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In marsupials, both sexes possess a cremaster muscle, that of the female being attached to the mammary gland and surrounding subcutaneous tissues. In the grey short‐tailed opossum, the muscle in both sexes has a distinct proximal origin from the anterior superior iliac spine. The number of muscle fibres is higher in male than in female opossums on average, but the difference is not statistically significant. Retrograde tracing, achieved by injecting B‐cholera toxin into the muscle, showed that labelled neurons occupied several spinal cord segments, the bulk being in L2–L4. There was no overall sex difference in the number of labelled neurons. It is concluded that cremaster muscles are present in both sexes of the grey short‐tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica, contain approximately equal numbers of fibres, and differ only in their insertion target. Since the motor innervation also shows no dimorphisms in this species, it is concluded that the whole neuromuscular complex is homologous in the two sexes. This is in marked contrast to the situation in adult eutherian mammals where the muscle is possesed by males only, and where the cremasteric nucleus is highly dimorphic in terms of motor neuron numbers.  相似文献   

Daniels Y  Halpern M  Zuri I 《Lab animal》2005,34(3):39-41
The gray short-tailed opossum has been a subject in behavioral and biomedical studies for the last quarter century, but researchers know little about its preferred diet. The authors describe a study designed to determine food preferences of this species for the purpose of identifying suitable rewards to be used in behavioral studies.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the oestrous cycle of grey short-tailed opossums were studied by vaginal smears. The period of oestrus was identified by a sudden proliferation of epithelial cells which lasted about 6 days (range 3-12 days), followed by a leucocytic infiltration. Oestrous cycle length showed a bimodal distribution of 14.4 days (5 cycles, range 11-17 days) and 32.3 days (10 cycles, range 28-39 days). Females housed with males showed more days of epithelial cell proliferation than did females housed alone, and oestrous periods tended to occur in synchrony, suggesting that social factors may influence the oestrous cycle in this species.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the gray short-tailed opossum have shown that ovarian activity and estrus are induced by male pheromones, but we recently documented urogenital sinus (UGS) estrus in postlactational females despite their isolation from the male stimuli known to be associated with induced estrus. Body weights and UGS smears were collected after removal of pups in midlactation (19-37 days postpartum), after weaning (55-61 days postpartum), or after pheromone exposure. Estradiol was measured by RIA in plasma samples collected from dams during lactation, after separation from pups, and at estrus. Average days to UGS estrus from pup removal or initial pheromone exposure differed (P<0.05) only between the midlactation and pheromone exposure groups. Postlactational females showed a decrease in body weight from the time of pup removal or weaning to estrus, which contrasts with the increase seen in pheromonally stimulated females. Plasma estradiol was elevated at estrus in all groups, and females that were paired with males at postlactational estrus mated and produced litters. This study demonstrates that gray short-tailed opossums consistently experience estrus within 2 wk of weaning their young and that postlactational estrus appears to be hormonally and behaviorally equivalent to estrus induced by direct exposure to male pheromones.  相似文献   

Intact, ovariectomized and ovariectomized estradiol (E)-treated female gray short-tailed opossums were placed in a test situation in which they could choose between an intact and a castrated male. Intact females chose to visit intact males first and visited them more frequently and spent more time with intact than with castrated males. Ovariectomized (OVX) females did not show this preference for visiting intact males over castrates. When compared to OVX females with blank implants, OVX females with E implants spent less time with castrated males. Like intact females, OVX and OVX-E-treated females preferred to stay in close proximity to but not actually in the cage of intact rather than castrated males. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental study of partner preference and its relationship to hormonal condition in a female marsupial.  相似文献   

At the time of weaning (8 weeks), 57 gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) were placed in four dietary groups. One group was fed a horsemeat-based diet that had been used for 2.5 years in our colony, and three groups were fed three different commercial fox food diets. After the animals had reached sexual maturity (6 months), blood samples were collected and subjected to standard hematologic and serum chemical assays. Significant differences were observed among the dietary groups and between sexes in several values, but all animals appeared to be healthy and robust. The ranges, means, and standard deviations for the values presented here can be used as reference values for healthy young adult animals being fed these particular diets.  相似文献   

