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安徽蜱类名录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜱是蜱螨亚纲中一个专性寄生的类群.在虫媒疾病中,由蜱传播的病原件种类最多,不仅对人、畜疾病的传播作用大,在自然界还能起到贮存宿主的作用.1981年夏立照等初步报道安徽蜱类计2科,3属,5种,经过12年断续的野外工作,整理标本鉴定,安徽蜱类累计为2科,  相似文献   

蜱是蛛形纲专性吸血节肢动物,是陆生脊椎动物的临时专性体表寄生虫,是多种病原微生物的重要媒介。近年,国内已发现由蜱咬引起的无形体病例。2010年9月9日报载河南省卫生厅通报,河南省自2007年5月信阳市报告了首例疑似无形体病例以来,截止2010年9月8日,河南省共监测发现此类综合征病例557例,死亡18例,重点集中在信阳市商城县,狮河区,光山县和平桥区。由蜱咬引起的此类病症,中国疾控中心统称为“发热伴血小板减少综合征”。本研究综述由蜱引起的病毒性脑炎与其传播的生态链,供同道参考。  相似文献   

刘敬泽  姜在阶 《昆虫知识》1997,34(6):359-362
激素在节肢动物的发育和生殖中起重要作用。它调节昆虫的生长、蜕皮、变态、生殖和其他许多生理过程。然而,蝉类激素的研究远远落后于昆虫,到目前为止,还没有明确确定蝉类具内分泌功能的腺体,并且保幼激素的存在只是推测的。自Delbecque[1]首次在蝉类中发现锐皮激素以来,国外已做了部分工作,国内也开始起步。20世纪中有3本出色的著作介绍蝉类内分泌和激素的内容与进展。分别是Solomon著的“PhysiologyofTicks”(1982年版),Saner和Hair著的“Morphology,PhysiologyandBehaviouralBiologyofTicks”(1986年版)和Sonenstune著…  相似文献   

蚊子通过吸食脊椎动物的血液获取产卵必须的营养从而繁殖后代。蚊子在吸食人血的过程中,可以传播多种严重的人类疾病,对人类健康危害极大。随着全球化的迅速发展以及全球性气候变化加剧,以登革病毒和寨卡病毒为代表的虫媒病毒分布也呈现全球化。我国地理跨度大,本土的病原和媒介丰富,并且随着我国人口增长、城市化的扩大、国际贸易频繁、国际旅游增多等因素,导致输入性的蚊传疾病也越来越多,带来的公共卫生问题也越来越受到重视。本文对我国重要的蚊传疾病(登革热、日本脑炎、疟疾、黄热病、西尼罗河热、寨卡热、基孔肯尼亚热、辛徳毕斯病等)及其媒介蚊类、分布与特性等进行系统介绍,以期为我国蚊及蚊传疾病的系统研究和综合防控提供理论基础。  相似文献   

中国分布的蜱类宿主涉及爬行纲、鸟纲、哺乳纲等3纲20目,约130余种.主成份分析结果表明,9个主成份的累积贡献率仪达到70%以上,进一步的因子载荷分析发现只有极少数蜱类具有宿主特异性;聚类分析结果与其大致相同.因此,中国多数蜱类无明显的宿主特异性,宿主的生态特异性决定了蜱类的分布和宿主范围.  相似文献   

