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A new ganglion identified as the bursal ganglion is described from male Moniliformis moniliformis. This ganglion is located adjacent to the pseudocoel and longitudinal muscle fibers and medial to the dorsal lacunar canal about 1 mm from the posterior end of males with non-everted bursa The ganglion consists of four large club-shaped cells with single nuclei and bipolar neurons. The ganglion cells are paired with one neuron from each cell innervating the opposite side of the worm.  相似文献   

Male Moniliformis moniliformis possess paired genital ganglia each measuring approximately 280 micron long by 80 micron wide by 25 micron thick. They are located on either side of Saefftigen's pouch on the ventral surface of the ejaculatory duct where it joins the bursal cap. The cellular organization consists of externally located soma and a poorly developed internal neuropile. Most of the 19 cells in each ganglion exit via axons from the anterior and posterior extremities. A single dorsal commissure connects the 2 ganglia. No ventral commissure was observed. Many cells contained large nuclei with perinuclear rings but no cell had 2 nuclei.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the host-parasite interface of Moniliformis moniliformis in rats is described, comprising investigations on the ontogenic development of the presomal tegument, on the lesions caused by the worms, and on the host cellular reactions at the points of attachment of the worm. The presomal tegument of the worm contained more fibrous elements than the metasomal tegument. The sclerotization increased with the ages of the worms and toward the tip of the proboscis. The presomal surface coat was more coarsely structured and osmiophilic than that of the metasoma and was neither continuous with the contents of the tegumental crypts nor supported by lipids from necrotic host tissue. The surface coat occasionally detached from the proboscis, probably due to the activity of the surrounding granulocytes of the host. The proboscis hooks lost their tegumental covering during their larval development. Hooks of all worms from rats were invested with a semiliquid lipid coat, apparently derived from tegumental excretions at the base of the hooks. The invaginated area of excretion around the base of the hooks was rich in endoplasmic reticulum. The hooks seemed to renew their lipid coats at certain intervals by dipping into the excreted lipid. In rats all worms, irrespective of their age, attached superficially, penetrating only the intestinal mucosa and the tunica propria. No fibrous connective tissue was found in the lesions caused by the worms, indicating that they frequently changed their site of attachment. At 3-10 days postinfection the host's defense cells observed in the lesions consisted mainly of granulocytes, whereas plasma cells were the predominant leukocytes in lesions of older infections.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of various oligopeptides in solution by intact Moniliformis moniliformis was examined using paper chromatographic analysis of the incubation medium. In the presence of transport inhibitors, the respective peptide sub-units and/or amino acid residues accumulated in the bathing medium. Only peptides with serine, methionine, leucine or alanine at the NH2-terminal end of the peptide were hydrolysed. There was no hydrolysis when these amino acids were located internally or at the COOH-terminus indicating genuine aminopeptidase activity of the class, alpha-aminoacylpeptide hydrolase. Hydrolysis was negligible when the NH2-terminus was arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, tryptophan, tyrosine, or valine. In separate experiments, mediated uptake of 0.1 mM 3H-leucine by the worms in 2 min was inhibited 100% by 5 mM unlabelled leucine or tri-serine, but only partially inhibited by 5 mM Ser-Gly (66%), 10 mM Ser-Gly (74%), 5 mM Leu-Leu (69%), 10 mM Leu-Leu (70%), 5 mM Leu-Gly (58%) or 5 mM Met-Met (69%). Because the inhibitions produced by 5 mM Leu-Leu plus 5 mM Met-Met (79%) or 5 mM Leu-Leu plus 5 mM Ser-Gly (76%) were not additive, a single enzyme is indicated. The name serine aminopeptidase is proposed because of its preference for serine.  相似文献   

Only a few cases of Acanthocephala infections have been reported in humans, and Moniliformis moniliformis is the most common species around the world. We report here a case of infection with M. moniliformis, which passed in the stool of a 2-year-old girl in Iran. The patient had abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and facial edema. According to her mother, the patient had habit of eating dirt and once a cockroach was discovered in her mouth. In stool examination, eggs of M. moniliformis were not found. She was treated with levamisole and the clinical symptoms reduced within 2 weeks. The specimen contained 2 pieces of a female worm with a total length of 148 mm lacking the posterior end. The spiral musculature of the proboscis receptacle and the shape of the trunk allowed its generic determination. Previously 2 cases of M. moniliformis infection were reported in Iran. This is the 3rd case of M. moniliformis infection in Iran.  相似文献   

