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Paleoceanographic variability at southern high latitude Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 747 was investigated in this study through the interval which spans the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT). Between 15.0 and 12.2 million years ago (Ma), foraminiferal δ18O records derived from both benthic (Cibicidoides spp.) and planktonic taxa (Globorotalia praescitula and Globigerina bulloides) reveal a history of changes in water column thermal and salinity structure and a strong imprint of seasonality. Prior to the MMCT, in the interval between 14.35 and 13.9 Ma, G. bulloides displays relatively high δ18O values similar to those of G. praescitula, interpreted to indicate weakening of the thermocline and/or increased seasonality with cooler early-spring and/or late-fall temperatures. Following this interval, G. bulloides δ18O values diverge significantly from benthic and G. praescitula values, with G. bulloides values remaining relatively low for at least 600 kyr following the benthic foraminiferal δ18O shift during the MMCT at ~ 13.9 Ma. This divergence in δ18O records occurs in direct association with the Mi3 cooling and glaciation event and may suggest: (1) a strengthening of the vertical temperature gradient, with greater cooling of deep waters than surface waters, (2) changes in the depth habitat of G. bulloides, (3) changes in the dominant season of G. bulloides calcification, (4) modification of surface-water δ18O values in association with enhanced sea-ice formation, (5) increased surface-water carbonate ion concentration, and/or (6) a significant decrease in surface-water salinity across the MMCT. The first of these possible scenarios is not likely, particularly in light of recent Mg/Ca evidence for significant surface-water cooling in the Southern Ocean associated with the MMCT. Of the remaining possibilities, we favor a change in surface salinity to explain the observed trends in δ18O values and hypothesize that surface salinity may have decreased by up to 2 salinity units at ~ 13.9 Ma. In this scenario, the development of a lower-salinity Antarctic surface layer coincided with regional cooling of both surface and deep waters of the Southern Ocean during the Mi3 glaciation of East Antarctica, and contributed into the dominance of Neogloboquadrina spp. between 13.8 and 13.2 Ma. Additionally, the distinct patterns observed in planktonic foraminiferal δ18O records spanning the MMCT correspond with changes in the vertical δ13C gradient between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal records and major changes in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages at Site 747, providing further evidence of the environmental significance of this climatic transition.  相似文献   

The micromammals from the locality Antonios, North Greece, are studied in detail. This assemblage includes one bat, three insectivores, eight rodents and two lagomorphs. The age of the locality, as inferred on the basis of the micromammals, is Early–Middle Miocene (MN 4–MN 5 boundary interval). The represented taxa show European as well as Asian affinities.  相似文献   

The aragonite shells of 55 mollusc specimens from the late Early and early Middle Miocene of two palaeolakes of the Dinaride Lake System (DLS) are analysed for their δ18O and δ13C signatures. The data set has a bimodal distribution with a prominent peak between −3 and −4‰ for both isotopes and a second much weaker peak at more depleted values of c. −9 to −7‰. Taxa with ‘heavy’ values are interpreted to represent the inhabitants of the shores or shallow areas of the lake. Depleted values are attributed to species preferring freshwater habitats of springs or small rivulets, thus representing the freshwater end-member. The overall rather high values in both stable isotopes result from a combination of evaporation effects and the influx of already isotopically heavy freshwater from the karstic catchment area. Thus, the DLS is interpreted as a closed freshwater system without marine influence but with enough contribution of freshwater to keep the oxygen values close to −5‰. Mean lake surface water temperatures, based on the δ18Oshell values, excluding the freshwater end-member taxa, range around roughly 19–21°C. Despite the problems in calculating these temperatures, the values are in agreement with mean annual air temperatures deduced from the palaeobotanic record by applying the Coexistence Approach method. The seasonal range was around 10–11°C and is mainly recorded in shells from lake settings. Taxa with freshwater end-member signatures lack this range due to the more stable temperature regime and less fluctuating dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) pool. Congeneric species from the same stratigraphic horizon often display discrete but different isotope signatures. This fact suggests habitat segregation and might be a major factor for sympatric speciation and the endemic radiation within the mollusc fauna of the DLS.  相似文献   


