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Phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Colorado mountain lakes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
SUMMARY. 1. Limiting nutrients for phytoplankton were studied experimentally in eight mountain lakes of central Colorado between May and November of 1984.
2. Five categories of phytoplankton limitation were identified: no limitation, N limitation, P limitation, concurrent limitation (stimulation only by simultaneous additions of N and P), and reciprocal limitation (stimulation by addition of either N or P). The phytoplankton communities of three lakes were primarily N-limited, one was primarily phosphorus-limited, and four showed primarily combined limitation (concurrent or reciprocal). Switching between categories of limitation was also observed within lakes. Nitrogen was the most frequently limiting nutrient; N, either alone or in combination with P, accounted for 79% of all observed instances of limitation.
3. Nine indices were tested for effectiveness in predicting phytoplankton limitation by N and P. The best indices for discriminating all limitations were ratios of dissolved inorganic N: total P (84% accuracy) and dissolved inorganic N:total dissolved P (80% accuracy). The effectiveness of these indices may be explained by the degree to which they represent N and P fractions actually available to the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

High-elevation valleys in dry areas of the Himalayas are among the most extreme, yet least explored environments on Earth. These barren, rocky valleys are subjected to year-round temperature fluctuations across the freezing point and very low availability of water and nutrients, causing previous workers to hypothesize that no photoautotrophic life (primary producers) exists in these locations. However, there has been no work using modern biogeochemical or culture-independent molecular methods to test the hypothesis that photoautotrophs are absent from high Himalayan soil systems. Here, we show that although microbial biomass levels are as low as those of the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, there are abundant microbial photoautotrophs, displaying unexpected phylogenetic diversity, in barren soils from just below the permanent ice line of the central Himalayas. Furthermore, we discovered that one of the dominant algal clades from the high Himalayas also contains the dominant algae in culture-independent surveys of both soil and ice samples from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, revealing an unexpected link between these environmentally similar but geographically very distant systems. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses demonstrated that although this algal clade is globally distributed to other high-altitude and high-latitude soils, it shows significant genetic isolation by geographical distance patterns, indicating local adaptation and perhaps speciation in each region. Our results are the first to demonstrate the remarkable similarities of microbial life of arid soils of Antarctica and the high Himalayas. Our findings are a starting point for future comparative studies of the dry valleys of the Himalayas and Antarctica that will yield new insights into the cold and dry limits to life on Earth.  相似文献   

Soil Microorganisms of the McMurdo Sound Area, Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A study of soil microorganisms of Ross Island and the adjacent mainland was carried out during the brief austral summer of 1961-1962. In some cases, seasonal changes in microbial numbers were observed, although microorganisms could not be detected in some soils. Bacterial species common to temperate regions were isolated from a number of different samples. Thermophilic bacteria were present in some of the soils, and a significant portion of the bacterial population was capable of growth at 2 C. The soil microflora were capable of carrying out certain reactions of the nitrogen cycle at a very slow rate. In addition to temperature, other environmental factors which might influence growth and metabolic activity were discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological Studies of Seaweeds in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three species of benthic marine macroalgae comprise the chiefcomponents of the seaweed flora of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.Quantitative studies at Cape Evans demonstrate a depth-relateddistribution pattern, with Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory inshallow water, Phyllophora antarctica A. and E. S. Gepp abundantand fertile at intermediate depths, and Leptophytum coulmanicum(Foslie) Adey dominant below 20 m. The vertical distributionof species is correlated with irradiance levels. At sites withthinner annual sea ice and less snow accumulation (e.g., CapeEvans, Cape Royds, and Granite Harbor), vertical distributionsare shifted downward relative to those at sites that remaincovered most of the year with thick or snow-covered fast ice(e.g., Cape Armitage and New Harbor). Disturbance caused byice scour and anchor ice probably determines the upper limitof algal distribution; herbivory is apparently absent. There is a disproportionate representation of cystocarpic femalegametophytes in populations of I. cordata and P. antarctica.Perennation via persistent basal crusts and apogamic recyclingof gametophytes are suggested as factors structuring phase distribution.Although the overall size of I. cordata blades is greater (andcystocarpic plants more abundant) at Cape Royds than at CapeEvans, cystocarpic blades are similar in minimum size at bothsites, indicating a threshhold size or age for the onset ofreproduction in this species.  相似文献   

