lower Km was detected for NO3N uptake in C. indica (385 μmol L−1) compared to that in S. validus (1908 μmol L−1). The Imax for PO4P did not differ between the plant species. The Km for PO4P was significantly higher in C. indica (157 μmol L−1) than in S. validus (60 μmol L−1). In conclusion, we found that S. validus preferred NH4N over NO3N, had greater capacity for N uptake and higher affinity for PO4P, but C. indica had greater affinity for NO3N. Nutrient uptake capacity is likely related to habitat preference, and is influenced by the structure of roots and rhizomes.  相似文献   

该文报道了发现于浙江省景宁畲族自治县山地沼泽中的莎草科水葱属一中国新记录种———穗芽水葱(Schoenoplectus gemmifer C. Sato, T. Maeda & Uchino)。该种外形与水毛花相似,但其秆质地较柔软,小穗较短,花柱2,具无性繁殖的穗芽。染色体数目为2n =78±2(水毛花的染色体数目为2n =44)。文献记载穗芽水葱特产于日本,并被列为日本稀有物种。该种在景宁的发现,对研究中国—日本植物区系具有重要学术价值。  相似文献   

A glasshouse study investigated the effect of salinity on growth and competitive interactions between two closely related rush species, an Australian native (Juncus kraussii) and an exotic (J. acutus) species. Overall, both species exhibited decreases in height and total biomass with increasing salinity, although tolerance of J. acutus was marginally lower. We observed asymmetric responses at each salinity, due to the presence of the other species. In fresh-water, co-presence of J. kraussii facilitated the growth (increases in height and total biomass) of J. acutus. However, at 10 ppt salinity direct interspecific competition with J. kraussii adversely affected total biomass of J. acutus. When grown with J. acutus, at 5 ppt but not at 10 ppt, salinity reduced total biomass of J. kraussii. We suggest that interspecific interactions vary with salinity, dependant on relative salinity tolerance of each species. It would appear that in areas receiving regular fresh-water inputs, which reduce salinity stress, J. acutus has the potential to displace J. kraussii.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the variation in treatment performance at three depths, and the degree of vertical mixing, within a 1.0 m deep horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) planted with Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (Gmel.) Palla, and treating primary settled municipal wastewater in sub-tropical New South Wales, Australia. Water samples were collected from the upper (0.17 m), middle (0.5 m), and lower (0.83 m) depths at five equi-spaced sample points along the longitudinal axis of the 8.8 m2 bed during two trials. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated that the rate of pollutant concentration reduction between the three depths was not significantly different (p > 0.05) for all of the measured parameters (dissolved oxygen (DO), hydrogen electrode potentials (Eh), 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)) total nitrogen (TN), TKN, and NH4-N. Thus, it can be concluded that the break-down of contaminants as wastewater moved through the HSSF-CW was approximately uniform across the 1.0 m depth profile. The lack of a significant depth effect can be largely explained by the substantial amount of vertical mixing that was observed when a pulse of lithium tracer was injected into the middle depth of the first intermediate sampling point. The tracer rapidly migrated vertically into the upper and lower depths as water moved through the bed and was almost completely mixed between the three depths by the time it reached the last intermediate sampling point.The majority of BOD5 removal occurred within the first-third of the bed where vegetation cover was poor. Performance of the bed declined over time from Trial 1 to Trial 2, possibly due to a cumulative build-up of organic matter within the substrate as a result of limited oxygen transfer throughout the 1.0 m depth of substrate via root leakage or diffusion across the air–water interface. Root penetration was limited to the upper 0.4 m of the substrate, with the majority of below-ground biomass forming a dense mat in the upper 0.2 m. A comparison of two-parameter (KC*) first-order volumetric rate constant (Kv20) with those obtained from 0.4 to 0.6 m deep HSSF-CW in the same region indicate that a doubling of the wetted depth resulted in no improvement in BOD5 removal and a decline in TN removal on an areal basis. Further investigations are warranted, comparing the performance of replicated beds spanning a range of depths (e.g. 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 m) in order to quantitatively determine the optimal depth of HSSF-CWs treating domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