Hematologic and serum chemical values were determined in groups of gray short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) that differed in age by increments of 6 months throughout the normal adult lives of M. domestica in captivity (6 months to 3.5 years). Significant age related differences were observed for some characteristics in both sexes. Previously reported sex differences in hematologic characteristics were confirmed. The means, ranges and standard deviations for the values presented here can be used as age-specific reference values for healthy M. domestica.  相似文献   

Female opossums are induced into estrus by direct exposure to a non-volatile pheromone in male scentmarks. Juvenile females develop this responsiveness by 150 days of age (days), and earlier (130 days) if exposed to male pheromone beginning at 90 days. The goal of this study was to examine the effect of male pheromone on body growth and ovarian follicular development in young opossums. Females (n = 28) were weaned at 56 days and caged individually with ad libitum food and water from 84 days. Body mass was recorded 2–3 times weekly and the onset of estrus was monitored by urogenital sinus cytology. Exposed females were given continuous access to adult male scentmarks from 90 days and randomly selected for necropsy at 105 and 130 days. Unexposed females were isolated from direct contact with males and their scentmarks and randomly selected for necropsy at 90, 105, 130, and 150 days. Exposed females were larger (63.5 ± 1.1 g) than unexposed females (56.6 ± 1.1 g) at 130 days, and 4 of 5 had expressed estrus or proestrus. Uterine mass at 130 days was higher (P < 0.05) in exposed (129.8 ± 28.8 mg) than in unexposed (25.4 ± 6.7 mg) females, none of which expressed estrus by 150 days. The mean number of developing, antral follicles per female increased from 1.5 ± 1.5 at 90 days to 17.8 ± 5.2 at 130 days. Mean diameter of developing antral follicles at 130 days was larger in exposed (534 ± 54 μm) than in unexposed females (393 ± 4 μm). The results of this study demonstrate that pheromonal induction of first estrus in juvenile opossums is associated with an increased rate of body growth and follicular development.  相似文献   

Little is known about the hormonal control of behavior in marsupials. In the present study, the effects of castration and of testosterone or estradiol replacement therapy on scent marking and precopulatory behavior in male gray short-tailed oppossums (Monodelphis domestica) were examined. It was found that castration resulted in decreases in chest and flank/hip marking displayed by male gray opossums. Testosterone but not estradiol stimulated chest marking in castrates. Males treated with either estradiol or testosterone displayed more flank/hip marking than control males. Highest levels of female aggression toward males were seen when the males had received testosterone treatment. These findings are discussed with respect to similarities and differences between marsupials and eutherians in the neural metabolism of testosterone and the hormonal control of scent marking behavior.  相似文献   

1. The protein composition and concentrations of total protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma of opossum (Monodelphis domestica) from birth until adulthood have been estimated. 2. Total protein in CSF increased from birth to a peak concentration between 5 and 10 days (500 mg/100 ml) after which it declined rapidly. 3. Total protein in plasma started at a low level at birth (below 400 mg/100 ml) and increased progressively to the adult value (8500 mg/100 ml). 4. Proteins identified in CSF and plasma were: albumin, alpha 1 antitrypsin, transferrin, alpha 2 macroglobulin, lipoproteins and immunoglobulin G. A fetal protein, probably alpha-fetoprotein, has been identified. 5. The only plasma proteins found within the brain, even in the very immature newborn of this species, appeared to have an intracellular rather than an extracellular distribution. This indicates that the blood-brain barrier is present very early in development and that there is also a CSF-brain barrier that appears to exclude CSF protein from brain extracellular space.  相似文献   

