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The effects of vitamin A deprivation on the tracheal epithelium of young hamsters were investigated. Colchicine was administered 6 h prior to death to induce metaphase arrest, thus making it possible to quantify the mitotic rates of basal cells and secretory (mucous) cells in the epithelium. Blood samples were taken from all hamsters, and liver samples from some, in order to measure serum and tissue levels of vitamin A. Age-matched controls were compared with the following groups of hamsters maintained on a vitamin A deficient diet: pre weight plateau animals (those gaining weight), weight plateau-early weight loss animals (those maintaining approximately the same weight for 3 or 4 days, followed in some cases by a loss of weight for 3 or 4 days), and prolonged weight loss animals (those showing a loss of weight for 5 or more days). Four week old hamsters in a pre weight plateau had undetectable amounts of vitamin A in their livers and declining levels in their serum, whereas 4 1/2 week old hamsters still gaining weight had barely detectable levels of vitamin A in their serum. Nevertheless, the tracheal epithelium of these animals was not different from controls in appearance, proportions of different cell types, mitotic rates of secretory and basal cells, or in the number of cells per millimeter of basement membrane (cell density). Vitamin A was undetectable in the serum and livers of hamsters in the weight plateau-early weight loss stage. At this time the tracheal epithelium showed minimal morphological change, with small focal areas of epidermoid metaplasia in some animals. The tracheas of animals in early weight loss were smaller than tracheas in the control group, and there was a trend towards an increase in the number of epithelial cells per millimeter basement membrane. Cell types in the minimally changed epithelium appeared nearly normal, but there was an increase in the proportion of basal cells, and an absence (or near absence) of division in both basal and secretory cells. Tracheal rings from hamsters in the prolonged weight loss stage were lined by a cornifying metaplastic epidermoid epithelium. Our findings demonstrate that barely detectable levels of vitamin A in the serum are sufficient to maintain normal growth and differentiation of hamster tracheal epithelium (late pre weight plateau stage). When vitamin A serum levels fall below detectable limits the animals enter the weight plateau-early weight loss stage. This stage is accompanied by an inhibition of tracheal epithelial cell growth, although nearly normal cellular differentiation is maintained.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been established that experimental avitaminosis A in rats results in a 'Sertoli cell-only situation' after about 10 weeks, and that replacing the vitamin immediately reinitiates spermatogenesis. The present study deals with testicular recovery after prolonged deprivation (up to 19 weeks). The Sertoli cell-only situation reached under this condition was thought to be refractory to Vitamin A replacement. However, spermatogenesis did reinitiate about 11 weeks after vitamin restoration, although in an atypical manner. The blood-testis barrier, normally assembled when spermatocytes reaches the zygotene stage, remained under this condition permeable to the lanthanum intercellular tracer. Concomitantly, primary spermatocytes normally found in the adluminal compartment isolated by the barrier (zygotene onward) became massively apoptotic. All the tubules containing early spermatocytes (preleptotene or leptotene cells), normally found in the basal compartment, exhibited normal features with no signs of degeneration. Based on these results, a possible relationship between blood-testis barrier assembly and spermatocyte differentiation is proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of retinoid addition of vitamin A-depleted (UV-irradiated) culture medium on uridine metabolism in cultured Sertoli cells have been studied. After vitamin A depletion, a consistent 2- to 4-fold enhancement of [3H]uridine incorporation into RNA was observed. Several lines of evidence indicate that this enhancement is the result of an increase in the specific activity of the uridine-labeled precursors of RNA. Although vitamin A depletion did not affect either uridine uptake or alter cellular RNA content, a 5-fold increase in the specific activity of UMP was found in vitamin A-depleted cells. This increase results because the cellular content of uracil nucleosides plus nucleotides is selectively lowered in vitamin A-depleted cells. The decreased content of uridine derivatives could be accounted for by a 45-57% decrease in the activity of glutamine-dependent carbamylphosphate synthetase in vitamin A-depleted cells. The effects of vitamin A deprivation on uridine incorporation, as well as carbamylphosphate synthetase activity, could be completely restored to or above control values by supplementing vitamin A-depleted cell culture medium with either retinol or retinoic acid. This effect of vitamin A depletion appears to be highly specific. Under the same conditions, no gross alteration in either the pattern or extent of synthesis of cellular or secreted proteins, glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans, and lipids was observed. In addition, vitamin A depletion/repletion had no effect on the growth rate or morphology of the cells.  相似文献   