【背景】功能作图(functionalmapping)模型是基于统计方法的分析生物体动态复杂性状发育的全基因组作图方法,旨在定位性状发育过程中的数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci, QTL),将功能作图应用于微生物研究有助于解析复杂的互作过程。【目的】利用功能作图定位两种微生物在动态生长发育过程中发挥显著作用的QTL,通过基因功能注释找到影响微生物表型生长的基因。【方法】将大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌各100个菌株单独培养和一一配对共同培养,将取得的各菌株生长丰度表型数据和单核苷酸多态性(singlenucleotidepolymorphism,SNP)数据进行关联分析,找到同一物种在不同培养条件下对生长起作用的显著QTL。【结果】通过功能作图分析,在大肠杆菌中定位到217个QTL,金黄色葡萄球菌中定位到152个QTL;通过功能聚类和基因注释分析发现,QTL所在候选基因中金黄色葡萄球菌scdA、sdrC、sdrD、ftsA和大肠杆菌phr、nagC、eptA、ppsA、priA、flim基因对微生物的生长发挥了较大作用。【结论】本文借助功能作图定位了大肠杆菌和金黄...  相似文献   

鄢郭馨  张明祥  张振明 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3784-3793
选取本地物种芦苇和入侵物种互花米草为研究对象,利用波浪装置对生长期的植物进行波浪处理后对其形态特征,根、茎、叶的拉力、弯曲特性进行研究,以探讨湿地植物对波浪作用的生物力学响应。结果表明,芦苇、互花米草经波浪处理后的茎直径均显著高于对照组(P=0.008,P=0.03);互花米草总体呈现拉力或者弯曲载荷高于芦苇的现象(如茎秆),但应力(根系)或静曲强度(茎秆)却要低于芦苇,即对应了互花米草比芦苇茎秆更粗壮的现象,但芦苇自身的强度会更强,其木质素和纤维素的结构成分显示出显著高于互花米草的现象(P<0.001,P<0.001)。总体来看,通过短时间的波浪模拟,植株在形态特征上发生了显著的变化,而植物自身的生物力学特性与形态、结构成分都息息相关。研究结果对于评价芦苇和互花米草在应对海浪影响的潜力、从植物生物力学角度探究滨海湿地的保护和修复都提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

Leveillula on monocotyledonous plants have been recorded as L. taurica by several authors, whereas the fungus on Allium has been described as an independent species, namely L. allii, by some authors. We sequenced ca 600 bp of the rDNA ITS region for two Leveillula specimens from Allium and Polianthes (both from monocotyledons) and compared them with several already published sequences from Leveillula isolates from dicotyledons. Pair-wise percentages of sequence divergences were calculated for all Leveillula isolates. The ITS sequence of the Polianthes isolate was identical to L. taurica on Helianthus and Vicia. The sequence of the Allium isolate was 99.5 % identical to L. taurica on Euphorbia, Haplophylum, Peganum, etc. These results suggest close relationships between monocot and dicot pathogenic Leveillula species. The identity between two monocot isolates was 98.4 %. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the two monocot isolates do not group into a clade together. This result suggests that Leveillula acquired parasitism to monocots at least twice independently.  相似文献   

Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata (Gliocladium catenulatum) strain J1446 (formulated as Prestop WP) suppressed Fusarium root and stem rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum (Forc) on cucumber plants grown hydroponically in rockwool medium. Sixty days following application at seeding, the biocontrol agent had proliferated through the rockwool blocks and was present on cucumber roots and the crown region of the stem at populations >1 × 105 CFU/g fresh weight. Scanning electron micrographs showed that C. rosea had rapidly colonized the root surface and was associated with root hairs and epidermal cell junctions. Following transformation of the fungus with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL-1 containing the hygromycin resistance (hph) and β-glucuronidase (uidA) genes, blue-stained mycelia could be seen growing on the surface and within epidermal and cortical cells of roots, stems and shoots 3 weeks after treatment. Quantification of GUS activity by fluorometric assays showed that fungal biomass was highest in the roots and crown area, while the extent of colonization of upper stems and true leaves was variable. Higher population levels resulted following application to rockwool blocks compared to seed treatment. Application of C. rosea preceding inoculation with Forc significantly reduced pathogen populations on roots compared to plants inoculated with Forc alone. Colonization of infection sites in the root zone reduced pathogen development and disease incidence. Densities of the biocontrol agent appeared to increase in the presence of the pathogen.  相似文献   