The timing of development was examined in 496 embryos from female Monodelphis domestica, collected at known time intervals after video recorded mating. Ovulation occurred approximately 20 hr (day 1) after mating, and fertilization was observed by 24 hr. Transport through the oviducts was rapid, and pronuclear stage embryos were recovered from the uterus as early as 24 hr after mating. Second cleavage had occurred by 55 hr after mating. Three-celled embryos were among those collected on day 3 after mating, indicating that asynchronous cleavage of blastomeres can occur from the two-cell stage. The four-cell stage persisted for approximately 24 hr, and embryos that had undergone third cleavage were first recovered 74 hr after mating. Embryos that had undergone fourth to fifth cleavage were found 96–100 hr (4 days) after mating and complete unilaminar blastocysts by 5.5 days after mating. Primary endoderm formed from an already distinct embryonic area of the unilaminar blastocyst early on day 7 after mating. Formation of the bilaminar blastocyst was completed rapidly, on day 7 after mating. The primitive streak appeared on day 10 after mating, and organogenesis rapidly ensued on a timetable similar to that reported for Didelphis virginiana (McCrady, 1938). Close contact with the maternal circulation was established on day 11 and by day 12 maternal and embryonic tissues could not be separated without damage. The length of the gestation period from fertilization to birth was approximately 13.5 days. These observations provide the basis for further embryological cellular and molecular studies of this species as a laboratory model for marsupial development.© 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The colony of gray, short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, the primary supplier of this species for research purposes, was founded with nine animals trapped in 1978 in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Since 1984, 14 newly acquired founders from the state of Paraiba, Brazil have contributed to the gene pool of the colony. The animals from Paraiba and their descendants are significantly larger than the founders from Pernambuco and their descendants. The two groups also differ significantly in several measurements of morphologic traits. The changes in proportional contribution of each founder to the colony, and changes in inbreeding coefficients during the colony's history, are evaluated. Using previously established markers and three newly identified markers (ACP2, APRT, and DIA1), we show that the Paraiba-derived animals differ significantly from the original founders in allele frequencies and heterozygosity. The genetic diversity of the colony has been substantially increased by acquisition of the new founders from Paraiba. The colony is highly polymorphic, with 22.2% of loci surveyed by protein electrophoresis being variable. We conclude that the genetic differences between populations and among projects within the colony should be considered in future colony management procedures and in selection of experimental subjects.  相似文献   

Exposure to male pheromones is associated with the activation of vaginal estrus in gray short-tailed opossums. The effects of such exposure on peripheral plasma estradiol-17 beta (E) levels in this marsupial species were examined in this study. Mean E levels of 27.8 pg/ml +/- 4.4 in diestrous females living in a room containing only females were similar to those seen in other marsupials. Direct naso/oral exposure to pheromonal cues provided by males resulted in vaginal estrus in 75% of these females within 4 11 days. None of the females exposed to clean cages came into vaginal estrus. Animals that were in estrus at the time of blood sampling or came into estrus over the experimental period had significantly higher E levels (58.1 +/- 12.6 pg/ml) than females in the pheromone-exposed and control groups that did not come into estrus (23.3 +/- 8.2 pg/ml). These findings are discussed with respect to other marsupial and eutherian species.  相似文献   

The effects on adult sexually dimorphic behavior of perinatal exposure to estrogen were examined by treating male and female gray opossums with estradiol (EST), an estrogen receptor antagonist (tamoxifen:TX) or oil control (OIL) during the first week of life, a time period corresponding in this marsupial to late gestation in rodent species. Following gonadectomy and replacement therapy with testosterone in adulthood, males showed more scent-marking behavior than females and EST animals showed more scent marking than TX or OIL animals. Also, phalluses were longer and body weight was higher in males than in females and in EST-treated animals than in TX-treated animals; OIL animals were intermediate in these morphological measures. EST animals of both sexes showed less female-typical screeching threat behavior than OIL or TX animals. Because these hormone manipulations were conducted on the "fetus" directly in this marsupial (rather than via the maternal circulation as in previously studied eutherian species), these findings provide unique confirming evidence for masculinization of aspects of behavior and morphology by early exposure to estradiol in mammals.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of scent marking and related behavior and morphology was examined in female gray short-tailed opossums. Females rarely scent marked when intact or following ovariectomy. Testosterone (T) but not estradiol (E) treatment stimulated chest marking while either hormone stimulated head marking in ovariectomized females tested alone. When the same females were tested with males, T-treated females showed little scent marking of any type; E-treated females showed hip marking in significantly more tests than females in the other treatment groups. Suprasternal scent glands (absent in intact females) and phalluses of females that received T were significantly larger than those of animals that received E or control animals. These findings are discussed with respect to similarities and differences between marsupial and eutherian females and between male and female gray opossums in the hormonal control of sexually dimorphic behavior and morphology.  相似文献   

