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Forest ecosystems release large amounts of carbon to the atmosphere from fine-root respiration (R(r)), but the control of this flux and its temperature sensitivity (Q(10)) are poorly understood. We attempted to: (1) identify the factors limiting this flux using additions of glucose and an electron transport uncoupler (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone); and (2) improve yearly estimates of R(r) by directly measuring its Q(10)in situ using temperature-controlled cuvettes buried around intact, attached roots. The proximal limits of R(r) of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees exposed to free-air CO(2) enrichment (FACE) and N fertilization were seasonally variable; enzyme capacity limited R(r) in the winter, and a combination of substrate supply and adenylate availability limited R(r) in summer months. The limiting factors of R(r) were not affected by elevated CO(2) or N fertilization. Elevated CO(2 )increased annual stand-level R(r) by 34% whereas the combination of elevated CO(2) and N fertilization reduced R(r) by 40%. Measurements of in situ R(r) with high temporal resolution detected diel patterns that were correlated with canopy photosynthesis with a lag of 1 d or less as measured by eddy covariance, indicating a dynamic link between canopy photosynthesis and root respiration. These results suggest that R(r) is coupled to daily canopy photosynthesis and increases with carbon allocation below ground.  相似文献   

* Greater fine-root production under elevated [CO2] may increase the input of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to the soil profile because fine root populations turn over quickly in forested ecosystems. * Here, the effect of elevated [CO)] was assessed on root biomass and N inputs at several soil depths by combining a long-term minirhizotron dataset with continuous, root-specific measurements of root mass and [N]. The experiment was conducted in a CO(2)-enriched sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) plantation. * CO2) enrichment had no effect on root tissue density or [N] within a given diameter class. Root biomass production and standing crop were doubled under elevated [CO2]. Though fine-root turnover declined under elevated [CO2], fine-root mortality was also nearly doubled under CO2 enrichment. Over 9 yr, root mortality resulted in 681 g m(-2) of extra C and 9 g m(-2) of extra N input to the soil system under elevated [CO2]. At least half of these inputs were below 30 cm soil depth. * Increased C and N input to the soil under CO2 enrichment, especially below 30 cm depth, might alter soil C storage and N mineralization. Future research should focus on quantifying root decomposition dynamics and C and N mineralization deeper in the soil.  相似文献   

One-year old, nursery-grown longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) seedlings were grown in 45-L pots containing a coarse sandy medium and were exposed to two concentrations of atmospheric CO2 (365 or 720 mol-1) and two levels of nitrogen (N) fertility (40 or 400 kg N ha-1 yr-1) within open top chambers for 20 months. At harvest, needles, stems, coarse roots, and fine roots were separated and weighed. Subsamples of each tissue were frozen in liquid N, lyophilized at -50°C, and ground to pass a 0.2 mm sieve. Tissue samples were analyzed for carbon (C), N, nonpolar extractives (fats, waxes, and oils = FWO), nonstructural carbohydrates (total sugars and starch), and structural carbohydrates (cellulose, lignin, and tannins). Increased dry weights of each tissue were observed under elevated CO2 and with high N; however, main effects of CO2 were significant only on belowground tissues. The high N fertility tended to result in increased partitioning of biomass aboveground, resulting in significantly lower root to shoot ratios. Elevated CO2 did not affect biomass allocation among tissues. Both atmospheric CO2 and N fertility tended to affect concentration of C compounds in belowground, more than aboveground, tissues. Elevated CO2 resulted in lower concentrations of starch, cellulose, and lignin, but increased concentrations of FWO in root tissues. High N fertility increased the concentration of starch, cellulose, and tannins, but resulted in lower concentrations of lignin and FWO in roots. Differences between CO2 concentrations tended to occur only with high N fertility. Atmospheric CO2 did not affect allocation patterns for any compound; however the high N treatment tended to result in a lower percentage of sugars, cellulose, and lignin belowground.Joseph W. Jones  相似文献   



The aim was to quantify the nitrogen (N) transferred via the extra-radical mycelium of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices from both a dead host and a dead non-host donor root to a receiver tomato plant. The effect of a physical disruption of the soil containing donor plant roots and fungal mycelium on the effectiveness of N transfer was also examined.


The root systems of the donor (wild type tomato plants or the mycorrhiza-defective rmc mutant tomato) and the receiver plants were separated by a 30 μm mesh, penetrable by hyphae but not by the roots. Both donor genotypes produced a similar quantity of biomass and had a similar nutrient status. Two weeks after the supply of 15?N to a split-root part of donor plants, the shoots were removed to kill the plants. The quantity of N transferred from the dead roots into the receiver plants was measured after a further 2 weeks.