Estradiol and progesterone (P) induce female mammalian reproductive behaviors, which are, in turn, sensitive to food availability. When ovariectomized, steroid-primed hamsters are food deprived for 48 h, estrous behavior is suppressed. While this suppression of estrous behavior may be due to alterations in neural steroid receptor levels, it is also possible that decreased levels of circulating estradiol could be involved in mediating this suppression. Ovariectomized Syrian hamsters given varying doses of estradiol benzoate (EB) and P were tested to determine whether increasing doses of sex steroids would overcome the suppressive effects of food deprivation on estrous behavior. As expected, lordosis duration decreased in food-deprived animals. Increasing the levels of EB, but not P, increased lordosis duration in the food-deprived animals so that animals who were given 20 microg of EB had lordosis durations significantly longer than food-deprived hamsters that received 1.5 microg and 2.5 microg EB. Following an injection of 2.5 microg of EB, food-deprived hamsters actually had higher circulating levels of estradiol than ad libitum-fed animals. Therefore, increasing circulating levels of estradiol can increase lordosis durations in fasted animals; however, the suppression of estrous behavior occurs despite increased circulating estradiol levels in ovariectomized, steroid-treated animals. The most parsimonious explanation for this phenomenon is a deprivation-induced reduction in neural responsiveness to estradiol.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters can be phase shifted by procedures that stimulate wheel running ("exercise") in the mid-subjective day (the hamster's usual sleep period). The authors recently demonstrated that keeping hamsters awake by gentle handling, without continuous running, is sufficient to mimic this effect. Here, the authors assessed whether wakefulness, independent of wheel running, also mediates phase shifts to dark pulses during the midsubjective day in hamsters free-running in constant light (LL). With running wheels locked during a 3 h dark pulse on day 3 of LL, hamsters (N = 16) averaged only 43+/-15 min of spontaneous wake time and phase shifted only 24+/-43 min. When wheels were open during a dark pulse, two hamsters remained awake, ran continuously, and showed phase advance shifts of 7.3 h and 8.7 h, respectively, whereas the other hamsters were awake <60 min and shifted only 45+/-38 min. No animals stayed awake for 3 h without running. Additional time in LL (10 and 20 days) did not potentiate the waking or phase shift response to dark pulses. When all hamsters were sleep deprived with wheels locked during a dark pulse, phase advance shifts averaged 261+/-110 min and ranged up to 7.3 h. These shifts are large compared to those previously observed in response to the 3 h sleep deprivation procedure. Additional tests revealed that this potentiated shift response is dependent on LL prior to sleep deprivation but not LL after sleep deprivation. A final sleep deprivation test showed that a small part of the potentiation may be due to suppression of spontaneous wheel running by LL. These results indicate that some correlate of waking, other than continuous running, mediates the phase-shifting effect of dark pulses in the mid-subjective day. The mechanism by which LL potentiates shifting remains to be determined. The lack of effect of subsequent LL on the magnitude of shifts to sleep deprivation in the dark suggests that LL reduces responsivity to light by processes that take >3 h of dark to reverse.  相似文献   

Compensatory increases in food intake are commonly observed after a period of food deprivation in many species, including laboratory rats and mice. Thus it is interesting that Syrian hamsters fail to increase food intake after a period of food deprivation, despite a fall in plasma leptin concentrations similar to those seen in food-deprived rats and mice. In previous laboratory studies, food-deprived Syrian hamsters increased the amount of food hoarded. We hypothesized that leptin treatment during food deprivation would attenuate food-deprivation-induced increases in hoarding. Baseline levels of hoarding were bimodally distributed, with no hamsters showing intermediate levels of hoarding. Both high (HH) and low hoarding (LH) hamsters were included in each experimental group. Fifty-six male hamsters were either food deprived or given ad libitum access to food for 48 h. One-half of each group received intraperitoneal injections of leptin (4 mg/kg) or vehicle every 12 h during the food-deprivation period. Within the HH group, the hoarding score increased significantly in food-deprived but not fed hamsters (P < 0.05). Leptin treatment significantly decreased hoarding in the food-deprived HH hamsters (P < 0.05). The LH hamsters did not increase hoarding regardless of whether they were food deprived or had ad libitum access to food. These results are consistent with the idea that HH hamsters respond to energetic challenges at least in part by changing their hoarding behavior and that leptin might be one factor that mediates this response.  相似文献   