石斛属植物多附着在其他植物体或岩石上,水分获取困难,其特殊的水分利用策略是其生存和发展的重要保证.为弄清石斛属植物对干旱胁迫的适应能力和机制,该文选用3年生金钗石斛和铁皮石斛,通过盆栽控水进行干旱胁迫和复水处理,探讨在不同干旱历时和干旱后复水条件下两种石斛的叶水势变化情况.结果表明:随着干旱时间的延长,两种石斛叶水势均...  相似文献   

K.D. Cox  H. Scherm   《Biological Control》2006,37(3):291-300
Armillaria root rot, caused by Armillaria tabescens and Armillaria mellea, is a major cause of premature tree death in peach orchards in the southeastern United States. The root systems of infected trees can become entirely colonized by Armillaria, serving as an inoculum source for adjacent trees and providing massive inoculum levels in replant situations. If dead or dying trees could be colonized by an effective competitor of Armillaria before their removal, the extent of root colonization by the pathogen could be reduced, thus decreasing the threat to adjacent trees and/or subsequent plantings. Interactions between five species of saprobic lignicolous fungi (Ganoderma lucidum, Hypholoma fasciculare, Phanerochaete velutina, Schizophyllum commune, and Xylaria hypoxylon) and the two Armillaria species were examined in controlled conditions to provide proof of concept for competitive exclusion of Armillaria from peach roots. On agar-coated glass slides, all five potential antagonists induced detrimental reactions in >58% of the Armillaria hyphae observed, with the majority resulting in hyphal swelling or granulation. On poplar wood blocks, all antagonists consistently either overgrew Armillaria colonies or—in the case of S. commune—engaged in deadlock reactions; in all cases, the viability of Armillaria colonies was reduced to <30% of that of unchallenged controls. When inoculated simultaneously onto opposite ends of peach root segments, all antagonists consistently reduced growth and viability of Armillaria on and under the bark, whereby reduction of pathogen growth underneath the bark, Armillaria’s primary ecological niche, was most pronounced for G. lucidum, S. commune, and X. hypoxylon. When root segments were allowed to be colonized entirely by Armillaria before being inoculated with the antagonists, the latter were able to overgrow the pathogen on the root surface but unable to pre-empt it from underneath the bark. In summary,G. lucidum, S. commune, and X. hypoxylon caused strong hyphal and mycelial interference reactions and the most pronounced reductions in growth of Armillaria above and below the bark, indicating that they would be the most promising candidates for field-scale evaluations to restrict colonization of dead or dying peach trees by Armillaria in the orchard.  相似文献   

Xubida infusella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is potentially a useful biological control agent targeting Eichhornia crassipes (waterhyacinth) in the USA but many regions infested with waterhyacinth are also inhabited by an alternative native host, Pontederia cordata (pickerelweed). Experiments were conducted in Australia to assess the impact of X. infusella on pickerelweed compared to waterhyacinth where both these plants were available and X. infusella had already been released. Overall X. infusella had a greater impact on pickerelweed than on waterhyacinth. More than one larva per plant was required to reduce the total shoot dry weight of waterhyacinth but only one larva per plant reduced the total shoot dry weight of pickerelweed. Insect feeding caused the number of secondary shoots (daughter plants) of pickerelweed to double whereas the number of daughter plants produced by waterhyacinth remained unchanged. We suggest this indicates a considerable impact on pickerelweed rather than effective compensation for insect damage because the shoots produced were very small. Waterhyacinth produced a constant number of daughter plants when fed on by up to three larvae per plant. Higher nitrogen status of both species of host plant increased the rate of larval development and pupal weight of X. infusella. The weight and fecundity of X. infusella reared on pickerelweed were lower than those reared on waterhyacinth but large numbers of progeny were produced on both plant species. This experiment demonstrates a considerable impact of X. infusella on pickerelweed suggesting this plant is at risk from this agent if released in the USA where pickerelweed is present. The considerable impact on waterhyacinth demonstrates the potential for this insect to contribute to waterhyacinth control in countries where risk assessment favours release.  相似文献   