Previously we reported preliminary results suggesting that the marsupial Monodelphis domestica fails to exhibit a mixed lymphocyte reaction with allogeneic lymphocytes. To test whether this observation is simply a matter of a response too weak to detect, but capable of being augmented by immunization, we performed mixed lymphocyte culture tests on 23 of these animals that had been immunized with lymphocytes. Despite the fact that all recipients were sensitized to the lymphocytes of the donors, none of the animals had a substantial mixed lymphocyte response. Significant stimulation was noted with the mitogen concanavalin A; thus, the T cells were immunologically competent. It seems likely that the failure of this species to exhibit a significant mixed lymphocyte response is due to T cells whose ontogeny differs from that of the T cells of eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

1. Water conservation and energy metabolism in a semiarid-area, neotropical marsupial (Monodelphis domestica) were studied in the laboratory. 2. The rate of energy consumption in this species is low, corresponding with results reported for Australian and other neotropical marsupials. 3. Evaporative water loss rate is low and comparable to that of several desert small rodents, when body size differences are taken into account; however, the ratio of metabolic water production-to-evaporative water loss is lower than in the rodents. 4. Urine osmotic, urea, and chloride concentrations in water-stressed animals are within the range of values reported for some arid-area granivorous rodents, for insectivorous/carnivorous Australian marsupials, and for a North American insectivorous desert rodent. 5. Water-balance computations indicate that this species should be able to maintain water balance at 25 degrees C on a high-protein diet with a water content of about 60% without access to drinking water; this water requirement is comparable to that of ecologically similar marsupials and placentas in arid areas of other continents.  相似文献   

Male and female gray short-tailed opossums were gonadectomized (GDX), or treated with the estrogen receptor antagonist tamoxifen citrate (TX), or corn oil (OIL) (control) during the 5th postnatal week, a time period equivalent to the 3rd postnatal week in rats and associated with high levels of circulating gonadal hormones and neural aromatase activity in this marsupial species. In adulthood following gonadectomy (for animals not previously gonadectomized) and replacement therapy with estradiol or testosterone, GDX males showed less male-typical scent marking and had shorter phalluses than OIL and TX males. Following replacement therapy with estradiol, GDX females were more likely to fight with and less likely to mate with stimulus males than TX females; OIL females were intermediate in these measures. Along with previous findings, these results suggest that gonadal hormones act over an extended postnatal period to organize sexually dimorphic behavior and morphology in male gray opossums and may have some effect on the organization of aggressive behavior in females of this species.  相似文献   

Carpal bones have experienced numerous changes during marsupial evolution, even though their diversity and development remain poorly studied. The aim of this work was to document adult form and the pattern of mesenchymal tissue condensation and formation of chondrification and ossification centers in the hand of two marsupials. Two fundamental questions were asked: whether the loss of embryonic precursors was associated with the loss of adult elements, or whether there were developmental signs of ancestral mammalian elements that have been fused or lost in marsupial taxa. We were also interested to find out whether there is sexual dimorphismus in the carpals, as has been reported for some didelphids. Histological sections, cleared and stained specimens and macerated skeletons representing an ontogenetic series of Monodelphis domestica were used to document carpal development. Comparisons were made with perinatal stages of Caluromys philander and with adult specimens of other marsupials. A prenatal M. domestica in the 13th day after conception has a cell condensation that because of its position is homologized with a centrale, which is at birth already lost or fused. Neonatal M. domestica and C. philander have the number and arrangement of their adult carpal anatomy. Trapezium and trapezoid start ossification later than most other carpals, while pisiform and prepollex are the last to do so. Adult males of M. domestica have relatively larger and more robust pisiforms, compared to other carpals, than females. This sexual dimorphism develops relatively late as it was not recorded in male specimens around 160 days old. An extra sesamoid bone located just distal to the radius and proximo-palmar to the scaphoid was recorded in specimens of C. philander, C. derbianus and Didelphis virginiana.  相似文献   

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