Energy consumption is critical for the energetically expensive processes related to reproduction, and thus, mechanisms that increase ingestive behavior are directly linked to reproductive success. Similarly, the mechanisms that inhibit hunger and ingestive behavior might be most adaptive when these mechanisms cause individuals to stop foraging, hoarding and eating in order to find and court potential mates. In the laboratory, ingestive behaviors are typically studied separately from reproductive behaviors even though it is likely that these behaviors evolved under conditions in which both food and mates were available. We examined the choice between paracopulatory and ingestive behaviors in a semi-natural environment in which both food and potential mates were available. Intact female Syrian hamsters showed a high preference for males on days 3 and 4 (day 4 being the day of ovulation and estrous behavior), and a 48-h period of food deprivation significantly decreased preference for sex and increased preference for eating and food hoarding on day 3 in 89% of the hamsters, although none became anestrous. The same period of food deprivation significantly decreased the level of vaginal marking without significant effects on plasma estradiol concentrations. Next, hamsters were either food deprived (FD) or fed ad libitum, and half of each group was treated with vehicle or the adipocyte hormone leptin. The percentage of females with a low preference for sex was significantly greater in the FD compared to the ad libitum-fed groups, and leptin treatment prevented this effect. Metabolic fuels, possibly acting through leptin and other hormones, might influence sensitivity to estradiol or enhance the downstream effects of estradiol, thereby increasing motivation for sex and decreasing the relative motivation to forage, hoard and eat food.  相似文献   

In the golden hamster light deprivation has been shown to induce gonadal regression and reduction of pituitary and plasma levels of prolactin (PRL). In the present study we examined changes in morphology and population ratios of three types of PRL cells 8 weeks after light deprivation, by means of blinding or exposure of hamsters to continuous darkness. In the pituitary of intact hamsters of either sex, which were entrained to a 14-h light: 10-h dark cycle, Type C cells with large secretory granules were the most numerous and Type A with smaller granules the least. After light deprivation the pituitary was found to contain remarkably atrophic PRL cells and showed a profound change in population ratio of PRL cell types, i.e., Type A cells prevailed over the other two types. Pituitary glands from light-deprived and concurrently pinealectomized hamsters exhibited structures and a population ratio of three types of PRL cells similar to those from intact animals. It is suggested that small-granule-containing PRL cells represent an inactive stage of PRL cells, whereas medium- and large-granule-containing cells are functionally active cells. The atrophy of PRL cells can account for the decreased pituitary level of PRL in light-deprived hamsters reported previously.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters can be phase advanced by activity or arousal stimulated during the daily rest phase ("subjective day"). A widely used method for stimulating activity is confinement to a novel wheel. Some hamsters decline to run, and some procedures may reduce the probability of running. The authors evaluated food deprivation (FD) as a method to promote running. Given evidence that perturbations of cell metabolism or glucose availability may affect circadian clock function in some tissues or species, they also assessed the effects of FD on free-running circadian phase, resetting responses to photic and nonphotic stimuli and plasma glucose. In constant light, a 27-h fast significantly increased running in a novel wheel and marginally increased the average size of resulting phase shifts. FD, without novel wheel confinement, was associated with some very large phase shifts or disruption of rhythmicity in hamsters that spontaneously ran in their home wheels during the subjective day. Hamsters that ran only during the usual active phase (subjective night) or that were prevented from running did not exhibit phase shifts, despite refeeding in the mid-subjective day. Using an Aschoff Type II design for measuring shifts, a 27-h fast significantly increased the number of hamsters that ran continuously when confined to a novel wheel but did not affect the dose-response relation between the amount of running and the size of the resulting shift. A day of fasting also did not affect the size of phase delay or advance shifts to 30-min light pulses in the subjective night. Plasma glucose was markedly reduced by wheel running in combination with fasting but was increased by running in nonfasted hamsters. These results establish FD as a useful tool for stimulating activity in home cage or novel wheels and indicate that in Syrian hamsters, significant alterations in glucose availability, associated with running, fasting, and refeeding, have surprisingly little effect on circadian pacemaker function.  相似文献   

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