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Vertebrate cells are highly susceptible to infection by obligate intracellular parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, yet the mechanism by which these microbes breach the confines of their target cell is poorly understood. While it is thought that Toxoplasma actively invades by secreting adhesive proteins from internal organelles called micronemes, no genetic evidence is available to support this contention. Here, we report successful disruption of M2AP, a microneme protein tightly associated with an adhesive protein called MIC2. M2AP knockout parasites were >80% impaired in host cell entry. This invasion defect was likely due to defective expression of MIC2, which partially accumulated in the parasite endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. M2AP knockout parasites were also unable to rapidly secrete MIC2, an event that normally accompanies parasite attachment to a target cell. These findings indicate a critical role for the MIC2-M2AP protein complex in parasite invasion.  相似文献   

Attachment and invasion of host cells by Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent studies indicate that Toxoplasma gondii attachment is mediated via a parasite ligand-host cell receptor interaction. Lloyd Kosper and Jose Mineo here survey factors involved in the attachment to and penetration and invasion of host cells by T. gondii.  相似文献   

Invasion of host cells is essential for the pathogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii. This review examines the signal transduction pathways that lead to the internalization of T. gondii. We demonstrate that extra- and intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization, Ca(2+)-calmodulin complex and phospholipase A(2) activities are required for T. gondii entry. T. gondii also causes the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in infected cells and modifies its ionic environment during its intracellular state. Thus, many of the signaling systems found in other eukaryotes are operative in Toxoplasma invasion.  相似文献   

Propeptides regulate protein function and trafficking in many eukaryotic systems and have emerged as important features of regulated secretory proteins in parasites of the phylum Apicomplexa. Regulated protein secretion from micronemes and host cell invasion are inextricably linked and essential processes for the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. TgM2AP is a propeptide-containing microneme protein found in a heterohexameric complex with the microneme protein TgMIC2, a protein that has a demonstrated fundamental role in gliding motility and invasion. TgM2AP function is also central to these processes, because disruption of TgM2AP (m2apKO) results in secretory retention of TgMIC2, leading to reduced TgMIC2 secretion from the micronemes and impaired invasion. Because the TgM2AP propeptide is predicted to be processed in an intracellular site near where TgMIC2 is retained in m2apKO parasites, we hypothesized that the propeptide and its proteolytic removal influence trafficking and secretion of the complex. We found that proTgM2AP traffics through endosomal compartments and that deletion of the propeptide leads to defective trafficking of the complex within or near this site, resulting in aberrant processing and decreased secretion of TgMIC2, impaired invasion, and reduced virulence in vivo, mirroring the phenotypes observed in m2apKO parasites. In contrast, mutation of several cleavage site residues resulted in normal localization, but it affected the stability and secretion of the complex from the micronemes. Therefore, the propeptide and its cleavage site influence distinct aspects of TgMIC2-M2AP function, with both impacting the outcome of infection.  相似文献   

The role of calcium-dependent protein kinases in the invasion of Toxoplasma gondii into its animal host cells was analyzed. KT5926, an inhibitor of calcium-dependent protein kinases in other systems, is known to block the motility of Toxoplasma tachyzoites and their attachment to host cells. In vivo, KT5926 blocks the phosphorylation of only three parasite proteins, and in parasite extracts only a single KT5926-sensitive protein kinase activity was detected. This activity was calcium-dependent but did not require calmodulin. In a search for calcium-dependent protein kinases in Toxoplasma, two members of the class of calmodulin-like domain protein kinases (CDPKs) were detected. TgCDPK2 was only expressed at the mRNA level in tachyzoites, but no protein was detected. TgCDPK1 protein was expressed in Toxoplasma tachyzoites and cofractionated precisely with the peak of KT5926-sensitive protein kinase activity. TgCDPK1 kinase activity was calcium-dependent but did not require calmodulin or phospholipids. TgCDPK1 was found to be inhibited effectively by KT5926 at concentrations that block parasite attachment to host cells. In vitro, TgCDPK1 phosphorylated three parasite proteins that migrated identical to the three KT5926-sensitive phosphoproteins detected in vivo. Based on these observations, a central role is suggested for TgCDPK1 in regulating Toxoplasma motility and host cell invasion.  相似文献   

