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利用植物病毒表达载体表达外源蛋白是近年来发展起来的具有表达量大,速度快和廉价等优势的生产系统,其有4种构建策略;基因取代,基因插入,融合抗原和基因互补,此外还从病毒表达载体的基础性研究和商业应用方面进行了详细讨论。  相似文献   

植物病毒表达载体研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用DNA或RNA植物病毒作载体表达外源蛋白是几年发展较快的一种新的遗传转化方式,它具有以下几个优点,表达量大,表达速度快,地进行基因操作和接种以及适用对象广泛。已发展的四种载体构建策略包括:基因取代,基因插入,融合抗原和基因互补。植物病毒表达载体可以用于基因的重组、病毒的移动和基因功能的检测等基础性研究,也可用于商业上表达多种药用蛋白或疫苗,植物病毒表达载体的稳定性主要取决于存在同源序列而引起的  相似文献   

利用DNA或RNA植物病毒作载体表达外源蛋白是近几年发展较快的一种新的遗传转化方式,它具有以下几个优点:表达量大,表达速度快,易于进行基因操作和接种以及适用对象广泛。已发展的四种载体构建策略包括:基因取代,基因插入,融合抗原和基因互补。植物病毒表达载体可以用于基因的重组、病毒的移动和基因功能的检测等基础性研究,也可用于商业上表达多种药用蛋白或疫苗。植物病毒表达载体的稳定性主要取决于存在同源序列而引起的基因重组。本文还对病毒载体的生物安全性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

郝岗平  边高鹏  孙凌云  张媛英   《广西植物》2007,27(1):132-136
采用高保真PCR方法从pGEM-VP1-T质粒扩出VP1基因,定向克隆到含DHA的融合中间载体pUC18-DHA,得到pUC18-VP1-DHA,经测序证实核酸序列正确后,再亚克隆到转化范围广,转化效率高,且含有双增强子的高效植物双元表达载体pGreen0029-GFP上,获得含VP1融合DHA基因的植物双元表达载体pGreen0029-VP1-DHA,采用电击法将含VP1的植物表达载体转入根癌农杆菌G3101中,获得了含VP1基因的双元植物表达载体,为下一步的广范围转基因植物表达研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

甲病毒载体是一种新型的载体系统,近年来,关于该载体系统的研究很我,尤其是在蛋白质的表达、结构与功能的研究以及疫苗的研制方面,本文仅就甲病毒载体的构建及其应用作一简单介绍。  相似文献   

在植物与病原菌互作的研究中,植物抗性基因和病原菌无毒基因的研究是两个重要的热点。利用植物病毒沉默载体构建的VIGS(Virus Induced Gene Silencing)体系研究植物的防御机制;利用植物病毒表达载体克隆和研究病原菌的无毒基因,将使我们更深刻地理解植物和病原菌互作的分子机理,最终为培育番茄白粉病持久抗性品种打下理论基础。对植物病毒载体的研究进行了综述并就我们承担的课题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Large amount of disease-specific protein(SP) accumulated in the rice plant cells infected by rice grassy stunt virus(RGSV). It was deduced that the protein was encoded by NS6 gene on genomic vRNA6 and thus referred to as NS6 protein.But its function is unknown. In an effort to prove the above deduction and to elucidate the function of NS6 protein of RGSV, we constructed a bacterial expression plasmid pGTNS6 producing a fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and NS6 protein, and a plant expression vector pCBTNSv6 containing NS6 gene. A recombinant plasmid pTNSv 6 containing the coding region of NS6 gene and the non-coding region at its 5' terminus, cloned by RT-PCR from purified RNAs of Shaxian isolate of RGSV, was used as the start point. Western blot analysis showed that the fusion protein reacted strongly with antisera raised against RGSV-SP, which served as evidence of the deduction.EHA105 of Agrobacterium tumefasciens containing pCBTNSv6 has been obtained and the transformation of rice is underway.  相似文献   

植物病毒载体的研究进展及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹雪松  李毅 《植物学报》2004,21(6):719-723
综述了利用植物病毒载体过量表达或抑制基因表达方面的研究进展。这些技术的发展为工业制药和功能基因组学的研究提供了有力的研究工具。对病毒载体在应用中的局限性及其前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

曹雪松  李毅 《植物学通报》2004,21(6):719-723
综述了利用植物病毒载体过量表达或抑制基因表达方面的研究进展.这些技术的发展为工业制药和功能基因组学的研究提供了有力的研究工具.对病毒载体在应用中的局限性及其前景进行了分析.  相似文献   

A plant virus vector for systemic expression of foreign genes in cereals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Inserts bearing the coding sequences of NPT II and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) were placed between the nuclear inclusion b (NIb) and coat protein (CP) domains of the wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) polyprotein ORF. The WSMV NIb-CP junction containing the nuclear inclusion a (NIa) protease cleavage site was duplicated, permitting excision of foreign protein domains from the viral polyprotein. Wheat, barley, oat and maize seedlings supported systemic infection of WSMV bearing NPT II. The NPT II insert was stable for at least 18-30 days post-inoculation and had little effect on WSMV CP accumulation. Histochemical assays indicated the presence of functional GUS protein in systemically infected wheat and barley plants inoculated with WSMV bearing GUS. The GUS constructs had greatly reduced virulence on both oat and maize. RT-PCR indicated that the GUS insert was subject to deletion, particularly when expressed as a GUS-NIb protein fusion. Both reporter genes were expressed in wheat roots at levels comparable to those observed in leaves. These results clearly demonstrate the utility of WSMV as a transient gene expression vector for grass species, including two important grain crops, wheat and maize. The results further indicate that both host species and the nature of inserted sequences affect the stability and expression of foreign genes delivered by engineered virus genomes.  相似文献   