 The zooplankton of the under-shelf-ice ecosystem at White Island (78°10′ S, 167°30′ E), McMurdo Sound, Antarctica was investigated during December 1976 and January 1977. The water column was sampled through a hole in the McMurdo Ice Shelf over a water depth of 67 m. Seawater temperatures under the ice shelf ranged from −1.91 to 1.96°C. Dissolved oxygen levels ranged from 5.0–6.05 ml l-1 in early December to 4.65–4.8 ml l-1 in late January. Current speeds of up to 0.13 m s-1 were recorded at a depth of 50 m and a predominantly northward flow was detected. Light levels under the shelf ice were low with less than 1% of the incident light being transmitted to a depth of 3 m. No chlorophyll a was detected within the water column throughout the investigation. Mean zooplankton biomass values in the water column ranged from 12 to 447 mg wet weight m-3 and were similar to values recorded elsewhere from Antarctic inshore waters, but were very much higher than those recorded from under seasonal sea ice in McMurdo Sound. Thirty-two zooplankton species were recorded including 1 ostracod, 21 copepods (10 calanoids, 3 cyclopoids and 8 harpacticoids), 4 amphipods, 2 euphausiids, a chaetognath and 3 pteropods. Larvae of polychaetes and fish were found on some occasions. The species composition in general was similar to that recorded from McMurdo Sound and other Antarctic inshore localities. Among the Copepoda, however, there were a number of species, especially among the Harpacticoidea, that have not been found previously in McMurdo Sound and the Ross Sea, but that are known to be associated with ice in other localities in Antarctica. Two recently described species are known only from White Island. They were present in the water column but were most abundant in the surface water of the tide crack where they were the most abundant zooplankters. The tide crack, which probably is an extension of the under-ice habitat, is apparently a significant nursery area for amphipods and copepod species. Received: 23 November 1994/Accepted 7 May 1995  相似文献   

This work analyses the attributes of the phytoplankton community(species richness, biovolume, diversity, equitability, abundance,dominance and size structure) associated with some physical,chemical and climatic variables of floodplain lakes of the AraguaiaRiver, central Brazil, in the rainy and dry seasons of 2000and 2001. The lakes in 2000 and 2001 presented different limnologicalcharacteristics between the periods of high and low water. Thephytoplankton comprised 292 taxa, mainly Chlorophyceae and nanoplankton.In the dry seasons of both years, the functional group Y (Cryptophyceae)was the most prominent association. In high-water periods, differentfunctional groups dominated the lakes. The canonical correspondenceanalysis (CCA) demonstrated a separation between the rainy anddry seasons of both years. The high and low water presenteddifferent dynamics in 2 years due to the influence of the floodpulse.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of limnological (water temperature, light availability, turbidity, and chlorophyll a concentration) parameters were recorded continuously from January 2004 to February 2005 at two freshwater lakes: Oyako-ike and Hotoke-ike, Sôya Coast, East Antarctica. Water was in a liquid phase throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 0 to 10°C. The maximum photosynthetically active radiation in Lake Oyako-ike was 23.16 mol m?2 day?1 (at 3.8 m) and Hotoke-ike was 53.01 mol m?2 day?1 (at 2.2 m) in summer, and chlorophyll a concentration ranged from ca. 0.5 to 2.5 μg L?1 (Oyako-ike) and from ca. 0.1 to 0.8 μg L?1 (Hotoke-ike) during the study period. Increase in chlorophyll a fluorescence occurred under dim-light conditions when the lakes were covered with ice in spring and autumn, but the signals were minimum in ice-free summer in both the lakes. During spring and summer, as a result of decreasing snow cover, the chlorophyll a concentration similarly decreased when PAR was relatively high, following periods of heavy winds. The autumnal and spring increase occurred under different PAR levels (ca. 20-fold and 90-fold stronger, respectively, in autumn in both the lakes). Differences in the autumn and spring increases suggest that the spring algal community is more shade-adapted than the autumn algal community. Antarctic phytoplankton appears especially adapted to low-light levels and inhibited by strong light regimes.  相似文献   

B. A. Foster 《Polar Biology》1989,10(3):175-177
Summary Ten larvae of a balanomorph barnacle were collected in plankton samples from under the sea-ice of McMurdo Sound in the austral spring 1985. This is the first record of planktonic barnacle larvae in the Antarctic Ocean. By deduction they are identified as Bathylasma corolliforme (Hoek) stage II nauplii and cyprids. They are described, the first of larvae of any species of the Bathylasmatidae. Their occurrence in McMurdo Sound is discussed in view of the apparent absence of adults in the Sound.  相似文献   