Intracellular pathogens have evolved a wide array of mechanisms to invade and co-opt their host cells for intracellular survival. Apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii employ the action of unique secretory organelles named rhoptries for internalization of the parasite and formation of a specialized niche within the host cell. We demonstrate that Toxoplasma gondii also uses secretion from the rhoptries during invasion to deliver a parasite-derived protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C-hn) into the host cell and direct it to the host nucleus. Delivery to the host nucleus does not require completion of invasion, as evidenced by the fact that parasites blocked in the initial stages of invasion with cytochalasin D are able to target PP2C-hn to the host nucleus. We have disrupted the gene encoding PP2C-hn and shown that PP2C-hn-knockout parasites exhibit a mild growth defect that can be rescued by complementation with the wild-type gene. The delivery of parasite effector proteins via the rhoptries provides a novel mechanism for Toxoplasma to directly access the command center of its host cell during infection by the parasite.  相似文献   

C1E3, a monoclonal antibody recognizing protein P30, a major surface antigen of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites, was shown to have a consistent effect on invasion in adult bovine kidney cells. In 10 replicate assays, the overall invasion was reduced to 37% of control values (P less than 0.0001). These results support the role of a functional role for P30 in mediating invasion.  相似文献   

Cell division in Toxoplasma gondii occurs by an unusual budding mechanism termed endodyogeny, during which twin daughters are formed within the body of the mother cell. Cytokinesis begins with the coordinated assembly of the inner membrane complex (IMC), which surrounds the growing daughter cells. The IMC is compiled of both flattened membrane cisternae and subpellicular filaments composed of articulin-like proteins attached to underlying singlet microtubules. While proteins that comprise the elongating IMC have been described, little is known about its initial formation. Using Toxoplasma as a model system, we demonstrate that actin-like protein 1 (ALP1) is partially redistributed to the IMC at early stages in its formation. Immunoelectron microscopy localized ALP1 to a discrete region of the nuclear envelope, on transport vesicles, and on the nascent IMC of the daughter cells prior to the arrival of proteins such as IMC-1. The overexpression of ALP1 under the control of a strong constitutive promoter disrupted the formation of the daughter cell IMC, leading to delayed growth and defects in nuclear and apicoplast segregation. Collectively, these data suggest that ALP1 participates in the formation of daughter cell membranes during cell division in apicomplexan parasites.  相似文献   

The apicomplexan moving junction (MJ) is a highly conserved structure formed during host cell entry that anchors the invading parasite to the host cell and serves as a molecular sieve of host membrane proteins that protects the parasitophorous vacuole from host lysosomal destruction. While recent work in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium has reinforced the composition of the MJ as an important association of rhoptry neck proteins (RONs) with micronemal AMA1, little is known of the precise role of RONs in the junction or how they are targeted to the neck subcompartment. We report the first functional analysis of a MJ/RON protein by disrupting RON8 in T. gondii. Parasites lacking RON8 are severely impaired in both attachment and invasion, indicating that RON8 enables the parasite to establish a firm clasp on the host cell and commit to invasion. The remaining junction components frequently drag in trails behind invading knockout parasites and illustrate a malformed complex without RON8. Complementation of Δron8 parasites restores invasion and reveals a processing event at the RON8 C-terminus. Replacement of an N-terminal region of RON8 with a mCherry reporter separates regions within RON8 that are necessary for rhoptry targeting and complex formation from those required for function during invasion. Finally, the invasion defects in Δron8 parasites seen in vitro translate to radically impaired virulence in infected mice, promoting a model in which RON8 has a crucial and unprecedented task in committing Toxoplasma to host cell entry.  相似文献   

Rhoptries are unique secretory organelles shared by all Apicomplexan invasive stages. They are exocytosed upon host cell invasion and their contents are involved in creating the moving junction that propels the parasite in the cell and in building the parasitophorous vacuole in which the parasite will develop. In addition, some rhoptry proteins are targeted to the host cell nucleus. The array of roles played by these organelles has considerably expanded in the recent years, making them a major clue to the understanding of the early interaction between these parasites and their host. Yet, our knowledge on these organelles is still very poor and much has to be done before we get a clear view of the part they play in Apicomplexan biology.  相似文献   