病毒复制子 (Replicon) 是指来源于病毒基因组的能够自主复制的RNA分子,保留了病毒非结构蛋白基因,而结构蛋白基因缺失或由外源基因替代。昆津病毒 (Kunjun virus) 为黄病毒科黄病毒属成员,其复制子具有表达效率高、细胞毒性低、遗传稳定等特点,在病毒基因组复制调控机制、外源蛋白表达、新型疫苗和基因治疗等领域得到了广泛应用。以下就昆津病毒复制子系统的构建、特性及应用方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

昆虫介体行为与植物病毒的传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大多数植物病毒都是依赖昆虫介体进行传播,其中超过80%的传毒介体昆虫都是属于半翅目同翅亚目。昆虫介体识别寄主植物和取食的过程与病毒的传播密切相关,本文主要综述了同翅亚目昆虫、蓟马等介体昆虫取食行为与植物病毒的相互作用方面的研究进展,着重于介绍昆虫不同取食阶段的行为对植物病毒传播的影响,病毒侵染对介体取食和识别寄主行为的影响。  相似文献   

王端  叶健 《生物资源》2020,42(1):1-8
病毒作为地球上最简单的生命形式,通过感染人、动物和植物等寄主产生传染性疾病。与其他微生物相比,病毒具有基因组小、复制量大、遗传操作简单等特点,具有很强的生物资源属性。过去几十年,对植物病毒的研究主要集中于解析其致病机制、植物的抗性机制及如何防控植物病害。但是随着研究的深入及概念的革新,人们发现植物病毒还具有很强的生物资源属性。随着分子生物学以及基因组、转录组、蛋白组学等技术的发展,越来越多的植物病毒被发现、改造和利用。本综述着重围绕植物病毒的资源属性与病毒载体的改造利用及其在生物工程方面的应用等最新研究进展,讨论其广泛的应用前景,挖掘其资源化的潜力。  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that viral infection modifies host plant traits that in turn alter behaviour and performance of vectors colonizing the plants in a way conducive for transmission of both nonpersistent and persistent viruses. Similar evidence for semipersistent viruses like cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) is scarce. Here we compared the effects of Arabidopsis infection with mild (CM) and severe (JI) CaMV isolates on the feeding behaviour (recorded by the electrical penetration graph technique) and fecundity of the aphid vector Myzus persicae. Compared to mock-inoculated plants, feeding behaviour was altered similarly on CM- and JI-infected plants, but only aphids on JI-infected plants had reduced fecundity. To evaluate the role of the multifunctional CaMV protein P6-TAV, aphid feeding behaviour and fecundity were tested on transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing wild-type (wt) and mutant versions of P6-TAV. In contrast to viral infection, aphid fecundity was unchanged on all transgenic lines, suggesting that other viral factors compromise fecundity. Aphid feeding behaviour was modified on wt P6-CM-, but not on wt P6-JI-expressing plants. Analysis of plants expressing P6 mutants identified N-terminal P6 domains contributing to modification of feeding behaviour. Taken together, we show that CaMV infection can modify both aphid fecundity and feeding behaviour and that P6 is only involved in the latter.  相似文献   

转基因植物中RNA介导的病毒抗性研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郭兴启  温孚江  朱常香 《生命科学》2000,12(4):166-169,161
利用病毒核酸序列培育抗病毒的转基因植物是一个重要的抗病毒基因工程策略。虽然很多种病毒的不同核酸序列已被使用并证明转基因植物有不同程度的抗病毒效果,但其抗病机制大多不清楚。目前至少有两种明显不同的抗病机制类型:一种是要求病毒编码的蛋白质的表达;另一种是仅仅依靠转基因的TNA转录。本文综述了这种RNA介导的抗性特点、分子生物学、抗病机制,以及与共抑制的相似性,并对RNA介导的病毒抗性的意义加以讨论。  相似文献   

One of the most convenient methods for the fast and efficient production of target proteins in plants involves self-replicating recombinant viral vectors. We have constructed a plant viral vector based on the genome of the potato X virus. This vector contains the sequence of the 5′-untranslated region of RNA 4 of the alfalfa mosaic virus immediately upstream of the target gene. The incorporation of this sequence into the viral vector increases the production of the target protein by the recipient plant three- to fourfold owing to the increased efficiency of translation of viral subgenomic RNA comprising the target gene. The new vector can be used for the production of recombinant proteins in plants. Original Russian Text ? E.S. Mardanova, R.Yu. Kotlyarov, N.V. Ravin, 2009, published in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 568–571.  相似文献   

Molecular farming technology using transiently transformed Nicotiana plants offers an economical approach to the pharmaceutical industry to produce an array of protein targets including vaccine antigens and therapeutics. It can serve as a desirable alternative approach for those proteins that are challenging or too costly to produce in large quantities using other heterologous protein expression systems. However, since cost metrics are such a critical factor in selecting a production host, any system-wide modifications that can increase recombinant protein yields are key to further improving the platform and making it applicable for a wider range of target molecules. Here, we report on the development of a new approach to improve target accumulation in an established plant-based expression system that utilizes viral-based vectors to mediate transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. We show that by engineering the host plant to support viral vectors to spread more effectively between host cells through plasmodesmata, protein target accumulation can be increased by up to approximately 60%.  相似文献   

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