目的:观察面神经节的形态结构,神经节细胞的分布以及三叉神经节之间的关系.方法:用罗非鱼,进行10%福尔马林灌注固定,观察面神经节的形态,位置及与三叉神经节之间的位置关系,取面神经节,三叉神经节,根及分支进行连续切片,利用计算机制作三维立体图像,再观察神经节细胞的分布.结果:①面神经节的形态接近圆形.②面神经节位于颅腔内而三又神经节位于眼眶与颅腔之间的骨组织中.③从面神经节发出的周围突通过三叉神经节,与三叉神经的分支伴行.④神经节细胞在神经节内成团分布.结论:罗非鱼面神经节位于颅腔内,在三又神经节的内侧.  相似文献   

In whole Moniliformis moniliformis spontaneous muscle contractions were rhythmic; longitudinal contractions were measured with a force transducer. The cholinergic agonists levamisole and nicotine significantly increased muscle tension in whole worms; these contractions were tonic and were antagonised by the ganglionic blocker pentolinium and by piperazine. In addition, levamisole-induced contractions were inhibited by gallamine, hexamethonium, and norepinephrine. In worm segments, where drugs in solution were injected through the worms, acetylcholine (ACh) and nicotinic agonists were effective in causing contractions, whereas muscarinic agonists in concentrations up to 1 mM had no effect. Although muscle contraction in M. moniliformis was induced by nicotinic agonists, these contractions were effectively antagonised by a range of chemicals that block ganglionic, skeletal, and muscarinic sites in vertebrates. The presence of ACh in M. moniliformis and the effects of nicotinic agonists on muscle contraction suggest that ACh is a putative excitatory neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

The otoplanid nervous system investigated in Otoplana truncaspina Lanfranchi, 1969 and Parotoplanella heterorhabditica Lanfranchi, 1969 consits of: (a) an ellipsoidal cerebral ganglion located between the gut and the cephalic intestine and invested by a fibrillar collagen-like capsule 0.3 μm thick; (b) anterior extracapsular ganglion cell clusters; (c) a peripheral nerve plexus locally thickened at the level of the epithelial sensory and glandular areas, with extensive synaptic connections. At least two neuron types can be identified within the ganglion: (a) an inner layer close to the central neuropile of the 1st type of neurons, showing a vesicular cytoplasm rich in RER and Golgi complexes processing both round, clear, 25–45 nm in diameter, and dense cored vesicles, 50–80 nm in diameter; (b) an outer layer of the 2nd type of neurons, adjoining the capsule and filled with uniformly dense vesicles, 60–90 nm in diameter. Synaptic endings in the neuropile are provided with clear vesicles and dense cored vesicles or uniformly dense vesicles. The presynaptic side has paramembranous projections channelling the vesicles to the active zone; omega-like profiles are also observed. Thin banded muscle fibres run within the brain. A comparison is drawn with the other turbellarian neuron types described in the literature, to suggest their possible function. The functional implications of the synaptic ultrastructure are discussed.  相似文献   

Shelled acanthors (= eggs) of two isolates of Moniliformis moniliformis (Acanthocephala) were tested for their capacity to respond to a hatching stimulus in vitro and for their retention of infectivity to a natural intermediate host (Periplaneta americana). The shelled acanthors were stored for more than 120 weeks (Australian isolate) and for 104 weeks (Texan isolate) together with rat faeces in an incubator maintained at 22.2 +/- 0.1 degrees C. In both cases, infectivity to P. americana was shown to have been retained. In vitro tests of the hatching response were carried out on many occasions during this period of faecal storage. Shelled acanthors continued to respond and no differences were detected either between isolates or within an isolate through time.  相似文献   

Libersat  F.  Moore  J. 《Journal of Insect Behavior》2000,13(1):103-110
The immature stages of some parasites live in prey animals (intermediate hosts) and only reach reproductive maturity when they are eaten by final host predators. Some of these parasites alter intermediate host behavior in ways that increase the likelihood of predation (parasite transmission). Using the acanthocephalan (Moniliformis moniliformis) in the cockroach (Periplaneta americana), we show that infected cockroaches experienced a decrease in wind-evoked escape responses, a predator avoidance behavior, that consisted of fewer escape responses, longer latency and higher threshold for escape behavior. We found no correlates of the impairment of the escape behavior in the abdominal portion of the escape neuronal circuitry. This study demonstrates a parasite-induced alteration of a behavior dedicated to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