Up to 10.6 % of donor-root 15N was recovered in the receiver plants when inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF). The quantity of 15N derived from the mycorrhizal wild type roots clearly exceeded that from the only weakly surface-colonised rmc roots. Hyphal length in the donor rmc root compartments was only about half that in the wild type compartments. The disruption of the soil led to a significantly increased AMF-mediated transfer of N to the receiver plants.


The transfer of N from dead roots can be enhanced by AMF, especially when the donor roots have been formerly colonised by AMF. The transfer can be further increased with higher hyphae length densities, and the present data also suggest that a direct link between receiver mycelium and internal fungal structures in dead roots may in addition facilitate N transfer. The mechanical disruption of soil containing dead roots may increase the subsequent availability of nutrients, thus promoting mycorrhizal N uptake. When associated with a living plant, the external mycelium of G. intraradices is readily able to re-establish itself in the soil following disruption and functions as a transfer vessel.  相似文献   

A common finding in multiple CO(2) enrichment experiments in forests is the lack of soil carbon (C) accumulation owing to microbial priming of 'old' soil organic matter (SOM). However, soil C losses may also result from the accelerated turnover of 'young' microbial tissues that are rich in nitrogen (N) relative to bulk SOM. We measured root-induced changes in soil C dynamics in a pine forest exposed to elevated CO(2) and N enrichment by combining stable isotope analyses, molecular characterisations of SOM and microbial assays. We find strong evidence that the accelerated turnover of root-derived C under elevated CO(2) is sufficient in magnitude to offset increased belowground inputs. In addition, the C losses were associated with accelerated N cycling, suggesting that trees exposed to elevated CO(2) not only enhance N availability by stimulating microbial decomposition of SOM via priming but also increase the rate at which N cycles through microbial pools.  相似文献   

? We tested the prediction that the abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are influenced by resource availability and plant community composition by examining the joint effects of carbon dioxide (CO(2) ) enrichment, nitrogen (N) fertilization and plant diversity on AM fungi. ? We quantified AM fungal spores and extramatrical hyphae in 176 plots after 7 yr of treatment with all combinations of ambient or elevated CO(2) (368 or 560 ppm), with or without N fertilization (0 or 4 g Nm(-2) ), and one (monoculture) or 16 host plant species (polyculture) in the BioCON field experiment at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, Minnesota, USA. ? Extramatrical hyphal lengths were increased by CO(2) enrichment, whereas AM spore abundance decreased with N fertilization. Spore abundance, morphotype richness and extramatrical hyphal lengths were all greater in monoculture plots. A structural equation model showed AM fungal biovolume was most influenced by CO(2) enrichment, plant community composition and plant richness, whereas spore richness was most influenced by fungal biovolume, plant community composition and plant richness. ? Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi responded to differences in host community and resource availability, suggesting that mycorrhizal functions, such as carbon sequestration and soil stability, will be affected by global change.  相似文献   

The effects of 700 μmol mol−1 CO2 and 200 nmol mol−1 ozone on photosynthesis in Pinus halepensis seedlings and on N translocation from its mycorrhizal symbiont, Paxillus involutus, were studied under nutrient-poor conditions. After 79 days of exposure, ozone reduced and elevated CO2 increased net assimilation rate. However, the effect was dependent on daily accumulated exposure. No statistically significant differences in total plant mass accumulation were observed, although ozone-treated plants tended to be smaller. Changes in atmospheric gas concentrations induced changes in allocation of resources: under elevated ozone, shoots showed high priority over roots and had significantly elevated N concentrations. As a result of different shoot N concentration and net carbon assimilation rates, photosynthetic N use efficiency was significantly increased under elevated CO2 and decreased under ozone. The differences in photosynthesis were mirrored in the growth of the fungus in symbiosis with the pine seedlings. However, exposure to CO2 and ozone both reduced the symbiosis-mediated N uptake. The results suggest an increased carbon cost of symbiosis-mediated N uptake under elevated CO2, while under ozone, plant N acquisition is preferentially shifted towards increased root uptake.  相似文献   