Seasonal Patterns of Planktonic Production in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The prolonged periods of continuous darkness and light in polarregions have resulted in a unique seasonal partitioning of primaryand heterotrophic production. In McMurdo Sound for example,the biomass, size distribution and production by phytoplanktonand bacterioplankton undergo distinct seasonal cycles. The seasonalpattern of primary production appeared to be regulated by lightwhereas the three order of magnitude change in phytoplanktonbiomass during mid- to late December was largely controlledby the advection of planktonic algae from the Ross Sea intoMcMurdo Sound. The size distribution of phytoplankton was highlyseasonal; nano- and picoplankton were dominant from August throughNovember while netplankton were more abundant in December andJanuary. Seasonal variations of bacterial biomass and productionwere smaller than those of phytoplankton. During the late australwinter and spring, bacterial biomass and production exceededthose of phytoplankton. This implies that during this period,organic material from allochthonous sources sustained bacterialgrowth. During the late spring and summer, however, the patternwas reversed and autochthonous primary production was sufficientto support concurrent bacterioplankton production. The apparenttemporal disequilibrium in autochthonous bacterioplankton andphytoplankton production was maintained by the seasonal inputof allochthonous organic material into McMurdo Sound. The factsthat a) bacteria were both abundant and highly active, b) bacterivorywas common among many of the endemic protozoa and some planktonicmetazoa and c) these bacterivores consumed >95% of the bacterialproduction strongly suggest that bacteria are a crucial componentin the transfer of energy and material to metazoans in polarregions.  相似文献   

Synopsis Four species of nototheniid fish were sampled from below the sea ice near Cape Armitage, McMurdo Sound:Pagothenia borchgrevinki from just below the ice 1.5 km offshore,Trematomus bernacchii, Trematomus hansoni andTrematomus centronotus from off the bottom in about 20 m of water near the shore. Scale worms and isopods were conspicuous non-planktonic prey, and present in the three benthic fish species. The planktonic pteropod molluscLimacina helicina was numerically common in all four species of fish. The planktonic hyperiid amphipodHyperiella dilatata was also found in all fish species. WhereasP. borchgrevinki is planktivorous in accord with its pelagic habit, theTrematomus spp. clearly also feed on plankton from the water column.T. hansoni is particularly planktivorous, taking smaller copepods thanP. borchgrevinki.  相似文献   

A. McMinn  A. Martin  K. Ryan 《Polar Biology》2010,33(11):1547-1556
The phytoplankton and sea ice algal communities at the end of winter in McMurdo Sound were dominated by Fragilariopsis sublineata, with Thalassiosira antarctica, Melosira adele, Pinnularia quadreata, Entomoneis kjellmannii and heterotrophic dinoflagellates also present. Sea ice algal biomass at the end of winter was very low, only 0.050 ± 0.019 mg chla m−2 in 2007 and 0.234 ± 0.036 mg chla m−2 in 2008, but this increased to 0.377 ± 0.078 mg chla m−2 by early October in 2007 and to 1.07 ± 0.192 by late September in 2008. Under ice phytoplankton biomass remained consistently below 0.1 μg chla l−1 throughout the measuring period in both years. The photosynthetic parameters Fv/Fm, rETRmax and α document microalgal communities that are mostly healthy and well adapted to their low light under ice environment. Our results also suggest that species such as Fragilariopsis sublineata are well adapted to deal with low winter light levels but are unlikely to survive an increase in irradiance, whereas other taxa, such as Thalassiosira antarctica, will do better in a higher light environment.  相似文献   