We previously reported that phospholipase increases host cell penetration by Toxoplasma gondii. Here we show that calcium-dependent phospholipase A (PLA) activity is found in the supernatant of sonically disrupted T. gondii. When fractions of disrupted T. gondii were incubated with host cells, the release of fatty acids and lysolipids was detected. Fractions of sonically disrupted T. gondii with PLA activity increased T. gondii host cell penetration in a bioassay. In addition, a protein of approximately 20 kDa was detected by immunoblot of T. gondii antigens with horse antiserum to snake venom, the major antibody of which recognizes PLA2. Incubation of T. gondii with exogenous PLA2 resulted in increased solubility of a rhoptry protein. This protein, which we previously characterized as involved with enhanced parasite invasion of host cells and which is recognized by monoclonal antibody Tg49, was detected in increased amounts in supernatant fractions of extracellular parasites treated with PLA2. Whereas without PLA2 treatment, it is only slightly soluble under physiological conditions. This raises the possibility that PLA may be implicated in the release of rhoptry proteins.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that actively invades mammalian cells using a unique form of gliding motility that critically depends on actin filaments in the parasite. To determine if parasite motility is driven by a myosin motor, we examined the distribution of myosin and tested the effects of specific inhibitors on gliding and host cell invasion. A single 90 kDa isoform of myosin was detected in parasite lysates using an antisera that recognizes a highly conserved myosin peptide. Myosin was localized in T. gondii beneath the plasma membrane in a circumferential pattern that overlapped with the distribution of actin. The myosin ATPase inhibitor, butanedione monoxime (BDM), reversibly inhibited gliding motility across serum-coated slides. The myosin light-chain kinase inhibitor, KT5926, also blocked parasite motility and greatly reduced host cell attachment; however, these effects were primarily caused by its ability to block the secretion of microneme proteins, which are involved in cell attachment. In contrast, while BDM partially reduced cell attachment, it prevented invasion even under conditions in which microneme secretion was not affected, indicating a potential role for myosin in cell entry. Collectively, these results indicate that myosin(s) probably participate(s) in powering gliding motility, a process that is essential for cell invasion by T. gondii .  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii infection triggers host microtubule rearrangement and organelle recruitment around the parasite vacuole. Factors affecting initial stages of microtubule remodeling are unknown. To illuminate the mechanism, we tested the hypothesis that the parasite actively remodels host microtubules. Utilizing heat-killed parasites and time-lapse analysis, we determined microtubule rearrangement requires living parasites and is time dependent. We discovered a novel aster of microtubules (MTs) associates with the vacuole within 1h of infection. This aster lacks the concentrated foci of gamma (gamma)-tubulin normally associated with MT nucleation sites. Unexpectedly, vacuole enlargement does not correlate with an increase in MT staining around the vacuole. We conclude microtubule remodeling does not result from steric constraints. Using nocodazole washout studies, we demonstrate the vacuole nucleates host microtubule growth in-vivo via gamma-tubulin-associated sites. Moreover, superinfected host cells display multiple gamma-tubulin foci. Microtubule dynamics are critical for cell cycle control in uninfected cells. Using non-confluent monolayers, we show host cells commonly fail to finish cytokinesis resulting in larger, multinucleated cells. Our data suggest intimate interactions between T. gondii and host microtubules result in suppression of cell division and/or cause a mitotic defect, thus providing a larger space for parasite duplication.  相似文献   

Host cell invasion by Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites relies on many coordinated processes. The tachyzoite participates in invasion by providing an actomyosin-dependent force driving it into the nascent parasitophorous vacuole as well as by releasing molecules which contribute to the vacuole membrane. Exposure to type 1/2A protein phosphatase inhibitors, okadaic acid (OA) or tautomycin significantly impairs tachyzoite invasiveness. Furthermore, the tachyzoite extract contains a biochemically active type 1, but not a type 2A, serine-threonine protein phosphatase, which is immunologically related to eukaryotic phosphatase type 1 catalytic subunit. When tachyzoite extracts are incubated with a monoclonal antibody reactive to human type 1 catalytic subunit, other T. gondii molecules are coprecipitated among which one competes with the inhibitory toxin OA. Finally, in vitro phosphate labelling assays indicate that the biochemically characterized PP1 activity controls the phosphorylation of several proteins. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that the type 1 phosphatase activity detected in invasive tachyzoites is implicated in the control of the host cell invasion process.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma is a protozoan parasite that is uniquely adapted for invading and surviving within a wide range of host cells. The parasite actively invades the cell, forming a novel vacuole that originates from the host cell plasma membrane. The vacuole membrane is rapidly modified to remove host cell proteins and this compartment subsequently resists fusion with all other host cell endocytic compartments. Shortly after invasion, the parasite secretes a variety of proteins by a process of regulation exocytosis and elaborates an extensive array of membranous tubules that form a network connecting with the vacuolar membrane. Understanding the formation and modification of this unique vacuole may reveal novel mechanisms for subverting host cell endocytic pathways that lead to intracellular survival.  相似文献   