【目的】构建蜱传脑炎病毒(Tick-borne encephalitis virus,TBEV)跨血脑屏障研究的体外细胞模型,研究2种不同细胞的TBEV培养物在病毒跨过血脑屏障中的主要差异,从而为进一步TBEV跨血脑屏障的分子机制研究奠定基础。【方法】利用人脑微血管内皮细胞(Human brain microvascular endothelial cells,hCMEC/D3)构建体外血脑屏障的细胞模型。用BHK-21细胞中培养的蜱传脑炎病毒感染人脑微血管内皮细胞,检测TBEV在hCMEC/D3中的复制增殖情况;将TBEV加入体外血脑屏障模型的上层微孔中,用实时荧光定量PCR和噬斑测定的方法检测跨过血脑屏障的病毒量;将感染TBEV的人单核细胞加入血脑屏障模型的上层微孔中,观察渗漏进下层孔中的淋巴细胞,并用实时荧光定量PCR和噬斑测定的方法检测跨过血脑屏障的病毒量。利用伊文思蓝标记的白蛋白确定血脑屏障细胞的渗透率变化。【结果】实时荧光定量PCR和病毒滴度测定结果表明,TBEV不能在hCMEC/D3细胞中复制增殖,也不能直接跨过血脑屏障;然而,人单核细胞THP-1感染TBEV后,尽管单核细胞不能直接携带TBEV跨过血脑屏障,但THP-1中产生的病毒却能跨过血脑屏障模型进入下层孔中,并引起血脑屏障渗透率的增高。【结论】单核细胞有助于TBEV跨过血脑屏障。  相似文献   

中国蜱类地理分布及区系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用聚类分析的方法,对中国蜱类的分布和地理区系进行了分析.结果表明:中国蜱类呈点状和带状分布;蜱类在中国分布的聚类分析结果与中国的动物地理区划基本一致,但华北区及甘肃、安徽、河南、云南与中国大陆动物区系差异较大.因此,有必要对这些地区作进一步调查.  相似文献   

蜱是一类特殊的节肢动物,有关其生殖生理的研究远远落后于昆虫。卵黄发生直接影响蜱类的繁殖力,一直是蜱类生理学一个十分活跃的研究领域。目前,对蜱类卵黄发生的研究主要包括卵黄蛋白的纯化与鉴定,卵黄原蛋白的合成与调控,卵母细胞对卵黄原蛋白的摄取以及转变为卵黄蛋白的分子过程。蜱类卵黄发生受激素调控,激素的作用与作用激素的种类在硬蜱和软蜱中表现出较大差别。对蜱类卵黄发生了解得尚少,在许多方面需深入研究。  相似文献   

蜱类的信息素及生物学作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜱类的信息素及生物学作用刘敬泽姜在阶(北京师范大学生物系北京100875)关键词蜱类信息类生物学作用信息素是携带信息的化学物质,用来调节动物行为和生理过程。这些化学信号被大多数动物所利用以调节它们行为的许多方面如交配、采集食物、集合等重要活动。在某些...  相似文献   

Jongejan F 《Parassitologia》1999,41(Z1):57-58
Integrated control of ticks and tick-borne diseases (ICTTD) is currently promoted by an international project, supported by the European Union, with the aim to increase livestock productivity through the development of improved strategies for tick control, vaccine delivery and integrated diagnostics for tickborne diseases. This paper gives a brief overview of the ICTTD project activities against the background of recent initiatives to assess the impact of ticks and tick-borne diseases in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Uilenberg G 《Parassitologia》1999,41(Z1):107-109
In Southern Europe, as elsewhere, the importance of ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBD) depends on the species of tick vectors present and also varies to a great extent according to the genetic susceptibility of the livestock involved, as well as other factors such as management and vegetation. There are large gaps in our knowledge of the tick species in the various countries, and of the prevalence and economic importance of the diseases they transmit. There is a great need for tick surveys as well as surveys of tick-borne infections. It is essential to distinguish between infection and disease. A list is given of TBD and their vectors known or to be expected to occur in domestic ruminants in Southern Europe. It is hoped that the exchange of knowledge during this workshop will indicate the importance of these parasites in the various countries involved.  相似文献   

A workshop of the European Union (EU) Concerted Action Project on the Integrated Control of Ticks and Tick-borne diseases (CA-ICTTD) recently assessed protective immune mechanisms to ticks and tick-borne diseases. The consensus achieved there is summarized here by Patricia Preston and Frans Jongejan. The current understanding of this field is expanded upon by the accompanying articles, and Poster, in this special issue of Parasitology Today.  相似文献   