The study of a new Serravallian (Middle Miocene) locality from the Southeastern Spain has yielded a shark assemblage characterized by microremains of at least seven taxa (Deania calcea, ?Isistius triangulus, ?Squaliolus cf. S. schaubi, ?Paraetmopterus sp., Pristiophorus sp., Scyliorhinus sp. and a cf. Squaliformes indet) of three different orders (Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes and Carcharhiniformes). In addition, associated macroremains have also been found, including teeth of ?Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus sp., Hemipristis serra, Odontaspis sp., Carcharhinus spp. and ?Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon. The assemblage contains taxa with disparate environmental preferences including not only neritic and epipelagic sharks but also an important number of meso and bathypelagic representatives. The migration of deep water taxa to shallower waters through submarine canyons/coastal upwelling is proposed as the most plausible cause for explaining the origin of such assemblage. Interestingly, the composition of the deep-water taxa here reported contrast with the chondrichthyans assemblages from the Pliocene and extant Mediterranean communities. This entails a complex biogeographic history, where the Messinian salinity crisis strongly affected the posterior evolution of the Mediterranean ecosystems but some other factors, such us the existence of anoxic events during the Quaternary, could have also played an important role.  相似文献   

D.W. Cameron   《HOMO》2003,54(1):1-28
Over the last half-decade or so, there has been an explosion in the recognition of hominin genera and species. We now have the late Miocene genera Orrorin and Sahelanthropus, the mid Pliocene genus Kenyanthropus, three new Pliocene species of Australopithecus (A. anamensis, A. garhi and A. bahrelghazali) and a sub species of Ardipithecus (Ar. r. kadabba) to contend with. Excepting also the more traditional species allocated to Paranthropus, Australopithecus and early Homo we are approaching around 15 species over 5 million years (excluding hominin evolution over the last one million years). Can such a large number of hominin species be justified? An examination of extant hominid (Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Pan paniscus) anatomical variability indicates that the range of fossil hominin variability supports the recognition of this large number of fossil species. It is also shown that not all hominins are directly related to the emergence of early Homo and as such have become extinct. Indeed the traditional australopithecine species 'A'. anamensis, 'A'. afarensis and 'A'. garhi are considered here to belong to a distinct genus Praeanthropus. They are also argued not be hominins, but rather an as yet undefined hominid group from which the more derived hominins evolved. The first hominin is represented by A. africanus or a hominin very much like it. The Paranthropus clade is defined by a derived heterochronic condition of peramorphosis, associated with sequential progenesis (contraction of successive growth stages) in brain and dental development, but a mixture of peramorphic and paedomorphic features in its craniofacial anatomy. Conversely, Kenyanthropus and Homo both share a pattern of peramorphosis, associated with sequential hypermorphosis (prolongation of successive growth stages) in brain development, and paedomorphosis processes in cranial, facial and dental development. This suggests, that these two clades share an important synapomorphy not recognised in the parsimony analyses, suggesting that they may form a sister group relationship to the exclusion of Paranthropus. This highlights the need to re-interpret phylogenetic results in terms of function and development. The rapid speciation and extinction as argued here is in keeping with other fossil groups in Africa at the Plio/Pleistocene transition. This emphasises that we must approach the pre-australopithecines and hominins as part of the endemic African fauna, and not in isolation to the evolutionary and climatic processes that were operating all around them.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis was used to compare species composition of marine and brackish water bivalves in the Cenozoic deposits of the Russian Far East, Hokkaido, and California. Bivalvia species composition allows us to divide these deposits into two groups of clusters. The first group includes both extant and extinct species, while the second one is largely composed of extinct species. The drastic change in the bivalve species composition suggests that the base of the Uinin Horizon in the northern Sakhalin, Kuluven Horizon in the western Kamchatka, Tsubetsu Formation in eastern Hokkaido, and, possibly, the central part of the provincial Vaqueros Formation in California correspond to the Paleogene-Neogene boundary. The change in species composition was accompanied by the taxonomical diversity changes. At a higher level, the equitability of species richness among families significantly decreased.  相似文献   