The acanthocephalan Moniliformis moniliformis is surrounded by a membranous envelope that protects the parasite from hemocytic attack in the cockroach host. If injected into a cockroach infected with M. moniliformis, hatched oncospheres of the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta are able to penetrate this envelope and, once inside, utilize its protective function in order to develop. These "double parasites" were infective to rats.  相似文献   

The behavior of the cockroach Diploptera punctata parasitized with the acanthocephalan Moniliformis moniliformis was examined for parasite-induced alterations. No significant difference in behavior was found between parasitized and unparasitized animals in the following behavioral tests: (1) choice of white/black, horizontal/vertical substrate under light and dark conditions; (2) temporal and directional response to a bright light source; (3) choice between light and dark (photophilia); and (4) activity (time spent moving, distance, and velocity). A comparison of uninfected animals under 2 light conditions showed that light affected the activity of uninfected animals and their response to substrate. Diploptera punctata is the first nondomestic cockroach to be examined for behavioral responses to Moniliformis infection. This is the first report of an arthropod in which acanthocephalan infection has failed to alter behavior under at least some common test conditions.  相似文献   

A two-way fixed model analysis of variance was used to test Moniliformis moniliformis and M. clarki for inter- and intraspecific differences with respect to 7 morphological characters used to distinguish species of the genus. M. clarki was sexually dimorphic in more characters than was M. moniliformis when specimens from their usual definitive hosts, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus and Rattus norvegicus, respectively, were compared. More characters were sexually dimorphic in both species reared in hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus, than in their usual definitive hosts or M. clarki from rats. Moniliformis clarki and M. moniliformis (n = 25 each sex, each species) from their usual hosts were significantly different at the 1% level in 6 of 7 characters studied. Further M. clarki of either sex from ground squirrels did not differ significantly in any of the 7 characters from those of the same sex from rats. When reared in hamsters, the range in number of longitudinal rows of proboscis hooks of female M. moniliformis included that of M. clarki, but the 2 species were distinct in each of the other features which distinguished them in rats and ground squirrels.  相似文献   

A technique is described whereby young adult Moniliformis moniliformis, aged up to 7 days, can be transferred via the oral route from one rat to another. The method is dependent on giving the recipient rats a dose of Cimetidine (0.25 ml/250 g body weight of a solution containing 950 mg/ml) 1 h before transfer. Cimetidine functions as an H2-receptor antagonist and gastric acid secretion in the rat is inhibited temporarily. The technique does not appear to interfere with the reproductive biology of the parasite.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance, including survival, growth and mature egg production, of Moniliformis moniliformis was studied experimentally during primary infections in rats given 10 cystacanths each. Four isoenergetic purified diets containing either 1, 3, 6 or 12% fructose (w/w) were used and the amounts of fructose in the intestinal lumen of rats fed on these diets were measured. It was concluded that, while dietary composition had no effect on parasite establishment, there were associations between diet and the survival, growth and fecundity of the parasite. The host diet containing 3% fructose was considered to be more favourable for the worms than the others; 12% fructose was associated with a curtailment of survival time without any compensatory production of eggs. Female worms from rats fed on diets containing 3 or 6% fructose grew larger, and consistently carried more ovaries and produced more eggs than those from rats fed on the 1% fructose diet. It was concluded that these and other findings might be mediated not only through the amount of available fructose in the intestine for worm metabolism, but also by the responses of the host's intestinal physiology to the varying concentrations of fructose in the diet.  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive performance of Moniliformis moniliformis were investigated in rats allowed to feed ad libitum on a purified diet containing 1% (w/w) fructose as an energy source for the worms. The rats were infected with either 10, 20, 40 or 80 cystacanths each with the intention of investigating density-dependent effects on worm fecundity. The establishment of the worms in the gut was independent of dose, but survival, growth and reproductive performance generally were shown to be related to the infective dose given to the rats. The effects could not be related to the absolute numbers of worms present in the small intestine at post-mortem examination. In general, some unidentified regulatory process appeared to operate to create severe density-dependence in survival so that surviving parasites were not present in numbers expected to generate competition. Attainment of sexual maturity, growth and the production of mature eggs by worms from rats given doses of 80 cystacanths each were delayed compared with worms from rats given the other doses, but eventually the performance of the high-dose worms caught up. Worms attached more anteriorly in the small intestine grew bigger and produced more mature eggs. Possible mechanisms responsible for the observed effects are discussed.  相似文献   

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