D Stiller 《Parassitologia》1990,32(1):87-111
Current and potential applications of biotechnology to detect and control anaplasmosis, bovine babesiosis, cowdriosis, and theileriosis are examined in the light of dramatic advances in molecular biology. Vaccines and the diagnostic use of nucleic acid probes, restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and monoclonal antibodies are discussed in detail, as are novel genetic methods for increasing the resistance of livestock to disease. Strategies are suggested for using molecular and non-molecular approaches in integrated programmes for controlling haemoparasitic diseases of livestock.  相似文献   

The first experimental vaccination against ticks was carried out 60 years ago. Since then, progress has been slow, although the recent commercial release of a recombinant vaccine against Boophilus microplus is significant. The nature of naturally acquired protective immunity against ticks is poorly understood, particularly in the important, domesticated ruminant hosts. Characterization of the antigens of naturally acquired immunity remains limited, although more has been achieved with 'concealed' antigens. Crucial questions remain about the true impact of tick-induced immunosuppression and the effect of immunity on the transmission of tick-borne diseases, despite some fascinating and important recent results, as discussed here by Peter Willadsen and Frans Jongejan.  相似文献   

Climate change is most strongly felt in the polar regions of the world, with significant impacts on the species that live there. The arrival of parasites and pathogens from more temperate areas may become a significant problem for these populations, but current observations of parasite presence often lack a historical reference of prior absence. Observations in the high Arctic of the seabird tick Ixodes uriae suggested that this species expanded poleward in the last two decades in relation to climate change. As this tick can have a direct impact on the breeding success of its seabird hosts and vectors several pathogens, including Lyme disease spirochaetes, understanding its invasion dynamics is essential for predicting its impact on polar seabird populations. Here, we use population genetic data and host serology to test the hypothesis that I. uriae recently expanded into Svalbard. Both black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) and thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) were sampled for ticks and blood in Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen. Ticks were genotyped using microsatellite markers and population genetic analyses were performed using data from 14 reference populations from across the tick's northern distribution. In contrast to predictions, the Spitsbergen population showed high genetic diversity and significant differentiation from reference populations, suggesting long-term isolation. Host serology also demonstrated a high exposure rate to Lyme disease spirochaetes (Bbsl). Targeted PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence of Borrelia garinii in a Spitsbergen tick, demonstrating the presence of Lyme disease bacteria in the high Arctic for the first time. Taken together, results contradict the notion that I. uriae has recently expanded into the high Arctic. Rather, this tick has likely been present for some time, maintaining relatively high population sizes and an endemic transmission cycle of Bbsl. Close future observations of population infestation/infection rates will now be necessary to relate epidemiological changes to ongoing climate modifications.  相似文献   

Ticks and their vertebrate hosts often carry several pathogens simultaneously, which either belong to different or to the same genera. Conventional methods (such as blood smear examination or tick salivary gland staining) are often unable to discriminate between pathogens. Therefore, molecular methods for the detection and differentiation of tick-borne pathogens are increasingly used. Technical problems still remain to identify pathogens within tick tissues, or within host animals when infection rates are very low. Recently we developed an integrated approach to identify several pathogens with only one molecular test. This approach, the reverse line blot hybridization (RLB) reduces costs of analysis, gives quicker results. and allows standardized inter-laboratory comparisons. Finally, this paper also focuses on the molecular diagnostic techniques currently used in the laboratories of the Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

Advances in the genomics of ticks and tick-borne pathogens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ticks and the diseases for which they are vectors engage in complex interactions with their mammalian hosts. These interactions involve the developmental processes of tick and pathogen, and interplay between the defensive responses and counter responses of host, tick and pathogen. Understanding these interactions has long been an intractable problem, but progress is now being made thanks to the flood of genomic information on host, tick and pathogen, and the attendant, novel experimental tools that have been generated. Each advance reveals new levels of complexity, but there are encouraging signs that genomics is leading to novel means of parasite control.  相似文献   

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