Several genera of N2-fixing bacteria establish symbiotic associations with plants. Among these, the genus Rhizobium has the most significant contribution, in terms of yield, in many important crop plants. The establishment of the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is a very complex process involving many genes which need to be co-ordinately regulated. In the first instance, plant signal molecules, known to be flavonoids, trigger the expression of host-specific genes in the bacterial partner through the action of the regulatory NodD protein. In response to these signals, Rhizobium bacteria synthesize lipo-oligosaccharide molecules which in turn cause cell differentiation and nodule development. Once the nodule has formed, Rhizobium cells differentiate into bacteroids and another set of genes is activated. These genes, designated nif and fix, are responsible for N2 fixation. In this system, several regulatory proteins are involved in a complex manner, the most important being NifA and a two component (FixK and FixL) regulatory system. Our knowledge about the establishment of these symbioses has advanced recently, although there are many questions yet to be solved.  相似文献   

Rising CO2 is predicted to increase forest productivity, although the duration of the response and how it might be altered by variation in rainfall, temperature and other environmental variables are not well understood. We measured the basal area of rapidly growing Pinus taeda trees exposed to free‐air CO2 enrichment for 8 years and used these measurements to estimate monthly and annual growth. We used these measurements in a statistical model to estimate the start and end of growth in each year. Elevated CO2 increased the basal area increment (BAI) of trees by 13–27%. In most years, exposure to elevated CO2 increased the growth rate but not the duration of the active growth period. With the exception of 1 year following an extreme drought and a severe ice storm, BAI was positively correlated with the amount of rainfall during the active growth period. The interannual variation in the relative enhancement of BAI caused by elevated CO2 was strongly related to temperature and rainfall, and was greatest in years with high vapor pressure deficit. There was no evidence of a systematic reduction in the stimulation of growth during the first 8 years of this experiment, suggesting that the hypothesized limitation of the CO2 response caused by nitrogen availability has yet to occur.  相似文献   

By using cloned Rhizobium meliloti nodulation (nod) genes and nitrogen fixation (nif) genes, we found that the genes for both nodulation and nitrogen fixation were on a plasmid present in fast-growing Rhizobium japonicum strains. Two EcoRI restriction fragments from a plasmid of fast-growing R. japonicum hybridized with nif structural genes of R. meliloti, and three EcoRI restriction fragments hybridized with the nod clone of R. meliloti. Cross-hybridization between the hybridizing fragments revealed a reiteration of nod and nif DNA sequences in fast-growing R. japonicum. Both nif structural genes D and H were present on 4.2- and 4.9-kilobase EcoRI fragments, whereas nifK was present only on the 4.2-kilobase EcoR2 fragment. These results suggest that the nif gene organizations in fast-growing and in slow-growing R. japonicum strains are different.  相似文献   

King  J.S.  Thomas  R.B.  Strain  B.R. 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(1):107-119
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide, nitrogen deposition and warmer temperatures may alter the quantity and quality of plant-derived organic matter available to soil biota, potentially altering rates of belowground herbivory and decomposition. Our objective was to simulate future growth conditions for an early successional (loblolly) and late successional (ponderosa) species of pine to determine if the physical and chemical properties of the root systems would change. Seedlings were grown for 160 days in greenhouses at the Duke University Phytotron at 35 or 70 Pa CO2 partial pressure, ambient or ambient + 5 °C temperature, and 1 or 5 mMNH4O3. Roots from harvested seedlings were analyzed for changes in surface area, specific root length, mass, total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), and concentrations of macro-nutrients. Surface area increased in both species under elevated CO2, due primarily to increases in root length, and this response was greatest (+138%) in loblolly pine at high temperature. Specific root length decreased in loblolly pine at elevated CO2 but increases in mass more than compensated for this, resulting in net increases in total length. TNC was unaffected and nutrient concentrations decreased only slightly at elevated CO2, possibly from anatomical changes to the root tissues. We conclude that future growth conditions will enhance soil exploration by some species of pine, but root carbohydrate levels and nutrient concentrations will not be greatly affected, leaving rates of root herbivory and decomposition unaltered.  相似文献   