New discoveries from a recently described nearshore marine fauna from northwestern Venezuela of presumed early Miocene age are reported. The fossils consist of a cranial portion of a crocodile assigned to the Tbmistominae, confirming the presence of this group in South America, and the scapula of a cetacean with affinities to the Platanistoidea. The stratigraphic section of the fossil locality ‘Cerro La Cruz’ consists of ca. 87 m of clayey marls interbedded with thin hardground units, with the upper strata being gypsiferous. The fossils were found in sandstones stratigraphically above this sequence.   相似文献   

Fifty-eight species of elongate, cylindrical benthic foraminifera (here referred to as the Extinction Group) belonging to genera that became extinct during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT), were documented (~ 50 kyr resolution) through the early middle Miocene (15–13 Ma) in two sites on opposite sides of the subtropical Pacific Ocean (ODP Sites 1146, South China Sea; ODP Site 1237, southeast Pacific). The study was undertaken to investigate the response of the Extinction Group (Ext. Gp) to the major cooling during the middle Miocene Climate Transition (MCT) to look for clues that might explain the causes of the extinction during the glacials of the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Ext. Gp faunal differences between the two sites (attributed to regional and bathymetric differences in food supply to the seafloor) are greater than those that occurred through the 2 myr time span at either site. The middle Miocene Climate Transition was not an interval of enhanced species turnover or a decline in Ext. Gp abundance, in contrast to the major extinctions that occurred during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Distinct changes in the composition of the Ext. Gp faunas did occur through this time (more pronounced in Site 1237). At both sites the pre-middle Miocene Climate Transition faunas were transformed into their post-middle Miocene Climate Transition composition during the period of major cooling (14.0–13.7 Ma). During this transition interval the faunal composition swung back and forth between the two end member faunas. These faunal changes are attributed to changes in productivity (decrease in South China Sea, increase in southeast Pacific), brought about by major changes in global climate and continental aridity.  相似文献   

The middle Miocene sediments assigned to the Muruyur Beds have yielded abundant faunal remains which indicate an age somewhere near the early part of the middle Miocene, perhaps being earlier in time than Fort Ternan but probably coeval or slightly later than Maboko. Available radioisotopic age determinations suggest that the beds are between 13.5 and 14 m.y. old, which seems to be too young when compared with the biostratigraphic estimate. The importance of Muruyur Beds lies in their rich fossil content which includes hominoids of an age which is in general poorly represented in East Africa’s fossil record. This article places the fossil discoveries on record, and discusses their geological context.  相似文献   

Since the proposition in 1975 of the European Neogene Mammal (MN) scale by Pierre Mein, the amount of taxonomical, stratigraphical and chronological information around Europe has increased exponentially. In this paper, the stratigraphical schemes of three of the best studied areas for the Lower and Middle Miocene, the Aragonian type area in Spain and the Upper Freshwater Molasse from the North Alpine Foreland Basin in Switzerland and Bavaria, are compared. The correlation of their local biostratigraphies are discussed. Sixteen rodent's events are studied and ranked in the three areas according to their local biostratigraphy. This study shows, and quantifies for the first time, the significant asynchronies of the different included rodent events. The MN-system is discussed in the light of those results. In accordance, we propose that it is still useful but only in a biochronological way, as a sequence of time-ordered reference localities allowing coarse long-distance correlations. In order to obtain better temporal resolution, this system has to be combined with local biostratigraphies that are well calibrated to the time scale, implementing the information about synchrony and diachrony of mammal events in different areas.  相似文献   