Little is known about signalling in Toxoplasma gondii, but it is likely that protein kinases might play a key role in the parasite proliferation, differentiation and probably invasion. We previously characterized Mitogen-Activated Protein (MAP) kinases in T. gondii lysates. In this study, cultured cells were tested for their susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii infection after tachyzoite pretreatment with drugs interfering with MAP kinase activation pathways. Protein kinases inhibitors, i.e. genistein, RO31-8220 and PD098059, reduced tachyzoite infectivity by 38 +/- 4.5%, 85.5 +/- 9% and 56 +/- 10%, respectively. Conversely, protein kinases activators, i.e. bombesin and PMA, markedly increased infectivity (by 202 +/- 37% and 258 +/- 14%, respectively). These results suggest that signalling pathways involving PKC and MAP kinases play a role in host cell invasion by Toxoplasma.  相似文献   

Two cases of sarcoidosis with peripheral lymphatic nodes involvement and coexisting toxoplasmosis are presented. Both cases illustrate diagnostic and differentiating problems in patients with chronic lymphatic nodes enlargement and positive serological reaction to T. gondii antigen. An emphasis is on the importance of the histological examination of the lymphatic nodes for the sarcoidosis diagnosis and contribution of T. gondii to the disease. Positive serological reaction to T. gondii antigen in patients with sarcoidosis may reflect inactive toxoplasmosis; however, periodical serological tests are necessary monitoring the due immunosuppressive treatment used in patients with sarcoidosis.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii replicates within a specialized vacuole surrounded by the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM). The PVM forms intimate interactions with host mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a process termed PVM-organelle association. In this study we identify a likely mediator of this process, the parasite protein ROP2. ROP2, which is localized to the PVM, is secreted from anterior organelles termed rhoptries during parasite invasion into host cells. The NH(2)-terminal domain of ROP2 (ROP2hc) within the PVM is exposed to the host cell cytosol, and has characteristics of a mitochondrial targeting signal. In in vitro assays, ROP2hc is partially translocated into the mitochondrial outer membrane and behaves like an integral membrane protein. Although ROP2hc does not translocate across the ER membrane, it does exhibit carbonate-resistant binding to this organelle. In vivo, ROP2hc expressed as a soluble fragment in the cytosol of uninfected cells associates with both mitochondria and ER. The 30-amino acid (aa) NH(2)-terminal sequence of ROP2hc, when fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP), is sufficient for mitochondrial targeting. Deletion of the 30-aa NH(2)-terminal signal from ROP2hc results in robust localization of the truncated protein to the ER. These results demonstrate a new mechanism for tight association of different membrane-bound organelles within the cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate parasite that infects most warm blood animals. Micronemal proteins actively involves in the invasion process, where TgMIC2 and TgM2AP complex plays vital roles. Complete NMR assignments for major fragment of TgM2AP were successfully obtained.  相似文献   

While reactive oxygen species (ROS) can kill Toxoplasma gondii in vitro the role these molecules play in vivo is not known. We used a flow cytometry-based assay to investigate the relationship between intracellular infection and ROS production during acute peritoneal toxoplasmosis in mice. A distinct population of ROS(+) inflammatory macrophages, detected by the oxidation of hydroethidine, was observed to increase progressively in frequency during the course of infection, and to be inversely correlated with the degree of cell parasitization. These data imply that either intracellular parasites inhibit ROS synthesis or, alternatively, ROS-producing cells contain anti-Toxoplasma activity. The latter interpretation was supported by the finding that uninfected ROS-producing inflammatory macrophages were resistant to infection in vivo. However, in the same animals, ROS-producing macrophages that had previously been parasitized could readily be infected with additional parasites, suggesting that the difference in ROS production between highly infected and less infected cells was not due to ROS-associated killing of parasites within these cells. In addition, macrophages infected with T. gondii in vitro and then briefly transferred to acutely infected mice upregulated ROS production in a manner that was again inversely correlated with the degree of intracellular parasitization. Taken together, these findings suggest that both ROS-associated anti-Toxoplasma activity and parasite-driven inhibition of ROS production underlie the observed pattern of ROS production. ROS function and parasite evasion of this function may contribute significantly to the balance between host defense and disease progression during acute infection.  相似文献   

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