Foliar nitrogen has been shown to be positively correlated with midsummer canopy albedo and canopy near infrared (NIR) reflectance over a broad range of plant functional types (e.g., forests, grasslands, and agricultural lands). To date, the mechanism(s) driving the nitrogen–albedo relationship have not been established, and it is unknown whether factors affecting nitrogen availability will also influence albedo. To address these questions, we examined variation in foliar nitrogen in relation to leaf spectral properties, leaf mass per unit area, and leaf water content for three deciduous species subjected to either nitrogen (Harvard Forest, MA, and Oak Ridge, TN) or CO(2) fertilization (Oak Ridge, TN). At Oak Ridge, we also obtained canopy reflectance data from the airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer (AVIRIS) to examine whether canopy-level spectral responses were consistent with leaf-level results. At the leaf level, results showed no differences in reflectance or transmittance between CO(2) or nitrogen treatments, despite significant changes in foliar nitrogen. Contrary to our expectations, there was a significant, but negative, relationship between foliar nitrogen and leaf albedo, a relationship that held for both full spectrum leaf albedo as well as leaf albedo in the NIR region alone. In contrast, remote sensing data indicated an increase in canopy NIR reflectance with nitrogen fertilization. Collectively, these results suggest that altered nitrogen availability can affect canopy albedo, albeit by mechanisms that involve canopy-level processes rather than changes in leaf-level reflectance.  相似文献   

This paper examines how elevated CO2 and nitrogen (N) supply affect plant characteristics of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) with an emphasis on root morphology. Seedlings were grown in greenhouses from seeds during one growing season at two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (375 and 710 μL L-1) and two N levels (High and Low). Root morphological characteristics were determined using a scanner and an image analysis program on a Macintosh computer. In the high N treatment, elevated CO2 increased total plant dry weight by 80% and did not modify root to shoot (R/S) dry weight ratio, and leaf and plant N concentration at the end of the growing season. In the low N treatment, elevated CO2 increased total dry weight by 60%. Plant and leaf N concentration declined and R/S ratio tended to increase. Nitrogen uptake rate on both a root length and a root dry weight basis was greater at elevated CO2 in the high N treatment and lower in the low N treatment. We argue that N stress resulting from short exposures to nutrients might help explain the lower N concentrations observed at high CO2 in other experiments; Nitrogen and CO2 levels modified root morphology. High N increased the number of secondary lateral roots per length of first order lateral root and high CO2 increased the length of secondary lateral roots per length of first order lateral root. Number and length of first order lateral roots were not modified by either treatment. Specific root length of main axis, and to a lower degree, of first order laterals, declined at high CO2, especially at high N. Basal stem diameter and first order root diameters increased at high CO2, especially at high N. Elevated CO2 increased the proportion of upper lateral roots within the root system.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of CO2 enrichment on plant growth, carbon and nitrogen acquisition and resource allocation were investigated in order to examine several hypotheses about the mechanisms that govern dry matter partitioning between shoots and roots. Wild radish plants (Raphanus sativus × raphanistrum) were grown for 25 d under three different atmospheric CO2 concentrations (200 ppm, 330 ppm and 600 ppm) with a stable hydroponic 150 mol 1–1 nitrate supply. Radish biomass accumulation, photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, nitrogen per unit leaf area, and starch and soluble sugar levels in leaves increased with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, whereas specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration of leaves significantly decreased. Despite substantial changes in radish growth, resource acquisition and resource partitioning, the rate at which leaves accumulated starch over the course of the light period and the partitioning of biomass between roots and shoots were not affected by CO2 treatment. This phenomenon was consistent with the hypothesis that root/shoot partitioning is related to the daily rate of starch accumulation by leaves during the photoperiod, but is inconsistent with hypotheses suggesting that root/shoot partitioning is controlled by some aspect of plant C/N balance.  相似文献   

Prunella vulgaris was inoculated with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and grown at two concentrations of CO2 (ambient, 350 μl l−1, and elevated, 600 μl l−1) to test whether a plants response to elevated CO2 is dependent on the species of AMF colonizing the roots. Using compartments accessible only to AMF hyphae but not to roots, we also tested whether elevated CO2 affects the growth of external AMF hyphae. Plant biomass was significantly greater at elevated than at ambient CO2; the biomass of the root system, for example, increased by a factor of 2. The colonization of AMF inside the root remained constant, indicating that the total AMF inside the root system also increased by a factor of 2. The length of external AMF hyphae at elevated CO2 was up to 5 times that at ambient CO2, indicating that elevated CO2 promoted allocation of AMF biomass to the external hyphae. The concentration and content of phosphorus in the stolons differed significantly between ambient and elevated CO2 but this resulted in either an increase or a decrease, according to which AMF isolate occupied the roots. We hypothesized that an increase in external hyphal growth at elevated CO2 would result in increased P acquistion by the plant. To test this we supplied phosphorus, in a compartment only accessible to AMF hyphae. Plants did not acquire more phosphorus at elevated CO2 when phosphorus was added to this compartment. Large increases in AMF hyphal growth could, however, play a significant role in the movement of fixed carbon to the soil and increase soil aggregation. Received: 28 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 August 1998  相似文献   