Based on the fusulinid occurrence records from a computerized database of stratigraphic distribution, statistic comparisons have been conducted to disclose the differences among six subfamilies (constituting the major part of the fusulinid fauna) in generic and specific diversities, rates of speciation and extinction, and changes in the rates and others during the diversification process of the fusulinid fauna in Early and Middle Permian in South China. Our results reveal that: (1) significant differences exist in the diversification pattern of different taxa and (2) the rates of speciation and extinction in Schwagerininae are statistically higher than those in the others. Furthermore, the high rate of speciation in Schwagerininae contributed to the higher rate of diversification of the fusulinid fauna in Early Permian, whereas the lower rate of diversification in the Middle Permian has resulted from the ubiquitous low rates of speciation in all major taxa in the fauna, such as Schwagerininae, Neoschwagerininae, Verbeekininae, Sumatrininae, and Misellininae.  相似文献   

New crocodilian material from the Beglia Formation (Middle/Upper Miocene) of Tunisia, although fragmentary, is reported. However, due to its fragmentary nature very little can be said about its affinities, and only the genus Euthecodon can be identified with certainty.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an integrated study of a 115‐m‐thick section that spans the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary at Agost (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). Our study includes magnetostratigraphic results and biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental data derived from planktic foraminifera, small and larger benthic foraminifera, and calcareous nannofossils. Our results demonstrate that the Agost section is continuous and spans from Zones P9 to P12 (E7 to E10), Zones CP11 to CP14a (NP13 to NP16), Zones SBZ11 to SBZ15, and Chrons C22n to C19r. The first occurrence (FO) of H. nuttalli (base of P10) and the FO of G. nuttalli (base of E8) are found within Chron C20r, at a much younger age (3–5 Myr) than previously considered in standard calibration schemes. Similarly, the boundary between SBZ12 and SBZ13 is located within Chron C21n, also at a younger age than previously considered. On the contrary, the FO of B. inflatus (base of CP12b) is found within Chron C21r, which conforms to the magnetostratigraphically calibrated age of ca. 48 Ma (middle part of C21r) considered in standard calibration schemes. These results corroborate earlier studies and indicate that all the events that have been proposed to mark the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary appear at different stratigraphic intervals and have different ages. Based on our results from Agost and on data from other sections elsewhere, we suggest that the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary might be approximated by the FO of B. inflatus (base of CP12b). The Agost section might be considered as a potential candidate to locate the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Lutetian Stage, because it includes all the events that might be selected as marker events for the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary and it fulfils most of the geological, biostratigraphic and infrastructure requirements demanded for definition of a GSSP.  相似文献   

A new genus of Gliridae, Simplomys gen. nov. is proposed. It contains glirids with a simplified dental pattern from the European Early and Middle Miocene. Simplomys gen. nov. includes several species originally described as Pseudodryomys such as Simplomys simplicidens, Simplomys robustus, Simplomys julii, and Simplomys aljaphi. In addition, a new species, Simplomys meulenorum sp. nov. , is proposed from the Spanish Miocene. The species of this genus share not only a very reduced and simplified dental morphology, but also unique dental proportions that clearly separate them from any other genera of Gliridae. Simplomys gen. nov. is recorded in most of the fossil faunas from the Early and Middle Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula, and shows the maximum diversity in this area during Mammal Neogene Zones MN 3 and MN 4. The genus has been also recorded in other European countries such as France, Germany, and Switzerland, conferring to this very characteristic taxon an important role for biochronological correlations within the European continent. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 157 , 622–652.  相似文献   