Mile-a-minute weed, Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross (Polygonaceae), is an annual vine from Asia that has invaded the eastern US where it can form dense monocultures and outcompete other vegetation in a variety of habitats. The host-specific Asian weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was first released in the US in 2004 as part of a classical biological control program. The weevil was intensively monitored in three release arrays over 4 years, and field cages at each site were used to determine the number of generations produced. The weevil established at all three sites and produced three to four generations before entering a reproductive diapause in late summer. Weevils dispersed at an average rate of 1.5–2.9 m wk−1 through the 50 m diameter arrays, which had fairly contiguous mile-a-minute cover. Weevils dispersing in the broader, more variable landscape located both large monocultures and small isolated patches of mile-a-minute 600–760 m from the release within 14 months. Weevil density ranged from fewer than 10 to nearly 200 weevils m−2 mile-a-minute weed. Mile-a-minute cover decreased at the site with the highest weevil density. The production of P. perfoliata seed clusters decreased with increasing weevil populations at two sites, and seedling production declined over time at two sites by 75% and 87%. The ability of the weevil to establish, produce multiple generations per season, disperse to new patches, and likelihood of having an impact on plants in the field suggests that R. latipes has the potential to be a successful biological control agent.  相似文献   

Thermotropic properties of purified cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry under various conditions. Both cytochromes exhibit a single endothermodenaturation peak in the differential scanning calorimetric thermogram. Thermodenaturation temperatures are ionic strength, pH, and redox state dependent. The ferrocytochromes are more stable toward thermodenaturation than the ferricytochromes. The enthalpy changes of thermodenaturation of ferro- and ferricytochrome c1 are markedly dependent on the ionic strength of the solution. The effect of the ionic strength of solution on the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation of cytochrome c is rather insignificant. The formation of a complex between cytochromes c and c1 at lower ionic strength causes a significant destabilization of the former and a slight stabilization of the latter. The destabilization of cytochrome c upon mixing with cytochrome c1 was also observed at high ionic strength, under which conditions no stable complex was detected by physical separation. This suggests formation of a transient complex between these two cytochromes. When cytochrome c was complexed with phospholipids, no change in the thermodenaturation temperature was observed, but a great increase in the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation resulted.  相似文献   

Herbivory by insects may change the characteristics of nutrients and secondary plant chemicals of the foliage, thereby altering the acceptability and suitability of the plant for oviposition, feeding and development for subsequent herbivores. In the current study, the effect of herbivory by the sap-sucking lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosa Stäl (Heteroptera: Tingidae), on the suitability of Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) for the root-feeding flea beetle, Longitarsus bethae Savini & Escalona (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), was investigated under laboratory conditions. Preference of adult L. bethae was not influenced by the intensity of feeding damage caused by T. scrupulosa adults. However, high densities of T. scrupulosa nymphs and their feeding damage caused L. bethae adults to emigrate and colonize less infested or uninfested plants. Oviposition by L. bethae was significantly reduced at high densities of T. scrupulosa nymphs. While low infestation of T. scrupulosa had no effect the survival of L. bethae, moderate and high infestations caused significant reduction in percentage survival of L. bethae. The number of T. scrupulosa nymphs was negatively correlated with the percentage survival of L. bethae. Neither the duration of development nor the body size of L. bethae was influenced by the intensity of T. scrupulosa infestation. Overall, undamaged or slightly damaged plants that allowed better survival of L. bethae were often chosen as oviposition sites in preference to those that were highly infested, and on which survival was poor. Although the present study indicates the likelihood of inter-specific competition between L. bethae larvae and T. scrupulosa, this is likely to be mitigated by female flea beetles choosing to oviposit on less infested or uninfested plants in the field.  相似文献   