Conifers like Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) have a complicated root system consisting of morphologically and anatomically different root types, of which the short roots have a very limited ability to elongate. Short roots have an important role in nature since they are able to establish ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, in which the growth of fungal mycelium between the epidermal cells and in the intercellular space between cortical cells leads to formation of dichotomous short roots, which may, through further splitting of the meristem, form coralloid root structures. Dichotomous short roots have been suggested to result from changes in either auxin or ethylene concentrations due to the fungal growth inside the root. NPA, the inhibitor of polar auxin transport, enhances the dichotomization of P. sylvestris short root tips similarly to the fungal growth in the root, thus confirming that auxin plays a role in short root morphogenesis. Ethylene is also known to have an important role in the regulation of root morphogenesis. In future the research dealing with the root system and ectomycorrhiza development in P. sylvestris must take into account that both auxin and ethylene are involved and that there is no contradiction in obtaining the same phenotype with both hormones. The expression analysis of PIN proteins, auxin efflux carriers, could give valuable information about the role of auxin transport in regulating the root growth and morphogenesis of coniferous root system and mycorrhiza.Key words: auxin transport, dichotomization, ethylene, mycorrhiza, open meristem, PIN, Pinus sylvestris, short root  相似文献   

Summary The effects of CO2 enrichment and water stress on gas exchange of Liquidambar styraciflua L. (sweetgum) and Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) seedlings were examined for individuals grown from seed under high (1000 mol·m-2·s-1) and low (250 mol·m-2·s-1) photosynthetic photon flux density at 350, 675 and 1000 l·l-1 CO2. At 8 weeks of age, half the seedlings in each CO2-irradiance treatment were subjected to a drying cycle which reduced plant water potential to about -2.5 MPa in the most stressed plants, while control plants remained well-watered (water potentials of -0.3 and -0.7 MPa for sweetgum and loblolly pine, respectively). During this stress cycle, whole seedling net photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance of plants from each CO2-irradiance-water treatment were measured under respective growth conditions.For both species, water stress effects on gas exchange were greatest under high irradiance conditions. Waterstressed plants had significantly lower photosynthesis rates than well-watered controls throughout most of the drying cycle, with the most severe inhibition occurring for low CO2, high irradiance-grown sweetgum seedlings. Carbon dioxide enrichment had little effect on gas exchange rates of either water-stressed or well-watered loblolly pine seedlings. In contrast, water stress effects were delayed for sweetgum seedlings grown at elevated CO2, particularly in the 1000 l·l-1 CO2, high irradiance treatment where net photosynthesis, transpiration and conductance of stressed plants were 60, 36 and 33% of respective control values at the end of the drying cycle. Development of internal plant water deficits was slower for stressed sweetgum seedlings grown at elevated CO2. As a result, these seedlings maintained higher photosynthetic rates over the drying cycle than stressed sweetgum seedlings grown at 350 l·l-1 CO2 and stressed loblolly pine seedlings grown at ambient and enriched CO2 levels. In addition, water-stressed sweetgum seedlings grown at elevated CO2 exhibited a substantial increase in water use efficiency.The results suggest that with the future increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration, sweetgum seedlings should tolerate longer exposure to low soil moisture, resulting in greater first year survival of seedlings on drier sites of abandoned fields in the North Carolina piedmont.  相似文献   



In view of the projected increase in global air temperature and CO2 concentration, the effects of climatic changes on biomass production, CO2 fluxes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonization in newly established grassland communities were investigated. We hypothesized that above- and below-ground biomass, gross primary productivity (GPP), AMF root colonization and nutrient acquisition would increase in response to the future climate conditions. Furthermore, we expected that increased below-ground C allocation would enhance soil respiration (Rsoil).


Grassland communities were grown either at ambient temperatures with 375?ppm CO2 (Amb) or at ambient temperatures +3°C with 620?ppm CO2 (T+CO2).


Total biomass production and GPP were stimulated under T+CO2. Above-ground biomass was increased under T+CO2 while belowground biomass was similar under both climates. The significant increase in root colonization intensity under T+CO2, and therefore the better contact between roots and AMF, probably determined the higher above-ground P and N content. Rsoil was not significantly affected by the future climate conditions, only showing a tendency to increase under future climate at the end of the season.


Newly established grasslands benefited from the exposure to elevated CO2 and temperature in terms of total biomass production; higher root AMF colonization may partly provide the nutrients required to sustain this growth response.  相似文献   

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