Middle Miocene (14.8–11.9 Ma) deep-sea sediments from ODP Hole 747A (Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean) contain abundant, well-preserved and diverse planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. A detailed study of the climatic and hydrographic changes that occurred in this region during the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition led to the identification of an intense cooling phase (the Middle Miocene Shift). Abundance fluctuations of planktonic foraminiferal species with different paleoclimatic affinities, and oxygen and carbon stable isotopes have been integrated in a multi-proxy approach. Reconstruction of changes in foraminiferal faunal composition and diversity through time were the basis for identification of three foraminiferal biofacies. The most prominent faunal change took place at 13.8 Ma, when a fauna with warm-water affinity (marked by high abundance of Globorotalia miozea group and Globoturborotalita woodi plexus) was replaced by an oligotypic, opportunistic fauna with typical polar characters and dominated by neogloboquadrinids. This faunal change is interpreted as the result of foraminiferal migration from adjacent bioprovinces, caused by modifications in climate and hydrography. A positive 2.0‰ shift in δ18O (interpreted as the Mi3 event) and a related positive 1.0‰ shift in δ13C (corresponding to the CM6 event) accompanied this faunal turnover. These are interpreted to reflect substantial reorganization of Southern Ocean waters, the northward migration of the Polar Front and a strong increase in primary productivity. The second faunal change took place at 12.9 Ma and was characterized by the gradual decrease in abundance of the neogloboquadrinids and the recovery of Globorotalia praescitula/scitula group and Globigerinita glutinata. A positive 1.5‰ shift in δ18O (interpreted as the Mi4 event) and a concurrent gradual negative shift in δ13C accompanied this faunal change, witnessing further modifications of the climate/ocean system. Variations in sea surface temperature, considered as the main factor causing changes of surface hydrography at the Kerguelen Plateau, seem to have been driven by obliquity and long-term eccentricity, thus suggesting a key role played by the astronomical forcing on the evolution of Southern Ocean dynamics during the Middle Miocene. Also an evident 1.2 Myr modulation of the δ13C record suggests a main control of the long-term obliquity cycles on the carbon cycle dynamics. Particularly, the Mi3/CM6 events exactly fit with a node of the 1.2 Myr modulation cycles. This confirms the key role played by orbital parameters on high-latitude temperatures and Antarctic ice volume, and indirectly on global carbon burial and/or productivity. This climatic transition was marked also by changes in surface hydrography. From 14.8 to 13.8 Ma an intermediate-strength thermocline controlled by seasonality developed just below the photic zone. Weaker seasonality characterized the interval from 13.8 to 12.9 Ma, when the thermocline became shallower and sharper and favored intermediate-water foraminifers. From 12.9 Ma, seasonality increased again and an intermediate-strength thermocline re-developed.  相似文献   

The importance of the process of Neolithization for the genetic make-up of European populations has been hotly debated, with shifting hypotheses from a demic diffusion (DD) to a cultural diffusion (CD) model. In this regard, ancient DNA data from the Balkan Peninsula, which is an important source of information to assess the process of Neolithization in Europe, is however missing. In the present study we show genetic information on ancient populations of the South-East of Europe. We assessed mtDNA from ten sites from the current territory of Romania, spanning a time-period from the Early Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. mtDNA data from Early Neolithic farmers of the Starčevo Criş culture in Romania (Cârcea, Gura Baciului and Negrileşti sites), confirm their genetic relationship with those of the LBK culture (Linienbandkeramik Kultur) in Central Europe, and they show little genetic continuity with modern European populations. On the other hand, populations of the Middle-Late Neolithic (Boian, Zau and Gumelniţa cultures), supposedly a second wave of Neolithic migration from Anatolia, had a much stronger effect on the genetic heritage of the European populations. In contrast, we find a smaller contribution of Late Bronze Age migrations to the genetic composition of Europeans. Based on these findings, we propose that permeation of mtDNA lineages from a second wave of Middle-Late Neolithic migration from North-West Anatolia into the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe represent an important contribution to the genetic shift between Early and Late Neolithic populations in Europe, and consequently to the genetic make-up of modern European populations.  相似文献   

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