Dispersal of soil organisms is crucial for their spatial distribution and adaptation to the prevailing conditions of the Antarctic Dry Valleys. This study investigated the possibility of wind dispersal of soil invertebrates within the dry valleys. Soil invertebrates were evaluated in (1) pockets of transported sediments to lake ice and glacier surfaces, (2) wind-transported dust particles in collection pans (Bundt pans) 100 cm above the soil surface, and (3) sediments transported closer to the surface (<50 cm) and collected in open top chambers (OTCs). Invertebrates were extracted and identified. Nematodes were identified to species and classified according to life stage and sex. Three species of nematodes were recovered and Scottnema lindsayae was the most dominant. There were more juveniles (∼71%) in the transported sediments than adults (29%). Tardigrades and rotifers were more abundant in sediments on lake and glacier surfaces while nematodes were more abundant in the dry sediment collections of Bundt pans and OTCs. The abundance of immobile (dead) nematodes in the Bundt pans and OTCs was three times greater than active (live) nematodes. Anhydrobiosis constitutes a survival mechanism that allows wind dispersal of nematodes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Our results show that soil invertebrates are dispersed by wind in the Dry Valleys and are viable in ice communities on lake surfaces and glaciers.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton around Elephant Island,Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Phytoplankton studies were conducted in a 4·104 km2 grid around Elephant Island, Antarctica, during January–March 1991. In addition to profiling studies at 50 stations during each of two cruises, pumped surface water was used to continuously record in vivo chlorophyll-a (chl-a) fluorescence and beam attenuation coefficients (ct). Measurements on discrete samples included chl-a, phytoplankton organic carbon (Ac), and total particulate organic carbon (POC). Equations were developed which permitted contour-mapping of chl-a and POC throughout the entire grid based on continuous measurements of in vivo chl-a fluorescence and ct values. Phytoplankton abundance increased from January–February (cruise I) to February–March (cruise II) as evidenced by mean surface chl-a values (0.8 and 1.34 g l–1, respectively) and mean Ac values for the upper 20 m of the water column (21.3 and 39.8 g Cl–1, respectively). Microplankton accounted for 29% (cruise I) and 40% (cruise II) of the total phytoplankton, based on direct measurements of chl-a. Patterns for integrated values of chl-a, Ac and POC were similar to patterns of concentrations in surface waters. The richest areas of phytoplankton were north of Elephant and King George Islands, which coincided with high krill density areas.  相似文献   

Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) are large-bodied, long-lived mammals that live only in the circumpolar Antarctic. As such, they represent an ideal sentinel species for the impacts of environmental change on polar species. However, longitudinal physiological studies of marine mammals are notoriously difficult due to their largely aquatic lifestyle, such that many baseline indicators of health and condition are not well defined. Fifty known-age, adult seals (9-27 years, 24 males, 26 females) in McMurdo Sound were sampled for mass, total body fat, blubber depth and a suite of blood parameters (21 variables) to assess hydration state, nutritional plane, reproductive hormones (females only), organ function and immune status. Total body mass increased with age, whereas variation in blubber depth was best described by mass and/or sex, with an overall greater blubber thickness in female seals (p < 0.001). Ten blood parameters showed a significant effect of one or more model variables, most prominently between the sexes. Serum chemistry suggested that females were better nourished and displayed lower indicators of acute stress compared to males. We noted limited age-related declines that might indicate impaired organ function. Overall, seals demonstrated clinically normal values for large mammals, even at the upper end of the age continuum. Future physiological studies in this species are strongly encouraged to incorporate potential sex effects in experimental design and analysis.  相似文献   

The Antarctic nototheniid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki is a schooling, cryopelagic fish growing to about 280 mm maximum length. It is affected by X-cell disease, which causes gross swelling of gill filaments. Overall, 22% of the fish sampled had X-cell disease with individual schools ranging from 9.2 to 43.9%, which is a very high incidence compared to figures of other fish with the disease. In P. borchgrevinki, the disease caused a doubling of gill mass but had no effect on liver mass. Condition factor of affected fish was low. Received: 24 March 1997 / Accepted: 12 July 1997  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen oceanographic stations were occupied in the vicinity of Anvers Island, Antarctica, in January of 1985 and 1987. All stations showed high phytoplankton biomass (4.0 to 30 g chl-a/liter) which was either uniformly distributed in the upper mixed layer or showed a pronounced sub-surface maximum at 4–5 m depth. As phosphate was less than 0.02 m and nitrate about 2.0 m in surface waters, it appears that nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth may be of importance during such blooms. This view is supported by chemical measurements of the particulate material which showed high chl-a/ATP ratios (about 7.7), as well as high POC/ATP ratios (about 700). Microscopical analysis revealed a dominance of large-celled diatoms and the near absence of heterotrophic protozoans. Size fractionation studies showed that the nanoplankton accounted for only 28% of the total phytoplankton biomass. When phytoplankton biomass reaches the levels found at these stations, it appears that the cells are light-limited and hence dark-adapted, which results in the high chl-a/ATP ratios and the low assimilation values (0.49–1.64) obtained in our studies. Under such conditions greater than 50% of the total phytoplankton biomass is found below the 1% light level.Contribution No. 2154 of the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics  相似文献   

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