芥菜(Brassica juncea)是十字花科芸薹属一年或二年生蔬菜,其产品器官的产量和品质会受到开花时间的影响。WRKY家族成员具有响应生物和非生物胁迫、发育调控和信号转导等作用。WRKY75是WRKY家族中能够调节开花的重要成员,但在芥菜中的开花调控机制还未见报道。本研究克隆了芥菜BjuWRKY75基因,发现其编码蛋白具有高度保守的WRKY结构域,属于Ⅱ类WRKY蛋白,与黑芥BniWRKY75同源性最高。BjuWRKY75在花中表达丰度显著高于叶和茎,并且在叶中表达较为稳定。BjuWRKY75定位于细胞核,能够与含有W-box应答元件的开花整合子BjuFT的启动子相互作用,且能转录激活下游基因表达。BjuWRKY75转入拟南芥可显著提早开花。综上说明,BjuWRKY75能够直接靶向BjuFT从而促进开花。这为深入研究BjuWRKY75开花分子调控奠定了基础。  相似文献   

贺维  陈刚  陈洪  胡庭兴  王彬  胡义  杜朝云 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2067-2075
采用盆栽试验,研究了美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)凋落叶分解初期对受体植物小白菜(Brassica chinensis)生长和生理的影响。试验设置0、30、60和90 g/盆4个凋落叶施用水平(分别记作CK、L30、L60和L90)。同时,为检验凋落叶施入是否对土壤通气透水性产生明显影响进而影响受体植物的生长,用蒸煮后的凋落叶设置平行空白试验,即30、60、90 g/盆3个蒸著后的凋落叶处理(分别记作Z30、Z60和Z90)。将各处理的凋落叶分别与7 kg土壤混合,播种小白菜。在播种后50、80 d测定小白菜株高和生理指标。结果表明:1)高量(L90)凋落叶下小白菜的高生长和鲜重于50 d时被显著抑制,80 d时长势恢复正常;2)80 d时各处理净光合速率(Pn)与CK水平相当,色素含量略低于CK;3)50、80 d时,低(L30)、中(L60)量处理的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性无明显变化,高量处理下SOD活性升高;4)各处理丙二醛(MDA)含量在50、80 d时与CK均无显著差异。总的来看,杨树各凋落叶量处理对小白菜的影响表现为:低、中量促进,高量抑制,而经蒸煮后的凋落叶处理间差异不显著。表明,低、中量杨树凋落叶在土壤中分解对小白菜生长及生理代谢的影响主要表现为促进作用,而施入高量凋落叶的初期,化感抑制作用明显。  相似文献   

【目的】为探究转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉花对异色瓢虫生长发育及其捕食功能的影响。【方法】以转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉与其亲本常规棉为实验材料,利用取食不同棉花品种叶片的棉铃虫饲喂异色瓢虫幼虫。【结果】与常规亲本棉相比,取食饲喂转基因棉花叶片的初孵棉铃虫幼虫的异色瓢虫幼虫从1龄发育至化蛹期时间延长0.77 d,但差异不显著;除1龄幼虫体重增加(0.0773 mg)外,其余各龄期幼虫体重均有所下降,但差异均不显著;异色瓢虫1、2、3、4龄幼虫对初孵棉铃虫捕食量均随棉铃虫密度的增加而增加,捕食功能反应均符合HollingⅡ圆盘方程。【结论】转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉花对异色瓢虫生长发育无显著影响,饲喂取食转Cry1Ac/1Ab基因棉花的棉铃虫对异色瓢虫捕食功能无显著差异。  相似文献   

入侵种银胶菊和三叶鬼针草与本地种气体交换特性的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以菊科入侵植物银胶菊(Parthenium hysterophorus)和三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)以及与其共生的菊科本地植物小蓟(Cirsium setosum)为对象,比较了3种植物气体交换参数和叶片特性的差异。结果表明,银胶菊和三叶鬼针草的净光合速率(net photosynthetic rate,P_n)、叶绿素含量、比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、叶片单位质量P含量(leaf P content per unit mass,P_(mass))、光合能量利用效率(photosynthetic energy use efficiency,PEUE)和光合氮利用效率(photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency,PNUE)均显著高于小蓟。植物叶片P_n与水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)、叶片P_(mass)、SLA呈极显著正相关,植物叶片单位质量N含量(leaf P content per unit mass,N_(mass))与叶片SLA、单位质量建成成本(leaf construction cost per unit mass,CC_(mass))、叶绿素含量呈极显著正相关。与本地植物相比,较高的气体交换参数和叶片生化指标有可能是银胶菊和三叶鬼针草成功入侵的原因之一。  相似文献   

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